Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 05, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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a TiT-'orryTrvr,Tr,T?
Our correspondents will please send
in articles before Wedneilays of each
week, otherwise it reaches us too late for
r. E. Curr.u and many others left
Tuesday for different hop yards through
the valley.
John Uillitt and family and Charles
Ely and family attended the Boen-Cur-rin
wedding at Springwaler Wednesday.
Mif-s Ella Williams and mother, of
Muiint Pleasant, have relumed from a
long visit to North Yakama, Wash.
Frank Bullard has built a new kitchen
and wocd house, and has added greatly
to the value and beauty of his home by
repainting his home white.
W. V. Pickerson bean hop-picking
in his yard Tuesday. Forty cents to an
onlooier, that at present prices, owners
ought to be generous enough to give 50
cents willingly.
Ely and the surrounding country
was well represented Labor Pay. Large
crowds on foot and horseback, in buggies
and wagons, all anxiously hurrying, to
be there on time to see the big proces
sion. W. W. May has purchased Ely Bros.'
store and out-buildings, the considera
tion being $1000 cash. Also the Sickles
building, adjoining, where the postoffu-e
is It cuted, for $70.
Mr. J. W. Currin, of this place, and
Mii-s Boen.of Springwaler, were married
T eduesday at high noon at the residence
of the brides' parents, Rev. A. J. Mont
gomery, of Portland, ofliciating. The
happy couple took the train the same
evening for Pendletun, on a wedding
The new blacksmith is kept busy.
Rev. J. Hatch Bpent last Sunday with
Lis Bethal church, bis daughter filling
his place here.
W. L. B. Cornett, formerly of this
place, but now of Porland, was out visit
ing his friends and looking after his
Threshing is well along. William
Stevens, Lewellen & Dubois and Howell
Bros, are pushing the work rapidly
along. Grain is turning out better than
was expected.
Miss Julia (latch, the foreign mission
ary, who has been spending her vaca
tion with her parents, Rev. J. Hatch,
pastor of the Presbyterian church, of
this place, took her leave today to com
mence work of traveling lecturer for the
Woman's Foreign Mission Board. She
is a very interesting lady and any one
having an opportunity to hear her wilj
be well pleased.
There are a number of men at work
on the site of the power plant,
clearing the grounds and putting up new
buildings. People are greatly pleased
over the prospect of the railroad, which
the company promises us a ride over by
July 1, 1903. I do not know how we old
time webfoot, mossbacks are going to
stand all of these new things, but I eee
already the moss is loosening up and
people are getting a different move on
and are talking of new modes of farnuna
and Btock-raising, and a number
people are interested in the creamery
bu-iness, which we are confident will be
one of the best enterprises of this county
Beaver Cre.es.
O. rlughes and Mr. Scantton suffered
the loss of a line fence by burning a
.Martin Bros, are scattering straw and
intend to make a big smoke some night.
low To
Gain Flesh
Persons have been known to
gain a pound a day by taking
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL
SION. It is strange, but it often
Somehow the ounce produces
the pound ; it seems to start the
digestive machinery going prop
t.ly, so tl.ut the patient is able
to digest and absorb his ordinary
food, which he could not do be
fore, and that is the way the gain
is made.
A certain amount of flesh is
r.ecessary for health; if you have
not fiot it you can set it by
peon's pulsion
You will find it just as useful In summer
as in winter, and if you are thriving upon
tt don't stop because (he weather is warm
50c and $i-oo, all druggists.
. 6COTT or bOWNE, Chtitmts, New York.
' I first vtei Ayer's Snrsapurillj
i .1,. f,n is is. fcince men i
B have taken it every spring as a
G blood-F"f:'fv!.iR nJ n-'rve
b strcniitlicnii'-; iv.c ivine."
R "o I - .!.; 1.n.
If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the gec J old stand
ard family medicine,
Aycr's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. JI.M 1 bottlt. All drnfjlita.
