Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 12, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Come In And See How
A jn d How
I have plenty ol mutiny to loan nt 0'
mt rent interest on real estate sei-unly, j
also money to loiill oil chattel mortgages. ;
lioKlmS V.. II.IYKN.
ItcV. C. W. Pngiie will IHCUPV tin pill- I
I it ol the South Methodist church, this,
city, Sunday morning. The regular i
pastor, Rev J. W. Craig will pre eh at
Teaitel Crick, morning and evening, j
Ruth Williams, a iniiior chili), who;
was tiikell fnmi the fhildieh'a home, hy
Mr. and Mrs. George Hamuli, win i"r
iiihII)' adopted hv them, Wednesday, In
the county court helore Judge Thus. F.
Ti. Ii..in.l,t,.r nt tlni Kim? heli) R very
snrrrwful hiir hiit Suliirihiy evnniin! in i
WiMiiliimii IimII. A inourHin Win reml-
ernl uml ilunnni: i ti . I nl in until 12 j
o'clock. liefri'HlimeiilH were mm veil Hllil J
a ni'Bt sum wim nelteil Irmii tho vcntnri. i
The npi-roach of ('hrintnms i eini'lm-sizi-il
hv tin. iieiiii!ice in linue iiiiinli
tliHotthe henulilul miHllelii. Si'VimhI
small hiiyn urn hriniiinit it into town
trom some ohk iirovi s near New Y.tfi inl
fur the small mum. ol leu cents they sell
line Ime iiiHiility.
Another ilivorcH unit waii fileil in the
circuit C"iirl Wcilm-mlay in wli ch T. K.
Wallace I'Uiut i tT anil .Martha A. Wal
lace ilelen l int. This lima the plea is
cruel iiu l inhumane treatment nllt'k'"l
to have I n cuiiKt.inlly kIiowii lilaiulilt
ever since their mairieil life.
At St. rani's church the iihuh! services
will he Im-IiI on Sunihiy next. At 11
nYlockthe suhject of the. sermon will
he "St John the ISaptlM's Ponhl," anil
Ht (Iih 5 o'clock eveniiiiJ service "The
"Higher Stumhirl". At this service the
Youiik I.a.lies' timirtetti) will sin.
Kveryoiio mailt' welcome.
Alice Sninmers, nn unlortunate lie
(tiuierate, of rortiand, was intoxicated
.Unnihiy niyht on the streets of Oregon
(. liy Bin) wsh immureil in the city j il
in order that she minht be sohere.l U1.
This ix one of a very few canes of this
kind when a woman appears on the
streets of this fair city under the influ
ence of liquor.
Florence 15. Wih-oxJuiB sued her hns
d, II. I). Wilcox, for divorce. The
..I. .iuin.1 in ln.r ronuilaint are lie-
and In U
for over a year prior to this tun
he complaint is a 'demand lor $15
wrmanent alimony for plai,nt
nuance. I'rofessor Wilcox
I the Miitttrintemlcncy ol the
in this city.
-. A few copies of the
puhlic schools
Nkw Codb Otr.
flew llpllin.ri. -n.
Cotton's Annotated
n this city and are
of one or two at
' Annotated Coile
bill, the index
'nsuflicient ior
present new
Code have arrived I.
low in the poinesflim.
orqeyi. The old Hill
lias lontf failed to (ill tlfc
lieing incomplBte and
ltrnun a ... .
s, compris-
cAiyriiiMifs, 1110
ode is quite as lure as 1 Iih
HiK two lartfe volumea.
rrofPHHor rrontiss, principle
Mem Side tendered a dHli,iitful pk
1'is class of students Monday niKL
t he residence of Mr. and bin. J.
ilehay. The time was pleasantly epe.
'n Kanies and minii- f,.iu-.i f.:..
on the
rly to
t nt
..-..I ......
Irani who f caches the primary depart
1 rofetwr I'rentiw in the entertainment.
and 'Vcryl)Mly who hcim
Our fine Holiday Stock is full of Quality, Variety, Beauty and Good Taste. It is easy to select fron supplies
exactly what you want, audit would bo a mistake to buy before you see it. Remember,, this splendid a33ortmm!;
contain s T ho. Right Thing lor Every Perso n Old Middle-Aged or Zoung.
