Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
OREGON ENTERVR1PE FRIDAY, SKITKMIUSK 11), 1902 Legal Notices. Ad-iiiniatrator a. Notice Kotlee is he rebv Riven V at the under algned hu been appoint! administrator of th estate ol John W. Tire, deceased. All persons having claims against the said es tate are herebv notified to present the same July according to law and accom panied hv the proper voucher, to the un dersigned at Canhv. Clackamas County. Oregon, or at the office ol tleo.C. Riownrll. Oregon Cltv. Oregon, within six months (mm the date ol this notice. Adininistiaior. GEO. C. BROWN EI.U Attorney lor Administrator. ."Notice for lutllrtlon. Timber Und, Act Jan X liCS Cited states Land Otlice, Oregon Clt. Oregon . ... fc, 1,1- vllvl. i.hv irivrn that in compliance with the provisions of the Act ol Congress ol June I 1S7S. entitled "An act lor t . Mleol timber lands in tb tt ol 1 ali tor" Onron. Nevada, and W.shuigton Territory," as extended to all thy I ublic Land Males bv act of August 4, IN1-. ROSS H. PRATT, of Portland, countv of Multnomah, Slate ofOn..b.8lhi. dy tiled In this othce hi. sworn statement No. WTO. for the pur cliase of the i.w; of section No. Ai in Township No. 8 S, Range No. 5 . ind will oiler proof to show that Ibe land SSoght is more valuable lor us timber o "one than for agricultural Pn-7'' .KiL.h h.. m said land before ipVKegisler and Receiver of ibis othce at Oregon Citv Own. on Saturday, me Ml. day of November, W2. He names as wiines-s: H F.PIrson, B 0. Palmateer, Adoplph Miller, t. Millet, all of Garfield, Oregon. Anv and all' persons claming adverse y the aoove-described lands are requ.-teo to tile their claims in this othce on or before th f N"is.rii!:MCHRF.S, Kegbter. Minnow. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon for Ihe County ol Clackamas. Wallace W. Ayers, Plainlill.i vs. f Ids K. Ayers, Pefendant., T l.i. K. Avers, defendant herein. In the nameVl lh Stat of Oregon : You are herebv required to appear ami mi tilml acainst you in .. ......... .-inn ami cause mi or' before the S!nd day of September. the said dav being more than ix weeks alter the tirst publication ol ihis summons, as ordered bv the court, and you will lake no .. !i vii fii in niivm and answer ld eouinlaint. tne plaii.tnl wnl apply .k. .,r, t!i relief i raved lor II. complaint, lo-wit: that the bonds of main n.oiiT now existing between you ami plain tit! be dissolved and that the plan. till be awarded the cusl.x'y and cocirol ol Charles Ayers, minor child ol plaiiilill and defend- 'Yhis summons is published by order of Honorable T. K. Ryan. County Judge or the Countv of Clackamas, i-itsie ol Oregon, made August , l!WJv and which order di of said summons by puon ! cation not less than once a week tor six I successive weeks. Tb first publication ol this summons nelng aukum . HEl'i.KS A OKI r r 1 rH, Attorneys lor plaintiff no.tiwot'couMixsio SK ft s Kiyular Septembtr Term t f Om-fj Hovml. Jolin l.ewollen, T. N. Win., County eionjrs. Killin Comttii- and to the In ihe mailer of While Urn, and 0. K. Nah piling wl In conn y road. It t ordered that White-Uro. ami C, K. Nash be. oidered to remove wood that I piled lt county road in (rout ol I Mil. William' letddoue. In the mailer ol the poliihm ol T. 1 . Randall and other lor new nioitgage. Index. Ordcrod lhat petition ho domed. In Ihe niatler ol scalp statement sub mot,! hv iHinntv clerk. Ordered that (Continued Irom last week.) tid Iw mid U hereby ap- T ilia ... alter ol the lM-tition of 0. P. nroved. Palmer ami oiliota lor iMiimy roa l. lr ! j tie maimr ol report of cli'ik and d.-re.l tlmt T. J. Jonarn.l, Win. Itoriuu riix,ri,,r Icea reieivcd duriiiu uio th : and Pavid nucnU be am are appoini- I , ,..t to meet at place oi oeui... . : , ,.,., ao m Stale of Ore- Win. Havden, delendant, In the Circuit Co"H of the Stat ol Ore eon, for Clackamas County. Arlbur U Wootlbury, Plaintiff.) vs. t Kora Woodbnry, Defendant. I To Nora Woodbury, the above named delendant. . In ibe name of the Stat oi Oregon you are nerebv required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit In the above named Court on or before Frnlay. October 3, WW ." fc-i... .k) Irom tb hrt public- ..rihUaiimniniti. and vou wid lake noiic that il you-lail to o appear nd an swer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply ,h. rn.irt for the relief demanded in said eomplaiii! to wit: that the bonds ol rnatri mony exUtiog between you and plaintiff be -J .1 nAri This summons is published by1 th order of the Hon. Thomas (,kvii,wuiiijj p r.