Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
OKGWCN CITY BWTBBVR1SE FIUDAY, DECEMIJEK 20, 1902 New To-Day. i IMVtl'.M TKI.Y WOODi Chopper. AlilV 111 Cioail Paper Co I I.IHI'- A HMM.I. PINK CAM1 PIS,' line lietaei n poriolli'M Mini lt''l K i Mine, Kiiiiinlnv, I-1 it I r will I plea ll'XVK Ml KlIlelpllHO ollll-M uml cm-iv rcaanl, I WANTKI'-- I- AUM l it loWOIlK It Y , llii M nrrin.l or single; II. V., ClIOSS. I l I PI.1.SIY nr- MONKY T l.n.VS AT 1 1 iinfv tu loan at ! w--t rl. j llaixir.a A (Iiiii-mtii. MONKY T M'AN AT mr criil. Kmm seiiirlly. Hem in l. II AND 7 11 'Km A I HrlH.I'.H A t.ltlr Kl I II. "MW In H" W.liilmr.l llulKlliiK.) I.wvt. lh. r".oli I Hly. miliiirnail mi'l niiiniry proprrlylor mn'itllint (i !. MDNKY TO LOAN ON UK. A I. I'liol' crty ..nirily Hi tl per I'''"'. aUo on ! pmvel , l,,n..lM.. ii.liy I""';"' attorney at law, McvcllB I'.uil.liiiK Oh- gonl'iiy. M(iNI.Y TOl OAN-l II A Vi: SK l UAI.j Miu,n y chii.glliif III private) i,I,vi.IukI. ahull I am miilH.nw.l to, Imhii.oii Ionic lii I II kii'I 7 r cent.; ... . 1 .. ill 1... mull,. VelV ll'HKilll- iihi Ul Mm" i" "v ' . !,;. II. I'.. fii'i. attorney at Personal Mention Iir.J. J. I.envUt. uf Molalla.was in the city Wednesday. tieorge Wain-hard, of New Kit, wii In town Haiurday. Misa Bessie Hamilton Mends lo Portland Wednesday. Mr and Mm. B. (I. lieed. of Portland. lib In Oregon City one duy '" Mr. Thmnaa uf B-av" Creek, was among the Oregon CHy vlsitora Thurs day. W. V. Jesse, Juwtlc-n of tint peace at Barlow, was on the streets ot tois city Thursday. " Henry Fanton.'a young lumberman of rmlv. was doing business " Oregon City Sunday. Miss Orar Marshall and Mis Htrn Gl'cason, (eail.era ul New Kr spent PiitnUy In una city. Missl.util Hpnl nmslral Instrnr. tor at lit rol'ene at Weston. In the guest of tier sister, Mm. I. I.. Porter. Mr. .1. U Holiif'ixin ml rliiMrpn. of Clilro V.. ' mionilinif III" imliiUy wlih Mm. F. L. Co lirBn, in IliU city. Ili-niy Il.irnlmli. n Hvm fr" ml Iki ..Ti'f flnt-Uri.'P fur in ul tlml ilm-i in llif rlly Sstnr.l.iy Ul H firmmirkl. I'liUmlfr, lw rpil- in I'orlUn.l. wn in Orr-inn Ciiv T" ilnv ntlfiiillnu to Utf tfnifiT. Mi. Kt.'Mior KmIIv. MiMm liiii mill Nn lfi'-e. of forilnml. m'nl Sum iIrv wlili ri'liitivfn frii'tul in lliin ciiv. Mr. Kn-il HiiniilirvK l rirl. (iiiio ill ili ntrif1lfiti. TIip d'K'lor miw llmt In' niy rt-covi-r willioiit n ocm tinn T. 1'. Ki'lin. rnniilv rommi'-lonfr. w In ilio riif Wdlm-nlny awl Tlnim iUv In ltpnilnrB t tlie ciinjiiioniT' court. Mi Mmrli (iiivwr pn'il thrnnirh the ritv Tiif'lV eiiroiiti f" li"r lmm nl fnfiix. wlnre pIi will "pr-nd Iut Clirint nmii with lier imrenm. ('. P f,niirilt lenVM Fri lnv rven inif forun KhkIp'H trip tU will vioit Itoilon. N'W York. WniiliinKton nd oilii-r rKiinm of intprt. "A II. HirtiT""' Wilhoit. ppont f.-w (Uvn in tl.ecitv tliin wk . Mr. Itioh otprBlon Kuwir.ill .t Willioit nl m doiim rtiihitilt numnPM. Mr. ml Mm riipttr Mnir rptnrnH to thin city UHt week from Miitlun, Idiiho. wliPre tliP will ronmin l"r Ipw wpckn with rpUlivp. Mr. nd Mr. Mnir'n Iricnd In tliinritv wplroniP tlifin hck Anil will be rl" ,0 r,inew " old arqiminUnRP. .f H NllH'lll, KPl'or Plfl'l, (ll'lll A fi'W iluy on lii- plftctt Mt MoIhIU (tin nt wi'i'k. Mr. Ni-lH'in Iihh iniri'lutMinl hiuh liirx Imid H'lJ H i'iil to l'i rmirli. I)tn I. voii lni rftn iii"! fnni a Hvw iiihiiIIk mI iv in N i-vulii wlii-rii li liu tirpn m-iii Iv i.iufHir'il "l Hip pintilov of Hoi I!. P It. 