OREGON CITY ENTERVR1SE FRIDAY, NOVEM1UCR 14, 1902 CURRESTONDEXCK 'i if Hulilun;!. Kuc;ot e Kirk is on the sick list. lUin, rain, rain and mint, mud, nin-l. Messrs. Marshall and rattorsou have taken (wiwlrtii o! t !ie postohVe and ft. ire ot this place. Mm. A. Harricron ex poet to start for Seattle in a few i'ys where l.e will vis-it tier daughter, Mrs. J. M. llockart. Wm. Huckner .nut family have move.) to Mt. Pleasant. Also Uoht Kntherf ml and family have moved to Oregon City, wheie they expect to make their future home. George Harrington and J. S. Conly re tnrr.ed from Nome, Alaska, last week, where the former has beeu two years and a half and the Utter one year an.1 a half. George lias tone to Seattle on a liUbim'ss trio and J. S. Cop'y has taken his wife and ltd I y and gone to S.in Fran cisco, where they will spend the winter. Loih ami Stent-. - It can rain in Oregon occasionally. People who hav-'n't their potatoes dug ; jet are wishing they had. I J. Ruber's family has gone to Wash-! ington to reside near Trout lake. I Frank KiebhotT and sister, Mar;arette, J have moved on the Huber farm. I Some of the young men seem to be ; cultivating an app-tite for cheese, and h ive to visit the iactory on Sundays. j Warren Saden, '& young brother of , Mrs. W. Riebhoir, died of typhoid fever! and was buried in the Logan cemetery Monday afternoon. j Saturday evening the directors of the creamery field their regular monthly ' imeting, 30 cents per pound beinif re-1 ceived by the patrons for butter fat, for I the past month. j The young folks of Harding Grange. are drilling for an entertainment to be given on November 27th, Thanksgiving evening. A fee of 25 cents will be charged at the door (for children, less). After the exercises a dance will be given, j All are requested to bring lunch, as sup- j per will be eerved after the entertain-1 ment. The process are to be donated to the Ppringtvater sufferers. Dance j tickets, 50 cents. Program beginning at 7.30. Comeearlv. Eldorado. Still it sprinkles. Agnes Wallace is better. Ellen Paine is still very low. Jack Dodge and family left here Sun day. W. H. Jor.es has moved into his house at last. Albeit Schoenbcrn has his bouse com pleted. Abe Pratt is plowing on the Smith piace. motion Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive and i cc years ao. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the C'.tijUinptive needs most. Scott's Emulsion is themod crn method of feeding fat to the con-umptivc. Pork is too rough for sen-hive stomachs. Scott's Einufion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than tnat. There is some thing about the combination of coi liver oil and hypophos phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak pirts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. He ? ire that this picture in t c i'iito t.f a hll it on the wrapper of every bottle ot imul.!on yoa buy. Co Wk SCOTT & BOWNE. CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St., N. V. 5CC and f I; druggists. CoIJi " I had a terribl Id and coulJ ;! hardly tveatho. I thc.i tricJ Aver s CVtv Pectoral, and it javs mc im- tucJ'.atc relief. Hoy wi I NO'T COl'gll be tonight.'' W cr-.n, prop ably. For it's Pst a co'J, then a couA, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Tint (tin : Ik.. Sfc., St. Alt rfmtrl'H- Consult Ttitr 4M-tor. tf h utl uk It, than do ft. ti If h tell 'ii not to ukr It. Ih l"i ' lk II H kuooft. tt-t'r it with him. W- trr wlltlnc. 