Aik Tour doctor what h think! A''1
SarlaVirllla. lie k- H '" "I", "'"!
' 1" c. at.. Co.. LO-.U. HW.
Hop-picking began here hist Thursday
and is progressing well.
Oliver Jones and family, of Portland,
are visiting the Griesenlhwaile family.
Beaver Creek's new school house is
rapidly nearing completion.
Katie Creek.
Several from this section are going to
the hop-yards.
TheYocomb machine will move over
to Eagle Creek Irom near Cnrnnsville,
odav to do the threshing in that section.
Miss Lillie Hoffmeister has been
home for a few days visiting and help-
ng her mother cook for tiie threshers.
She returned to Portland yesterday.
Threshing seems to be the order of the
day now in this vicinity. The Doughton
nd the Heipt machines have completed
the threshing in the Douglass and Gil-
son neighborhood, but grain did not
turn out as well as expected.
Wiley Douglass had a runaway last
Monday, but no serious damage was
done. He and David Hoffmeister were
out driving with a young horse and
buggy, and after the horse had gone a
short distance he commenced to run, but
not succeeding in getting away from the
Mrs. F. Jagger went to Beaver Creek
Mrs. II. Ilornschuh and daughter,
Aldha, spent Sunday with Mrs. B. Faust.
Ralph Marshall, of Oregon City, was
in Carus Sunday visiting relatives.
Margaret Lewis returned last week
from an outing at Long Beach.
B. Faust and daughter, Miss Vada
Dills, returned Friday Irom an outing at
Ocean Park.
Miss Anna Roth made a business trip
to Portland last Fiiday.
F. Sle'ght and family have moved to
Oregon City.
Mrs. Sias is visiting her parenls,
and Mrs. C. Clayson, at Concord.
A. Snell came up from Portland this
morning to take care of the fruit in his
orchard across the track.
Frank Dodge and C. Kennight, of
Riverside, are working at the carpenter
ing trade in Oregon City.
C. C. ClauBen has a very heavy cron
of peaches in his orchard, down on the
Mr. and Mrs. II. Evans have returned
from Kalama, where they have been
since early spring.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Rosenkrans returned
Sunday evening from their trip to the
eastern states. They have been absent
over two months.
George S. Batty with his wife and
family, left here on the overland Monday
morning for Santa Barbara, Cal. They
expect to remain there during the winter.
John Swan, of Michigan, who has
been spending the spring and summer
here with relatives, left for his native
state on Tuesday.
Mrs. Millard Lee and daughter, of
Portland, have been visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wo. Knight, the past
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
bp and E$re$,
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
Mrs. Smindeia severed an artery in one
of her wrists. She was engaged in can
ning fruit, when the top of a jar broke,
cutting her severely. Dr. IVdiiuin, of
Canny, anil Pr. (ioisy, of Aurora, at
tended the injured woman.
Lengthy Uii-iiiiss SimsIoii Vm
Wediifitlay Evening.
The regular monthly meeting of the
common council was held Wednesday
evening and a considerable volume of
business was transacted. All council
men save Messrs. Huntley and Sheahan
were present. The principal features of
the evening's business programme was
the introduction of two ordinances,
granting franchises for railway purposes.
One of these will he referred to here, for
convenience, as the Latotirette franchise,
which had been before the council on
another occasion and referred back for
amendments. The matter was discussed
at considerable length, and linully it was
agreed that the council should meet
again on the evening of the 17th, when
amendments should be introduced and
the matter thoroughly discussed.
An ordinance was introduced to grant
a fianchise to the Oregon Water Power
A Railway Company to construct a rail
way line on Third street, from the South
ern Pacific track to the river, also depot
privileges. This matter was deferred, to
he taken up at a speeiul meeting of the
council to lie called for next Monday
evening by the mayor.
A warrant was ordered drawn for $100,
in favor of the Humane Society, being
the city's donation to the fund for pur
chasing a fountain.