M'tt take it for nr.niti"! Unit your hcrt are in this rilit jilnx-o thin year, just as they always have been, in the jaM, and that you feci
the hiuiio generous il'-sirc to rcinciiila-r those you love w it li ajijiropriiite ami desirable. Christinaa gifts this Hmsori as hen-totae. We
arc tlnTflnro pleased to announce to you that we have laid in a large and very com pk-te assortment of beautiful iw Holiday good?,
perfectly adapted to tin; wants of warui-lienrt'.-d gift-miikers. Our stock is ho extensive and varied, and withal so carefully selected,
that we do. not see how(we can fail to plea every single is-rsim who in looking lor. a desirable and appropriate gift for anybody, oIJ
or voting. W'u wish to make our Holiday announcement thin year particular!)' a talk to your jocket-hook. We are Ruing to he tbe.
people's Santa (Minis thin season just iih far as the inexorable laws ' business will permit, by soiling you Christmas gifts cf all kind
nt the lowest scale of prices known to linm-st trade, We are going to make your money far-reaching and profitable in tim exchange
for Christinas gifts. We want you to come in and see how liltlo it takes to secure suitable and appropriate gifts for those you desire
to renumber. For weeks past wo have lalmred industriously to pivpure for the Holiday trade, and our store is now fairly shining
witli a beautiful array of ('hristinag gifts. Special pains and much careful consideration was expended to make ti collection o(
. Christmas goods one which shall include something really desirable for every individual, from the youngt to the oldest. We have
made it a point to have great variety in goods of all prices, ranging from the merest trifle upwards, in order that you may make gissl
selections at any price you feel able to pay. Having thus smoothed the way for all classes of buyers by grading and assorting our
stock in such a way as to im-d the needs of those w ho have little as well as thoe who have much to spend, and having marked all
cur jj'oods at the lowest jsissilile figures, we feel that we deserve ytmr latronage, ---...
JDon't Mis Our Holiday Display
i:crj hal trlniineil or iinirliii-iik-iI
al it r-iil reilurlloii.
A 4IIiiiHIi
Old Captain Dundy, who i now H.I
years old and has la-en on the sea almost
constantly sime a mere vouih, wan in(
the citv Wednesday. It will he re.
nienils-n-d by ln frien I Mi this city
tuat (he old captain formerly had a boat
hoii-s on ti liver lielow the Y. M. ( A
and niiiile his living hy mukln boats
and rcutiiiK tin-in out. l"u t .i t ii Itnudy
is now in the boat liiisiiiesa i.ear I'ort
hind mid in the sutuuier moii'lis has a
lanfe clahs of chilihen wliuiu he teaches
sw iiiiiiiiiin
The Kulvatinn Armv of Oreunl) Vitv, is
itcrtrin,' to comfort and cheer the chil
ihen at Christmas. We Mre arranm
to luiM' a t'liriMtmaa tree on which will
be clothes, toys, food, candies, apples,
etc. We rely on the (food people ol Ore
lion City to help us in this wot thy ell'ort
as they' have ever ihme in the past.
Should you havei-ist ulf" clothes which
are Koisi we can use them. We need
toys, loud, clothes, cund'ca, apples and
money. Snoiiid you wish to send your
donation or have sivmi! one to call for it
notify l.ieut. li. Jones, 1". U. Hox 4.ll
On Friday evi-nini; the St. Acnes'
(iuild of St. VbuI's churi-h will hold a
"Ullage Fair" at Willani Hall.
Manv veiv inettv and tasteful tilings
will he for sale. The programme for the
evenimr is as follows; I ron) 7 to 8::'.0
P. M. a social time and sale; from , S:M)
to about II :4' a no"d and enteitainini:
prorainme hy amne of the htsl talent
in Oregon City; from hi to 1- daiicini;,
music to be" furnished by Turney's
orchestra. Admission for the evening,
twenty live cents.
"mh i( fnr friends livinir around
Jones' 'saw mill are irittini; really more
water than they know what to no mm.
All alotiK the banks ol the Aherneihy
the water lias ovei flowed the sidewalks,
r...,,l..rln.r uulliiriif verv a.ilnoiis and
next to itnpossihle. Kvery year this
muddy little stream rises, to consider
able height but such An overflow as is
now witnessed is a rare sitfht. The old
bridge near the old Nwope resilience lias
Iouk since been washed away and if the
,.r..m.nl ruin e'lntinlles the Water is SUIS
to encroach into the old brick yard.
The party t?iven by members of the
Dickens Club last Thursday evening at
the residence of Mrs. Theodore Clark
was the social event of the season. The
bouse was norneonslv decorated with ev
ergreens and yellow chrisantliemiinis
and the ell'ect w.s channintf. About
seventy jjueits responded to invitations
issued and a thoroughly interestinitt ime
was spent in progressive games and an
old fashioned "spelling ichool," with
Hon. C. II. Moares as school master.
