'OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1902. 3 .Nbw To-Day I'Olt H.M.K. WK AUK 1NHTKUCT ml hy our t'lii'iit In Hull ut h H.ii'iilli n a good limine mill acre of hind Hi Klv. ilmiHi' UU'.'I with kitchen added. Tim eliPiipiHi 1 1 1 1 1 m in Clin kiiiiuiM cniiily. IIKDUM Jk (ifillHTH. niu-y In hum nl Iiiwi'hI rnli'N, II hiK.i.K A I nil mill. I'Olt KAI.F. A KTOtJT IMIAKT Iiiiimii, J, C. ZiN-i it, n-n ill City. MONF.Y TO LOAN AT H, 7, AND II per rent. I' hi in HiM iirily. U'lU:N A Ni'iiiiiiici,. BLACKSMITH SIIUI' Hill KKNT 1'iillv - 1 1 1 1 1 i " I nIihi ill Hiirinnw.iliT. Address W.J. Lewi-lien, Kpringwuler, Or. HKItiiKS .v (illll' l' l I'll, ((.IIIihhIii Mm Wi inliiiril 1 1 u l U 1 1 1 1 K . ) 1 1 v Uiii i:lmlri"il rlly, miliurliHii nml ruuntry rnnTiy (nr Miiiilli'Ht iirli'i'N, MONF.Y TO I.OAN OV It 10 A L TKOT tirly security nl U per rent, also on up proved I'lutli'l Hin'iiiily. (i II. Immh k, attorney lit law, Stevens Building line gun ('ily . CAMi'. TO MY TI.ACK AT NKF.DY, Ore., on or about Inly L'li, nun lilui k mum 1'.' yriuH nlil, branded lion hfl hip, middle marked. Owner run Iihvh hiiiii" liy piij iiig rluirgen. (!. V. Nnlilill. M O N K Y T( ) 1 .0 A N -1 1 1 A V K S K I '. li A L Hums of 1 1 1 1 1 1 -y belonging lo privale iinllviiliiiilH which 1 inn aillhiirl.ed In Iniin, nil 1 1 mi limn ut li hikI 7 piT i'i'iit. CoHt nl Iniin will lie made very reaHuu ulili'. II. K. Chuhn, attorney at luw, w w w v f w w "W w M i ift KV iCu rf. Cl - rti '.' Kighly pickers urn employed in the Hinlt-y Imp yiinl, lu-low town. Ticking will be liniHlied there by tliu latter piirt n( next week. Tim regular monthly term nl the roil lily rniiiiiiifHintierii cnurt ii in k-hkIkii thin week, with a well II I led docket of mutterH to I in uttnndeil to. Owing to fuiliiru in iretiing tliu Urget" placed in time the practice o( tliu militia coinptiny wiih deferred this week. Prac tice will la-gin next Sunday. iimtniil of ut twelve o'clock wldeli Iiiih lieun the ciiHtoii for no long lime, Tliev conliuid that t lie lion rH are too long nml If it ih niidnrNlond Unit tlm nlmpH Homi at 1 1 o'clock thine w ill be lio in convenience ri'Htill to the public what- ever. .Tim Infant daughter of Mr. and Mih. Hurry Fanner died yiterdiiy iii'iiiiing of cholera liif.uiliiin. Seivii'i-H will lm lield today ut i! o'clock Ht the llaplinl rlwrr.li Hiid tins liurinl at Mniniliiiu View couielery. Quite mi important Imp deal wiih on km n i in nl ! hem Tnenluy, when J. H. Inly, of Mackthurg, Hold to Hipire Furrar, nf Salem, liiHM) poimdi of Imps ill IftmitHH pmiml. ThiH roiihlilnleH the rropH of lid .'I and 1111:4. Them iH still hoiiiii dillirnlly experi enced in I lie matter of the lireen cm ate. Tliu lieilM llled notice of appeal Thi'mI")', Irom the action hereloforo taken in the premium. There in much interest being iniiiiifeHled in the mailer. (;. I). Tate, employed hy the WiMiun eltn l'alp mid I'uper Cniiipany, met w ith the iiiNlnrliine TneHihiy to have hiH rigM foot very hinlly mashed vt lulu engaged in rafting 1"l" . 1'r Mmirt, w hu diesKed the inenil'i'i, preilieta no HenuiiH reMlllH, however. l'i i ii ii t .t i ii IIohii ( i ii 1 1 .i 1 1 y iiidiiliied in IniHiiicM ii ii ' I revelry romliined ut a regu lar monthly meeliiiK held Tiiecday even iiiK. Alter the IiUhiiichb of the evenln hud heeii IraiiHHCted a liil,iMet wiih in dulged in, and an eveniliK of rare pk-HH-nro waH Hpeiit. Mr. Alhert Wood and MiHS Maud Serrint were uranteil a licenne lu wed hy the county clerk Tuesday. Tliu coiiph) were married in the afternoon hy Judge Uviin. A liceiiHK wa also iHHiied lo Mr. W, C. JoneH and Minn Amy Wei and th'i Hiune day. . Knit wan iiiHliluled Wt'dneHday in the circuit cinirt hy K. A. Schmeer and otliern agniiiHt Wonu I.nmt Hiid Sam ley to recover on n prouiinHory noli). John V. NoiriH, of Oregon City, and Jiuiii'H K. Hart, of ClackamuH, were each allowed a peiiHion of $i) per inoutli hy the federal government thin week. The fern received in Ihe county clerk'H ollire dining the month of Anica amounted to f lL'l.'ir, a nlit;ht dccieahe from the correHponding month