Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 21, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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Tlicro Id no tllm'iiHM ho ImbIimiiiI-
llIK, NO n(IV lllll Mile, IM It llllH'V ills
IIIUMI, Or HO WldllMliri'llll. 'J'llH NJ IIII1-
lonm uro no hiiI'I a to 'ii-i ully
uhiti i nutli'o.
Tlm lint liullriitlotm appear In
Urn urlnn, wllli varied I'lli i iN. The
ipmnllty iniiy lot Iiicm iinimI ir le
or'icMH; Itulllu'ly to he highly col
orml (4 1 1 1 hi'uMIiik; It may be pule
ur tliln, or tlili'k unit milky with u
n'lliiin'iit. laiter m more tro-
iiou n I NytiiiiloiiiN w ill la- iiri'M'iit,
such us ill..liicHH. IiIiiiiIIiik, etc.,
Willi iimiki'il liluilili'r und urinary
I'iiImiii.iiis wuU matter la rollarlrtl
lif tlin IiIoimI Ir.iin lilt turtM i,f tht aya
tain a.ii'1 rurrlml (ft ttm k Hllirya, wlii-ri
II la at'mrnl.! miii runt nut IIiioukIi Ihn
urliiit. Tlm ki.liicya nVul Willi Hit I.IimhI
only, deriving notir inlinirnt lhm
Trtim. Il.tiioo, II llm I'Iimmi la l.ao Ilia
kl'lnnva ma ! only ovarworkrtl. Im
iinl..rfv. H'tW hiM'iiHNiuy In II, llmrq
f.iia, Unit llm iurily ami vitality ol llit
IiI.mkI alifiulil l iiihIiiIhIii ait. II la plain
wliy Ilia grout IiIimm! iiui-lfler anil
tiainttliniK'r -Ur. Iliirliir'a Iron Tonln-
lina Imwii auriwMrtyly uartl In trrutliiH
aiclnnr llnniiatta an. fin .ro vrntlt.a asm.
In purifying Ilia IiImh llm kltlht.ya arr
fri'iill v mllnvi.!, wlilla, at III aunii I Una,
nnw alroinflli nnl Hnllly air Klvrn
thaiui oritnua. Hi following litlat tulla
ry ul4 alury i
I'ink Kmrr, Kir., Juna 2S, 11102.
W I. ll'Hirr AtrtUrtnt (V., Ikytun, O.
Uinti.kmkm: I hail a arvnra caa of
typhoid Invnraia yeura ago, wlilrh Ml
my klilimya In bail order. 1 Iiav trlrd
a uuiulMir of rainvdlea anil taken traat
nianl frtim itiictiira, but Dr. llartrr'a Iron
Touts baa dune uio mors gnml Itiao
avarylbln aim. V. Cokiiki.l,
Merchant and Mum Operator.
There nro thousand of Just audi
c'i mt tlio above tlml art' treated
without result U'ciuihti they Hrv
wrongly trouti-il. Mr. ConU-ll'a
condition resulted from an exhaust
ing; fi'vnr; tlin kidneys, un well iin
thu rcit of the ryhlriu, timl Ihtii
wasted liv illwiiic. No wonder I r.
Hurtcr'it Iron Tonic tiroiuiitlvciireil,
because It purified ami enriched the
(iIixhI. and audi lilootl carried uew
strength and vltullty directly to the
lianrya aim to all Uio orgatis.
A K'l'Ht varinly ol fruit III Jura, Jnlliea,
It'., ul Iho murki't, on W'i'iliii'ml.iy , Hi
tlin 1'aiillnlil lilcii k, (inn ilnor north of
I liintliiy'it,
Tim KHhir.Uy Cluli will UM Ha
TlniiikaglvliiK Mmki'l III tlin ChuIImIiI
hlnrk, nun iloor north n( lluiilli'y'a uli
I VVi-iliHimlay, fioin 10 A. M. nnlil iiihl.
1'nif. l'urkiir, llm Hi'inntillii ilircnolo
lilat, Im niniiia at llm llriuiaw rk llouan.
llln ri'NillnuH aru iiiHrvcIa lit mriirHi'y,
mi l it will iy nil yuiinu iiolu to mil
on liiin.
