OKKGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY,SEITEMBER 19, 1902. O New To-Day. HlUHAl.KWK AUK INHTIU'CT ml hv our rlii'iil i wll at a saeillhfi vimhI Ihiiwh inl si-re of Unil at F.lv. IIoiiki illx'.M Willi kin-hen tllf'l. llin 'Iii-hppiii home I" na.kamas uounly. itKiHiios ,v oitinirii. II miry Ui loan at loirl ralra. J) llmiora A (IwrriTii. MISKY TO I.OAN AT K, 7. AM) r iiMit. Fu r tfi (HMiirlly. U'IUn & HcilUlirl, ' 1U.ACKKMITU HIIOI" K)U KF.NT Fully rciiiiiMii..! simp Ml Hiirlimwati-r. AiIiIii'unW. J. .e.-llen,W.iliirwat.r, Or. H HI i(i KM cV ( i K I K K t T H . (i.ltli-Mln lli W.. r. I lliiililinir.) hvilioln-Mi rliy. .ul.uri.an ami rumilry ir.wrly lor smsllral l.rli'i-a, MONF.Y TO I.OAN ON Itll. I'Kor tirly unty l II r o-nt, also on si provi- l rlalinl rimirily l II. Pink K, attorney at law, Sevens HuililuiK O.ii If m I'Hy . MON i: Y T( ) I.OAN-I I A V K KF. V FU AI. miniM ol iiiiini-y iii-lonuiiiu Ui private In.livl.liiala wlili h I em anihoriMwl to limn, on lonK tiitiM at II 7 l" wnt. ( iimI nl I'inn will be lii'l' vry roi"ll ahl. II. F.. fNuiw, attorney t law. "riill HAI.K:-s'AN OK MUtF.S. iiiit about ;HH) earh ; l"o linn imple ment". Farm lor rent. Inquire of Mrs. J. ('. Wnltfuiiioi. Cunt.y. On' Personal Mention Nw-dy, waa in town loon in linn n( (tin prnirreeslvti farmers of tli M eet:llnn of lliti county. truil Hinlth. iiiimiiIkt of (lie railway postal Iiimikm'Ioh' corps, n In town Tuesday. I.awreixs Murk left here Wednesday lor Corvallls, to enter colh-Kti, being his tliinl year. Mr. iml Mm. JU-milU n were among lh visitors at Salem Wednesday, Ukum in the fun, r.iniirr mill Trnfton Dye lull Monday for Foreal drove, where they will attend I'arifk University. K. H. Iliiiiliim. prominent youn,r furiiiir uf llm Iian dlatrlcl, was In Ore gon City Tlmrn.l .y. J. W. 1olnr and bride arrived In this city lt week mi'l will reside on Kizth unit Monroe streets. Miss Amy llollurk In employed this week in llm shenir'eofhYe, assisting with tax collecting inatleia. Andrew Koi linr, olCunby, liiiili'iin-lit ml tmr'lwarff ili-lnr of tlil ilm', In Drt'KiMi City Tlmrmlny. William Hliivnly wi-nt to Foreit lrov Wdilni'nilay, wlmre Im will niter l'ai illc CniviTmly fur miotlmr yr. Mimilvlim SiiiiinoiK, wlio lin Imhii vIhIiIiiji frii'iiiU in Hulun for hoiiiu tnun, returned Iioiiih laat Hntunlay. (NhihIkIiIb llnrry Mooily iu niqim IIih iluli Kilon from Dnfu City to viiiit llm fair at Halrni, TlmraiUy. M. ItolH-rta. an oll rmiilmit of lliia county, rehirni'il a r-liort time linrn from an uxluiiilml viml in Wuln. Mra. Naun W. I.awrfiife It'll IbhI eviMiliin for r'aii Kranciico, wlinre the cxwclii to nmidt) iu lliu fuliirti. Henry llornaliuli, A Carua, waa in totvu Wttilnumlay. He rrimrta gooil cropt in tlie ('arm dlntrli t tliU year. Mra. I). J. Swilznr. of St. Ilnlcna, and Mra. Jaiiob (innrxe, of Cortland, were iu the city WVdnpaday viaitinK rvlatlvea, 8. C. Elliott, of Dainatriii, a promi nent iimrrhaiit lliere. waa In Oregon City Ual Kuturday attnnding to buninxiifl mat-tera. J. K. liii kin, of Momlay. Dr. I.ravilt, of Molalla, waa in town Wednitu lay. tiiMirue Klauichter, ol Wilhoit. waa III town WtilnriiUy. Hvii.r Uaiiiahv, of Molalla wnaiu Ore ((on ( "it y Tupaday. A. Walker went to Kalcin Wtxlnrailay tu alii'iid the fair. Dan Follow a, of Hit(hlaiid. wai in Ore gon City Tuwtday. Krml Onrbi-r, of lnn, waa In town Monday forenoon. Attorney J. W. Draper viaiu-d Malein Tlmraday on huHine. Kri'.l Hakor, of Stallord, waa aeen on on our atreeta Toe ad ay. Mra. David Murphy, from Wllhoit, waa iu town Weilueaday. William Sliine, of Stone, waa In Ore gon City Wedncnday inorniinf. , Jav Moaher, of Xedland, waa clriulat- ing on our atreeta Wednesday, Dr. Tlinmaa, of Heaver Creek, waa seen in Oregon City Wodneadsy. C. (i. Huntley was attending to himi liena muttert In rortlalid Wednesday. Mra D. Mjrtin, of Mount 1'leanaiit, was vleitinK frienda here laal Tuemlay. Mra. i. Hayes and daughter went to Salem Wednesday to attend the stale fair. T. P. KamUII left on Tuesday for Unlteville to viait relatives (or several days. Mm. E, I.. Moore and ami returned Monday from a visit with friend at Can by. Merrill Moore" and sinter, (iertrilde, left Wednesday for Corvallis to enter college. 