Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
t OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1901 o . - - , ' V, V 4 WftftL- AAA AA ,0V ift ift aVjfii Friday, September 12. Pevendire mskes great speecu in , den, Utah, opening the campaign in that late. . Union striking marine engineers clare they will not return to work until ttieir demauds are met by the steamboat companies. .... ru.- ilieoimeiusiouio num.., mont. Texas, are on fire, and there i is but ' elinht liope of extinguishing the flames, which started in the waste oil. The report of a terrific earthquake in j vt.llt the changing of the channel of the Alaska reaches Seattle. There were sev-1 f iver The survey was provided for by eral shocks on August 17th; causing the;, Usl Co.igies. No provision, how- collapse of a salmon cannery at Yakutat. Tom O'Brien, who escaped from the Montana state penitentiary about three weeks ago. and was persistently pursued, returned to the prison today and surren dered. A. T. Belding, the Portland murderer, j whs found ituiltv in the nrst degree. Welding killed his wife and mother in law and shot his father-in law at Tort land in July. Washington republicans completed tkoir aioia rnnvontion work, and though Ihe fight was bitter, ttie hatchet has beeu j buried and they declare that all factions are united. J. T. Morgan and Senator Hanna have launched an undertaking for establishing churches in Manila, of Episcopal denom .... aiiaajVI ..!. ination. .Mr. jiorgan gave iw,iw i build a cathedral in Manila. j The long-expected merger of the meat packing establishments of the country . will go into active and open operation on j the 27th of this month. An industrial combination second only to the steel trust in point of magnitude, is practically an accomplished fact. Not for many years has there been arch a great volume of fires throughout the Northwest as are prevailing today. Almost total darkness prevails in midday in some parts of Oregon, so dense is the enioke. People in the vicinity of Washu gal. Wash., were driven from their homes and great damage is reported from all over the state. Saturday, September 13. The Pacific Steamship Company will Dot remove its headquarters from San Francisco to Seattle, as announced some time since. Smoks is so dense off the mouth of the Columbia that no vessels attempt to en ter the harbor and shipping is practi cally stopped. Killing frosts in Colorado and Iowa do great damage to crops. The corn crop in the latter state sustains a very great damage. Potatoes in Colorado are prac tically ruined. The Cnited States war veefels, Wis- cousin ai.d Cincinnati, are ordered to ! scene 01 irouoie iu Hie nv"u - - LI. ,k. f P..n tnia, They are sent simply to protect American interests there. Fir logs are selling for 6.50 per 1000 feet, the highest price reached by that class of timber in many years. A few Bales have been made at 18.50 per 1000. fiood soruce is very scarce 8Dd brings exceptionally high prices. j Mrs. William M. Stewart, wife of Sen atnr Siewart. of Nevada, was killed in 1 0 California today by being dashed against j telephone pole from an unmanageable j &LL WOMEH Wine of Cardui is the guardian of a woman's health and happi ness from youth to old age. It helps her safely into womanhood. It sustains her during the trials of pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, making labor easy aud preventing flooding and mis- . . . .1 1 la L.. carnage. Ji genuj coj. ui through the dangerous penoa known as the change ol life. yIEJE"ARDUI cures leucorrhrea, falling of the womb, and menstrual irregularity in every' form. It is valuable in every trying period of a woman's life. It reinforces the nervous system, acts directly on the geni tal organs and is the finest tonic for women known. Ak your druggist for a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. Bstwille, Ala.. July 11, 1900. I am minn Wine of Cartful and Tbed ford a BlarS-Llrauyt asd 1 leel lilre a diderrnt woman already. Several la dies here tp the mlirines in thir homes all the time. I hv three girls and they are osinu it with me. M ' )ln. KATK BBOWDEK. Tnr adTlw and lltermlnK. aMreM, slTln