Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 22, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
Atliiiiiiiotrnlor's MhIp fl,iil.
tiliiiliils.lri.lor .llcr
Kolice is hereby given l at the tinder
aigiied lms been n"pp..inted administr nor of
the csisie ot John . lire, de .-canl. All
persons Paving clsims acainn the said f
tate lire hereby not 'tied to present the smue
tlulv veritiod according lo la hm.I accom
panied by the proper touchers, tii the un
drrsiciied at Canhv, Clackamas County.
Oregon, it at the otlice ol Heo. C. H.owncll,
Oregon l ily. Oregon, iihm six months
from the dste ol this notice,
listed tins 1st ilnv of August. piv
Attorney tor A it 111 i 1 11 s t ratir .
ti e tor lulli-itin.
Timber Land, Act .lune X 1STS.
' Tniled f-utes 1 and Oitife, Oregon City,
Oregon, June '.'7, ll"1-.
Nonce is In rehy given tint m compliance
with the irovisio"n of the act ol Congress ot
June 1S7S. entnleit "An net lor Hie sale
ol timber lands in the (s'atcsol California,
Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington Terri
tory," as extended lo all the Public band
States by act of August -I, is:rj,
of Po'Cand, county of Multnomah, Stale
Of Oregon, has this day tiled in tins ottice
his sworn rtaieinent. No. fc'i, tor Hie pur
chase of the sei; ol Section No. ;S0 in Town
ship N si, Umige No. 1 K, ami will otbr
proof to show thut the land sought is more
valuable lor its timber or stone than for gn
culiurul purposes, and lo establish his
claim to said land before the Kegistir and
lteceit cr ol this otlice at Oregon City, Ore
pin, Tuesday, the I'tn dav of September,
He names as witnesses:
J C. Iturke, of Molalla. Oregon : Hubert
Ixjrden, Kdward liurke, Kobert Osborn, of
Any and all ptrsons claiming adversely
the above-described lands are requested to
file their claims in this otlice on or before
Said !itu dav ol Sei temht-r, P-'.
!otire of 1'inul Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the nmler
sitned executrix of the estate of Conrad
Neihert, deceased, has filed in the Comity
Court ol Clackamas County, State of Ore
gon, her final account as such executrix of
said estate, and that Monday, September
1st, l!"e--' at the hour of 10 A. M., at the
Com ty Court room, has been fixed by the
Mid Court as the time and place for hear
ing of objections to said account ami the
settlement thereof.
Executrix of theestate ot Conrad Neibert,
ripes & Tifft,
Atty's tor Executrix.
Administratrix' .otlc
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County.
In the natter of the Estate of
Budd Smith, deceased. i
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been duiy appointed Adminis
tratrix of the Estate of Budd Smith, de
ceased. All persona having claims against
the said estate are hereby notified to pre
sent them, duly verified, to the undersigned
t Meadowbrook, Clackamas County, Ore
gon, within six months Iroin the dale hereof.
Dated this -Jnd day ot Julv, 1 ;'-'.
Attorney lor Administratrix.
Notice u hereby given thai the under
signed as Administrator ol the estate of
William I', bkirvin, deceased, by virtue of
an order of the Con my Court ol the flat e of
Oregon for Clackamas' County made on the
-J II It dav ol July, A. 1. atithoriring
linn so to do, will from and a't r the "JSnl
day ol August, P.HI-. ituly sill' at private
sale for cash the lollowing described real
In the Circuit Court ol the Slate nt Ore
gon lor the County of Clackamas.
Charles Kaiicb, rtnintill.)
vs. J
Koey K.tiich, IVfendant.)
To Koxey Ksiuh, the above nanied de
femlaul :
In the nanicol the Slate of Oregon, vmi
property belonging to the estate of the said i are hereby mpiiie.1 to aoprar and answer
poller- lor INiMlentioii
Notice Is hereby given thai In coiiinlUnci.
with the act ol I .ingress ol June i--.
(pled "A" ' I 'or the sale ol limner
Ne in! a.
ileivdpt.t lo w it
The undivided one half oT the Norih-Kast
Quarter ol the Norih-Ka-I (niirt r and llie
West hall ol the Noilh Ka.-t Ouart.r; also
Lot Five, all in Sec. Eighteen, Township
S. U. :t E, ol the Willamette Meridian, ex
cept Jil acres ol the alxive land deeded to
.lames Mckenzie by Manila A. and Alfred
How kin. two deeds as billows, to-wit : Ont
deed of the acres refolded on pace JUi,
Hook W, and one deed ol liflcen acres re
corded on page 47ti llm'k Y, record ot deeds
for Clackamas Com ty, Oregon, containing
1:17. 1" acres, inore or less, and that all ol
said land is sittia'ed in Clackamas I'ouniy,
Oregon. Said land witl In- sold for cash,
l'ersons wishing lo bin sanl l.inW are r-
quested to make their otlera to the Under
s'gned at l'amascns, Oreunn, or to liordon
E. Haves al his otlice in Oreu-on Ciiv, On
gou. " J.C. KM.IOY r.
