Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
O.loii.."'i. lnBW OREGON Enterprise. TY OKWJON CITY, OKKdON, J1MDAY, DKCK MliKll 19, 1002, ESTABLISHED DCG Vol.. no. 7 () V. KASTII AM ArToltNF.Y AT LAW (.ami Tl' ! I'Atiinl'.t-d. Abt-ait Mule, IiumIh, Mur Kaiics Drawn. Money l.oannl (IKII K IIVHl Hank dI (in nun ( iy. (Hikoni Citv, Oh. JjU. FRANCIS FREEMAN, DENTIST - Oimliiiito of tlix Noithwistcrn Univer sity Dei (ill hchool, C 111. MK'. A No Aim rit nil College of Dental Hurj;. r Willamette Block, Oregon City. W. B. U'fUn 0. Btikasbsl U'KKN vt SOllllKUKI, AtturiH-yn t mw. pvutfiljcv iXbuoltat. Will practice hi nil coiliis, leak collections nml .Hiilrni' iiin i'l Fs'sies. Furnish ahstiaeis nl Mir, Iclnl you money ml Irhil your money on lirst nmrifiiB. Oftlco In Enter prlHO Building, Oregon 'li, Oregon, or..KI!T A MIU.liK ATTORN BY AT LAW Lnnil 'Fit tor nml l.ntul Ofllec I IiimIiichm it Hpcclnlry Will practice i " Com I of the State Hoom y WViiilinnl Rldg. Opji. Court House, Oregon City. Orcjjon XL. POUTER, . j. I ATTORNEY AT LAW astcti or raorisrr rt'iMiiHiu. 0cs oei lo Orrjou CUT fn' ri'rla. KO. 0. BROW SKI. I.. ATTORN F.Y AT LAW Oregon City. - " (,n'"" Will practirr In nil ihe courts of the it!". Oilier In Cauhelil building. (JK0.T. IIOWAUI) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE NOTARY PUBLIC At UtJ I'runt. Court House Block Oregon Cily, Orrgon W II I.UM liAI.I.UW AT ! Krvrltrcr Oii.t 1.. itarmas V. H. Land Ultic. II KIM IKS A- UAIXOWAY LANK Or Hi K p.l'MSF.SS Wi-inhard Building. JIVY STIPP Al lnllNKV AT IAW. Jnalire o( the l'l-aie. s Jagger It ilg.. OH-gon Ci'y 1 V.CAMPUKI.I., ATliiUNKY AT LAW, OaaooM oitt, Oaiuoa. Will nralllr 111 all tha court! at the aiata. Ol tea, I" l nri.'l'l I'Ui dim. Qij. D.O LA roUHKTl'l attorn kys and coi:nsklokh at law MAIN aTHKKT OKKOON CITY, OKKOON. rurtilnh Aliatraelt ol Till. Loan Money. Fore cloie MiNKK' ""'I tramact (lenrral !. Unalneaa. Qt A. STUAUT, M I). (Illlce In Willainelle IUlg. Oregon Cily, Oregon Olllis hours: 10 a in. lo 12 m., 1 to p. m, anil 7 lo p. m. Special attention Pi to Rheumatism aim Female Diaeaaes. Call atmwernl day or nigbt rpHI 0OMMKKCULBANK Of OKKOON C1TT. Capital, . 1100,000 taxniiiCTs a tnssAisanxiaaspsiasas. Ixiant maile. BUI dlscouBteil. Makes eel Uoliont. BuTiandMlliSichaniteoii allpoluw to tb Culted Htatea, Kurop and Hong goes. Papmlts received subjeot to eback. Hauk reap from 9 A. . U)4 f. u. 0. C. LATOUKETTB, President. " t. J. MKYER Casklsr. E. H. COOPER, ...Notary Public... Real Estate, Insurance, Title Examin ed, Abstract Made, Deed, Mortgage and Etc, drawn. with J. W. Lodkr, STEVENS BLOO, OREOAN CITY", O". GO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureut Britain and America. NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS Having found tint Benton RuMiit Shoe Company's UuIiIm t (icmhIh tiiiHittiHfactory, wc hove decided to lituidlc the .. . 4 . . J CELEBRATED WOONSOCKET RUBBERS tin) coming ti'uiMri. Thanking our i;itrotio for their gotn-rout: jiHtroiiiio in the punt, ami linking for a continuance of Miine. in the future. We are yourH to coiuiiiiind. fc J .4 k ,.4 4 4 McKITTRICK NIXT DOOR lO OREGON CITY BANK O: The Quality of Your Bread Di'iM-ndri not only partly but al together ujmjii upon. "The Ouality of Your. Flour." We . make the very bent - Portland Flouring mills Co. Oregon City Philipp Buckleln, Prop. Rear of Pope's Hardware Store Next to Oreeon City Foundry Building and Repairing of Machinery and Engines of all kind. iMunufaituring h rjieciblty the Free Patent Rotary KnMne. Afo