Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
J OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902 2 ) CORRESPONDENCE ! 4'orrvspondenta are requested 'o re- ew their work. We ill supply all necessary stationery. The news from Jur neighborhood should appear in ieee columns every week. Tlie busy' sx aeon is past you should renew your, api repportdenee work. . Klttrilo. F.J l'aine has a sick horse. Eillie Wisemantle is making rails- Helvey boys ro bunting ' orses. A. U Jones had bis cattle delivered Homlay. Lillisn Uana tulled on Mrs. Al Jones Sunday. Ell Stark was visiting here the first of Hi 6 week. Jones nd IUny were in Oregon City Tuesday. John Uillett, ol Ely, is tisiting her Ins week. Robert Bullsid nd daughter were out kagjr riding Monday. Clyde Smith snd brother nisde s flying triy io Oregon Cits Tuesday. The pie social was O. K. ; $19.10 was anade. The girl with limherger in her .41 took the prine. Goltoa. Butchering seems to he the order o( the dy now. The shooting match on the 13tti ws p3ll attended. There were quite a number of cattle feci eta iu Colton last week. Mr. Willson and wife were callers at the Uorbett reauleuce one day last aeek. Mr. and Mrs Window were tlie guests of Mr. and Mrs. '. E. Bonney last Sun day. Coltonites are anticipating a fine time a tlie masquerade at Colton ballon New Tear's Eve. Our school house looks and sounds Bach belter since it is adorned witn a fine new bell. Jack Wallace of Highland. Garrelt Martin and Uus 8hievi, of Timber ;oveand Frank Bittner, of Elwood, wre visitors at Hie Literary last Satur day night. Stafford. Die either is suappv cold ground frozen. Christina next week ami dnn't you forget it. Kemem'ier Uie little ones Mr. Gary, tlie Willsmefe merrbant, . has begun to deliver gxds into our neighborhood. It is eipeneive deliver ing at Ibis time ol year. Mrs. Frank Gapser diel last Thursday aad was buried Saturday. A Urge con course followed the remains to the burial place. Kev. ieis nan cuuducted services at Ihe grave. Miss Murphy, of Portland, closed a Tiry successful term of school here on be 12th. Miss Norman, of Tigardville, will take the reins of government for a aix months renin commencing the The bridge on ihe Oswego road now span the river ami wagons pawed over at for the tirst lime the. morning of the i7th. The completion of this bridge ones to tbe community like a Chrisi- tts gift. Viola. Mr. Page lias bought the Albert CI oes car farm John Matron and George Heyden have gone near Lebanon visiting. The Sevier family have moved from the saw mill back to their residence. Mr. Fulloui, our road supervisor, is now laying tlie plank on the Hpringwater Logan road. Mrs, fcevier who has been in Oregon City attending Mrs. Geo. Hicinbothem who is there for medical treatment re turned home I ant wee k. Guy It. VVoodle and wife, of Dover, were here attending the M. E. Quarterly meeting and were the govsts of Kev. J. W. Fxon and family. Miss Eva Mattoon, who is slaying this winter with her sister Mrs. O. 'Brown near lebanon, has secured a class in music and is doing nicely. The M. K. 2'iarterly meeting which was held last week was well attended and a itood deal ol interest manifested. Rev. D. A. Watters, the presiding elder was pretent and preached two good sermons. Hmryna Miss Flora Voder left on Saturday last to visit her sisters, Misses Ida and Maud, who are attending school at Mon mouth. K. K. Yo'ler who for three years has bsen waiter in the Portland restaurant was home oo his semi-annual vacation the pant week, going back to his work again lat .Saturday morning. Basket so'ials are the rage in this community at present. Our school dis trict No. Ui led off with one last Friday evening that proved a grand success financially and otherwise. With the money, .', h0 