Ad'iiinitrator ol said Estate,
tliecomplaini tiled against vou lu iheat'ove
entitled suit in the above nnnied Court on
or helore September p.'lh, P. the same
being si ven Weeks Irom the lirsl public
,,, he 1 . 1 of. til ni mm ii i it, -i .
ml Waslni.gioii lerritory, ' exleii. e.l
lo all the I'lliilic l and Stales bv act ol .Ml
cu-t I. is:'.'. in. lii'imf, ol rnrilai.d,
Chh.iv ol Mi'lm ah. M'd" ol linv",
I, ,- ihls I m v liled in this olli.'O I'K saorii
.ii.leiui HI. No. JM'i, lor C'e purchase ol me
V I ' . ol S Si, ol M i., and Ml',
.if S.ciiiii .No. Lhl. I'. I S, li
ln,,l will oil. r proof lo how that the land
..,,.ii is more valuable Inr Its Umber of
ooonsoF nowi hmthat aim: maum
It iinlaln
, lroHlnra,
1' ,
i-nnri' ol Oic I .
.,..1.,,,. n.l !
. 'I i... I e lli.Mucro.1.
Ilht I l ".
think Unit
.VMlco tor l'uMwntloii.
lVpartuient ol the Interior, l and Otlice
al Oregon City, Oregon, Jnlv '.Vtb, l'1-.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named st-tiler has tiled nonce of his Inten
tion to make tinal prool in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Kegister and Keceiver at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Sept. S'.h, l'V'J, viz:
rre. O S. No. 7'7'), tor the SE; of NE'',
Sec. -2 T. S., It it E. and l.m A- SE.; of
N W'i4 A SW1, of N E'i Sec. :, T. tl S., K.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz :
Frank Baker, of Colton, Oregon : John U.
Arouet. of Colton, Oregon; John 1', lrvin.
of Ciartield, Oregon ; Harry E. Austen, of
Oregon City, Oregon.
lion ol this summons; and vou will take j iom man for agricultural pmposes ai d m
notice thai II urn lull so to appear and an
swer sanl complaint, the plainlill w ill apply
to (he t'otirl lor I he rebel denutuded in said
complaint, to w:t: that the bonds of matri
mony now existing between yon and plum
till be dis-olvcd.
I'll it siiinioohs Is published by or ler ol
Thomas A. M. Bride, ludgeof the ;n , ju
dicial district ol Die Slaie oi Oregon, In llie
I neg in t' t y Knlei nrisi-, tor seven succssn e
weeks, coiiiineni tug Augu.-t l-l. P a nl
coniiiniii t! lor each week tin reader In uud
iiicliuling September P.', pm. I
Attorney for l'luii till'.
.1, i.i. i-lami In said ami neiom no'
Kegister and Beceiver ol this otlice al
,;,! l itv on Saturday, the llli nay ol O. to
her. pm.'.
He names as witnesses: llenrv l.pper-n i.
liicioird ralunilerr, A.nupli .Miller, Chi-.
C. Mill, i, all ol tlailii Id. the.
Any and all persons claiming a Uer-i lv
Ihc above ilescnlied liiinls are ie.iiesl''d lo
III r i 'anus in this olll.e on or bel.ue
.,,.,1 pn dav ol Oi (oner, l::.
Oil AS, II. AU IO Kl -J.
:i i
I'll,. nnlnillV of pio
. i .1 ill. Iu 1,'H.i
I nl I, III-. IIO HltlOII. II IOI I ma "
iimiiiIm I' of Hi- f l-lli'
... IH, ll
li cp I I ' III
1,1, T, uhn ll
d. Tliis o.l.
ilTiVls iii.hi
l llnls. I ll" obi Kcir I'oloiru
,eu r p. ii In Him !' I1"""' "f "
ll hue, n, no " i'""'
Is i.m;:i limn w Ifii luliiil
,.r Is of mi 11 loll llavof liinl
In ii M ty pcciiiinr
m:itiri' n
Adiuiniktrulor'M TVotirc.
Notice Is btrebv given that the under
signed has been appointed administrator of
the estate of Sarah Clack, deceased, l'er
sons having clunis against said estate are
hereby notified to present them at the of
fice ot my attorney, in Oregon City, Ore
gon, within six months from the date of
this notice. Dated this lltb day of Aug
ust, l'."0J. Elmkh E. Charm an,
0. W. Eastliani, attorney fur administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
Bargslin A. Knighton, 1
i'laintilT, I
vs V
Marvillo Knighton
Defendant. J
To Marvilla Knighton, defendant herein :
In the Name ot the State of Oregon : You
are hereby required to appear and answer
the comi'hii.t tiled Bgainst you in the
above entitled su t and court, on or before
the 2ijth day of September, rj"L being six
successive publications ol said summons aa
ordered by the court, the first publication
thereof as ordered being on the 2otti day of
July, P,'. and which is the first publica
tion of this summons.