keejiing in etiK-k, Shafting , Pul'lien, Bclfing etc. ... . OrUr by Mail or Tr1cbone .rouiitty filled, 1'RICKS MODKRATK OOul) WORK WARRANTED oocoo o fC losing 44-14 S i i i ! ? i H J j i s s-H - i I Toliday Shoppers for little money I-adies Heavy Plunh caps well made, fur trimmed regular price fil.OO now .1 W Cbildrens Cloaks trimmed with Black and Whtie Angnria U'oat Hair t big drive OSe Fine Bureau 8caif Fancy Worked regular 1 Z now 84c Little Fellows' Sweaters age 2 to year real fatxj-worth l-50 now l. 1G The real thing for grass All the above mentioned good I hare in cheaper and higher prices, which I cat Prices in proportion. Don't wait nntil the last minute. We sell load of goods daily. Come at once and we can wait on yon sooner, as our store Is crowded witb people most of the time. Everything in the store ii sold at a bargain. The entire stock must go before long. We are pretty well broke op on sizes in shoes and wet weather goods, and if yon can find anything to fit I guarantee yon a big saving. Remember, this is no fake sale, and no old shop worn rubbish that come here with a sale. All tay goods are of standard brands such as the Felix Kuha union made clothing, Hed Star and Orthopedic shoes, best brand of St. Louis Hats, U. H. shirts and collars, Eastern trunks and valises, Gilbert's dress triminingf, B. Hart silks and satins. Everything clean apd new this fall. M . O Main Street, Betf5th and 6th OCCGO "the shoe man." :Q Machine Shop a - - ti - ? M i i - ' HtJi N HM J 'H4-H-$4-H $--4-i-H-i-44-44 here is your opportunity to buy a whole lot read our prices and compare wi'h other stores. Ladies JackeU well lined and trimmed a few left $7.50 tegular now f1,?5 Don't over look this Children's Wool Hoods-trimmed with silk 75c value, now 4Hc. Fancy Pillow Shams former price $2.00 per pair, will sacrifice at $1.10 a pair Men' Fancy All-wool Suite Union Made-fit guaranteed $17.00 value, now If 12. 110 UNION STORE MICHAEL . :O'0L IIIKSCH DEAD 1 Pioneer Menhnnt f Portland Pawn Away. ltOBIF..T IJf OllKI.ON I0I.ITKS W fleeted, lo Orrgon Legislature In IKHU and M int-ter to lurkey In lnnil. ' rioloiiioii llimi li.llie pioneer mercrhanr, Minimr lo Toikey ilunnif llarnwni' A.liiiiiiixlrMii jii, ami lor 14 yrai a mem tr of li t Oregon l.t-jiinlalure Iroin .Viull lioiuali Coiiniy, ilif.l ol heart (allure at lila liome lo I'oilUnil, Momlay. Hih ileal h wan efi'iieiy tinexixMieil ami cauiM aa a great hIioi k to Iim liovia ol Irlemla in Oipoii. Wlnltt li hail tieen ill deveral wet-kit, anil Li'! ri-eo conlliieo to lilt room I'M aeveral ixraHiona, In! malaily noi ttioiilit likely to pr-.ive faui. piitnuj Hie Uhl two or Hire (I. )h lie lotil t-eo loiiriitiiig inure than imuaiiroiu Mm lierl trouhle, aij'l hia pliVxn iuii, Dr. A. J. (iiei-y, hdl hreii in lieqiiuiil alien. I Mineuiioii ii tin. AH Iho meiiiiiera uf liin family were Inline alien lie pacHeil away. A if aoou an the new 1 ol I in- ilealli Kninei iireulM llou, Bi:orea of rliw (riemla of I tie foe reaveJ called lo offer worili of roiiro a tion or oetil ineB-ae of eoinlolenre. In tni-liit'H anil ma ial uircleB rXireaaiorn of aurrow were uilliitleii with praiHe for the inaOT excellent . u all i le-d of the deceaoeil. Kery where there was a feel ing of alinont periwiial Iorh In the death of one o! i'oriland'l bent known, m int oct'eaaftil and tooat highly honored tlt ixeut. Ilia Early Career. Solomon tlirwh was born in Wurleni lerg, lieininny. March 2j. 18:59, au-l , therelore, tXi years and U nionlha old when he died, lie waa one of a family of 11 children, and liia parent being poor he waa early lu life coinpelleil to make bia own way in the world. He had been given a common achonl educa tion In the public achooln of Germany, and with only ihi- and an indomitable perseverance he net forth at the age of U year to erk bia furlune in the New World. 