... l. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1902 BILLS OF EXCHANGE r; r K H k! r! i , r! t t. issim I'ills ayallo in oimtry on Oregon City Enterprise TCLDIN SIDEHEADS. (Illl,..s'n I'll I N K Clllll'.- lllH prllllC i-mp il nn .'oii lor tlm year 1 rt I ' , nin.rd i'1!.' l" lorn w hone hunim-nn r n ,iii r-ii (hi-m to know llin n.. nl tlm rroi, til lm in il.f ih'ikI.Iiiiii.ih,.! ., i;:,iioo ikki ihhiioIh It l I'Kllllllllnl Hull Ihe entire rrnp aold lor no nump- ii renin per iioiiihI, to tlm K'oHcr, or ..tu uf fH7,MHI. In 10M11 inn in tl.ii. Mini ,j, M MmrrM iiImiiiI 7 Hon noil nln ol tlm .rnin-n in- ftr.i in iimmh, nv w it it'll inniiiH (lie I'll, e ,i ml vnineil 1 i '"lit H r miiiiii, Una ,rurei.M hrilltflllij In Ihe iHlniieri hi Ilin i.irk!ii hniie Biiinr ''.'i,- HI'll n, ni. i'kII, Ihe liilnl ,,,r ,, Ihe r iii,i i ri uiii'Oi 'il:',,'iiKl Ki mi I'ii n i. in mil M ii (Vk ii.. Iim.il ll leliveiy will he e.ialillliei ,ii ihe MiUankiK route January I. '. K. Ilrtllanl Hill he ranier ami Klmer S . 1 ' 1 1 ( 1 1 1 -1 1 , Hiihtiiiile. roHliiinnler (Iiiii M lumber l ii m rereive.l JIC UKulul inn inrnl free ilelivery iiiailhiieH, Hhn h will In. ilii, i-. at the hmiea alomj tlie note H dele mail Hill he ilelivereil. 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 V Ihe ,ri'nelll lllolilli. rnvereil in l!i niiiaro inilea The territory In II are Z'.l I I .lumen, ami I Km reimle Hill he Minn Hilh iliuly mall I he rarrn-r will nlart nn t!ie mule at H every niorniim, hi,,I in i-ieeli t.i rover Inn mule III eiht j Ininin. iiu.i,,iv a OiiiMr I'l'i.MCkii. The ol.l- rnt living n er ol ( ln-foii in Williain Aln-rnethy ol l.ira, Coo lounlv. He in an lllinoman. Illn family If 1 1 Illinnia in m.;:i. Iravele.l hy w a'ori ami canal hoal tn New Yink, Iheiire na leil aronml Ihe llnrn. There hhn no Kan Franrinro then, no Iheir nhii heaileil (or the mouth i,l the t i.lnnil.ia, whrre thev lallileil in AmiI I' til. Mr. AlM-rnethy, who in a I velhirenervei mall ol 711, lieliei din I hither to hull, I the lirnt nawmill ererteil in Ori'iron. Tlm annintant nerretary o( the I Iri-Kitn llinlnririil iniriely, .Mr. (ieo. II. Iliinea, nrrnre.l two yeara i;.i a ! j.iiininl n Ihe Voyiik'n of the l.annaune ' limn New Yolk lo the ( 'oliiiiihiu river, I Oili.hei. K::i, Iii A.nl, I M (0. Ihin uanj tin- n-csel Hhirh hrniiKht .Mr. Alierr.ethy I ami I, in iarentn. Mm lather, Hon. (ieo. Al rnieljiv, Huh Ihe ,int rovinional uov irnor ol (in-ifiui, nerviiiK Irmii June,; IM i, In larrh s'.l. Ihe next ilay (ieneiiil Jimi-ih Ijini- itnnuuieil hin ilntu-n an the lirnt teirllonal governor. New nml ruin.l.e Dtork of (iiiia ami Aininiiiiilioii al .lohnnoii ami l.ainli'a Miella loinh il to oriler. BUrMEISTER U V." of Exfli.'in,, nearly (ivory till) (Jlobf!. J Si Si BANK OF OREGON CITY OKtGON CITY, OHEGON 1 i',; t'imi till HfchT II AH V KM liNIO.I.. I .nut week tin. delivery ol beets at tin- LaGrati'lu sugar factory was piactlcallv t;ui la-l. Mom bents wrin turned ii, tc, tlm factory lliun ever lielore, 17.1,00 tuns, and this amount would luvii lieen nxriieileil lull lor huil weather, Hhich occaaiuned th m urrily of men, and tin- ,ml roads. Some of iln- irmiilii It, ii,, l nr m will ninlrrUkM to rmm llieir ohm Heml next year, all tliey k'et now IN Unhurt, , I front (ierinunt j kI oiiHiierliln roht. Tin. run ylelilml Iihun ol miiir il 1(10 Miiii,,U imi Ii, ' 1 I.IHHI InrreHne over hint yer. The rum- I'ltllV linn em lyei nil BVeriwii of 1 IihiiiU fur a lull ilay in (lie furinry. an I niany