And if you tail so to appear and answer
said complaint, and for want of such
answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief prayed for in the complaint to-
wit: For a decree of the court dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff' and defendant and for such
other and further relief as the court may
seem meet with equity and justice.
This summons is served upon yon by
publication in the Or-gon City Enterprise
published at Oregon Cny, Oregon, once a
week for six successive weeks, the lirat
publication thereof being in the issue of
July, :, l:f, by order of Hon. Thos. F.
Kyan, county judge, of Clackamas county,
in the absence oi Hon. T. A. McBride,
circuit judge, duly made and entered here
in, this l'3d day of July, ltn2.
Atty. lor i'laiutifl.
Last publication Sept. 5.
Notice is hereby given that at the reg
ular September meeting of llie City Coun
cil of Oregon City, Oregon, I mill apply
to said City Council for a saloon license
to sell spirituous and malt liquors at the
place known as the depot saloon on the
X. V. corner of Seventh street and Rail
road avenue, said license to date from
August lath liW2.
. C. Rkdfkaks.
diiinrdiaii'H Male ot ICi-ul Itate.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
license of saledulv Issued onto! the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County ol Clackamas, in the matter of the
guardianship of Irwin Leslie liordon, a
minor, and dated the i'nh day ol July,
Ps'O, I will, on Saturday, the bth day of
September, 1 tfi, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.
m., in front of the Court House
door, in Oregon Citi, Oregon, sell at public
aui tion to the highest bidder lor casli in
hand, at the day of sale, all the interest of
said minor in the following-described real
estate, situated in the county ol Clackamas
and Siate of Oregon, to wit: Lots 1J, l.'i
and 14, block L'J, in Cambridge, in said
County and State, subject to the life estate
ot ut. jolin lioriion. Dated Aug. H,
Guardian of said Minor.
H. E. Cross, Attorney lor Guardian
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clackamas.
A. E. Latourette, Trustee, Plaintiff.)
vs. f
Andrew O. Heckman, Defendant.)
State or okeooii
Coi'ntt or Clackamas)
By virtue of a judgment order, decree and
n execution, duly issued out of and under
the seal of the above entitled court, in the
above entitled cause, lo me duly directed
and dated the 9ih dav of Julv. V.m.
upon a judgment rendered and entered in
saitr court on the 8th dsy of July, 12, in
favor of said A. E. Latourette, Trustee.plaln
tit), and againtt said Andrew 0. Heckman,
Defendant, lor the sum ot foK.OO, with In
terest thereon at the rate of 9 per cent per
annum from the 2lh day of November,
and the furthersum oi $50.00, as attor
ney's fee, and the costs and disbursements,
nd the costs of and upon this writ,
commanding me to make sale of the fol
lowing described real property, situate in
the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon
The South West Quarter of the South
WestQuatterfS. Vf.ot H. W. ) of Sec
tion Two (2) Township Five South, Range
One East of the W. M. in Clackamas
County, Oregon.
Now, Therelore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, I will od Saturday, the
f.t the hour of 11 o'clock A. M., at the
front door of the County Court House in
the City of Oregon City, in said County and
Slate, sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for Lr. 8
gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real property or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judif
nifnt order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
8hcnffof Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 18tb, l'J02.
siii:uii'r'NN ti.i:.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
Washington National 1
Building Loan it Invest-
merit Association, a cor-j
poration, j
vs. j.
Geo. W. Strvker, unmar- I
Tied, 01sM.St-yker,i;n- I
married, J. A. Darker
and M. J. Barker, Ins
wife. J. W. Dnlier,
Didier, his wife,
Defendants. J
State of Okeoos, i
By virtue of a Judgment order, decree
and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal of the above entitled court,
in the above entitled cause, to me duly di
rected and dated the loth day of July,
l!i02, upon a judgment rendered and en
tered in said court on the 13th day of June,
1!02, in lavor of Washington National
Building, Loan and Investment Associa
tion, a corporation, plaintiff, and agaito-t
said Geo. W. Slryker. unmarried, Ola M,
Htryker, unmarried, J. A. liarker and M. J.
Barker, his wife, J, W. Didier, Didier,
his wife, Defendants, for the sum of
$1000.00, with interest thereon at the rate of
6 percent per annum from the 1st day of
March, lw, and the further sum of $100,
as attorney's lee. and the further sum of
$2f.20 costs and disbursements, and the costs
ot and upon this writ, commanding me to
mane saie oi me louowing described real
property, situate in the bounty of Clacka
mas, state of Oregon, to-wit:
Block numbered (X) in Sellwood Addition
to Milwaukieas snown by the recorded plat
thereof of record in Clackamas County,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, I will, on Saturday, the
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the
Iront door of the County Court House in
the City of Oregon City, in said County and
State, sell at public auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8.
gold coin cash in band, all the right, title
and interest which the within named de
fendants or either of them, had on tiie date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real property. or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing cots.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By E. C. HACKETT, Deputy,
na'ed, Oregon City, Ore., July ltb, l!;2
In the Circuit Conn of Ihc State of Ore
iron, lor the t'ounty of Cl.ickauias,
James M. Tracv, 1
vs. k
Hiram K. Sir light, Mar-
garel lira'z. and
Grati. lor husband.
