Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 16, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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Oregon City linterprisc'
n t
1 NJl'MKlt 1 1 1 H KooT. Judge Gordon K.
Iliiyi't unliuiicd painful Injury to liM
not Kunday night while getting
Wood III! M high pllll III llllt Wood '
shed. A heavy rlinnk nf niril wood It'll
m Hit Judge' iisjI mid mashed t badly. ,
Monday and Tuesday Im had lo walk to:
I, In ullii n mi itulchc and tu k lufl im-
limlluii Innn setting III obliged to-
keep h"' application m lint injured
lucu.hcr to 1 1 ilny.
)kl'l"IKM TllKIII ITiAIM The Glad-j
l.iiii' It-Hi Entitle AnmMluiuill mul II. (..
Ki'lly, trustee, have brought ml agmnnt
1 llOIIIHH I'. llVll III ri'lf llll HUH 111 MHIIIIl
n acre" which were snld to Mr. Kymi
a !- iUv ago lnr delinquent laxc lr
IM'H. Mr. CmH nnpc .ring III lux own
behalf and lit' 'iyt very county lii the
stair Iml I one I. n I'Miml till" Ihx law
illVlllld. H" I'lltl'M llHIII till Hlllt coiill-
il. nl nl enlablmhiiig hi title In the Imul
Mill. I III In" mli'.
Ki.i.t Ti ii I'm "mi sr. Willluiii Miively
w lin Iiiik been ii student Ml Pacilh: Cm
vhihii v lnr lliri'ii ynir was few day
aif.i I'liTti .I ini'Ki. It-iil of tin nMnli'iit Ini ly
of I'm -ill.- University. Mr. Shivcly ban
ttlieady galled distinction ' debii'ttr
hating rcptc-i'iiled I'acilic lust year
agnitn.l V ill.niiel li mid no mmli'iit Hi
llm iinlvi-rmiv in better 1 1 k fl nr more
popular. lr. Shivcly lira liiitlt'.l lioin
tlm high wIumiI in this i iiy three vi'H'H
lUii ttt tin' Ih'iI'I nl IiIh fl.l"" Bllil ll in
pleasing I" 'mix li rohtlnooin progress.
IMCAIII IT Mil". Kit. ("At IKK I.B-I
week llinr-ilnv Mi. K'lwm I Califf
passed iu iiv lit I n-r hew li.iini' nt Phoenix,
An.. mil. II wannnlv a (' months ago
Unit Mr. iin.l Mrn. C.ilill l.-l t Mi. lull I .r
An, um (r the sake nl Mr. Calill's
liriilili in iIik ! i that tlm dry Kir mul
lni(ii aliunde, wight restore 1 1 r (ailiua
Ih'iiIMi. N"l Inng iik1'! Ii'iw "sit, it he
(aim m )it rent In tli family that tin
mother niti-d go I'1 ll"! Iroin w Inch
there In no Mum mi'l in lr 'lay the
lll'll'll-'l fll'l IHIII". 'I'll" llcCt-isCll leave
a husband an. I Innr children. Tlm re
limlnn armed in Oregon City Wedncs
day Hint at Hi" tune we wntri we are tint
liilorincl n( Hid inn" "I tl" Inner!.
t; Hank of Oregon City P
kjii i.' J; ji' i Ai ' a it i3
If you wibh to vend
money to the "Old
Country," you can do
bo easily and cheaply
through this bank.
We issue drafts pay
able in nearly a 1 1
countries. . . .
Ili.ivfttn tl.VM Tlitt fnllnlV t'Olirt
on:iiifl moot of VVliiflH(Uy nil Ttnim I J
ily lili work on drtwinK tip the jury, CI
fur I he HiRtiliiK yKr. Tim tk ocrtiii;d (
.: .i i n t I .
iniirn limn mail wan ' uini rA'C'.v7ij.
