OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECKMNI? mm Orhgox Cirv Enterprise. cn v ami (iiim v limmi. run:. Pubhhoil LIv.M y I-'i ulay. 1,. L. rOIMKK, Phopkiktoii. Subscription Rates. . The World's Greatest Stare of Gold. I. simy,.,! From iiui-hun. . I A cow and calf, cow three yiir uM in MiiniiR operations aro again aouxe in mo i rn-: luot-ilv w tiiio, itl ril on neck M l 1 t!i! year liaving reaolieil .-i total ol 1,I.V.),., ounce. (,ln(i Hirai.i .ni., ii,.ri ; I: I K J r i ' - J VV LO lihe the figure i niueh l.e!ow those tor the years cui, ml upottod ; Me,.r. ith mm J 1S07, I SI'S aiul 1SM, it makes a fair showing against ,., n). ini,rmti..n illiv.-.Uv '..(M. .p th l,74,r5 minora for IS'.Hl, ami there is a vorjf t'" '" ',a ' "' bix.: I marked reeovery from the years IVlH) ami li'Ol. In 1!00 operations closed after the fust three I months with hii aggregate output of !."S,W onuees. One year $2 00 1 They were not resumed again until May, l'.'Ol, and Six months 1 00 ' the- total for that year was ,'!S,;,.1 miners. Tor ten Trial subscription, two months ......... -'' lths 0I this ve.'ir it eomes to .:?' 1 .0 1 J. A discount of oO eents .mi all subscriptions lr one' . , ,. , , i,,, .-.,.,., f,, ,.,, I, ,f i ...I, , ' ineena.f imh im ih..i ..u,,. ......, . " ; worhl wide importance, 1 he product ot the I rans- j ami hie. It riiiv nr no ti v. Only ".V Ivaal in ISi'S was the largest of all the gMd producing i y'1 ' 'r' w lieu IhhI hi'i'ii . C K. Kkm'khm n, I H.irl'in, i ii'iiuii. 1 7 'I lie I'rltle ol'.lloroi'. . MilllV RoMiem ill tlio III"! Wur ttnilo ii hiv Unit for Si-iiilWu'H, ttruines, I'uix. 1 i Wound, t'oniH, Sunt Kifl un. I hull' vl J. lints, lliii'kleii'n Arnica. SmIvh i Hie lr) IwkI limit; hi lh'' hI, Niiiiic (nr ItiiriiH, Scald, lluils, I'lllTH, Skill t II l loll H AOVKKTISlNd It ATI'S tX AITUCATION. Suhsorilvrs will find the date of expiration stamped on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoflioo at O e-oti City, Oregon, as ' r(Wllt r,.prt 0f the din otor . second o!a matter. I , . , . , ,. ,.i ,. i country, where in a total worm s countries, its value heing $7S,070,(i7 1, as agan stlll.'i,-OS-2, l.'iO for the American product and 4ti,2.'-" I, IS t for the Australasian. And for the first nine months of 1S00 the tisiures were unprecedented. If the rate had heen maintained through l'ctoher, Noveinher and IV ceiuher all records would have been heaten, there or elsewhere. The effect of the check mav he seen in of the mint in this! product of !5y:?;i; I,. I 00, $7S,i;i;i(,700 is assigned to the I'nited States,! Kur Sali'. Three rtitiitrt. I lnirt Imrnml lui(ir, nire.1 liy Hik tlill I.h.I, l.iiV.mi, ,rtJ n I Miimune 171 1 111, l 8 inn el vh, 'J hull nixl tl ticiliTH, I nv l."r. liny i)i ii iii, ulso three enlN 2 I'mmI t'en Imn, 1 linn ll o,r.M inn.' nriki to work. All l.iinlix'k will l) ;iuiiiiit I i reii. riHeiiteil. tK lill" k Sf'CK I' VliM. ('in rmxt ilii', Ou''tn, Progress in Postal Reform. The features of the l,tmasier C!eneral's report that are of fjKvial puhlie interest are th" portions jiertaining to the progress made in Sin cil ul ariii.'n llrliiU. I know I woiiM Inn,; Inn,- t . i 7li,S(V2tO to Autral:.sia. and hut !',0i.:.r.O to 1" ",v n'"" s. II. Neu-eme et ' ' I I H nr, A!., il il li nt ii.it I n (,.r Africa, l'.y this time the Transvaal might have aild-1 Kieetne I'.ciitm. K,r ihrfi-ye I mu- .1 .... I,,.., 1 l., lli., l..tl tl' Ih.r.. I,.,.l 1. le'eil Ulltnl I Uri'MiV tr mi 1 1 1 K ttiirnt o,,H m vile it ii ii' ,i. ,i iiiiiii.'i. , - nv ,. i, , ii . 