Win. E. Sliaighl, Ja
cob Miaighl, James
Straight, John Straight
Mollis Mraigiii, and
Hiram E. Straight, )
administrator of llie
Estate of Hiram
S raight, Deceased, j
Defendant. I
(State ok Oukook i
Coi'xtv or Ci.ackaxas.i
By virtue of a judgment order, decree
and an execution, duly issued out of and
under the seal ol the above entitled coiirl,
in the aOove entitled cause, to me duly di
rected and dated the 1Mb day of July, p)J,
upon a judgment and decree rendered and
entered in said court on the Krd day of May,
P.m., In favor ol tald James M. Tracy,
plaintill.and against said Hiram E. Straight,
Margaret Grali and Gratz her husband,
Win. E. Straight. Jacob Straight, James
Str light, Molue Straight, John Straight,
and Hiram E Straight, adtnlnislratorol the
estate ol Hiram Straight, deceased, defend
ants, for the sum ol H) 00, wild interest
thereon al the rate ot ft per cent per annum
from the Sth day ol November, 1.H, and
the further sum ol it 00, as atturneyis fee,
and costs and disbursements, and the costs
ol and upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described real
property, situate in the county of Clacka
mas, stale of Oregon, to-wit:
All tnat part ot the Easterly or wife's
hall of the Hiram and Susan Straight 1.
L. C, in Township Two (2) South, Kauge
Two (2) East, lying west ol the Oregon and
Calilornia Kailioad and Easterly and South
erly ol the county road, being the unsold
portion of the claim lying west ol the said
railroad, excepting from above asmall tract
sold to Knuie Tellelson, also a small tract
on West side of said road sold to Charles
Albright, the amount of land conveyed be
ing fifteen 1 15) acres more or less. The In
terest herehy conveyed being the undivided
one-sixth in' the same, that being a portion
belonging to said Hiram Straight, situate
in llackauias t ountv, Oregon.
Now, therelore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and In
compliance with the commands ol said
writ, I will, on Monday, the
at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. at the front
door of the County Court House in the city
ol Oregon City, in said county and State,
sell at public auction, subject to redemi,
tron, to the highest bidder, fo' U. S. gold
coin cash in hand, all I tie right, title anil
int. rest which the within named defend
ants or cither nl them had on the dale of
the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described reul properly or anv
part thereol lo salify said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs, and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas I ountv, Oregon,
By E.G. HACKETT, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July l.th. 1'2.
in:itii 1- n i i.i'..
In the Circuit Court ol the Slate ol Oin
gun lor the t'ountv ol Clackamas.
Maiv Madir, I'laminl. 1
Thouias Ciisruiau and So-
plua Ciiaiuiao, Id wile I
Janie I', l.mell and Mary
l.nvett. bis wile, lieiijainin I
Jaggnr and .lames M
I racv, lleleiidants. I
Ity 'utile ol a judgment . r ier, decree and
an evecuiion, duly issued mil ol and under
llie seal ol the above entitle I court in me
abot eniil id cause, lo uie duly ilnc led
and dated the Itli day of August. I''-', up
a judgment rendered and in li red in aid
court and cause on the nil dav of Angu'i.
p2. in lavor ol the said Maty Manr,
.lanililt, and against the Mil I iielen.iunl.
Thomas Cliarinan, lor Hie sum ol t .'.. 'o
together wub Inli rest the.eon al the tan- ol
,H per cent per annum limn August I'"1-',
and Ihe luriher sum ol f i.i m asaiti ruet '
lee and me luriher sum ol !. costs an I
disbursements and llmco-l of and upon
tins writ, commanding me lo make sale ol
Ihe Inllowlng described real pr.ipirty situ
ate in llie Coiiniy of Clackamas, Mate of
Oregon, lo wii: "
The Southwest of Section 27; the West
1, ol the Northwest 'j ol Section III; lois I
and I ol Secliim '-"; l.ols I and 2 ot eeiioii ,
ill; containing .'l-'t !'' acres. Also llie lol
l.iwnii ccscrilH'd uacl : Commencing at the ,
Soilheajl Cornerol Soulhel 1, ol Seitiui !
27 and running thence Nnrlh Yiiti chains lo
llie center ol Oregon City and Holcomh
road ; thence with center line ol ald r d
North 7.') degrees l.i minutes West .V.'U
chains to a stone; llience Mouth 7 H cliau s
to slake nil .North line ol Jacob Toner I'. I..