realised, they expect to purchase a bell for the school house. The Hamuli school district No. 6 will give a baaitet aocial next Saturday even ing, (lie mooey to be used for a library. We are glad to notice also that both the district ni-"irnipl are filling a long felt wai t b7 putting tp g nble wood sheds. We notice in lust week's Oregonian, that there is a move on foot to have the season for killing npland birds begin a fortnight earlier than at present. That would be a capital ( ?) idea as about one season of such work would exterminate the birds and then we could do away with the gauie warden and his deputies, as there would be no game to protect. But serioujly, a'y one that knows any thing about our upland birds knows too that the late young are not able to fly by bepteuiler lo, but I suppose that is Long Hair "About a year sro my hair was coming out very fast, o I bought a bottle of Aver' Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling and made my bair frow very rapidlv, until now it is 45 inches in length." Mrs. A. Boydston, Atchison, Kns. There's another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for Instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor Aycr's. This is why we say that Ayer's Hair Vigor always restores color, and makes the hair grow long and heavy, hm a 1111. ah nix. If your dmes-at onimt supply you. aond us on dollar ami Hill rxpiraa you a bottle. Its sure ami fWe tbe nam Of your Brt lirM ndir. Ail'lrru, J. CAVER CO.. Unveil. Mass. what the ritv hunters want, for the writer heard of one who bragged about killing 82 birds the first day of the pres ent open season, admitting that many of Ihe birds were to "green" to fly when flushed, and that his partner went him two better or a total of 66 birds in one day. We don't want to be counted auiong the gambling fraternity al all, but are willing to bet a hollow bean to a punched nickel that no two farmer bovs in Marquam precinct slaughtered the above number of birds during the past open season. Don't kill the birds before tliev can flv. 8pnufwaur. Quite cold, mercury down to 38. The young people met in GrangeNhall last evening to see about getting up a play in the near future. The saw mill has been (hut down for a few days to be made more convenient. This morning it is sawing again. tom of Uncle Sam's employes ought to be stirred up when it takes a btialness letter a week to get from Oregon City to Springwater. Mr. Haley, Fred Gerber and L. Kir. chera visited tbe Grange Come again TueGrange is growing; six or eight came in and have applied to j mi. Mrs. Lewellen and daughter have left Idaho on account of bad weather and ate going to Phoenix, Arixina. When I ant heard from they were in Denver oo their way to Phoenix. The Grange had their annual election Dec. 13th and elected E. Bates, mailer; A. Lacy, overseer ; Itex Gordon, stew ard; Sidney Smith, assistant steward: George Guttriilge, gate keejier; A. M. Shiblev, chaplain ; Esina 8hibley, secre tary ; Lora Storuier, Flora; and some other good sisters Pomona aad Ceres. Harley Ranev. while at work Tuesday beard Mr. Howell's dogs barking and took his little brother's toy gun with him to see what the dogs were baying at and it proved to be a very large wild cat ; but the little gun made oo impression on Mr. Cat, so Harley went over to Mr. Shib ley's and got his Winchester, which brought the cat dow at first shot. The wild cat weighed sixty pounds. HAPPENISUS AT BARLOW SCHOOL. Program, Thanksgiving sad Arbor D ij, orember 27, 1902. Expianstion of union services. Sonit Welcome '. School Thanksgiving. .Prof. Leonard Parmenter Recitation Primer Class Sons Evans sisters History of Thanksgiving Blanche Armstrong Recitation First Grade Reading . Rose Bratton Song Uregon School Beautiful Willamette Maoei