Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, 1902 7 ir"1' ,ilinin i A I'rwl ' hiii). 1 ,, I ,iIIh t" l I' Court- t'i.Llt.' A'-r.'.iu'li.u'l ( ''' " ... Tl.n. Ilo-Hll If . HMl 'Milium I" J Young, I I U.' (uie""m 'J ' " :v" 111 I. k IV .illKfri MU lit Mint , I , I (1 I' . . . ... I linn kliiut. HW A I ' ..I'll I ,,.!.. r ,,u nl II imrn-ii " " :," ( ..w..i .. HO I 7 r.'ln - 'I il . . i(M t v,,i J !: H I. ' I'd? v.: i i-1 r..,i.. m KCM, in. k l.ll'lllV il I I'. . . . jUtl,!.. n fmlii Abnu'lhy Jnii- I" ' ' A .HTMIII . Illk (" I.I Al'l'"""'" """ I" . . . ! til L -1 P...I,. ,11111', I... I- "- ' -- ,,, V, ndiiia . t (Kill H7 -1 M 4 ' i" i ire i W H l.i W I' i..lTN. lots ! 11 f " ' - I I'lit'lii.if I'' Oiegoll '')'. 17IHI Hid I w 1 1 .i ' ' - ' i t .'t r 'J J I; in i' II I'V. " "' " W Km- r, -in in M ill l I'm. k .1 I j,,,.; ,M KAMA A !SI It (T V ; s' CO. .I'" 'I"' " '"'rH "' "lv- i. ( il,.. I l.'iriii' systi'iu ol abstract ,,r Clin tiiiiiini 'iuiil V, Mini have . ,(ly omiiI'Ii'Ii' "i'l il al'Hlrni la III ll,r i,il,rmi I ti r 1 1 1 ! infuf malum h to A l, l.lll'l "I "in ". " 'illl lHlll , , nn in.-ii 1 1 ,r-l 1'Hinlf, abstract 4 in), it Hank nl Oregon City j i im.iin; iii'. A'liin'hit in. l.lll.T . !1,, lht' U llll' lll ol ll'tll'M 111- iii il"1 .(!- Ml lt. ,(.ji City, ,,.N Am;. I'"1- ..HI.s' I l"l . ,,n V.iikItIi K. Mm II 1; i,,)!,, 1 Mm W uilliiiiKl.iii I.IU II ImiiiK I! H .Mia Ht.s'n I lr. jil M4M11 l' Alii"" k I, II4IIV I. 1 Jnlin C-i-iiur I 1 II-. ar I11II411V II S ,rl.. -i.'r (1 i-tv W I! ( lll.M'll C M l'lk'K I. I Itll'lt Jl - I' MlCilIT 'I Jullll S Mil .IT 11' I Siniili F I. Hi rll'V O H William- It 1. WllllHIII" Jollll 1,1 u. I-". Hull HN, 1'. M. CASTOR I A I For Infant! and Children. L! Kind You Have Always Bought Botri tha py.u.-o of ECHEDULblS OF TIME xiniiHts I'Ai inc ic.11.wav S'rlllll IIH I Ml a. 111. w '."J h. 111. ( Allmiiy I.uriilj li.ld p. in. mil III linl Mi. .".'. 111. 4 rm p. 111. I All.uny l.nmb 'J.l I p. 111. Daily River Excursions I'Ki i.i'N' CI I V II IATS. I'ti 1 v m mi. 1 1 1: . d'UirUM! Ur CIT i"0l M, t-'.x L Kit;lilli SI. A. M. 7 '"I A. M. II :ji in mi 1 1" I', M, I in I'. M. ii I'. 4 :in ?ll'e lull .wiiii? Iiiii.IIm;h n ill lii inii'li-: M Hj. n , 1 , . M.'lilrum n,'a. -' nii.l I k'..mi. H 1 1 1 n 1 1 v nrili"l. IM.'M) Till I' CMS I S. Ilri(iin Mty TrAiiaHirlnll.'il 'n' storia & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TWAINS, '. ,1) y Hat. July .'1, lim-' ;" H in. ,v l-orllnml ,lkl 11.. I ..!! I' I ' . Kui r I mi 11 1,, .; I; ''i'l II .Mi ... J-''" Iii ii'' - ' III (, ! " Hi ID '' ' I' '' IT III '" J' 10 1 1 .,; ' ) '""km m " I Mil 'Hill ,.ri " l'vruiiii'l . . MayKT . . (Jiiinry 'laiKkniiix MnmlilaiKl . Witort I'lllloii . . KllHliM . . HvriiHTi Jolin l'V . A "ion a . M'ly H'ly A.M. P.M. Aril in I" Ill Ikil M .t'l . 11 w: h '.n II .1,1 S INI .. II '.'7 7 M ,. II I7 7 -Hi !l lj 7 .'I" M Ml 7 .. H l 7 17 N .11 7 i; , . . K Hi Ii 4'-' H Ii7 tl .T2 7 W II '.i 1 l.v 7 4.'. II 1" 1IIUIYINU Hnu illl. lllii'i hill,,, ), v,(.,l Mm,. ") Ml ii.l S 1 OpfiiH Tim I. in i, Will,,,, ,,. tl .', 1M. mil.'