inoii) nil the larina. Ihe (,irin, rn have inn. In a k-rmil ailvam ii in heel rain 1 'i k! . ami now ohlain K'xxl ,n,liin. 1 1 IIaii J aI Mill i.. 1'ln) AHmiiV tier- alii lelln uf ijiieer rno of hog ilmeane ! that i linn, to lii-ht the other ilav. A I I.enloii county fanner killed a iorker, ml H hen Ihe rarriinn wan oi,m-i, all thelalaml the portiona of llenli that ou'lit lo Ih whit.) were foiiml to he very yellow. Tlm illiiimul color raiined the farmer to ilehalo in hln uiiml an to wheleer or not tlm mrk wuiilil makit Komi ealniK. Alter Hume ih-lila-ration, he linally humllt-d ill) Ihe liver, heart. luiik'n ami oilier vital orriin ol hia lio, (ottelher Willi imrtioim ol the llenli ami ) lat, atnl took them to tlm HKiiriiltiiral coIIi-kh lor examinaliori. There, the nierlun-lin Were turned over lo IW. I'er not, ol the liarlerioloKirnl ileiartiiieiit, w ho noon (ouml ill the liver evnlenre that Urn hoK, when killed, wan miliWiiii; Iroin an attack o( jjun.lu-e. Hoi i.i.An tiik Hannkii Coi'ntv. Tlm KohehiirK lieview rlnimn tlm honor (or l'oulan ol he ing tlm luiitiec turkey pro ilurniK rnunty in Oregon. For the ThankuiviiiK trade over 11, OK) turkey were nliiin-d lo l onland and San Kran riw o liiarkeln. 1 lm Medlord nurrena lian hren luiahle to nei lire the i-j, i i;., hut from ruliahle. enliiuatea there han ! '' ,".,HVJr "l" ,,'tfon and of hetter heen not lean than ll.OKI turkya nhiiiel j 'l'"1'') H i eHllmated that 5,0.")ti,SoO from Jarknon county lo San Kranriwo IK",I,,,' ' I'outilaa Fpruce hIoiih was that city lakiriK the enlire turkey ,tJ. I k'll"l. repieHenluiK a Valua ol ,tt'!),8i)0. dud ol linn county, Jackum county can j ""'r 't lo the Value ol f 7L'.',tK)0 canny claim lo lie the neroml turkev i coiiiiiy in Oii-koii, ami tlm way the county ia neithn iiji and . numlier o( larmera increaniinf, ii will he hut a few i yeara iinlil Jarkniin county will lead in raining luikevn, lor it in the only HUccean- Inl corn growing county in the Mate and I The new li-day column of The Knler acorn nect:on ia piolilic in tuikeya. j I'rme coiitainn many readers of Interest .Medlord Surceaa to the general public. Something new , ,. ,. , . , every wevk . If you want employment I have plenty f money to loan at (i j or require help, if you want to borrow tier cent interest on real enlate senility, money or have money to loan, if you alno money lo loan on chattel mortgages, j have anything, to sell, une the new'-to-doHiioN K, II.okh. day coliiniu. & 0 ANDRESEN q V.V.VA rW 0 I'liAIMKN Or H HckSKHV. During lliH miniMii'r when llm water was low and power waa short for Mm mills at Oregon (,'ilv, limn, aoum nix feet irr height, wan limit on (In Nulid rock circling round junl above tlm 1 1 h iil ho nearly nil lliti water wii:i tinned from iln natural course, that n in h n could tulk around the lads below the dam. and a tourist wool I b led li IjcIicvh that lm had been deceived liy (he tun n i fi i-eri I ptctnrf n ol th falls he lum - ii in tlm inagiizitii's. Ilni with the corning ol the enrlv and the Infer rninn ull im changed. Tint inu-l rush of Wilier UIICS rolling Bllll tlllllh'illL' liver li j tlm dilln, rio iIhiii of liiiuiHtr conHtrinlioii A , in In In nei-ll ami lif) liirlnri- tli.e hllii'M theri-it full" of i he Willamette an ev nr.- v ced Inm tlm ilcclt of a imh- lllg Stl-alni-l. lirnW In-Vlllti Times. r-1'Ki'IM. CoI'Uhk. IN IlMHVINO. Tin en- Ulnoliiiii ht ul tint iliiny ili'iiirlineiit of ihe Onvoii AKfiriiltnrHl coIiko on the llmt ll'Mr in Urn new Hk-ricultiiritl hull niiiki-H it iHiilile for the liri-t lime in ilie I hiloiy ol tlm iiiHliintioii to kiv a rial i:onrn ill hillter Mini rheee inakinK ' ami ouojerlH i'lonely relate.l thereto. Thn I management 0 tlm iiintiliitioii Iib ile- Cileil lo oll'.