Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 22, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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lVgun City lintcrprisc
il ,v i. N"i Ahhuhi. Tln'i'iiiiniy
' "'" ....I H'l received Idllll llallte
L II' " . .
i ii omt''V any deer "kin Ij.'h lor
' ,ll.'l- I ll',l'r "'" '' ""
"'" nl i 'im I'" "ul'l imli'"" t n v hear
'" "'lly I"""
' , it"-i: '"'" wanli'ii. l'"'V i.iy
'',',,, I Iimiii II'" mildly t'lcrk, w Im
, .,n,i.l"l I'V t'1" it""'" wmdcn.
iNhiiri ii: I'linidtAMMKK - Tlm nrll.l.,1
i.t- t .. . . ' '
I'.ATHIN AllVI'.HTIMINO. A 8 tnl'Rnl of
JIoniiKiiY at Pahk. I O. Shark . who
in i.. J i i .1 . ,,'K''1",r'' "'"'""I in-! H.lviTtiHii.if tlio splendid n-MOiircim of roil, i hi: in thH refreshment (tturids ati
Mil i J i f il i i 1 ni'xl week sit out, ( !irkiiinHH county our clll.eiis fiift't ! Canem.h I'urlc, linn sustained another
vl ... K ' ' '"""f t r .f .xlrH..r.liu.,ry ; pmlluhly f.,w ll, example of I-ri. Htt. k.tIoiih Iomh by reason of having)
.i V" .. "'. "'"I ' M' t'tiH of !cin,tv, which loot hist sent liiriM ex- one of his places broken into and robbed :
it i !" I 1 '""'k'" I'm '""it, po-l- j
,"".1 ii-. ''. '" "I 1 '
!, i. ii" ihi.i iMkn. .
'J, ,, i'i.i'liiii'1 " 'l'" fi "". hihI
I ,, li.iiifl n stuu-l r.if ,ii k !
k.,. i" tln-ir v wrk. 'I in. I
Vv !" " I"""" 111 I'"' '"','
.1 n-i' 'i'" ""' ,'",'VI'" ""l 1 " ;
,i-.l, 'I' li"'iijli 'i. I'""""'' im
i,,. the "'" '"' "'" w'"k. '
"'" .""rmwest ,v !.,. Ilr, .
III lllll WOlk, II l I ,(. HLIlHl.ill will 1,1.
"I limm limn nuliimiv inliTKHl mill vulm
1 1. ! liir. rH will I,.. I'n.Ht.in W. St-an-h,
nl I link I nniTHiiv; Mule N ti r r i 1 1 1 r i I
nl Arki nimi, ; 'i,.H.r ; (,,.,.
"I tin' I'.mHiiihI 1 1 iif), Anini ):!
Kii'-x, nipi-i visor of ilrwuiiitf, 'ii,,,
plllll If Hi i ml h N ft I 111 , Sawyer, l,.-
V'..r ol iuIiiihiv Hoik III Si-iilllii. uinl A.
I A f in-ifiriur, pt.-i.ciil I'.hiIh'.I !nj.
111-fM ( .illi'tf,.. T, ,,,. .4wU,r
"" 'I"'l Of Ml V I'll II WlllhllllH
.tinm iii'iinnii. y,.t4.,. win
lllll. MMIi'lillV.
Koi Mi
1 1. I'uiil,,'
!.. s i in, I.im: 1 N'.rl'Hi,
, l.ist.inl.l., lirl.l HI' uii'l
,1 .,i i" .'I "' "ion.')' Ul I1 n-
! 1,1, II. li.'l'l MllfK.'.l lllll llll I'H
I'.ili.iI nii'l " ' (..( uirf i"
Ulii ii 'll "i l"' V loo mi II
,,,, ,it,r tl.l i"t III h' k'"l HI I.I" I.I' ',
I, ,M ii. lim lwii., lit lLi
'j.,,,' II. I' .I'll.'! . ',11.11111 Ilia
n i ini i .' i n H ii'Hiiy
l l i i .V rli'W lo 111. iilr ill
u,,. in, 'ii Ii i 'r I n Im.l.
, Vl in'" ' l'"l' I'1" I'M. 11 ol
, l .ll mm t l llm -'i . i'iiIh 'im
, hi n k, Inn 'iiii.tliinii iiihv on ur
irti U"' I1"''" "I" ' I" " n t .
4i.i-r, II..'"' i" "l iiiiii'Ii liki'hliiHi I
i 'i ii.iiih'. .( i ipiiiiy i'i'i'4.iii oi
Iri'lm; l.-,.l.'r liVll. ('oiil.li'l'
,,411 nl II, 1' I IOII I'.illlV H'll'.l Mil l
. l u.i.li"! llm .rir In noiiiiiniT".
