Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. AUOUST2l)lWtf 8 Canemah Park Street Parade BAND CONCERT Gleo Club and Chorus of 100 Voice WHY ORGANIZE? INTRODUCTION A fow of the Attractions will bo -BRASS BANDS- GODESS OF LABOR Flotella Drawn by Ivx Hows Attended by Human (.iuardsmeu f in 'i mi ii i Orator of tho Day . v S " Local Trades Caravans Civic and Fraternal Organizations Kid Karls' Wild West and Indian Congress Business Floats, Citizens, Etc. W 1 1 II ft -a "V r w V y r t v j i fc ii rni ii - a ,-hiwm Mn.ccibeo Quartette' Basket Lunch Baso Ba DANCING AT PAEK FIREWORKS 8PM 9 30 P M T. r3C. HOWARD, 0. V. KELLY, Chk. J. J Federal Labor Union PROWX, Cur. Textile Won S. S. W'ALKKII, Clin. Tainters Tnion 3 P M BAND CONCERT AT BRIDGE 30 P RACES SPORTS J. K. MoKKIS, Cimihman t';ll I'ruti'fM I'lii.'ll T. W. III'MIMIIIKVS, Cmmumvx j v. -J V- I 1 4 News of the Week Friday, August 22. The presence of the Great Noithern Railway Companies engineers in Eastern and Southern Oregon has canted a great amount of (peculation as to whether or not that company is not behind the movement to build a railroad to Coos bay. Idaho republicans in convention, adopt a platform favoring revision of the tariff, and launch a plan for the suppres sion of trosta by legislation. They unanimously nominate John T. Morrison lor governor and Burton L. French for congress. It it decided that Seattle shall be the meeting place ot the l'.K3 session of the Trans-Mississippi congress. The middle-of-the-road populist state convention met in Topeka, Kansas, Beven persons, only, being present. Baker county officials have decided to cease paying bounty on coyote scalps. It is claimed that the coyote is the dead ly foe to the jackrabbit, and in places where ttie former have been killed off the ravages of the latter is more de structive than the coyotes. The lumber laden schooner C. H. Mer chant, ashore on Tillamook bar, is sold to the Nehalein Lumber Company, who will endeavor to float her. She has on board 200,000 feet of lumber, arid is rest ing easy. The president of the company that is to establinh a condensed milk factoiy a Forest Grove leaves for the F.ast to buy the machinery for the plant. Work will begin on the building in about three -weeks. Corn dealers in the Chicago market have a busy day. The price advances 4 cents, going by leaps and bounds. people. He spoke o( the importance ol Oriental trade. He laid that the welfare of Oregon, Washington and California was as vital to the Nation as the welfare of New England, New York and the South Atlantic states. The wheat yield in Eastern Washing Ion will he 15 per cent thort of the yield last year, hut an immense oat crop is being harvested. Insurance companies in Portland can cel a great many policies along the water front on account of there being no fire boat. The losses recently have been too heavy. Governor Taft reached Manila at day light and was welcomed with an en thusiastic popular demonstration. The president issue's an order creating a second land reserve in Alaska, em i bracing several islands, to be known at .1 .1 1 1 .1.!...,1.,. anil It rnn. Wie Aiexauuor n riiiir-umgu, tains a great amouDt of very valuable timber. I A plot to assassinate the Sultan Is dis t covered. The Masedouians are at the head of the movement. The wheat yield in Washington county in .Id ner cent shoit of last year. The ! farmers attribute the shortage to the cold weather of the spring. Silas B. Smith, one of the first settlers of Clatsop county, died today of con sumption. The funeral was attended by and conducted under the au?picee ol the Oregon l'ioneer and Historical So ciety. A ureat epidemic of smallpox prevails in the Lewis river country. It is of a mild form, but is pronounced smallpox, nevertheless. There have, however, been several deaths from the disease there recently. Saturday, August 23. President RooBevelt delivered a telling apeech at Hartford, listened to by 10,000 HOUSEWORK Too much housework wrecks wo men' nerves. And the constant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggard face tells the story of the overworked housewife and mother. Deranged menses, leucorrha-a and fulling of the womb rest; It from overwork. Every housewife needs a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. iV...E"CARDUI i it doing this for thousand of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why the ' writes this frank letter : OloDdraoe, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901. I am so Kind that your Wine of Cardul la helping me. I am fuel in better tbaa I havu ltflt fur VKrs. I aiji doinff mv i own work without any help, and I washed we.;k and wan not one bit