4i.,. v. 1 1 no lot r war. i m.i.i i.. : i...i.,..i .. ii .... :.. US UVai ill'ie M MM lliun'ui'ie,i y un- tn 111' .'t III I w ; j.i ,i . , , . 7' I' ' Sinei' un Hi! It I rill iMit hiMirtilv Hinl Ii i vp ' the world, and according to the calculations of expert i liiiini'il tk'i ixmuui(." Kur lii.liuTi.unn, vl , i . . im. i . . r . 1 I.oim nl curtailing Uie!v,'r-"" i i MUnrv trmitiliM IJcetrn i . . ,., i . . , i i . , . , i .iit.r imii i.i iMhi.i i i to invi'tr o.T i m -i r is on i n. vn m, iMtmi i vti ,f n , r i,u-,i .-n i V, y iini' in u uiin L of ln.lii;eHtiiiii, W'.iteit'Hcli, Sluinui Ii I Hinl tuf llyiieti4iii. I'ml thin ex.vl- Irnt Illl'ilielllC ilnl inn N Moil, I o muni, kl r no hi'liii; iui.trki'i Hint nIioaii In nur wimlnwr onl hIihw iHes. Ilv eiulv Vint inrelnl 1 1 1 1 y i 1 1 1 tiitvo mii'i In I In ulitiiiiiintl xoiiiii Hiiel,il ImiiiHiiir inr you lu l'i ,iy el t'liiUtiiniK iliiintieii, HoIhk' nur Irnt yeur in Im-ninm we Imvl' nuolil hIiii wuin j ink in woi k nit mi von, luil every Hi tn le In new, iinhli) lint the Very Intent. A llllil lllii) nt I'ei lumen, l.iuei llloiH'l v, tullet nniim, lenllier koo.I, liunie.l nml nnfruilieil pii'luren, ulnivnin eln, l,nly netn, liiiiiik'ul iiik KelH, nihiium, iliutou'M.h f i n m e, eollur nml eull h.imn, titiekthi li.ooM, lennlk 'r.'lnel hoi . tlnve tioxi'n, In riet ull kin U f K"oilrt ut nil kneUot irim rxei'i't liik'li. ...... NN Iicre 1.4 there n better place to buy gifts than nt n Drug Store. When me ttinul.i o v it i !'!, lUinty, mi liiiireni v onl mi ueeei :hle ',' We wnulil Im willing I i tiiuir mine lli I ever IhiiiIiI fioiii thin in. 1 1, fnmt will I em Ii the r l j i 1 1 1 ' lieurt. Von eiin'l i;) imilr-' I villi eliniwii lieie, ( 'onie lu mnl let im l eli Veil Willi vmir Ki'Ii'vli' iin. ( 'ur lime in voiim. for H vi'l'eine. .hiiiihiii, i.iver Hint .'Hie nt 1 a '.t IIOWISLL & J0NI:S Reliable DrtitfKhts ahuses of the second e!as mail t'i ivi!e'es an 8i.ecessfuloeration and extension of the rural free;"1' treasure in nature' great storehouse of the, ,,i;,.url. c,.(,, Hand are .TSOO.IXKUKU Tliev higfnt reaches the . . . . .,..,: !,;... m,, ,,f 1 t !".", iWlii lllii" ul,;i tiv l.illioiu I'.vervtliiiiK' is ill thf iiiiiiih w hen it come V That theeflect of cutting otl some of the ah .ses of atonishing sum of ? 1 I...i.i,(NH',('im , wh,leM lullions j t WMh y (, ii,.w,it wvord clas privileges is n'readv ipteirent is klnvn i is considered a conservative estimate. Persons who iv, ., i-hienuo, .in oven-l, noine ,- il i ...j.....:..., r ..'Ii.. ' 1 1 i :.. .i i have made a thorou.