8oon after landinu in New Yok he aevured emoloyment as clerk in a atore in New Haven, Conn., and then beK'n the mercantile experience w hich ha lince made bun a man of wealth and a leader in the building of the commer cial interests of Portland. After a few months behind the counter in New II a en, be returned to New York, ami a lew weeks Utter went lo Rochester. N. II., where he was engaged s an office clerk at a email salary. Attracted by the opportunities that ottered tbemsel ves in tfie far Went, he came to Oregon in the,pring of 18.1R, and engaged in busi tieff at Dallas, I'olk County, in purtner fhii wnh hia brother, Kdward HiT-h. A fair measure of succeai attended the enterprji-e, and twi year later the Hiisch btothers removed lo Siivertou, o Outj Ladies unlined Skirlr all-wool 6 and 8 row of stitching, .with or without floui)ce-$7.50 val.-now $5.55 Cliililren'sSilk Band H at 8 worib $2.50 now $1.38 Large vari ety to electl.froiii. Boys all-wool sweaters-fancy stiipe to clean up this value 98c Men' Overcoats Union Made Best quality known $5.40 sod upwards PROP. O O O Oregon City, Oregon' o "w www W where ihey romfn ted a general mer - eliHiiilMe ! nrilil HH, When Solomon II irst-li sold ynt hi" inteieits ami went toN-ie,,, ioenu-g..i ,.,e, hn brother Mayer -In the (ail of l.vii h" ni t to Portland, win re lie haft nunc re ni led.' Aetlvs In Polities. In politics Mr. Hirech wan alwsi s act ive and airiiresaive, ami hi" infliience waa alway felt in (he shap ng rif (tie policiea ol Hie Kepuliliian party, with which he affiliated. He was a delegtla to nearly every Keprihlir ari county convention mi I late convention for 40 jrais, slid Hervd four terms ss cliairman of the P.epubli-i-an Male Central Committee. Ilia lirt eiiori in ioiitic was a torecai 01 itie siiccea whicli lis atlrmle'l him since lor in HI'A he worked for and secure I the aeleu'ion of his brother, Mayer llirwh, ss a delegate lo the Nili..tial ronvention which noniiiialed Abraham Linci In for his second term. To a very piecing manner in toa bnxineaa reiatimia, a read iueaa to grant any favor within hia povier and a failhhiliieaa to his friends, his sue cea in ihtic was largely due. The nlficial career of Solomon II rch liegan in 1H72, when he a as elec'ed a member of Ihe Oregon llouae ol Heire tentative " a iiieinlier fro'n 'iii'ln'iinh Coiiniv. The hiiHineH ability itlrea'y ilemone'raled in his private life g.iined for him the chair iiiaiiMiip of the u mid means committee, the tnoet import Hnd comini'tee in the lyeifHlatnre. Candidal for V. H. Henate. In 1H85, at the solicitalioii of Ida friends, Mr Hirsct) became a i atnlid ite for United (State Meiia'or. and in the memorable campaign which followed be lacked but a few votes uf election. Find ing that bia election waa impossible, be advised his friends to turn to some otl er man upou whom s maj ir.ty rnuld agree. Ixiyal to the last, they refused to do this, hut continued to vote for him until the fall of the gavel announced the final ad journment uf the Legislature. , Minister t Turkey, 18M. In 1H89 President Harrison appointed Holooion Hirsch Envoy Extraordinary and Miois'er Plenipotentiary to the em pire of Tuikey. Mr. llirwh was in Kurope at ilia lime, and npun learning of his appointment be visiieAl Crmtan tinople and theo returned to America for his credential. 