tired. That shows that th Wine In i doing me good. I am getting ffeohler thmn I ever we before, sod sleep good and eat hearty. Before I began taking W ine of Cardui, I UHed to have to lay down fire or an ttm'-s every day, but bow I do not think of lying down through the day. M as. Hicuakd Joass. AT DRCGOIhlS. Tot ad.lca asd ltlrttir. sUtlrtM, pviuc rmp- tomt, "Tha Lain. AdTiM.r;,.t , lla Sunday, August 24. Upon the trial trip of the new battle ship Maine, she developed a speed great er than her namesake. In her trial run around Cape Cod she made IS. 9 knots. Senator Spooner and Oovernor LaFol lette, of Wisconsin, have adjusted their ditlerences and political matters will now be more agreeable in that State. The compromise was brought about by influ ential republicans. At one time the breach threatened the defeat ol Swxner for the senate. Pendleton has a .'!0,000 fire. The blaze starts in a warehouse, destroying the building and contents, several cars and their contents and much other property. By good work of the department the fire was confined to the one block. j The health officer of Portland tay the smallpox condition at Woodland it such at to threaten the whole surrounding country, and vigorous rneaturet must be adopted. All the important points in Alaska wil soon be reached hy telegraphic lines. Charles L. Fay, a prominent character in businett circlet in Portland, it arrest ed, charged with fraudulent representa tion in regard to timber dealt by East ern people. He was taken to Wisconsin to answer to the parties there who are interested in the deal. Senator Mitchell leavet for an extended trip to Hawaii, where he will inquire into the public matters for the benefit of congress. Portland it attured that a can factory will be established there at once, necessitating the expenditure of $200,000, and will employ 300 people. Monday, August 25th. The superintendent and warden of the ttate penitentiary are having tome diffi culties in the discharge of their official dutiet. The superintendent it of the opinion that authority ahould go with responsibility. The ttrike situation in tba Eaat la be coming so serious the president is appealed to to convene congress in ex traordinary session that some legislation may he enacted whereby the difficulties may be adjusted. It is considered that the United Stales has by far the best opportunities for car rying on trade in the Orient. England may noon bo supplanted and ltussu's position is merely political. Marion county legislative delegation is pledged to but one measure, Ihiil of e curing fur the state the Mat salary law. Wheatgrowers in the vicinity of Rocky Point, in Marion county, received 4 cents per bushel it advance of prevailing prices for their crop this year. Five men in California are candidates for gov. rnor, and neither of them have enough votes to nominate. The Portland city physician hat de clared a quarantine against all people ol the Woodland, Wash., d strict. The physicia'i declares he will quarantine all steamers which laud at points where Woodland people might patronize Iheiu. ti. W. Underwood, a Veteran of the civil war, arrived In Portland, looking fur a woman he claims to be his wile. He met her on a street in that city, but was not recognized by thewoman at her husband, and was given to understand that il lie did not leave the country there would be trouble. Underwood came all the way from Warren, l'enn., traveling over JuOO miles. Tuesday, August 2'i California republican convention or ganizes by the selection ol an a!iti-Uag-man as presiding officer. I.ieiiteuanl Uofernor Netf is made chairman. Idaho will turn out a wheat crop. There will also be an exceptionally large crop of flax, the value of which is placed at approximately 1,00(),IXJ0. Secretary Wilson predicts that the great corn crop of the i ountry will have a tendency to lower the price of beef. The reduction will take place about the 1st of December, according to the seen- tary. The president speaks at Boston on the necessity of legislation to control the trusts. General Miles goes to Manila with the president's permission, to investigate the condition of the army. The mineral out-put of the state of Oregon it greatly on the incruae. Baker county still holds first place ainoung the counties. The Alaska out put is esti mated to be $1,000,000 less than in 1900. Botha hat been enthroned as leader of the Boert. Paul Kruger has resigned the important place. Seven men take charge of a Northern Pacific train in Idaho. The robbers forced the engineer to stop tiia train while they uncoupled the baggage car. He wit then ordered to pull the ear up r J r bmu buu wrai have bo tfeci tva im brn treat rd