Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 19, 1901 CORRESPONDENCE jg ris. s. ,C.J. Onr correiondanti will pteee aend la articles before Vednednyg of each wwk, otherwise it reaches us too late for publication. Kldnrailo. S. Bny ws the guest of Tom Jones Sunday. Kx-SherifT Cooke was seen in our town Monday. Frank Schoenborn went to Gervais Saturday. Mro. Felzer returned Monday from the hop fields. Homer Rowan was visiting friends here Sunday. Harvey Fall is "chore boy" for Taine Bro. at present. H.iy haling is in progress in this busy place at present. Fred Wallace, of Adkin' camp, visited Ins folks last Friday. Charley Thomas seems to 1 all the go during hop-picking. Clyde Smith left Monday for Dodges' ehirgle mill, to work. Mrs. Minnie Fanton is staying at her sisters during hop-picking. The fire in these Darts has done all it could for us and has passed ou. Veva Jones, who has been sick for the part week, is slowly recovering. Leon Jones, woo shot uimselt some time ago, is much better at present. Paine Bros, will finish hop-picking next Saturday, the crop being very light. Clyde Smith and Ernest Jones went to Butteville Saturday, returning Monday. Cardnn Smith was in Oregon City Fri day last, after supplies for his new resi dence. Mrs. Enoch Dodge was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Daniel Graves, the last few days. Jack and John Dodge, of Liberal, passed here enroute for Portland Friday, after boiler supplies. E'jr. Commissioner Lewellen is out looking after the bridges damaged or destroyed by the fire. Mr. Brayton has bought a house and six lota at Parkplace, for their future home, consideration ft500. They will re move there in the near future. Although there is no immediate dan ger from the fire, it is still spreading slowly, and a strong east wipd would again make the danger imminent. A good rain is the only thing that will ef fectually stop its progress. Mrs. Lewellen and daughter went out to SpriDgwater Saturday afternoon, to see what was left of their old home and neighborhood after their baptis-n by fire. They found the condition in some re eptcts even worse than reported. Nearly all the men turned out la . Thursday and Friday to fight fire. Com pany No. 4, at the ringing of the bell, hurried to the canon, back of the U. B. church. When the fire there was checked they all went out and helped the farmers along the Molalla road, and by their united strenuous efforts saved the bouses and barns endangered. lyockerlif. Kobert Miller's house and barn burned on Thursday of last week. Three large fires east of Springwater, visible from here today, six miles in length and one mile wide, destroying SCOTT'S er.uls.qn OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYP0PHOSPHITES . should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons: FIRST Eecause, if any member r.f lio '. ily ha-, a Lard coid. It will cure it. SECOND Because, if the chil dren are delicate and sickly, it will make taem strong and well. THIRD Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated, it will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Eecause it is the standard remedy in a!l throat and lung affections. No household should be without it. It can be taken in summer as well cs in winter. toe. and $100, alt druggists. SCOTT4 BOWNE, Chcnuu, New Yark. BlackK air "I have used your Hair Vigor for five years and am greatly pleased with it. It certainly re stores the original color to gray hair. It keeps my hairsoft." Mrs. Helen Kilkenny ,'New Portland, Me. Aycr's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping 5 your scalp clean, and for u . uiaMiig yuur nan giuw. SI.M 1 tottlt. All intuitu If your tlnifijist cannot aupplr you. sml u one tlolur ami w will exnrena you a bottle. He sure ami five the name of your nearest express oinee. AtMrena, .1. C. AVF.K CO., Lowell, Mass. valuable timber, together with barns and houses of settlers. manv Two more fires in the Miller neighbor hood, northeast of here, and atnmt the same in extent ; being carried with light ning speed by the heavy and dry wind in a northwest course, burning thousands of acres of timber and devastating the homes of the farmers in that vicinity. A number of fires have snruug in almost every direction this evening. Fire, originating on the other side of wie nacaarnas, jumped me river at 1 a. m. Friday, with a strong southeast w ind. It soon reached Charles Duncan's barn and house which were a total loss with all of his fenje. Win. Wilcox lost three fourths of his fence. At the Buck place the fencing is about all destroyed. The Campbell house and fencing is nearly all destroyed. Peter Ryning's fence is all aone. Your correspondent lost one half of his fencing. Kobert Miller's barn burned, with all of his fencing. Snirvna Our community has escaped the forest fires so far, for which we are all very thankful. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Irwin and daugh ter, Tilly, of Aurora, attended services at the church here last Sunday. Dr. Ferdinand Fisher, of Clinton county, III., who was visiting friends in this neighborhood the past week, left for home again last .Sunday. Miss Ida Voder left this morning for Monmouth, where she and her sister Maud, expect to attend the State Normal during the coming school year. Joe Schwartz made a trip to his new ranch, near Logan, with the intention of burning his slashing, but the settlers thought they had fire enough for that week and objected to having another blaze started. He returned yesterday and,will wait until the fire goes down and the people cool off. Mrs. Rebecca L. Ycder came up from Portland this morning for a short stay among relatives here. Mrs. Yoder was chief cook in the Bridal Veil Lumbering t . -mipany s boarding house, that went ' up in smoke last Friday morning. She gives a vivid discription of the conflagra tion, and had the mi-fortune of losing all of her own and her daughter Hattie's, clothing, except what they were wear ing at the time of the fire. (ienrge. We had a fire up here last Friday. Miller Bros., near here, sustained a loss of about $7C0 as a result. John Imss lost his house, barn and 'outbuildings and most of his fencing. There was consider ble fence destroyed. Had the wind not come from the north and west in the afternoon little would have been saved. Unless the wind arises anain we will be safe in this part of the county. Katie Creek. There was church at Eagle Creek Sun day. Guy Woodle is expected home from Eastern Oregon soon. Mr. Kagland, of Dover, lost his barn by fire last Wednesday morning. Threshing is done and fire and smoke are the order of the day now. The hop pickers have begun to return borne. Mrs. Glover has returned borne from the East, where she has visited telatives and friends for the past few months. Mrs. Jennie Chapman, from Umatilla county, has been visiting relatives here the past week. She returned to Portland Saturday. Mrs, Linnie Gipson, her sis ter-in-law, went with her. Beaver Creek. Shannon Rros. have been baling hay Mrs. 0. A. Thomas left last week for Wardner, Idaho. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of lieaver Cretk'a new school ia rapidly Hearing completion. H. V. Tarrey ariived hen from Ward, nor Tuesday, atraid of the. The tire gave Heaver Creek close call but did not do much damage. A 11 Thomas has killed during tlt, lapt week two of the largest fowls ever seen in this part of the country, (hie chicken hawk that measured three and one-half feet from tip to tip, and one owl tliat tneasuied four and one. fourth feet trout tip to tip. lHvr. The new school house will sixm In completed and ready for school. J. lvHktland had two hams burned and all bis bay and farming implements. Huppu'kerr have returned home and some came and found their farms out in the commons. The tire swept through and burned their fences. Miss Essie Woolf, while lighting fire to keep Mr. Uptcgrood's bams from burning, bad her clothing ignited and she was serhmnk burned. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. The new to-day column of The Enter prise contains manv readers of Interest to the ceneral public. Something nw everv week. If you want employment or require help, if you want to borrow money or have money to loan, if yon have anything to sell, use the new-today column. OABTOniA. Bean Ih. N You Han Bote's' Individuals Money to Loan. At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write Jno. W. Lodkk. Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. I.iiiKerlntf Niiuiiuer Cold. Don't let a cold run at this, season. Summer colds are the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger along for months. A long siee like this will pull down the strongest constitution. One Minute Cough Cure w ill break up the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts at otice. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bron chitis, all throat and lung troubles. The children like it. O. A. Harding. Hats and pants at cost at (i. W, Grace's store, head of Seventh street. T11 Up ure of Hie itiimneli. The man or woman whose digestion is perfect and whose stomach performs its every function is never sick. Kodol cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stom ach and cures positively and permanent ly all stomach troubles, indigestion and dyepiia. It is the wonderful recon structive tonic that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by conveying to their bodies all of the nourishment in the food they eat. Hev. J. H. HolUday, of Holladay, Miw., writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider it the best remedy I ever used for, dys pepsia ami stomach troubles. I was given up by physicians. Kodol saved mv life. Take it after meals. G. A. Harding. , DR. FENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, Bladder, Urinary Organs. Also Rheumatism, Back ache.HeartDlsease Gravel Dropsy, Female Troubles. CURE Don't become discouraged. There Is a Cure for you. If neo-siiry wrlto l)r. lemur Hi; has spent a lift) time curing 1uH auclj cases as yours. All consultations ri Pree. "Your Kidney and Backache Cure has cured two very bad cases among our custo mers tho past year whom tbe doctors had given up. J. L. STILL A CO.. Woodland, la." Druggists. 50c., II. Ask for Cook Bixjk Pree. ST.YITUS,DANCEKeu"k!IYr Fc " sale by HUNTLEY CHAUMAN & CO C. (i. .Hot Iooiik I for Lire. "I was treated for three years by jood doctors," writes W. A. Greer, McCon nellsville, )., "for Files and Fistula, but all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Sqlve cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Eruptions, Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25 cents at Harding's drug store. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Notice to lirldge liuilder. Bids will be received by the under signed County Surveyor until Wednes. day, Oct. 1st, 1002, at noon, for the con struction of a Howe Truss Bridge, to be built across tbe Tualatin Kiver, said bridge to replace the recently burned Shipley bridge. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the County Surveyor of Clackamas County. A certified check in a sum equal to live per cent of amount bid must accompany each bid. Lowest bid not necessarily accepted. Jons W. Mki.iiki M, County Surveyor, By H. II. Johnson, Deputy. The t.rnllraeaa of (rata. ITutulrvda of soil In mnde Nelson Is land. In ttie south Shetland group, look Muck ns night ns we upprotichcd. They disported thuuHclvea In the witter and played upon the shore. In wonder, not alarm, they stared ut us rn we drew near In a small hottt. Wo hupiM on shore among them, llll they looked lit us In dumli curiosity. I was ns much Impressed as were the nenla and limit ns hard nt them In tin answer ing woihler. "Come, old fellow," mild young v bral, approaching one of the huge seals with outstretched hand. It edged away u few feet. "Move on, then," he wild, Hlimcklng It on the buck with his open hand. It edged a little farther away, look ing over Its ahoulder with nil Injured tilr. Hut It made no attempt to nook safety. A mere plunge Into the water would liuve brought fnvdoin from any dancer. Several leopard seals were shot by our party, mid their fellow Withered around them, wondering why they lay so motionless it ml staring nt us with wide, pathetic eye-despondent. Unr nn th nl ! Man. "Say," said the short, stout mini. "I want to know something. You know there lire lots of diiihvts In the 1'nllcd States nml lots of funny words, and I can't tell w hat Is right mid w hat Isn't. Now, for Instance, one of those Kelt beiia from down east was showing me his turnout, and he spoke of 'that air horse' and "this 'ere wagon.'" "That's wrong, awful had form." In terjected the young man fresh from college who had been listening Intently for a ohamv to display his wisdom. "Well, then," replied the stout man, with the sntlstlnl twinkle of 11 success ful plotter. "1 suppose 1 eau't say that t don't like that air from yon open window 011 this ear." "(Ml, come 011! The lunch la ml tin again." said the college man as the of the clock struck 1111 even dozen and the pretty typewriter gave it convul sive choke.