OltKOON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST, 2, 1902. 3 New To-Day. .a sioiir draft 1 1 ' . I' V r ... . .. I I. .,,,.,11 I 'it V . I ,m:V 'i vN AT, H J i..r ''"'y- iU'K 7. AM U'lUN 1. I. ( -owing, Jr., iiml fiimlly left Mun ily lnr a lii lo ti,lt mmiiitaiiis. Tlicv are. at Wlllnilt Spring". V.. I.lniiilt, unit u 1 1 in prngriwivit rlli.i.im ul ilin Mulullu ilmlrlct, w.in in m gull t -it y Monday. Mr, Itiiliril Ciiiili-I.l returned Turn '!' V hum Seattle, where nIui Ima hiinii vihliin lnr about a week. any iy- vjr v w Allilri'ii 1 1 mi liiiimiu, of r MIHI iiii'i' W.J. siir I- u m:T- I M 1 1 ' ( m npiiiiKwau-r. rwi'lliMi, Spiingwuier, tlr. Ml.H IiiiiiI, returned li'ilun hint I lidiiy, ill! week's vlnit Willi fiiilnlrt. Local Evei;. 4 I luli IT H j V tt ..A. rT,. 4,. . H-iC-i-jOi .9i.J-'' Oniinly Clerk Sleight will ' move Iiim Imiiily to (IiIh city Irnm Canby. A daughter was born to Mr. Bin) Mrs. J. W. Cooper, (il this city, AugiiHt llltli. f . . ... i! . p i i 1 1 . I ii in rR ill ii I1'" , i t IImiI'IiuK.) Imvf Hit" i'IiuIh'I "" ..,..1 i niiiilrv nrum-il v I W. I'. Vi,..t..l . of Portland, iiiKlrui'inr in niir rity ai-hooU, r (.on City 'llletMllV, former wan III All. , .iii'i"1""' ,t i-f i M H. i llliM. Ill V SI Ulirt? in - .ill Ullll in,n...h" . ., I.I. .1 I llHIIIl l I . 1 "ll ..llllll ( ulin illmwi'lml Ulilllil 4 ;tn 1.1. I nr in :NvY T.H AN N lil'.AI. H:1'-..,,u-ilvttl .i-r cent, aim, mi ii. I y . ut li M'"" P-uildiug " wt' t.Mf i. MY I I ACK AT NFF.DY, ,, ; uii.nii Inly "n bim k ,', " M "' Ii III""'1'"' 'IU" I' '1 '"I1' j" miiiiKi"!. Owner i nn have mime lll i-li' 11'- l- Wl Nl'I'ltH. til'Mi AM'l-'rHHl SU.K-SIX I , III. in' III I'nlielllllll i'l' I"1 7, (.,. ll. IUU blink Iron, i mi.." Ai.fly i" '-,vy h,i'l'' u"'"t' I r l uk-i'iim k"ill. l'tkUr. 1,, Vul' WANT A IIOMKT-TWO J lmin lifi'i!"" I'i'V, H"r Julii'ii 1 oil H""'l "il'' nr ,M',","I- ,w Uni m I", iK'lf". I'ni H'I WfH. I,tli'l'"l",,l'"' ""y 'I"""' ti. w. WaU'Win, ywimr, rh"" iv.Uri-iI'il'. " " """ J SKY T 1 nA.N-I IIAVKSKVI'.HAI. I mil ol innii'-y ln'liinuiim III 'rivli liM.lnn'i" li'i I' I "1 HlnirUoil In in. mi l"i'K "ln" ' " " l"'r ( ! ul I." will l"i'l" vu(y ri'Hini. ,.. H. I'.. 'if, llrtity at law. - jcrV ("W lYS SVANTKD KuR I , r li"iii UlK'r Iy. A riilinu ImIIk will !' k'1Vl'n II'" '""' 'il'l'l ,., iiiiiiihti'il rowlMiy. Hiitrifw Imw N J. Hiiwrd, Mr., ollire j.r.lni'-n'K IUII. I t ul nriit.L' I V It. ...... u ..u .. W.. ..... ........ ..I .1 ..... I. ... .. ....I. I... i : 1 1 . i .i j ...ut .i.in iiiii mi'i-K luiiHIllK Hlilir HVill Hull In ii ill till Unpin Ulil liiiliirii. Mr. mill Mm. V. II. M,mUl,i, I'ml liiml. viBitml Mim. I, .1. MurMmll mi l luuiilv, ul ('mii'inuli, Wi'iluii ilny. lyl Mr. uml Mm. (i. V. (irucii Hpfiit ci'V cnil Uiiy Iiml wi-i-k vmilniK ri'lutivn - I Viiin mivnr. lin y Mini iiml Mnii'luv MN Wuriiin k mi l (iimilv, of M'Hinl rirumiil, iIiiivh i v i r In llm NrHlin i ii In .4 Mirk lllnl will l'nlni ll.l'lll M'VlTltl WI'i'kH. City lli'rur'lrr Curry iiml (.nnily will inlni n Ininiirriiw Imiii Ni-wniii, wlii'iii tlii'y liu vii Iiimhi i u "it 1 1 u 1 1 ii k lur tun wi'i kx. I'. Iv ('Inn nun uml w ili iiml iIhiil'Ii lir nii'1 driii Inn MiCiiwii li ll Turhilny lr tin- iin'iiiititiiin, to iriiijm Hi'Vi'ial ilnyn. Slicrill' SIihvit Hxm-i'lii lu move IiIm , (Hinily In tliix city Irniii Moliillit nl)"iit ' fin in i 1 1 1 1 r ol next niimtli. - l.iinli'H ( ircli) ol Woiimu til Woixl ri.ili will 1ivn w Imxki'l mill lr crcHin Hnri.il ul Milwuukii) tomorrow eviTilriK- I'llimil UK 1 1 MHI in I, lif I liu Crow n MiMh, ri'luriir I .'ini'l.iv nielli limn N'umilr, W lii'tc In-i i.j i i i u inn' li-ili nrrvi'il va- u 1 1 1 1 1 . Personal Mention , . .-..'.;k.lr.Mbf J!in AniU MrCarver Is ruatlcatintt i-m I'.ik. i lo. tlmlinnl, of Nrw Kri, wh In o T.ii nUy. "M. IU!i-, ul MoUlU, In (i"'ifon 'r ttfhilfii'lny. .; : Kin I'.lm k U ut IHItt lii ui ll, .1 t liil' ll. kill )'. 1 , , Mrn. Julni (iIi iihoii K.it few ilyn fntiy l I unk' lli'iirli. , llirry ir,iM'r willl fnvii t-ulunlny fur ju tlHiii ul I. nut: I'n'ui'li. :; Mr in I Mim. I runk llurlnw uri) H'liil- L tli'ir wiruUnii ut NrWiort. i 'Mm i. I.. M Hurt U nM-iiilini; n few k ill Yiiriiivrr vmitiiin frirmlit. Mii Ki li'i Si nmm Hprnt ff viral iluy iTk Hi I'mllnw Vinitlli fiiiMlilH. (Mrt. V. Cul(i mill nun rctnrni'il from I'l'ioutuiK at NnwMirl, Wi'iliii'"ilay. J H. Tin n, nf Milwuukii', wan moni! -rimtiim in Knuii t'lly hint AlolnUv. !J. F. UliMs.,11 iiml Jack Wi-lrli Imvr ftu!Hii 1'niininco for liriff viiit. Ir nri I Mm. II. ( i. Fmint, of ('iihi, .tnl ri liilm t in Caiii'inli MumUy. i ''viil S(.1inli:,.r. of Hanta Ann ("ul-. MOOrct-im ( My oho day laul wn-k. 'inmlii Wnlilroii ami family ri'tnrni-il "lli-mlay Imiii a ltt to Kalt) I'rei'k. Mil 1 I.' II . I .... I... ...i.,,,ui.l from I " ... iii-iiu.'n una , i-n. . f'ltlf. wIiitii hIih !ia,l vIhHihI for Hull"' t. Mn. J r ' 1...11 ....... llm annin i . ... niiiioril in rM'ii.... "W IIIlk' I'.eiu li, gllt'Hl l UIB ." 3. V . - I ! HI -.11.. .tt.l.1 " - mil uiiii nimn nimuio mmi"" tity (nun two-weeks trip to the liiilliT ol KaIhui ia viaitinit lii" r'l'ttr, Kriicnt Uutlur. of Villmott? J'i. F.I I1...I i l 1 . Ilia i- "'iiiii-r, w no nan iwrn " " river hatchery for lonw time, Ima f'uriiwl. T n I-... i i i i i . ci i " mirniinun, who una or- v " "I'm for the paHt fuw weeka, returned i.Friday. "'imI Mm. Torn Miller expect to Ro llMI It inn I... lit 111 IIIH I1LL J. RiIiriutirit.A. -.1 ftr;t...tilf !n m' aa in niiiini, u i?i ii nuiv - --- 'H"ti City Tmnday attending to bmti " riiattcr. Mi Mallie Draper liar) returned from -t"1", where she iei.t a room enjoy i r ' ii 'a rin 1 1 IV I l..f Tl. lira. lav , , ..... j j, r, i ifilrs inn. ' ""UK fur the Sound, where he goes i r "Ufiiii-. I 1 1Ir".