1. C. AYH; CO.. l...ll. MMt. Jim Neukirehner was here one day this week. Kememher "I'nion Hall" the l'tth of November. Kd Bowman is bail ding a unoke lions for C. Smith. Clyde Smith anil Mrs. Delaney are w orking at Kd Faine's. Otto Strycher and wife were visiting Al Jones and wite Sunday. Fred Woodsitle and cousin, from Bunchgrass, are at home at present. Smith anil Jones txtk supper with Dodge and Graves Sunday. Wilhoit. N. J. Thomas has a bouse Hearing completion. Webfoot weather is with us again, and I guess it has come to stay. Our mail carrier, Jake Groshong, has moved onto Jim Nicholson's place. Our school is prog et-sing nicely under the skil ful management of Miss Tessa Larkin. John Ferguson made a trip to the county seat one day lasjt week, and brought home a new hack. Who saya we are not having prosperity? mm m mm m Jl m s eurr u&tnn'V a MKT Tai lmjw Of consumption" ia a remark often made j of a fleshv man. The remark expresses the popular recognition of the fact that the sign of conjunction is emaciation. loss ot nesn. uu the other hand, a train in flesh is a sure sign uiai wasi- C ing diitases are "'5,'v5Fj "-6 s ;- Emaciated peo ple with obstinate coughs, bleeding lungs, nignt-sweais and weakness, have been perfectly cured hy the use of Or. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery. The several step of the cure were re corded in ounces and pounds of in creasing weight. When there is f'lin in flesh the wasting disease is being surely cured. Mr Will H.Whi'.mire, of Arktgn. k c'im; harn C j.. Va . writes dr-pc'jl't a'wit l it- firtt terrible CGUKti. 'Acta:!- Oar 3n contracted a if Jiilv i-'. ftn'l h-tfl a 1 a iW-tor am he pn nouncei it irnt.C: in 'tl; l,r rti hi.al tutK with asthmatic tr iubie, and he inMrtne'l me thai my on wa- liaaie t'J 'lie at a-iy ttm. lie tuhl me that if we coul't keep the I roii'-hial t'ltes orK-n, he mizhtrm- hint, tmt affr treating him so;i;ral weeks an i tr.y tn trrowi t worv: all th time, I coiiclu'ie'l to t.-v Dr. Pier e s (ioWen Medical Dlo;ery and r.eisant t-l'.ets.' I had leen S'-vrr-il almost mirac il m cnr'sj r.ro.itflit atitt by the u-k: ot liK:-,t m-dicinefi. and of courhe I had wonderful filth in tlirm He used three txottlM of Golden Medicil Discovery al home and one vil! of f-ie I'1 ;,' an I n then well enough to go to V.'vit Virginia taking a nuiiply with hira. I am just in receipt rf a letter from him from which I ,uote am well and hardy and p'tlirt? fry i'Jn ' " The Common !Sense Medical Adviser, ic8 large pai;es is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send .3 1 or.-cent rtamps for the cloth bound volume or only 21 stamps for the book in ptfier cover Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y. Shuliel. Will Mjehnke has bought a new chop per. William Gunther is buildinu a new barn" Farrnerri are busy making fences in our burg. Chriflt Hornblmh hae finished hi new barn. K. W. HornHhuh's new houne is al most finished. Our school is progressing nicely under the care of Mr. Poole. Mr. E. F. Ginther went to Portland to get a new harness. Will Lindan, of Astoria, ii visiting at the borne of E. W. Ilornshuh. Our singing school is progressing nicely under the care of Prof. Ed Schmidt. CASTOR I A For Infanti and Children. The Kind You Kara Always Bought Bears the Signature of I Miss Josie M ts-inger, of Oregon City, is visiting her parents for a few weeka. Mr. F. lUiihm will soon have a new ham !o replace, tint one he loot by lire.. We are g-ieved to hear that Kdua, the lilile daughter of C. Miulinki', is no bet ter. llenrv tiinther and Otto Hornshiih keep the quail htity hunting new roost ing pi aces. The Misses Laura ami Flnora and Mr. j Henry tiinther spent last Monday even j iug at the home of Miss Louise Sleiner I Miss Calla Hornsliiili, who has been visiting her parsnts, Mr. and Mrs K. W. I llornslitih, has returned to her Lome in Sj,n Fiam isco. ! We would like to warn the bttya, who j broke the bench in the church last Fri j day night, that if such things continue j there will he something moiethan brok ! en benches to attend to. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digosUuits and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief ami never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food von win t. The must sensitive stomachs tun lake It. Hy irwiiMj many thousands of lspopties have been cured after everything else failed. It .8 unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't he!p but do you good Prepared onlr bv K. I'l Witt fo . I lib-airo The il.bulllecoHluiusS-, 1 1 uie the jOe. ftU Take DeWitt's Little F.arly Uis-rs, Just More going to lied. You will find on the morrow, You are rid of your sorrow That's all ; just enough said. These famous pills do not gripe, but j move the Itowels gently and easily, i cleansing the liver. Their tonic e fleet gives strength to the giands, preventing I a return of the disorder. Geo. A. Hard ing. Isjier. Miss Pertha Olterst commenced hei Mr. and Mrs. Jav Wootlle have gone to Eagle creek to spend a few daya w ith menu. jr-,s,war, 8avs that his potato crop is maeU betu.r Uian lB ex,,ectei. aiarv riiizniiner naa gone to loniaim to spend the winter with friends. first term of school in the new school house. It is in a fine location for a school iousp. All seem to be well pleased with the teacher and their nice warm school room. Carua. Herbert (irt-en was the guetit of Char ley White Sunday. Mrs. Jng,car, of Oregon City, is visit ing relatives in Carus. Minn Edith White was the gucft of Sara Thomas Sunday. Ernt;t Sturgis, of Eldorado, was a j guest of Mr. (juyer'a family Sunday. Mrs. Fatift and daughter spoilt Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jaggar and daugh ter. lii.rn, November llrd, to the wife of V. Jaiigar, a boy. Mother and child are getting along vety nicely. Miss Nellie and Fred Stevens irave a farewell dance at their home Friday evening in honor of their sixers, Mrs. U. I'aker, Mrs. J. (iard and Mrs. A. New kirchner, ho, with their families, in tend to leave for Eastern Oregon soon! A most delightful time was had by all. At midnight a very dainty reimnt was served by Mefulames Newkirchner and liaker and Minn Stevens. Those present were Misse Arta Kirk, Lena Studetnari, Tressie Staben, fillie Thomas, Winnie and f'.erthena Howard, Veva Jones, Kitty Lyons, Aletba Ifornshuh, Nevada I'ills and Nell Stevens, Mesdames How ard, Ilornshuh, Stevens, liaker, Gard, Newkirchner, Messrs. Amos and Alfred Kirk, Kalph and Norman Howard, Hen ry .Staben, F'red Stevens, Guill and Abe Thomas, Dewi Thomas, Gordon Jones, Ernest Jones, Sebastian Hany, Clyde Smith, Roy liaker, Evan Lewis, Frank Shoenburn, Toui Inskeep, Laurence Ier anger, Edwin Howard, Jack Irish, and Louis Davin. Dancing was indulged in until 1 o'clock A. M. Afclerp iiilal I'lames). Breaking into a blazing home, some firemen lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. Kin'a New Discovery for Consump tion gives perfect protection against all Throat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death, anJ doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stub born. Harmless and nice tasting, it's guaranteed to satisfy by Geo. A. Harding. Price 50c and 1.00. Trial bottles free. aroituJig 'VZUOJiBVO In Ihe I'irouil t'otirl of llio State of trt gun, lor I Ui Imiuhis t'liiiiity. John 11 Hum in . I'lnintilt, ) v 'lnche K. bniilin, ilelciiilntil.i To I'hiiel'i' K. Ittiinin, tlu hIiovk intnu'd , 1 1-1.-1 1, 1 rt i . I In the 1 1 m in.