Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 16, 1903, Page 3, Image 3

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The nppiiiliitiity In Mi'lm I s'ainlind goid
nl cvi i yduy u-e Irniii nu ll a Mock will he pre
utile. I I ul iinrH h year. No article run be
duplicated at these prices w hen once sold uul
Kci 11 1 ti k your sclcclloti early. '
This list merely in. li -tie the large reduc
tion all through our immense Mock. If Ihe
article you want in not mentioned a."k for it.
You will probably rind a generous price re. Inc.
t on on il. Hl cloea Jan. 3 Int.
popular price
Druggists and Booksellers
Our onociLl Janoiaiy
llnx ill good writing paper with envelopes In match 12c
All our :) himI )'' box stationery . .'. . 25.:
All our Mli- box stationery H5c
Itinkcn line ol line paper, rcK'iliir 25c i'iir . !'
Pox of 25 1 good envelope '1"!
Initial Seals, regular 25o 15c
Wax. all color, SdiirkM 1 0c
(tin liigvalue l 0) t'uilirellii
Our rcjolur $1.25 " 1
Our regular l 50 " L-
Our regular 2.01 " 1.50
Our regular 2 fiO lo f 10.00 umbrella U (
Photographic Supplies
All allium 10c to $2 .VI U off
Kuhberoid Trays x''i I A;
" " (1H 25c
" " KxlO ' l
Pink riKiin lamp 35c
I'ritl'ing frames 4x5,,,, 15c
(iiudiiatc 4 "'. 15e, 8 it 25c, Hi or.. 35c
Jewolery and Silverware
We wiiM to reduce our siork ill these, linen and 1 lit ori
If i nit I - cut im llgiue. Every uncle ih markrd in
I Uin tl.-iirc wild our regulai price.
On evervthlng ii"l oil erw ise H-cilici 'iff
S-l of ix Silver I'liUcd table Fork l 75
Set ol Six Silver Plated fable Sihhjiis - f'5
Sot ol tl Oranife Spili--iold Plated Bowl .... 2 75
Silver I'lxl ! Sail iiihI IVr Seta M
m it 1 1 nu Toi I'ui i iiiixM Suit wikI 1'i'piht Si-id. . ... ;;.i
Sterling Top v'ul Flas Salt and Pepper Sets. ... 11
a-Toileb Arbicl
es a
1 Soap.-K-
25c Violet Wih h Hazel 17c
2 V Violet AiniiioiiiH .. 17c
75c M V I, Florida Waier .Vie
M)i! l'lioir'n Fiorol i Wlili-r 4l:
KhmIiiihii'ii Kloriila Wiiter, himhII Ilir
'I'm It-it tit I'omilf i (ill.-
llox Tooth IVkH 0:i -
Toili-l I'ai.fr, FUl . . H!-7-
T"ilft l'Hn.r, Kolln :t 7- I'll-
ii-liiimi'H Aliiionil ( n-Hin -
l.you'n lootli i'uili-r 'jo.:
Uiiliifimiu , 2'V
1 1 iiiti'n I'ri-itm . . 2'ic
Muring Soup
Ttr Soi
Hli- lniKjrti-il ('a'tili) 'nap
('illii'iira Sni
l.'ii- Wiii-h 1 1 h z -I Simii Itox
15c- Viit l!iitttirinik S Mi Box
15 Violet tilyc-rinn Hoi I5ix ..
6 - While Kn-e So(
': I'lilni-r's l!..i'i.-t
.V CljIlfHte'p I nr SoB
1 ji' C lUa'i-n ( 'olil Op-iiti. Box
Annoiir'M f I i tf Art Soau, Box
15c ('atile, lilb. Bar
(i7c 05:
17. :
18. -17c
t'.very honk in the tore rt"liHTl from ID to ,r0 per rent
rxi-t a few net on-a. Tina ia the c'lanro lor school
an. I irivnl hhrariea A few aaiuple. iiuea:
( lur r-'ifiiUr 'J5i-el.. th liO'.kn lot;
Our rejuHr 35.- (lilt Toi It. Kikn 'J'n;
The llenty It.aika I'uliliHheil at 50.: .'.).!