-y.r,,.m Pntintv. State ol Oregon, in tb Oregon City Enterprise, a paper of general circulation in Clackamas tJonnty. for sever, consecutive wek com mencing Friday. August 22 ami contmuing to andiududing 0" Attorney for Plaintiff. m m no: In the Circuit Couitpl the gon, for Clackamas i. ou ni) julina Hayden, Plan. tut vs. Joseph Win. lUvden.rteft To Joseph Win. Hai above-named. In the name of the Slate of Oreg.m you are hereby reipiired to apiar and ansaer Ihe complaint tiled agaiusl you in the above entitled suit In the above named court on or before November 3d, tho .mi, beme seven weeks from the nrst ..hiwaii,n ni this summons, and you will lake notice if you tail to so appear and answer said complaint the planum wu. . ply to lh court ler the reliel demanded in said complaint to wit: That tue bonds ol matrimony existing oeiween juu Llaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published by th onier of the Hon. Thomas P. Kan, jud ol the county court lor Clackamas county. Mat ol Oregon, in the Oregon City Knierpris. a weekly newspaper oi general tuv.n....".., in Clackamas countv, lor seven successive n.m.r.rinir Frldav. Seoteuiber li, lmr' 'and continuing to and including October 24, lEac.BR0WSKLU Any. for Plaintiff a.1 viMv..ra ning, on tho UUli dy ol pteintier.rjo-. II. 11. Jolinaon, surveyor. In the matter ol ihe appliollon of J . C.ainl 0. Uoitetlcr lor a telephone. Or dereil that tho name dea. rilHl in tho petition he and Is lieret.y granted. In the matter of the bond ol Jamea Fcgleaas up'rvisor o( road diitlrict No. 7. Orvlcred that same l" npurnved. In the matter ol Ihe application of George A. Killings lorienaie ol poll lax. Ordered tlmt tle.k dnt warraut in lavor of said Uidiiigs lor 3 t'" In Ihe niftier of the application of lle'vey and otbertfor aid looptuia roa I. Oidered that hkuI pelilionera he allowed SK) pound of powder with ncct asary caot) and fue In the matter of tn jati tinn of Jiwetih Polllliger to tax ale. Petition denied. In ihe matter of the application ol S. B. Johnson lor ruh.ite ol coeta and pen alty Oidered that the penalty and cue tl lor taxes ol ItfOl ! remitted Clerk' receipts . It..i.,iider'a rrciMot Oidered that report he approved. In tho matter ol the petition ol P. H Newman lor vacation ol certain atreet lu Uuueriaou. U ia otdcied that Raid application 1 allowed no lar at Third Avenue la concerned and that Haul pari 01 Third Avenue lying south ol r'lltli atn-et he and ihe aain ia hereby va iled. In the matter ol the Ilolit road. Now 1. M. llolat and mesenta receipt ahowing thai he liaa paid all xenae ol nrvev and view ot eal.l roa.i. vrnereu thai aid receipt be placed ou hie. In the matter ol repair to Pickev bridge. It is ordered that O. I. tliheon I ..i,Hir said lirulno and tlmt he lie al ' lowed the sum ot (4 per nay and that he I i it I . a, ruirt id 12 nor . . pe uoi;u ' " ' ",v,riday. In the mailer ol the hid for .county Ilia ordered t 'al the hid of i I. I'm ler he and li herehv accepted in all particular except blank U.ok n,d hv the county lor recoida. All 0 0 ALICIA'S COWBOY In the matter of cancelling a county j oll),,r ,,pie said Potter ia to lurnih warrant It ia ordered tlmt coiiniy war-. UIMer ),, lm including tax receipt ami fund be and n) In the Circuit Court of the gon, lor Clackama count). Willamette Miller 1 Plaintiff. State of Ore- Notice for Vubllcation Votic Is hereby given that incompliance witb tbe act ol Congress of J une 3, 1878, en titled "An ct lor the sale ol timber lands in the States of Calfornla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of Au eust 4. Ifti2, Wm. F. Reiner, of Portland, County of Multnomah. State of Oregon, ri. .kf. kii in this office bib sworn tatement. No. 515. for th pure1" ?' .tb! VEli of SW, 6'A of 8WJ4. and 8VV of bE . of Beckon No. 26, T. 3 8, R. No. o h., iii rnf.F nrnr.f to show that the land sought is more valuable tor it timber or tout than for agricultural purposes and to wiablith his claim to said land before the T...ur Rcpiver of this office at Ore gon P.. V on Saturday, the 4th day of Octo- u. m mm viinMses: Henrv Epperson Richard Palmateer, A'lolph Miller, Chas. . u;iiu. .il nt r:arrild. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adverse y tbe above described lamia ar requested to tile tTieir claims in this office on or before "'d4l,'diyO,OctCHAS.TM00RF.S. Register.. John W. Miller I Defendant, j To John W. Miller, the above named de fendant: In rh name of the State of Oregon, loo are hereby required to appear and answer th complaint filed agsinst you in the above entitled suit, on or before th 27ih day of October, l'J02. that being the last dav prescribed in in oiuer or yuui..iiu tnis summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, tbe plaintiff will api'lv to tbe court lor tti reuet inrrem praved, to wit: a divorce from tbe bonus of marriage existing between you and the plaintiff. Tins summons is puoiisnru .u. ,,,,.o ...k hT order of Hon. Tbos. r. Ryan, judge of the county court ol the etaie ol Oregon for Clackamas county, made on tbe Sib day ol September, the hrst publication being on the 12th day ol Sep t.tubtr. 12. 8 R HARRISGT0N, Atiyomey lor Plaintiff. rant drawn ou wron hereby cancelled. In Ihe matter ol the report ol tunirge Mnniixv. coustahle. lor eale of a teer. Ordered that the report ol said uuueU- bie lie and l hereby approved. In the uitter of the petition of lxinis T..hen.eier and other regarding county debt. trder,d thai petition lie itemed , i accounts ti.e iVi.ird n t having authority lu Ihe dices to n alter. j In the matter of the application ol L, ter Reynolds and wife l..r aid It ia , ordered that the said Uevnolds be al lowed the bum of (8 per tuonili. ! In the niaUer of the report of the viewer of the P E. Heck road. Kejiort read for first time and laid over until to- morroow. lu the matter of the report of view ers of the George H. Hrown road. Report read for tirut time and laid over unti. to morrow. Id the matter of transferring $100 from general fund to indigent aoldier fuud. It ia ordered that tue um of $100 he and is hereby transferred Irom the general fund to the indigent goldier fund. In the matter of the opening the BoIh blns road in district No 30. It ia or deted that tbe supervisor ol road dis trict No. 3t5 is hereby ordered to open aid road with the work of the petition er. In the matter of the report of viewers ol J. E. Peck road Report of viewers rea.t aecond time. Ordered that same be approved ami road openexi ol Burvty : other receipts, the aald tir.gon v ny Enterprise is to le the official paper ol Clackama count T. were ulso aald A Una; la Clove. There Is no question that the bciigle la n very old brood. Early Roman of Kngliind column r.ior the beagle t-ven by imnio. Hooka published from uimjui i.'.-u lf,10 describe soverul varieties of hounds. Including -the little beagle, which may lo curried In u ma"' glove." That tlio miniature hound ixmiiliir at that time v:'.s evident from gneen keeiiltiL' a pack which to Ih swiall eiu.iigh to put In a glove. Thla Ktatemeiit is frequently ridiculed when It Is not understood that glove of that IhtI.mI were not the present Jay kind, but gauntlets reaching m arly to the elbow. Wluit became of those glove beagle we may surmise from what we know of the results of later flttoinpts to maintain packs of Is-nglr of 8 to 10 Inchea high, the result nftt r some year being weak puppies that full abort of the line qualities of the little bunting dog when they tire growu up.