OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY. AlHiUST MM''. r Canemah Park BAND CONCERT Glee Club and Chorus of 100 Voices WHY ORGANIZE? INTRODUCTION Street Parade A few of tho Attractions will bo BRASS BANDS GODESS OF LABOR Floteila Prawn bv S x Horses. Attended bv lu'iiiHii Gintidsinen 2 Local Trades Caravans Civic and Fraternal Organizations Kid Karls Wild West and Indian Congress Business Floats, Citizens, Etc. OS. Orator of tho Day Muccabco Qu.irtoUo Baskot Lunch lso Ball DANCING 8PM AT PABK FIREWORKS 9 30 PM JT. 3E3C. HOWARD, Plione 264 Hlo-iiaficr, C. V. KELLY, Cms. J.J. HROWX, Cm;. S. S. WALK HI!, Cim. Federal Labor Union Textile Union Painters Union 3 P M BAND CONCERT AT BRIDGE 3 30 P M RACES SPORTS ,1. K. MOKIMS, CiiiiiMN I'. " lll'Ml'IIKKVS, Cm mkm CnrM iil' r-i I ' 1 1 i i i ('ii-ik -A 4 Saturday, August Iti. News of the Week Friday, August 15. Charles Fair, son olSenator Fair, of Cali fornia, and his wife were dashed to death while traveling Irom Trouville to Paris, Frame, in an automobile. Tlie vehicle, one o( the most powerful built, was trav eling at a very high rate of speed, when one w lieel and the steering gear became disabled. The automobile ran iigain-t an embankment, ove. turning, throwing the occupants with great force attainst the embankment, cribbing tlieir skulls. Both died immediately. Leading republicans are endeavoring to arrange matters bo that Senator For ker would accept the nomination and be come the running mate of Koosevelt in the next presidential canvass. It is a. movement to sidetrack llanna. ! V. J. Lryan has written a letter to 9uil 'lt'v ,,t,! lmK''' j Secretary 1 1 n y purpose bast been ac coinnlished. ail tin Mrei.rii Dowers buy- Harvesting is now in full blast in the jk, at list signed the treaty with China, section of country tributary to the Col-I uinbia river. There will bo approxi- I The likin tax id presumably done matelv o percent more wheat available 1 awav wuh. this year than there was last. The crop, j on a whole, is very satisfactory. I The Colombian revolutionist in the Anna Dolce district, after a sharp naval engagement, captured the government gunboat Hoy.ica, together with ."'HI gov ernment soldiers and two generals. He sides this there was considerable sup plies, nf munitions of war and provisions taken. maties held throughout Thurston cnimly. I aikner is a candidate Mr cnng'es, be ing opposed by the .h In ido IoIIohits. Hut ol the I.V.I delivates ill the. county convention Falkner 4'Iiiiiiis 1.0. Kitchey, the Pendleton deputy Nherit!', shot by a trio of desperadoes, will ie cover. A posse fioiu I'endlelon and one irom nana vtana are m pursuit ol ttiei 1g,tj were captured t ..lay m ar Ait, outlaws, j I,,, i ,,, II.,, mi, r, ,.,.,1 ,i, ',.! ,,i M., i - The fugitives whom Sii.-i ill' Taylor, ol Umatilla county, and Nierill' Keen, ol Walla Walla county, have been lollow- lug with llo 1 1 , i hi ii. l '.since Miudn For Shoe Was Lost. YOU WANT or SII0K THK KOKSi: W AS I.A M I'D. l!nin in the l'aloiise country puts a sudden stop to harvesting but does no m, ileu. il damage to crops. Two (MM of the Uinglunr circus con taining elt pbants were derailed at Ta coma, the animals, twelve in number, went into a ditch, but none were injured. Three of their keepeis were mimed to prominent democrats, stating that he would not be a candidate for the presi dency in 1KM, and says he has no choice bevond the dtsire to eee some one nomi nated who was loyal to the ticket in lb'.si and l'JOO. The Lewis and Clark fair management has arranged with Coioiiel 11. K. Im.