11 is apoointmeut re ceived universal approval in Oregon ami was taken as a recogiiiuun not unly of the worth of the man but a!so of the pirt Oregon hal laken in the presidential election. The banquet tendered Mr. ILrsch at the Concordia Club on 0,,toier 22, two days before his departure (or Constanti nople, eclipsed any event of a similar nature ever given iTi Portland, and was a filling testimonial of Ihe warm place in the hearts tf the people of this city. Ihe banquet was arranged by the Port land Board of Trade, tile details of the event being in charge of a committee comprised of President John Mt'Craken, D maid Mai lea y, Char en F. Beit", E. . Kotbctiild, Ben felling, D. M. Dunne and V Lowengart, The decorations in the elubroom were all that th florist's art could produce. Ar uud the leslive board were gathered all of Portland's most prominent citizens and all were (here lo show their gratification over the honor that had been conferred upon Mr Hirscb and tlie btate ot Oregon Donald Maclety presided as toastmuiiler and toasts were responded to by Judge (ieorge II. Williams, General John liib bon, John Mct'raken, Uoverner Penn oyer, Mayor De Laslituutt, D. Solis Cohen, British Viee-Conanl James Laid Uw, J. W. Whalley and F. D McKee. Though he refused to be a candidate for office since his retirement from the Slate Senate in 18H5. Mr. Hirsch was al ways active in politic. He was a charter member of the. James G. Blaine Republican Club, which was organized in 1887. and was several times a delegate Irom that club to the . Stah) League of Republican Clubs. . .In the I act few months "tie has been frequently men tioned as a possible successor to United State Senator Simon, though he was not in any sense a candidate for that office. In 1870 Mr. Hirch married Miss Jose phine Mayer, eldest daughter of Jacob Mayer, besides the widow, be loaves three dangntera, Ella, Mai and Cle.nni- line and one son, banlord, all residents of Portland. Loyal to His Faith. Io religion Mr. Hirsch was a Hebrew and was a loyal adherent and supporter of his church. He was president uf the Temple Beth Israel congregation. He was a S2d degree Mason and was s mem ber of the following 'odges of that order: Lodge, rio. 2. A. r . & A. M. : Oregon Consistory, No. 1, Scottish Rite Masons, snd Al Kader Temple, No. 1, Ancient Order of tbe Mystic Shrine. Mr. Hirsch was of a benevolent dispo sition and gsve liberally of his wealth to many charities to a quiet snd iucon spicuoos way. : 1 TLn iiew to-OsY column of The Enter prise contains tnanv readers of Interest to tbe general public. Something new every week. If yon want employment or require MpV if you want to borrow money or have money to loan, if you have anything to sell, use tbe new-to day colomp. Strayed Prom Borings. A cow and calf, cow three rears old in spring, mostly white, with red on neck and head ami some spots on body, ear marked, two splits in right ear.' Cow has long, straight horns, wide apart ; calf, red spotted ; steer, with ear marks the same ss cow. Anyone giving the owner any information will receive $5.00. Cow had small bell tiej on with a rope when last seen. C. F. Kkstefson, Barton, Oiegon. W'hnt'n In a aine. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. C. DeWitt &. Co., of Chicago, discovered, some veirs ago, bow to make a salve from Witch Hasel that is a specific for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, bruises snd all skin diseases De Witt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Geo. A. Harding. i HO.tltll OF C0 1 IStlOM K j . , . . Hf"'Ur I'"-, n.ti.r T Tin ofirieC. On ri. lin'T Joha l.ewellen, T. H. Klllln, and m. Ilrobak, Cormnlaalopaf a. Srie of On 'on, county of Clackmi a. 15 fore tl e leiard of roiin.y coiiimia eior er-, of the etnle of Oregon for ins C ,ll"lv of ('lackama". ' lie il reuieinlM-reil, Th it at a r tei m of Ihe Itoar.l of Coillily C"liuiiia eioneia (or Ihe coiintv ol Cliikain. etle nl Oregon, he:i)n n I held at (he I court liuii.e in eaid ( nniy an-l ni.iie or I Wednesday, the 3 I nay r.f Iiecemiier, al ) 10 o'ela k a. in., of -aid day to transit j coiimy biiaineHa when .-re preaenl If.n. , J..i, Lewell,-n, lion f ft Hurt, I Wilium Uioh-t. coiiimir-Mioiiera : K. Miver, eherilf; F. A. SleiaUit clerk. In the matter of warmuis lran in vucaiion. 0en Perry snpno't i dm .ones : Mn H i-a i'reii.:.:. r K l-n Bridges) . . . I J W hmes support J K !'; ton i Win S otl suimort f A M Pa ton.. I l rs 1 1 at lie Woods ; I F.I h- Md.i r siiit Divi I Mortiiinira T J Drake eupt K.izid.ili Wilhuii 11 nj 10 u) s i 0 11 50 :m no .i (n :jo ( o A) 0' in ii) 8 00 N CO 7 00 If) 00 7 00 10 hO 6 (r) d (K 8 CO 7 uf 12 00 i:i oo in co P rn ! ieytai -upDorT J i J , M rtinliley supt Mr- iirmil-t.iir. Henry l-wis M Kruger , A hce t'arr supiairt J me Carr L Matheeou iim Pir.le, "' C E linrnt aiipport Johanna . . . .1 J (i rhe't support l m tiioue. . J M Hei kan support Ca-1 (ja Ike King Bohall eupt PtniTfe Hastings Khas filler siipKirtCC Lewis... Mary Haley supt Janiei Wilson.. E AiihiIii support Ira Phillips.... Enlora Younger ff ('0 John Avirm 8 00 Mrs Adams 15 CO ieo Muoiiev supt liotlfrey .-chuule 8 CO Mr Mary Volchers 8 0 W T Tinsley , . . 5 ( .S B Peppel 5 i o M rs N A Cl.irke...,. 10 00 W Tijardner Boys & liirla Aid So 10 -.0 f. . los er, L, Kevuoids & family E ri Wneeler ..." 8 CO 8 00 ro u 10 1-0 10 CO I Mrs B Mieohani Mrs Hcoggins Kool WhkUaui indigent soldier.. John II Churchill indigent' soldier O lrv Mrl fc Valentine county charge 10 CO Ordered thai a Warrant fur $6.57 t lira u in favor of J. Stewart lor s.l amount. In the matter of the resignation of . Wa ter Wilson, supervisor ol road di lrictNo2. Ordered that said resignation be ac cepted. In ihe matter of the appointment of I . D. Jones supervisor of load district o i. , Il is ordered that raid L D Jones tag appointed supervisor ol road district 2 ro b.l the unexpired term of Waoi-i Wilson resinned. , ' In tlie matter of rerports of road snja-r- visors. Dist No 1. IiiuuiiA Paulson .. $ fl 7ft Harry irufiili , 24 u0 Pe-cy St Clair . 5 :"5 F Zimmerman 3 CO H Si ii, key ! :', m W 11 Couneell 12 CO Dist No . J C bllioit A Co. ...$ 3 !)d A 11 Knzau ..... 25 00 Diet No 4. K II Curnii $4 50 Allien Kitching , 4 50 A E AlBpaugh... 1 50 Dist No 5 O A Palmer $14 50 S S Waybill 0 00 J SBudsall 40 00 K . BiMsall ". 16 50 E Hickey 13 85 E Utiger 10 5ft; 11 Bright , 20 24 A Hera 8 Lfr W B White 1 51) A Rich. 150 Dist No 6. Thomas A Clark $1 50 J H Revenue. 3 00 .1 If Wewer 1 93 Dist'No 7. J as Fegelee $10 00 Dist No 9 ' - Peter Held $1 00 Julius Paulsen... 5 00 W Guhlenaapf 75 Monti Graienhain 1 50 Henry Johnson 2 10 Dist No 10. Hiracy 9 00 Frank Rhodes 5 00 CDuse 9 G Krigbanin 1 50 C Sarver 50 W R Outfield 22 Tj (Continued on page two) Smith's Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon one application,- three to six removes all dandruff aui will stop falling bsir. Price 50 cents at druggists. THE OLD RELIABLE Absolutely Pure THERE 15 A'J SU3SX7UTZ . ; ' r