- xouili ol, cVi ,, vv,,Ml ,S"I,' ''"Vfl iK liilo n irioxl limntiliil ii'iil'li'iirii ami ,i I ir.ilily, ha- f" l l". -11 H Iiiii.I, Hhrrn I." "i. II U l.'iiii,., , HMl,.r inn, ,, Him k','ii,.,i r.,i,.liim; ..y t ,! Iii'iil'li 111.. in, 1 I ,y 11)iy M(-r I'iiri ill nnr ii.lj .ii,iu. ti-iiitinv, iiinl rum. lllillllllliK ,. l'l,.t VII'W nl III,, WllUm.'tl.. uvi r. 1 In, H11. In, nil,, 11 an I'li'.il ilii. i. r inliMiilinx li'ilii" Liiilil in nil tti'll 11 d.ii,,! ,,ci,i ,, 1, , itikiikh III liilinr .iiihi,k f nUii'viTlililnm 0111, HiiK'1,1 1 Iiih,.i., Tin, ,r i, Chtuli. al w llrt II" l ull" Ii.ik Ini'ii pi,T, i in Ii 11 linuin l, l , i, r imi.H r liimilii'M. urn w illini II,.. ivm I, i,l ,.v.... Ii. 11 .,1 II11. ph. nun ,n I I.'.iI.t... i, Unit l.irmiiy H ll. (...., t . Ml ir.uiM- "llllltlllll I,, III), I , l:i',.lH IhlTI! in r. i,iir. . 1.1 jmy ,i .,tlr ht mi. ml. l 11. 1., I,, hi.iI lr.nn tin ni.iny linii'ii lining Mm 111. .ml, ,1H Ihry tiiikflil i ll"!".!.. J in. w.ili. i ii,,v In an. I nl -) l-iit .n.,lny. ,(, ,nal U. mi, nniil i, 11,, llV i,.r. p ,111,111 ill ., J I,iti. , H.ll'll,. Hl'll.,1,1 ,l 'iiI.iiiii.I(. I'ulU, iiintMirliirn I 1 o kf -1 1 1 1 to I , ami II,,, Iitiiih ih" iimiilly nl hiimI u Icn.xli tin an' Imulit in tin- I.h.t Alifii'ly ll,i l,,ii- Ill-fit III llll' , l. .11 ,m !,, Ktlill-M A. S. II, 11, 1 miliii a, , iiiihimmIiiIiim- ii,t. Illll , Hll.l hU.I l.all.lll'H ,1 lilnl I,MH i,i k .'I L'.'iH-iiil nu n li.ui.l,.,'. T in. iikiiiiIii, lining niiM-.-rii i.l lln- 1'h-ii sl,,n' ( ill, i.ii,y m iiiii tliiit in wniKi v nl iir,iiiiiik'i' mi-1 inniiiiniH in 1 1,1111. .in- nl lln- imp., i!i, 1 I'liiiTpupi", i,( Huh "..-U"ii nl lln- i-uiinirv. Tin- Uiki- Hi'lin.,1 l.iiii liii at pin, ,. ,,i ,i, 1 11 I aiii'i-l, pi.'i'iiriil ii v I t II, i- i.pi'iiim; nl rli'.ul ..11 Ilii' " L 1 1 I nl i-x I nr mil, l'r,,l. Millanl llyall nn, I Mikh M,lpl.-v liavii Hm l.i-i-n i'iiKiiiii-. ..r H, ,.ik I t 1 1 i" u yi-iir. Tl.n i.iir'iiliiii-iil ..I tin-! i In tii-nrly mil- ini,.lri-,l. Tin' j Hi 1 1 , ".Il ,1, V (III llll- 'M in ni'iiiy r.ipi llv iipi-in-il up 1111, 1 pui in nil ex . .-lli-iii i-tuii- ol c 1 1 1 1 v . 1 1 ii. T in-1-iiiiilry I- p,ll 1 1, 11I111 1 y Il,,i,li.. Pi Mil. illllllll- i,f Il llll, I'-p.-l iully uppll'l, an, I 11 N l,lt UN mull 1 ru. In in-, 11 Hutu an- put in i-linpi', Ii nil iri'i'H an-hi'I mil, ami llirm am hI-i.-ii'ly a 11 11 in r ,, ,-i v prmniniiitt yoniiK r. illami'tli- t alli I. an u rur n.'ivuit i'.i,il In that nilpplleil II, l' nnlmr I n ul lln- Uiifi'Ni ,-itii.i. .CLACKAMAS COUNTY SCHOOL OFFICIALS List Compilod by Superintendent Zinser of Directors and Clerks of tho school districts, corrected after annual mooting in Juno. "t. m P. 111 11 Mil. '"Mil. ''P.11, m HKASIHK DIVISION 1 AHToltl A 'J bKASIDK ... 7 40 a. 111 ... 4 ml p. ...10 .'to a. in ... t M p. in ...12 M p. "' . . 7 "JO p. 111 . . 1 :io p. 111 ... 1) W a. in CONNKCTION3. : Niirlhern l'a.:illo traim lo or Irom r'Ml fir J 1 ti . . t. p - -""ill. I 1 IIIIIIH. ;r'irlli wi,h ,n tr,lni leaving Union AAlori wit I, J. t, ,v N.Co.'ihoaltiaml J '"", an.l Hieaiimr T. J. 1'oltfr, to anil tirii.. . 