At llm (-oimnuaal inal nimiac, in thin
city, Mr. Win. (). CPl- ml Mian Krun-
rra llniliinyi'r Wfru ti f t !! in th hon'M
of inatriiiioiiy, Novmrilmr 14th, Kbv. K.
H. Ii-alliti kt olfU liat IfiaC. Until hriilii ami
KriMjin aru wi-ll ami lavoruhly known in
tlm Cliii kHinaa community. Tlii'y will
reHlilo Nt CUi kHiiua atnlion.
Kirat l.itMiii'minl l-rml lliimpliryi iiaa
ri'ivivi'il illarliaruit pBimrn (or tlm follow
inn mi-ml'ra of Company A, Thlnl Uvu'f
mioit, () N. i.: II. II. I'-"", privat-,
fiiiiHi!, ri'lnoval fruiii atate; W. IIhiii
monil, privalf, aamii i:iih; II. ('. Kel
lur, privntu, aiimi! i'uiikm; (i. Mrb-an,
priviihi,' aiimi) i:Uhi-j K. Shannon, prl
vatii, unliHteil in tlm Cnitwl tjtnt army ;
llomii iiiiiihi mince pin ami all otlmr j O. Ilmitt-r. prlvalH, fiiliatMil in I'nilitd
.lulimrii-a for h TliaukHxIviiiK iluini-r, at Hlatfa tuvy ; K. N. Kmhir, privatii, re-1
tlm uiHiki'l hy llm ISitunlay Cluli, tlm moval fiom nlti; Henry Wataon, prl
iluy iM-fnrii'l'liMiikHniviiiK, out) iloor noilli VHli), aame riiHi-j J. V. liuifonl, pri
of lliintli'y'a. i vati'. I'Xiiiration of term of aurviif; V.
- - j f). Hull, ciirpurul, aauiH; K. L. McFar-
The thtimii at t tie CoiujrHKiitiorml Hn(l, m-ri-ant, removal from ntte; N.
i:hnn:h on Suinlay mot i,ini( will im "A . Nm.IIiiii, tn'runant, hifl militury ilia-
MimaaH of l.'ouiforl " In llm i-vioiinu
llm iiiiiiiatir will ubb llm "b'i'nil ol llm
K.r.mt ma Tna
O Golden Hule Shoe
TMa In tlir Hhor Hint la
mlvrrtlwil in all thrkiul
lnK iiwikhxhi-" iin'l in t lie
1,.1 a l on hli'X In Hi'
Holy Ciall" ill illuxtruliiiK n fulliilur
TIihM. K. Huiiihiy arhool will nive an
iiliTlalnuiiMit In Wooiltimri liull on tn
vrniiiK of Noviimhi'r "Btli fm-x'. Tim-
Uy.) A Ikli'rriry ami iiiuhii'hI proiiraiu of
morn tlian orilmury mi-rit. KuI1oihk
lia, ri'fri'nhmi'tita will In wrvi'd. Thi;re
ill hu an U'ltniHiioii fne ul l'l i'i-mIh, in-
luilinn ri-froahmioitH, i-Iih rn'". The
iroi:i ila will he lined for Hiving al'hrial
iiiaa eiitiirtainumnt hy the Hunduy
Coiupin r W II I'liileat.
The I'orlUiid -it y roiini'il and the Ore
pin WatiT Power lUilw.iy Company
are havii'k! murti i on'rovi'ray III lennrd
loa fraui'hiim pi'imiitiiitf t" t'omimny
t ) enter tlmrity viph ita i) aiem of roadn
The loiim 11 ' ntH to (one what la
i... I ii... hlmiki'l fianeliiae on the
company, in "huh event the railway
lomi'iiiiy will Mil vliroroiialy.