eewaru Reading Ralph Coleman (age 6) Song Eight girls Jar shown exhumed from root of tree, nluntuil there ten vears axo. Bottle for depositing under class tree sliovt m and contents explained. AHHOR DAY. Song Round School Composition History of Barlow School Nellie Watkins Recita'ion and Tableaux vivant.... Ionia Andrews, Winnefred Free man and Marie Eiden Composition History of Barlow School Ora Braston Song Old Oaken Bucket School March out doors. School Kong around flag America School Deposit jar containing: Deposit taken from old jar; two compositions on His tory of Barlow School ; president's and governor's Thanksgiving proclamation ; program of exercises; Oregonian of Nov. 27, 1902; names of superintendent, di rectors, teacher and pupils; names and kinds of trees; ground plan of school property. Song Summer Goi ng School Recitation Planting the AppleTree Seventh Grade Song Autumn ..School March to school room and dismiss. . . On account of inclemencs of weather, tbe out door exercises were postponed. There were twenty-six visitors present, including our very worthy superintend ent, onr directors and clerk. Utmost at tention and respect were were shown by al All the trees, except the apple trees, were obtained from the forest oa by do nation. A flower bed will be planted In the spring. Only perennials will be used. ROLL Or HONOB. Robert, Fred and Ethel Armstrong, Wood and Ionia Andrews, Rose and Ora Bratton, Grace, Gertrude and Alta Ev ans, Winnefred Freeman, Hattie Irwin, Fred Magney, Cbarles Saunders, Mary and Ciegrist, Martin, Lovina and Flor ence Widdows, Orsula and Crssie Zee, Nannie Lindholna, Mabel and Olea Sew ard, John and Maris Eiden, Blanche Armstrong, Leonard and Dorrance Par menter, Nellie Watkins, Oscar Howard, Cora, Laura and Judith Sandness. To tal, 34. ST. JOHN'S I'ATHKtlRlt lF.OH'.!TEI lmpre sire Service at St John'sChnrrh Suuthiy Morning and livening. A beautiful c 'reiiiony of rotledication oc curred at St. John's cathetliiil Stitnlav morning, when the spaciutis church audi torium, which has been wonderfully en larged ami beautified, was redwtlicaled to Itiluie usefulness. For long time Ihe growing congregation of tt a largnchurvh have required more room but it was not until recently that steps were taken to rebuild and add to the old attucture. All this fall caipenters have been busy with hrtiiuiiiT and saw an I a few tlava ago the filiifhing touches completed Ihe wotk. At ID :o0ln the nioinitig Ihe chiMch was. Hlii'di) oveithiw itig wiih an attentive audience. Aichhitdiop Christie occupied ttie pulpit and delivered a masterful st-r- moti on the subject of reiledication. All w bore good (oriune it was to hear t' s ac complished gentleman speak in the high est i raifo ol his learning and oratoiy. All through this pleaing service the rendition ol beautiful songs occurred and added vrtath to Ibe impressive e(Tct of the whole atlai". At lour o'clock in the afternoon a teautifiil aetvice of coiirirma tion of something like sixty children was belli, which ArchliiHhop ihriatie again conducted. At this service the singing was, if possible, liner than at the morn ing service, tbe choir being ably assisted by Father Dominic, of Mount Angel. A .Million Voir Could baidly express the thanks of Homer Hall, of West Point, la. Listen why: A revere cold bad settled on his lungs, causing a most obstinate cough. Several physicians said he had consump tion, hut could not help him. When all thought he was doomed he began to use Dr King's New Discovery for Cousumi tiun, and writes "It completely cured me and saved uiy life. I now weigh 2.'7 pounds." It's K)i:ively guaranteed (or Coughs, Colds an. I Lung Iroulijes. Price 50c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Geo- llaning s. Letter List. The following Is the