'II Cn., ilitftfUitf Itiiiiifl ('Hiliiin I.'iiik'-v. of f "Ui kmim inii , in Him city Wm.Imi'K'Uv. Tim cm.iiii U rprovi-rinu lnwly (r- in Ilia (i.i'tnll in ul I In' lnHiltul M few wci kit U(l, Mim l.oil MmllitiiT ri'tnrntnl lo I'orl Imid Hiiii Uv hHit a count" "I wci'k'i vlit. In l'lii il'y. M'i" '" tiiiiot of AihmU lili'itNon mul Mm. Ilmry .Moody. ('. ('. NUllM'kl-r, IIHll'f n 1 1 H ii iir . who ii-nIiIi" ul Sell wood lini li'-i'ii Hii-nd IhK I' W iUr" I'P I'""1 week vlnidliK Hip family of It. Iv. Woodward In Una diy. Ml" MiiikI II iyd ami M'a K Nlon who Iivm at AkIiwikhI, I'.iii i-rn Ori-on, ii'lmiipil lo llii'ir li'iniH H.ilnriluy ImI alti'r a f'W dava viml with frinnU and ri-Ullvr III '"'Kon. Mr. and Mm A. W Clicnpy arid IiMIp l.ov rrliiriii-d Monduv fniiii h inoiith'a tour through Colorado and ('uliloim. lulu Phioiitn for lioina Mr. Clii'iii-y vlHiu-d dm hroilii-r, K H. riiPin-y at (hiklaiid. Cal. and U. II CIipiip.V at Han Traio i'i-o Mr. Clipiicy rHnrii mm It hrliplllli'd in lll'llllli. Mr. Kri'd ('harmiin. who i raiaml in iIh rily, haa nliiaiiii'd a r. hioiiiIiI ioi.I(1II in Ihpuflirp of Mir I'. It It. 'it, at r'ai-rainpiilo "l.j'H" Krd"(wlni i no loiikV'r In lit ) liaa many c ili-tnot Dii'li'U in Him I'HV who will wali:h hl coiirep w ith inipfppi and w ho iup rontl dciit of Ida miiTCMii i rf ypara to romp. TIih mair;i;p of M. Fii'ldinij S. Ki'Hy and Mixa llima Haiker wan polcmniii-d Wcdtit'KdaV al liiuli Ikki'i in Si. Hirih pti'a rlitt-l, Portland, I'V tin lii'V. Dr Moinaon, n:tor of Tiini'y Kpiaripal rlnirrli. Thi) lirnl ia an patiinahlp younit lady of thai clly, win It tli" K""111' in a nun of H. I.. Kelly of tliia city and la a younii mull of att-rliiiK qnalitipn. Dip liapl')' niiii' left forTacoma, wtinra Mr Kelly ia Ptiiiai-i'il In liiimrica, ImtiiK Him iiihiihk r of a lartie'llourinK null. Local Ever;. 4Jrrwt clniraiBCP anlf n cvrry rllrlr lu Ibr alore, '. Mold ntilh On CiirintmaK day at St. Paul's cliurcb wrvica will Iw lipid at II. I'lila iillire (Mrrica in aloi k a complptfl lino of It-tCal hUnkA of every variuty, and we are repard to fill ordura by mad on hort liotn e. TIip many friends of Mia Maude War tier In thia I'liy will Iw pVaacd to learn thai "lie ia HiiioviriKi though alowly. Karl LaloiinUe, (on of Ctiarlvi and Mra, l,atourelt. will Im linine in A few dya Ironi Ina aieue at Ht. Vincent'a lioa pital, Hie inl Chriminaa pxeiciaea are held tM-y at the ILirclav m hool. TheiP will he recilationa tiy the t.upila f 0111 all the holier K'adea. Preai liiiiK next Fiinday morninif and evening, altlie t'onirrenaHonal chiirvh ill Kly the L'lnt Hint, hy J. N. Craif, imMor M. K clmrcti, South. Anlonp NeliluiK. li" Pini'Ioye in the Willamette mill -alio waa cimaiderahlv nliaken up and aouiewhnt liriiioeil Uat week I'v a full from an elevator, ia tin ITuviiik nlowiy and will oou lie ati!e to reniliiiH Ina ihitiea. He ware uf IMiitintMita for Caturrh that Contain Mercury. aa incrriiry will aurely dcatroy the iHe of Hindi and completely dcranKo the -holts aystein when cnlcrintt it throiiKh adu niin'oiia aurfarea. Such articlea nhoiild never be useil exeppt on pre- M-ripnoin troni reputame piiymcnna, an the daiiiane thev will do ia ten fold to the tcood you can jKmaihly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufac tured by K.J. Chenev & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and ia taken internally, actinic directly upon the i.i.uut ami niin'oiia aurfacca uf the avatem. Iii buying Hall'a Catarrh C'urebeaure yon get (I,A Kpntitne. It ia taken Int.'r ....ll an. I K.uilu in T.1I..1I11 Dili.), hv V I I'l.i.iw.v A Co. TpNtimonials freo. Sold by Ilruuifists, price 75 cents per bottle. Hall's Family Fills are the beBt. n.rfr ecaao CCCO CO CO ATTE KTI 0 jN8 mj'iin i . .it 'aiia J ' O 9. J Q n o o o o o o o o o o The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Stoves and UtonHilB. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furnituro, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Etc ... Highest cbmIi price piid for second hand goods. I. To I po 1 a i MAIN STREET . . , One Door North of Commerlcal Bank CO CCCO CCCCO CCOO CO o o o o o o o o o Cl w w w w I - HUNTLEY'S DRUGGISTS STATIONERS HUNTLEY'S Last Call For Christmas! Purinf,' lliti .ast three weeks wo liave tried to tell you of our immense stock-of the high (jualitv o' our good, of the low j-i iees-of the way we display our stock our way of marking everything in plain figures. If you have already accepted our invitation to come in and look you already appreciate the help and Having this store h in your Christmas Shopping. If not we again urge you to inspect a stock that will surprise you with its variety, its values and its HiritahleneHs for Christmas Gifts for all ages and ail purses. From infancy to old age. From 1c. to $2.".00that covers the ground as to suitableness and prices. - fSSB ifuf-ZZ Si nil fs-. , ,o .ii nil ii r 1 . -r k j ( 1 vY..--i We liave over low worth of Gold Jewelery and Silverware all clean, freh, up-twiate ntock, We are selling it at popular prices you will be eurjirined to find how far your money will go if you select from this line. It is not cheap Jewelery we guarantee every art icle. Some of it is solid some rolled gold or quadruple plate none is cheap electro-plate. We .will tell you frankly the quality of every article. - - - Hat Pins-Scarf Pini-Hroar.liea 25c amd op Weave iiitttoite oiled koIi or filled 50c to 12.00 Khirt Html Sets-plain, j earl and mounted 50c to 150 liaby Pns and Chains 25c to 2 50 Lockels ai d Charms 60c to 2 00 Watch Chaina-rnlleit gold plate ... 2 00 Watch Chains-Gold fllled-20 year gunrantee 00 Neck Chains -aeainleaa-tfold filled , 2 00 kings-Mini- Kold filled -W King' heavy ; 1 -60 Kin.i-eolld Kold-plain and with sets. 2.25 to 6.00 Chain I'raceletn-tterliim ailver-bahy -Kold filled 2.50 to 6.00 Toilet Articles-ierlinif Silver ... 25c and no Match Sales " 10 Pufl Boxe 1 6Q Also Tableware of all kindi Sterling Silver and Quadruple Plate Stylish Stationery tfiA- There is as much style in Station- jVf yT.y-K ery as in clothes. We have the '''JX latent things latest in size i n -V.V V'. $ texture in tint. A fine box of -i'fjwP'A writing paper has become so popu- i'v'! v V lar for a present, that the manu- 'ts i'J fucturers are comiieting to ee who Vti.j;L '(v'rJ ' W-lH can get out the diuntest and swell- F"'"r-J1 '' I nv est package. Inspect our Holiday OJ boxes they are ln'auties. Besides writing paper there are many other desirable gifts for the writing table. Fancy Rox Paier- plain or tinted 25 Larue Boxes contains two or more shades 50c to 2 50 Leal her Writing Companion $1 25 to 3 00 Hold Pens arl handles 1 00 Fountain Pens $1.00 and op Box Sealing Wax 4 tints snd candles 35 Seala with initial 26 Erasers Paper Knives Book Marks Elc 10c np ...Leather Goods... Immense variety at all price from 25c and up. ...Rozane Ware... The Latest and Daintest Not too expensive ...Cornelian Ware... Decorated cooking dishes pretty, but servicable. . . , . Toilet Cases In Leather-celluloid-Silver-Ebony Perfumes All the leading oders of foreign and home manufacturers-fancy packages 15c and up. Bibles Pocket-Teachers-Family-a 1 1 prices from 10c to $7.00 , Cutlrey Knives-Razors-Manicure Tools i n sets and single pieces Games For young and old Ping Pong-Gird Games-Board Games-Blocks