I'.; Uieme with the Nnrlh line ol sanl
Toner claim East .V.M chains to place ol be
ginning, containing 8.; V' acres. (Excepting
Irom the alKite descrlned Uudn the fullow
ing portions thereof; Beginning at a point
on the East line ol said Tia.er cUnii .1
chains North of Southeast comer Ihereol;
thence North lo chains lo Ihe Ala-rnethy
road ; thence Westerly along said road I.'
chains; thence South 10 1' chains; ihenco
East 1 1. 10 chains lo beginning point, con
taining It aires. Also: Beginning al
section comer betwmn Sections ill and ill.
thence North 5 chains; thence !.( S)
chains thence South .'1 chains; thence Weal
.11 chains to ( lace of beginning, containing
10 acres, Also: Beginning al Ihe ', secuon
corner between Sections ill and ill. running
thence North A chains; theiich East 7 ho
chains; thence North lU.pi chains to the
AtH-rnethy road; thence Ve-l-rlv along
center of said road to Ihe Se?i hiuiuihirv
line of said 'Toner claim ; thence Soiilh lo
the Soiithwtst corner ol said claim; Heine
liastonS.iulnboulnlnrylili.nl said claim
to Ihe place ol beginning, cm, laming' -'i
acres.) All of the lands alnite ilesinlnd
tuiiig in Township 2 South, liance 2 lia-l
of Willamette Meridian, the lauds herein
described containing 2M S acres. j
Now, therelore, by urine "I said ete. u j
tion, judgment order and dei r.-e ami in
compliance aith I ,e cnuinianils o inc ;
said writ. 1 will on Saiunl.iv, me i
lll.l II ti T.
tin- clTc
111:1 unci'
Iniiii' or
Anollnl' c.
hut ct ll pH'l
Is doiihlh-s
I ; 1 1 1 1 1 lin
Numbers o
yoim;: Lnllc
aim-lit, e i
If In illn d l'- ply, 11 "ii
,,f ..lining Uglil lii'inb'il
!, ,,, Mimics for M'luc tltno,
,. hii'li n r to b iiinl say "U
rcniaikublo "'id rldlcilloim
lis lll!lell0. ofli'll I" ! f'T llll
In,, uud la follow nl I')' deep
police. r liilll'allon.
Department of the Interior
Laud otlice al Oregon City, Oregon.
July 12. imrj.
Notice is hereby given that the lollow ing
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal priml in support of his
claim, under Section 22s:i, I:. S , and that
said proof will be made before the Regis
ter and Receiver at Oregon City, Ongon,
on August 2-trd, PM12, viz:
H E. ll.y;f), for the 1-ots 1 it 2 Sec 1;, T. ii S.,
It. 4 K.
He names the following witnesses to prove
ins continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Augustus D. Burnett, Edward Burnett,
anu Joseph v. Woooie. all ol fcagle Creek
Oreu'on, and Granville B. Linn, of Curnns
vllle, Oregon.
CHAM. a. Sdiior.K-s,
lilTH DAY ok Slil'IUMIII.i:,
at the hour of 2 o'clock In Ihe afh rnonii ol
the said day at the Iront donr of tin- County
Court house in the ci. y of Oregon City, in
said County and .Slate, sell al public auc
tion, subject In redemption, lu Ihe highest
bidder lor cash in hand, all the nubl. title
and 'interest winch the said ilelemlanti,
Thomas ('barman and Sophia I 'barman,
his wile, J illies P. Lovetl and Mary l.inelt.
bis wife, Benjamin Jaggar and James M.
Tracy, or either ol lliem had on the date nl
the InoriKage mentioned in said judgment
order, to-wit: March 7, llr:i, or sunn had
in or to the above di-serihed real property
or any pait thereof, in satisfy mid execu
tion, judgment r ter and decree, inleresl,
costs ami all accruing cost.
Sherill nf CI irkamai ('ountv, 1 iregim,
Dated, Oregon City, Augu-i pmj.
The new-to-day column of The Enter
prise contain many readors of Interest
to the general public. Something new
every week. If you want employment
or r?Tiire help, if yon want to borrow
money or have money to loan, if yoo
bave anything to tell, nae the Dew-today
In the Circuit Court of the Btate of
gon for the County of Clackamas.
Wallace W. Ayers, I'laintill,)
VS. r
Ids K. Ayers, Defendant.)
To Ida K. Ayers, defendant herein.
I u the name of the State of Oregon :
Vou are hereby reotii red to appear
answer the comi-lainl filed against you 111
the above entitled court and cause on or
before the 22nd day of September, l!s2, the
said day being more than six weeks alter
the first publication ot this summons, as
ordered by the court, and you will take no
tice that If you fall to api.ear and answer
said complaint, the plamtill will apply to
the court for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, to-wit: that the bonds of matri
mony now existing between you and plain
till be dissolved and that the plaintiff tie
awarded the custody and control ofCharles
Ayers, minor child of plaintiff and defend
ant. This summons is published by order of
Honorable T. K. Kyan, County Judge of
the County ot Clackamas. State of Oregon,
made August 6, 11)02, and which order di
rects toe service of said summons by publi
cation not less than once a week for six
successive weeks. The first publication of
this summons being August 8, 1172.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Muloon I.I--ue.