vrrt " 1 tie I- Chauaaooga. leou. I automobile. A WHiton came. In sight, ..,.1 the driver. Mrs. Slcvmr's nephew, and tin driver, attempting to guide the auto clear of the wagon, made, a fle 'Ulv na caused the accident. The strike ot the boppickers in tne Jackson vard, near Fairfield, in Marion . i . .. i... .i . wuiy aa Settled lOO) OJ "'""T'V ers agreeing to advance the price, lor picking from 40 10 60 ceuta per box. The !rie demanded wan granted witlun ,u,-,(h,V(;llUouri,4Ut.r,iletrikewaecUrea. ; .f opierilwJ l)y chinamen, ami euu,0VlHl. David H. Ogdeii and party of survey vy,,,., to- rs 01 "lp "" day begun the survey ot me mer Albany with a view to the consliuction of a revetment opposite the cuy to per 'u,r ,U!) Vet beeu made for the revel uient. that depending upon the report ol ihe eugineers. Sunday, September H. At a conference of the leading republi ., ., Y iili it was agreed to iu Roowvell for presidential noini nation in l'.KM. The revolutionists ol the Isthmus are waiting for arms to renew their attack and will next center their efforts on the railways. The Vanderbilt and Pennsylvania rail way systems ironi huge combine. The new combination will have a capitahzi. tioo of IL'.OOO.COJ.OOO. The president meets several senators and they discuss the tariff issue. There A .l;..iuj;.in a( tlm matter of uij w uuw calliug an extra session of congiess. Eastern Oregon people announce their intenlion to attempt the defeat of any muVtJUenl tjlat wj be undertaken for the repeal of the scalo bounty law. Mount Souffriere's new crater, which has been quiet heretofore, is throwing out black smoke today. The old crater is still issuing forth dense clouds of white steam. The secretary of the treasury has taken steps to relieve any possible stringency that might arise through the movement of crops, lie will let out M 000,000 in blocks of fiO.OOO to the national banks Seeking to relieve, in a measure, the stringency in the Eastern money market, and also to benefit by the advancing rates for loans. Armour 5c Co., today sent f4,000,000 to New York for loaning pur poses. The cold wave, which did much dam age to corn crops yesterday, extended its operations north and east. Tennessee, Arkansas, Indiana and many Illinois towns reported Irosls. Late crops were badly damaged. The price of soft coJ in Chicago has risen to $9 a ton, as compared with $3 75 on September 1. Anthracite is practic ally unobtainable, and is q-ioted by Borne driers as huh as $25 a ton. The sud- Jen advance in prices is attributed to de bv the cold weather, which, though not evere in itself, has aroused householders to a realization that their buildings are empty. Monday, September 15. O. P. Barnes, who is the general agent 0f the Ginn V Co., text book puh.ishers, says Oregon text book law and commU- . j sion have become . i ver. famous the country pkO0.Pvelt has the indorsement of more Btllleg for the presidential nomination than are needed to tecure .1 1 the piace. There ib no probability of another candi date. William S. Stratton, the discoverer of the famous Independence mine, at Crip ple Creek, Colo , died today. His wealth s variously estimated at from $15,000, 000 to $50,000,000. It is eatimated that Great Britain does five times as much business with South Africa as the United States. A great op portunity is said to exist there for Amer ica to extend her tiade. "Captain" Bilo, a leader of.adrones in Bulacan Province, Luzon, who was guilty of thirty murders, and who had been an outlaw for years, was killed by the native constabulary last Friday. Earl Caldwell, a machinist, was at- tacked by the striking machinists in Omaha. Caldwell had lormeriy gone oui with the other workmen when the Btrike was declared, but ceceesity forced him to return to work, and for this reason hi life was taken. A co worker was with Caldwell, but be escaped from the mob uninjured. t-j- -;ii !.,.; ha Knh week of the luuajr win 1 " . " ----- coal strike. The date on which Senator ; Piatt preaicte'i mat me oinao 7un has paeeed and the hope that was in- stilled into the people of that locality be ...,i of that Dred ction has been sue .....i.i -r.v . fe.iim