IiihI year. The hridge iiciohh Itock creek, on the Miller road, hail been acci Pled by the I'ounty cumiiiiKHionerH and declined open for travel. It iH now a county bridge by declaration. t The cnunly commiBHionerH thin week granted the petition of J. (!. and 1). HoHlellerlo coiiHiruct a telephone line from Pudding river bridge, along the Oregon (.'ily and l'mlding river roud. Halph Miller Iiiih recovered a gold watch and chain, etolcn from him eev eral inontliH aeo. The thief, hecoming alaimed, left the timepiece in the yard and Mr. Miller found it Monday morn ing. The barbers of the city have mutually agreed to clone their Hhope on Salurduy eveningH hereafter at 11 o'clock, CGOCOOOO COCO CQZO ccoo cocco ccco coco coco coooccco o o o 1 in Bad Shape, But Still On Top Ira 1,. Haker died at bin home at Will amette laHt Sunday, after an HIiiphb of coiiHidcitihle il (li at ion . He wai hutied Tuciday, the nervicea being conducted by Uev. J. II. Heaven, paHtor of the KirHl Baptint church. Interment wan bad in Mountain View cemetery. Uev. Mr. Kollinger pas'.or of the Con gregational church, will arrive home from an extended trip in the Kaht thin week, and will conduct nervices Sunday next, the morning thenm being "Over coming Kvil With tioml," and the even ing theme "Shadowa in a PchitI." ' In JiiHtice Slipp's court yesterd: y aflernoontbo time wac occupied in bear ing a cane in which W. C. I.onney wa the tilainlill' imaintt J. F. Hawks, for RerviceH rendered in cutting and de livering piling and boom Btickc The natter una continued until next Mon day. Carda are out announcing the marriage of Mr. John W. I.oder, a prominent young attorney of Oregon City, and Mian lirace Uiley, a popular young ludy in this city, on SepteinhiT lOtli, at the reni- ilenceof.Mr. It. Ii. Montague, in thin city, where MIhh Kiley makes her home. Albany Ilemocrat. o t) o o o o o o o o a a o o o o o o 1 O O O o o o o o o Q coco coco coco coco coco coco coco coco coco coco WE ' admit that fur another week or two trading at our store will scorn like trading at a gristmill ' or a carpenter shop; hut we are prepared to meet all your wants and more than meet your . ......... -i . V'V'I expectations as to prico. As we said last week, everything that is cuttauie is cut: out tAfifiSt from 20 to of) per cent. Many items we have not heen able to get out lor want ot room hut wo have hundreds of d llars w;rth of goods in the basement, hack room and store adjoining, where we are doing business temporarily. All this stock wo want to turn into money, you can almost make your own price. Come and see us hefore and after. Kubber Goods Writing Paper Silver Ware Fvcrv article in the Kublicr Coods department liox I'api rs-otie quire of paper with envelopes Our stock of Table Silver Ware is already priced is cut so deep that you can afford to throw away to match,-the much below regular jewelry store prices. When the old leaky things and buy new ones. 15c boxes for 9c 25c boxes for 19 we takeofr to ; , more it makes first quality Art .-.-4'- NOXCS IOI . . . JOU J,, ....... 1 - ...... . . ., Dulu ,u, m KnvelojH-s. per package .03 in this city. Rtmember that it is all quadruple , ,() plate and every piece fully guaranteed. We quote ? a few prices, but everything is reduced. " " ' V, Dozen Knives oR ' " .7- Hot Water Iiottle 1'oiintain Syringe ... . . 3t. Crown Combination Marvel Whirling Spray- .. A Co'.d Atomizer baby Syringe 31 ,,K!SJSiic:::::::::::::::::: 3 5aa::. ? l inger fur Hn l'it-htT 2.'c per dozen Hammocks and Croquet Sets 't Dozen Desert I'orks i 87 Kngraved Butter Dish 1 67 4 I'lece Tea Sets 5 25 Cake Dish 98 There are Bread Trays, Berry Dishes, Sugar and You Get An Idea ltft Take choice wllile thev last, at 12 I'rice Cream Sets, Bon Bon Dishes and all kinds of Or the extent f the Alteration faie uy noting these discounts from prices alreadylower than our competitors. '1 hese discounts are to be figured off our regular marked prices. .-..:., , .,. nnd ,t vnur winter Sponges. 25 P" cen umt)r(.lla n(JW You can save just.. I -3 We need the space these goods occupy and they Chamois Skins I'tr LLUl must go at any price. No reasonable offer will be Hair, loom, aau, w" refused. 