Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1902 Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. l'lNrii Full Assault. Ooinludor A.C. 1'lnirsilsy o( liiat wwk. on t iliarirti ol assault ami liiillfry on Welter KoliUon, of Mllwmikln, )liuiii.t ttulliy In tle Jim- tine court Ut Watiirclay ml u flnl $15. (iartlsoii tiled lo collwl double fare from HoIiImiii. alio rralalnd unit in tliruwn olf Ilia ear and aiivHnily beaten, IIknkkit Daunt. The militia row pny has taken up the work also ol (In- vInIiiii in ikih lor rtillevliitf the suHtirer ol iIim fir illhlrli t In till comity, hikI an conlliiKly will give Ix'iiiillt ilanne at tlmir Armory next Krlduy e veninit, Hep- I INro run aphhi,Tc .iiiiiiui:ur n. v. i - UrrlM.ii, ol the Oregon Water IW A """U,r Meh I'""1'0., Hallway Company, who wu arrested ....-- - auair piiuiiiii, mi nu win iii Urgiily patronized by the iuple of Ore gon City. Tim price of tickaia haa been placed Hi the tiitrame low Hume of 75 cnnlM. Tim militia liny ar desirou ol raising at leaat 150 for the destitute people of HpriniraUir, mid tlm uinlertak lug l to b heartily rointiiencleil. Lllirml He ponae by Oregoa IVople tit Appeal fur Aid. ltlllit l HlVKH TltA PLANT. TIlO le iilanta which Urn Hoiltlmril I'aeifln dla- Dkatii or Mini. Kmitii. Mr, h. C llama which me nuiiuiiirn i oiiii: uir ,. . , ., i n Kin t i. an Mr y Uoy who Iim mail? her tribute,! In K..g. river Valley . ' " ' ' ... , w . IiuIm ami hearty. The ateat nforinallon " -. " i ..... .. at Green fuitit. d ml Tuesday, alter con l ilmrrt U llntl Hihv Mm irnwintf I bull ' there In iiu record of mora than a hatful harvest ol tlm leaves, ao that tho Infant liuliislry is yet In its swaddling clotlma. Oreiiou la believed to Iim well adapted climatically to tlm culture of tea. Tlm uily handicap to th Industry it the !il(ii price of lalmr III Oregon aa compared with that In Oriental countries ami In Hoillhurn atalna, where colored chlldran work tlm liehla at low cost. fi IMITII A 1 1. Tray Oremin C'i'y will liava a alroml train for I'layliiil loot I ml I Uila fall and winter if present plana do cemetery not miscarry. There are aeveral iood player here, and interested parllea In tliat kind of sport are becoming antlve in the matter. It I piopoeed that the team ahall have Wit oruaiilml and auflli'lent practice had to enable a good game to be played on Thanksgiving iHiy. Meaara V. I). Holt and Kd Kapp are the prune inovera In thla proponed umlertakiiiK, and the tial with which they are enter in H upon their work ltiaime turceaa tlnuoua IndiaiMiaiiion for aeveral yeara Mia. Nmith waa Ixirn in Houlhern Ohio tn 18.. I). At a very early aue the tn-g tHaithliiu at hool In Illiuoia and Ohio. lu 1HI6 deceaaeil came to thia city with bar buHband, (lid haa aince renidtxl here. Kha la auivived by her huahand and two dauuhtera, Mra. J. W.iray,of Dawaoo, Alaaka, and Mian Klla Hinlth, of Una city The funeral look place Thuraday, at the huiimof I'rof. dray, Hv. Mr. llollinuer luiKluitinir the aervlcea. The r.miaina ! to null In Mountain v lew Naw Mil l. aiHki i.wooi) J.C. Young liaa Bold the old YounK aaw mill alle, I U id Ko FoMoaav. Cuiiatable Harry Moody ritturned here laat Saturday from Foaail, Oregon, with a man named Watta, who waa wanted here for pala tini boirua checka. Watta waa in Oregon Cllv aome time alnce, repreautiling a lile Inaurance company of rorlland, and while here paaaud two (urged checka on nuliMin knixr. He went to Arlitiirlon wheie he waa gn'ty ' con conduct of a like chaiacler. Knapp ..ra ml a warrant and Ollicer nt ltnr him. It ia aaid Laa .,,,, the ol, ,ounR aaw m a , e on the river front, between I matlll. and Nlil..iii uvniiima. at Hellwood. to the licw llrm of Miitwre. Miller, lloag, Nick aim A Mowery. Tlm tramfer waa con- aniiifiiKtml luxt week and work on the new aaw mill will commence toon. The old aaw mill builifing will lie torn down and removed, and the new plant will be located alniut 100 feet farther IIih river The old