Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 31, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise.
(Tit and Conn!j OlUcinl Paper
futtlitalied ,Kvery Krldtiy.
L. I.. rOKTEK. 1'EorRiiToi.
Tug finding of Special Justice llihba'rd i Tutt Oregon lenitdature will not b
in tho inquest into the accident near ! convoked by the novcrmir in extraordi
Pittslield in luti a trolley car ootliU-il , nary scxaou this (all, as had boon hoped
with tho cairiBiirt in which Prv-si.lonO by ninny people Biid many politician.
Koosevelt an.l otliera were riding will at- Tliia boing a fact lias cusfd much exe ilt
tract uunnuiil attention because of tho , incut and no end u( disappointment to
narrow escape of tho Ptwidont and the those who ha.l 't schomci they hoped
dua.h of lua secret eervico companion,
William Crai. The finding, however,
is worthy of more than passing note
aside fiotn the fact that the presidential
to have enacted into law boforo the
regular session. Anions these were the
Hut salary proic.cUioii for slate officers,
to decide upon the constitutionally of
Is Liable to Break Down Pe-ru-na is
Sure to Restore.
n... t on
Six months.'.'. .7.7.7 . '.'.'.'.'.. i 00 ! ,uty was in the accident. The state of' the late-adopted amendment to tlm stale
Trial subscript.,... uo months i Massachusetts long ao abolished that I oonstitiition-tho initative and roforen-
A discount ol N) cents on allsubscr.plions j " " . ,
for one year, 25 cents for six uonths, H , useless iclie of ancient Kiitflisli jurispru-. diim and the appropriation o( money In
paid in advance. I
Advertising rates given on application.
deuce known as a "coroner" and made ; aid of the lewis and Clark exposition.
it the duty of a justice to nather evidence the expediency ol an exira soau.ii nan
hiiIi. i Lean stri.i.clv limed lv manv very in-
Bubscriliers will timt the date of expira. J " ' ,', ,,'.- .1
Hon stamped on their papers following i 0t iiiipanelinR a jury, the fame to bo tmeiitml people ill all portions ol tile
liieir name. 11 tuts date is not ciiaiiireu . .
within two weeks after a paviuent, knidiy turned over to the grand jury together
notify us ami we will look alter it. 1 wi(h e nport or ..Vordict" of the jus-
jtice. In the case of the Pittslield aeei-
Knteredat the postoftic in Oregon City, j J((nt ,luirvfri tie report to bo sub
Or., as second class matter.
' initio 1 to the grand jury represents the
' conclusions of a jurist who thoroughly
Beaver Creek
Vnioti Mills
Meadow brook
Now Kra
SI ;i lino
".sale Creek
C :rrinsville
motives well founded, but none seemed
to grasp the situation as it existed until
the matter was submitted to the attorney-
j investigated it and who took the testi- general, whose opinion has completely
Imonyof passengers for what it was flattened the wholo matter. Mis slatot
mentis to the etl'ect that the initiative
while on the other hand
was strong opposition from
portion of the state, from
. Or. T. It. Thomas
K-' : worth. The justice found that the car
A Mather !
,.ocr issmeeri was Tunniin? toward the crossing at a
.. .(. J. Trullinter 1 , . ,. . ., ,,
t'lia Holinai. dangerous and unreasonable speed, not
.. . !. Newberry orilire, t,v lie company, and that it was I important than anything else is the fac-
K. O. Holmes j - . 1 .
I. Q (..age j allowed to maintain this speed up to a that it a special session the legislature
;.V.'..K.TM.tCoor' point where it was impossible to avoid a is held the very thing it was hoped to
and referendum needs no further action.