-Couulry Life In America. Notice of Administratrix. IntheCounlyCourtof the 8iate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. In the Matter of the Entire oh barali K. Hughe, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that th under aigned haa been Only appointed by the County Court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas County, Administratrix of the estate ol barab E. Hugnes, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate must present them, duly verified, to my attorney. A. 8. Dresaer, at his office in Ore gon City, within six mombs Irom tbe date of the hrst t.uolication of this notice, or be forever barred. Dated, Augusts 1902.RAH(.EARg Administratrix of the Estiteot Sarah E. Hughes, deceased. A. 8. DRESSER, Attorney for said E,tate. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas Couiuy, EKrida DeMalchin, Plaintiff,) vs. r Ivan DeMalchin, Defendant) To Ivan DeMalchin tlie above named defendant. You are hereby required to appear and answer the con. plaint tiled agsinst you in , .knv. A.itttU.i court in tbe above en titled suit within tix weeks from the date of tha rim DUhlicatlon or una Bunimuna, which'timeeipireson the 3rd day of No vembtr. l!r and if yoJ lad to so appear the piainlifl ill aply to the Court lor a decree dissolving th- bonds of matrimony now exislii.g between cetenoani. ana plain tirt' herein, that Bhe be allowed to resume hrr ni.iden name. EKrida Rickman, and rr hr (wt urn! diibur'etnerita herein. Thia iimmnim U publish.! by order of Jmlge Alfred K. bears, Jr.. judge oflhe above entitled Lour', wnicti orjer was n.aur uu Sept-iubr Wtli. Vt. , , ' A. WALTER WOLF, Attorney for plaintiff. Date of first publication, fcept. l!Hh. ')2. Dateot last publication, Oct. 31t, IWrt. Total In the matter of the Alinver road. Rewrt of eeeond time. Kuiuraon. In the Circuit Court of tbe 8tate of Ore gon, for Clackama County. J. W. KilgoM, Plaintiff.) vs Mercy Kilgnre. Defendant.) To Mercy Migore, me aoove nauieu ut fendsnt. In the name of the 8tate of Oregon you re herebv required to appear and answer the complaint Hied against you In the above entitled snit in the above named Court on or belore Friday, October 3, V.ffl, tbe same being seven weeks from tbe ftrt publication of this summons, and you will Uke notice tbl if vou fail to so appear ana answer saia Ed Hotnscnuh. Ed Harrington. David Miller... J U Cummins .. E Mclntyre.... Wm Mclntyre H II Johnson... hx Dense .. a 6o .. 2 HO .. 2 tH) .. 2 00 .. 2 oo . . 2 00 .. 13 00 $26 SO report f the viewers read Ordered that same be ap rioaa loop. Some year ngo a thrifty old cot fager named Bet bin Itunimy attended s-rviee every Kiinday mornltig ut the little church rf St. Elwlvlr. dlstiint some two mile from her cottage m a hillside In Herhyshlre. As reg ular In her provision for temporal want a she was In attendance to spiritual necessities, her custom waa to place a piece of bacon In a jx.t near the lire to be ready cooked against her return. Then, with her big prayer book wrapped In a snowy handker chief. Bet hln trudged on to St. Elze Sniidiiv. however, she came , - - I ... . . i 1 nroved Supervisor ordered to open i lute nnl misirnn to i..-r , , " r l . . .... m . ..... II, it. .It.tfk II1U1 ivey: nisi in inmi oi mc , - .... 2 GO . . . . 2 20 . . . . 2 40 .. .. 12 00 same, f.xpense oi survey E H Burgtiardt J K Morton A Forbes II II Johnson Total 1 20 In the matter of the report of the viewers of the (ieo ri Brown road. Re portof viewers read second time. Or dered tbat same he approved. Super visor ordered to open the road, i'.x-peni-eof survey : H S C I'belp 2 60 A.iirnst P.raroer 2 40 Wm Knight 2 80 W If Bramer 2 00 FRief...: 2 00 J Fred rich w U H Johnson o Hl.tI.fIO.1lM. tn the Circuit Court of the State ot Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Ida M McClellan, Plaintiff, i vs. P. E. McClellan. Defendant.) To t. E. McClellan, Ihe above nBmed de fendant: In the name of the 8tate of Oregon: 1 ou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, or. or before the last day of tbe time prescribed in the order lor the publication of this summons, to-wit, on or belore Hie 3d day of November, l'JU2, Ihe said nay being after the expiration of six weeks Iron, the first publication of thiB notice, and il yon fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, plaint, ir