-cIi to go to Japan very soon to arrange for an Oregon exhibit at the Osaka exiiilu- tion, to take place next year. The man- extent, however, agement has also decided to erect a! Lewis and Clark monument in l'ortlaud i Tuesday, August in. ci'.v park. j f. 11. Montague, member of the l.i-1 Yamhill count v farmer, have at last i "Ki!,:""'r'. I,'l"'".'" ,r"" l. W"""'' arrived at the conelnMun that w heat u j hiuI received ,,.i,tU aenoun injuries, no longer king. They will rejuvenate the I Charles M. Schwanb, president of the attention to pro- : Cinted S'ates Steel Corporation, resigns on account of failing health, and will sail , , ,, ii. i in u few tlavs for Kiirope. A cloudburst washed out large see - ' lion ot track about ten miles west o Huntington. All tiatliic was delaved duuing clover. i Governor tieer savs Mrs. Waggoner should he naid the reward for Merrill, lit several hours. During the progress of I least one-half of it, ami that the Tracy the storm a heavy wind, accompanied by j reward should be paid to the live men much thunder ami lightning, prevailed. j ho accomplished hiscapture. Four miles west of Weiser, Idaho, three , I he w heat crop of the drain! liotide The fishing season on the Columbia closed, beinu verv successful Tho inick is one fourth bWer limn last r l,m haystacks were struck by lightning 42-',CKJ0 cases. , , and entirely consumed. , valley will lie atiout a half a million I i bushels greater than that of last vear. At a meeting of the hop-growers held! T''e dilrerences between the sheepmen .Most of ihe surplus will find a market in at Salem it was agreed that 40 cents a, cattlemen in Southeastern Ureg u ! l'urtland. box fchould be paid for picking for this uro assuming ipiite serious stages. I be Beacon, It was maintained that I ereto-: lat,er have served notice on the sheep-: The Corvaliis ,t Kastern train, near fore grow, rs had paid more for picking lne" trouble w ill certainly resu!t if ' Corvallis, collides w ith a wagon contain than the urice received for the nrrntiwt custom of dr ving sheep into certain ! '''H 'wo persons, neither of whom una would w arrant. There are some in- fit-(-'tijnf is Persisted n. ; seriously injured, the wagon Uung throw n stances, however, whereoOcents is being i ti n r. as high in the air as the stack of tho lo- paid, which will probably be the rulit.K i ,1.," T. "U0?.;,'" T'9' i uu""',ive- price before the season closes. pr. iVi ' m 6 ' ''1 u r I t, ve i. , ; ,., By this the (air w ill receive much free Mrs. I-rederick W . I'rentiss, wife of the The Salem fruit cannery closed down , a'lverti president of the Ifayden-Chnton National for the season. The manager states that ! , , , r, ,, Hank, of Columbus, Ohio, was held up there is rot enough fruit to warrant the , ' 'e; over.'lf;.v i' Men- i in her own home by a masked man and operation of the plant. The output of! , V . 'usiness interests ol tins' at the (sunt ol a revolver compelled to the establishment for the season is esti- ' , w mated at 30,000 cases short of h.st year, j W lnt,,ro,, 'eltLtl' M H't' his son at deliver i,XJ worth of her dj anion. Is The grand lodge of Elks, in session at Salt Lake, issued a mandate absolutely Sunday, August 17. prohibiting carnivals and street fairs .,'c0." K 4 '1?'"; o( 1 '"a: The lumber laden schooner C. If. Mer chant, ashore at Tillamook, is rapidly Cofer was accompanied and assisted by another. These same men The little island of Torishama, in Ja pan, experienced severe volcanic