Notice is hereby given that at the regular
September meeting of the City Council of
Oreeon Cit v. Oregon. I will m.nlv In oiH
city council for a saloon license to sell spiri
tuous and malt honors at the Hub saloon,
on Main Street, between Filth and Sixth.
SsantLa Thl Hied Ynii Han Hitars Es.gj
Mum iiioiis.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Clackamas County.
J. W. Kilgore, I'Uiiililf.(
vs ,
Mercy Kilgore, Defendant. I
To Mercy Kilgore, the above named de-
111 me name 01 me mate ol oreirnn vou
are hereby reijuired to appear and answer
the coinplamt liled against you in thealiove
entitled suit 111 the above named Court on
or before Friday, October,'), l!)ir2, the same
being seven weeks from the tlr.it publication
of this summons, ami you will take nonce
that if you tail to so appear and answer said
Complaint the plaintill will apply to the
vy.ruii.iui mc iciiei ueiiinuueij in saill COlIl-
plaint to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony
now existing between vou and ulamtifl m
This siinitnons Is liublished hv tba nnler
11 .... ..- ..
01 me rum. inns. r. iivan. ( iioritv Jin i
of Clackamas (Joiiuty, State of Oregon, in
me uregoo ny r.nierprise, a weekly news
paiier of general circulation in CI
County, lor seven successive wrks com
mencing Friday, August 22, and continuing
to and Including October it, l!Kr2.
AlUirney for I'laintill.
In the Circuit Court of the State of On.
gon, for Clackamas County.
Ariuur Li. vvoooiiury, i'iaintttr.1
vs. V
Nora Woodbury, Defendant. )
To Nora Woodbury, the above named
In the name of the State oi Oreiron vou
are hereby required to appear and answer
the coaiplaint liled against vou in the above
entitled suit In the above named Court on
or before Friday, October .'), 1102, the same
rjeing seven weens irom the Itrst publica
tion ol this summons, and you will take
notice that if you fail to so appear and an
swer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court lor the relief demanded in am. I
complaint to wit: that the bonds nl matri
mony existing between you and plaintiff be
I his summons Is Published bv the, order
of the Hon. Thomas F'. Kyan, County Judge
ot Clackamas County, State nl Oregon, in
the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news
paper of general circulation in Clackamas
tinnty. for seven consecutive weeks com
mencing Friday, August 22 and continuing
to and including October 3, '.H2.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
nnmim ll.nv.-r w lioso odor
H 1 1 ii s I 1 bo poppy. TliU
due to the 1 tin 1 it 1 1 y of
li ihc PI. .'.s. 1111 coiibillia.
r imiit i.lu.r.N. i".pcciuliy
1 ..f highly Mriing Icmpi'l
iluin of Iho illottn) sclisii
ti,,il tthiih conns urior ttiiiuing
throiiiih 11 Held of these Ib'ttcta Mini
n ft. rn .11 il of violent tn uil n lu uud
tllsln. -hii. ill. ut to luoto ntn.ilt. In A "Li
Mumr. whore the poppy U grow 11 In
tust ipialilities for the urpMie of cl
(laetlng Ihe 1 1 1 vC. tmirUtu nre fro
iin-iilly IncMpii. ilatcil f..r ninny liourn
nfl.-r liis...titig a poppy plantation.
11111I Ittn cmsi'H of death nnioiig Kntf
IIhIi lourls'a Hers Iruced to lb mim
ciiiisc hist tear.
All lluttcia grown from luilha tiro
(liuigeroiis In rooina wln re tin-re la III
in nm. Altliotigli btiti.'h' a nf flotvi-ra nro
lnviirliibly laketi nn pn s.-nU lo pn
tlentH, such IiIihiIiis 11s by iiclntlia, tills-
of Ihe alley, ttlberosea uti. I cmii duf
fmlils Mini narclssiisi a shniilil be euro
fully iivolded. 'The perfume Is n dim-gi-roiis
10 11 person In n critical stale of
hiu'tli ii n dose of morphia would be,
without Jii.sm-ssltlg the benefits which
that drug soiin tlines coiifi-r"
Perhaps the limst r limrkablc effect
which tiny garden flower bus 011 tbo
human bisly la that which f..ll" the
bundling of the particular variety of
primula known ns nbi-milca. Eipe
rleneed gardeiiers lire always careful
to wear gloves when potting this
pllltit, lis, slmiilil there be ever such a
slight scratch or prick on the haiula r
lingers, evil results lire iilumst ccrlnlii
t() folluW.