1Sl,rl Heai li roinia. ullli'i., 2.V, Morrlm.n Bt ami Union J.;. MaVO.Odii. I'am-Ant. Aslorla, Or WANS' FMEND , ""I'ing enliruly new. A regulator ;l kulak's; no pills, perfectly Bfo JrmleflR. Fhancq Amkricai Phuo Co. Oeo. A. Harding, agt. fliiillrr .411 It iiiril-i. TH III linkpilul, K. A. (illllt'.i, Vi-rlii'iia, A la,, pal, I a vuit mini to iI.h'- I. iIM . run- a Bl'VlTl' I KM III liilf", I HIIII- II, L'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , 1 1-. Wl.i'ii all l.nlr.l, I'.iirk li'ii'n Ami, 11 Siilv,' H','ii iuii',1 linn, suli.lni'ii I 1 II .1 n 1 11 1 11 1 1. i , i'"ii - j , ii-1 n AiTii-a, kllln l aiiin. 1 '.nl Niki' III Iliu worlil. '.'.Vat '. A. Ilanlin'ii ilniit Klnnt. ATARRH "Ua'VJt. LafWiaUJllJ ASK Druggist for 10 CENT TRIAL 8IZE. Ely's Cream Balm Givm Rlnt il onca. It r!,l'..r.1 '.i.lll.'Ulid lirn tbf llirut i.funo. It mrr-iCaUrill l ilrlr. t wi I 111 ma ii.., ,,,. .1. .. - la Ui,rU.,. II-H ml rr-.tnti the Mrmhnin. (r.I,r lh Sfnu- nf I mih and Kmi-IU Kuil HIA ,).- ; Trii -' l' ; at lir;ir!!a.'r I) mail. Kl-Y limiTIIUlH, MWaxieubUwl, New York. HAY FEVER I.OOU I'll-IIHIIII, I'll IISI-. riioliinrapliiT ('. lUrlan.iiI Ivitoli, ,, ran il,) ,i mi. Ili'i'ii!1' years he iDiililn't, ln'iiiin-e lie aiillereil untol'l nuniiy 'fin Hi" '"rm "' in,lik.'eHliiiii. All pliVHii-ians Hii'l ini'ilirini " f . ' I ! Id help him llll he tni',1 Kli-elrn: I.ilterH, whii'li wuikeil Biirli imiiiiIiTh ! r him that he ,1,'I'Iiiiim llii'V nr,- 11 tfi.lHiMiil id Biinrr- ,Ti (nun ilyi.peii.i ami Mtninin-li I r-ulili-n. I'nriviilli"! lor .li. MM." nl tlie Stomach, I.ivi r hii.I Ki'lin vh, lliey Imil'l "P Binl 1 '!'.. give new hie In Hi" nl" ByMii'in. iiv 1 1 ifin . Onlv .'illi'. liiiaiiinh-t',1 hy Cien, A. Il.irilint;. OABTOnlA. r, ltwHindYiiulU"iisBoi;2M tnri Hit f-L aava.MaiiM- .. . oii.I-IiiiihI l lu eNiHHl '"" lor mli' ilii JoIiiiiii A 1 .11 111 1 Orcgeii nir Miirkel Keporl. (I'orrerleil lo Friday.) Wheat No- 1. i;0'- himlu'l. Flour P.irihiii'l, :t I""' ,,0c per nk. llownrtl'H Heat, !K)e per Back, 1 1 .1,1 hit hhl. (hi'a iiiHiu'ks, whiU). l.l.r to $1.25 per . ti 10 in i ir. Hay-ol.i rimoihy, hull's, $11 lr ton; 1 to i,i ill nl, pit ion. v.,iuver r OalH,'l) M')""l l"y in , .;n .....ii-.. 17 0 tier ton .lllllHIlinn ' , , ml shortH, lS..-Hertoii; ehop, $18.00 pur ton, harlev, mllnl, fJli.OH per Inn. l ,i,.i..;-!li)i' lo Pi'r huiulieil n... l...iui,w.H t.e w. tl.00 to $1-23 per III", a ' "I ' I 1 I 1 1 ... Knua-Oregon. to21e per dozen. lllltter Illllllll, Ml 10 I'M I'D! OnioiiH, rhoii t) I to i '4c per lb. Khuharh, 2c per 11). Dried apple", 7c per lb. ,.i.;...i ....tit.. iirlb:ltal l runes, i"1"" ',.,.. ian, larite. 4o pur 'h. mediuni, i-, .!. 11 ' Oliver. t,n. , ...... -r... 1. wts ami uarruio. tov w 1 . - $1 per aaek. (ireen peas, per m. CurraiitH I lo 4l,Je per lb. HaHtiherries .r)C per Ikjx. (iooselierriea, He per lh. Cabbage (new). 