will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for in tbe Complaint. The reliel praved for In th Complaint ia that tn bonds of matrimony existing ht ...i, ihe niaintifl and delendant be dis nlred: that she be awarded the cmtody of . ohii-imn. (irac and Paul; and tor such other and further relief as shall seem meet This summons is published by order of the Hon. Alfred F. Bears, Jr.. Cinu t Judge ot Multnomah County, Oregon, made He, complaint tbe plaii.titt will apply to the tember lH:b, I'M. y said order it waa di- recteo iiiai """""""' r-- -the Oregon Citj Enterprise once ecn week for six successive weeks, and tbat the said defendant appear and answer on or belore the 3rd day of November, Vrl, and the date of the first publication thereof is Sep tember lyth, I'M, tbe date named in the said order for said first publication. OANTENBE1N A VEAZ1E, Attorney for Plaintiff. r.nrt for the renet demanded in said com' plaint to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is pnblisbed by the order of the Hon. Tbos. F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas Countv, Ktate of Oregon, in tbe Oregon Cliy Enterprise, a weekly news taper of general circulation in Clackamas County, for seven successive weeks com menciig Friday, August 22, and continuing to and including Oet-b-r 3. W2 GEO. C. BROWS ELL, Attorney fur Plaintiff. Adnaiaila.trtatr' Not lee. Notice Is hereby given that tbe under signed has been appointed administrator of tbe estate of Sarah Clack, deceased. Per sons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them at the of--.n(nir atuirnev. in Oregon City, Ore- ran, within six months from tbe date of tbis notice. Dated this lltb day of Aug ust, l'Ji2. ElmxeE. Cbshkas, Administraior. O. W. Eastbani, attorney for administrator. HA LOO.1 I,ICB.HHE. Notice is hereby given tbat I will ap ply to the City Council at it next regu lar meeting, for a licenw to sell liquor at my place of business on Main and Sixth gtree,,' A. H. GBIEBSES. Oregon City, RP. 1- HAI.OO.-I JLICJEHK. Notice is hereby given that I will pplv at the next regular meeting of the city co-in-ril for a licrM to aell liquor at my place ol business, on Mam and i ifih sirets. A iK IS A mV P . Total $ 20 In the matter of the petition of Eliza beth Heitkemper to vacate certain streets in Oak (irove. Ordered that this mat ter be laid over until Friday, Oct. 3, at 10 o'clock. In the matter of the application of J. L. Mumpower to attach his fence to the Clear Creek bridge. It is ordered that J. L. Mumpower be and U bsieby per mitted to attach his fence to tbe west end of tbe Clear Creek bridge. In the matter of repairs to the Leland road In district 'o. 16. It is ordered that tbe supervisor of said district be al lowed $25 lor the purpose of burning log from (aid road. In the matter of the petition of Wm. X. Davis and other for a county road. Ordered tnat this matter be taken un der advisement until tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock. In tbe matter of relocating a portion of the Perdue road. Ordered that county surveyor relocate a portion of tbe said road. In the matter of the inquest of an un- Jttiown Jap. The following claims were allowed: Peter Nehren, jaror 1 20 (ieo Miles " 120 B M Allen " 1 20 R E Woodward " 1 20 W E O'Donel " 1 20 Ueo ZinserliDg, witness 1 W0 Mrs Geo Zinserling " 1 W Dare Hoss " 1 70 Henry Heinz " 1 70 Earle Hoss " 1 TO M Strickland ' 1 70 H 8 Moody, constable 2 30 R L Holman, coroner 22 40 MO Htrickland,autopty 10 00 In the matter of the petition of 'tn. X. Davis and other for a county road. It is ordered that this matter be con tinued until Thursday, Oct. 2, at 2 o'clock p. m. In tbe matter of D. B. Newman to va cate certain street in Robertson. Or dered that ssme be laid oyer nntil to morrow at 10 o'clock. InKt In front tn her vienr's astonishment remarked us she unfolded the snowy handker chief: "I.nwk a tlalscy me! If I haven't b'lled the prayer book and brought th bacon to church:"--Ionilon Chronicle. At Itiirinei-tcr A AndrfKen'. Mr. RiilTner, representing Ewdman Kodak