Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
7 & J. YAUG11N, Limy, Kcod and 8ule Stable ORECONCITY. VOATKD HKTWKKN Til K IIK1DIIK AN1 lKI'OT Double uiul Mingle Uh, and sail llit burses always on band at the lowest prices. A corral) connected with the burn for loose stock. Information regarding any klml ui rttoek promptly attended to by person oi letter. Homes Oouvht ond Sold. lloraes Hoarded mid Fed on reason liU term. IDT A A WE Furnish the School Supplies for the Oregon City Schools, as we were the Lowest bidder and were awarded the Contract. We would be pleased to figure with any School District in the County, for their Supplies; we buy very close and give our cus tomers the benefit of the Lowest Cash Price. We carry all the Books used in the Schools of this County and sell them at the Lowest State Prices. Here is a fewof our Cut-Prices 25 Slate Pencils, 5c. 6 Lead Pencils 5c. Companions 5c. Extra Large Tablets 5c. OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1902 c DAILY KXCKPr SUNDAY TO HAI KM AND ISIiKI'KNDKNUF -STF.AMFKS- ALTONAAND POMONA t.KAVIt Olll:ION CITY 4lolligil, H.IK) A. M. (iolttK ilown 2.30f H Water Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES Hy the fast nmt com modious steamer Regulator Leave I'ortliiiui daily Sunday ut 7 n. m. Tli in in the (ireut Scenic Route. All tourist ndmit that tho hcciutj on the Middle Columbia iH not ex colled for beauty and grandeur ii the United Staton. Full informs tion by addressing or culling on J. S. liOOTH, Agent, Tel. 014. Portland, Or.. Ollice and wluirf. foot of Oak St. SCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTIIKR.N PACIKIC RAILWAY Null r II HOIN11. ' :(K) a. ui. :'':' A. ill. (Albany Loral; 6:10 p norm liut'Nii. 9:22 a. mi. 4 .Kil l. in. (Albany Local) tf :H. in. Daily River Excursions OltfriON CITY II )ATH, llAll.Y IIKM'I.K. Uar rOKTI.ANI) Ki.otTvlurHI, Uf OUKI.ON CITY K.Kit KikIiIIi St. 7 (l A, M. 11 i 3 l I. M. no A. M. 1 Kl r m I', M. Inly Ilia fnllnwItiK InmlliiK" will l made: Mi;oone', M I ' 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 b , Morey'a, Kmlay'a anil liawegi. Sunday excepted. KOJND Tltll' Z' CUNTS. Oregon City TriiiiHirtMllii Co. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY THA1NH, li'lv l'.ll.TtlvB D'ly ll'ly jet-HmJ A.M. f.V. " " Hal. r.M. F.M. i A.M. 7 mi. 1 1 llll II in .'I ."V H ll." (Ml.'. Ilohle .... lOU.! X IV) : r;i a ii k .. fumier it .v. a '.h 4 li-.'l H :w II .XV . pyramid. .. II X H IK) 4(i7 n II. li in . ... MHVKt-r .... Ii 'ii 7 ftl I l.'i N Ml II .VI .... tiuney .... II IT 7 4ii I :'.! S fN 1(1 (.!.. . laiskaiile . IMW 7.1' 4 X II iw.KI lot . Marshland .. H M 7 1!S 4 41 H IH HI 'Jr .... Weitport . K 4:i' 7 17 4 ,'7 II .'17 10 :ui ... Cllllon .... H .Tl 7 IV.' i V.i In mi II ,'i7' . . . Knni.n H in II I J ft 'J! IH US. 1 1 ID ... . HveiiBeti . H H7 II X! ft :u 1(1 lii 1 1 lift . . . John luy . . 7 .Vi II 3i ft .Millil ;i.ll :;n Ar Aiorl. I.v 7 4. II Hi HK.tSIDK DIVISION 1 1 X a. in . . 1 . . 7 Id a. in 4 ml. in ..ID ,'Hl a. in . . ft .Ml . in ..r. :m i. m . . 7 a p. in . . I .'til p. Ill . . I) AO a. iii ii -i" m. mi H l.'i a. in . H l.'i a. in. 1 .10 p. in . ft HO p. in 8KA8IDK II 40 a. in . . I CONNKCTIONS. All I nil tin make clone I'miiirotionn al (iolilr with all Noriliern I'aoillo truliia to or from th Kant or Hound Point". Al I'ortluncl with all trains leaving Union Iipot. At Astoria with I. It. t N. ('o.'al)oalaanil rail line, and Kteamur T. J. roller, to and (mm Ilwai'o nnil North lleach 1'oiiitn. Tickiit olllre, 2-ift Morrinon at., anil Union depot. J. C. MAYO.Oen. rasa. At. Aaloria, Orr 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,2o0 towns. Quick, act jrate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store. THE LOCAL NEWS. Ori-Km City, ill all proliulilllly, will aoon ho Urn Iiumu of anutlii.r awrnt