Mkkiinu or Mktiikkm. .NVxt ww-k
Tlnir.lHy II." iiiiuhI incctiiiK t( Hie
Moilicr'K Club ill In Iml. I at I tin homtt
nl Mm Hrnwiieil in lliia rily. At tlm
ini'i'iinK iihw illii'"ra (nr tlm niHiiiiiK yer
lm fli-i'in.l. A npi-rial invitation in
hIkiiiIu.I to all niollii'm to bit prenKlit.
(J1 I'kniku (!i,aiw l.t "fk Mr A. l-n-J
i'IIihk, throUKli hi" attiiriifvii, Diinirk &
H Htnrfy, irf"iilfil lint applira'lnii (
IIIO, extra ili-pu'y liim. Allornt-v
(5 Jainca I). CiiiiiiiIh-II api'"iiri'i (nr tlm
rJ , enmity an. I I lit court iIhi'MhiI aiaiiiHt Mr.
A J.iiHlinx. Mr. I'lin'rk ili'i lart-a tliHt lit;
o coco ccoo coco coco
iSacrific Sale
will U.H-.il til" iimIIit In III" cirrllit
' 1 1'uiirl, wli.T" Im l"i-i" llmt li inn w in.
: : :. ..
1 1 H KM) tn T ok J All,. John rora,
III" lliifnl'iinaln lel'im alio kIoIh ill"
ovrrt'oat mil ol Hi" K"i Kninl more al
io. ml a month mic ami alio Imh lietto
m-rviiiK out a tanty-liv ilay nlfiire
in I In- roiinty jiil an on TlmrsUy rt
l"aH"i, Mr. 1'omith IfavfH lii" plre ol
riiiiliiii.ii"iil a in in.li ai'T ami lH-ttr
lli'imv t'l-niiiH Tlm niln-r ineninu
Mr. ami MrH. J. MrKay ami MiiH lli'Mif
irnl Wfri ilrivlmi linni" on tlm t"t
Hiili- ol llm nvrr wlii-n tlifir trimly hurt
!),tiiiii Iriuliti'iif.l ami ahlrliiiK arnuiiil
ilpnt'l tlm liHi;t!V anl tlin-w thpiariipaiita
Willi uri'ar lor. t' mi to tlm (in.i-ii itronml.
Mm. Mi Kuy li'll llrHt ami tlm r"t lol
.,wi'. Inn Htniiii;i' t ri'Uti' li" wn not
injnri'il hanlly at all, wlill" Mihh ir.nt
w ho l"ll ill""' Ikt, hiihUiiii"! a ilft'ii rut
ill lirr l.irrln'iiil ami ri'ifivrl a wvi-if
nliakinu ii. IU'1 I'1" Ii'tm' bi'it n a dm-
IIoiih al ill, huh Mr. M. K.IV Wt woiihl
all hvt In-i-ii limits". I t't-rli lit to ilt-a'h
tint mh ll w.ih In- "in... I hill I Wl.l'll Wl' wi-rt-
up""! ami tlii'r.'l.y Hivi-I in (torn what
llllk'l.l IlltV" ptOVi'il lllllll.
A Hn 'h Com. Hi."" It i tlm pn-Hi-nt
pl.lll III H.'UMIll IfH-nil" ol til" I'iihIivii
rinil i lmri'li mi I Siin-biV hi IiikiI li"ii".
by Urv. Trunk Mix-rll, lo ntnnii.i a
hiiy h i niiri'hit. Tint I" a imvi-l niovn in
tin- ilnr. tmii ol "tK uil.ilii: II " ho h mi. I
it in not liii.itinut to prnpln'xy a K'n-Ht
mii'i'i'hH in Huh in' vi'iiiiu". Tin- plun
will In- to I'lrrt nllii rrH Hlnl nmki' Hi"
li.iVH tlii'iii"i'lvi' Hi" rontrolliiiK hirtorn.