'j Krank Ituiiier, of Liberal, prosiK-rous farmer and stm-kraiser, waa In town Monday. Frank llrunner, of I.ijurul, wnaattenil ing to liiiaiiieH" malturs in Oregon City Monday. P. T. Davis, a proeroiis farmer of Clackamas, was seen in OiegonCity last Monday. IV II Mdli.,nn nl V'lnla. wua seen un our streets Monday morning. Mr Mat-1 Silverton Hilvertoniao. Ed Kei hner, of this city, and Henry Hoinaidmli and Virlor, Krrh kn, of Ca ms, returned last Friday from trip up Clackamas river, looking after timber lo cations. Mrs. Frank McDeriH, of Kumpter, who has been viaiiing Mr, and Mrs. Mi: Kittrlck lor ahoul a week, left for Salem Monday where she will visit relatives for some time. Dr. Hoberda, of Eagle Creek, was In Oregon City Tuesday. The doctor has shout adl'iHted himself to the new con ditions oMalning In that vicinity, after his absence ol several years. I,. W. Van Dvke and family, ol St. Helena, were in the riiy Thursday on their way to Sjinngwaler. win-re Mra. Van Djke's parents, Mr. anil Mrs. E. Itidgway, reside, lor an extended visit. Iten Harstow. ol Wilhoit, was in Ore gon City Tuesday, making arrangements to rebuild a home and barn. Ha was a victim ol the recent II res III that vicinity, losing everything. Ills lather also lost a house and ham. Dr. Powell and T. I. Charman re turned early In the week Irom a ten days' trip iu the mountains, In the vicin ity ol Roaring river. They ieKrt a good trip, plenty ol game and plenty of ber ries. Don and losepb Meldriim will return in a lew days from Eastern Oregon, where thev hsve Ix-en lor some time on a surveying trip. The dinner Mr. Mel .1 in in was at the head ol the crew, and it ia reported that be accomplished great deal ol work. John Baker, who resides on Molalla road, near the Woll place, waa in town Monday. Mr. Ilaker says he had a nar row esi spe from having hit prorwrty and home ilestmyed by lire last Saturday. He says the spark ol Ore that did the mischief traveled jver two miles, falling in the stubble field. Only lor the kind oass and alert actions ol neighbor and friends, his entire home would have been destroyed. take charge of his store uutil about the 1st of next month. At meeting of the hoard of directors ol the West Oregon City school district, held Tuesday evening, Professor O. A. Prentiss, of I'ortjand, was elected super intendent for the ensuing year to succeed T. J. (isry, who resigned. Miss Hessle (Irout, bookkeeper fur the manager of the Order of I.ioiis, in Portland, visited her parents in this city Monday. Mrs. 0. W. Cirace enteitained a few friends at luncheon last Sunday, in honor of Mr. and Mra. Edward T. Tsggart, ol Portland. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Cowing left Mon day un an extended tour of the Eastern states. They expect to be abwnt about three months. Koliert tiiulher, of Shuhel, was In Ore- gin City Thursday. About the first of October Mr. (iiinher will begin teaching school at Needy. W. P. Kirthein, of Clear Creek, who operates a large creamery at that place, was in Oregon City Monday attending to husiiieas matters. Master Clarence (ireen Is working in C. li. Huntley' drug store. The young man lias decided to study pharmacy , and his success is assured. William Putrow is back from Sumpter, he has come in possession of val uable mining properly. He expects to Sieiid the winter in this city. William and (Scorge Calill returned Tuesday from a three month's surveying trip in Northern Idaho. They were members of the Hands llros'. crew. . Earl Shaver, son of Sheriff Shaver, left here Monday to enter Portland High School, where he will liniuh his studies, having already spent two years there. Fred David, who ia a motorman tun nlmi between Oregon City and Portland, came up from Oregon City laet Saturday for a short visit with his family and friends, returning Monday morning OO 00 0000 OO000 0000 o 00 o o ATTENTION 00 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CO The only first-clnss Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Etc Local Ever). O o o o o o o o I. To lpola t r fit -"t A A Aah -A. lluy ticket lor the benefit dance next Friday evening. Drs. K. B. and A. L. Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard lildg. The best styles and materials at the lowest prices. . Miss U. Goldsmith. Albert Kigga lias started the erection ol a new house at Clackamas Heights. All the latest Novelties in Millinery, and prices the best. Miss Goldsmith. Julia E. Cunweli has brought suit in the circuit court against William Kerron, to foreclose a mortgage for $:150. School Hooka at thai man k Co. at Tot I'rii-ea. Rulers and Tablets tree with each Complete assortmentol Books. Some splendid new sidew alk is being Diitin hv the Woolen Mill Company along their lactory on Main street. Hun. J. T. Morgan, of Portland. i scheduled to deliver a aeries ol speeches in this city in the very near future. John C. Chase, ex-mayor of Hoverhill, Mass., will be in this city on October 10th to address the working people. It Is estimated that not less than 1000 .,,.,i.,,l mill were ileal roved on the weBt side last week oy the forest tire. The regular drill" by the militia com pany have been resumed lor the winter, the first drill for the fall being last won day night. t. r v ("iii-iin and Miss Iiclle Mon tague, both 6f this county, were married i.t Munitav in the countv clerk a ollice by Mayor Dimick. Charman & Co. The Cut rrice Drug. gists will furnish the School Supplies for the Oregon City Schools as tuey are the Lowest bidders. ti, Prr, n pjnur Comnanv sustained the loss of several hundred cords of wood .... a I at the Charles Holetrom place, on wie Holcomb road, last week. Mr Hlrharil Scott, of Milwaokie, has on exhibition at the state fair this week small herd ol Shorthorn cattle, besides some fine hogs and sheep. You are cordially Invited to attend the Millinery display of Tattern Hats, Mon day and Tuesday, Sept. 22-23, and fol lowing days". Miss C. Goldsmith. John Barry, employed at the planing mill, met wiU an accident Monday, Dy VvAinrv taaiitrhi' tn a nisi ner. which resulted In the loss of the middle finger of bis left hand. m;. nr:-a 3. Marshall has been Wtil to teach in the New Era school, filling a vacancy caused by the resigna r t;. Putt, Simnson. wbo has been elected to teach in the Mount Tabor school. Profnasor Garv. of the West Oregon school, who recently resighed and pnr- ehaaeil the treneral merchandise Dusinees Passenger traffic on the river U now mostly in the direction of Portland, the steamers being laden with people and baggage returning from the hop fields. It Isssid that in many Instances people are denied passage Irom way landings. The many Iriends of Miss Clandia Hart, who Is at Hi. Vincent's hospital, Portland, will be pleased to know that she is rapidly recovering from the effects of