I'inly. An r llbrt liua Imhhi mailii lime (IiIh wnnk to IiihIiIiiIh an acrid ol the. Kniliriial Older of Kii(liia. A prnliinlii ary iih'cIIiik for that purport will Im held In ltdil Mnn'i Mull iliia (Friday) evening. I) If. Moxlier, a proinliieiit yoini arliiMil ti'cln'r of thla county, JumI now I'liKmii'il at repreaeiitliiK till KaMrrn H. nrliiK i-alahllHliineiit, hdhImIikkI ratlicr ni'Vi re lima on Monday hy reuaoii of a runaway. Ilia newly puri'lmaed hny waa damaged lo a ronahliTiihlB utteiit. J. II. Crook, maiding out eant of town, at "Kaimua City," ailHtiilneil a fractured ankle. Sunday, having. NlunihUnl and fal li while Wiilkiii in a comparatively aiuoolh track. Tim Injury la unite: a mi vere onii, anil It will very likely I.e. aomo limn hi'furu Mr. Crook ia ahl to he aliout attain. Word coinea from ABtoria that the woik of rehuildiiiK the pulp mill, the properly ol the WilUiuuttn l'ulp A 1'kht Co., rxcenlly iliiMroyed at Hkamokawa hy lire, will alait at once.. Work In the loL'k'inK ramp tluit aupplied thti mill will reaume jimt aa aiMin aa the mill a ready to operale. JiiNt w hat will coiiin out ol' I lie agila lion to put in wlevalora to carry iwopla up ami down the hill in tlna city la yet unknown, hut if aomelhiiiK taimilile nhoulil reault lliiirn will Im ahumlHiit im' canioii for rejoiciiiK hy llie many whooe. ilu yd are alioitcueil hy tlie daily ploddiiiK to ami fio. Tint New F.ra priinit (jrower, Matt Clciiieiia, wax In town Monday with a itiautity of fruit from Ida orchaid. Mr. Cleuiena aaya the crop at hia place Ihia year will not he much morn than one third what he tiaually Kulhura. Ho at trlhutoa tha ahorta'H to lain cold rains in the hpriiiK. Aa a remilt of the Annual eiamiiiationa Btalt' cerlillcalea w ill hti (ranted to the follow inir iH-rnona of tit in county : Aura l. Tlioinpaori, Stallord ; Hade If. ChaHe and Slieha Childa, of Oretfnn City. A alalu diploma will he uruntc'l to Carriu M. Kidintta when ahe haa had auflicient trachiiiK experience. (leorge lllmler, track inspector for the Southern Pacific, between this city and Clackamaa, was in town Wednesday, and reported that the Section crew work ing between Canity and Milwaukie have deiiiuiidi'd an invreaao in their wages and are accordingly nut on atrke. They ask (or $1 7j day. Kev. Prank Mixscll, of Iforicon, Wis , occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church here last Sunday. Mr. Mix well i a young man of rare ability, a graduate ol McCorinick aeminary, Chicago, and cnuiea highly recom mended. He will very hkelv be chosen for the work at ttiia place to aucccedd Uev. Mr. Montgomery. Captain bullion Kelly, of the militia comiuiny, has resigned, turning the af faira of the company over to First Lieu tenant llumplirys, who will serve in the capacity of captain until an election is held. Lieutenant Humphry has not yet received uMicinl notice to take com mand of the rompany, but he expects such notification at any time. Weather permitting, the militia com pany will indulge in target practice next Sunday morning. Aa the members of the company went forth last Sunday to the arena of 0c tittions they soon de tected that the atmosphere wiut too heavy with smoke to permit u( accurate work, hence an adjournment wan taken. Prac tice w ill be indulged in for some time if condition will permit. Only by the most generous good for tune waa a serious collision averted on the electric line at a very late hour Sun day night. Cars headed in opposite di rections collided in a narrow cut, but not with Biifllcient force to tlo Buy material damage, further than breaking consider hie window glass and causing a small panicamoiig the passengers. It was a most fortunate escape. As the Dallas passttnger train was pass ing the river Bleamer Pomona, opposite F;. Hock Monday evening, a paggenger on the boat deliberately