- "t llti' St iti of On'Kiiti yuu are lien l.y honlu-.l In 'piHr ami nii.iei tlif coiii'lniiit lirrt'l t 1 1 1 . I within sit ii k tru ii Tie .hit'' nl t'n lirat 'il'lnnlinn nl linn atiiiiiiiiiii", vir : mi or Ih'Ioh- Ilie '.s.illt day nl iivi'iniiT. I'll'. Ymi nr.. lnnlier In rcl'V nolilli d Hint unli' vi mu do mi aii nr tiii'l ansAt r ttie I'l.ilniiil will n ily to lhi I'.Mirt Iik in n lii i pruyi'il lor in Hie rmiii'lHii.t .lit-nil: lur 1. i-r.,. di.nol vihi; Ilic ntarri.mt' rt'ln'inoa now cMsltng lii'inri'ii ynti Hint ne ilniililt on I he un.itinl nl wil iul ilesi'tlum lur a i-ruul ol nu'ti' t mil one year. I'lns siinimuin Is st'tveil nil von liv imlill mtiuti inirstinet loan older o! I Iik lion. I'. A. Mi Hridi', IniUe of llix I'lrt-oil t'.mri ol I lie Male ol tiegnn lor t ln-kaniiis ('.unity, ir.n le Bil l ei tereit on tin' l.'li ilav id Nn-fi'int't-r, I'.m.', ilirei liiig pulilit aiimi ln r. ol once eai'h wteli lor an ciisei"nlivt r,'ks, ill llie Urigon City Knleri riso. ihr lit nl i.iil'lli'iti lau In he NovimhIm'I II, I'lr.. v.i. ki:ip. Attorney U r I'lainlill. Ki'.nntMN. In l'i (' r -nit Court of the State nf lire gun fi r Hie Comity ,i CI it kaiinn. 1'lnr.i 1. (.. ...din. II.. r, l'i lintlll.) vs. K. C. (lim.liiii l.-r, li.-lfii.l.ii t.l T'i I'. IV tioo.ltn iller. The wlitiNc tisnn',1 ilrlt'lntrtl I : In ilie nun e nl lite Slut" ol Hrrg. hi : You are lit-rfi.y r.'.tnr. .1 l.i . rear and nr Hie coinlatnt tile.l nt.siu-.t voti In Hie almve enttile I sit it on w tielore t lie ri i ta llon nl !-U e - W s Ironi toe itt.l.- ol tin' lust pill In allnii nl I'us Mitnin.ins ; ami II you tail lo so aiieitr ami ntmuer ttul i-oni.itiiit. ilitinll willaily lot leC.iiri li.r a .lien e ills. oh lug Ilia tioiuls nl n I niliony exi-ltng lirlweeii i'lainlill ami ileli-i.tlitnt, ami lor the rebel .rae.l lor 111 said com Itilttl. Mils stlilillintis ts pnldi-lie.l lit he t trivon City Knler.rise l'v ordi r ot II. in. T. A Mi -Hrnle, J u.lk'e of the nh.nr. entitled Cniirl, innile nnit enlereil on Hie l-'IM day ol No veniti.T, The ilati ol llie lir-t .ul'lii atiott of this stitiinions ia the II h day ol Nnveintn-r, I i.'; llie last p iIiIumIioii the Join ilaj ol lltTBinlier, i;k ii;tii:c. srurr, Attorney lor i'luinltll. sa.ii i:it i n In the Circnil Court nl lite Stale ol Ore gun, tor the County ol Clackamas Julia K Capwell, l'i lintill, ) v. William Kermn. Ie!einlanl ) Sr.yrr or (imc m. Cur. "i tr or Ci.AeK , Hy virtue of a jinlgnient nuler, decree and an t-xrciitinii, itiry i-Ut'tl tint of ami under tl.e Heal ol the ali ive rt titleil court, III Itie tttiove entltleil cause, to me iltlly ill --ei'teil anil dated the llll.day ol Nmenitx-r, l!U, il 'Oil a jtiilk'tneiil r. n.lereil and en lereil in said conrt on the .dlt day of No venilier, I'.S'J, in lavof ol JnlU K. .') elt. I'lainlill. anil antiot William Kerron, I'elen.lant. Inr 11. e mini of llir.'.si with inirreat thereon at the rale ol ntr cent I 4 r nn ti ti in from the .Vh day ol Nnvem her, 1'"'.', and the lurtner sum nl IIT M tiles, with interest thereon fr.iin the .'nit tiny ol I h loin r, lis'.', ami the further sum ol ).ki i". as attorney a lee, and III" lurlher Sinn oi(T.is) costs anil (listnir-eniettls, and the cosia ol ami iiimiii this wrii, cointnaiiditig me lo make sale ol the lnlolug ilescnhe.l real proieriy, situate in the county ol Clackamas, stute o iregon, to-wit : A art nf Ihe 1 man. in I. an. I Claim nf Charity I. ain't . the nelrs ol N. J. I.atnh, No. .' 1 in l'i. i h. ol It. ;t K. ol W illamette .Meridian, hoiiniliil t.y a line heginnlng on tin- K.ist line ol the said l million l.uml llallii at a ioinl 10 cliallts .s. in 111 nl llie Northeast corner of stun liimaiinu Land (' 1 a 1 1 ii (which Northeast corner is I'.'.'l rhaltis rsiitilh ami IJ IU ciiains Hast of the Northwest curlier ol f-edion .i in said i nv nship and flange) and running thence est s..ril chains ; Ihence S nith '' ! dt-trrees Wist l.i chains; ihence Smith II. .'