-h study of the district confidently ?r"'' .'"k" . r'v" Wi)'1' V. a ivuuu.u'11 ui iieiiiii n 1 1 1 l 1 1 in 1 1 uuiKiir. in lot- Hii-j IIHZel Uial Id il Hjieeille lur II en. rnr I, , '..' .. ...... I .1 r. .:. .1 .1... ,.f i ... ' nrediet It l'.alf Century of heavy uroductioli. hluul. hlee.lim!. ilehuiL' nml eroiiu.liiij tii'i'i"''i'Jii'Iiii"IlV;MViJi'i ... . ' I lien, iMy.etim. cutn, luiriK, hrulen Hint I and this in face of greatly increased expenditures. Tiik I.t i ky Katk ami Axv, a lmt bv this name !!' "kin ili.eaen lieW'itt'n Silve han no I.1NN I!. jom:s cttMii:ws now i.i.i.;' llie excess ot expenditures "ver receipts tor the tisenl ! for ytar8 s;lit.d un and down the Facifio Coast year li'Kl amounted to :l.!j:;.Va7, while the deficit ,lt,r i f ,avp j 1 ,l0lVt., i K i the Fands for the! r ., , w . .... I I ior mis year is otuy ?.... .tuv. h(lt year ()n Ur, Clli,-orilia C.lst Tilis i,,is m,t ,,re. Tlu Postmaster General shows, however that the vented her from making money as she has just It-en diminished deficit is largely due to a heavy increase awarded li',00 by the court of arbitration in Hoi in po.tal receipts owing to the general prosperity f land for illegal regime in the sealing trade. Twice the country and to the ext. m-ion of jK-stal f.icilitiese flirtl la,r lucky I.utjini has colhvted her aNo that there has been a j.ereei.tibie sain to thr c,n ,.1, : ;,,cr.,.., ,., i,i-l.-r,.,.U but 1,.. i T,.... i... . . j I inn nn. mi-ii 111. i. ill, ,i,,'r, 111. j Wiirlhleni eiiunleileltn. Ak fur leVlt'n -1 1 i genuine, drn, A. Ilnrlitn;. l'e Itrniiio I. (or I'liuh", eul.ln mnl hi Krll'l'e. I rue I'.'i Cell In a liox ill v.1 Ii ti i ii i ii ,tc Co. Kite h h ix en'llli'i von to one fienH on I lit finir unlee.l nl. wnleh. ollee of I'IiiiiI Nellli'iiK-iil. . . . ..... .. , ..Mi'rn,i,i,-i',i:i,roiiiitiiipii',i,-i luenue thrui gli cxcii:si..i) ot tluni-class mail matte; ij.ted and buiiirht for a soul' and mit to sea. She ; .ii..ii.i-iri,,r ,.( tin. emm.. i Mmy vi '.ii i . i . r tutrix I n iti till nil Hi Ti ir Imr nu'lioi .... ,.l ... i , . t .. i , . i ..i I,. KaJi inl, 'li i't ii--ti, his t. ,! )lki (imn lltntlrr Mil ir.im me privileges ol see.m.i-cias rates, i lie onler Ilarbored a gold mine for her owner. o; .Tulv 17 I'.'OI. was ile-i.-i.i i! to nrnin rlv interiin-t ! ' 1 : ... ... . .. . . 'n.i.rl l. l'.tH,l M ,,,.l.u ,1. I'.Mt .1.,,. ..I the law so as to confine th- privileged rate to genuine! I UK connnercial tight on tins cast ..r the Asiatic ; .eItllM.r ,... , .. . i... k s. M.. u. rnv,ir,eN fii.l i,eri!i,il i,nb"n-u',,iw I'.rio.l eil trade is just iH'gilllling to assume shaiie. San p'rait-i'l.V nil linn-..r lir,iniiK-ol.i.etion to .iti.! rmspaptr mm in rio.in ,u pun.u ,u.on. 1 1 rnni i ,u . J . , ,. ; r..ut nml lor the imui rn.-i,ient ..i ,,i.i p :l !itioi.s which have th- characteristics of books ' ll,l!k of 11 ,!l, s"1""' H making e:.e r. K. hai i.ai:H. 1 i , . , e , i j , i ,, Nov II. A'lnihil-tmli.r nl .hi. I H.inie, wre rejected from the s.-c-ml class ami were classified : strenuous elh.rts for a part of it ami may land the. -.- as tli;r.I.rl.iBs m itter TIu-.p et',, rt h u e lieen tern. I government business. Portland w ill have to wake Up Roller .l .linlnjnlriilrl. as in.ra-cus? maiur. i ntse t nmis n,ie lieen iem-f- i , ,he ,,,, , (lf ,,(. y,,te ,)( j(), i -i-ori!w lu., L-..,l 1,,- l o, 1 ,.f ;,,i ..r, ,i...l ii.M ! if she jjets any considerable part of this trad '. . m,,., r. ,i.i;..e.i. 1 - - II' I' 'j - Tim in in enitili tlitil on Hie to the courts, which wnl te.