-Now York Tribune. Ho (lut Ilia I'rlrr. Hobble, the liendle of Kilwinning, once had to dig a grave for the wife of a well to do but niggardly farmer. When nil was over, the farmer as sured Unhide that he was obliged to him for the trouble he had taken. "I'll." said ltoblile, "there's nae sense in that, ye ken. It's Just four und sax pence." "Four and wixpeme! I thought you beadles did this for nothing." "Dh, faith, no. I Just uy get four and saxpeiiee." "I'll not give you four and mix pence. I'll the you half n crown." "Faith. I'll no tak It" "Well, If you'll not take half a crown you'll get nothing." "Very Weel," said Hobble, digging his spado Into the grave. "Iod, up the comes'." Hobble got bis four and sixpence. Spok From F.i perlenrc. Fond Mother Now, look here, George! I want you to break oh" with that girl. She Is very pretty and all that, but I know her too well to wnnt you to risk your life und happiness by marrying lier. Why, she knows no more about housekeeping than I do about (Jreek not 11 bit. George I'crhaps not, but she can learn. Mother After miirrluge Is rather lute for that, Oisirge. George Hut you Haiti yourself that you did not know a thing about house keeping until after you were married. Mother -Very true, George, and your poor father died of dyspepsia twenty years ago. The Unlklnar Frrn. The walking fi-rn has a most original way of getting over the ground. It bends Its slender frond and starts a root by eiteinling the tip of the In i 1 1 rib. So it sets up a new plant und Is anchored fust on all sides by its rooted frond tips, covering the ground with 11 rich carpet of verdure. The variety of runners along tin- ground Is as gn-nt as the cUmbcr. All motion of the plant Is a form of growth. The plant grows by day and by night, but mnro by day, as light and heat are Incentives to growth. Youth. finiitfriiitp. The word "ooiiiiterjiniio" Is a corrup tion of "counterpoint," which Is Itself a corruption of the Lit tin term "cul cltii," which means u winlded wrapper or quilt. When the st Itches were ar ranged In patterns, it was culled "ml clt.l puneta," whh in I" reni n became "courte polnte," corrupted Into "con tra polnte, oouiitcrpont," when: point Is pronounced "poyn," corrupted Into "pa in:." Ilnya of Chivalry tionr. Wife (drearily) All, me! The days Of chivalry lire past. IJusbnnd-What's the matter now? "Sir Walter Haleigh laid his cloak on the ground for Queen Elizabeth to wall; over, but you get mad simply because poor, dear mother sat down vj your hat." New York Weekly. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. 11 (?i ves instant, rener ana never .ails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. liy Its use many thousands of dyspeptic." have been cured af ter everything else failed. It a unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but da you good Prepared only by E. O. TutWitt & Co., Chicago Tfa (U. bullleconlalia2 times tbeSOc. aUa xmm AYeeel.itilo IVcpiUiition lor As -slmilatliiK iliot'ikkl.uulltcvJula-liuc- ilicSlouHuhs tukl Uowis of rromolcs lhcslioiiCravrful -rtisiiml IVsUVutiims iu-IIIht Opium. Morphine norlmriYil. ISOT NAHCOTIC. ayv a7V UIHt UllTOitH Mx Km KMU Aw laaW- HMrMM rtmrW. A perfect KYinedy forConsliiw Hon, Sour Slonwirh.DiarrlHH'rt Worms ,( oiwilMoiwlVwrish ncsi tiiul Loss or Sl.KH Far Simile St!itnhire of NEW VOHK. Lxact copy or wbappcr. Thirteen Years Practise in this City . . . . All Operations Guaranteed Five Years. Painless Dentist ry AND THE Six-Year Molar ... The dotted lines in this rut show the nix year tiinun iit inolur itt jami tiou in rcitr of the hahy teeth ,i J . One of the thinM that puretitn of youni; children arc leitst lufonnrd shout in dentistry in the Six Ycitr Molar. Almost every mother who kim-1o the dentist with her child in trotililc with tootlmi he, t-onii-nds tlmt it is the tirst or "hahy tootli." Tins is a sad mistake The tootli hlmnld he looked sftcr and filled, hefore the teeth are n.nir In yond ri-i.ur. This is one ol the most iintiortaut teeth of the mouth, as the p-giihirity of the ruianent teeth dejieiiils upoil its iiMiiiitenam e It usii illy comes wlleli the child is ulxiut six year old, hence its name, and sliou'd liv nil ini-ans lie saved Lnd not extracted, tin lilt: good of the child 111 alter years, 4- C o -rj - u ri W H The dotted lines in this cut )oint to the six year pertmiiient molar the jaw of an adult alter all the permanent teeth are 111 pesition. DR. L. L. Barclay Building, Clackamas County Fire Suffers We express our Bympathy in a HuhHtantial manner, where you find it neceufcary to replace burned I IMPLEMENTS WAGONS HARROW S Represented In Our Stook. Mitchell, Lewis FICST and TAYL0B STREETS. N. B. If unknown to u, bring community who is known to us, A until Janurary 1 , 1903 - 4 For Infanta nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars tho Signaturo 2 o a V) 9 o o o 3 m C4 9 n in PICKENS Oregon City. Ore. Wi Offer You 10 Per Cent Discount From Our Riqular Prioes 8 Stavcr Co. PORTLAND, OREGON letter from a promintnt man in the certifying? to your lo. This offer eood .... mj Use )j For Over 3 Thirty Years 1GIST0P.IA Hp? "Ik 'M mm