raised a rifle to hi ihoulder and fired at the train. Fire man Hugh Ferrell was looking out of his window at the time and received the bul let in Iii hand, disabling him so that lie waa compelled to lay over at Oswego to have the wound dressed. Philip Humphrey, of Clackamas sta tion, who has been in San Francisco hog- FJnfinl UA I AH mi In all It (UgM. Ely's Cream Balm eleanaoa, fnoUiM and hralt th dluMWit membrane. It cure catarrh and driTc away a cold In the bead .nlkl CrMm Balm I placed Into tha noetrili.iprenl over tha membrane and I ahtorbed. Belief ! Im mediate and a enre follow. It I not drying-doe notprodncemeeilng. Large Site, SO cent at Drofr (i.leur by mall; Trial Site, 10 cent. CHARMAN & CO. CUT PRICE DRUGGISTS pilal for aom time, died Thuraday of laat week. Ilia ri' urn ill pi wera hroiinlit to ClackauiHH and laid to reat laat Sun day, Kev. Mr. Walla, of Soil wood, con durtiiiK Hut aervicea al the CoiiKri'K lional chilri li there, lleceaHed waa the huahaml of Harah Humphrey, who died at Clackamaa noma time aince. For a city of ita ai.e and the character of material uaed In the conatruclion of Ita building being nioatly wood, Oregon City haa been fortunately Immune from (We. The aniniiier neanvii ia practically at an end Willi a good record for the town. It ia to be hoed that our envi able record and immunity recently wilt J not make ua lean alert or our fire brigade lea vigilant. William pouter, who hail lieen a reai dent of Clackamaa atation for many year, died on Monday, at St. Vincent' hospital, Portland, of cotiBumption, aued thirty-one years. Ilia remain were taken to Damaacua Tuesday, the aervicea being held in the Congregational church at that place, burial taking place in the Dainanctis cemetery. Ileceased waa un married, leaving, however, three (inter and four brother. We desire to direct the attention of our readeia to the advertisement in this is sue, of Mr. Frank Ilusch, the house fur nisher, who ia ollering big inducements to the public in the way of reduced price on certain article carried in tock. .Mr. ltusch sustained very heavy loss by rea son of the recent lire at Springwatej, and dt-iires to increase his sale in order to be able to meet the heavy expense of re placing the buildings and making oilier urgent repair about hi farm. A man by the name of Kroliu was taken into custody Tuesday in the vicin ity of Highland, for mal-tleatment of his former wifo. The man is Raid to be a frequenter of place where bacchanals feast, and in the condition consequent upon such indulgence he strode away to the home of hi former life partner and proceeded to abuse her unmercifully. There should be no mitigating circum stances that would lessen the degree of the punishment meted out to the fellow if the charge are true. F'or some time paHt there has been a friendly rivalry exiuling between R. I). Will-on and Charles Wright to outdo the other at fishing. Another tryout by the gentlemen took place last Sunday, when they went up the Clackamas river. We do not desire to make any positive statement in regard to the niimherof tisb landed, but it ia hinted by the friends of both gentlemen that the catch was not very large, and that Mr. Wilson bested his adversary by only one. We leave the mailer now to our readers to draw their conclusions as to the number of fish caught by Mr. Wright. The first and not unexpected mishap to the newly-placed ilrii.king fountain, corner Main and Seventh street, oe cured Thursday, shortly after the dinner hour., A street car was standing near there and a drayman attempted to guide liia vehicle between the car and fountain, the space being rather narrow, consider ing the fact that the dray was making the turn out of Seventh street. The re r did not seem to give way to the pres sure, neither did the venicle seem dis posed to yield, and what happened