It is already law, and further and more
;:;;y..niM " t the place
B. Jei.nir.u's 1 where the majority of carriages usually
.Henry A. Snyder
irTWilliern j crossed. As the conductor and niotor-
J'l,Hs'oh ! man were cognisant of these facts the
to. J. Cnrrin I : til,e t,jj tll4l t)(,jr "mi.iwful act eon-
tributed to the death of Wiiiiuni Craig." 1 the nutter ends, w ith nothing accom
avoid would, of law and necessity, have
to be taken up in case the special session
lasted over two Tuesdays, when it would
bo necessary to lake up the matter of
electing a I'nited States senator. Thus
I The report of Justice Hibbard in this
case presents an object lesson in the
In some localities there is a dipposition mattt,r 0f fixing responsibility for fatal
manifested that property should be 1 troiey accident! that ,av we!l engage
sessed at its full value. One argument ; the aUerilion 0 COunty and municipal
authorities in other states. The fre
quency of trolley fatalities, resulting
from unlawful or unreasonable speed,
calls for more vigorous measures in as-
a:iinst tiie proposition is that such an
action might increase the nu-gin tor tie
limit of debt, which the state law fixes
t 5 per cent cf ti e assessed valuation.
O'hers contend that this is an argument
rather for than against the proposition.
Some cities, seme counties and some
school districts have issued bonds about The annual report of the commissioner
up to the debt limit, and there is said to of education, just submitted to the Bee-
he in some of these instances, urgent j retary of the interior, shows that the
need for more money than can be raised j grand total of pupils in schools, elenien
by taxation. Apart from the effect of 1 tary, secondary and higher, both public
tiie policy of full valuation on the ability j and private, in the United Suites for the
of the city, or county, or district to in-
Tiik Enterprise has realized that
every cheap state that wanted to try
and hoodwink labor would stand ag'.ast
that the owner of the Enterprise
should want anything to say concerning
his business. In other words, a mini is
obliged to pay the wage scale fixed and
about which he is not consulted, or be
certaining the direct responsibility for I )( Kntorl)rise (o(jk
...V...,.. ....... ... y;,
If . : -;:. v:'
1 - A
l(U vVvS:v; Frank !
!; 'i," .
4 s.
Cif- .-v.:":-v
crease its debt, a uniform rate of valu'
lion is desirable. Under the present i the previous year. Of this
svetem ti e assessed value of property in J enrollment of pupils in institutions sup
a city ives no bais upon which to esti-1 ported by general an.l local taxes fur
mate the relative wealth of cities. In ! nished by states and municipalities was
the stand that as the scale uf wages w as
not satisfactory that the least that could
be asked was arbitration. In this stand
the Federated Trades, through their com
mittee, has agreed w ith the Enterprise
and the matter w ill be arbitrated. The j
Enterprise has always paid the highest t
,.1 ..r..... . lr
year ended June 20, W2, was 17,2"'J,- lo t"""- "J
-in .n in,r of ?TS S:'0 ..noils over f,,Rl is tiiU"'1 ,0 "" Hreatextent
number the !"'" have to do with less help.
New England states the valuation is as
close to the selling value of property as
it can be made without subjecting property-holders
to the injustice of paying
taxes on property that only exists in the
imagination of the assessor.
15,710,3'J4, against 15,4-13,402, the num
ber reported for the previous year. Be
sides these there were certain special in
stitutions. Adding the enrollment in
these special schools to that for general
education, the aggregate ia something
raise aeked for is from '.'. to per
cent of the old scale in this ollice. The
Enterprise well knows that the opinion
of every man that wants to work labor
(or some favor will be dead against
the paper, and that opinion is formed
w ithout the slightest knowledge or care
for the facts or merits in the case.
Wo?. Frank Dunn, Alderman TwcrtyFourth District, writes
f.nr 132 Cast Fifty Eighth Street, A'cw Ycrk City:
Thf Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, 0.:
Gentlemen: "There la no remedy tor a broken-down system
that I know ct which will so effectually restore health as lruna.
"Whenever I am overworked or Bvli'cr from tho conitequcnccs of
a cold a few doses cf Pcruna builds xrtc i:p aaln more quickly than
anything I ever tried. I find It crpechlly valuable for catnrrh.