-t the power of the Post- MURROW'S BARRED ROOKS A re nt the top. Have won at two of the largest hIiowm in the Northwest, l'.iOl I'.MIi!, also at the stab fairs. Look up their record, i Some .fine breeding oockrels from our prie w inning strain f'.'.OO and up. Also a few white rock cocknls f'J.mt. Kgys .f.t HI per setting. J. MURROW cSt SON, OrnKon City, Oro. ihtv nl I m;..-ier uemrai lo c.a.-.-.:y mail mat;, r along iik.c n.ltt is (yin, 0(t iU1)1 lht.re lines Withnut niuiitionnl t-"is atum trom t nnrress i ...... - . r Th.- Po.-tinast-r General al-ocaii- atteniiuii to th T.1K opposition to reeiprucity by members of the , :iV;v;:;;:'r,I"1;; ,1 "ITn ''C stroll" lirobaliilit V l'l,'"i',"l hurlmra Jl.. r u. mlinli i-lnilr.x ' J nl IIih itntn ot John liir il,-,'H...it .n,l that a treaty on those lines not only will be negotiated ' Hoe liirmrii M,..r tm- .n,h .,iiit:,ii.-1 . .... ... , . ., , i , , -.e ii a iniiiii-i iiiii.x. ,i,j " r,on. iimnit , but w il Lij ratilieil bv the senate. Ibinis a ih.-tiuct ,.,i,. .,..,. . ...,..i... fact that rural free delivery has passed beyond the 1 ,.;,.,,,,. r,r i.r..;,l,.t,t iie.ito.r i.t tn. .r.ine. . : , . I v- vir ii..i. to ... " " luu"r; ior un. prt. un in. . ,...,,,..,.,, ,,, i.,.. i.,,.,, w,,. c.vj't i lit.' ia.ii . i . i ' . Built to Fit the Feet, Yet combining Myle with blissful eoiiifort. Come in and look at our summer lootweiir. I.at. styles mnl bottom '"l KRAUSSE BROS. ford. ( lin kniniil 1'otltilv Or. !'mi mono. TlIK Hew t ight-Cent stamp to appear this month , ix munilia Iruiu Hie. .lull-. .... .11.- ! c 1- i I 1IAKUAKA MnSKK, will be ornamented bv the serene, uigtuliea and AiiminiMrurix. comely face of Martha Washington. It will be the .tlI, ' "r,,',n c"'- u'rK" "l!,"l'r first stamp with a woman's face on it ever issued in ' thU country. , , . :.m.t.o J I In the ( irouit t;.iurt ol tne Hinte ol Or On the first page of.this paper appears a sketch of ; ,or "ie L'ou,"y "' t:i':il Eva Emery Dye and her new book, "The Compiest". Myni KiiKiestnn, plaintiff, ) There are now 1 1 ,i'.." ' routes in operation, covering about one-third of the available territory. This available territory is now estimated at about one million square miles. The free rural delivery has not only increased postal receipts but has enhanced the value of farm lands at least ." per cent, bringing the farmers in close touch with the markets and con ferring many other advantages up in those communi- i The book id complete in every detail, and should be i William II. KKKle.ton, ih-r,.mi t. (' ...... 1 l t.. lent; tj l-.... rATATATATATATATATA fAA AA AA'AAAAATATAA'Al'A tie? where it is in use. read in every home in Oregon. TBI tO.Nyi kst. (nr) H(1( Qirk from their north- Continue i from va one.) ! weniern cxn-.liiion. I'reniilent .lefferson rrxr. as possible into your Ur.ion." sai l ' aiipriin'e.l .Meriwether Hein (jovernor Napoieun ; "isive to its inhariiim.U the j of Missouri, ami he look tip hi? residenee Kaiue r;j-litn, privileges ami iimunniiiefi in St. Louis. Clark wt a Ins conli'lential dm to olt.ir citi7."iis of the I'nireiJ States, ' aih isor & sort of lieu'enant-iiovernor, 1 a i' were are! tn th