to the fountain "put it out of business." It was completely turned crosswise, the pipes torn loose and general havoc wrought. However, it will be replaced to Ita proper and former position at once. Fortunately the fountain was not cracked or broken. Wednesday evening, being the ap pointed time for a meeting of the city council, fur the purpose of considering the ordinance to grant a franchise to C. D. Latourette to construct, operate and maintain a street railway on certain streets of the city, the members of that body assembled at the council chamber and proceeded to business. The council went into a committee of the whole, Councilman Albright being made chair man. The ordinance was read lection by section and acted upon accordingly. Many alterations were made in tbe orig inal document, and it waa gotten in such condittion that at the next re gular meet ing of the council it will be placed upon its llrst reading. Besides the considera tion of this ordinance committee, com posed of Coiincilmen Albright and Hunt ley and Mayor Iimick, was appointed as an otlicial head ol a movement to solicit and distribute aid for the people of the fire district of the county, to lie assisted by the business men of the city, generally. The schools of the city will open next Monday morning with what bid fair to be a very largo attendance and a mt successful and prosperous year of school work. Fortunately the school board has secured the services of a very able and enthusiastic auperintendent, in whose hands we may confidently ex pect good direction of school affairs. Profetwur Faulk comes to our city highly recommended and enter upon hi work with a zeal and energy that fortell what he will accomplish. There will be t meeting of teachers, cily superintend ent and school officials held tomorrow at the Barclay school, where Professor F'anlk will this year have his office, when detailed arrangements will be made for the conduct of school matters during the year, the assignment of teachers to their respective charges, and other similar matter. Patrons of the schools may feel confident that a suc cessful year's work ia In store. People wiil sometimes do things upon an oeraxkoii of dire extremity that are attended by circumstances which excite one's humorous nature. Out at Spring water last week, at a time when the wits of everybody should have been at their keenest in order to save property from destruction by fire, a lady, whose borne was being reduced to ashes, was noticed wandering aimlessly about the premises with a small object wrapped in her apron. She was beard olten to remark that "the poor thing should not perish." After the worst was over her friends in duced her to reveal the secret of the carefully wrapped object, which proved to lie a six-week's-old pig. Never at tempting once to save an article from her home, so crazed was she from excite ment, that her thoughts extended to untiling more than saving the life of an innocent pig. Intent upon accomplish ing some iiood, her energies, unawares to herself, were directed to that one mis sion. This story is told by one whose reputation for veracity is unquestioned in the neighborhood. The fact can no longer be questioned that Oregon is a producer of a good quality of broom corn. That much has this year been demonstrated to the full and entiie satisfaction of one man, at least, Mr. A. A. Porter, of Canby. Mr. Porter was in Oregon City Wednesday afternoon, having just returned from Portland, whither he had gone to ex hibit samples of broom corn grown on his place this year, and to find a market for the aiticle. Mr. Porter did not pro duce a very great quantity of the article this year, but exiier.s in Portland, to whom he exhibited tbe sample, pro nounced it of as good quality as any grown any where, and were anxious to purchase all he had on hand. Just