411 our second hand wheels at A their value, and many new ones at the same sacrifice. 1-or instances: Clothes Uruslic 25 percent Knives, Ra.ors, Scissors, Manicure Goods 33V, percent Umbrellas Bibles Spoons, Ladles and Knives Bicycles 0 O O o o o o o o o u o o o o o o o o o o a o o 0 Tl, cinnlf r.f Tlif.1oG flirprf frnm tli nilh. m: OR tn RD ner cent i;.t,,ru;i!n It ...f.m shame tn sacrifice them. I i,aclies Cnainless Lressent, Sotins IO to 25 percent bnt they must go. They range in price from 20c , Regular price $50 00. Now $35.00 Mouth Harps, Musical Instrument to 1 7. 00 Take your choice at a d i s c o u n t 1 Man 9 Spring Frame Crescent, String 40 per cent of 20 percent Regular price f 50 00. Now $26 00 Toilet and Manicure sets and cases 33 I percent I Columbia Roadster Kodak Albums 20 to 40 P cent , . ,. Regular price, $40.00. Now $26.75 Koaaic Aioums vj Pocket Books I Crescent Roadster .TfTX7filfirV Regular price, $35.00. Kow $19.95 Base Ball Coods o o o o o OD Our stock of ladies Books and Card Cases is All our stock of Cuff Buttons, Collar Buttons, much to large but that makes it all the easierfor Shirt Studs, Scarf Tins, Broches, Charms, Lockets, you to nna someming uesiraoie. j,ney are al- i' uihlcm Buttons, Hat I'ins, Belt Buckles, Brace- ready priced low, but from the marked price we All Base Ball supplies, excepting League Balls lets and Watch Chains at -3 off marked prices, will take off -3 at (.3 Qff 0000 CGOO CCCQ COCO COCO 0000 QOQO C000 0000 0000 C. G. Huntley W. A. Huntley Popular Price Druggists and Booksellers CGCOOOOO cooo COCO GCOO. osoo COCO ceo COCO CCOOOOCQ Mrs. F. A. Toeiilemann, a resident of this city for more than twenty five years, died at her home here last (iunday even- iii(j, after a protracted illneHS. DeceaHed was lifly years and Bix days of awe, and leaves a huaban.1 and two sunn. Her remaina were laid lo rest Tuesday after noon at H o'clock from Ihe late residence.. Mm LIFE'S AT STAKE The most timid man will take ny chance of escaiie. The alfuder rope dropped down the precipice, the slip pery log over the abyss, anything that offer a chance of life, is eagerly snatch ed at. The end the man seeks is safety. He cares nothing for the means to that end. There are thou sands of men and women whose lives are at stake. who are hindered from accepting the one means of safety hy foolish prejudice. Doctor Pierce's Goldep Medical Discovery has been the means of restoring health to many men and women whose hol low cough, bleed ing lungs, ema ciation and weak ness seemed to warrant the state ment of local phy sicians "There is Why should prejudice against a put-up ..l;;.. i,;;w vnn from tivmc what IlKUILMiW ii.n.i. j . has cured thousands of suffering men and women? Only for Dr. PieWs OoMn Medical Dis covery I think I would be in m, toay. writei Mr. Mow. Mile., of Hillwrd. t m . Co . Wvomiinr "I had aiilliin a I cou'd not X B niKht ml w.. compellM to Ki" B wort. It .Sected my h.nK- ,'h" cZ?n II the lime, both dy .no ninht. yJP! .11 thmiglil I had ommmptinn. My wife had tken Ilf. Pierce'. Favorite Prenuti.m and It had heltd her to much .he inrJM on inn hi. lii.ldrn Medical Iieoverr which I di3. I have taken four bottle, and am now well man. weixhiiur i pound.. Ihanki lo ur. Pierce'. Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for sulistitution is to .i.- j.i ihe little more prrinii iiic ucnici , profit paid by the sale of less mentonoua j : .. ii. i n vnu lose. Henry Wilkinson, employed in the Willamette. Pulp it Taper Mill, Wednes day morning met with a very serious: in jury to his riiiht foot. A heavy dolly roller ell from a scaffolding, striking the member, seriously Hprainiiig it. The fact that the entire lower portion of the limb waa not entirely crushed is a mira cle. Clinton Hart, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Hart, died Tuesday morning at his home in this city of paralysis. De ceased, who was 23 years of aue, bad been a sufferer from paralysis for the paat three years, and his death w is ex pected at any time. He leaves many young friends in Oregon City and else w hero who will deeply regret to hear of his death. The funeral took place Wed nesday from his late home, at 1 :.'