A claim was presented by S. Oarde
for $124.10, being the amount expended
by him in the arrangement of the anchor
which holds the bridge pier to avoid vi
bration about his new building. Hie
matter was referred to the finance com
mittee to investigate.
Order was made providing for the pay
ment of the new hose recently purchased,
the amount being $830.
The committee on streets and public
repairs was instructed to proceed with
the repair of the elevated roadway on
Main street, near Broughton's null.
The committee on fire and water was
nstructed to supply hose and cart tor
Green Point. The people of that place
are to supply the house and maintain
the Btation at their own expense.
The committee on streets and public
property was instructed to exchange
the end of an alley extending to Falls
View for a parcel of land five feet m
width at Fifth street, extending to
twenty feet in width at the westerly
boundary of the Reddeway property.
This land is desired for sidewalk purposes
in order to provide better means for in
gress and egress for the people of Falls
On motion of Councilman Powell a
committee of throe was appjinted to re
vise the present city charter. The
mayor appointed on the committee
Councilmen J. W. Powell, R. Koerner
and Charles Albright.
The board of water commissioners
made application for leave to construct a
tank on the bluff, at the corner of Second
street and Promenade avenue, tank to
have a capacity of from 40,000 to 80,000
gallons, water to be used for cleaning
the filters. The matter was referred to
the committee on streets and public
Bills to the amount of $1079.59 were
ordered paid, of which $8S0 was for fire
Grand Clearance Sale of Millinery.
Miss Goldsmith.
Co to the Beach Via A. & C. It. R. and
Hear What the Wild Waves Say.
The story, "What the Wild VVaves
Say at Seaside" so strikingly told in the
attiactive pamphlet recently issued by
J. C. Mayo, G. P. A., Astoria, is better
appreciated after a trip to the now
popular Clatsop Beach, via the A. &.
C. R. R. Cheap round trip excursion
rates and unexcelled transportation fa
cilities offered between Portland and the
beacheB continues to attract large crowds
to Flavel, Gearhart and Seaside. Round
trip excursion tickets between Portland
and all Clatsop and North Beach points
are sold every Saturday at $2.o0, inter-
changable with all boat lines and good
to return Sunday evening. 1 rains leav
ing Portland at 8 o'clock A. M. daily
runs through direct to Gearhart and Sea
side without transfer, making close con
nections at Warrenton for Flavel
Portland-Seaside express leaves union
depot every Saturday at 2 :30 p. in. and
runs through direct with transfer, arm
ing at Astoria at 5:50 p.m., Gearhart
6:40 p. m. and Seaside, 6:-U p. m.,
making close connections at Warrenton
for Flavel.
. Individuals Money to Loan.
At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write
Jno. W. Lodkb,
Oregon City Oregon.
Stevens' building.
Drs. R. B. and A
Weinbard Bldg.
L. Beatie, Dentists,
Itchiness of the Skin and Eczema.
The only remedy in the world that will
at once atop Itchiness of the Skin on any
part of the body that is absolutely safe
and never failing, if Loan's Ointment.
Free Samples at C. G. Huntley, Drug
gist, Friday, Sept. 12tb.
I.liiKcrluu Nil miner 4'oUI.
Don't let a cold run at this season.
Summer colds are the hardest kind to
cure and if neglected may linger along
for mouths. A long siege like this will
pull down the strongest constitution.
One Minute Cough Curo will break up
I the attack at once. Safe, sure, acts al
once. Cures coughs, colds, croup, bron
chitis, all throat and lung troubles. The
children like it. O. A. Harding.
Fur Sale.
F.ightv acres on Mill Creek, II miles
above Union Mills, :0 acres good timber
about LM acres bottom hind price $300.
(. l'IHU-K.
Oregon City.
A Nail llMiililtllllll.