It,.. iiii.''.'. noiiift nimtt liiij'in'tix,
it ,.- It ll'.il ll'l' I'll'W'lll ll". I" nil
UU Hl It llill'l
:..,. .i im l .in I aiii .'i n .- " ol
L I,'., -I. I liiitni'H In rrn'tr.! l I In' m !
.,r , . iiikI I 'link f Ml r i llin u l
I j, r ..I ll'i" iiii'iil" i'l Ii lnluii'1, in
. . ! I j 1 1 1 t . .'lily it (.l.oft .liHl.inri.
i Hi.-. iili I i ' n , in ii l"r ll'i' l.iK
I ,'iii"ii. lili" iiimiIii'iiivi' ii'imi-r
I, !.'rl I.- I'l.un l," l..-i'll put lo m il'. n I
,.,lrHMI'.: H'l' I'l'B'l'il'K Mil. I n 1 v m ill - (
. i Hi' i- mil tin llm mln Iur I In1 1 tut ,
( , ii.,iik'l l "'it in ii-itlily a in Iinm,'-
i, ilii- ,!.i. .i wiuilil I." i-X'iiii'iiii'ly
! , ,r mi U i.i k 1 1 i ii r l'lio. J.
1 1 ii, uf I'," U.'Hh l'.u,'.i l;x.i.'
. I'lnv ill 1 in-k' "ii City. mi. I li '"
) 4 if '.III I II. 'lit 11 il"l W Hit ll.'H'l'r llik.l 1
i;r; ii in . iiiw.l tliniM.ili tin' nl v;
'lii-vlni mi 11,1'ir y 1 1 1 1 1 - Ii., in nil I
lilt III II,,' I "lll liill.k'' lll'llllllillllH '
I ; Sr-i'i. . i I! iv. hhv Hit' A iw in pi-
. li,l l ll,l liilllll lllvi'lllllll' H'
I ,f., lu I,.' Ilnil llii-V miivivtol lliiri.1
..I tl.i'ii ..w n i-....kini(, it'lt'r wl.U'l.
1 1., .ii'l, , wild h I hi in. ! int. I ii.nrly ;
him i.'l' "I 1,,1'Ihk mi. I It. ilni In p'l II,.'
.1,,'H Uki'ii onl.
'uii ii.uv hmiMt k - I'. W.
II. 'lllll, "I III , If I Oil, loll, WMM III III'"-
i lilv Tn.'- lny. Mr. Iluninii'll ri I
v. tlml i,ii.-hI Iniil jnil t Ii linntlK''! ;
lull ,, tin- r'.iiiily ali'l lli.it iIiii'kIi-
I. tuiil l I r I'l '.in Rt nil. i. h Mil ly (!imi.
trr Ih'Iiiij vt'i hy tlm iiii.n III,
I ,1 V I li.'l .Hill Vfl Ii.hIv iH klll-li.''l. i
llaiiiiii.'U'H niilv I'limi, limit wiih tlml
" fnvnl i li.nik'..H iii llin mull nnrviii
m ('.lull, n inuL.'i. it liiriiiiViMiii'ilt lor
i t'i if.'t III iiiiiiI. Il Imi li.-iTl iiim'i'h.
I t I'.f him In i liit n I, ib i,,Hliilli, ii .
i - to I.IwiiihI in orili'r lo riTiMvo liin
1 .11 l ill.
M" I III! I MMK Till' 0l.l N'llHi.ll
i' i'iiil, irmiiH", ,nitriili;i, iTitnii'
I 'ki'ti mil .ii.iin,iiiIm in from lrl..lit
1','u IVrfiniiiT i ol evil vi-itr. TIuti'
l :i' law mi -1 1 1 j Hint iiiii run l" "miin-
. tl any tiiin. ol tlm yi'.ir. I In' ( 1 1
""nun imi k lino, iii'iohi. Hii'l mount
ilUi'li in ll'im July ltli to NnVi'lltlilT
: '' it mi . ni.ili'M ol mImivii ii i t it tin
''II H l'im AllllHt l.'llll llllll I'loM'N
"iiiliT ll. It m unlawful to kill or
t .'.iti'i Imwii nl hiiv ki'imoti of tin1
". Till" Kt'DHOU 1)1 llt l'((iHllllliri',
1. '"".-'l ii luw iiroli-rtimi t'lk until
' I, m l lii iui-r for in-riml of Iwciily
"' I'l'lll till- ilitlt, ( tlm MIHI.pl of
COIIIllV. llll ll lim likt HlOll H lurift "X
liil'it of i itt iroilni.'in to tlm Niilinuiku
; "llltll (HIT. I.Htlll'n fXllillil Wl'tlt III MIOUt
j WOo.li'll IiOXI'M llilililliil " Williiiiicl'ii VmI
li'V l.ninl Coini'Miiy," In Iiik li'lltOH.