erute tions on the Lilh inst., all Ihe inhabit ants, numbering about lot. bciru- killed. ,i.,. i.i i una countv, was snot anu oadlv woun. eil ' ' ne lsian i is covereil witn oianic i - after, excepting those in progress for this , 1 Atl,fena l,-v Al'Tfl Co''r- 1,jr '" 'e ' hns and all the houses have disappeared. year v 6 had a warrant ami was attempting to ar- ,. , rest, ltichies' wounds are not necessar-.' leinington, a very prominent i i t. curl,.., a . i ... i ... i character in Xpu imrt k I u, ,i-n.i . i. . rcii-j.ia. v-uiei nas ticcurnoau en ar u ' .- i committed suicide, having In-come do ! HiKjndent over matrimonial entangle ments. He was about .';." years of age and a member of the New York firm of Keniiugtou Bros. Trouble with the natives is reported apain from Manila, the Moron again be coming ijiiita troublesome and lenewini' their attacks on the American outposts, I necessitating aggressive action on the' part of the government to restore the1 breaking t ui 1 ' '" uc ones woo cominii- She will be a total wreck. I leu l"e m-enl "B"y rounery. sinking in the sand pieces and 1 0!- )M0Th'EHH6( i Severe rain storm in Umatilla county damaged wheat to a great extent. At 1'ilot Kock the water ran four inchea deep in the streets. I'endlelon is crowd ed with hundreds of idle harvesters. The continued heavy showers of rain in the vicinity of Medford greatly retard threshing and alarm the growers. The i island to quietude. Ttie commander in Peers they proved not In be Allre.l I oiei and p.iriiier, who lie 1.1 up Ihe i new.iU r saloon and shot I 'eputy Mo-nil' Lit.i.ev, but two other h g.'i w i men n.iMi.il .loin, Lutu and ueoige ,b l' noil. I, who li.-l.i lip lllld crileliV bent a Ml e.le at lollhet Matiuii, Wash,, Ijst Mil. day i-veiiu.g. Imiue.li.ileiy upon the u 111). oi ru t no ii t that a r a 1 1 r o:i I would be built to (..,. coo nly u gr.-iit 1 1 1 -1 1 M ,i ii i it'll' to in ui re title to nil the st.ite I. in. I in lb.it i n nnH . 1 tie state has sold nil Hn l.iinl 1 l.oi -. All Walker has a Mice of men at wmk on ttie I IWi iis f.nni, We-t ol Lunelle, mining lot coal, and feeis c .n to !. in he I has struck a deposit which will pioe o ; a'at value. Corn continues in very promising con-' ditloii In (he principal coin state.., in ine ' more northerly portions of which, how-' j ever, it has not uiatuie.l rapnby under. I the low temperatures which prevailed j during the Week. ' J. J. .lai'ol.ion, ciipt.un of a lumber , schooner which sailed li.ui I'm timid not long since, was staldied and killed by his cabin boy, a Japanese. The appropriation!! by the last mcmoii of congress are olhcia.lv annoiim ed to day as being over m.ii'io iiiio. 1'aul Mohr, of port.igi' railroad fume, IH beginning to urn light thloilh (lie' darklii'sH w liicb has been hovi'iin over his eiiterprise foi seveial years. , Thursday, August L'l. At FrankMit, Kentucky, ihe prison convicts made an elloit to pun base their liberty by holding one of ti- guards cap live for four hours, endeavoring in ran som him. (Ine man was killed and four wounded in (he fray. liothaisnowinafairw.lv to become the successor of I'iiiiI Krug-r in Nn.ih Africa. Prrrv I ! n the nee!'-. !r. rulnrd ho. i you m iv '.re or chull i- I i n c:'.' i hnr-eV , irtav have a i !.Ucki:iii:'l I I'M. on, u !-o numi.itioii n one tlw It t!ir H' l moll h .-. tbat " of i t J!l.s- and the I. linn and will rs'al li.litlif be.,,,, ' union hi isiiin.i and vipmi.J i ... i.iki-n ::n l.illjp uit. iii o.tna ii ,it,, hrin j. wnti s .Ml I K I nidill ( v, ll..l. ,u i-.. v . .1 ilii ninthiiu: t C..