Company, will nuke a practical demonstration uf the E-tmii Develop ing Machine at Biirmeister & Andreson's Jewelry store on Friday, .September 20, from 2 toC p. tn. This machine not only develops and fixes film without a dark room, but does it better than il is done in the dark room. Everyone interested in photography are requested to come and see the work of this machine and biing in your ex posed iihns and have them developed. Ibt Kind Yoa Han Hlwayt Bought 7 Bsara th A HI'.tinOH. In ths Circuit Court of the Htate of Ore gon for Clackamas Coiiniy. Mary F. Hicklln, plaintiff, vs. r Stephen K. Hickdn, defendant.! ToHtephen K. Hlcklin. said defendant. In tne name of the Stale of Oregon you are herebv required to apoear and answer the complaint filed againnt you In the above itilled Court or. or before the 3rd dav of November, V)i, the sain being seven weeks Irom the tint publication of missum n.ons, and you will lake notice that if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-Wit : For a dissolution of the bonds of matri mony now existing between plaintiff ami defendant and lor the resumption Of her maiden name, Mary F. Miles. This summons is published hy order of the Hon. Alfred F. Hears, Jr., Judge of the Fonrth Judicial District oi ttregon, ami dated September IS, l!r2, arid which said order directed service ol summons by publi cation not less than once a week for six suc cessive weeks, commencing witb th issue of beplember lilih, r. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney lor plaintiff. E. I. SIAS DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sjectacle3. All kinds of repairing neatly done and warranted, ft" oatcOice Hid. Cstby, Oregon 0 ) Py E a WINTHROP 0 i'.,r,,iM imii. Iiu L. N. Il'lridiruu fc.o.ccoooood It needed no lurid poster spread vrlth bii. UIng bronchos and rough rid- j ers of Ihe world to iiniioiince that lllf- . falo 1(11 waa coming to town. The t-nialt boy betrayed an almost pathetic eagerness to render small services to , the heads of the households. The funi- j lly rlothcillne disappeared under the to emerge later as a birlul and to j violently choke the youngest hopeful employed us a target lu default of real v lid horses In the family buck yard. The old.-r folk w ere not being ' lint-rested In Ihe matter. I'lilerfaiiilllas told how In his younger days he had known n ninii who could sh.s.t nil around Colonel Cody. The mother re counted, with n faint blush ou her failed check, how alio had crossed Hut plain In is;:i and during a billiard had been saved from an untimely dentil by the ministration of n young lieutenant. lu fact, the very blue blan ket under w hich her husband now bs.k 1,1s Sunday iifterii.Mtu imp lu the libra ry waa il souvenir i hit ni.rruw cape. Itctweeii the two exIrVtnea Ihe show was at once a bait and a reward. It was the peace offering w hen Hlrephon fought with Phyllis. It was a merit badge when Phyllis would not quarrel. Kven Kdward Thurston and Alicia Peyton were Interested III the gaudy pictures us they strolled silently along lu ft . mild spring air. Yet Thurston had Just asked n certain fateful qiiea thin, and Miss Peytnn'B "No" had been very decided. 1 like you better. prha.a. than any lean I kni.w," she had said. '-Still, lik ing Isn't love, and the until I love must be some one I can rcsect. loll are a nice boy, a good talker and have ull the advantages of birth and position. That Is not enough. I want to marry a mail' a real man, slrong, reliant - like th.'i-.vM And ulin MlntM. to ni.hlc reproduction of tho Rosa Ilonhetir painting of Cody. 'lint. Alicia." he urged. 'Ihla la . foolish, you know. A chap can't ride a broncho and wear chaps ami spur w hen a street cur or a cub Is the prop r thing and patent leathers and black loth are preferred, l-el me hw you" She rnlsed her hand lu protest. "I'lease." ahe aald. 