jk it nb fcuretia Hit LJ DCM Oil. il 1 twit the diiriD, M keep the Irath. f1l er ault anrl talL. able, btifchf ao doc brran. No roaU ur- and cat. rih haraeta not ot. It kr?r lock m j lik BfW, tut wars twj e 2 loop by ih uu ot Lurek Haru OU. Sold tana Miadc bf SUruUrd Oil Company . II mm ,w 11 Mm t a tree M y)i, mm he road three miles, where an attempt wa made to wreck the cur with dyua mite, hut the explosive would not do its work. The would be robbers went awav, permitting the engineer to tuke his loco live back to the train, where everything was found niiinolcsted. Kosxlaiid, B. ('., the Kr eat mining town, was swept by lire, the tlainc", in two hours, doing $7'i,00l Woith ol uh'e The only damage to persona Was a live wire striking Cliief (iuthrie on the cheek, hut he was not seriously humed. The supreme court decide that the state has long been using water to which il had no rlht, and will he compelled to seek another source of supply for the in stitutions at Salem. Wednesday, August '.'7. California republicans are in a dead lock and there is little hope for (iuge't renominatiou. Three ballots were taken without a nomination, (iage receiving :!;!'.', necessary to a choice 415. Flint has '.'70. The platform denounces the trusts ami strongly iiphoMs the Philip pine policy. It is an uncertain thing yet who will win out in the Washington political fight. McHride still w.i'c his war on the railronds, hut the hitler proinioes to see the thing through to a finish, Charles I.. I ay, the Me insurance mull of Portland, who was aircrtcd and taken to North iJakota, t-haiged with 1 ! i a grade all the way to the headwaters ol Johns 'ii (.'reck. It Is the intention ol the company to push work on the llrttt division ol the road in order Unit ire Iihiii ami Lenin will have rail connection with Portland before the end of the year. Thursday, August L'S. California republicans nominate Par dee for governor, ( iage't strength going to him. He was nominated on thesith ballot. The epidemic of cholera in the Orient is reaching an alarming stage. Hun dreds ol persons are dying daily. Ku ropeans as well as natives are victims ol the terrible scourge. The London Times characterizes Pres ident Koosevelt as a shrewd ami cour ageous statesman. Terrible storms and Hoods visited China and Japan during July and Au gust. Several steamers were wrecked and a number of passengers killed. Terrible earthquakes in Mindanao re sult in the death of many natives. Tne American commissary buildings and sev eral native forts were wrecked. Constables and striking miners meet in conflict at Bed Ash, W. Va. Forty families, occupying company houses, re fuse to vacate. FRIGHTENED! Tho Agony Endured by Norvous Women. "Mv nervew air all ntntruny " ia the eiprciivr way in wh'i h a woiiuii is apt to drwiibr ' iMiehli'Mi ol rltrrnir nriKiiiviru '1 lie lig!ii.itie ripn-aaion '"unstrung" "lav l- nils, irnl the but It ' lirln ally aiiggests the guild ha'p ( the iirrwiis svslrin. -tuini; and krvrd ' lor harmonies !v its M iln. now la-cmne ! so uiistnig tint itgursiuit nothing but j jarring ihs.-i.ids-. Nrrvoua people rurrly I recrne the avinpulliv whn h la thnr due. The dropping ol a Us.k which canwi the nrrvoua woman to stmt, ol tlir aluiu j lllillg ol a ihail win. Il c.inara lirr to acrrani, arc auuiiiU wlm h do not jar t lip i M'h''$:r-- rr 1,1 111 1 11 Nantll (,'ulitrrll rpiickly yn Ids to treat ment by Fly's (.m liuliu, which is agree ably aromatic, ft i rcceivoil through th nostrils, cleanses end heuls the whole sur face over uhich it diffuses itself. Iiruggisfai sell the 50c. si:-.; Tiinl sizi by mail, 10 cents. Teht it and you are sum to continue the treatment. Announcement. To accoiriiiioilnti) thisw who sre PRrtiul to the use of iiloiniers in applying iujuida into the rim ill j eKMK'es for Ciilarrluil triu lilft, the proprietort prepare Cream Jlalm in liquid form, which will be known as Klyt I.iiptid C'rwun Balm. Price including the spraying till it 75 cents. Driiggiats or by mail. Tlis liquid form einhodiut tlie med icinal properties of the tolid preparation. E. I. SIAS DEALFK IN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles. All kinds of repairing neatly done and warranted. PeiUfflts It Id a:. 4 aaby, Oregoa ' nerves of a healthy -rsi.ii. To I lllf. tOTUOlia L'fll!I.OI sin h suit. 'I en bounds arr like a blow in ill n't the fact and they cause intense lliil, ' iiitfermg. The extent of Una Suffering may lie gathered tnun Mrs. Nelson' a experience told in tin- lrttrr given below. Slie sas, '' to iifrt'- uus that thr least in.; .