that the end is still t.rc'j' uj """""o ibe grain crop in the Polouse country iseoualtothatoflast year and one !tbebet ever known. M. Sowers has I i.i ..f &wl Unatilan mot trirparipn 4 I u irn wi . uo... .. wheat which yielded 55 busbelo per acre. Sowers Bros, had 18 acres of lied Kus - KIDNEY CURE. There Is no dlscaso m Insinuat ing n liw but sure. M Kinney tus- ca-so, or so wldo-sprviid. The ay nip- loins are so augut a b. ....... .j escape notice. The first Indiontlons appear in the urine, with viiried rfleets. The quantity nmy 1 Incmiwd or tle creawHl; It i likely to be highly col ored mid soaldliijr; It may be pale or thin, or thick anu ninny wan sediment. Uter on more lr nouneiHl symptoms w ill I prewnt, such as ilir-ziinvw. lilontiiijr, etc., with marked bladder and urinary Poisonous wm murr i. b ! Ilxt fn" H Prt" . tio iul carried to tlm kldnrya, '" It la nvparnliHl and cal out tlmiiiali llir i. .i..nvliitf nntirlHlinivnt inrrv from. Ilonoe, u m mmi khim-ri n) mil only ovrwori. ou i....i II. iimtvuHrv la II. tnrrr f,.r. that tha purity and v'talny ot thr bWXHl allOUIll M U1HII1IMIU I... - r ." it.. MimhI rurlfler ami ir.,wih,.,.r-lr. Hurler a lrou Tonle- hitl Imhmi iUeceMf ully ud In trlln ki.ii..liaiiri and In rrvirvnlliii m. la purifvniK the blood It" kidneys .... ..11. ll a r it VKIl triiw oruana. TUa followlug letwr tells vtry old story : Ititt Khot, KY., Jun tt, 1101 Di Dr. Hurler Alnlicint O)., Dayton, O. Uutluu: I had a severe case ot typhoid ftverslx Tr ago, which Utt mi kid tie vt la bad order. I have tried numtwr of remcdlea and taken treat ment from doctor, but Dr. Ilarlerl Iron Tonlo baa done me more (ooa ama everything else. C toariai.U Merchant and Mine Uperator. Ther are thousands of lust such eases as the above that are treated without results because they are wronelv treated. Mr. I'ordell's iition resultel from an exhaust ing fever; the kidneys, as well as the rest oi me sysiem, uiu o.- u wasted by disease. ro w omier r u. w'a1n .liMiiitlvciired because it purified aud enriched the hlmta-4 ATlf f ni-h hlood carried new strength and vitality directly to the kidneys ana to an me orgaua, FOE (ULI IVXBTWBBKI. BtMavawavBawMMi sian which yielded fw bushels per a re, and 14d acres ol red. 'chi.ll' which aver aged " bushels per acre, liowman Ks pey, three miles noitneast of toan, had fifty acres of oats which averaged b'O bushels per acre. Yields of SO to W bushels of oats are quite common and three yieldi of 100 lmhela have been r ported near here. A number ol yields of 40 to 50 bushels ol wheat per acre have been reported since harvest began. Tuesday. September 10. Ex-Supreme Justne Oray is dead, having been stricken with paralysis. Suffering Irorn pneuinoira, Snato Thomas C. Bard, of California, is lying at death's door. Eigh'een thous in I persons were en tertained bv the piendcnt at his hi me at Oyster Fsy tod y. Thirty-eLht lives are reported lost as a result of the recent fires on Lewis river, in Washirgton. The i-tiile fair attendance is retorted today to be more than double Unit of anv time in ihe history of the affair. IV m Jum an. Alaka, comes the re port of a terrific ruin storm, which lasted for thiriy-one hours, doing much damage. I riuvvn d the fourteen smal'nox pa tients at I ilwaco have been discharged. Ttie disease was confine.) lo three (am I ies. An unfruitful attempt Wis made at Eugene to rob the money safe of the flouring milt. The safe was blown open, but it contained oniy $10. The clam canning establishment at Warreuton will be removed at tiray's Harbor. The supply of clams on Clat sop beach is -aid to be exhausted. The government theruioineer at Cleveland, Ohio, regis'er-d l degr-ea aiiove z-ro today, tlm lowest point reached in September in thirty years. At a social election held over at Dallas the proposition to bond the city for 12.0K) to put in a water system, was voted on today. It carried by a vote of 129 to 45. Lieutenant John Ft. Morris, of the Olympia, Dewey's flagship, committed suicide today. Morris is the second of ficer of that ve-sel to commit anlclde wi'hin five davs. Foreign Lands We iHsue drafts payable in other countries. Whenever you