It will In- ii it"rai v ini;iiiii.ilinn ilrv ite.l
lo leli..t" nil. I lln- h-n l v nl rivil t;.nern
ineiit h tit t in tin- Hiimiiier it I" the pUti In
Imv" llm ynniiK' nn-ii t.ikt- a trip into Hit
mniliitiiiiiH nn a Ii -1 1 1 1 tf iniliiiK' litHtiliit
pfrhapa two week". TIhh iimvi-n I
will ilt-velnii inln a rent iillair ll tlm
piiHtnr ami hi" Iriemlt i"i'"ivt lln- hearty
co operation i,( tlm yminn men tlmm
Helvi'H. A Sru.iNii Aiiiii mkm Aliorm-y ('litin
Si liueliel mail" a l-'k'tl ar,;n'neiil lielni"
Jmlr Stipp lanl ..itiir.l.iv In wliirh Im
belli t Ii tat lliajiew Htatutory lnW nxeinpl
iiiK :il iIiivh H.ip'H of a lieml n( a family
(mm al'iii hinent, .-n not alleet a run-,
when tin- ilelil (nr tuliirh the iilllu hineht
in iniiili-, anw" ulier tin- law w hh rnaeted.
.Mr. N-Iini'licl mini" Pi-vt-nil ritatlotiN
where llm Hiipienm roiirt lul l derided in
In favor and rend a divinim! (ruin an
other Htl" fiiprenm ronrt h 11 h t ii i n i n i din
pimilioii. At Hi" lime w" write Jiiile
Slipp Iiiih mil ii'lideie.l a It-i-i nn ill on tin-Kiiliji-il.
I'll" ipieHtinn ia iiit-iiKt-rly
treated iii'd hill few dei itinllH air lo lie
( iiiml on eiilier Hid" iniikini: lb" Hiilijeet
dltlieiilt to ilei'i.le on, Mr. Sidiileliel'a
o.mteiitioii i" tlntt llm Htatutory rxt-nui-tinn,
an allowed by thiH Hlnte impair llm
rontrarl im.l iH iineiilorei-iilil", while the
0ipoHilioil riiiilenilii that ll in Hiinldy a
....,.,..lu tiii.iiuir.tri' in tin eliurileter and
" "".' i j v . . I
dura not all'ei l Urn rontrarl or Impair It ,
. .. t :.. i... . ..jr..., l .
III ua jiiitiiiiK eni'ri on me iiinen. i
A i.i. rim Way Ai.onk. A bright oyid
y miiC AiiHtrian of 1 I yeura arrivrd in
Ori'Kon City Saturday from Portland.
Tlm poor buy wh .very thinly clad, and
untidy in In apiipiiraiii ", HtiU tlmre wan
Himiutbinn attrarlive and morn than or
dinarily inlrn-HtiiiK about him. When
the rt'portrr of thi impt-r hiiw tbo youth
lirat, Im huh in (S. KoHBiiHtt-in' rlotbiiiK
hotiHH on Main Ktrunt Kellinn hoiihi nrw
clotbiiiK and varlniiM arllrlea of vtrurini!
nppnrt-l, Hiidly needed. He talked the
AiiHtriun laiiKiiane and ho it waa dilliriilt
tn net any inlellipiblt) converHation from
him, but a K""tletnan who rould tulle
the AiiHlrian Ihiikmiih" whh etanilinif near
and bo Kve 1 1 1 1 u iUHiht into the boy 'a
life. It Benin that be raine to this
country became he thought It wa a
better place to live in ; but he wa very
poor and could jut net enouitb nibney
together to make hi trip a a third rate
paHBimuer, He landed to New York
City and managed to ir,et to tbii count,
landing at Kettle two week ao. He
wa unable to net to Portland by the
railway o took to foot inn it and after a
lonif and tediou journey foot Hore and
heavy hearted he reached Portland a few
day eo. In Portland he succeeded in
gettinx several little new boy interested
in hi welfare and they loaned him 1!5
cent to come to Oregon City, where be
heard there wag a gentleman who could
talk bin lannuaice. The gentleman, re
ferred to, i a restaurant man in this city
and be took the poor urchin into Mr.
KoaenBtein' store and lilted him out
with several neceasities. The boy is
now working in the restaurant and
thoiiKh unable to talk a word of Knglish
i In the hand of kind friend and will
learn rapidly.