Wlil!n mii li iliiil,iyi, i ( not nccfkHailly
i l. I HI' i(ii to III 1 1 net tiltniition, they ilo,
Ht V.T I lit. I t-Hrt, Hllldl't Mtlcrtlion, nml ci-rvn
1 mn m wni'lcrl'll nil v'i'Mihiliy liii'.liillil.
Unr mi ul k h o wln.iit, oiiIh, darloy, iilliiKu,
K'r,ii-m.H, fie , w I, fill uinl onlM in lnilk,
wool .in. I oUiit .io.Iiii'Im cmilil li ho ur
riuiK.'.l Unit llti'ir t-xlilliilion Ihcru woiil'l
Lniiu iih I ii run riiluniH for tint i-nti out
.jv. iSollniik' Iii'IIit mi In- H'iiiri"l III
1 1 Irivmi limn Im r.iiinl ill tlm I'oiliily,
i ini'l i. hIioiiI'I I'xIiiIiiI wlmt wi' Mm nip-
niilf ol i.iuiliii'iiix to ollii-r 1'iirtn of lint
I worM.
! I looll lln.M,'. (loN l.S I ION. Jiillll-H W.
Al.li.'ll, w lot ri'ir.'k"iiM thH ro,nU iIivIm
i mi of tlm I'mtinl MhI. h ilit,,n linciit of
iik'iirnlliiri', in In I'jilliiinl einli-livor iuK
lo rrioili' i-ni Ii ii -iiinn iiinoni: unr ifi.l
J in ri-j! n.l lo iit'ticr n.u'lH. I !o in cii'lii uv
oiiiijf to Hiiiini;.! for m koo.I roR.lM con
; vf niiuii lo l,f ifi in rnrilitn.l ulioiit tlm
' uinl. IIh ol Oi'lnlicr nml hIioiii Inn'.' tltc
1 lifiniv Hii.ioit ol i-vniyl)o.ly in tlm un-.l-viiiki'ii;.
rarliniiiiily woul.l hiiiiIi a
' roiiM'iitioii In. ol liion lit lo ClHi'kiimuM
ri.uiitv. Kvt'ii lli'iiik'li not Loi'at rniillii
1 HI.' lit limt It. ilil'l lllll). llll'll' IM IIO ltllkioi
( lull iiiilin'.-tly hoiuit k'O'j.l woiil.l riling
! from il. .No iloulit lliat iiiiiri- tin, it LMO,
I HUD Inivii li.'ioi i'X"'ii. It'll liy (Jia, k jiii ;ii
roiinty in llm lal li'W yHaiH lor roH.I mi
CLi k iiimH riniiily i" irovrliii'iil, ami wtnli' llipit in m imtrkt'il
,'ri'lll Vli'lil n( nil km, It 4 -) i H r i : 4' in II, ,. , i,i,,liii,,i, r.l II,,. I,;,,l,,. u vm
.f .r'iii,f, 'I In I'l'li'lil (i,ii in mill In 1 1 1 1 i l'il. Intwi'ViT. H.'.ir.'i'lv iilnrii Hun lIu!
.ml IiiiiI will I... vt'iy I'l.-ntiliil uii.l ol m I iiui li-tiH Iiiih liii'ii foriiii'.l aroiiml wliirli
.'o... i'i.i lv. 'I liiii roii tliHt in jut Ml j imimlirciit hvi-Iciii of iooil romln in to
I" l'iii tiiit; llm uri'iiliKl Hinnii.it i,( i Im lormr.l. Slioiilil Hutu bo a koo'I
inli'ii'Ml m lm,H, wliirli will .li-tnlniii. ! roa.U iMinvt'iition ln-li in I'urtlaml
am. niif tlti- Mii, iilln, ul t'li'iiii'iil ol Un-j Clin kaimi" I'liiinly coulil, with profit,
rotiniiy iiimiiv tln.n-Hii.li o ,li,irn. 1 Iih , Hfiii) ii ili'li'i;iilion. The iin-ilioii our
un In I iniii, 1 1 , , x. tin, limt tin, ruin,,, jirii i, ! nuiiity oi riiiii"i woiilil rt'inlur it anions
I. .r llnil prwliii i will not Im l,..w -L'li ' tin. Ilrnt to ilfiim l'.hjiI reault" from hiii'li
I.Ain.i-: Mm I.'Iimh. M.'t.HiH.