have occa sion to tiend money to foreign ' F fV kJ - u - , W ' 1 ' ' at it through this bank, i r v, tr i THE BANK OF OREGON CITY y ' wr Oregon City, Oregon w. M , Lki'aTi-jaiKh'A' The O. K. A N. Hteauiers, plying be tween Vortland and San Francisco, will tie laid oil'. The llarrlniaii poopla do not care to operate a line of steamers In oppoeitloii to their rail lines. Twenty-live villages have been swept away, and (WO persons have been ren dered homeless by Moods due. to the m. illnwiiiir nf rivers In the southern purl ol Ihe Presidency of l! Kelief camps lor the siilleters have been started. Wednesday, September 17. t The condition of Senator lhird, of Cal ifornia, who has been ill with pneumonia for several days, Is repoited soniewh t ...I ....I I,....- f,.r Ilia lii.-ilVOlV IS 0"l''",r"-1" " ' now enteitiiiued. I The wheal yield of Walla Walla, Co-1 luinbia and I'matilla counties, in Waidi ington, is estimated at U.tHHI (HHI bushels, j Ttie total yield ol Wall Walla conntv is Ifsa than ,lW,00O bushels, the smallest i in years. The governors ol Colorado and Wynni Ing appeal to the fedeml government for aid to tight the Urea that are raging in the government limber hunts. The llr-s are tertilic aloi g the binder line of the two states. ; The condition of the channel at the 1 month of the Columbia is said to he very had just now. The urgent need for im proving the channel can be understood when It is known that a vennel crossing bar a few days since struck bottom three times. At a conference of several senators and President Hoosevelt held at Oyster Hay, Senator llanna made Ihe declara tion that he will tight the proposal to make any changes in the present tariff. At least he is opposeil to such action be ing taken at present. 1 M. P. Isenherg, of Hood Kiver, has . . , .1 -,L. Iieen appointed supervisor 01 uie noun I ern and eastern iHirtion ol the I ascaue j f irest reserve, to succeed W. II. II. Ihi 'inr a hose aniiointment wan recalled by President Hoosevelt some months ago. Mr. Isenlierg will at once assume the duties of lha position. -!eaker Pavid B. Henderson, of li e National House of Representatives, d. dines the nomination for re-election to congress from Iowa. His announcement that he cannot agree with the public in regard to changes in the tariff and that there M no remedy by which the trusts can be curbed, create a aensaiiun. He has been in congress continuously since 1SK.'. Thursday, September 18. Fire continues lo rage in the vicinity ,.r rillmiwuik and the town 111 tl V vet be dertr lyed. Kepreseulative Charles V- LiUhfiud, of Maine, announces his candidacy lor Speaker ol the House. The marine strike on the Snake river ! ronuilelelv tied UP all boats and the situation is becoming serious for the fruit-raisers. J. C. Cootier assaulted and brutally beat J. W. McComey in a hop yard near Albany. McComey will not recover and Cooper is held in $1000 bonds. c.euwer Henderson ia ho firm in his statements to retire from congress that he refuses to comply to a request from il.u nruvidi-nt to remain a candidate for election. " j The residence of John ). Kocklcllcr at I Pocantico Hills, Westchester county, New York, was destroyed by fire today. The fire is supposed to have stalled from crossed electric wires. The loea is estimated at 10,000. A would-be robbe' drops a dynamite bomb in the Canadian Bank of Com merce in Skagway, killing hiuiseU and wrecking the building. He demanded that he be given :'0,(XlO, and upon re fusal committed the act. Massachusetts democrats repudiate a leader who is married to the silver craze, even hiss him and refuse to recognize his desire to be placed on the ticket. A great battle of words ensued immediately upon the opening of the convention. The coming national Issue of the re publican leaders wi II be an adherence to the tariff plank in the platform of 1800 This was definitely settled at the con ference of republican senators and the president held at Osyter Hay Wednes day. A great railroad war is threatened, In which it will tie war to the knile and the knife to the h ilt. Gould and liar riman are pitted against the Morgan crowd, and leading financial houses of New York take sides In the battle which is about to ensue. Eastern Oregon is greatly agitated over the discovery of a vast coal belt in the Blue mountains country. There are said to le nine continuous veins and the belt is about twelve miles square. Ex 3 I perts declare the quality ol the coal to 13 . L : . .i. ...,.