40 to 4.V. per doz 11 in i'i .r- tur lli. Irainea 11 oner 1 " 1 . .1 .1,...,.. in in II!1. c uer lo. lrearieu i - . .1 o.i .lruuu.,.1 meats : peel. live:i.50 to$:i.75 per hundred. IIoijs, i:.. r. hews. dressed, ic; IIVU V - . r . . 1 hi ' i.oJ.'i,. ulmi'n ilri'HHed. lie veal, dressed. 7 cents; laniba, live 3c; lambs, dressed, O.'uC. -i i. n OTIXA .v. lta Kind ton Haw almjs Boitf n; A i if J 1 I 4 r, 11 7 H II III II 12 11 I', in 17 IH i'i 20 21 ..', 2:1 21 :h 2li 27 2S 2!) :il i It Xf Clarke ll.l j IliKhland Milwunkie Klllutt I'rairiu ( 'ani'iinili lower l.i.Kiill (iladTiillnH CiirrlnHvillo ligan Fast ('lurkaiiiiia MeaduwhroKk liarlinlil Saluioii Viola I'eaver ('reek M n r.j 11 h 111 Falii Ori'i'k Miiinlorll's Keli-o M urk nltu r Finn's Mill Sainpfnii W'iIhuii vllle Spriiigwater liirkry's I'rairio I'liiuii Maple l.ano (niH'onl Citrus Htonn k Creek 7:i 74 7.1 7H 77 78 711 Kll HI H2 h:i H4 Hi) Hlij H7 ss Ml '.III ill '.I'-' '.HI ll llj Hi! H7 US in I 11HI mi 102 10;; 101 105 1 Iii 107 Jt. li 10 If) 2:1 2(i 30 ;i4 r:i f-7 02 70 7il H3 ii...... , 1 :.. I t, .'-i, -in ... , 1 j I Molallii l.iheial lla.elia Marks I'rairio Kaiidy Uldgii Needy Siiill.ird Cherry ville Mount 1'li'ttnunt lioriiigs I'lillrnn Sandy I lawegi) I'arkplaco llarinony I illiHOIIH llolroiiih Firvto. id Wright's Itiver-tide Teasel Creek ItnsselvillM (tenrgH Kllwooil Whiskey Hill Miley's Jones Mill I Iregnn City HruVMi's Clackamas liriiHlioiikt Marmot yki)nkl!ollow Tiacey l.ehtn.l Kvergreen Simn vmi.Iu Coll. in New Fra Dryland Kedllllld Monte ChristO Damascus Dtalgn Sliuhel I'helps (iraemo Dover Mtilino llenrici Canhy Willi, lit Porter Ihirghardl Ha.eldiilo Yoih'r Oak (irove Not tli Logan Timber (irovo Mountain lloinl Harlo- I'nion Mills FaHt Mi. Scott lloixl View Fulls Wiew Fldoiudo Miller Williiinello Falls Sprinithrook Colt i t'll ' Orient Frogpond Sycainoro Aurora Tunlaiin Purrett Mountain Aims lluttteville N lluttevillo Willshlirg Scotts Mills tl.HKK Miiggia A Johnsoril James Keiiiinr Mrs II F Jones F N lliiti liins J A Itnlingt T II Scom-u N F lleiplo J C' Kpragini J W Itetinett A Fng'H D II lwuiey J I llavis It W 1'arker C (i Stone lli'iirv llollmari .) C Maripiam A I) Itiiriit'tt (ienrge Koehler F W Canning J I.Miinlock (inorgM Spees (t (' I'l-rdiio (; K Wagner John Stunner Alwihlii Dickey F M Unburn l.iiwr,-n,-ii Manlz II (i Starkweather I' rank Jaggar (i T Walls K (! Young It I. Kingo Fli Fellows Siiiniiel I i 1 1 in an W II Fugle Thomas Wiles Mrs Minnie Haves .1 Coleman Marks Conrad St raiser A S Thompson I! F Wed, lie WO Hugh Wiir.l li l.awton C K Card F !' Andre P H Meiuig C II Hall K J Maple llarrv tjill'ord J P Wisdle I, I) Mumpower Jarnh DeShar.iT (; K James A M Vinyard P I! Miller II F lioy'eg Julius Putilsen A S Henderson J F Wachtman I A Miley I Millsai C O T W illiuins lieo IHanehard F P Dedmaii A M lirosliong Adolph Ascholf ' 1. II Axlell W II Holder Julia J Kider W W Myers N F Cham bless A II Countryman (i II lirown C.weifel W M Stone Marion White J C Flliott W K Myers Albert. Pratt K W llurtischuh I. P Burns Mrs 1. U Goulding Chirk liowman Amr F.rickson Christian Mural t Wm Knight M F Hardy S C Huirman (ien Furuian A Hayhuiat (ieo HoKteller