Several musical numbers were enjoyed
and dainty refreshments served.
Hecretary Leavens is endeavoring, this
week, to have a New Year's social at
the Y. M. C. A. parlors New Year's eve.
It is his present aim to devote the ore
part of the evening to basket ball aad
baseball games, to be followed with re
freshments and a literary prograuirr.e.
After the exercises a watch meeting will
be held to give both young and old a last
opportunity to watch the old year die
and the now one ushered in. Further
notice will be made at a later date and
n New Year's evening, if nothing un
fseen arises to interfere, an enjoyable
will be offered the general public.
rm i, j. ji'
our lieauttful Display of Holiday AtlractioiiH, is glal of it.
Satisfactory Christmas Shopping
Far We Can
County Clerk F. A. Weight, has re
ceived several sets of the new Oregon
Code from the Stare department at Sa-h-in,
and he will no dnect his attention
to the distribution ol them to the county
olliclals. One set each will Le sect to
the roiinty judge shenir. treasurer, j
clerk, one to each of the three cominis- i
sinner, and one to the justice ol ,,,,,. w,rn anil Wlird B. L.wton,
l'- 'both of Mi. Pleasant. Kev. P. K.
... , ... . .,-,, ' Hammond performed the ceremony,
M.ss Anetts (.leasou. win. is tea.hing U(- EpilM!orMl Mrvice.
a successful term of sch at Jo t es LHa N. SwatlVd, ol Salem and
school home on the Aherneihy, is now Ml.LlUk!tlin 0f Milwaukie, set
planning to have a special Christmas e- ; hridesmaid and Ust man. Little
terlainmeiit at her school the day before ; .. , K ()re!Wj jn einbroij.
Christmas. Shewn have her I' '
sing aim renin es...rs -..r. m ...
vite some one from the out side to come I
in and deliver short address to tier
pupils. Miss (ileascin has an enjeipris
ing school ot about thirty pupils and
their work is piogressing beautifully.
limit Watkh Ci.oskii Ih-ks High
water on Monday necessitated closing
down tlie locks oil the west side of the
river. It was not necessary howevnr to
keep the big ittiies closed long, f r Tues
day the hili waier began to subside a
little un I uiili'ss this rain should fall with
unusual violence they need not he again
closed. All d.t' long, heavy logs meas
uring (mm ten feet lo fifty are hurrying
down the Tiver under the increasing;
pressure of the current and it is no little
tik on the pait ol the host me i to keep
clear of these dang 'rolls obstacles.
K. T. Pivis. who ons a tahundred
acre farm at Garfield, was in the city
Wednesday. Mr. Ihivis is one of the
i i ,. i.:..u I I iMii. hpa
lUIUIIinir HllllH-'O " nv.ni ii.'
the new electric line snd us Mr. Havis
ha over 40 acies of lino timber adjoin-
inirVlin line he will most ceitainlv make
x.Hipv ll savs fioin the nresent out
look unless the weuther improves the
company cannot have toeir line in run
ning order before July. Mr. Pavis re
ports that the people generally are
pleased lo see ihe company extending
their lines into his neighborhood.
The many devoted ladies of the Ger
man Lutheran church held a fair on
Main street in the Catifield building,
Wednesday afternoon, and many beau
tiful pieces of needlework were soli.
The room, was well filhd with pretty
Christmas gift and the way they sold
was more than gratifying to the ladies of
the church. This was the first affair of
the kind held on Main street under the
Auspices of the Indies of this church and
their efforts so productive of good results
at this time will encourage them to re
peat the sale again next year.
Last Saiurday a picked team of husky
football players played a one sided game
of ball againtt the Holmes Business Col
tage on the West side of the river at
Willamette Falls. The home team was
made up of Borne new talent from the
Barclay school and the town but their
work was by no means without its good
points, for the young lads pushed the
poor Holmes College team, at w ill, all
over the field, and at no time during the
game was the home goal in danger. At
the close of the second half the scote
stood 10 to 0-in favor of Oregon City.
Teams are now lieing organised between
the 11th gntde on one side and the Sev
enth and tenth on the other. Just when
the game is to tome off is vet undecided
but when it does there will be a fierce
contest for supremacy.
ana cmkjbmse
Can Be Made,
3B R
Mllllil Af.KS.
A very
pretty home
welding cere
Locust Faim.
monv w as
performed at
tiiu r..wiu nf lb. briilw'u mnrttpr. Mrs. K.