list of letters re maining in the postotfice al Oregon City. Ore., on Dec. 18, 1U02: womxn's list. Dumas Sarah Mrs Reynolds Mamie Mrs Kroes Annie Mrs Sbindler Nelly Moader Fannie Mas Sliinn l.nuiH ti Mdlwain Bertha Miss Wylde Mabe IMIss Uoeracker .Margenle Mrs MSN'S LIST. Baker Bert (2) Kellett W 8 Donaldson J VI (Rev) Price G M Eastham II H Towel J F (Dr) Holt Fred Watkins A Jones H D Wamslev Claude K Kellogg HF Walker J F (Notthern Min'ngA Milling Co.) GEO. F. HOKTON, P. M. The Anrrls' Song. (Jhriatinas belli are blithely ringing, rilling ail tlie air; Ctirialnia voices sweetly singing. M usic t very where. Yean agutis on Juilea'l mountain Fell the holy strain ; Echoing tlowii th rough all tlie aga Cornea the glait retrain "tilory, glory in the Uiglieat t-eace on earth good will," again. Christinas voices blend in chorus, Chanting highest praise. Earth and heaven now united Glorious anthems raise. Though the world is full of battle, Strife and bitter wrong, Still o er all its hateful turmoil, Sweeps fis angels' song. ' Glory, thry in the Highest Peace, good will to men belong." Peace on ea'th, 0 haste Its coming. Who the message bring, Mortals, join the swelling peans Wbile heaven's arches ring. Men and angels, all creation, In one mighty throng, Chant tbe full harmonic measure Ol the angels' song "Glory, glory in the Highest Peace, good will to r.ien belong." M. U.Haywakd Notice. To all whom it may concern, Know ye that the County Court of the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon did, on the 10th day of Decetncer, 11)02, grant the petition of William Foasvthe Sttod gram that his name be changed to Wil liam Franklin Stuart. Published by or der of Thus. F. Ryan, Judge of said Court. U'Rsn & ScnuF.nsi., Attorneys for Petitioner. FRUIT trees; Orders for Fruit and Orament- al Trees, etc., can be left at Farmers Feed Yard or addresss Box 132, Oregon City. These Trees are strictly J first-class and grown at ALBANY, OKEOON R . H . TABER.j KverythlnK must go In-fore the tMtlidny. Kverj thing reduced, ytlnn C. Sjloldninlth. BOARD OF (OMMISSIO.fE'i. 'Continued from page one.) TYocum 4 80 Diet No 11. John E Smith $10 00 Dist No 12. ' Vigorit Powder Co 4 75 J C Bprague 17 00 Dist No 14. Vigorit Powder Co 2fi l G FGihbs v. 32 00 A Mautz 2 25 Geo Mautz 23 25 D J Thorn 18 00 T M Termer 1 50 Robt Ronald 24 75 Kobt Ronald Jr 18 00 CCGibbs 31 60 James Shelly 18 75 Frank Ronald 4 50 Harry Shelly 3 75 T W Gibbs 3 75 O FGibbs 10 00 James Hhelly 7 SO .Christmas Presents... i- Nov or before woro wo no thoroughly prepared to inoej the remiiro nu'iits for Christum rrenonts, either for men, women, children or homo. Christmas shopping at our store will save you time and money as we have been months neleeliu; our stock and oiler you goal o(xls as the lowest possible prices, - ...Chapman' & Company... J XmflS DRUGGISTS PHOfiai i3-nnns- ordbrs iouicitbo C C Gtbbs . 15 00 . 7 50 . 7 50 . 4 50 . 6 00 . 3 00 t 5 00 . 20 00 Ixaac Shortledge.. II W Scbmale W I) Hedge T W Gibbs J I! Jackson Disl No It). Aug Staehley W Kelleruiier John Khlers J P.asely A Ho lge U'ui Kaiser Jim Praaely John Kaiser Disl No IS. T W Duiry :. L Duiry J Grossmiller James Shannon, . . , John Shannon Dist No 11). WJ Muldeiihatier. J J Mallalt Dist No 20. Joseph Pollock.... Dist No 24. F Watson J H Yoder K Werner Motitandon . John Gahler Jr .. John Kcbwabauer. . C II Hoirman EA Motitamlon. . . Dist No 25. Frank Mathews.... E l M Morris Dist No 27. P J Hidings A Hon. T Drake John Barth Diet No 28. George Wylalid..., Ray W'yland Ben Wade W B Wade II Wilson Francis I latin B F Boyles Dist No 31. John Aden George Allen Dist No33. Shlbley & Kaudle., J A Ried E Lacey James Marrs Win Marrs J F Lovelace Diet No 34. FP Petit Jeir Shaw . V o . . 2 2 . . 3 00 .. 1 M . . 8 00 ..$1 50 . . 