I'hia nihi l- carrie In atoi k a complete
line nt le,il bl ink" if every vniii , ami
wm ie pn-pare I In till order hy mail on
hurt notice.
Ill hv Kvkiiv Mini ii:. The ifiiny ol
nn-ii M lib are working the . W. P.
Si v. I'o'h. new d"ot nil" ar" ru-hintf
tlm woik i-very hour of tlm day up to
il.uk at hutlit and even on SumlayH.
Tlm l"k nnderlakt-n in no muall one
ll.e ground hail to he nilide level cleur
luck to llm S. P. truck. The grading i
nnw aluiuHl cniiipleti'il and lumlii-r and
I'Hil lor work am already ol. llm Hpnl.
Ilthtigid weather conliliui-H llm tar
peiilera will roiiiini-nce the work on the
hull. ling light away.
Mi.i-.rio Amkmi t'liAKikH The as
ililv ol citn,..-n wbirli met at tlm city
hall tiirday wa very far from Iming a
iiiiiinliuoiiH expremion of m-niltimnl ow
ing lo llm f u I thai only about "JO were
pit-Hfiit and only two counciliiien. Mol
ol Hie gentlemen present, however, ex
preyed tht-ir ft-rlinga on the varioua nub-jei-l.
which arufe for tliHcuHHiuu. but no
ih llnite move Wa made to establish any
rntrrinn A l'ttl" more authority whh
given the l ily recorder, Urine C Cuiry,
tn try tlm minor violation of the city
laws'. The vaiiiui amendment and
new ruggi-nlioii tehiting to the allera
linn ol (he city charter are up to the city
fMthet lheiiielvc, and we leel a-stired
thul they will manage the city ull'.tirs ill
a way katitlaclnry to the majority.
M hi n a WniK Aw akk. Company A,
l). .N.lt. la wi.1' awake and making
active preparation (nr the milling eler
tinn ol captain lo till the unexi'lied term
nf II. I.. Kelly, Jr. Considerable, cum
meiil is going the ruumla aiming mem
her and IrmmlH of tint coinnnv as lo
whom to lie the next captain of the
inmpuiiv. Kre.l lluinihie", Nt I.ieu
tenant is next in older lor the place and
m a vi" v pnpular ynung man and hii elli
cieiitnlli.er. Many ol hi liii-n.lt aie
vigoroimly piiHhing his interesla and ex
prt'HH siiiiguiiiit h"' fnr hi" eli-i-tiiin.
I h.ulf" IliiniM, Jr., -ml I-i.-ii t-n.ui, i
an pira:.t fo the honor and lie is also
looked upon s a probable r.ui.li.lale
staiidllig good chances fni succt-S".
When the election will be lull i yet
uiideriib'd but it i safe to say that 11
will be in the near future, possibly iua
few das. The company i doing splen
did work and interest deepen all along
the lnm. Last week live new men were
enlisted and wiib every new meeting
new iiitcitst iH shown.
AnnmoN ro Cm nt ii. It, will be of
interest to the many people interested
in the M. K. rhureli to know a little
about its dimension and general ap
pearance. Tlm new siih-stiilctiue will
be lixir.' feet and the walls from the
bottom ol the basement Up to the sid"
walk is to be mail" of concrete, from the
sidewalk up to the rliurch pioper, the
material will he ol the very finest brick
to he obtained in the inuiket. On the
7th Street side of the new sirnctuie there
will he IM It-et of line French plate glass
extending almost all along the side. In
front from the sidewalk line up to Un
costly memorial window of the chinch,
there will be almost a solid expaii-e of
glass. In the corner where the porrh
formerly stood on the old structure is
extra room which will be turned into
two reception riHims whtch ate to have
sliding door so that they may open out
into the main aiiditoiiuui of the church.
In the south west corner next to Adams
ISros. stote the bell tower is to be erected
which will be built with all the care pos
sible and made a beautiful a modern
skill and art ran.niake it. I'uderneath,
llm basement ia to be (l1 to 7 feet high
and amply larg so that there may he
room enough to store aw ay all the goods
that Mr. Ulork can accommodate.
rs of 1-
tlm very
man. lleieatter hit will gi t tun coat III
a mom legitimate way.