Ilanilv Voluinea, liiinoa , hoxe.l, reulr40 4 60 'Joe
KihIihIi anil Amerirmi I'.ieta, $1 (10 e.liliou 5'iu
I'a.hl.-il Leather I'im-ih, $..r.o e.liiion il'ii:
The AU-ott t M)k. $l.."it) Minion 10(1
AM Juvenile an. I I'u iure Hooka jj oir
All f 1.50 copyright novel ' OS
15 volume net ol K'plini!. regular f 15 00 7 50
15 volume i-i of In.-k.-iM. Imlf lemher !l !0
12 volume eel of S. olt, $!) 00 e.lition
(irole'a Dilatory of ijreeee, 4 vol . regular $5.00..
liililio'i'M Hietorv of Home, 6 vol. " ..
M.iry 1. llolmeH 5 vouinie let
Alex imler thun a, 8 volume ml
Thackerv, In volumea ..
Life of M.Kinlev. H Weil tion
Life ol (iranl S her man Wa'tnngion. $1 e.lil ion
WelinJer's Uiialirulge.l Diflionary 12!'J pagea...
Webaler'a '-Olh Cenuirv, clieen
Manmiitf'a Horae BiK)k, regular 1.75
(tleaaon'a Hoiee B.aik. renular $1.50
Maiining'a Cllle. Sheep n. Saine
Felch'a I'ooltry Culture
4 50
2 5(1
2 50
1 50
2 00
3 50
1 75
1 00
1 15
Rubber Goods.
2 (j tart Fountain Syringe, 3 I'lliea. . . . 40c
2 l'iait FoiinlHin Syringe, rapiil II w, good ijual 1 25
Ah $1 50 Syringca 15
Bull) Svringea ,'!5 "0 75 1 00
glJiMrt Hoi Wi'er Bottle 4S.-
K.-Kiilarl 50 Mot Water Bottle 1 15
('oiiihiiia'ion Fountain, beat gr.nle giiHr.interl
lor ohm year 2 00
Knlvea. 8ifety UZ'ir, Sciaora, Nfaiiir'iie Too'.
The cut C"vra evervning in our romple'e line,
ami mean a aaving of from 20 to 40 per ceDt.
2r:c Knive, Nil Fileo, etc
50i- Knive. Nail Filei. etc
(I 00 Knive. Sc;or. etc
$1 50 Knives, Kzora, etc
1 00
Hl'ii'ff BIBB
Tooth, Lather, Hair anil Nail.
Ail-tuTi make the beat brushet every bod v concede it.
We buy direct Irom Adam and our brush price are al
way low, but you may take ( ff-jO per cent more during
thin sale.
Our regular 50c Hair Brushe 35c
" " '5- " " '. 50c
" " 11.50 ' "
" i.oo " ; i i;,
" I0c tooth " ... 07c
" " 15c " " loc
" " 25c " " 17C
" " 15c " " 25c
" " 50c " ' .... 35c
Every Day Wants
Our Regular 15c Sponges. I0c
25c ' i.5c
" " 35c ' . 25c
" " 50c age
All Chamois Skini 4 off
AH Mirrors .25 per cent to 40 off
Kaudon'g I20.0C Electric Belt , 7 60
Steamboat Playing Card 07c
Bicycle Plaving Cards 17c
l'hoto Frame all stvles and fizea off
Ping Pong SetK $1 00 to 5 00 off
Crokinole Boards 75c
Combination Crokinole andCarrom Boards $1 75
Wbitely Exercisers all grades 20 per ct. off
HE323Z2S5B '
New To-Day.
ri.F.MY in- MtiNF.Y To L 1 A S AT
lowi-et ia'e. C. II. !e.
01. rv Li loan ill
lowrfl rail'"..
II ri.'.l a A If inn itii.
per ci lit. 1' .11 10 Mi ui ily .
hen mi 1
HI In. I s ,v 1. l:i II 1 1 II, ti.ih.-e. in iln
Wi im.iir.l IIoiiiIii.c) liavr ihe rlu.i. el
rll v. i. I. U'1, an ' l oo'.lr.V -r...ril v h'r
in'alli l .nn .
.rly ai-nirily al tl per cent, alao on ai
plilM-.l chillel dvinity i B. I'lMu K,
Htlorney al law , Meveli" Building On
ir..ii I'Oy .