ItIi iih vh al ami et them know that we t-eiMra'e our- ! Bav, kr,ov..n ..TtlB ,.Hli ,.,, .. To William II. Kiruienloti. the ahove- naiiic.l Ueletitlaiit: I n the iiHiim o( llie ft-ile ol (irHL'on: Von , re hereby reijnireil to appear ami amiwir to the death, hut after the death of her 1,18 ,;'l'l''lnl lilml aaiiml ynu in the aimv 1... . . .... ..,1. ti. t, b i ,u ' enlltleil uit in naiiH.ouri, on or helori-Kri- hrot her, na month, he took Iiih two . ,. ,, , .,, ., i i tit uv, Hie loth ol January, PH.I, the name children to New Orleans and ended her t,WI11( ix weekn Iron, tne lir.t puhllraunii (Uya in a convent." i,,l lliia mimmoim, ami if vou lail to niiprnr ; '7T ,. , amiwer nai.l complaint, plaintill will hl.KCTIo.v or OkFICKHH Court Kohin ! apply to the Court lor tne re ief ileniuii.ini HooT No. i), F. of A. held a very pleas- 1 in ml.! complaint, to wit: That the lion N ant meeliiiK and election Frid iv, lleeem-' ol matrimony exi-t -nit hetween yourxell her 5, IW, and three cainlid.ites were j ""l1 ''" rlainli!! lie .liniolve I. initialeu. Coffee and samUii lies were .rir,,l'!";!""""'; "I I'"''!''1' 'X onler of """ ."" '"l "-", on aeeount of the red hair that ran in let.nn !or 11- fentiirieiits of a flection, and ,i. .., , lA,,.v may tl eir eoninioii orit-in. (les-ent. Ian- i.,,,.. ,,r r...- ,, . : .,, uane .! iiimoiiis perp-tuaie uieirienu- a,.,iT,,i f ,i, ,,,!, ,.( r..ri. eil.r 1 eieeten lor tne ensuinn lerm : ui einei ,.1,a,K, .in iirnni Cnv l:..i..r,i... "'"I'-' - I lwia on lua relnr 1 1 tliK Kst in aeareli ! rtipr, li. H Freemin; (!. K, M. 1'. ; a weekly newNpaper ol wueral 'Ireuhiiinn' ' iA health and the rhiinier hen. led ' A Cliapinan ; S I'. H., l. Siiitarman ; Fin. i ill Clai-KHinai cruinly. lirnt pnlill a'l.in In- BnihswickJlouso & Itcslnurant Newly Furnished nooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First ("lass Restaurant In Town. CIIAIM.KSCATTA, I'roprietor I Ti t ii .. : . . ,,: .. ' , mil,, r . i.vno, juob in oie eoilliiv conn Ol (le..erved The follomntf ofli.-ert. ;r tto H 'o(0tJff (()r (jf IIIK I'llH'HASK Mint:, Ti.us was the puichaae made in one ilav, reyardiiii; which Mrs I)ve knyn: "AteJ on that i'av the .Mississippi was opened, to he closed by a foreign power lh sei:'v, F. W. Humphry, liee. ,ee'v, W. ! on FiMay, olh Deeeinher. pui'.'. . K VturHlmlt-Tr,.M . .1. A Moore:. K. W. J"UN I IT( ,11 IS I ' UN . ul . !.. .. ' , .. , ! Allnri,.! Ir ll.il,ll I Lonely tirave in Tennes-ee" clones with ilhe. urinl.i' "In t l,u 1, nii.lv loi'irt .if l.niu fVniniv Tnw.uu uiun.U to.lav It'. Koth ; J. ., t. vt . .Martin: n. li Tf ' . f I L'...l 'V . T I' CI... I... 'I'..... n c cruml.linz ray Btone monument with a rr"" m).iJ. "u'Ti "T.'..""1' no n.ore torever. !nt no sooner had j broken shaft of limestone erected oy the I r rmnn ; i.eemrer, ... jv. iiavuaim. Naiioieon t.irteil w, it - I i,mi -li-n ii ! tat. on ti, -oof ul.ero in n.u :!.".ii. ivir ! The court in in het'er condition now Derail to repent. 