( tl.o tnt-V Knrintrs Tm superior ni.v v. . districts, in Wyoming or the coat neias of Puget Sound. llu Hind Yaa Han Always Bought Easrstlia Cifoatus 7 f A DARK OUTLOOK rca THE YOl'MJ MAN WITH WEAK Ll'MiS. Ttme and again we s-e young; men taut arriving at their h-gal in,, ur hnvlnir harelv pii-'ed it. suddenly toptd in a csrrer lull of promise. Uiseuse Iihs laid its band on the lungs I ! IU who never took a thought for hun atlf must I careful now. lie must he 'careful alotit IhmI and drink, careful : tbaut his clothing and his ricrriw. No more lute hours or night air. No mute III. Iiinu are "weak." lie ha all ominous cough. He has fallen SWIIV III lll'lll. ..... ,,, When tliat cloud of consumption falls on a young man's hlc it daikeus every ttxl!WW,M.?.-- ' t;''5' lTAj 5?v'. V-- ' . b'i&'t SCi 'W ' 5' iv- WVrV v- '!;' ?yV:,V v.-, ' ' '&,:' -''::.: " V5'a-W - f ;.',.. , If,;.'' .1,1-- Trie words of love die unpokrn Inn Ida bus He cannot ttpmk now to P" ' ? . . . , .rf ,, fu,me. 11 K I - . . Middle aged men that nave neru uimn that cloud reiiiemls-r it still with a shiver. Hut the iitio,tant fact is that there are men who were once in danger from "weak" lungs who have grown tuong again, uianicd and brought up healthy Umilirs. i . . . i HOW IT IUPPKNKI). There is no chance als.ut audi curea. If only a few js-rx.ns had been tM-neme.i, It might be said that they had egger ated their danger or had only been aiif fetinif from some common ailment. But " . 1 I .1 I.U ft.f.11. when the curcu are siunwira lands; when the doctor's diagnosis was consumption ; when every symptom lxre oat that diagnosis weakness, emaela tkm bleeding of the lungs -and these tu Here's were pertecuy aim ri....r .... cured by the use of lr. Pierce's Coh en Medical Discovery. It musi oe comm.. that these cures are not of chance, but due to the healing power of a great remedy, for couglis. weas lungs, uiou Chitis, and like diseases, which If neg lected or iirnkilll'illy ireaien, nnu a iai.. termination in consumption. " I beg to state that I have used three bottles if Dr. Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery since mv correspondence with ya " writes Mr. A. H. Novotny, of New York, N. Y. (Ho U7)- "I 11,1,1 1 aa In need of uo more medical assist, ance When I started to take yonr medi CR! I had a regular consumptive cough, Of which I wa- afraid, and everytiodv cautioned and warned me concerning it. I was l.aiiiig weight rapidly, waa very tide and had no appetite whatever. Now ay rendition is changed entirely. I do not cough at all. have gamed eight pounds in weight, have recovered my healthy color, and my apatite is enor mous. In concilium I b.-g lo state that I can and will recommend your medi- (li lt I K tlir K HliUfle is.-y Itoanl r. .jr. 1 1 . 'v-'' Write or 'phone or cull on us when you Coast Agency Mtarlc Htrrrt, 'Phone in Office. u I.onn liislnniT Kull Mne of i LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES All tirades A. S. HUNT, Willamette isis?llls,7,1.-s,11-,-a11s,7,-1s,111-,-.s,11-.s,nl Enterprise and ' Nasiil ':il;irrli quickly yields to treat ment by s ( I'.alrii, which ia agn rf ably animate!. It i received through tlia n-ihtrilii, und heals lha whole sur face ovrr y l.i' h it itself. Drn'xixts sell the f.tio. si.'i; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Test i! aud you urn suro lo continue the treatment. Aiinou"'''''"'"" rr.. '..o, t. !ii. nrA tinrtiul IV S'. llir to the use of ati.u.i.erH in iipplying liquids J . .. , I. . ....i.f ..,..s into tne nasal pKBH(.-.