-I jniiof tWI i..ir io in i .,. a ul I i. ,n . ...... i .. . ... . '"" ""ii r in ; u rft lie u.in-M-'i no- bi '. ,Vr In, (;, leal I Hi. le.rn .' l.. !( 11 1. I lilllilli 'I the ... , ,i,4 'r. , o, I- in i. I !i.nt Vtc tKI N'tto-i and am wi !! " idrl oil t'n n I v p.un!i-. n-'.nnlrr i -lie l.ir p 111 g!e. t Hill the the g'-.l .'.il' dr. (-. Ii in in b to hitli I" If The i.: Milllf take .until h.n ' sticn.n Ii b'l of to Is. NT t It ' A tt !-! r J 'i r i in i-1 j t mi in a j ill I llr b, , i tie- load Iha tin ir. no ! Iiirnt on i".td I.I.I.U The I. H Inch Ira ! t It it thai nv i M vi NT W'TH n -:nl t. l ol liinr e Ill-, nil i"n, v. t w... 1 1 -1 r ;-, n't turn .n:.)f miii; v lrr:;w : ad v hi lol.uw II i o n!:i ic i..u ij wi'.h mrilk-tin II i Jim. i. 4 j l , , -t . V 1 ' I'T- 1 ; - ri II I y ; -A---. .... ! - ' il.'.' ,. The greatest ambition of Amer ican men and women is to have homes blessed with children. The woman aMk-ted with female dis ease is constantly menaced with becoming a childless wife. Xo medicine can restore dead or gans, but Wine of Cardui doca regulate derangements that pre vent concepiioii; does prevent ukcarriagt: : d;s restore weak functions ami shattered nerves and does bring babies to homes barren and desolate for vears Wine of Cardui gives women rh health and strength to hear heal thy children. Vou can get a dollar bottle of Wine of Cardui from Vour dealer. 113 Mar'ret t treet, in IcfcniM , ;!, I u,.k onu little of married uilKKa erH, h , fVn ."rt" fcil-l until I to,.k wiat il "JU- u?"v 1 arn mo-her of a B n" reel its well ait a-iv rur..in i . .1 m wiioout Wine ,f 1 rH,,i in 1 H(;ua. Mr. J. W. ( HUi ru I rr AdTlm na 1 . 1 . . . m rt 1 Urn ft .." ; " "T - grain crop of the Kogue river valley is exceptionally good. Ihe vield bo far as the threshing has progressed is very good. The city of Sumpter has entered a pro test against the creation of a forest re serve in the Blue Mountains, 88 bound aries are indicated by the order of with drawal. The Sumpter city council unani mously adopted a resolution to that ef fect. Never in the history of the Gray's Harbor country has such great activity in the logging business been expeiienced. j fcvery river anil stream that can be util ized to float the product of lumbermen to ! market is lined with camns, and all over j that section of country the big timber belts are being opened up by railways. The Willamette valley wheat crop is estimated to be from 15 to 2o percent be low the average. The quality of wheat in every section of the valley is first class, however. The sixteenth annual reunion of the Ci. A. K. at Pleasant Home closes after a successful week. There is much proba bility that thecampground will be moved nearer Portland. Mindanao has been authorized to subdue the troublesome natives. Wednesday, August L'O. Umatilla county still holds the record as being the greatest wheat producing section in the slate. The yield this year will be about 3 500,000 bushels. The greatest difficulty experienced in that secti in is the scarcity of help. President (Schwann, of the United States Steel Corporation, says he is not sick, but needs rest, and does not intend to resign his place. A. J. Falkner, of Olympia, Wash., de feated the McUride faction in tho i,ri- The relative of Mrs. Fair stale that they are satisfied with the wealih be queathed them, and will make no ellort to gain possession of any ol I he estate o' Mr. Fair. All the prisoners of the island of (iuam will be