'llaHien,' the tniuis- ; of his ajie, Meriwether Lewis met Iiih tern warned Jefferson, 'the tlighte't de-t death. In tolitude and deaolation, ijiobh lay may lose us the country.' The word ; overlies his tomb, but his name liven on, reached Amelia 'Jefferson boulit ' New Orleans? bought the Mississippi? I'.oul.t the entire boundles Went?' Men nasped, then cheered. Tumultuous exeiteniTit itwept the land. On July '.i, lrtlj.'i, an infant republic lmuued the At lantic, on July 4 a world power grasped brii'htenini' with the years " In this tiiir.l section are related all the leading evening events of the Western country during the war of 1412. the keep ing of the Indians at peace with each other by tjen. Clark, "The Ked Head Chief," the great council at Trairie du than it has ever been before. Court Kohin H')od meets every Friday evening at 7:.'i0 in tt e Ked Men's Hall. At the last meeting it waa decided to nive the degrees to the new members the first meeting night in January. A large crowd of Foresters will be up from Port land and a big time is expected. Kkkctino A Nkw Iikfot. The Oregon aine-utr ... . ..... ti.u i .. i : , : , .7 . ,, i.i nr: . . .i : .... -.i. i i vvaier lower v itauway uonipany are ...c . .,.u n. uarKaiu: crieo uie i.e- I Vi.ieu, i m.,av which peace was ueciareo . kin rfw.;(lpll i,,,rvemerilH in ih publcaua. 'CriconHmutionai:' answered between all the tribes, and finally the I1 " ?! . L '. '1! .. , 1 . , the Je.leraiiHii). 'TheKastwill become depopulated! 'Fifteen millions!' Fif teen millions fir that wilderness! 'Wagon loads of silver five miles long!' We have not eo much coin in the whole country !' " To the reader of today the incidents narrated in this book will prove of in tence icterest. One hundred years ago people beM up their hamls in borror at the thouaht of paying 15,000,00n for that "vast wilderness" included in the territory of Louisiana, w hen today we pay ai.0O,000 it gold for tbel'hilippines, thousands of miles across seas, and the wbeets of (be Treasury Uepartment never ah p a cog, the government ma chine doen not even tremble, the people do not miss it. The entire second part of the book is taken op in a description of the explora tion of Louis and Clark through the now Missouri, Iowa, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Oregon and Washington, down the Col umbia r.;ver to the J'acihc ocean, their death of Clark on f-ept 1, 18IJ8, followed in a month by Black Hawk, the cele brated chief. Iu sight of Hie Ohio lieo. Kogers Clark sleeps, and below the grave of William Clark sweeps the Mississippi. INDIANS, I.OK AND ItOMANCK. The book naturally deals much with building line. They are alway extend ing their lines and building new build inijs and just now they have several men employed south of the farmers' feed store, clearing away old rubbish and eye sores, preparatory to erecting an im mense freight depot. This depot will be about 90 feet wide by 170 feet long, ex tending back as far as the railroad. It is the Indians, but it ia almost entirely I the intention of the company to ran a with the noted chiefs of the different tribes there is an absence of the blood and-thunder and scalp-taking incidents. In the matter ot love and romance there is just a tinge a little leaven mixed in. Gen. Clark, on his travels, meets the Donna de Leyba, sister ol Don t rancisco de Leyba, governor ol Upper Louisiana, who was stationed at 8t. Louis, and