I, 11 Yo.ler () II Wright Win II Drown Peter Schiwe Antony Kypzynsky W W Jesse I V Trullinger II C l lrich A PTodd Win P Mueller K W Paine J II Dart H S Coop Otto F Olson M L Wilmot Sam I.iiiidmi C M Lake II A Kruse (!us II Hichey I. Webert 0 F I. arse 11 W F Young W W Pai relt J N RranilniU II I. Uents Audrew Johnson Chas 1? Turluy W F Drager 0 Andrews 1'OST (ll'I'ICB Milwaukie liiibbard Oregon City Stone Manjiiaiu Neeily ('urrinsville Fogan Clai-kauias Molalla Ciiinri Mills liailield Salmon Viola Heaver ('reek Mar,iiam F.agle Creek ( !anby Ki-lso Miiikshurg Iri'gon Cuy Needy Wilsonvillo Springwater Molalla DiiinaH. iih Oregon (.'ity Milwaukie CaniH Oregon City Damascus darken Highland Oregon City Molalla I.ifieral Oswego Aurora Fagle Creek SlaH'jrd Sandy Oiegon City Powell Valley P.ullrun Sandy Oswego Parkplace Pay 11 Fagle Creek Oregon City Fir wood Clarkes Cauhv Molalla Wilhoit (ieorge Fliwood Huhhard Wilsonville Oregon City Oregon Ci'y New Fra Clackamas W.lhoit Marmot Canhy Curnusville Oregon City Oregon City f-unnyside Coltoo New Fra Needy Kedland Monitor Damascus Dodge Aurora Shuhel Canhy Uiaeine Dover Mulino lily Canhy Wilhoit . (iarlield liarton Cams Needy Needy Liberal Logan Chukes Now Fra Harlow I'nion Mills I .ciils Sherwood Clarkea M ulino Manuam (iarlield Willamette Falls Fulton Cottiell Orient Stafford Cresham Aurora Tualatin Sherwood Middleton Aims Butteville Hultevillfl Bx 7tio Portland Seotts Mills Ureeham V a "I'.lH 74 W TL m 54 w :,r 17 43 f)'J II ii.T li') 54 .V) 7ii K7 107 iii 24 55 6 23 51 77 H6 77 ol 5'.! (12 73 223 H7 34 30 50 li-i 88 m 05 37 31 45 221 ii'.il 130 37 01 25 20 07 44 27 37 45 4 45 40 1143 00 1U3 47 33 30 27 24 17 70 33 OS 45 33 01 82 30 13 83 52 40 2! 47 30 127 17 11 18 l'J 37 51 40 '10 37 40 71 10 42 00 24 37 8 0 HO 30 47 CO 32 20 15 4 43 20 31 10 35 3d 8 31 liiKKCJ OK :i VI'.AKH MKI'.CTOK a yi'.AHs IllKKCTOR 1 VI'.AK It Scott W K Stanton It C lianong T P McCuhbin M D l,el,o F II Schullz A F Alspaiigh Frank King (i C Smith Frie Liriihjiiist H II Snoilgraas T Yocuiii lieo Hell LTen nv Dr'f B'Thomai P D Huhhard Aug (ierhardt F M Hnniiore James Hell F Hirkemeier !W II Marvin V, O Itos I'hillp Kobe C II H Thomas i King 'Henry (iithens C N Tracey Henry Wadn I Harry ttinith John Dennison a-m Wills Oliver Schidler 'Chas Miller IChris Fischer jl D Larkins 'J K Hurnett IClias Lucke Aug Stephenson Kraiiz Kraxherirer A D (iribble Win Sprague Fred Schueiter F M Samson It I Seely W K Kandel Kayiiiond Dickey Fnlz Matthias Win Heard C W Kisley .1 K Lewis W I! Hayden U W Johnson Kred Marshall Fugene Cuinmins Peter Hansen Jacob Oswalt Win F Skeen (jet) Naeglo J K (jrihble J S (ill, lions J D Kitier F P Larson D W Douglass A C Warner J A Kit.hey (j (j (iihhons S I) Coalman lieo C (iaifield i T Apperson W J Hudson Harvey Gibson John Holcomb J (i DeShazer J W Gerber Chas Kennight F L Lahman O 8 Hoy lea Henry Johnson W II Wilson David C Yoder W L White F T Graves ii A Harding5 T F Kyan 4 .1 L Matlo.'k Wm T Johnston J M Groshong Chas lt-af Frank Gasser K A Wilcox Wm Kruger Seth llaylurd Fd