.7 chains; Ihence Mast .L't.i l chains more or !'ss to Ihe Kii-l line ol the eanl I), b. ('.; tliunce Nnrih ll.:il chains lo tne I ice of beginniiig. con taming l'i acres, more ur less, in ( lucka mas Cni ly, Slate ol I iregon. .Nits, Therelore, t.y vu toe of sanl execu tion, indgment order and ilecree, and in c.ttn.iKMce with the commands of sanl writ, I will, on r-atnrdav, the l irif OA V OK DKCKMHKU, VI, at the hour of lo o'clock A. M., nt the front iloor ol the Couniy Court Huitse in the Ciiy itl liregntt City, in said County and Hlate, sell at iiittl'c anctiun, snlijent In re deiiiition, to the highest hnlder, for I'. S. Kold coin cash in hand, all Ihe right, title and interest jjch (he w ithin named de fendants or either of them, had on the date ol the utorti;ae herein or since had in or to Ihe attove de.. rihed real .ro.er!y or tiny part ther-iil, to saiisly said ejecniion, judir innit order, decree, inleresl, costs and all accruing costs. J. It. SIIAVKIt, Hhenll'of C'lackaui'ts Com ty. i in m. liy V.. C. JIACKK1T, I lepuly. OaU-d, (Iregon City. Or., Nov. 1 Hit, V.n2. DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY "d Backache AH dlseaneR of Ktdnsyi, Bladder, Urinary Organs. Also Rheumatism, Hac ache.HeartDlsease Gravel Dropsy, Female Troubles. CURE Don't become discouraged. There li a Cure for you. If necessary write Or. l-ermer He has spent a llfn l imn coring Just such cases as yours. All consultations free. "Your Kidney and Backache Curo has Cured two very bad casta among our custo mers the past year whom the doctors hud given up. J. L. STILL CO., Woodland, Ia." Druggists. 50c., II. Ask forCook Book-Pree. OT VITIIC'nAMPC Hure Cure. Circular. It Ol.VIIUo UAriUbFeouer, Kredoola.N. Y For sale by C. (i. HUNTLEY CH A UM AN A CO A MlartllHK NuririN. Very few could believe In looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robnst black smith of Tilden, Ind., that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheuma tism an few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters. "Two bottles wholly cured me," ha writes, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They reg ulate the Kidneys, pnrify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervous ness, improve digestion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50cts. at Geo. A. Harding'a drug store. aarspasawwiiTjrse,-T fciii an , latfcA. , 8iSssiM5s Thtt Klml Yotl llavo Always: Untight, ttml vlili li lin lo'il In uso fur ovt IK) jcars, ltasi Ixirtm 1u hl;riial 'f -J? - ami lias 1h'ii inmlo untlcr Ills mt- j( 77" hiiii1hihmtsImIoii ,l'', IIh lulaticy. 1vY, S.CA.tfi Allow no iiHtol'lvo yon In tlilt. All C'oiuiti't IVIIm, Imltatlnim anil .Iii-l-aH-nniMl" aro tint llMriniiifs Hint Irlllo l(li noil i'nilanc;iT tlio hoallli of liilauti am tlilltlrta-i:piilciuo gniii'st i:iifiliii:U What is CASTORIA Catorlii 1st u liartnli'HM mibsfltitfo lor Castor Oil, l'uro gorlo. Drops ami Sootlilnp; Sijrups. It Is IMi-umuiiI. It contains neither Opium, IMorpliIno nor ollnr Nareotlci Milistanee. Its ittfo Is Its rjiiunintce. It ileslroys Wornm mill nllajs I'eerNhiiess. It oures plan liu'.ii anil linl Colif. U relieveM Teelhlii"; Troubles, euies CoiiHtlputlou iiml riatuleney. It assimilates the I'ooil, reulaleH (ho tomach ami itowels, i lny healthy anil natural bleep. This C'hllili-en'H raiiueea-Tho .Mother's l-'rlvml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho 7J w at 1 1 ii nil rr y W mr m The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Tut tlNTIUl OOMMNf, TV MVnaf TlltCT, NlW VOM ITV. MURROW'S BARRED ROCKS Are Bt tho tup. Iliive won at two nf tlui lnrn'nt shows in tlm Northwest, 1 '. M ) I l'M , nlsn nt the ntutu fairs. I.ok up their rcciinl. Soiiie 11 nn bri't'ilin emkri'ls from our jtri.e inning stniin -t'J.IHJ ami up. Also a few white rock rock rein f'.' (XI. Kn if.MH) jier Hi'tt'mn. J. MUnROW & SON. Oroon City, Oro. FCOLCHICINE SALICYLATE W O T I O E Tin- fitlliiwing described llorsrs were taken from my ;iature, III Tygll Valley, nil the ni,;ht ol ()i tuber iy, i'i: I Liirne I'tmwn Mare, tiaviim very little or no wlii'e a liout her, hriinil iiiikiiown, h:ul nhne nn left liiml f t. 1 Litr'o heavy net Hay Mare, liramleil VI on nhntiMer very I i in . not sliml. ..... 