Ineffective liver medicine is a disap
pointment, but you don't want to purge,
strain and break the glands of the sloin
acli and bowels. DoWitt's Little Karly
Risers never disappoint. They cleanse
the system of all poison and putrid mat
ter and do it so gently that one enjoys
the pleasant effects. They are a Ionic to
the 1 iver. Cure biliousness, tondd liver
and prevent fever. G. A. Harding.
NiM-uiiil-liiiiiil Hln'i'Nuiitl 4aimw
lor Mile ilniip .loli ii miii A
l.ii nib.
Ilrw nr ol" the Knife.
No profession has advanced mure rap
idly of lute than surgery, but it bIioiiUI
not be used except where absolutely
necessary. In casca of piles for example,
it is seldom needed. IH Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve cures ipiickly and perma
nently. Unequalled for cuts, burns,
bruises, wounds, t-kin diseases. Accept
no counterfeits. "I was so troubled
with bleeding piles that I lost much
blood and strength," says J. C. Phillips.
Paris, HI. "PeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
cured me in a short time," Soothes and
heals. G. A. Harding.
The Best Is Xone Too (iciod For You
and we can furnish you with the best for
no more than you might pay lor the
worst, therefore, don't throw away good
money for poor service, but if you are
going Fast, or have friends coming West,
let us tell vou what we can offer on Chi
... . . i, .....
cairo. as nniiton. flfw ioik, ihjbium.
St. Louis, Memphis, Ntw Orleans,
all intermediate points. Our rails
laid in fourteen dillerent states ol
Communicate with us regarding Ireigtil
and passenger business; It's a pleasure
to reply to your leiter.
B. H.
Com'l Agt.
142 Third Street,
Portland, Ore.
TuUe Curi' ol (lie Stoiiiiit-li.
The man or woman whose digestion is
perfect and whoso stomach performs its
every function is never sick. Kodol
cleanses, purifies and sweetens the stom
ach and cures positively and permanent
ly all stomach troubles, indigestion and
dyspepsia. It is the wonderful recon
stiuctive tonic that is making so many
sick people well and weak people Btrong
by conveying to their bodies all of the
nourishment in the food they eat. Rev
J. II. Holladay, of Holladay, Miss.
writes: Kodol has cured me. I consider
it Ihe best remedy I ever used for dys
nensia and stomach troubles. 1 was
uiven un bv physicians. Kodol saved
my life. Take it after meals. G. A
Bean lit f m m m mw mn mS
The Kind You Have Always
not Itoomeil lor l-ifc
"1 was treated for three years by good
doctors," writes W . A.Greer, McLon
nellsville, O., "for Piles Biid Fistula,
but all failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salvi
cured me in two weeks." Cures Burns,
Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Lruptions,
Salt Rheum, Piles or no pay. 25 cents
at Harding's drug store.
For the Public Hood.
In another part of this paper appears
an advertisement worthy the reading, as
it's for the public good. It te.Ils of a fri
distribution of Doan's Kidney Pills,
remedy for Kidney Ills. Read it, ant
call at C. G. Huntley, Druggist, Friday
Sept. 12th.
Flowers, silks, frames, fancy trimming
special offering. Miss Goldsmith.
TTnta anrt nanta at f-naf at. Ci. W
Grace s store, head ol fjevenui street.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds ol
food. It gives InBtant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to cat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
8tomachscantakeit. By Jtsuse many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
jB unequalled for all stomach troubles.
It can't help
but do you good
Prepared only by E. O. Dr.Wirr &Co. , ublcago
lie U. tw'we contalnIIK time tbt 50c tlx
AYcfMdUe lYcpnrationlor As
slmilnlinft ihc Food andHotfula
tmg llic SloiiKichs atul Uovsvla ol
Promotes IVifiMlioaChoerrul
ntss ami Rosl Contains iu-UIkt
0)itim,Morphinc nor Hinvral.