an operation, and that she will be able to return home in about ten days. It is announced that active operations will be started at the government fish hatchery, near Parkplace. in a few days. Hunter brothers hsve been engaged to take the eggs from the fish, st which w ork they will beengsged for some time. i ' , Terplschorean devotees will be given n Mi.iH.riiinitv next Friday evening to indulge their fancy. The militia com pany will give a dance, the proceeds to lie given to the victims of the fire at su,.init.r laat week. The price of tickets has been plsced at only 75 cent. A meeting of the board of directors of the Humane Society was held Monday evening at the offices of the Oregon Ci'y It-nV adiun a (nil attendance Was Dies- m. ..... ent. Among other fcalters alienuea 10 was the adoption ol resolutions tendering thanks to William Howell for bis dona tiooof labor in putting the drinking fountain in place. The annual meeting of the society will lie held in October, when the election of officers for the en suini year will take place. Ilow'i This? iv- rru rtna Mnndrad Dollars lie- .W VUW " " J ...... . . ward fnr inv pane of catarrh that cannot be cured by Mall's liarru icre. F. J. Chxnxy 4 Co., I'rnna . Toledo. O We, the undersigned, have known F. J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- l: 1. 1 t 1 n hr.nnr.l,la In all hna- I1BVO llllll rom,n uvii'.i.,.- ... - iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their arm. , . West A Tktax, Wholesale Droggists, Toledo, O. , Waldiko, Kiunan 4 Makvin, W hole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Uoii-u f 'aisrrn i lire ib laaen lnieruaiiv. acting directly npon the blood and mu mm surfaces of the system. Price 75c rw.r bottle. Sold by all druggist. Teeti , . nionials free. Hall's Family Pills are the best. WW o o o o o o o Free to All 8 School Children RULERS PENCILS TABLETS BOOK COVERS FREE WITH FIRST PURCHASE o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O We, Buy and Sell Second-hand School Books O O O o o School Books and Supplies . rs Many months before school peason we are in the market looking for bargains trying to get a little more than regular values by the twin presuaders of large orders and spot cash. Sometimes we can't find just what we want then we have it made to order for instance, our Big Value Tablets. They have better paper and more of it for c than anything ever put out in the regular 5c. line. The regular dealer won't pay the price Not one out of ten the margin is to small. Lut the children appreciate them we have to buy them in thousand lots Same all through the long lists Pencils Inks-Slates Erasers-Rulers-S ponges--Straps Bags Scholars Companion and all the necessaries. Best of all we treat the children just as well as their parents. Don't hestitate to let them do their own buying, if you can't well come too. : : : o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o o o o o 9 C. G. Huntley W. A. Huntley Popular Price Druggists and Booksellers fr-i V I OUFU Patrons and Friends H EAVY LOSSES we suffered through tne recent fires, placed us in a tight pinch, we need money and money to rebuild, and ask our friends to come and buy their winter supplies from our mammoth stock for cash : : ' : : We will slaughter Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines, and we will give you a discount on all other goods purchased between now and the first of December for cash. Do not miss your chance. Heating Stoves and Sewing Machines will go for nearly half price. I " 1 FRANK BUSCH THE HOUSEFUKNISHER MAIN STREET One Door North of Commerlcal Bank Q CO COCO OOOCO COCO CO CO of A. 8. Hunt, at Willamette, will not HaajBaVBZaa