Toys Picture Books-Crokinole. Pictures Pictures make artistic lasting presents and cost but little money if you select from our stock. Pase Par tout &x 12 Special 15 Matted Pictures -19 Medallions 25 U ii matted Prints Umbrellas No need to urge the desirability of an unibrel a for a Xmas present. We have nothing bo cheap we can not guarantee it though prices begin as low as $1.00 Latest designs ia fancy handles and Bilk covers $1.50 to $10.00 Oregon Books The Conquest 1 08 McLaughlin and Old Oregon- 1 08 Stories of Oregon 60 Bridge ol the Gods 125 Oregon Literature 1-00 The'Two Islands 160 Huntley Brothers Popular Price Druggists and Booksellers Easy Payments We bave an easy payment plan when purchases are too large to pay cash lor conveniently. A little down and httle each month Ask Mr. W. A. Huntley about It. II M...J A Timely M as;s;eMt ln. This is the season of the year when the prudent and careful hotifewife replen ishes her supply of Chamberlain's Cougb Kemedy. It is certain to be needed be foie the winter is over, and results are ninnh more prompt and satisfactory when it is kept at band and given as soon as the cold is contracted and before it has become settled in the system. In almost every instance a severe cold may be warded off by taking this remedy freely as soon as the first indication of the cold appears. There is no danger in giving it to children for it contains no hsrmful substance. It is pleasant to take both adults and children like it. Buy It and yon will get the best. It al ways cures. For aale by G.A.Harding. How to Prevent Croup. It will be good news to the mothers of small children to learn that croup can be prevented. The first sign of croup is hoarseness. A day or two before the attack the child becomes hoarse. This is soon followed by a peculiar rounh cough. (Jive Chamberlain's Cough Kem edy freely as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the rough cough appears, and it will dispel all symptoms of croup. In this way all danger and anxiety may be avoided. This remedy is one J by many thousands of mothers and has never been known to fail. It is, in fact, the only remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant and safe to take. For aale by O. A. Harding. A Cold Waive. The forecast of sudden changes in the weather serves notice that a hoarse voice and a heavy congh may invade the sanc tity of health in your own home. Cau tious people have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure always at band. E. H. Wise, Madison, Ua., writes: "I am in debted to One Minute Cough Cure for my present good health, and probably my life." It cores Coughs, Colds. La Grippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung troubles. One Minute Congh Cure cuts the phlegm, draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes the mucous membranes and strengthens the longs. Geo. A. Harding. Better Tfcaa m iMuntcr A piece of flannel .dampened wtth Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound m the affected parts, is belter than a plan ter for a lame hack and for pains in too side or chest. Pain Balm has no super ior as a liniment for the relief of J"ri' seated, rauacular and rheumatic pliam. For sale by U. A. Harding. Christmas Tree Ornaments at Cbar roan A Co., Druggists. Foils aa Oeadly Attack... "My wife was so ill thai good pti?i cians were nnahla to help her," arraaa M. M. Austin, of W inchester, lud , but was completely cored by Dr. . King New Lie Pills." Tbey work wonderela stomach and liver troubles. Cure Con- stipatioa, sick headache. 25c at 3do. Harding's drog store.