, k Wl.dnesdav after-
ered white dress which was sent to the
ifamiv froin Kngland
many years ago,
J t - ..;.l 'CI,A Hm tt-ao
' beautifully decorated in red and green.
i The ceremony was performed under a i
riJ i mn ii.intri leni. Aim
oeautiful arch, Irom which was sus-
tiended a white dove and the initials
"W. L." Mendelssohn's wedding march
was artistically rendered on tlu violin
by Miss Bessie Brown, of Portland, a
cousin of the bride, ably accompanied
on the piano hv Miss Helen K. Ktggs.
"O Promise Me" was played during the
After the congratulations, the wedding"
party, consietingof thirty-three relatives
and friends, repaired to the dining room.
i which was handsome with pinK u-cora-j
tions, and partnok ol most delicious re
i frMslmivnta. The throwini! o! the bride's
boqnet followed and .Miss 'Katherine
Casto, of Mdwaukie, was the captor of
the trophy.
The wedding presents were, very
numerous and beautiful S9 well
as use-'
fi.l u,...r..riru Blinnimr Him hi.'h
! utui iii which tli reci nients are held.
Both of the contracting parties are well
j known and popular, being among our
i very best young people. We loin w itli
their manv friends in
wishing them a
most prosperous and
through life.
happy journey
Mr. Charles K. Mcldrum, of this cily,
was united in holy wedlock to Miss Ktbel
II. Lakin at the bride's home in Milwau
kie Wednesday noon hy Kev. P. K.
Hammond, of St. Paul's Episcopal
church, this city. Mr. Meldrum is
well known in this city as he has been
in the employ of the O. W. P. fc R. Co.
for a number of of years and Miss Lakin
is equally well known and as highly
t at Milwaukie. Their manv
friends in the city and community wish
for them every felicity possible. They
will probably reside at Milwaukie where
Mr. Meldrum is head electrician for the
Railway company. .
Mr. George Tatterson of Portlond, and
Miss Bertha Ellen Scott, of this city,
were niarried at Highland Sunday, Dec.
7, at 3 o'clock. Tne bride is a sister of
Mrs. K. T. Marshall, and the groom is a
son of Hon. I. L. Patterson, collector of
customs. The couple will reside at
Highland where Mr. Pattetson is en-
gag.d in business.
Mr. John C. McClelsn, of Vhat3omb,
Wash., and Mrs. R. Chittock, formerly
of Spokane, but now of Oregon City,
were married at the parsonage of the
South Methodist church Monday even-
ling, at 5 o'clock, Rev. J. W. Craig of-'Delating.
Corne to headquarters
How Well We Can Fill Your Wants.
Your Money Go.
SiherJWeilding Aiiuirersarj Celebrated
at l).im.i-cii.
Monday evening, December 6ih,
witnessed a happy assembly of ladies
and gentlemen at tire home of Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Coike, Damascus. Another
mile stone in their lives was passed, ii
being the twenty-fifth anniversary ot
their marriage, and to do honor to this
memorable event, many friends had
assembled from far and near to pay
their respects and have a jolly good
time. .
The home was tastefully decked with.
a variety of beautiful ferns, mistletoe
n.t variirated leaves and this with the
ami vnr ir imi ifHvcn nun viii win. ...u
.hppv faces and continual merry-uukiii(
0f t,e' unests added to the whole scene a
benny rarely surpassea.
At an eariv Hour me kubsis bsoc.u
bled.and f rotn then on inio the smal
i,,,,a r,r Hib f.illowin dav. fun. such as
onlv a silver wedding can provone,
i.... i i.n .Lr.i'ul in nlfasiirahle reminis
ruiLinH. snoieme. n ueii mi'n
cence and to the narration of the happy
events of by gone days, a sumptuous
luncheon was participated in anil greatly
enjoved. Manv valuable gifts were
leii with Mr. atid Mia. Cooke as tokens
of esteem, all of which w ill he kept as
happv reminders ol this most pleasuroble
of occasions.
Tho-e present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. llowlette, Mr. Hiid Mrs. Wesiey
Dougloss, Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Cooke,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Forbes, Mr. muiA
vtra i;n tlnwel . Mr. ami Mrs. uta.
....... 1 f f'.uiliu . llrhprt (uoke.
i I wa Pmlre. Linden Cooke. W
i...,a.j..v... w-- i
, y. y. Cisike, Subina Co )ke, h.uoey
I t'ooke, Walter Foster, Miss Ethel
! Fster. Frank Foster, Jose Douglass,
Theodore Howell. Mrs.
N. M. Shaw,
MwtoQ, J. 1.
Miss Maudie Shaw, J. R.
Woodle.J. J. Cooke.