taken to Manila after taking lint oath of allegiance to Ihe United Slates. "resident UooBcvcIt Maris on an ex tensive (rip through tho New Fniilaiid states. The negroes ol South Africa are mak ing a great del of trouble for ,K liners Who are returning to their farms. The blacks are armed and the liners unarmed. Forest fires in Wyoming are spreading DUcases iih. Monday, August 18. The lioer generals, Botha, Iewet and Delarney, reached Loudon from .South Africa. They proceeded forthwith for Cowes to see King Edward. They were escorted about the waters, visiting all of the fleet. President J. J. Hill, of the Great i Northern, lias purchased a half interest in the Concord iron mines in Cboteau county, Montana, and will begin at once the erection of an immense steel and iron plant. The plant will be at Great Fails and the outlay will be about flOO.OOO. f Jin every town j u and villa ! It ft? ii u '. . , i given in that makes your "':' horses glad. at such a rapid rate that the situation is ncglei oecoining alarming. A member of the Cuban senate objects to the stars ami strines float irn river tin Cuban arsenal, but his was tbuonlv vnt cant, againsi me matter. Sam F.lmore, the Astoria millionaire canneryman, will plant a KXbacrn farm in Tillamook county to asparagus, put in a canning plant and establish a new industry in the coast county. Keseeded wheat in the Walla Walla country is turning out better than was anticipated. A pulp mill at Wilmington, View-are blows up, killing nine workmen, injur ing four and five are missing. President Hill, of tho Great Northern is much opposed to ihe building of a canal. He says the monev expended in such an undertaking would bring better results if put to use in improving rivers ami harbors. iVilsal Catarrh quickly yi Ida to treat tneni. by F.ly's m balm, which is aen-n. ably aromiiti':. Jt is received throii(;l,' tl, nostrils, elermsKH mid heuls tLo wIioIm mr. faee over which it dilFim' s itself. Jirua-ials sell iha ,We.. m.,,; 'jYml sio by ncul' Hi IV. t '.I . . 1 . lie like a lump in bit stoma, li. Jt (,.r. incuts and givi . ml e.e.. which musr him rliM omlort mid uncasim-M. He has soiu and bitter rein, or " water biaih.' Hut this man who known and pre, u hen the danger of n. -lr, t ,n the loss of a nail from a Iioiv'h -.hoe yocs right along ucjjiccting svmpt s whnh in acorn ana hundreiU ol mv-s are forc-ruiiiirrri of a poyslcal bnak down. DTINOTIIINi; ImuTKINK. That's tin ibi 1 1 iii- of a great many luuolcnt pi-onlr J liey sav "it will away alter a bit " wlieri cautioned to something" ,r their ailment. Just iiuHiue a f iMiier hs.king over the fence at tut .sprouting weed in hn com and wring "th-v il g away nfter a bit. are like weeds. All they ask t .in I they will irow arid llmir. Neglect I lie iirst HVlniitiillia of ,b. eaie of the stoma, h and it will not lie Jouu before other organs are in vol veil, because every organ of the laxly is de peudent on the stoma, h and its allied orgtus for nutrition. When thi stomach pd other org.ms of digrstion and nutri Uwi arc ilif-i'.v-. the f'Kxt ratrn is njA perfectly digrMi-d and assimilaterl Hrnce there is a lo ,s ,f nutrition by the body; a loss .Inch sllow, itsnatrlT in loan of flesh, and Tr.r ncd weight, anil that lo of nutrition is -liared by every organ of the tody, Wl, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. Ah a co e-e,Uence when the atom ach Is rWnse ,, the heart is liable to ! involved, or : un, kidneys or liver. Tliest fact . mpha .uc the rlanger of neglect of r.n.t