for exerimental purposes did Mr. Porter plant the corn this season, and the flat tering success rf his efforts ha so en couraged him that he will devote con siderable ground and time to its culture another season. He will have about "O BEST FOR THE BOWELS If too hT.n a rranUr, hltby moTemmt of the w"l.e"J 5.y. ,".u r. Ill or will b.. Kp lour lent DhMC or fill ixieiuii. I dnf roil.. Th .moolh. i,t. ...I"t, n.!..t rr-t . ot kpln( U bowel clear od eleea to to U CANDY If J (jAinaniiv jLw CATHARTIC S3 E2 EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY n.nt. P.l.teMe. Potnt. TmW Oood Po Oo K"r Sicken. V. I..H.H. or Urlp.. I. . n.l " p-r Wl. Wrllo for free .tuple, toil Booklet ja . ... KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN CO CO Prescriptions A Specialty Mall Orders Promptly At tended to. : : : : Woods Sarsaparllla $1.00 Size. Only 5 5c. pounds of the corn this year, for which he was offered 4 cent a pound in Port land at the factories. This is not as high a price, however, as is paid for the article in other sections of the United States, but Mr. Porter says even at that price its production can be made profit able. The outcome of Mr. Porter's ex periment may have the effect of the pro duction of broom corn being made a pay ing industry in Clackamas county and other parts of the state in the future. CH tlTAUQl'A AFFAIRS. Annas! Meetlnir of Stockholders Held This Week Jew Onirers Elected. On Tuesday of this week tbe annual meeting of tbe stockholders of the Wil lamette Valley Chautauqua Association was held in this city, at which time a considerable volume of business was transacted, important among other things being tne election of new officers for the ensuing year, tbe result being as follows : W. C. Hawley, president; C. H. Dye, vice-president ; H. E. Cross, secretary; Thomas F. Ryan, treasurer; William G. Galloway, George A. Steel, W. A. Hunt ley, F;. E. Charman, G. A. Harding, Thomas F. Ryan,' board of directors. The president, vice-president and secre tary were ex officio members of the board. The retiring directors are: Mrs. Emma Galloway, Mrs. Robert A. Miller and Dr. W. E. Carl!. There was a considerable amount of the stock represented at the meeting. Before adjournment was taken the direc tors were instructed to formulate a plan of organization and to make such changes in the order of conducting the affairs of the association as they deem wise, to re port to the stockholders at an adjourned meeting to be held Tuesday, November 18th. Some plan is to be devised by the di rector by which satisfactory manage ment of the Chautauqua restaurant may be had. Treasurer T. F. Ryan submitted the following statement of the financial con dition at the association for the term be ginning September 1st, 1901, and ending September 10th, 1902. RECEH'TS. From J. S. Purdom, gate re ceipts for 190.' meeting $2513 95 F'roiu S. P. R. R., cc-receipts for coupons sold 34150 From H. E. Cross, secrtttrr, for licenses, stock sold, S. P. light 333 35 Total $3718 80 DISltrRSEMKSTS. For deficit $ 38 02 For payment of note of $5CJ ... 335 75 For warrant No. 800. 2 00 For warrant N'os. 701 to 775, in clusive 322S 66 For warrant No. 777 3 90 For warrant No. 781 2 50 For warrant No. 782 30 76 For warrant No. 785 3 68 For warrants Nos. 790-1-2 15 46 Warrants paid out to date $3600 73 Outstanding warrant No. 776... 4 75 Outstanding warrant No. 778... 3 10 Outstanding warrant No. 779... 1 50 Ontstanding warrant No. 780.'.. 1 50 Outstanding warrant No. 783.. . 75 Outstanding warrant No. 784... 15 65 Outstanding warrant No. 786. . . 50 Outstanding warrant No. 787... 1 50 Outstanding warrant No.788. . , 5l) Outstanding warrant No. 789. . . 4 ' Total $3o Indebtedness of balance on note i Balance on hand " Net indebtedness J THOMAS F. RV A Nad IMappoint rt Ineffective liver medir r a o ap pointment, but you don' (r,'. fittrge, strain and break the , s tn ttom ach and bowelB. D i'f i.itt Early Risers never disa it. 