'I llllll ll.'l.lll'W. ('. I" I',,li..l,l
fi'iiiniii.l ni'vi'iul ii Hiiin. , M ),.,
Ill tin. nn, m, t, un,, HiiiiHit'i,,,! ,, ,,,(,
I. i.'l, lln-y w.'in ul i ,.,k.,lv 111:1, h riniii
Ihl" . Inn-, on Hi,. u"Vi-r riiMt-nt trail l,',t,.
I I'll I' i Mount .li'lli'th.,,, I,,,,,, MniiiiI
ll"".. hirout in tin. miiiii,iiiiH ii,,.
k'. nili ini'ii 1'iiiti.l a jni.r o i-xli.iiii.hioirv
i'tir flk ImniH, w Imli tiu'v l,ttik.t
" Hli tin-in. llii-V Hi,',,H,. t,,it
-un, Ininicr ,. kllll... il,.. , llt
lint.. wIiimi II,.. w ,l,, ami l,l ,i,
II, ! Imi in ntilil Im iinnlit Willi H.tli-ly takf
llit'.n lu civili limn, Mr. C,!i,., knVH
lln-y 'ii' k.-l in., ImniH h.'v.tuI iiiiIi.h
tlnoiiH.il llm in, ,in, Inn, ,, win-in thi'ir
('.nu'iuii,'.. ,, , ,M),
Mil' MOV I'l'llll I .ml will l. lllll, ,., in
Hi" I '.nilii'l'l l,"iii. nr orii;iini'iit,it,,ii.
Hi Mi l ii Cimi H.
j.ii i ii w i...,iin,. a i
'"iii.i: a i' tiii: Kami. Tlm "tut"
I'tiiiir. iii fTimiBly roiiHiilt-rinif no.o-
m to t'i, 1 1 ,, iMTiiiiuii'iil hiiililiiiK at
tie I ur rouinU, wltrrit Mlimml rn
'mi mn l.i. ,,., iluriitK thn fitir. Tlm
ilT hd llllt-aily t'HUllllHllI'll Ill-Mil-
! "I'-n lln-rii, ami Hut,. pioniiiH'r) to In
yt1 itti'iiiliim rt, KhiIiouiIh w ill jfivta
'""'I ruli-M io tl,,- Htalc fair. The
.'"aii I'ln iii,. will ifivu ft mill-furl'
lr"l,ril- ThiH 1 will Intii i-xhil'ilH
It CI. ... - - - :
! -- .. KiuniiH t'oiiniy i uhii-i'ii in i."
''ItVnil llll'IIIHI'lvi'M of llm oiMtrlui
'' to nit tt tln-ir lu'i'thion nt tlm f"ir.
I I luitii i,hi,, thf, coiii-ImVh that IH to
Ui.k Kjihumivnu. Tint itMi'i Muri
''irul i-xi,i-riiimiit uliition him j'lnt i
Imli, tin on Hlt-Hiniiii,' itilHt', "no
lllrll ,r jV(1( Ht thlH lld'li't".
' fliiilklin b1ii,wm IHt Un nui-c-i-nH of
I'Mrlv i.xii.timi,ntH am fully miitaiin-'l
''' iMit-r invpHticHtionii. Tlm vmIiic
"'"If? h .i, r B kimlH of Hloi k
l""" '" ''I' Krt'Mtly incrPiiHi.il hy Hti-iun-t'Mwriiimiiti
are ht-inif i-iinihiftf.l
j "Jciron a moru uliihoratfl :! i"l
'"laliun i-xpi-clH to give in fiilurf
"'"tin tlin ruHiilli from fceilinu Mtemi'l
' ' "iliiui to milk (, Mini other
''. It wdii, H(.ei fr,,m rfNiiliH no
''' jWimwl that thin i likely to h one
""3 moHt iiiiiortnnt invustiKitiui" 1,,B
I "ion lm yt unilertaken.
ei-nlM liiiil ih mm 1 1 i ),r 1 1 Mn L'.'i I'l-nlH iii luokt-'l
ii.ii w itli lair i liuii.'i-" el li.iuk lite rul
ing nii i', S, inn n (In yroweiM hiivi hI
ri-'i ly II illy ii'Iii.,i-, i;j cmiih .,.r pnini'l.