SniAi.iMi Koo. Again roiuplint
come in I ha snmebn.ly I stealing egg
and chickens line reliable cili.ell slates
that bin nesln have been inbhr-d repeat
edly and another man who runs a cer
tain phice nf biiHinens ill this city had
noine of hi inerehsiiilise tjk'-ll away
from the hunt of bin store. Ximeiiody
liad better n k out, for these kind of
theft sre expensive w lien the culprit is
Nkw Hanii The popular Wondmnn
of tint World hand having ilisbauiled,
another has been lately oigamg d to
lake its place. Tlm hand ia coinpo-ed of
inariv of the old pi tyei", all of whom Hf
fair players and the practice wotk began
Wednesday night Under the direction ol
('. A. .Sash. It is Hie intention of the
ollii ers a well as tlm players
baud to make their work of
best order. The olliiers elected are: C.
A. Nasti, director; M. Itollack, president;
I. other Misire, secretary; tieuige Kly,
treasurer: A K. Parker, huaiim man
ager; J. Titus, property manager.
Si'kakkks CuotKN. Tuesday evening
the Academy lieb'aling Society mel and
elected Marcus Siigariuan, U W. Poena
and Howard M. ilrownell, leader, to
represent them in the return debate w ith
the Thursday Night I'ebatn.g Maiety
Portland. The subject chosen is lie
t. lived, That the Kight of Suffrage Ought
not lo be Kxlended to Women. The
home leaiu will take the negative as
uemt oi the memlH-rs ronsnlere I that
side prei'-rable. The time has not been
set but It will bu announced ttnetl de
termined. HkiMoS The surviving metnla-rs of
tin' Kirs (regori Cavalry n. the K.rst
tregi'll I n In in ry (Oregon' "Hoy ill
lllue" of lSiil lHiij; will bol l a joint re
union in the Council Chamber, Ci'V
Hull, Salem, on February --rd a one
o'clock P. M. and at 7 :'M in the evening,
the afternoon to lie a lulsiiiess meeting
of the veterans of those two regiments,
un.l the evening meeting" will consist of
an open camp lire, to w hich all veterans,
whom any time stood in defense of ''Old
tilnry," and the general public is coi
dia l) invited.
IlvM.iiHf:Vr.sr There in a failure to
agree on the meaning o( the contract be
tween Sol (iitr.le and Jmsoti A An
drews in regard to the woik whii'h these
contractor did on the new tiarde build
ing. Tuesday night a board of srtiilra
lion met in T. I . Sullivan' ollice and
tried to come to an understanding as to
the respective right ol the pintles. The
in liter disciiased was the pay due the
contractors for extra cement wotk done
in tint basement nf the building. Mr.
tmr.lt- Cornell. Is that something like fii.50
is enough for the work per yard w hile
Johnson A Andrews hold that the work
in reasonably wo'th fid. The contrac
tor also contend that they are entitled
lo extra pav for over wotk and Mr. tiarde
declares that as the building was to he !
done at a certain time and was not tin-i-hed
hv that time, he is the one who IS
entitled to damages and damages at the
rate of fill per dav. Matters, a will he
seen, are considerably tangled Hint an-otht-i
meeting of the arbitrators is to he
held to try and eld-el a settlement out
side of court
Selling i.s swift among our bargains. In does not
take long to decide now on purchases, our offerings
are h plainly and palpably bargains that they go,
.Supply yourself now. There will be nothing better
and on many things nothing so good as you can get
right now. Here afo a few of them.