Kiugstead John I'ulz Mrs J Newbury C Harnack Aug Hubert P 1 Anderson Adelbert Forbes Jas Marrs Christ Frost U A Shu be I John Moezan Heid Graham Koliert DeShazer J A Da via Fred llenrici Wm Vorpahl S M Cooke J K Honey bone F II Hurghardt J T Fvans Knos lloi-tetler W II Yoder F Wehner Win Chenoweth 1 T J G race j Geo Volpp I) J Parmenler j D L Trullinger Jas Henderson J J S Barnes ! Henry Wallets ! Julius Moshberger j 1'eter Crown 1 A II Hawkins : T Johnson ! J W Stone Stiliman Andrews I N L Schreiner Chas Thompson (i II KesterBon W W Giese John Nyborg Wm Johnson J P Young F 8 White Fred Bents Jas Parrott Fdw in Cole T F Miles L Wale !A Jai-oln ;C T Tooze iSain Kainey Tra Du key !J F Heifer John Dixson A A Andrews Victor Krickson K II KiebhotT II Troge C N Larkins B F. Mitchell C A McMillan Clarence Kngle Silas Wright Hugh Baker C Kocher J 11 llotrmeister D B Yotler Wm Schalz C. Shank 'C P Andrew! iW II Borinir Asa Thomas J H Weiver P II Jarisch W II HiaitU A Kan ne Alex Baker Dan Watts T McCabe W K 'jarrett CC Clausen C K Herman J W Nightingale Frank Ocln W T Henderson Joseph Meyer Mike Sprolska Frank Y'ach COAIbri(rht3 WECarll2 K Dun, las E C Chapman Jas Milstead Henry vou Uelra L Toedtemeier J C Duns Mrs E C Eastman John Potter James While J H Wright J Keif J E Mitts ,'oe Fullem K Phelps 1 John Dunlap G W Keller J W Graale It L Morria W A Hedges W P Kirchem ;C F Jackson Fred Watson . F rank Harkenrider ..March Frakes IGusiav Haberlach DCHa!l (Alfred Guid W K Oatfield W D Welch T C Juhb I Fred Karnrath J Fred Myers J J Judd ;Jacob MundorfT Gilhert Jonsrud !. J (iihson I A I! Linn 1J W Flliott I Win Brobst .Dr W Wallens James Baty Herman Kitzau I A Kallmann T K Worthington .Henry Hornschuh J N McMurry A W Cook jj J Gard C Krohn 'K L Greaves i(i V Adams John Akins C C Borland (ieo Kuetk Llrich Truhle ,C (i Molson J Q Gage C P Ware Geo Lazelle P Utlger . Lugi Vaeretti J 11 Kevenue E J Russell Mrs K A Miller K S McLaughlin Fred Hotfineister F F Hattan T Wend land J C Hall .1 V Fickerson E E Judd Scott Carter Peter Paulsen John Park Herod Choale CDF Wilson Chas Livesay Chas 11 Caulield Aug Ktaehelv C F Clarke ' J F Hatin R A Te Eyck Carl Koellermiller J E Crawford W II Jones Edgar Brock Alonzo Hunter lohn Carlson B Friedrich M Koebel Louis Funk W Lenon J A Royer G W Bowdish Donald McDonald Aug Kothenberg (4 Moehnka i U aiU L Thomas Chris Wilhehn A J Kitzmiller C E Bowman Henry Scumale II C Gillmore A Hardy II H Anders Mr Zee k Sarah Griilith H H Dielz Ed Graves II Grimm Peter Wilson T Martin Chas Baker H T Melvin Chas Boyinglon li Deanlortl F P Stahlnecker M Beck W II Jones E Pitman C C Miller C A Miller CW Brvant Fred Waguer Joseph Peringer id E Hillman IJoseph DeShazer J F Nelson WF Harris Herman A Lee A Crossan B Bowman F Odell Anna Rodney 1 Kramer 1 L D Yoiler P M Graves Aug Krueger B Sullivan Frank Kaiser L K Armstrong James Mallett F'red Richel Wm Murry F E Mueller A L Jones C K Quinn Robert Miller A 8 Hunt G G kruse F'red Radford M H Wheeler J A Turner E S Jenel W 8 Hurst Filias Green B F Webster Peter Heater BJ Waketield lieo H Gooding I'.mil t-truve IraBurley W HCommons Peter Landin P II Roork Geo Elligsen 11 WSnishall W Krans E A Eddy W b Matthews Richard Parrett J W Miller W E Her S T Edmiston J M Nice urn 0 D Hartnian L Yunker LJ ELLO r 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the I'acifio Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City office at Harding's Drug Store. tool Line. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Regulator Leaves Tortland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This iB the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery nn (Via Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in - . T - j 1 0 the United Statep. un 11 ioraia tion by addressin ; or calling on J. S. H00TII, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. S. J. YAUGIIN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. OCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AND DSPOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corralJ connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind 01 stock promptly attended to by person ol letter, Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason ble terms. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TO SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS ALTON A AN D POMONA LKAVI OREGON CITY Going up, 8 ;00 a. m. Going down 2 .30 p M BEST FOR THE BOWELS If yon lifcTnt a r'-if'ilr, hfnithy mvnmnt of I fur Ik, 1 t-tt-rf tiftv, j''iH ill or will t. kotp you bowi-i II, ari'l 111 W-U. r'irrr. Ill III) 0hAof I irtit r-hi r t'lll 1 1' I '!. Ii ilninrvro'i. iliu tmoolh- i.-l-l, moat i-rf'Tt y ul kej-iLg IA lMi eu tr ini cleno is to te 5) AT M ART! EAT 'EM LIKE CANDY Mftinsnt. 1'alntnhl-. Potent Taut flood. flowt. K-f K..k'-ii, WfHit-n. t.r t,rif. 1R, ond M rent r-T 'it. writi fur fre taiufli, nt xoklet n hMiltl,. A'Mrcin 4-T1 M mi 1 tmriir. ritiiifA(jr w touv. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Why lio East over the sun burned, sage brush and alkali plains when you may just as well take a delightful, cool and comfortable irde through the heart of the Rocky Mountains in view of the grandest scenery on the American continent? This you can do by traveling on the Rio (irande System, the far famed "Scenic Line of The World." tho only transcontinental line passing through Salt Lake City, Glenwood Springs, Lead ville, Colorado Sprins and Denver en route to eastern points. Three daily express trains make close connections witli all trains east and west and afford a choice of five distinct routes of travel. The equipment of these trains is the best, including free reclining chair cars, standard and tourist sleepers, a perfect dining t ar service, and also personally conducted excursion cars. each in charge of a competent guide, whose business is to look after the com fort of his gjests. No more pleasant and inexpensive means of crossing the Continent can be found than is provided by these excurisons. For additional details, address, J. D. Mansfield, Gen'l Agt., Rio Grande Lines, No. 