I'nir pii. rn piniiiiri. i,i rule fur h-miii aii'l
fruit, an, I ui l,tl,r h hi fc-' iI-iiih lnl,
Willi "I'll It'll, I Will"'" I.l.t.llllltlt', 11,1 out-
..k fur tlm liirun-r uinl liiliuii'riil('lai'ka
miia r.niiily ia --r t in ti 1 y Hiiruur.ik'mk'-
M nv Ch mtiiii in TiiK Link Tin-:
eli'rlrii- mil iiy rtiiiii'iin v ii'ithIiii- In-'
iwi-. n (lim iiiy u iii I I'nrtlanil nr.. nuking
111,11, V I llllll. -H 11 1 1. 1 IlllploVt'llit'llIn III lln ;
r . I in lln- w.iy ol hlr.iuliti'iiiit ami j
I'iiIi.ibIii ' , t inn k. Near .Milwiiukti im I
I liia i-" i i,illy I l,i-1 ui', In- luin; lr,.,ll
Una hl'le ul Him i. f i it v 1 1 ) li'i'ii li'.itll Inlifl
ir,n tn ally, ami tin- m-w mill.., ni-aii-r '
1 1,, nil '. lieiiiL' Iruv. -IM-. I i-mpi-ly. Hi
l w ii-n Si-lw,,t,. a lnl M 1 1 w ilili.ii' t-uiin- very :
ii.ii . I'ul.Ui rltiiltk'i'" n-i' hIm'I 1,,'ln' InU'le.
il.utV iiiiir.vi'iiii'iitH in tin. mute
Iwii'ii Milwiiukif ami l n-.'oii Cily art"!
imw I,, ii k' m. i'li'. l ite i 'iiui.iiiy expt't tH
I,, H.iuii tl.trl 111111.1! in tlx- luik' t r.-Ht li
I ,.-!. -i'li t'liii kiiiiiHH river nml town, I
w hu ll will rt".irn n uiu' time to eoui-
pit-In A liiitn tii-r i'l Hltnrp t nrvi'H in the '
roti'l Imie lii't n tnki'11 out, lii. lt here-:
tn(. ,ii. Inivii Ih i'II not only a liiinliiiin e to ,
.ee l, I, ut t i Noun ih-kTi i were ilitiii-r- j
huh. lln- l.'K- hI"iiii Hliovel m muni;
H"ki, work,
(in ii.iiit:iih I'i -iiiov I ill mn. Near
Corvulli" ut lo he Been tlm iiiiiihimI apee
I n ti nl k lii-l'l of iiiow im uriiin ileitlroyeil
t'V t!i.i!"-li"'i'rii. Tl"- tit-1. 1 ('iiiiiiriHi'H II
rt.'ll'H, nml In lollk'H to Alfreil lllt klli-ll,
l ln- t rnp im oali m ii. 1 not over 1 1 it II a ilu..'ii
iniiii" iH all that remniii ol what w.ih a
. ouplii ol weeka ak'u thrifiy liea.la. A. K.
ba ke fHtiinalea that initt in the ailjuin
iin,; lii.lil, not altat ke.l hv tin' urnfnli"p-pi-r",
will yiel'l IK) hukht-U per .ii'ie. The
pi'HlH have al atlai keil other k'row lh I"
the imiiii'ilialii vieinity. The leaved of
(.irn havti heen tti ri-il from Ihe Htalka,
ami tlte laHeh hilleii from llm earn, u
IhtiHilk ilropa to tint groiiliil I'olalo
viiii-m III the name nar.leii liav.- alm heen
Hlrippi-il haie ol their foluu'e, ittnl ven
inilkweeil i iiltatki-il ami ilenil'leil of
li'tivi'H. Tlm troiihli1 i mil reporteil from
any olher Hei'tiiiii. Mii'l in the iipttnnee
mt'iitioiie.l ii rolilii.e'l to ft "mall areu,
Save the Iohm reaultant ill Ihe HeM in
,ti,'Mli,n, no one in tlicturhi'tl neriotlHly
hy tint proHpeil, hh I lime iH no fear that
the lirasHholipera w ill (levelnp into a Hcri
OHM pent.