M o M-. Y To I O A N -1 1 1 A V F. S K. V I : K A I .
hiiuiHiil inniiiy helimgiiig to private
lli.ln iiliuila w li'n li 1 11111 Hlllhorizi'd to
loan, on long lime at li and 7 per cent.
Coal ol lnaii will he made Very leaaon
able. II. F.. CM", attorney at law.
Personal Mention
I. M. Park, of Klwood, was in thin city
Mr. Ralph Marahall, of liigbland,
In the city Tucfday.
iir. ieorg C. Ilrownell apenl Friday
in Portland viailititf friend.
C. P. Latonretta lias returned from B
iit of aeveral week in the F-at.
Mis Claudia Hart Is spending a few
days this week visiting friends in Kalein.
C. Lodor, the father of J. W. Loder,
was vimtlng his son in the city Monday.
A. M. Hich and daughter, of Wilholt,
were In this city unci l'oitland Tuesday.
Mrs. J. W. Loder returned home Wed
nesday, after short vimt with relatives
t Albany.
Mrs. Grant B. Dimick is spending
few days this week visiting relatives at
Frank Astman, of Canbv, came to
Oregon City this weea to take charge of
J. Cook's saloon.
Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, of Port
land, wer-- the gueats of Mr. and Mrs.
Brow null Monday.
Mr. shannon, of Beaver Creek, who
operates a large farm, was in the city
one day this week.
(ieorge Wilson, of Pomeroy, Wash.,
vieiled his brother, H. I. Wilson in this
city during the week.
McxMrH. Judge Fonts snd James U.
Campbell were visitors in Suii-m the first
day of the legislature.
Miss Adele Quinn, of Caneniah, i
confined to her room thM week ny a
severe attack of rheumatiain.
James U. Campbell, of this city, has
been elected as chief clerk of the Ways
ml Means Committee and J. McAnulty
committee clerk.
Mr. and Mr. J. I). Perry, of Portland,
wete iii Oregon City Sumliiv visiting Mr.
Mr. and Mrs F. A Sleight.
I. W. Thorns", the alore keener at
I Heaver Ciei-k, a in the citv Mond.iv
I looking after hia growing hiisinea.
I Mrs. J. A Spangler, ,f Corv.tllis, spent
I a lew day 11 week vi-iln g her dangli-
ler, Mrs. L. L. Porter, in the city.
ti AND 7j Mih Fthel Caillleld was chosen sleii
I 'Ki.n iV ogiupher for Speaker ol the llou II if
rm, nod l'-lt for S,i!eui Tile lay evening
Mr. Turney w ill uiv a soi-i.il hop in
' Wii.i.linru bud. S. imii. lay evening. .Inn
'u.uy I'.', (iond 11111-.IC and a g aid tune
I piomist-d.
I Mrs. William Martin, ol Ashland,
I fpellt a few daVS llilS Week WMUIII! her
1 patent, Mr. and Mr Joe Howell at
F. A. Miles, the popular grocery H'oie
proprietor, i spending a lew diiv tins
week visiting bis uncle, S. A. Miles, at
SI. Helena.
lame Kail, w ho holds a responsible
phu e in the coiuposing room on the
livening Te'egr.ui), Portland, was in the
cily Tuesday.
W. M. Stone, a prominent farmer of
Viola, was seen on ihe stree's of the citv
Monday. Mr. Slone has 100 acres ol
line hind and is a painalaking husband
man. X. K. Poinicn, who formerly ran the
postal telegraph line in thl-ritv, passed
through here las week enroute far Santa
Barbara, California, w here be is to be
placed in charge of an ollice of his own.
Dr. W. K. llaviland, who has had
chartra of Dr. Strickland's ollice diiiing
hi absence in the Fast, left this city
Monday for Japan to act as head physi
cian and surgeon on the steamer In
drapura. M, Michael leaves this week for Baker
City, where be will take charge of
furniture store. M. Michael, of Baker
City, a relative of Mr, Michael, will ar
rive in Oregon Citv soon to continue run
ning the store just vacated.
II, E. Cross left Monday as a delegate
to the Pacific Coast Chutau(iia Associa
tion at Han Francisco, where hn will re
main until Saturday laboring in the in
terest of the Willamette Valley Chautau
qua Association.