aite will lie iad for a lumber yard. Tlm new plant will reiireaent an invrilment of 1-10,0(10, and will have a daily canacity of between 40.0(H) and 50.HU0 feet. Treaunt plana re to have the new mill completed and in riinulng order by the firat of next year. commit euicide when be waa flrat taken nto custody. He la now lunnuiihing in the county Jail awaiting ao opKirtunity to explain hit conduct HEM' FOR DESTITUTE. tit IUAI. Ell ATE TRAMSFEHS. Furulahed Ererjr Wenk by ibn Tlackt" mar. Almlr.icl A TroA ( mp my. up of HaaiciNU iNVKnTxa.NTa. Thu frtjijuency with which one runa agalnat atrangura in Orniion Citv ami vicinity and llnda that he la a man who baa aeveral thou fiand dollar which be I ma brouxht from the Kant to invent here ia a good Indira- tlon for (he county. There are aeveral iaraona in thia city now who are quietly unit uMuntfiilaliotialv Dlauiiiiig to invnat their capital either in some buaineaa pur eult or In properly. Thuy find here a tiood foundalion Uin which to build for Inture wraith. They eeem to have the I hur.l .'null iii Hnllioiunt iiuantity to nuke their plana go, and all are p loaned with the outlook. Heal ealate ai-eme to tie a aolid atandby. I'roerty all over the county ia in demand. Kncoiiragc till theae proaiwtlve invealora. They will gain and ao ahall we. Koi aa Aita Hark. The falla in the Willamette river at Oregon City, where the water for agua haa made the plunge iu lU headlong null for lb aea, la now (radically a barren maiia of rocka. The 1'ortland Ciuneral Kluctric Company'a I, mn iliaiuiuH trmiHiniaaion nlanta. to gether with the other manufacturing t tabliHhincnU aitiiattMl at thla place, at thia tiiiin of vear reoiiirea all the water to keep their wheela ami apindlea in mo tion, leaving no aurplua to ilow away unharmed. II thia would have been predicted a few yeara ago, the avorage citizen of the Willamette valley would have laughed the Idea to acorn. But the mad race of progreaa and development ia on, and where today nature'! powers are Iving dormant and idle, will In a few year be made to do their portion of pro ducing wealth for our citizena. ("urn, ii Knirn-K Bi:unki. Uev. Mr. Hatch, paator of the Sprlngwater Con uieirational church, waa in town Mon day, taking an active part in aoliciting aid for the dcatitute of hia locality. The church adillce at Noriugwater waa do- itroyed by the recent terrible Ore. By moat heroic elTorta of the paator the par- aonage waa aaved from the flamea. Mr. Hatch aaya that if he could have bad even the leaat aaalatance be could have aaved the edillie. While the reverend gentleman greatly deplore! the calamity which haa befallen the people ol lna part ol the Ciitiniy. he la entering upon the work of relieving the aullering and en couraging the people to rene their ef forts with a apirit ami aeal that ia bavng a telling ell'ect. 111,1 Ai iNU at Tiia CKMKTaav. Numer ous complaint have lieen mane recently that whohwale pillaging ia going on at the cemetery on the hill. Numerous vaacs and other articles for holding How- em, beaidea shrub ami plant have been removed from cemetery lots and groves. The aexton of the cemetery baa been notified of the work that is going on and an effort will lie made to detect the per petrator. It ia, indeed, unfortunate that people would stoop to audi contemptible acta ami unfortunate that the local paper is forced to give publicity to ucu con duct, but the deteatible nature of the tieraon who would be guilty of doing such act deacrve severe censure. The per petrators cannot hope to long continue their work without detection, and a warning to dcBiat should be heeded. The appeals from the burned district ol Bpringwater touched a repaoiiaive chord, and the manner in which Oregon City people have contributed to the nerdaofthe stricken people 1 credit and honor to them. Clothing, provlal oua and money have been sent often am similar act of charity are each day being performed. The article moat needed are being distributed among