Not N ah c otic.
too, of m frxwi zz nraiiR
yinue .WW '
YTfW -Hi
Anorfofl HVmedy forConsliwi
lion, Sour Slomarh.DiaiTluH'a
Worms .('oimilsions.Fownsh
ncss iul Loss ok Sleep.
Facsimile Sitfnnlure of
First ami last tour of tho West
Cor. 7th and John Quincy Adams St.,
Friday, Sept. 5, '02
Uncle Tom's Cabin
AUrand Revision of Harriet
Genuine old plantation Coon
Dancer. Good Singing and Dancing
Diminutive Ponies, Trick Donkeys and Wood hounds
Bring the children and see the sweetest Eva, the funniest
Lawyer Marks, Aunt Ophelia and most faithful
Uncle Tom
Clever specialties will he introduced between the acts
A grand Free Street Parade at noon Comfortable seats for
all. Gentlemanly ushers. Prices so low all can attend
Enterprise and
The new-to-day column of The Kntor
priHe contain nmny readerH of InteroHt
to the Kfneral public. Hoinethinu new
every week. If you want employment
or require help, if you want to borrow
money or have money to loan, if you
have anything to sell, une the new-today
All dlseanes of Kidneys,
Bladder, Urinary Organs.
A'lwi Rheumatism, Back
ache, HeartDineone Gravel.
Dropsy, Female Troubles.
Don't become discouraged. There Is a
Cure for you. It iMMressary write lr. fronnf-r.
Ho ban Spent tt llfu llnio curing lout bucb
cases as yours. All consultations Free.
"I bad severe casfl of kidney dlgeam and
rheurnatlflin, discharging bloody rnattr.
Suffered Intense pain. My wife wasserluuKly
ffecid with female troubles. Dr. Fenner s
Kidney and Hackarbn Cure cured us both.
F. M. WUEELKIi, Randolph, la."
Druggists. S0c.. It. Ask forCook Hook-Free.
For Bile by C. G. HUNTLEY.
Tor Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars the
l'.eautiful Story of tho South
Hunters and buck and Wing
W. Oregonian $2.
OrcRon I'ltr Jlurket Report.
(Corrected to Friday.)
Wheat No. 1, B8c per bimhel.
Flour I'ortland, $,!.4() per hbl. 90c
per nk. Howard's BuHt, 'JUc per Back,
f:i.40per bbl.
Oa'.fl in Backs, white, $1.10 to $1.20 per
cental, gmy, $1 00 to ll.OL'Ji.
Hay old Timothy, bales, $11 per ton;
loose, $7 to $!) 00 er ton. Clover $10,
Oat, $'.). Mixed hay, $S.
MillstuflH liran, $17.00 per ton.
aborts, $1H.5(I per ton ; chop, $18.00 per
fill' Use
For Over
Thirty Years
ton, barley, rolled, IL'O.oO per ton,
1'otatoeH 50c to 00c per hundred Hjb.
Kkus Oregon, Mi to 18c per dozen.
Kutter Ranch, 4oi! to 60c per roll.
Onions, choice, !M to $1-10 per cwt.
Dried apples, 7c per lb.
Prunes, (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Ital
ian, lare, 4c per lb. medium, 3c;
Silver. 4.$.
Parsnips, Beets and Carrots, 75c to
$1 er sack.
(ireen peas, 2c per lb.
'Cabbage (new), 40 to 45c per doz.
(ireen corn, 8c per dozen.
Tomatoes, 201b. boxes, 50c.
Hartlett pears, 45c to (0c.
Gravenstine apples, 50c to 00c.
Select varieties of plums, ,34'c to 1c.
Honey, 11 to 13c per lb. frames.
Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 c per lb.
Livestock and dressed meats; beef,
live,$3.50 to $3.75 per hundred, IIokb,
vive 5 cts; hogs, dressed, 7c;
I beep, 2i to2?4c; sheep, dressed, Cc;
seal, dressed, 7 cents; lambs, live
3c; lambs, dressed, GJ-bC.