Men' All Wool ('lay Worsted, in all the latest styles,
regular pricu 12..10I now 9-oo
Men's All-Wno Marysville Cassiiuere Suits, all
rlnples and styles, regular price $10.(K), now 7.50
Heavy All-Wool Tweed Suits, all sizes and styles,
reiMibr price fS.OO, now 6.00
It would pay you to call and examine our fine line
of Overcoats, tliey being reduced 25 Pr cent 1
200 Pairs of Men's Shoes, reg.
2.X),now ,
I V) prs. of Men's Shoes, regular
$1.75 and $2.00 values, now 1.00
400 prs. of Men's Shoes, regular
$o.00 quality, now l.ftO
150 prs. of Men's Shoes, regular
$1.(W and $5.00 shoes, now. . 2 50
All Boys and Children Shoes
reducded 25 per cent.
Bargain in Furnishings
12 Dozen Excelsior Shirts, in
all the lateiit patterns, now.
25 Dozen Ties, all the latest
colors and patterns, regular
35c and 50c Ties, now
All our $100 Hats reduce to. 2.50
AlUur $3.50 Hats reduced to. 2.50
iVIain Street,
CQOO coco
Up-To-Date Clothier
Oregon City, Oregon
CO ccoo coco coco coco o
Coi nty Cokut Uk-Co.wKSKS Wed- reproduce the same a follow: "The
lie-. lay morning the county court con- j law authorizing the publication of the
nisting of Judge livan nd llm three I recor.le of the Oregon volunteer in the
commissioner assembled af'er three I Spanish vrar and PliiUppine insurrection
days rest and ilevoted their attention to prescribes that the copies (hall be dis
levving the county tax and drawing the : trihuted in gucli manner a the Governor
hard matter or n all to get our dues
when the rascal ha hut little.
jurv for the ensuing vear. After attend
ing to this business the court adj turned,
to meet again rext month.
Key A. A. Fngelhart, pmtor of the
German Kvangelu-al church, will organ
i.e a clas in tlm study of the German
language next Monday evening at the
Y.M.C. A. Mr. Kngelbart say tint
the average student will be able lo con
verse intelligently in German after tak
ing leu lessons. All who are at all in
terested are invited to he (Mi hand at 8
may direct, ut the uve Hundred copies
provided for in the act, Governor Geer
ha directed that one copy be presented
to eaeh of the olhcer. sergeants and cor
poral of the Second Oregon
Infantry and of Batteries "A and "B
Oregon Volunteer Light Artillery, and
to the wife, father or mother of each of
the lA member of the Second Oregon
who lost their live while in the service,
provided they apply to the Adjutant
General before May 1, 1003. Copies not
delivered in person will be forwarded to
j applicant entitled to them, express
Hi)kk ani lift. ov Stilus. Sheriff , charge to be collected on delivery." In
Shaver has received word Irom C. F". 1 connection with our presentation of the
Uuegg at Gresham that his horse and : above letter, we wish to acknowledge
Imggy were Htoien from his hai 11 on the , our lmarllelt thanks to Governor 1. I
night of the litn. Anybody whn knows
anything ol the affair or who has any
reasonable suspicion as to who may lie
the thief, will confer a favor on tlm sher
iff or constable by giving him the de
sired information.
Geer f ir eending the Enterprise one of
the above mentioned beautiful volume.
Si'kcial Service It will be of more
than passing interest to the church go
ing public to koow that the Baptist
church ha secured the service of the
noted evangelist, Daniel Sbepardson, to
come and hold service at the Baptist
church beginning Sunday, January 18.
Volunteer ! These services will continue throughout
the week excepting Saturday. Too high
praise can not well be paid to the ac
complished preacher and his wife, who
accompanies him. He and she are noted
ail over this country for their effective
work and though Mr. Sbepardsoa i a.
cripple, without the use of his lower
limbs, hi brain and heart are far from
crippled hi sermon will evidence.
His wife is a pleasing tinger and she will
add materially to the beauty and effect
iveness of the service. The services
will be a union service of the Methodist
and Congregational churches during the
week day and everybody ia invited cor
dially to attend.
i JrniiMKXTS Galore. The five or six
1 attichment suits tiled against one J.
i Conk, the saloon keeper, have all been
! closed the time for answering having ex
1 pired and now arises the diliicult prob
1 lem of getting "blood out of a turnip"
jniaiitGeneral :. N. (ianteribein, which ami again the question of which of the
will be of interest to tlm many fnen i oi ; numerous caae has the precedence over
the soldier boys w ho lecently (might in , the others. Cook was in debt to most
behalf of truth in the Philippine'. We everybody in tow u and its going to be a
A liKi oKP ok Tiikir Dkkos. The Kn-tt-rpris-
is in recvip' of a letter from Ad
Foils wt, Deadly At lurk.