The ollii-era ol the rompary do Hot
cltuaifv tliemelvea under the head of
alreel niilw,iya, hut more under that of
.inum imioU an thetr ! Jin il.tl huailiffR
h that nl l arryinn Ireijihta
vi. el il ili it romiittiiv. when
anked what Ina pohiiion in the mallei
u.. iilil In, ill rawe the ntv uiiilertook to
lone a hhinkel lriirlnee on iheiu, aaid
"1 do not Hunk tlm i lly will aak lia to
come under a hlaiikel Irum lime, and if it
ilolin it will then he time to eoiiaider the
r V it., tint ruiihliler uUreKv
aa atrirtlv a ttii-i'l tar loiiipun)'. NM-i!
ii I. in... u.. run Ntreet ruri. we do Hot
invade the city atreeti only ao far aa per
inila iih to hnnu our pa-aeimeia into the
..ii.. (lor i.rini'li.al l.llHllii'H ill that ol
j ' -
ca'tyinn freihta. We are rapidly ex
tenihni! our hnea into Clin kanniH I'ounty
ii i.u ii, im a hitherto nude
veliM'il rountry.
vv.. ... u..kiiiir for trrt ln lii-i'H lor
a alreet far huini'Ha, hut for terminal
r,...'.ioi..a ul.niir tlm river front to enahle
im to reach ihe hill iiiKiiuUcturinn com
i..u .. i.l. i, 1 ihii.k the council will
Krant ua."
r llinmo l-ax for coiiidia, cold and
la urimm. I'rice 'J: r'"1" "ox
rliarman A Co. Kaili box eiiiiue
you to one ttueiia on the iciiarunlecd K"'1'
A Hiarlliiiu iiririn-.
Very few could helieve In looking t
A. T. Iloudley, a healthy, lohual hluck
fonith of Tilden, Iml., that for ten years
he au!Iereil audi lorlurea from liheuma
tiam aa few could endure and live Hut
M wondnrfnl clianun followed hil takinit
Kleclric llillera. "Two hollies wholly
...,r.l ,,ui " Im writes, "and I have not
felt a twiiuw in over ii year." They re
ulnle the Kidneys, purify the hlooil and
cure Uheiimalism, Neuralgia, Nervous'
new, improve tlitteation and k'vo perfect
Imalih. Trv them. Only bOcta. at Oeo,
A. Hardints'a druii atoro.
tlhcKind You Haw klmn Baiictil
One of the foithcoiniii aiuuaement
featurea for Orcaon City Is the hall an-
miunced for the evening before Thanka
Ki vitti:, to he ijiven under the aii"picea uf
tlm Korealera ol this city. Their mem
herahii ir larije and their friends are
kIoii. (iood milpie has been elided,
hlrh in connection with the fact that
the youiiK men who are iiuiiukIhk H'e
air.iir have a reputation for duitiK thlmia
aa they ahuuhl be done, means a lar-e
attendance and a pleasant time.
Thu tiller plant of the water commis-
on is kept busy on account uf the very
muddy condition of the water in the Wil-
iiietle river, from which the i lly nets
ita supply. The filters have to he cleaned
twice a dav,, and during that tunc, the
mains are supplied from the reservoir at
Kly vllle, which contains 1,500,IXiO pi
lous. The new centrifuKal pump will
an ive here in a shoit time, and with this
ddition to the machim-iy ul the station
It w in not lie necessary to aunt on urn i
water from tlm upn'r atones uf hiiddiii;s
bile the II Iters are beiti cleaned.
Ainonif the many laie and well ap
liointeil biisineaa entablishiiii'iits in this
ity is the combination book and dm
store of Huntley Bros., which in point of
xi jtiinito neatness uf arrangement is not
excelled in any town on the coast. Tiffs
pleasing condition of u(T lir.H at llut place
of hUNinesM has been brought about by
the expenditure of a Krt'at amount of
uoney and the exercise of more than or
linnry ingenious ability. For more than
two im nit ha the estuhlitiluneiil had been
in a distressing statu of turmoil, hut the
happy termination has proven the wis-
loin of thu act. Last Saturday evening
the formal opening of the lare combin
ation store look place, upon which occa
sion there weru present many people to
enjoy the music and examine the ex
tiemi-ly large store and sbx-k. Enter
prise of the character displayed by this
firm is commendable in the extreme, and
Oregon City people should feel proud
that within their city ia audi worthy
combination of business intereita.
tricl; K. I,. Hollack, private, drnpl
from list of members. The company can
now take in new memhera to fill the va
cancies. There was a sudden transformation
1.. st Friday niiibt at the building form
erly occupied by Howell A Jones. Jlusi
peas M'i'iiit-d to proceed uninterruptedly
during Friday, but by Saturday morning
the place was empty, the large stock of
drugs having been removed lotbetiarde
building, where business was continued
without any apparent inconvenience to
either the patrons or the proprietors.