Three bottles cured me three years ago of catarrh of the stomach and
i have never bad the least symptoms of li since."
Very truly,
FRASK DU.W, Alderman 24th Dlst., N. Y. City.
tliul still.ed 1 ! I" 1 "i a.i
111 nfiVel :!!. H i ; -1 '"" ''I U
to M.hxI V. . 1 1 1. I O"1 b r.ulllt
)llbr. i. t':.!.-.n!. u . iHlloti.
ATONIC ia a nnllelnn Hint Rlvea tnno
toaouinparl of tint m M. ni. Thnro
aro different Muds t.-nhs, but
tho toiilo inoi.t ii-'d. .1 i.i tin-, country,
whero ciilarrli it 1" pn-vu'.iid, la
toiilo that opi'iutm on t!.o i..ucuamai
l'eruna Is a tutilti toth mi'mmn mrni
braneaof thitw holob lv. It i IW tm
to tho capillary clr.-ul. 'I xvheh cott"
stltiitoa thus" clelh ate n ntmii'
1'erulia la rjmelili. I 1 its i peratlo"
upon tho inn.'. 'ii.i in. ir.l i 11. 1-. H la
toiilo thut stii'..e.i 1 1 t: 1 or all c
nervo I
wht-M l'erph i 1 1 i! 'I Int. Hi ently.
IVrunaaot l.s ut eatiirih In .''I too hU
dell parts of tho body,
1'uul I.itndrum vrltltiK f'otu ACanta,
(ia., uyn
"In Jan.'iiry lad I Nr. an tho ti rf
your l'l-r.niiv mid .Maiiu'Jii for what wn
term"d orranio heurt Irouhtn. At that
tlmolcoul.l H.-urc. ly wulk to my pla. 0
of bllhlllesl Will. . lit slopplriK to rest Mid
oi arrival f -It completely i-tlnuti- I.
Had itevere pains In my heart and gi-ner. l
dlMiiHvH. After lining tho II rat U.ttle 1 f
IVrutlil 1 Ix-rnit t" Improve nnd bnlny I
f.s I that I am a aoiuid mail and I work
foiirtis ii houra a day without any lal
feollni;." I'nul l.andruiil.
A. M. Ik.'r.l, an etnd..yeit .f thi-r. I',
.t tj. It. It., Y.'cet lturllni:toii, la., write t
"I had e.it:irrh of tho Hloiuaeh an 1
small liitrstlin f..r a iiuinU r .f y. arii.
I went to a iitmils r t doctor and not
no relief. I'm wily ol." of iny doctora
sent l.i to Chleugo Ki.d I met tlio aamo
fato. They Hiil.l they could do nothing
for nut, that 1 hud cancer of the stomach
and there w as no em. I almost thouhl
tlm Maine, for my breath waa so nidhliM
awful. I col I hardly atalid it, It Wf J
so offensive. 1 could not eat anytMi.;,
without gret misery, ami 1 giaxlnJJ
grnw worse.
'l'liially I K"t one of your boiku, anA
eon -lud. .1 1 would try Perima, and thank
IokI, I found a relief and a cum for Hut
dreadful dlseas... 1 look flvn hittle it
l'eruna and two of Manalln, and I iiott
f.-el like a new man, Tlwrn la nothing
Udter than reri.ua, and I krs-p a tmttla
In my houe all th tlni"." A. M.lkerd.
If you do 11 d ib-rlvit prompt al il satis
faet-.ry result.' from tho u of I'eriina,
w rit" at oii. t" I'r. Ilarlman, K'.Tlng I.
full etatenieiit of V".ir cao arid bt wlil
l,o pleaed to K'v you hll TtJUrJUd ti
vice gratia.
AiMre-s lr. llnrtinan, 1'realdent ol
Ph.. llartiuan Sanllarluiu, ColumhuJ,
I hh).