Kkai imn Iit rtKu. Willamette valley
HlorekeeperM are experieiiiini! Hiutli
ililliiultv jnat now by heinu inaile the
viitiun uf niiHernpuloim hnHerinakerH,
w ho ira takin.' ipiantitiea of oleiiiniuira
rineor liulterinu to tne inurkelit. In
every iimtaiu'H the artit'lo iH ho iiia.hi
that it ih ihllii'iill l tletft-l it from the
genuine thinit, even -nz.liiif the fx
pern. The (lealern ileolure they ur
,.i.,,.. inilv Imiii lurmerH mi. I an "irtirt in
ht-tni; mailt to ha ale the exut't "farmer"
who ut vit tiiiiizinkf the ileaiers. They
einiliul tleteriinim jnit how the Hlul! h
t.tkeii lo Hi" market unknown, hilt It i"
tluhKerniiH huHineH at any rale. Ii
oli'Oinari!arine in nuM it iiiuhI lie soltl for
just what it i" " iinll'ii'K e'"- A
heavy penalty i Httiiclmtl l a framlil
I. nit hiiIii of Ihe Hlulf, ami liuti'l or rentau
rMiit men w ho uu it iiiumI display Biitna
to that t'H'" t iu eonnpii'ii'.iiH plat'ea in
their (lin'uu: rooniH. Kuotl Cii'nmiHHioiier
Hailey will prohnhlv ho noliliei! mih! tlm
matter inveHliKiileil in onler lo deter
mine iilHt who in ierpotrutiii! the fruutl.
So far as in known Oregon City IB yet
Iree from the tactim of mieh people,
hut it lulnht he well to keep a clow
eye on the butter queHtion.
a movement.
Tiik I'owkh Wah Oik One did not
have lo wait fur wordn ol expreHHion of
.In-k'UHl from nuineroiiH people here .Mon
d.iy eVHiiin. At'tioiiH Hpoke louder than
woi.Ih uud tlio cuiiiiti-nuni'U "told even a
plainer aloiy. It w.ih cireiia day, and
many of our people, w ho, hy fon e of cir
l Ullialalll'l'il, I'otlltl l,,t Utllitl llm hIiow
ill tlm ilavtiiiie arranged lor Mil eveniui;
Vint to the inetr,iMiliH, primarily to ''nee
the elephant." From ,1 o'elot k ill the
alierito'tii until 7 o'l lm k there wan not a
tar, and the laiiientalionH weie in hoiiir
itiHtain i-H Hnii'itl i-xt riiliiitiiiii, just aa
Ihtiiik'li anollier firciirt w.ih never to visit
thn e iHt, infilie hotter oide ol the fallen
liiM'iiit had ftinnd lu'ls.iit'nt iu I lie dual.
The Htreet t ormTH al'.tiK' th-i route were
erowil.-il wi'l, impatit'iit exiurHioiiiHta
mild tiually ut 7 olliH'k a cur hove in
ixiyht. It w.m Hut. n ItMiit'd an 1 f-l art el
on ita way to tl e nly, w here the climax
nl tint tliHuppoiiitiiU'iiti o( the (lay wmh
reached. Nut a ticket to the iliow eoiiltl
lie liuii-lit, S,v(HI liBvilik heen Fold.
A i in N-hmI around the alret-t routned the
lirt-iton 1'ily contiiik't-nt until "car lime,"
and In, in 10. IK) until a nim h later hour
people of our tow n were Heen wendimt
their way home, heariii every evidence
of having "Heen the elephant" in more
pluit"i than waft anlicipaied earlier in
Ihe day. Tlm "pow er w aa oir' for over
two limn".
laat hrnlay niKht. A lioiil -Vl worm in i
(MifiirH were taken but no other iooda
wtrre moleMteil. Mr. Shark ia keepiitK a
I'liice lookout arid bopea to he able to Hp
I prebend the pi-rpetrator. Several weeka
I mk'j Ihe place wan entered and about '.'X
worlh of u'M.iIa taken. The entrance'
wat iillected Ihia limn by removing the
aciewH from the ooor bimieri.
I AriKNii ihk Inhtitl tk The annual
ihMitule ol the leaciieiH of this county lo
J hi ludd here next week will be the mod.
I intt'M'Miin: im-etiiiK of ita kind ever t on-
iluct.-.l iu t ti )K county, anil our people
Hhotild make a opeeial ell'ort to be in ut
leiid iiu:" at an many ol the aeHnionH an
poBhiblti. rariicularly Hlmuld there be a
liberal atli-mhince at Ihe Wedri'-hday ev
i hiiiir Hi-Khion, w hen I'n'Hlon W. heirch
will deliver a lecture on "Tim Mol
Schooi." Supi rinleiiilent Zin'-r ia d:i
HiroiiH that there ho a luik'n attendance
on that occitHion, reali.iiii: that w hat will
be Haiti w ill bo ol exceptional interi-nt.