The establishment ii one of the neat
places of this city. Always with an idea
ol not only keeping in Block the very
frchhfHt and purest drugs and chemicals,
but always witn a desire to supply the
public with the very latest articles in
every reecl unially found in a well ap
pointed apothecary shop is the record ol
Messrs. Howell & Jones, who are enjoy
ing a good patronage and are deserviug
ul all the fuvors the public may besluw
upon them.
The Oregon City I abating Society, at
ita regular meeting Tuesday evening, de
bated the question, "Keaolved that Ed
Ural ion is the mot important queatiuo
of the day." The affirmative was taken
by C. II. I'uge, Miss Gertrude Griffith
and Miaa Davis; negative, Marcua Sugar
man, George Califf and V. Clark, the
latter aide being successful in the con
b'st. There was an address by A. A
Price and an instrumental aolo by Misa
Hornsliuh. The society is becoming
very popular and ia proving of great
benefit to the young element of our city
whose inclinations are for entertainment
of this verv creditable character. Plans
are now being perfected lor tjiving
musical and literary entertainment, the
pruceed to be used to make a payment
upon a splendid new organ just installed
lu the academy.
The Artisans ol Molalla had an extra
ordinary pleasant time at their meeting
hist Saturdav evening. Tbero were
neaily fifty people present, who assisted
in some manner in eitner me iniuaiory
work which was on or contributed their
talents to the entertainment of those
present. A very pleasing literary anu
musical program was rendered, after
which a sumptuous luncheon was par
taken of. Sheriff Shaver and wife and
Oscar Ehy and wife, ol this city, besides
Frank Case, a former resident of Molalla,
now in the railway mail service, were
present. Artisans have the faculty ol
doing things in the way of entertaining
in bout as neat a manner aa is to be
found with fraternal societies, and the
reputation Molalla Artisana have always
borne for doing things well warrants the
remark that last Saturday evenings
meeting was. all that was claimed for it
In a social way.
Adams Bros.
ai'Kcur. ia
W W vt
!,ivlir' T'mhrrlUm, fJ
Inch, marie of fiit Miu-k
KovhI TfifTrtii, ntre rod
tunly t rumr arut an
ftsnortmrnt of handles.
Oregon City's Big Cash Store-
Knit Underwear and Hosiery for Men, Woman and Children. Com
jilete rantj of hizes, no scant lots
Children'H Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, Vesta with high necks
and long sleeves, Pants ankle length, price each - - .3"
Misses' Fleece Lined Vests and Pants, with high neck and long sleeves.
Pants ankle length, price each - - - .2o
Women's Fleece Lined Balbriggan Vests and Pants, high neck Vests
with long or fdiort sleeves, Pants in ankle or knee lengths, price ea. ,2
Women's Htrlf-Wool Combination Suits, high neck, long sleeves, silk
tape trimmings and pearl buttons, each - -' LOO
Women's Pdack Cashmere Hose of fine Australian Yarn, double sole
heel and Toes - .40
Women's Imported Black Fleece Lined Hose, double sole, heel and toe, .2oc
, Women's Wrappers
Made of Flannelette and Percale De
signs are unusually pretty and prices
more attractive than you are likely to
find elsewhere - . -
Flannelette Wrappers in very desirable
patterns. These garments have full
skirts with a deep flounce and waist
prettily trimmed with faucy braid,
$1.50 eac
Cotton Blankets, good weight, white,
gray or brown, they make warm sheets
per pair - - 75c
Cotton Blankets, heavy fleeced, whi
gray or brown, fancy Borders, extra
large, per pair - . $1 25
Wool Blankets, white wool, full size,
heavv - - $5 00
Specials for Men
Men's Heavy Cotton Fleece Lined Underwear, well finished,full size,, draw
ers with double gusset and double seams-each - 50c
T,n's F.ythi Heavv Wool Underwear, in brown, Gray or Rose Color, $1 00
(iiiod Attendance and Much lnleret
Heing Muiiifesled.