Silver Wediliug Anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Albright
were given a surprise party Friday even
ing in honor of the occasion of their
twentr-tifth wedding anniversary. The
affair was a complete surprise and de
lightful time was enjoyed. As-an evi
dence of the high esteem in which the
couple are held in the estimation of their
frit.i-.ila. a beautiful silver Jea set was
presented bwthe guests. Among those
present were: -ur. anu jiro. him. v.""
field, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Moody,
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Charman, Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Boll;ng-r, Mr. and Mrs. U. A.
Harding, Mr. ana lrs. I., i-. rorier, .nr.
and Mrs. Eugeue Hedges, Mr. aud Mrs.
W. H, Howell, Mesdames Draper, F.
Miller, M. E. Barlow, H. C. Stevens,
Geo. Warner, Misses Rosa Miller, Muriel
StevenB, Messrs Lee Harding. Harry
Draper and Will Logus.
Attention, G. A. R-
Gen. M. L. Pratt, department com
mander, and his staff will make an offi
cial visit to Meade Post, No 2, G. A. K.,
on Saturday, IVc. 20th, 1902, at 1:30
oclock In our hall. All comrades are in
vited to be present. A grand good time
is expected. After the meeting refresh
I tnents will be served by the W. R. C,
Come one, come all, and shake hands
with oar distinguished visitors.
Bv order of Committee.
L. W. Inqbam,
Commander Meade Post.
$4.00 SENT FREE!;
The Well-Kaown Specialist, I RAXKLIX
.VILE, M. D. LI. U , will en(ll.0O
Worth of His, Complete Treatment
Free ti Our Keadsrs.
There never was a bettea opportunity
lor persons siiJV-ring from diseases of the
heart, nerves, liver, stomach or dropsv
to lest, free, a well tried, and Complete
Treatment feat these disorders. Dr. Miles
is known to. be a leadiag specialist hi
these diseases, and his liberal offer is
certainly rwthy of serious consideration
by every afflicted reader.
His eye'jem of treacnt is thoroughly
scientific and immensely superior to the
ordinary methods. l includes several '
remedies carefully selected to suit each
individittl case and is the final result of
ivdniir.livi) vosra nt varv ftxtanaive re-
searclL, and experittnee in treating this
. . diseases. Each treatment con-
sists J a curativd-elixer, tonic tablets.
lurivA nibs atti'.nAiiallv a claster. F2x-
tenjive statistic clearly demonstrate
hat Dr. Milen Vreatuient is at least
three times as successful as the usual
Thousands of remarkable testimonials
Jroui prominent people will be setit free.
These show Dr. Miles to be one of the
world's mosb successful phvsicians
Col. E. li. Spileman, of the Mb United
States Regulars, located at San Diego,
t Cal.. save, " Dr. Miles' Special Treat
ment haa worked wonders in my soa a
c-a!-e whan all else failed. I had employed
the hes medical talent and had spent
f'.'.OOOr in s.- doing. I tvelieve he is a
wonderful specialist. I consider it my
duty to recommend him." "For years
I riu.l RPi-erK trouble with mv stomach.
my head, neuralgia, sinking spells and
dropsy. Yonr treatment entirely cured
me," writes Hon. W. A. Warren, of
Jamestown, N. Y.
Mr. Julius Keister, of STiO Michigan
Avenue, Chicago, testifies that Dr. Miles
cured him after ten able physicians bad
failed. Mrs. R. Trimmer, of Greenspring,
Pa., was cured alter many physicians
bad pronounced her case "hopeless.
As all alllicttd readers may haveHOO
worth of treatment especially adapted to
their case, free, we woold ad'vise them to
send for it at once. Address Dr. Frank
lin Miles. 203 to 205, State Street, Chi
cago, 111.
heu writing please mention this paper
Cured of lUe After Forty i er
Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had
iKa niLa f.-iv fnrtv vaara nnrtnra and
dollars cmld do bim no lasting good,
llAllNlCa VV'ilnli Ilaval Kulva flirAil him
A V ' ' ... O ' 1 1.1. "-' " '
permanently. Invaluable for ccts,
burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, ec
zema, tetter, salt rheum, and all other
skin diseases. Look for the name De
Witt on the package all others are
cheap, worthless counterfeits. Geo. A.
Tf you feel ill and need a pill
Why not purchase the best ?
DeWitt's Early Risers
Are little surprise,
Take one they do the rest.
W. II. Howell, Houston, Tex., writes I
have need Little Early Riser Tills, in my
family for constipation, sick headache,
etc. To their use I am indebted for the
health of my family. Geo. A. Harding.