- ', .l.ntU wr i'ihnot into nw,"nwii " Sucli a run 'ditioii of nrrvuusiiehs generally indicates I womanly divav s. It is useless to t j tempt to cure nervousm-. bv the use of i uarcolici. ' NAKCOTIl S AKK 10 Alil.V for the nervoua woman whose nerd it not to make thr netvel hlecp but to make them strong, not to numb them but to nourish them. The la-st medi cine for nervous women i I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It cures nervous ness because it cures the causes which are behind nervousness. It establishes regularity, dries the drains which uudcr mine Die health and strength, healt inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and tick women well. "Dr. Pierce's medicines are the Wat I bave ever used," writes Mrs. C. Nclaon, of Chtniawa, Marion Co., Oregon. " My health was badly run down when I con sulted bim by letter. My limbs were cold and my bead hurt me continually, I wat so nervous that the least thing would startle me almost into convul sions. I had palpitation of the heart ao bad that I could scarcely walk some times. I felt utterly discouraged, but two bottlet of Or. Plerce't Favorite Pre scription ami one of 'Golden Medical Uiacovery ' made a new woman out of me. We are never without Dr. Pierce't Pellets in the houA." Nothing is claimed for Dr. Pierce't Favorite Prescription but it claimed for it by the women who have been cured by itt use. Rehind every claim it a awe yet, a tbouaand curet. Ia fact, t Mia, Ami. tv. n in iv ,.(,, I Iowa raplraara tile f;ri4 yl hrr v-l when ahr Wlltra; Vnc'i Htfiiii ttr it the trt ; , i.knnj urn M 1 would hie to , x,irt ,,J to you lor the Is ii. d:, (,,1 llolll your Wiilldrtiul lllr.(.J I'irx rltloll,' " wiltr. Mi, i I ill, ol K.s kbiidge lli'.ln, I I'o , Va " It i t'e.l w j mid sickly Mouirii, rrsloimi, willlolll aubj, Uuii; thru ra tlie ahiK'k ol an r xuiitii.tiuo I " I waa till run down iq If NoVeiubrr until Man It -couij but a ahoit while without re wi urivtius at tunes tint lcu f write ; had a triy piair i f what 1 ale did liol rm to a giaal. I drculed to wrile t.,j. and state my case, slid sm tl. 1 did, for in due tune I ircriif able reply as to what kinj ) lo lake I tr0' and (;onimerne!j ' 1 avorltf I'rrsiri Prllelt.' T;l of ' Favorite Pr one of 'Gii DiMovery' ami ) ' I'rlleti.' 1 cat as well as 1 n4 waa takrli tuk Dr. I'irrcf i m tat in the er and nervous a f I ! hlraa you n wmk." w hat woui Thnr Is a Mis Anders"' which will iti t alhetii iholj i ol every wiibs of . Ilptloll ' " It is a ffixl and siiklv w giasl health ift!nt thnr I,) the lii'ii tif linn " U'ornrli ili-lli ate ipirst: ofli nsive tiinrt the ohiioiiou I inclil coDiidrrel bv many local j All these may f avoided hy a by lrttrr with I ill 1 1 1 for wlm h thr lutely no tliurg iilling women uie invited t 1'iene, hy letter, pee. All eiicc ia strictly .pi ivate and f coiilidriicet ol women uie tf the Mine privacy observed If in verbal consultations the lnvulida' Hotel and Si t tute, lluffalo, N. Y. A'ldrr Pierce, IlufTalo, N. Y. I llecause Dr. Pierce's olfer f not lie classed with those uH HteJiuit advitt" tnade by niel who have neither the legal Irssional right to prai tue uif they dared to put out tlinrt the title Dot tar upon the m, t1! instantly deal with tlietn. f ibjre to do this, and yet, tho. medical training, medical It medical eiperience, they co "free medical advice." TM touch that claim became give free advice on any m woman knowt that the laundrett it perfectly wortS the cutting and fitting W b In consulting with Dr. P' not only consult with a res' one who it a specialist in f'1 and cure of diseases oeculw' and who, assisted by bi U& score of physicians, has In than thirty yeart treated tn dredt of thoutandt of womt WOMEN KURD K livery woman needs cojJ Pierce't Common Sense MeJij containing IotsS large paj!H sent free on request of tl'1 stamps to pay expense of " I . . .... .,.,nM It. bound volume it desired, f stamps for the book in Addreta Dr. R. V. Pierce. ;.i -4 ilrrf II r" . A 1 n EUGENE, OREGON. AAA--a-----t-tssr - a a a , The First Keinetter, Hottion I!K)2-:f, opens Wednesday. Hepteinherj following Hchoolt and College-: are comprised In the University. chool. College of Literature. Science and Arts. College of Engineering University Academy Hchoolt of Music. Medic"18 Tullnn Free, excepting Srhiw.lsor Law. Mnllciut and Mulo. Inclderitt Htudeiits -Holy tsx 2..'S) rwr year. Cost of Living- $100. to Pr )"r-; logus, address, Kiuistrab or tiii I sivikhtv. Kuuisa. ObiooN ....UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC... HA NO. Mrs. Rote Miilgely HHmihkwksTJntnmM. Hchwtrtn''t Mr. Arthnr l)nls Krszer 5yeara Willi W (i Nsah VOICE. Miss Kvt ha nnsrrvstorT Trlbslll Music He.huol. VIOLIN. Mrs J L Pipe. Hplt""' 'E()RY; Mist Kvt 8tlnton. Mrt Kott MhUley ll.,lteeheck.. Terms onj