Strayed From lliirlngs.
a nur and calf, cow three vears old In
eprlng, mostly white, with red on nee
and head ami some spots on body, ear
marled, two snlitfl in right ear. Cow
has long, etraight horns, wide apart
calf, red potted ; steer, with ear marks
the same aa cow. Anyone giving tne
w ner any information will receive $5.00.
Cow had small bull tied on with a rope
. whan last seen.
C. F. Kkhtkkson,
Barton, Oiegon.
rutnrrh or the Bladder.
Is very common In, both sexes, and can
be cured with S. B. Catarrh Cure, which
cures all irritable conditions of the blad
der, which causes frequent urination by
which In time you lose control and In
ability to retain. In children it cures
nightly wetting of bed. For sale hy 11
druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad
alress Smith Bros. Fresno, Cal.
People used to leave drug stores feeling
that they have paid too much.
They can feel that tay yet if they buy
thoir drugs at random. -
None can feel that way when they buy
Not a Vestigo of old-fashion drug store
Bromo Lax cures coughs and colds
Price 25c per box.
To The Users of Bromo Lax We are going to give a Guaran
tee! Oold Watch. Call and get particulars..
The ijint local teachers' institute held
at Orieut last Saturday wan largely at
tended and w as very much of a success
in every way. The meeting was presided
over br Supei.ntendent Zinser, who is a
tireless worker for the success of any
and all matters looking to the further
ance of school interests. The teachers
present were given an opportunity to
contribute to the library fund of the
Orient school by paying 25 cents for
their lunch.
The programme opened at 10:30
o'clock with an addrees, "Ends in
Teaching," by Principal N. . Bow
land, ol the MontavilU school. He was
tollowed by A. F. Ilirchner, principal of
the firesham school. H. L. McCaon,
principal of the Parkplace school, spoke
on "A Trinity ol Processes." Al noon a
lunch was served to Hie visitors by the
district, and the institute opened in the
afternoon with a talk on "The Teachers'
part" by Misa Kenecca T. Smith, prin
cipal of the Eastham school, this city.
V. A. Davis, principal ol the Harmony
school, spoke on "The Directors' Part,"
and C. M. Lake, clerk, joint district No.
6, closed the programme with a talk on
"The Parents' Part."
Another of these local institutes will
be held in this city tomorrow, at the
Burcl ly school, when the following very
interesting program will be rendered:
Report of the National Teachers' As
sociation, by Trof. R. C. French, of the
Monmouth Normal school. "A 1 rac
tical Education." Ho. A. S. Dresser,
Oregon City ; "Weaving and Paper Fold
inc." Miss Clara J. Boring, of Damas
ens. Geography. "Home Geography,'
Mies Maitha Stnnhler, Bolton school;
"Intermediate Division," Howard Ec-
cles, Mundorff school; "Advanced Di
vision," correlation with other branches,
Mrs. Viola Godfrey, Barclay school.
On the 6tli of December a local insti
tute will be held at Marqnam, beginning
at 10:30 in the forenoou. Following is
the program for tbat meeting :
"The School and the Community,"
Superintendent Zinser; "Element of
Successful School the Teachers' Part."
Joel Wilson. Glad Tidings; "The Di
rectors' Part," Brenhxi Vedder, Scotta
Mills: "The Parents' Part," Miss Tessa
Larkins, Groshong school; ' The Super
intendence Part," J. A. Ridings, clerk
of district 5 ; question box, Supertnten
dent Zinser.
The meeting here tomorrow promises
to be largely attended and a most inter
esting affair. Parents and all patrons
of schools and those interested in school
work Bhould attend.
Candidates for City Offices.
Anent the forthcoming city election,
matterslpertaining to it are somewhat up
in the air. The present mayor, Mr.
Diruick, has been asked by a great many
people to become a candidate for re-election,
in fact, a petition was in circulation
for signatures requesting him to enter
the race, which received considerable
over 400 signatures. Ex-Sheriff John
Cooke is also a candidate for the mayor
alty, and a caucus it to be held in a day
or two, at which it ia conceded that Mr.
Cooke will be placed in nomination.