A reference to the tax rate of Feveral over 17,750,010. The value of properly
cities shows that the property owner used for public school purpose has riBen
gains nothing by a low rate of valuation, j to -."''13,0.SfJ from IlliO.SSO.OOS in 1870,
Ia Massachusetts, where full value is ; and the expenditures fur the common
the rule, the tax rate is $I.4'J. In Illi- j schools (including elementary and sec
nois, w here 20 per cent assessment pre-!ondary schools and excluding all insti
vails, the tax rate is 15.20. In compar- j tutions for higher education) amounted
ing assessments and tax rates the facts j to (220,043,28, having risen to this sum
(aiM- I. the Hot itl.es.
'The fastest selling articles I have in
my store" writes Hrnggist ('. T. Smith,
! of Davis, Ky., "is Dr. King's New Dis
Icovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, because it always cures. In my
six years of sales it has never failed. I
have known it to save sufferers Iron.
Throat and Lung diseases, who cjuld get
no help from doctors or any other
I remedy." Mothers rely on it. best phy-
should be kept in mind that full val.ia-1 from $03.3!'0,MG in 1870. In 1870 the j Bj,.janH j,rpP,;ribe it and (ieo. A. Harding
tion does not mean the highest point at ! expenditure for schools per capita 0' guarantees satisfaction or refunds price.
w hich a single piece of property has j population was $1 01 ; the last year it was
been 50M. There ia some force in the . $2 '.)'.) per capita of the population, the
aiguu.ents of the opponents of full valu-1 highest that it has ever been. The aver
ation that larger revenues will lead to j ag6 attendance for each for the entire
larger expenditures. But if increased I number enrolled was ninety days for the
expenditures are necessary to provide year, an increase of twepty-four days
for uniform benefits from taxation they ' over the previous year.
must be incurred. From some sources
now comes the announcement that sev
eral hundred children of school age are
denied accommodation in the public
Jin kb U a strong and growing senti
ment throughout Oregon that the pro
posal for the state to appropriate $500-
icbools for lack of money to build school- joo:i or any other amount in aid of the
houses. A city or district is under a
moral and legal obligation to provide
school accommodation for all children of
school age who apply for it, and the ob
ligation must be discharged, no matter
what the result is in the way of increased
Tns importance of coal, cot only as
necessity for individual comfort but also
as an indispensable factor in industrial
enterprises, has been recently brought to
the attention of the American people in
a way that ia convincing, if unpleasant.
Coincident with this lesson are the fig
ores of the geological survey, which show
that the United States, under normal
conditions, has outstripped even Great
Britain a a coal producer, and that it
furnishes approximately one-third of all
the coal annually dug ont of the mine
throughout the world. This, of course,
included both the anthracite and bitu
minous varieties, and it constitutes an
other striking proof oi the marked devel
opment of its resources which this coun
try hag undergone in the last few years.
Trial bottles free, Keg. sizes, 50c and $1.
Letter l.lst.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the poHtofliceat Oregon City,
Ore., on Oct. 30, 1002:
womkn's uht.
Rresslu Cora Miss Campbell Anna Mrs
Maxwell Nellie A Mrs
mks's i.i. sr. s
Anderson J A
Ho wen T K
Cook II I.
Dean Walter
Downing V F
Fisher Joe
Forthous Frank
Lewis and Clark fair should be left to a
vote of the people. Some of the indivi
duals connected with the management j joneg am
of the exposition are opposed to the
question being submitted to a vote of
the people, or in other words, permit
ting our late constitutional amendment,
the initiative and referendum, taking its
course in the premises. The fair people
want nothing less than half a million
dollars appropriated by the state. If the
question is worthy of any consideration
at all, it deserves to be fully and freely
discussed, and should be left with the
people for their approval or otherwise,
as the case may be. If the purpose of
the initiative and referendum is to allow
the people to express their sentiments,
the exposition management should not
oppose the proposal to submit the mat
ter to a conservative, intelligent, patri
otic constituency, so that the amount
given would be spontaneous and a free
gift by those who will have the burden
to shoulder.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
('nick A W
Keilly John K
Rogers O S
Scheiffer Win
Smith Ernest
Stephens C U
Vane Jno
Williams T M
Nye F J
to in: utr.y a vw
A $10 heating stove will be given to
the farmer in Clackamus county who
will place on exhibition six heaviest
potatoes. The object of this is to Bhow
what Clackamas county can produce in
the potato line. They are to be left
with J. J. Cooke, the real estate dealer,
and after being weighed, will be placed
on exhibition, with the name of the pro
ducer, but the weights will not be made
public nutil Saturday, November 1st,
1302. The stove and potatoes will be on
exhibition in the show windows of Wi
Wilson (fcCooke.