-r hiji Ii a I'niirkH ol eiirht week" ilurallo'i, lieinninif Janiliirv 7, I'lO,!, ull l ! cloHiiirf Keliniary as The conrc ia 'In- HiKiieiJ to lam;iiari.' nlmlenta with Ihe I inoilern forinn ol il.nry ni.aratim, ami tearh Ihe nnilerlyiiiK or lnciilen of the "r"'ll "on, ram ami mannfactore ol milk InlohntT an I rhee-e. I'.itl Ii the how ami ill- why will he tlm aim ol tlm in alriirtoiH, ami it in the llili-nM.in thai the iill-an Hl-t fnrtli Hill he umiln-nlilu I,, ll,,. liirm ilaii v an well an Ihe l,n,.r itry or t'hi e'i-fin tory. I I'AMv.lK I'.V KoKKnr KlHKn. Tlm I5n reauol I orenlry, alter careful examiria- "on hy a llrld annl, entnnateH thai S.-i-j ti-mher lorent lirea in Ori'Kon and W'anh I inuiori canned a total lonn ol $12,7h7.M(), ol huh fl.iilO.iMK) fell iu ( (ri-uoii. Tina liiclu len tlm value ol timher, larm prop-1 ii-riy and nawunlU arid their produrta I wnii n w re ileniiove.l, Omiiu; to tg neamena to market, however, ..tn li of the hiirned timher in Oreuoii will he ; Hived, rediiriiiK the total luna as above ni-i(i)rth. ll waa loiiml that K(i Oreifon ' (uiiiilieM were rendered lioiiielen, while I'lH) other aullered partial lonnen. In Una jBtatu Irom property worth f. , T. ()()() wan liiirne.l, anil aawiuilU aiilrnreil loaaea ait KreitaliiiK f I I'.I.OO). It in enliiii4led thai l',l;'4,lHK),(HX) (net ol atamliiiK timher went no in ninoke in Oregon, largely MoiiIhh lir, npruin, cedar and liemha k'. The to tal loan in timhei alone wan over .'i.O IKK). In all. 17(),0.KJ arren wr hiirned over, all of which, Hav M.IVK), were well timbered. In Washington. 4.'U.iH) m-ren were hiirned over. Toe timber w aa fully ' "m voiai iobh in l ow '"ij-laik ... i , . and Skamania counties where! : tlie II e Waa inont ill antrum Was fli.t'iOO, , noo, ami m tlie other burned '. " 1 ,IIB "'"rr riiirrioil arena, $.',:''iii,;;oi). The Leading Oregon Wo are now nearly settled ia be iiloased to have you come s 1' C K O V 11 BURMEISTER & AJVDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELER8. OREGON CITY, OREGON. Remember wo are now located in the garde ijuilpixg Su'a pension Bridge Corner BURMIESTER & cooo o coco occo coco coco coco coco Hart SduiTncr ( Mint IhndTnlorrd ! o h-4 if If .)Si,-vsjr .I Ec , A ' 77 . T I ,v -,'t -.V.i-V. I' A m m r i m - m 0 i mwm w vs.. 4m-w 7 Vy-WUrX o w Wit Main Street, coco coco I. of n ii Knh rl iliiliirnl. The entertainment and dance niven by Harding (irarie at ita hall in Loan, Tharikfk'ivmif niiflit, wa a rompletfi buc-i-e-H. About ti',1) w an realized which will lie lined an a relief fund fwr thm-e w ho lonl evrryihitiif hy the fire. The Grange w ill appoint ita own committee in inven tion h- and ascertain where it will do the tnonl kooiI, and nee that only ihose who need It Ket it. The State (iraiuje nent a relief appeal to all mhord'tiate (iraneg to make collection! for the relief fund, but on account of rumors to the effect that the relief already (iiven had not been natinfactorily dinirihuted, llarilinit will look alter and tiinpone of its own fund reuardVna ol creed or politics. The committee winhea to extend thanks to thone who donated tl.eir aervicen by way of fnrninhintf miiir, enpei-ially lo P"red alker ano J. Berber, of lola, ali-o to u. ii. nit'!i?ui, ii , nrowii, j, w. ivoo