'don't urgue. It burta uie to any this. Don't make It worse hv continuing a conversation that Is painful." So he held his lnee. but a they walked slowly buck to the house from the park each fresh stand" of bills and Alicia' evident Interest In tlietn Increased the twinkle which had come In Thurston' eye despite the blow to hi hopes. When they reached her door, he would not enter, but aa he took her hand he asked: "May I aend you acuta for the Wild Weal? I have frlenda with the organization, and while 1 uliutl not l. utile to be with you It would give in pleasure tn know you were admiring the 'real mini. "Don't." she urged. "You are not kind. 1 didn't ineun Unit I wanted tn mi, rrv i. eowlmv. merely that I vraa tired of the effeminate men of the fit les. men who never do things, who lire content simply to exist. It Is not your own fault Unit you are not other than you are. It Is the fault of our modern training He 1iiiil)j:I. "I didn't mean to que Hon your ii'inoiit." he aald. "1 will s. iid'n box for the matinee. Then t lilt (Mill t'.e little ones, (iood nlirht." He held lo r cool, slender hand for a liniment Loirer than was strictly good form, then turned mid went down the street with n springy atrlde that argued more strength than was uiade tippurent by the modern tailor's irts. Thursday afternoon the "show lots, lis Hot vacant Held generally used for exhibition puiis.Kcs was called, were crowded. Those who could afford to patronize the entertainment were for l. n.'.st mirt already Inside. Those without th gates were those who. lucking the price, lived In the hope lhat some philanthropist would and (lenly happen along and Invite them all Inside. Falling that, there was always tne noise of the shooting, and the year he- fore three clay pigeons hud fallen out side the fence, nnd portions had been cherished In pocket museum of small lsys for weeks thereafter a au offset to the cartridge sheila obtained by the fortunate ones w ho bud aeen the allow. In a ls.x affording an unobstructed view ef the Held sat the Peyton family, from Grandpa Peyton to Harry, the four-year-old. The younger ones were all ImpaUetit for the performance to commence). The band wns something. Hut band were more common thnn cowboya, even though this waa a cowboy band. What they wanted were men who rode horses. Harry In particular was on the ragged edge, and bis nurse had (Tlffleulty In keeping blui from break ing away In search of his hero. The yiar before he had been adjudged too young to attend. The first bund of Indians came dash ing Into the arena, turning the upiter curve Just beyond tbe Peyton box, and wheeling smartly into place. Harry was transported. Here were the In diana at last, and their painted, half naked bodies were even more fasclnat lug than the Images he bad been ablo to conjure up during bis sleeples mo ments In the dimly lighted nursery. Bnnd after band came on, each fol lowed by Its chief, and each succeeding body drew Harry nearer to the front of the box. The nurse, fr.sdi frotu Irish soil, WHS too Interested In ul. U her charge. Tho others trusted to Uu nurse. At last Clime Ihe cowboys, belter mounted even than their associate. Six abreast they swept Into the arena and came tearing down Ihe Retell. a groan went up, u gi''t '' 11 Ilka 11 f tone like the voice ,.,i I,... .mi ... There, directly III imih of the lid. us. stood II fall' .hll. era, face of olio the hll red I he sun glanced from H" dainty !ilte dress and III up the aeii litis till they aeeiued lu form a hubs I boiil lis head. Alicia sprang up wilh a fearful scream, "Hairy:" she cried. "Oh, my dar ling, come to sister!" Then she covered her eyes, ut dating to face the awful horror she knew must come. The Instant he did ao aoine liupnl"" compelled h. r to l.s.k again, and u ray of hope lit up her strained faro. The riders on the Inside had lurue.t aside. The one nearest the rhlbl st.s.ped and caught him up. and u mighty shout went up from the crowd he swung the lime- reiiow io uie niel of the saddle. The six moved ou. ihev drew Into their places, rud tho child ahoiilod with delight ut the nov elty of his position, never giving thought to the danger he had faced. s the horseman stood there waning. . . . ,. .i i. for the end of the entree .tnnu m.H..v his face, her eyes dimmed Willi guile ful tear. I.Ike his fellows, lie