those who moat need anaiatance first. Ureatly to the credit of the Oregon CHy Woolen Mills, through the president, Mr. Jacobs, a great quantity of blanke were sent out early In the week to su ply the destitute and suffering. The Willamette 1'ulp and Paper Compauy made a contribution of a like quantity of the aame article, hence, in that reaped the needs ol the sufferers are greatly relieved. In addition to this generous act the Willamette Taper Company has announced that It would at once give employment to one hundred men and that they would furuiali work for teams and teamsters. The church organiiationa of the city Imn.Hitialfllv entered uoon the work soliciting and Bonding aiJ to the peopl of Horiniiwater. and a moat ciediubl showing haa bean made. Clothing, pro visions and enonev have been gathered together in great quantities, and sent away. work is still in pro- grnaa, and by thla means much suffer ing has been avoided. The Kebecca Relief Society also took up the work of relief and proved a great factor in the work. So far several wagon loads of provisions, clothing and other articles have been aent to the front. Mvers A Bon's mill hsving been de stroyed has rendered it impossible ti get material for rebuilding. This i one ol the urgent needs of the people ol Spring water juat st present. No material prog res can be mada in repairing the dam aue done until some means ia piovlded for furnishing lumber for rebuilding houses, barna and fences. Grain for seed Is also badly needed, aa fur mem thera must sow this fall In order to reati next year. Any contribu lion in this line will be niont graciously received. The county commissioner will take un the matter at once of relieving the suffering. Means will probably bt) pro vided for farmers to do road work or any other kind nl public improving in order to get money to supply their immediate needs. Implements, harness and all klmlrnd article are ereallv Deeded to facilitate the work of rehibilitation. 1200 200 4t0 0 Warden to A It Menehall, in terest in ne of a 30, t 6 a, r 4 e, I 000 II Gaua lo 0 I St rtV'o, lot 15 Id blk 2, Oswego ; 1 Wm O Pollock to O I 4 Co. lots 1 2. 3 in AlM. Owego 1 W Long to F K Mills, 2 acre in t 5 s. r 1 o 1W W Loin lo F K Mills. 41 acres In see 25. t 5 s, r 1 w F A Kly to W W Mat, 1.10 acres In Holmes CI F W Kilioit to A C Wehlon, 35 acs in sec 17. t 2 s. r 3e A Pfeirr lo A Hcharkey, lota 14 and 15 In blk 87 Minthorn JCradertoHCraler, ne of ne of Sec 7. t 4 s. r 2 K I, M ittoon to J iierber, lJ acres in CI 48. t3s, r3 Y M Ma bee to F A Mabee, a of se of secIKI, t3s. r6e Klliott to Win A McDonald, - of w'i of nwof sec 11, t 4 . r 4 e A O F'orsythe to II Look, 20 acres In aec 27. t 1 a. r 3 e O I A S Co to F W (idligan, 24 acs in James Moore CI .... 482 T J KeJiis to J II Turner, )i of n),' of nw of sec 20, t 4 s, r 4 e 125 W E Potter to 8 8wegle, w, ol sec 9. I 3 s. r 1 e W00 K E Lafoice to Title Guarantee A T sw sec 34. t 7 s, r 3 e 100 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT Ji fKUST CO. are the owners o( the oopy right to the Thorne system of abstract ndexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstract in the County, can furniah information a to title to land at once, on application. Loans, Investments.real estate, abstract etc. Office over Bank ol uregon vuy. Call and investigate. Address box 37. School District cn do better at Char- man k Co. when buying supplies, ss we sell at the lowest cash Price. Call Monday or Tuesday and inspect our Novelty Hat. Mim C. Goldsmith. Daniel clover, of tbi city, ha been granted a pension of $12 per month by the federal government. Latest effects in Ready-to-wear bats. MisaC. Goldsmith. Ciianck roK Emim.oymkxt. A. S. Pat- tnllo, aecretary and general superinten dent of tli Oregon Iron and hteel Com pany, at Oswego, was in Oregon City Wednesday. To a representative of the Enterprise Mr. Pattnllo stated that it was the Intention of his company to in crease the output of their plant thia win ter and will need considerable extra help. Mr. Paltullo say there are a number ol unoccupied houses at Oswego, and if any of the unfortunate people in the district recently devastated by fire are soeking employment a number can be accommodated at the foundry. This is a kiudly offering by Mr. Pattullo aud hi company, and the opportunity tor Hi IIakvkst Fkstival. Tho annual loc fair and harvest featival given by Milwau kie Grange, No. 208, Patron ol Husban ... .... .. . . ii - m tlrv w 1 tie he a n ine lown nan oi .uir . , . , . , u.