2,000 niiloH of long .lie
tnnco toll-phone wiru ill
On'Kon, a.sliniL'ton, Cali
fornia ami Idaho now in
operation ly the Pacific
Station Ti'li-j.lioiio Com
jiany, covering 2,2'U
Quick, accurate, cheap
All tho satisfaction of a
personal communication. ;
Distance no cllect to
clear undcrHtanding. .Sk j
kane and San FmnciHco ,
an eaeily heard m Port
land. Oregon City office at
Harding's Drug Store.
I:ilil IK-.N "I ::;) t- l.eri.
At 0 and 7 pi r err t. (VI '.n 'ri:tt
?'. "V. I.' I'K'l,
( ir";on City I ireon '
Stevens' buih ing.
a HI
II -
but If ycui are goim; nut write us for our rales mid
et us tell von about the scrvici- 11ml .i.T.iiiituo.h.ti.iiii ullered by Ihi-
IllinoisContral Rallr ad. Through Tourist Cars
via the Illinois Contral f" Pacific Coast
Chlcaeo and Cincinnati. i"-t '"i writ.- nb....t
your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable infnrniii
tioil and assistance. St') miles of Truck over which is operated
some of the finest trains in the world.
l-'or particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call 011 or
T. I'. & i'. A. Ciun'l Agt.
142 Third Street, Portland, ( rc.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know it.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and
All kinds of repairing neatly done
and warranted.
lotflIce llldK- C'moby, Orrgo
Vow To Find Ont.
Fill a bottle or common glass -with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set- J
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid- I
neyj; If It stains
your linen It Is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too .
frequent desire 10 ;
pass It or pain In j
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to Do.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should nave the
best. Sold by druggists In COc. and$l. sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tellsTT.L?
more about It, both sent PS 'i' rtl! "
absolutely free bv miU.iSLfiXii,
address Dr. Kilmer &
Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
The Red Front
(iood (ireen ('offoe, per lb... 10c
(iood Koaat " " lli!uc
Ar 111 Allaminer Soda 8 lha. . 2'ic
Waaliing Powder per 11) O-'ic
(iood Laundry Soap 20 barx. 70.'
Liquid Shoe IlreHHinK, Bottle OSc
IlluiriK per box 05c
" per bottle O.'ic
Hewinu Machine Oil, hottlo.. 0.V
liattle Axe Tobacco, 2 plnH. . 75c
We carry the Sweet Orr, Union
Made Overalls and Jackets.
lloy'a Ilata, from Xic up
Men's HaU, from 40c up
We cany the celebrated Gilbert
Lining and Near Silk.
from 40c up
MiHHeH MaekinloHliei with de
tachable collar ! M
Womeiii' MachintonhcH from 2 50
Meiia' Mai-hiiitutrhea from... 1 50
' Hoys' Mackintoshes from.... 1 25
Wo have the most cornpleto lino of
Dress Trim mini's I.aceH- Applitlt)
I'.raids and Fancy Iliiltons In Oregon
City and carry an assortment equal
to any in Portland
Fur TrimminKS in all colors,
Children's Uloaki per yard. 10c tip
We carry tho J. B. Lewla Mem Re
sister and liradley anil Motcalf
Shoes, which always (rive satisfac-
"tion and we will sell them at prices
to suit.
We Trade For Form Produce and Shingles.