Ciiii k I'.riiM lioT Him. I'pon advice
received from Salem laHt Kridav Inorir j
iiiK Chief of Tolice liuriiH made the arret
ol ieor,e Drake, from Salem, wanted
there to aimwer to a m-rioilH charge, that,
of adullery. Drake ia a coiored gentle- ;
man, and he baa been cohabit. un with a j
while woman in Salem, Mra. John Tid ;
well, w ho ran away w ith her dark com-;
plexioiie-l admirer. The couple mid-(.-..
I v li-fl Salem and Drake W'aM loctted
in thin cily. This ih the necoiid time tin) ;
pair havti U-H Sah ni to,-elher. Drake
WBHHi-nt back to Salem, where, on Sat
urday, he was arraigned before Ihe re-,
(order, pleaded "not Koilty," but re
inandeil to the county jail, however, in I
tli-fault of tlOOt) hail, to await a further,
ScAiorrvoK llotKM. Not a vacanti
hoiiHC in Ihe city in the condition of,
tlurs prevaiiiiik! at preseiit in Oregon;
(;ityind there eeiua to he no hope lor
ii .,1i:iiecliaiii;e iu the matter. Conaid- i
..r .1.1,, ,,,,,i.rtv Ih chatlL'illtf hamlH, ilnll ,
catini; that real est ale valuea are certain
ly not i..elinin. hut the number of new
j huililiiiKfj for reHiih-nce purpoHetj doeH not j
! k..pr. i,i-A with the iK-inand. JiiHt as
hooii an Kt-hool opens there will be even a j
greater demand for IiouhcH, which from
present coiiilltioiia cannot be pupplied
The proapects re that before many
months there will he a lare increa-e in ,
the auniunt of emplnyiiieiit to be bud in
the rilv, and where trie newcotnera willj
lin l places to live is notnewhat of a prob-
lem. I
Wit.i. Ki.kvatk M K. 1'iii Krii. After
inaiiy vears of ablation and tlicuMi,n
il l,.u 'I'.nulll' hHfll tlecil led that ihe .Meth- j
odit-t church, corner Main ami Seventh
htieets, is to be elevatPd a few feet.
This conclu-ioii was arrived at dnrmi!
llm present week, when the trustees met
for the purpose of dUcim-inu H'e ')'ie
lion. The buildiin; occupies one of the
most cetiiral and commercially vaurtiue
Itx atioiiH in the city, and will be ran-ed
Hilliciently hin to permit ot imsmess
r loins beinu phice.l umler II. iy '" '
cuiirse there will be a neat revenue de
rived ea.'h month, as certainly no dilli
....i... .. ;n i. uviH.riHticed in letlini! the
rooms. It is iven out that the
will kooii he marled.
What It's Name Implies
jVERY n.'iiarat.ion ko1 on a guarantee. If
not satisfactory your money returned. We carry
a full line of these remedied, including:
Stock Food Poultry Food
Gall Cure yorm Powder
Hoof Remedy Heave Remedy
Oarbonized Disenfectant
Distempter Cure Etc.
' X Cm icsk ok Srt'PY. The nlate
'I'lteiitlent of public instruction ban
i-itiia ' .
-- new state inannel course ot
, Jdy .,r (be public icliools and copies
, "'"ecu mmt to the county Biiperin-
' ""nil, Mr. ZinHer liavinK received a
t'r' "f the circulars and will dia
C'te them to the jchooln. These
jn.i,.t, wii ie UMM, extensively by
i J'ierHat the inntilute to be held
J "'Jiextwwk, aothat all Ihe teachem
,'r become familiar with the channel)
bxve been innde. The new course
;' from the old no tar as 1 made
,,7',ry 'y the ihanneof text books.
, Hie re,:llt teachers' examination the
! relating to the course weie
t rn from tboHD M.rtion8 of the old
VftllBl l'ieh were not changed by the
on.0??' In " ul)seiment exaiuina
i'W , 'Ifeiitiong will be based ex-
Uf"ve,Jr on the mannel.
Of any place you can get your
prescriptions more accurately
ami reliably filed than at our
Store. We are making this
k our specialty, a n d give it
our personal attention. Any
ami all Doctors prescription
filled here.
ALL and get a booklet.
It costs you nothing.
AIho sample packages
free. We are glad to
give them to you.
The New Store.
Chamber! Howill
Linn E, Jonei
Stnd For Fr Stmplt Copy.
It contains troni;ty Ameri
enn editorials, liriKht. foreign
letters, striking stories, art.
drama, music, society, and
army anil navy news'
The Arqonaut Pub. Co.
246 sutter st.