"My wife was so ill that good physi
cian were unable to help her." writes
M. M. Austin, ot Winchester, iod., but
wa completely cured bv Dr. King's
New Life Pills." They work wonders in
stomach and liver troubles. Cure Con
stipation, sick headache. 25c at Geo. A.
II arding'8 drug store.
The Knterprise $1.50 per year.
Kidney Trouble Makes . You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
pacers Is sure to know of the wonderful
Hulls Kino. F'.arly Tuesday morn
bur. at break of dv. tiie city was awak
ened from it early n orning slumber by
the ringing of bell anil the shouts 01 the
excited populace. Judging by the
amount of noise and ronfusion manifest,
one not acquainted wild our way would
most certainly have concluded that the
whole city was about to be devastated
hy flame; the lite carts lost no time in
getting out on to the street qnickly fol
lowed by a dozen straggling firemen not
yet fully awake. Up the itreet rushed
the Cataract cart lolluwing close behind
the Hooka who had a little the best of
the start. On they rushed till arriving
at the home of W. II. H. Sameon. Here
they had been told wa to be the scene
ol their battle with the lirey elements
but where wa the fire? no one knew.
Pretty soon there appeared at the gate
of the Samson premises big William
himself, and with a good natured look
in hi face, so natural and characteristic,
he remarked that it wa only his chim
ney burning out and that the boysdulirt
need to tie so exercised over it tint it
had all been put out ten minutes before.
With this information the crowd of boy
and firemen retraced their steps home
ward feeling a keen disappointment at
not having a chance to distinguish themselves.
cures m&de by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
the rreat kidney, liver
t and bladder remedy.
r It Is the great medt-
rfsj cal triumph of the nine
teenth century; dis
covered after years of
fc-lntifir carrh hv
JPsg Dr. Kilmer, the eml-
neni money ana mad
der specialist, and Is
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec
ommended for everything but If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will be found
Just the remedy you need. It has been tested
in so many ways. In hospital work. In private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every case that a special arrangement has
been made by which all readers of this paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this generous
offer in this paper and
j ...... j i . .
Dr. Kilmer St Co..Blng- hr!Ce'-S
hamton, N. Y. TheSl!
regular fifty cent and Homxrfawninp-RM.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists,
Don't make any mistake, but remem-1
ber the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Iioot. and the address, Bing
h amton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Possibly you may be interested in the pur
chase of a Sewing Machine. If so we
would like to have you come in and look
1 m0'
over our macnines, -
The finest and best adopted for family sew
ing is the new Rotary White. Below
are some of the recent improvements.
SIMPLICITY and DURABILITY ' of. the Shuttle Driving
BALL BKAUINGS It is fitted with Ball Bearing in Stand Wheel
Hub and Tteadle. assuring light running
THK TENSION RELEASOR Operating with the lifer instantly
removes all tension from the thread
SPEED By reason of the rotoarv principles embodied in the
machine, it is capable of running at a very high rate of speed
FT.ED All the motion of the feed are absolutely positive , n
springs being used iu connection with same
THE TENSION INDICATOR show always the state of the
ion at a glance.
PATENT DUST CAPS on needle and press bars, which prevent
the ingres of dust ,
THF; BOBBIN Is very large and can be readily removed and
replaced in a few moments. - ....
STITCH INDICATOR It can be changed without loosening t
tightening of a thumb screw. ,
SPECIAL ATTACHMENTS We furnish a full set free with al1
We have' Machines at different makes and prices
Our Drop-Head Is the best i5.00 Machine made We
sell Sewing Machines on the installment plan. .
-a "n.