There was considerable talk a week ago
to the effect that the labor unions would
place a ticket in the 6elii, but at a meet
ing held early this week a proposal for
such action was voted down, the unions
deciding not to enter the political arena
until next year. Councilman Koerner,
from the first ward, is a candidate for re
election. Walter Little is also an asntr
ant for like honors from the same ward.
So far as it is possible to learn, there is
no candidate against Charles Albright,
who desires to succeed himself as
a councilman from the second ward
Ju6t what is beine done about the mat
ter of a councilman from the third ward
ia not kuown, however, it ia presumed
that Mr. Francis will be a candidate for
re election. Fred Meyer, the present in'
cumbent, is a candidate for re-election as
city treasurer. The other offices being
filled by appointment, candidates tor ap
pointment are doing nothing at all or are
working in the interest of those who
will favor them with places.
Church Notice.
Thanksgiving day will be observed by
a union service at the Presbyterian
church, in which all the churches of Ore
gon City are invited to participate. The
offering will be for the benefit of the
Good Samaritan HoeDital. of Portland,
and books, clothing or merchandise re
ceived at the church will be sent to the
hospital. Kbv. Grimm, of the Metbosist
church, will preach the sermon, and Miss
Conyers will render a solo. Service at
11A.M. All are cordially Invited.
, Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a general election held in Oregon City,
Oregon, on Monday the 1ft day of De
cember, 1902, between the hours of nine
o'clock a. m. and seven o'clock p. m.(
for which election there has been desig
nated the following polling places to-wit :
Ward No. 1 t he Cataract tnitine
bouse, corner of Main and Third streets.
in this city.
Ward No. 2 The Fountain Hose
Company's Engine house on Mam stieet
between Seventh and Eighth streets, in
said city, t
Ward No. 3 The Engine House of
Hose Com. aa No. 3, on John Q.
Adams street between Seventh and
Eighth streets in said city.
At said time and place the following
officers will be elected by the duly quali
fied voters of said Oregon City.
A mayor for the term of one year.
A treasurer for a term of one year.
One councilman from Ward No. I, for
a term of three years.
One councilman from Ward No. 2, for
a term of three years.
One councilman from Ward No. 3 for a
term of three years.
There has been appointed by the City
Council of Oregon City the following
persons to act aa judges and clerks oi
said election:
Ward One Judges. H. Trembath, G.
W.Grace and J. Doremus; clerks, W.
M. Shank, J. S. Purdom.
Ward Two Judges, N. X. Robbins,
C. C. Babcock, E. C. Maddock ; clerks,
J. E. RhoadeB, Chas. Kelly.
Ward Three Judges, J. X. Harring
ton, John Gillett, J. Rowen; clerks,
George Ely, Frank Redner.
Published by order of the city council
of Oregon City made at a regular meet
ing held on Wednesday, .Nov. 5, 1902.
Bbi ck C. Cubky,
Dated at Oregon City, on Nov. 11, 1902.
Sot lee.
Anvone havinz one or more cODies of
the Oregon City Enterprise of September
12, 1902, will confer a favor by bringing
them to this office. Cash paid for same.
Everyone can afford to wfear a dresa
hat when you buy of Miss Goldsmith.
New and complete stock of guns and
ammunition at Johnson and Lamb's.
, Shells loaded to order.
Aaleep Amid Flames).
Breaking into a blazing borne, some
firemen lately dragged the sleeping in
mates from death. Fancied security,
and death near. It's that way when yon
neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it.
rM I'lnn'a Van T 5 airort 1rr Pfinanmn.
tion gives perfect protection against all
i Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep
it near, and avoid suffering, death, and
doctor s bills. A teaspoonful stops a
late cough, persistent nse the most stub
born. Harmless and nice tasting, it's
guaranteed to satisfy by Geo. A. Harding.
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free,
mf Vm i nrilar, taealthr moraaiMitof !
Ila a.arr i'T. tob'm lU or will ba. Kmp yomr
gowala opaa. an4 b. w.lL Fore, la tha hapa ot
h..l. or DIU solson. la danraroai. Th
VSS-SS waj ot lli
I V aw
FUaaaat. Patau!. Polar,!, Taat OyS. V
Qua. krr Slaka. waakaa or Qrtpai 1. an
Hmi varboz. Writ tor iToanil,aad book
... h mmmi in. utui