Charles Bitrer is employed at Ihe pres
ent lime by Mr. McLeran. proprietoi of
the Wilhoit sprintc. to sell the popular
Wilhoit mineral water. Mr. Bit.-r made
his tlrst trip to Oregon City Saturday
and is already doing a good business.
Monday nights score of Mrs. Mary
January's friends assembled at her home
on the Abernelhv and tendered her a so
cial surprise. The evening was very
pleasantly spent in games and conversa
tion and at a lale hour a tempting lunch ,
eon was spread out and greatly enjoyed.
Superintendent Zinser was at Macks
burg last Saturdiv, where he attended a
school nie-ting. The object of this meet
ing was to find out what the people in
this section thought shout building a
larger schoolhouse. It was decided, after
painstaking deliherition, that a thous
and dollars could be expended at good
a l vantage on a building and it tuny not
li l ing until steps will be taken to that
j Local Eve 91;?.
aaaara 9i?iioi. iapjcs a.ab '
J. M. Price, t ie clo'hier, is spending a
few dais this week visiting friend it
Lev. Craig, of the M -tho I t church.
S u b, will he 11 11 .1 till- 1 1 pie.o li S 111. 1 n ,
ow ing to Ins serious il!neg.
'Mr DoiiglufK, of Eagle Creek, was in
the city WrdneMlay and reports llmt Ihe j
new electric line is nuking good head- j
way in his neighborhood. j
First Male lledile, who wnrkson the
ste.imer N. K. Lang, ol Ihe Willamette I
Pulp it Paper Company, was strurk in I
the head hv a piece of the cylindt-r head
and painfully injured. 1
The funeral of the late Mrs. Frances
Mcln'vre was Meld Tlinr-day al 1 o'clock
Irom the Episcopal church, liev. P. K.
1 1 n 111 111. m.j coii.lucting the service. Ttie
tenia. na were liken lo Sell wood for cre
mation. The topics at the Coiiiireeiiiioniil
church next Sunday will be "Harmo
nious Increase, in the morning and
"Some Improper Positions From Which
Men View Jesus Christ" in the evening.
Special musical features will be added
to the usual program.
Inery. MiM.4'(ol
1 on all mill
The Saturday Club of the Congrega
tional church hereby announce that
they have secured Dr. House to give
three of his illustrated lecture at the
church on the 3rd, 10th ami 17th of Feb-
rnaiv. These are the best of a longer
series that is being given in Portland
with such great success.
W. M. Shank, the extensive potato
shipper, who every year sends many car
loads of fine potatoes into various parts
of tlie United States, has this week sent
000 sacks to California. Mr. Shank
sta'es that it is his opinion that potatoes
will not bring as hih a price this year
as they have. He says that at the pres
ent time the California market is not up
to its usual figures and for some reason
it looas like the potatoes all over the
country will fall short of the usual prir.
He has many sacks stored away in his
store-house in this cily and will keep
them 'here until he is able to realize
something on them.
How's TliU?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of catarrh that i-annot
be eured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. ClIKNKY&Co.,
ProPB., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have know n F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
Wkst A Tkitax, Wholesale Pruggists,
Toledo, O.
Wai.uinh, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole
sale Druugists, Toledo, O.
Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 75c
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
1 Hall's Family Pills are the, best.
Ths Housefurnisher
The Housefurnisher
ri m:,') mi
w urn We - 'V
Remnant Sale
w,TO"'-"irln t inra ti
Our C arpet Sales were very satisfactory the past season and as a consequence of
many sales there is a good number of Kemnants on hand. It is our in
tention to sell all remnants at reduced prices and we ask you to
bring the measurements of your rooms so we mav give N
an estimate of cost
TVTorris Olxixirs
Through some unaccountable delay by the trinsporla
tion company we received a lot of Mo'rris Chairs after
the Christmas rush. Now as we are in need of floor
we will close all of them out for
$7.50 Each
Warranted Sewing Machines
go for $18 00 as before
TXTOZTW is the time to look after
your Kitchen Utensils if you need any
pots, pans or kettles. Come and inspect
our Warranted Tin and Oraniteware.
There is no equal in the market.