1 Sinull Hrown Mure, Haildle markeil ami liraiuleil II ) on aIioiiIiIit , I Small (Ji'liliii' with whiti) fat''' ainl white main! and tail, linunli'il VI on HtihV, hiully sadillii inarkeil The two last were hIiihI all arniiiil. . , It is heleived they were driven over the mountain. Any iiifurtiialioii lead- ing to the recovery of the horses, or arrest of the theil, will he suitably rewarded. j., A, BOTATIWEY, j Tygh Valloy, Wasco County, Oro. WOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS or nmi iii.nisii "paina of menstruation." They arc "I.IFU SAVIORS" to pirlat womuuhood, aiding development of orjf.'ina and ImhIv. I.o known remedy for woini-n eipiuls them. Ciinnot do harin lifo becomes a pleaaure. $ I AHt l'i ilt HOX 1 1 V JM A I h. Solil by drilfKlstS. ML MUTT'S CIIKMICAL CX., Cleveland, Ohio. For Hale at HUNTI.KY'H Nl .11.11 .N. In the Circuit Court of the HUte of Ore K'Hi fur Clackamas County. Klnter K. Hhipley, l'laiutiu,) v. Maude L. Hhipler. Defendant.) To Mauila L. Hhipley, the above named defendant In the name of the Htata of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled aKalnsl yon In the above etitltlrd court and cauixi on or before the ith dT of December, which in elx weeks lollowlnfi the first luiblication ol this summons, and if you fail to appear, the lilaiiitllf will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, which la fur a decree of divorce from you upon the ground of willul desertion, continuiiiK for more than one year prior to the commence ment ol thi action, and for the future care and custody ol Aliitarene Viola Hhiidey, the minor child, issue of the marriage ol plniiitilf and defendant, and for such other relief aa may tie mete wltn equity. Tin summons is ortlered published in the Oregon City Knterprine, a newiaierof general circulation in thii County and Hlate, by 'l lioinss A. Mclirlde, Judge of the Circuit Court of Clackamas (.'utility. Ore gon, returnable to the above named Circuit Court. Tha order of publication made No vemher 12th, 'fi. First publication No vember Hlh, IW2. WILLIAM KKIJJ, Attorney for I'laintifl. 4 It; Signaturo of Trochct's Colchicine Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallihlc cure for KHI'l.'MATISM and (iOUT, endorsed hy the highest medical authorities of l.uropc anJ America, dispensed onlv in spherical capsules, winch dis solve in liquids of l ho stomach without cunting irritation or disagreeable symptom. I'ncc, $1 per holilc. SolJ hy druggists. I!c sure and get the genuine. V ll.l.l AM Mill. III., II.I VI I. IMI, OHIO, M..ln I'rovs. For (stile at lirMI.KV'S They overcome Weak ness, Irregularity ami otinssKins, lltrreii-.il Vijf- HI II 11 Ill the Clrrull Court of tltn Htale of Ore gon for the I Ion nly ol ClHckamti. Uertrude Michael, I'laintiM, Kallth Mil duel, Deleniluiil lit.) To Kalph Michael, The above-iiameil de femlniit: In the name of the Hlate of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complHiut lileif agninst you In the above-etilitled suit on or before the expira tion of six week Iroiu the date of the lirst puhlicalicn of thi siiiiitntms; anil if ytm tail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiM' will apply to the Court for a decree dissolving the bond ol matrimony existing between plaiutiir ami defendant, and for the relief prayed for In naul complaint. This summons i published in the Oregon City Knterprise by order of Hon. T. A. Mc Itride. Judge of the ahove-eutilleii Court, made and entered on the l-:h day of No vember, VW. The date of the lirst publication of thii summons is the 14th day ot November, the last publication the LUlli day of Ilecemlier, l!rj. OKOUCK C. STOUT, Attorney for I'laiutiir. OAHTOniA, Bean thi ItaKind Yen Haffl !OT ) m Kind Yea Haw !tnrs Bouglit tuff