8 60 .113 00 t 8 00 . 3 75 a 4 00 76 . 1 10 . 3 00 4 50 . 12 00 . 75 . 12 00 ..4 s .. 1 h" . . 4 00 .1 0 00 . 0 75 . 75 . tl 76 . 9 00 . 2 25 . 12 00 $10 00 . tl 00 . 5 60 . 10 (HI . 3 00 . 1 50 . 1 50 . 1 50 . 5 25 . 18 00 ..3 00 75 .. 1 60 .. 0 00 ,.7 00 20 00 2 00 21 31 8 70 6 20 0 10 2 00 50 110 80 4 65 8 00 3 00 3 00 35 80 , 22 30 4 50 Dist No 30 Geo Letter Ivan Broadwell II T Jensen Bud Thompson Dist No 15 W B Lawton In the uistter of bills allowed Mrs Mary Haley, pauper acct.. Bed front trailing o .... J C Zinser, school supt Courier Pub Co, printing Livy Stipp, justice of peace J A Graham, constable F S Baker, court house O C Enterprise, printing Stone & Rodlun, road lumber.. . . Pac Tel A Tel Co, telephone Chas Catta, pauper acct J C Marquam. " " F A Klelght, clerk James Turner, J P James Roberts, J P George Aden, J P Frank Redner, recorder Amy Kelly, copying aasessm't roll G A Bollack ' Katie Warnock " " " M A Waldron, " " " Lillie Horn " hltna Albright Emma Davis, clerk A Howard, recorder Henry E Stevens, recorder Louva Randall " Lulu Hankins. copy'g delinq roll 10 00 t) 00 60 00 Id 00 50 00 1(1 00 00 32 00 18(K) 6 00 311 00 12 00 12 00 15 00 2 60 63 70 49 60 19 20 3 76 23 60 3 25 120 00 108 00 81 00 64 00 4 00 7 13 .1 55 75 50 2 50 3 00 Hary Conyers, " Water comrs, water rem. Pope & Co, road dist No 14 O C Enterprise, printing F Busch, roads W A Iluntlev. stationery C B Hmith, sheriff. W II loung, livery J Bicbner &. Hon, road dist No 30 Bruce C Curry, mak'g astnt index Kll Williams, assessor LE Williams, " Anna Willisms, " Red Front Front T Co, pauper ac p Nebren, board prisoners ... O Wissenger, road dist No 1 C A Willey, Jail Roy Woodward, bicycle path .... j K Shaver, sheriff Eli Williams, assesscr Consisting of tho latest ntylrs in (Hush, Ct-lltiloiil, Khony, miclt iih Toilet St-ta; Mani- cure Sets, Military Hrus'hcs, Shaving Seta, Comb ami Hrnsli Sets, Allmnm, Knivps, Kaors, lVrfuinoa in 1hxcs frtitu Uto to lu.l'0, Materials of all kinila for Paper Flowers, lor Celluloid work, Artists Material, Smokers Seta, Cigars hy the box from Wo to I2.(H), 1'itK-s a kmm one 2rKi ami Ix-tter ones from $1.00 to $5.00, ChriHtmns Cnros. Christtnns Itooka, ChriHttnaa CondieH a n d . ChriHtmaa Tree Ormunenta from lo up ------ I! H Moody, sheriir 32 00 Win llrolml, commissioner .... 49 20 TBKIIIen 24 80 John lwrllen 44 80 In the matter uf the petition of Wilson Goaneli for liquor license at Oawi-go. By consent of petitioner it is orttered that this matter be dismissed and papers withdrawn. In the matter of the tllinn of O I A S Co for rebate of taxes. Oidcred laid over until next term. In lh mailer of the petition of T 0 Jonsrud and others (or a road. It is or1 lerctl that Wm Boring, Nela Nilsen and Dennis Jerger be appointed to inei-t on the 2llth day ol December, with J W Melilriim, surveyor. In the matter of compromising suit with James I'etereon. It is unle-ed that this stilt he compro mised upon Ibe payment of I3i 00. In the matter ol the petition of Hncer Thomas, Commander I'ustG A R, asking that David ti Frost, indigent sol dier, be placed on list of in ligetit sol diers. Ordered that said David G Frost re ceive a warrant lor 111) 00 a month be ginning with Deceinlmr. In the matter of a county Mail lietwron Multnomah and Clackamas counties. 