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon. ' J. B. McKee's Business College and School of correspondence Is now in its twenty-third year. Every teacher an expert in his special course. Our special courses cover tne entire range of business operations. Complete Business Course, Time unlimited by mail $ 25 " Shorthand, Time 6 nio. 15 " Civil Service " 6 " 15 " English " 6 " 15 " Select Studies " 6 " 15 These courses are designed for those who have not the time or means toaltendCollcae and especially for those who have been de prived of a Common School education. The greatest care is given each individual student Liipiomns awaruca graduates: feena lor particulars and state course you want. J. B. McKee, Principal Auerbach Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah. OABTOIHA, Bean the- ll,e VU HaW HlWrS BoiIgK (Signature of llie Kind You Haw Hlww To the Public. I wish to say to the public that I have opened a real estate office in Oregon City and for the present, will be with the Clackamas Abstract and Trust Co., Sixth and Main street. I have land in differ ent parts of Clackamas county, in my handB for sale, with prices to suit the purchaser, and will be pleased to have you call and examine my list of acreage, and also of town lots. I w ish to say furthermore to those who have land, or town lots for Bale, I would be pleased to act as your agent. J. J. Cooke. It is a great affliction for a woman to have her face disfigured by pimples or any form of eruptive disease. It makes her morbid and sensitive, and robs her of social enjoyment. Disfiguring erup tions are caused by impure blood, and are entirely cured by the great blood purifying medicine Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It removes from the blood the poisonous impurities which, cause disease. It perfectly and perman ently cures scrofulous sores, eczema, tetter, boils, pimples and other eruptive diseases which are caused by the blood's impurity. It increases the action of the blood-making glands and thus in creases the supply of pure rich blood. For about oat year and a half my face was Trry badly brok out " writes Miss Carri Adams, of 11S Wnt Main Street, Battlecrtek, Mich. I spent a great deal of money with doc tors and for different kinds of medicine, but re ceived no beaett. At last I trad one of your advertisements ia a paper, and obtained a bottle of Dr. Pt's Goldeo Medical Discovery. Be fore I had taken one bottle of this medicine I noticed a chaage. and after takini three bottle 1 was entirely cured. I can well recommend Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to any one similarly afflicted. " The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less mer itorious medicines. H gains; you lose. Therefore accept no substitute for "Golden Msiical Discovery. The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, book conUinig 1008 pages, is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, for the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the vol ume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.