-n ury',, . . , 1Jk1u,i crat ve emp byment will undoubtedly w.ukle, commencing about the the Is of h m.nv ol tlie October. It ha been the practice olthl ' . I,l,l lhl. f-ir annually, and H!"- the members bave been successful In causing a bealtby rivalry among the farmers and providing an annual reun ion. The last fair brought out a tine fruit and vegetable display, as well aa a lame attendance. Thia year it is the in tention of the Grange lo hold the fair for two or three days, and hence the interest will be much greater than at any Messrs. Bryant A Uargreaves, of the Oregon Fire Relief Association, liaveal readv adlusted the Ore losses in the Be ver Creek country and are now attending to those of Bniingwater. In answer to numerous inquiries as to the standing ol the McMinnville association, Mr. liar sreaves says it will take one hundred addi- llme A.. ..I,, tn maltM MIS heretofore. A committee from the Mil- . . , . hundred extr, aver- waukie Granite has been appointed, and preparations are already being made for creditable display. All kinds ol farm nroduce will be placed on exhibition in the ball, and prizes will be awarded for aiwcial excellence. There will be a wo man's Henartment of fancy work. Last aire Area would not entail on each mem i.r tlm rout of one year's insurance in the stock companies. It would be an erroneous conclusion to believe that on account of so many peo- Ia A!n nn Itia linn pftnrhnfl tllArfl Is ..... tl.a l! In thla dnnartment Was I . 1..1. l tforv.til. Vintr an nut- ... I II,. I I . . , , . .a-..l 1. regarded ID ome reniiecw rqui " 1 jng jor people wuo cannot auuru 10 ku iu . . .1 f .: TI.!u.i!llldnnA 1 1 I ! 1.1- T .... Known si me siaie iir. mi"i'" 1 tjeasiue or lasnionaoie renurw. n -of the features of the fair. Appropriate uM .hole tamiliea to get out and lay by ....... .!M vt.ttfiilAft aaph ftav. Thfl I . i:..l f .!.. ...1 41ia In.liinAtnantA exeruiBnB win iw . 1 iiibio iur wiurai, entire membership has entered on the j,eu 0t by the ranchers are beneficial ... . . 1 : . . .1 11,. I .... . ,1 f r worn who mucu eninusiaaui, suu wo mutually, nnanciany, ana 01 mcoiupaia outlook is excellent for a successful local ble physical advancement of the pickers One of Lire's Pleasures. There is nothing in life more enjoyable ami at tlm same time e beneficial to both mind and body, as traveling. A modern railway journey, intelligently taken, tends to prolong life, break the monotony of existence and acts as a pan acea for dull care, by lakinus out of the well worn channels of worldly and busi ness struggle. Before starting upon trip, whether on business or recreation, it i well to in quire and investigate the various route, and choose the one offeiing the best in ducements in the way of comfort and attractions. The traveler, the tourist or business man is wise in selecting the Rio Giande Lines in a journey to and from the east, as it offers every comfort and modern convenience to suit all classes of travel, with an array of scenic attractions uiisuruassed in the world. Castle Gate, the Canon of the Grand, Marshall Pass, Tennessee Pass and the world renowned Royal Gorge are but few of these attrac tions seen from the car windows. Three fast trains daily between Ogden ami uenver. Pullman Palace and Ordinary Sleeping cars on all trains to Denver, umaiia, Kansas City. Chicago and St. Louis with out change. A perfect Dining car service. Agents throughout the Northwest can sell tick ets via this route. For rates, maps and all Information or for cony of beautiful booklet. "With Nature in Colorado, write to or call on W. C. McBrlde, Gen'l Airent. or M. J. Rocbe, Traveling Pas senner Agent, 124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. Hrroiitl-haiKl Whet-In sand Guss i. uln rhfnn. .JonnHOU A I mb, Ileware of the Knife. No profession has advanced more rap idly of late than surgery, but it should not be used except where absolutely necessary. In cases of piles for example, it is seldom needed. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures quickly and perma nently. Unequalled for cuts, burns, bruises, wounds, skin diseases. Accept no counterfeits. "I was so troubled with bleeding piles that I lost much blood and strength," says J. C. Phillips, Paris, 111. "DeWitt's Witch Haiel Salve cured me in a short time," Soothes and beals. G. A. Harding. 800 300 Juat I.ok At Ilrr. W..ence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy complexion, imiltnn face 7 She looxs gooa. leeis gooa Here's her secret. She use Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Result all organs acl- 11, .iiu.atuin urn nl. no iiitauaciiea. nu Imni H for "hluea." Try them yourseil. Only 25c at Geo. A. Harding's. What It's Name Implies SECURITY STOCK FOOD REMEDIES VERY preparation sold on a guarantee. If not satisfactory your money returned. We carry a full line of these remedies, including: Stock Food Poultry Food Gall Cure Worm Powder Hoof Remedy Heave Remedy Oarbonized Disenfectant Distempter Cure Etc. DO YOU KNOW ,i Of any place you can get your prescription more accurately and reliably filed than at our Store. We are making thi our specialty, and gireit our personal attention. Any and all Doctors prescription filled here. o o o c lALL and get a booklet. It cost you nothing Also sample packages free. We are glad to give them to you. The New Store. HOWELL & JONES, RELIABLE DRUCCISTS. Chambtn Howell Lis E. Joaes DO YOU READ O THE ARGONAUT f Stni Fof Fttt Stmpb Copy. It contains atronirly Ameri can editorial!, bright, foreign letters, itnkiog torie, art, drama, mtuic. aociety, and army and nary new' The AaooNAuT Pub. Co. 246 SUTTER ST. San Francitco - Cal. 1 . . ! Fortune FTor Taiaa "Having distressing pain in bead, back and stomach, and being without appetite, I began to use Dr. King' New life Till," write W. P. Whitehead, of Knnedale. Tex., and oon felt like a new man." Infallible in ftomach and Hirer trouble. Oaly 25 cenU at G. A. Harding' drug store. We Sell and Repair Watches ffl nn CQCQ GO CGQQ CD CwwJ OQ 1 gp jiyiL 'ft tlSQQ QQ OOOO CO OOOQ OO COOP CO 00C0 WE are constantly studying quality, style and prices of all the different - makes and know them from A to Z, we are therefore able to furmsh the f best in the market at the least possible price. We are busy, but always find time to wait on a customer and show our eoods We have received another shipment of those new thin model Boss Fl ed Watches. They are guaranteed to preserve the exact appearance of an all gold case for 25 years. If through any fault in making it should fail to wear 2o full years, we will give a new case in exchange for it. It is uot gold all through, but you would never know it; it is stronger, as beautiful and much cheaper than arfall gold case. We would like to explain its construction to you. How about your watch? If it does not give satisfact ion or if you would like to have another, show it to us We allow full value for it on a new one, and if you are not able to pay the full amount at one time, we will sell it on the installment plan. In case you cannot afford a new one at present and are in need of a good time piece, leave your old watch with us for repairing. We do good work, do it promptly and at a fair price. We guarantee it for one year. We regulate Watches free of charge, whether you bought them of us or not. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON CITY, OREGON. I I 11 exhibition.