is popularly termed "stomach trcible." Tlie timely . f j)r l-u.Tcr.B Golden ileUlcal Ui.sc-1 cry will generally result in Complete c e of disease of the stomach and other ty us of digestion and nuUi- yim want the wa. win. Ii lrlt ril and ttlfril (o V"il wnl leae li ikitiiU wiin h.rUis. I'll li r ft ('.iildrD V l'lv o.rrt mi.! ktn -h . t!y tn.l jrrtax CUlrd. "It gtv trier lire to inloriii u : lin-iit llufl hie I' d loan thr ii I, ..Mill Jlnlkll rrv' and 'IVm bis' wntrft Mil I ink, of Vint, K"c N l'. " l.ait ;:! xi lad oil thlt 1 li it iiuposmlilr forrx'. until priiig. I si. k in January !" pain all over, bit was aord, AIM U urr a out Of 1 - lie gave l!ir M.IW OK , but it ill, I we w M I errw utr.nlllv '. ' l oii'id not rat 5' iinr hltc of lrrl t; LMi al lmlll. ull'i " hungry .ill the Hot'- Ihonc It I l'.l nil My Beta my shotil.lrrt a-f-wascnsiv Mjfltts' tti on i, Il tlul I t I wait almost in"" c.llld not sleep l ig! tiolllyi' lit a time Would get upmof' weak and nervous. 1 coili'l rrr '; In (hi. way I sullered, 1 think. miuilhs. when a IH' iid "f mine i me In write tu Dr. Pierce W , whlcUI lid. Ilitiii!iwerwtM; indigestion and livrr rotn!'l'"'"; vising ine t.) take hii 'CoMw ' I,ovcry.' I follow "'f .l,r-. i l.-u-W ami 111 " J . ,.,,1,1 ili o.-rr that I wnsrttlnj i:....rv .lav I frit )! lietter, then I cmuu light diet. Then I lk' ' i.i.i.. i. miii .iid in the 01 nd rettti,- . .i l,ol. flrh." ' 1 liegall lo mi prove ,rw rrv am 1 irvriiii - .i lets.' and I frit that I "I'l to leave off medicine . ...i.:..i. r .I..I ...11. i.tpallirC. I 9 . i w iin. ..... - . umen any nir.ii.oe -- ...-.ri i-i -- I ran eat h much a. I want and hurt, me a particle." Goldf ' There no alcohol in in.1 I li-overv ." and it l I""" ' cocaine, ami all other naicoW . u iv THR POCI1 A li"i.i f ffllrtOef ' may innin a ucriotu los o the same way Willi n - it may mean a serioin l0-0',..,) vigor. Ir. Pierce's Cc.mmo ical Adviser trachr ho health, as well h w r -ease. This bulky hook, con-l. large pages, is sent stamp., to pay eipense ot n Send u one-cent stamp i cloth-Uiiind, r only J' Tlfujl laajk III pap-r cover. Pierce, Uuflalo, N. Y. cents, jest ii uij.i you ar,' the tieatiueut. sure to coi.liiiuo AllllljIIIKTTIIIIlt. To rvyuriino'liito thow; who ro pnrlial to the. uiA of atomizers in n'plying 1 1 j u i . In into tho nasal f nshiites for c.nturrhal Irmu bl; the proprietors pr'-paro Cream ilul,,, i liquid form, which will bo known as Fly's Liquid Cream Jialm. Prion including t, ijimyinRtulie i. 7". cents. I)rui;ijiHts or by mail. 'Ihe lirpiid form embodiea' tlie med icinal properties of tho .olid preparation. r"-' T.Ty,--..T,--rT.-.T.-r- fTT1 The University of Oregon j- EUGENE, OREGON. j l ie 1'irst .Semi Htfr, Session IOIIL'-Ii, opens Wednesday. Septcm!"'' lollowing Schools ami Colleges aie comprised in the UnivcrsilV' flehool. College of l.ileratuie. Science and Arts. College of J'.ngiui'ering-IJiiiversity Academy Schools of Music. Medici" Tiiil,,., Free ,eiepi,K In Hchoolsof l.aw. Meilieb,, .Music Irici.l--' " ' Htu.'euls-ltrvly tt l-'.rmper year. Cost of I .ivinir Iloo. to . l"t ye. logue, amiress, KF.oiKritAa ok thk Iivkkhtv, Kiji.kni!, (Ikkuos ....UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MUSIC flvv. t i. .... Irv'n 1. llrn, A. M. Dr.. , I M r a "i1 ' . M'l."dvllollH,.l..,'ek, J.;s. lly. (ior.atoski,HrliWr"' ' V , rin.er a year. Willi W li Nash V() U.K. JU" r-'" Th'K'iL v't-1 r,l,.M'"' Mu' VIOLIN. Mr. 1 I. Pipe.. H'iz"' iMfcUKY; Mis. Kvahiiiinon, Mrs kose Mhlgley llnllenlieck. 'Teri""