wont the regulation blue shirt with It scar let kerchief. The brown leather ciiapts were milch like those worn by the otn- aud a huge sombrero threw lint I.. .IwhIow. He waa lu nowse different from III fellowa. yet II aeciue.1 Allclu aa If there was aiiieliiuiK famlllar In the figure-soui.iinng u...v suggested some one ahe had known. It waa absurd to imagine mat n numbered a plainsman among ur a. -uiilntaiioe. yet try aa she would sh roiild in lake Her ces iron. Fven w hen Colonel Cody passed oil hl r,,l u..l l.n I It spleudl.l norse no figure and the tiny white form or u. r bt other wero all she saw. The colonel had made hi Ut"" I I 1... I.. I .'(III. mux-i'ii. lie nun mi gres of rough rldersj.f the world with a sweep of his hut. all inclusive. , riders had advanced to the purrier. had retreated and were beginning the musical rule, which llnlshe. uio " t rupee. At first the cowis.y were within tne circle, tirudimlly. however, me "" thinned out. nnd on the lust circuit they would have to pn the box. Hur ry rescuer reined up aa the box wa reached and. drawing out of line. leuned forward to restore the is.). Allda aturtcd forward to revive- htm, fully occupied witu m-r brother. Not until tne nuer was i. ,i., nimln did she hs.k Into hi face-. Then she sank down, crying and laugh ing all ut once. Mild h; "tcrlcs. wom an' universal pumice, hud come to her relief. After the siege of Peking had bei'U raised and the emblem of lirlstiaiiny hud replaced the banners of paguu- Isiii. according to the programme, the l'eytou family were Interviewing a young inuu wno now wi .- - uniform of a private soldhr. Ills fuct- wa Hushed with einbiirrasKtiieiil. I'evton ncre regarded him with I- lievoleiit g.ssl will and suggested tbat he had Isifer come up to dinner. Cey lon mere tried to say something suit- nnd w ept quietly Instead, l no .ni. younger Ceylon regili'ie.i nun " awe, much as one hsiks upon a neigh bor who suddenly uchleves IiiiIIoiihI greatness. All thl was of Interest, but there was u hs.k lu Alicia Ceylon's eyes that made him wish the rest of the family would go away ami leave- him alone with her. Hut when thla wish wns grunted few h"s later Thurston was sudden ly tongiV tied Slid distressingly self conscious. Allda raised her eyes, brimming with tenderness, to his. "Since you won't take advantage of your bravery, sir," she said. "I suppose I will huve to lo you myself." "It's not gratitude I want; It's love," he said gently. "You f.-cl now Hint t must be repaid for picking up Hurry." "It Is love I offer," she said proudly. "I didn't know It then. You seemed as Inert us the rest of our lyen. How ws t know that you had 'ridden tho range' for three years after your health broke down In college If yon didn't tell mc?" He answered with n kiss. "At any rale," he said, "you have won a cow boy. Thut'B why I wouldn't urgue tlm point with yon the other evening. I have ridden with Cody's show every time It hns come to town shire I ennn hack from tho west. It's like vlaltlmf old friends." Srrrrla. There are those who bold that a sin gular nnd prime friendship, such as marriage, for Instance, dissolves all other obligations whatsoever and that ; secret betrsyed are the greatest sac rifices possible upon the altar of love.' Montaigne aays, "The secret I have sworn not to reveal to any other I may without perjury communicate to him who la not another, but myself." There are few friendships nowaday so close us his with Klletine do la Hoetle, who himself "would not so much na He In Jest." Theirs was one of the great frlendihlp of history. Hut there Is much ensnlstry used by those who would manifest their importance In knowing mysterious things. They obey the letter of the law of honor and Jell without really telling, letting the truth leak out lu wise hints and suggestions, or they tell part of a tnle and hood wink themselves Into thinking that they hnve violated no confidence. Yet nothing Is so dangerous a half a truth. Booner or lAter It la Inevitable that the hearer will come across the other side, and the cat Is out of th bug.-Philiidclphla Ledger. -