San Francisco - Cal.
Koad to Mot st lloon. E. S. Kram
hall, an old-time resident ol Ihe vicinity
of Mt. Hood, in ntronktly advocaiinn the
Imililini! of an electric railway to Mount
Hood. Mr. Hramhall lias been workmn
for many years to induce Home of the
local railway coinpaniea to take up the
matter and hi eirorts now promiae to
avail liim omethinK. He eayu Ihe City
....I Hnlmrbin Uailway Company lias
the foundation of big power plant on
lionlon creek and has alao secured huge
holdings of land cant of thifSandy, where
an abundance of power can he had to
propel large cars to the foot of Mount
Hood. Mr. Uramball seriously argues
the question of return for the invest
ment, declaring that the line would be a
money-maker from the start, as the coun
try through which it would traverse is
thickly settled and a steady trallic could
U ....,1 tl.rniufhnil t the entire year. In
iro iinn iiitv-jt,--
addition to this, in the summer seanon
the traffic would be greater, perhaps,
than the road could handle. It is partus
n'nrly nrged hy the gentleman that this
line be built before l'.lOG, in order that
the great throng of visitors from all over
the United States might visit the base,
and even the sum mil of the lordly Hood.
U ikti pk lii.ioNM A quietude, that is
iilniol diHirei-Hiiig pievuilH around the
i-niinty ctpitol, and in fact,' ii f.ilt to a
greater or less extent throughout the
city, attributable, however, to Ihe fact
that the attention ol the fanner is just
now iinist intensely directed to the sav
ing of the v.-ry bountiful crops with which
the rural distiictn are blt-HNed, Although
in home ilc partmeuU about the court
house there are htisv hands, the usual
hliiter, consettieiit upon a term of court
or siniiUr cxi'iteiiient is verv conspicuous
by its absence. The HhenH'i find a little
work to occupy their attention, us does
ul bo the county judge, while in the school
Hiip.-rinleiident't department there is
"something doing," consequent upon the
preparation for Hie institute to lie held.
next week, and the aftermath of Ihe ex
animations conducted lust week. This
saint! condition of atl'.iirs exist also in
the assessor's ollice, where the prepara
tion of the assessment rolls is now Isunn
rushed. The recoruer finds nearly
enough hiisinesB to keep bis force going,
which is always the case, but in the
clerk's department business has slacked
oil' to some extent since the records of
the recent term of commissioners' court
have been prepared and made complete.
Over in the treasurer's ollice there is a
deathlike condition prevailing, not at all
In the liking of Mr. Cahill. The physi
cians sometimes leinark that "the health
of tlio community is distressingly good ;"
so docs the county treasurer remark that
business in his department is distress
ingly poor.
1'i'iti.ic FoI'.vtais. Soon a beautiful
hroi, zi'd iron public drinking fountain is
to grace the most public street corner of
our city, the valuable adjunct having
been provided jointly by the Humane
Society and the city council. The foun
tain arrived here last Saturday, and al
though it yet remainn crated at the rail
road depot, arrangements for its placing
are being made as rapidly as it is possi
ble to progress in tlie matter, the loca
tion of the fountain will be near tlio
Methodist church, on Seventh and Main
streets, ihe Humane society having on
hand funds which had not been other
wise appropriated, deemed it highly pro
per to apply Uie money to the purchase
and establishment of a fountain, an im
provement sorely needed here for many
years. Not able to stand the entire ex
pense of the improvement, the society
elicited aid from the city council iu
the work and receiveir-an appropriation
of $100 from the cily funds, which will
defrayriearly one-half of the expense.
The fountain will stand eight and one
half feet high in addition to the concrete
foundation it will rest upon. The ma-
terial of which the fountain is made is
iron, very neatly ornamented and
bronzed. The water will How Urst into a
small basin for th use of people, the
overflow supplying a larger basin on th
oiqiosite side, from which horBes may
quench their thirst, the overflow from
this basin supplying two smaller basins
on the other sides, lower down, for the
benefit of the canine population. Alto
gether it is as neat an article in that line
as ever graced the streets of any city, and
besides the fact of its ornamentation, the
place it will occupy io the list of public
utilities will be an important one. It is
just such an improvement as has long
betn demanded and its usefulness can
hardly be estimated. The work of put
ting it in place will start at once.
I I yJt'mit''i2'" " i iiiiirma'a.JK wjl
'i-totolaa "" "' " ' " 'A
Il B&OTM&H the j
' J1'
V "HH1H ., WMtftlMltl ...MS Mil II I I -
B-l.L i ' - - --- -j-l