of coarse loses bis heart to the Spanish beauty. Clark was sta tioned across the river, and one night the Cbippewas attacked Kt. Louis. Clark comes to the rescue and finds the governor has shown the white feather. Meeting the Donna she extended her Kturn i to civilization and the reception hall(. Clark took one step toward her accorded them at Washington. land then nride triumi.I.ed. "Never , ! will I become the father of a race of 1-nVAnia " lia aairl an, I tnrnwt frrtrn llo. Book III, "The Ked Head Chief." . fjr Donna and left Kt. Louis forever, akesup 'The Conoiest' after Ibe ie- 'Spanish-like ibe does not pursue him TlIK KEI HKAD CHIKF. track op through the middle of the building so that freight cars can be easily handled and disposed of. It is not yet definitely decided hut plans are on foot to turn the upstairs apartment of the building into an opera bouse, which, if done, will give Oregon City an elegant and spacious ball in easy access to the general public. Nnilth's Dandruff Pomade I stops itching scalp upon one application, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling hair. Price 50 cents al druggists. Individuals Money to Lean. At 8 and 7 per cent. Gallon or write Jno. W. Loi,i.k, Oregon City Oregon Stevens' building. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ! ana cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid-1 neys are out ol order or diseased. Kidney troub'j has become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon for a child to be born i afflicted with weak kid- j neys. If the child urln- ates too often, If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of 1 the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first Step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant! trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not lo habit as . most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy.' The mild and the immediate effect ol Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It la sold by druggists, In flfty- ... . .. . a r'.iuii r .urn,.,. sizes, tou may nave a t il JT"1 t !" sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet tell- bom ol swop. Rom Ing all about It. Including many of th thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmei & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and ' mention this paper. The Red Front COURT HOUSE CLOCK. OREGON. ORECON CITY, Useful Christmas Presents We invite you to call nml Beo what wc liavo to ofTcr you for the Holidays. Our goods aro well bought and we are able to soil at very low prict-H. Our Btock coiimriHcn anything that your hourt desirc-H in UHcful Holiday Uoodn. Such ait Ready-inado DreHHen, U mb re 11 as,- Silk Handkerchief, Fancy Linen HandkorchiefH, Drews Skirts and WaiHts, Kid Gloves, Fancy Work Bankets, Crockery, Glass ware, Bibles, Books, Jewelry, Dolls, Celluid Goodn, Fasmnators, Laundry Burs, Sofa Billow TopH.IIats, Fancy Sweaters, Shopping Bags, Purses of every description, Neckties, Toys of all kinds and lots of other articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call before going to other places as we feel contident we can save you money. The Red pi?ont G . T . H OW A RD, PROP.