The first noticeable r u!t t slight
ftchlng of the hands u ml iirina. and IbU
jirci-ciles the breaking out of a sklu
dlNeiisv which frc.iii ntly i xtciitla lu
the body. It dies away In the fiilttltiili
When the leaves fall, nml by Christ
ti 111 st the sufferer Is free, but the pri
mula has by 110 iin-ans Mulshed it
deadly work. Wln ii spring conn s agnlrj
uful the sap rises In plants and tree,
tin- ill. nl disease inal.i a Its nappinr
nine 11 1 1 1 1 continues nil through the
This continue f..r many years, fre-
ipielitly for the Whole nf the V let I lii'a
lifetime, and them Is m known rciu
j cly for ll, although yenri of the most
j rl,:ld dieting bave III Mime casis pro-
(111. ill a ll lilimi:o!l III lis Mnlclice.
If blood poisoning by the primula
oliciinl.il does not take this form, It
brings about the still mure dreadful
erysipelas. 1 'uses of pnlxmilng through
ciltllig llie berries! of the bellailohha, or
deadly nightshade, nre all too frciii iil,
but there Is the gravest danger In eveo
handling this nl tractive plant.
It Is a very coiuinon practice In the
country nnioiig parties of young peo
ple to pick the berrb s 11 ml Hick them
nt each other wllh Ibe lingers for
Hport. Then, when lualeil by the fun
nml fusillade, tin- face la soiui'tliuea
Illiippiil With II liillnll.eiclllef upnii
Which llngiTH Hlleky Willi the Juleu (,f
the berries bate been tt iped.
Should but Just a lit t Is- of this gel
Into one of the cjih 11 fearful calamity
may ensue. Iritis, or pnru lysis nf the
Iris of the i'je, which Invariably re
milts In blindness, him lieeu known to
rotnc on, nml against tlila dread dla
e.'iHe medical ei.111 turn us yet proved
tiiinvallliig. This, (on, m In face of the
paradoxical fact that treiitineiit with
tincture of belladonna. In the one usual
ly ndoptcd In the tlcuientiiry stages of
The dainty herolno who Is so often
to be heard of as Idly plucking to
phres the pctniH of a flower must te
wnre which IiIonkoiiis she chooses for
tho purpoHc. Miles, hrgotilns, rhodo
Uuiidnins nnd peonies nro likely to act
up festers, with consequent loss of
linger nails, If treated In this way.-
London Answers.
Itnsala'a Manr Holidays.
In addition to the Dfty-two Buiidayn
HuhhIh bus about thlrty-nliio holiday!
or feast days of the church. They ar
kept as rigidly almoHt a a London
Kuiiuliy, HuhIiichs ceaiici except In
nooks nnd corners, while drunkenness,
tho Lune of the UtisHlun, cripples work
for twenty-four or forty-idght houri
after each feast In round number!
there nro thirty day on which the
weHteni world works while the Rui-
!lun sUiuda Idlc-Hcrlbtier'i Magazine.
IJoB'a Pal Sot Sork at Ilapar One,
IIIggliiH-Tiioy talk of lending a ..'i
life as though anything could he more
plea "a nt, A dog doeg not have to work
for a living, nnd he does not bnve to
dress nnd undress every tiny.
Wlgglns-True; hut think of th
wretched plays Hint nro tried upou tht
dust-Boston Transcript
The Hsrkward Tenant's Peril.
The man who owes his landlord lives,
figuratively speaking, over a volcano.
Why? Because he is likely to he blown
op. Philadelphia Times.
rinlisrrs..l, l'.,r,n(
h lii a ,,.,., ,'.
A lllllnlNi.11u.ly di.",h,., ,llt('
ceiilly III 11 eiowdiii An..i,'r?
b':e ear Was f.. l,m., e,,,,,,.., ,".'""
II s-.lt, bill tt lien lie nil,., 1 ''
1 IIiiMii'I'
hh ie was unfasten, ,. t ,., :"
.-f 11 llliuilelil. I i,i ,... . ""'
lllent. In Klie p I. ail. j( 1
I) , beii I Ills w iis a
1...1 ...11 .- 1 .... . ,
"' .i "i..ih.TS:lri
more our. fully put , , Wi
signal tbo coiiilu. tor. 'r,
nml nrier Iwo tain nllei,,,,," '
l..o,. . nr. mini lti.iK muitlt,- tr
caii-o ..f be.- .ol, ih, 1
ciiino fil. o lo face tvui, , , '
gelilleliiiin w ho had I,,, ,,
o hi r. 'r u
"M111h.u1, 11 in il 1 1 11 , ben. arr
I ig lo liiKe Inc?" , ,,.imi,.,
I yoll. Hlie Kl'lliiluereit,
"Yes. t....,k then : - I' j,,,
Ibe II.H.r, nnd In an Ii,u,lt U
giiisped Ihe slliiatlnu. f M '
t ioplng she bad found the 1,, .'
his slim-, which she liinl u',.Q(,
..iln r end of Iter .,n, ui U
nl I In-ui so carefully ,,n,.IPf ,, ,
t.mk tho gentleman .juiie fu,
tu effect a r. h ai-e, imdi-r ,P
gl.iucea nf the ntln r is 1 upsm, ,,
4:ar. which bad tr.iti-l.d u,.. "
lilllllb. r nf blocks before (he li.jj
reiiny in Kite aimihiT i!i!uil,-,V,
Yol k Tillies.