'iney cleanse the system of all cnn.i p-. rid mat ter and do it so gen..y one enjoys the pleasant effects. They . te a tonic to tbe liver. Cure biliousness, torpid liver and prevent fever. G. A. Harding. Free Free RULERS AND TABLETS With Complete Book Order Farmem' Market Place. At an enthusiastic meeting of tbe mar ket place and farmers' rest quarters com mittee, appointed at the last meeting of the East Side Improvement Association., held Wednesday night in the East Side) Bank, $700 wa subscribed to the enter prise, and it was decided to recommend to the association that a joint stock com pany be organized. H. II. Newball, J. H. Heiler, Thomas Hislop and If. Baumer, of the committee, were present. The meeting was entirely informal, to talk over tbe situation. Mr. Heiler said that he subscribed for $250 for the purchase of tbe block to go with the offer of tbe Hawthorne Park aa at fair site, and that he should be willing to give $300 toward the establishment of at market place and rest quarters on the block offered by the Hawthorne. W. H. Markell said be would give $250. He thought that a joint stock market company of not less than $10,C0O should be organized, and ail business men be invited to subscribe. The farm ers also should be asked to take stock, if tbey feit so inclined. Mr. Markell ex pressed himself in favor ot tbe erection of good building, and as near in accord ance with tbe plans prepared by Archi tect W. C. Knighton as possible. Mr. Newball offered $100 as bis sub scription. He thought the enterprise) worthy of support and encouragement. H. Baumer offered $50 toward the enter prise. It is evident from tbe spirit shown by the committee tbat a consid erable sum can be secured. The com mittee will recommend to the comma; meeting of the Push Club that a joint stock company be formed at once. Letter List. Tbe following is the list of letters re maining in the postofSceat Oregon City, Ore., on Sep. 18th, 1902: women's list. Black Mrs M F Herbert J S Mrs Beaty Mrs C E Kershaw M Mrs Clark Molly Hamilton Myrtle Crawford J W Mrs Slaughter Julia Mrs Frost Clarence Mrs Tidwell Ltura Miss men's list. Aken J W McFarlane Jas Batdorf Geo Oglesby S J Bauman L Ray Wm Brockenbrough Stailey E C Everetts Mart Tuttle Claud D Faust Ben Wallace Arthur Hoffman & Walsh Weinman Edward Kellogg B F GEO. F. HORTON, P. M. " To say a pleasant word to anyone was almost impossible." "I was troubled with female weakness for eiRht years; nd sufterrd more than I can tell, writes Mrs. Gust. Moser of Ovando, Deerlodne Co.. Mont. " Vy disposition was affected to su h a pleasant word to vr I'jianvSS anyone was almost impossible. "1 had two opera tions performed by one of tne most skilled urfreons of the Wnt, but did not get relief. Then, ag-amst my doctor' strict orders, I commenced taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and k eoeenr and also fol- i I . K. .1 .,-. V siren in the Common ft OCDBC ncuui nu riser. "I continued thi treatment for three months, and to-dar am as healthy and well a a woman can be. I - nnot thank noctor 1 lerce enough for hi kind letter to ri.e. Womanly dis eases, aa a rule, spoil the "disposi tion," because of the extreme nerv ousness and suffering they cause. Hap piness as well as health is restored to the woman whose diseased condition ia cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. After eight years of suffering and two fruitless operations, three months' use of "Favorite Prescription" restored Mrs. Moser to perfect health. This gTeat remtily for woman's ills, establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. The Common Sense Medical Adviser, ioo8 large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. B 1 'ami ui