'Multnomah County agreeing to pay half the expense of planking about 175 yards this road, it is ordered that Clack amas County pay one half of said ex pense. In the matter of Ihe petition ol Thru. Koeutiecker lor a county road. It is ordered that said matter be laid over until May term, BHIII. In the matter of building a bridge on the Greaham and Cnion Hall road. Ordered that that the county furnish the lumber and nails provided the resi dents volunteer the labor. In the uistter of a siwcial meeting of this board. It is ordered that this board meet on December 17lh lor the (itirposH ol exam-1 mining ami accepting, n aatiHiaciory, me bridge over the Ttialaliu river. In the matter of the reiort of the view ers of I low ling road. Ordered that .1 Htrowbridge, T (i Jons rud ami Theo Koeuiiecker he appointed viewer", lo meet J W Meldrum at the place ol beginning on the 23rd day of De cember . In the matter of the petition of Helen L Stratum for rebate ol taxes. It is orderetl (hat the is-nalty and In terest amounting to $2 67 be remitted. In the mallei of cancelling taxes as sexeed to Frank lluinal. It appearing that this land had Iwetl deeded to the I'tilti-d States, it is ordered that the taxes nn said land lor the years I '.'. ami 1900 he cancelled. In thn matter of the approval of the Uuid ol Jas F Nelson. It is ordered that the bond of Jas F Nelson, the incoming assessor, be and is approved. In the matter of rebuilding a bridge known as the Khibley bridge. SEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR OF THE STANFORD UNIVERSITY GLEE AND MANDOLIN CLUBS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF Clackamas Council: NO. 2007 I Royal : Arcanum I : J Z (n; .J This briitge having been burned, It Is ordered that the county furnish lbs linn hei and nails, the residents to volunteer thn lalior. In lbs matter of repaying John I-ewel-leu money advanced to return a person likelv lo become a county charge to Spo kane. It la ordered that a wairant fur f 15 00 be drawn in favor of John lewellen fur expense til returning a person likely to Im-otne a county charge to Saltans, In the matter ol lh ielitioii of F.llsa Iwth Saunders, an Indigent woman, for aid. It Is orderetl that a warrant for $10 00 lie issued lo Mra Elisabeth Saunders for three months. In the mailer of the petition of It Schuehel for road. Ordereil that George Brown, George Randall and Aug Siaehley be appointed viewers and J W Meldrtiin surveyor, to iiie-t at place of beginning Deci-mlier 17. in the matter ol planking a portion of the I. Inn road. Ordered Hint It F l.iuii plank alsiut 80 rodsol said road, Plank not to coat more than $4 00 per thousand, III the matter of the xitltion of J Stew art lor rebate of taxes on a double assess ment. In the matter of the report of viewers of Hoist road. Ordered Hist said report be approved and mail ordered opened. KXrKSltg ACCOUNT, W II Boring, '.' miles $ 4 ft) Thomas llohua 2 da, 12 ml 6 20 Frank Osborne, 2da, 14 ml ft 40 W M IWu, 2 da 4 00 J W Ackerson, 2 da 4 IK) P M Hoist, 2 da 4 00 J W .VMdruin, 4 da, 30 mi . . .... 23 00 In the matter of Kldora Younger, a county charge. Ordered that the name of Kldora Younger be stricken (roiu the list of comity charges. In the matter of bounties on wild ani mals. Clerk's report (bowing that he bad Is sued warrants to the amount uf $12 00 be approved. In the matter of the niort of clerk and recorder for fees received during month o( Novemlstr. Clerk $282 00. Recorder $290 10. Or tleted that said isiiort be approved. In the matter of the report of viewers of damages on Fautoii road. Viewers report that the lands of K II Cooper would be rendered less valuable in the sum of $15 00; the lands of Win Gregory and John Hughes Grillith in the sum ol $35 00 and the lands of Jacob Kalhllttixch in the sum id $70 00. Ordered that report be approved an road ordered opened. In Ihe iimtter of the report ol viewers for the vacation of a portion of the Fan ton road. Ordered that said portion of said road lie vacated as soon aa another road is opened to lake its place. A night of Fun Frolic and Laughter. Music and merriment. New Music, Novelties, Specialties, College Stories, Stunts, Kts. Shively's Opera House SATURDAY EVE'G, DEC 27, 190? I n BlttlSI Kn rEMTS TICKETS AT HUNTLEY'S