A I hlnr.e I'rni.rt.
An nttiiol f imo of ii,, ,nUj(
I'i king ut the Him- !.,, t0 w,
lii nl i-ro lu fi high stnle of d-
was n guest lit Ihe Army j,'.
club In ci York 11 few i'vcni',-,1,
says I-le's Weekly. "1 luilgr,,,,,
he said, "to in.-et 1,1 1 liui t'U: 1 1-ib-ilto
tho heavy si n-hw j,,,
Ing bis iiiuuiry, se.-ui.-d nb, fca
painfully cheerful. Hie of tU ,.
pr. se nl, a mini In authority, rtfo
(o Id's merriment.
" I be Interpreter hicldliiliii) ( ti
master, w bo r.spie.t.d (,1m ( j,,
the must Iwinit If lit reply I rtrf b..
' Tell him.' said Ihe Itil.-rprrti-r, ip
Ills master, 'that Ih.. CMn.- tiMl
proverb which I coiumeiiil loilH,
coiidltloiis. oii caiitiot prevent Ui '
sorrow flying over your In-sil. ttf t
ran keep I hem from stnffi:! 1
billldllig li'-sts III )oiir tmlr.'
"I lliiliiedlately vt rote It il.iwj, s
know t tin quotation Is oirreet.
Anrrlraa "I'lailikHH
In the face of foreign rrlllrtia i:'
111 tin. fiii'C of one's own (llsiu; !c
Istlng eomlltloiis w ith regard k (
vor.-e, wo still syiupiithlii' wltblVs
tort nitiiilnlsti-r.'d to an slim rr"J(
our piiple who had dis'torrd It y
lite colivrrantloli thut Aun-rl.t m?
i-d to bo aftllcled with thsdjrtat'
prtldlshtiess. The answer al
what III these wolds (die In. Ut:
curre.t several years agm: "Trt, sv
ably It Is true Hint A iiicricitil r
prudish; but, .smsldcrlin Hi tr:
lions tb.it Ikim. recently lnUa (
concerning certain clrcli-s Id Vs''
and cilisbb rllig the coli'lltlotl of I ?
part if the I'arlslan stage 1 -I
r.-iii'li literature, I. for niie. ita
Ing Mint He should pay thut fTA '
Ihe km.tvleilge Unit, oil the
Amerli iiiis are tin- di n iibst
regard to the relations of llie Hi
tin. fai-e of (lie globe."- CcllturT.
Thf fan as a llsseplw-
tu a lieorgiii JhhIIcu ciiiirt 1 ri-e
witness was iisk.-d to hiiwe the l!
illillculty occurred.
ilit wtia In fodder pullli. time.
be replied.
"Yoil ilnli't llliderstalid til'," ''
JinU-. "I liieiiu what time wm It-
the clock?"
"I icy wiirn't 110 clock dar, rA"
the witness.
"Well, !:; 'ho sun. tli.-nr
Now," "exclalin. d the wftne tr
llinphiintly, "seiico ymi lu- ccm. f-'
(lotVII ter l.llslll. HH I'll tell J"" '
t:f (le SUII had been II shlllln' lilt '
cr been 'iHiut two hours en W
sun, but i t de sun didn't slmwli'y
'tall dut day I couldn't e'r '
d.-s what tliuo hit wiur'-AlUut1
wrlila anrt Tewperalor.
A..f,,e ami lictreMHCS SlU l'at If
of their number faint cold w",1
noiircd on tho wrists. The r
tilwayn lintiiedliite recovery. Alt
engaged lu feat of eti.lurance
.... .. 7 .... ,.t kerulnfl--
Hlllllll luu lllipi'l n.i.' " -
wrWts cix III sumnicr nd ,r
winter, but the general P"
m wc.trltiir tight glove "u "
.i..i 1... a., .luri tiK1
woi rs why It Is hot. TaklnI
gloves, ..specially In cliiinu,
(tille a surprising" dlffcri'iic
Tl.,1.1 .leeves.
things, mnkc ths wearer but U
site weather.
Th. Carlo-. 'r"'-.h,tjPj:
"They're rnlMlntf a afo Imo1"
Story next door."
"Yes, and there are a lot
flown below who don't seem 1 ,
that tho safo sldo or iue
side directly opposite to tn ,
slde."-I'tjtladelphta Catholic
Ktronu tuipulwa
name for energy.
ore but
turtied to bad uses, bi ' ffl
may always be i""dc of
tiaturo tliail or mi i"-"--
ptiHslve one.
A Jon Bride.
...... nur w
mm. Dearborn
In June? tb
airs. waiinBii en,
. . . tneri-oad) fH
n. square 1001 01 -
about U,000 cells.