i,inu w iwiJ,,,,!,- iiv.l ti. I II L':..l II- I, r I. enteriainiiierit program was exception ally good. The crowd waB Ihe lirgeat that ban been in l.ogun for some time At Ihe clone of the program a baeket nupn-r was nerved. Family Vtine. A large ansorted lot of wine has just arrived in tow n Irom the Kbine Farm, Sonoma, Cat. Selected for medicinal piiM)es. For sale at K. A. Brady'd, Main street, bet. -till and oth sis. City Jewelers 2 our new stoke and would in and inspect our immense 0 L I D A Y (J 0 0 D S ANDRESEN JheHS&M Varsity The HartKchafTn;ri Marx 'VarHity" Suit, which haH lx:en ho lon a fa vori to among young niori follows who want "onajipy" clothes ih an UHUal a loptilar ntylo this fall. , - It is ho good a Htyle that the tendency i to make all the Hack HtiitH like the VarHity modjl. There's a difference, though; you'll nee it at a glance if you will look at the clothes . , CI lad to nhow'em to you anytime; and plenty of other Huits and overcoats. , . . J.M."PRICE The Up-To-Date Clothier. Sole bight ol Sale Oregon City, Oregon q coco coco coco coco occo coco Srhnol Kcpurt. Followina ia the report of District ' uuiber i0, eedy, for the month end - ing oveni))er 28 : iunf)er of pupils enrolled, .r() ; number ol days taught, 19 ; average daily attendance, number of canes of tai Jinesa, 8. Thone neither ab- sent nor tardy wore- Lizzie Hermann, Mary and Sylvia Muller, Ida Kropf, i j Harry Garrett, Grace Thompson, Lena ; and Johnnie Krimmer, Garret Ackerson, Jonas 1 oiler, hdith and Clarence John son, Peter I'rice. Visitors present were : I'earl Garrett, Kline Fish, Nora Fish, J. I). Ritter, director, Jacob Jaegar and Otto Donaldson. Visitors are always welcome. Kobebt GixtiIkr. Teacher. School Report. The following is the report of Stone School, No. 30, for the month ending November L'S: Days taught, 19; holi days, 1; pupils enrolled, 39; days at tendance, liS4 ; days absence, 45 ; times tardy, 19. Those on the Koll of Honor are: Genevieve Mumpower, Winnie Brown, Kuth Brown, Annie RiebholT, Kuth Dye. Myrtle Schmale, Ruth Schmale, I'aul .Mumpower, Nellie Reib hoff, Bertha Schmale, Jeannette Newell, Vada Watts, Ernest Dye, Bay Dye, Laura Bachinan, Melvin Stewart, Elsie Watts and Lillie Anderson. Ji'Lu Si'oo.sER, Teacher. BURMEISTER & J Hart SdnlFncr V Mint I land Tailored o o The Cathedral Sendee. In many of thechurchei :n trie Ent a ' people 8 iKpular service, known a tho , oathe lral Service, has be-in u-d for the ! evening meetings with rreat su.-ce-'a. It is a s-rvice in which a'l the peop'e tika apart. The men of Urn Conreiiionl church have secured thU service fo- neit Sunday evening, the them- bsiai reace. ine pastor will preach on "Our Imperfections an I the Lorl's Mercy," in the morning. Gold Ring Free. We are giving free to every bofy in the county under one year of ag4,a solid g ill ring set with birthd stone. Bring thu baby to the store for measurement; thU is the only condition. Huntley's Drii Store, Oregon City. School Report. Following is the report of Plemnt Hill School, District No. 50. EigleCrwk, for the month ending November 2S: Number of days taught, 13; number of pupils enrolled, U'l ; total number of Uy n attendance, 33-' , ; total number of dv t absence, 31) ; uuinberof tunes Urdy, 2 ; per cent of attendance, 91. Tho u neither ahsent nor tardy were: Ella, Bina and Carl Douglass. Ivy Markwood. Frank Fertig. Ernest Hoffmeister and Myrtle, Mary and Malcoln Woijiile. Wm. H. Karb, Teacher. ANDRESEN mm o H O O V I 8 t0 --- 71 i; ir X