!0. One of the most pleasant affairs of the season was the dancing party last Friday evening in the pavilion at Canemah park, under the auspices of Les Papillon Club. Over forty couples of invited guests participated in the festivities, and each of the devotees declare an evening of rare enjoyment waa experienced. This was the fourth function under the aus pices of this club, and it was a greater success than any previous one. The board of county commissioners was again presented with a petition this week from Louis Toedteuieir and others asking that an order be made allowing all taxpayers within the county to pay their proportion of the county Indebt edness. This matter has been discussed at some length through the local press, and further comment, save to state that the peti'ion was denied, is unnecessary, however, in denying the petition the commissioners took the position that they bad no authority to permit such a request, legislative action being II ret necessary. Cramer A Freytag, the cigar makers, have just received a large consignment at liitYHH in which to Dack the output of their establishment. "Our Special," a I f popular brand, will be packed in boxes bearing very elaborate designs, ainonu oiher features beimr the likenesses of the i members nf the firm. The gentlemen are enjoying a veiy deserved patronage, both local and from a distance. Charles Albright received the in-; telligence Tuesday evening ot the death ( Mrs. J. G. Hohs, at Phoenix, Ari-1 una. About two mouth" ago the lady was attacked by ipiick consumption and I was immediately taken to Arizona, with j the hope of being benefitted. Her; mother Mrs. reters, felt here for Arizona j the hitler part of last week and arrived just in lime lo see her daughter expire. Deeenaed was a former resident of this j city, but for two years past had resided j in San Francisco. The remains will be i brought to this city for burial, arriving! probably tomorrow. Mr. E. I). Olda, of West Oregon City, was tendered a very pleasant surprise sarty last Friday evening by his wife and a number of friends, the occasion Demg the thirty-sixth anniversary of his birth. The evening was devoted largely to music, although a very elabotate lunch eon was served later in the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Shobe, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Elliot, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Biir Rnrdon. Mrs. G. A. Brown, of San Fran cisco' Mrs. B. Dolan, Miss Bessie Seobe, Miss Ida Shobe, Miss Maude Dolan, Miss Flossy Shobe, Miss Mary Dolan, MessrB. J. W. Ixxler, E. Burdon and Burnett Dolan. llow'a Thin? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Ciiknev A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wkht&Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Wai-dino, Kinsas & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 7."c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's Family Tills are the beet. FRANK BUSCH! i THE HOUSEFUKNISIIER The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Trimmed Hats. Great Bargains. Miss Goldsmith. j WROUGHT STEEL . Hot Weather Cooking Can Be Pleasant HH'IHI'JMDWIP if you have a CHARTER OAK STOVE that gets the meal in a hurry and lets the kitchen cool off. Can't you see what advant age it would he? Here's a Charter Oak Kange that gives you a perfect fire all the time you need it, and cuts down your wood bill. There is no better made. This Range fifl with large copper reservoir V"" BREAD RAISERS Making bread looks like an easy job at the start, but the disappointment at the finish gives heartaches and aggravates the labor. The easi est and safest way is to purchase a bread raiser, it costs little and you have no dis appointments. Price for anti-rust ware, Others Cheaper $i.25 Warranted Pccket Knives 25c. up !s75f!fe?-B rating. ''"." I Table Cutlery 6 Knives and forks 60c. U1CU11.111CB. 5""-', j