-a i"i """" . Utt, Wv proprietors prepare ( raiu Imlin in liquid form, whi' h will b known as Kly's Liquid Crum liahn. I'rire incluihiig tie: spraying tube is 7"icents. J)rug(its or by tuaiL 'ihe liquid form embodies tlie nied icinal ijropcrtitS of the ol.d preparation. , cine to evervtssly w'ao Bity of same, as it Is a sun cute.. IK humiiug. ns are most other intent Inea. ami is far sus-iior to all similar mrdicinea." l-.RATITHtiK WILL OUT. (".latitude, like minder, will 0t VneJ t-nit't atille It. To that U due the fact that there Is so gical a mass of test I to the trmaikable tuiea tllccUd ,y "Ooldell Medical IHpa-overy" It la testimony which n one can gainsay; testimony Indisputable and unassailable. It comes 'fi 1.111 people ol all and conditions, hut in niativ caw from thoao who have found a cure in the u ot " Uiscoverv " when other niedicinr have failed to help, ami ohm when physician had pronounced the sufferer incmiiMe " I took a severe cold which srtlled In the bronchial tula-s," writes Rev. Hank I lav, of Noit.mville, Jrllersoii Co , Kana. "Alter living medicines labeled ',,r Cure,' slniosl without nuiiilr, I was led to try l'r. Piei.e s l.oldni Medical ln roverv. 1 took two taittle '-l?' 'Vvili tavrd cured. .i-vy "When I think of the) g.est ..a... I had toenduie lie terrihle cough I V V-i'l had. it acema almost T.i V'i J nniacle that I was so soon 1 1 in .11,1 .Hi i-uieil. anil uaTj Hi ;j telle veil. " Hut l'sl lJ",c you many veais and almad autly blr-s you Is the p'ayer of vour guileful llielid.' tli... ,H ,, .ttikine erl- litri. " w . .- r. lence ill aliiiol all iheac tentiinonials, Is'th to tne a,lual diseased condition i ;'. J and its s.aitlecuie. l"l ' "V evidence la found ill the k -ji j .., noiUilltf Hie losa oi or-.i, n ---- iliaiaiter of the i r .1,- . mid ill the gain of " ",f,;f nr, which ina'ks llie curw fn hvthe use of "(...Men nie.i- 4 nsl Discovery." I'l f.AINI'.tl yt IKH'NKH. "WhiU living in Char lotte, N. C, vour medicioe cured me of nsthma and nnsl catanh of ten years' .i.mlmif." writes J. L. I.lllllsilen. lis'l , ' " Whitehall Mirel, Atlanta, C,a "At that time life was a burden to me. and alter s,K-ndmc hiind.ed.of dollars under iiiitiino... , .k trs I was dving by inches. I weighed only HI pounds- ' twenty day. after 1 commenced vour treatment 1 was well f troubles, and in an mouths I weighed I?" ja''""'1 n'1 W" '"J.' . health. I have never felt Ihe slightest vinploin of either since. Am now siity live vents old and in infect health, and weie'h f tamnds. No money could re. ,v you for what yu did for me. I would !,t return to Die condition I was In. In Uctnlier. lH;j, lor Ko. keleller's wealth." There is no alcohol m"loldeii Med ic.l Dimovery," and it Is free from opium, cocaine and all other narcotics. Accept no substitute (or the " Dlacosr. ,rV Shaking by the record of th medicine, there is nothing eUe"Just aa good" for those who cough or have weak lungs. persons who are suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr Pierce, by letter, free. AH rorr .nnndrnrr is held as strictly private. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr Pierce is chief consulting phy sician to the Invalids' Hold and Surgical Institute, lluffalo, N. Y. He Is assisted by a staff of nearly a score of eipefl enced physicians, and the success ol his. methods 'may be gathered from the fact that in a i.iactise oi over thirty years, and the treatment of hundreds of thousand of sii k men and women, rt per cent Jiay been perlccllyand permanently cured. A Hill BOOK Fa. Ilig in its acoe as In Its slie, Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad-viM-r, containing Ks.'i large pages and over 7 illustrations, is sent fre receipt of stamps to pay eipenae of mailing only. S-inl one-cent stamp for the cloth-bound volume, or only Jt stamps if content to have the hook In paper covets. Address Dr. R. V. Fierr. lluffalo. N. Y. , . I. TYPEWRITERS N. w and Hecocd Hand, All SOLD ;iq1 RENTED Platens and Parts for All Machines KXPKItT TVI'K WHITKK It Y. VA I HI Sii At HriiiimiiMr I 'i l.-.-s Mimoocraphs, Hcctoeraphs And All Duplicating Coods Typewrller Siiiille nn.l lllll.-e Kurnlinra rirnl anytliliiK Co., Portland, Or. pp. I.hiM TIM. in Hank. Hie. lnl llnrialna In GROCERIES. PATENT MEDICINE3 And llrugs FuIIh. I'oat Ortli e anal I'uhlln TeleplioliB Hlallon W. Oregonian $2 C.1 PIONEER rrangfefl and &jjf e$, Freight and parcels delivered to all partH of the city. RATES - REASONABLE nil