-.E- A- Sommer returned Monday .cwu.ri ..u.. .i.u liail anenl a I !l8litlul oiitin,. I J-1-Tiirn..r, olStftirord, wan in Ore- ; ihki rrnlay. atteiulinK w t 1 ITlall.... ' .llB. J-0. Di, !,,. . itlft formnat citi r.i ..r u . .: ' i .1..... in . "I .fill U it Hmnl IUVHmi IIHYB ..II. II . Nolilii WalU li.ii k' "'!" I" Sliiiniku, (liiV'H'.lo iii'i I'M a iniKiiioii III a I .u I'" 111 iTl I II I J in i-lilllinlillllllll, III! ll'lt lurt Moli'lav Will Scull l aimi nti from On-iton ( "it y Tliurilay ami hi,i-ul llm ilny with Inn motlii'r al llm Onlral hotel. Aurora llori'ulia. J'. Ni'Uoii Weianer, Jr hu n-liiniHil from I. Ittln Wliiln halmnii, whillirr lie wnt miiiui time blt i to iiiKiii'i't the auhnoii lllltl ln r) . V.. I.. Joliimuii. On-w'on Citv'a toimoriul artmt, wan linking haniUwitli olil linie Silvirtiui Irii'tnlB, Slnnilay. Aurora llon-nlia. M.i I I) ('iiiiiniiiiL'ii. ol Slinlii'l. who haa I ni' n vUitiiiK Iht hrullier, I'r. Ilium ey of I'ortlaiid, lor a work, returned laul W eilnemlay. Mmio'ii I mi, ceil llaiiliiiirnil I Antoinette 11'. I, I. hi ln l.u.l herll al VomIii'IU for neviual weeka, reliirninl to their home In thia city lunt Friday. VI. llurr llur.lini? will leave for UayiimliiUville, New York, the liral part I Seplemlier, to viail Her daiimer, Mra. A. J. Lewlliwaite. Mra. Nelaon. who ha heon viaitinit her parent", Mr. and Mra. U. C. Kaniariy, re- liirned to her home In Uregun Wiy Monday Aurora lloiealia. Jamea Mi lntvie. a former retd lent of Una i itv. hut imw eniiaiieil in ImaineHH in Nonliiurt, WiibIi., waa here a few lava tlna week viHiliiitf irieiuiH. (' I. (iihauii. of Molalla, who haH lieeii ill Miaaoiiri for the past tew molitnn 1...L I,,., uiinr aoiiiM i-Hiate inallerM, re- lurned to old Oiucon WeiliieH.hiy. U illiaiii l'lalt und family and J. N. UeiBiier and niHler, ai (oinpunn-'l nj Mra MiCrarketi. o( Siilein, me Hojniirn iiiK on Cliu kuniiiN near the old hatchery. I-). W. Iluiiil, ol Spokane, waa in (Ire- j IP hi lily la" rriuay. .or. im" prominent in the leiral .rofeaaion in that ity and ia alao pieaiueui m n cuunin. l i I'.i.rl Ii a I iol ilmnitli haa k'one to toe Sound to meet her nicer, Min ( Vlia (ioldiimitli.wliii haa heen in Sun Fran- iio and ia retmniiitf hy way ol 1 UK' Sound. Mra. CO. T. William, Minn Veda William, Mm. Izmir. Mina Mary c llllvie. Mlf .1 1 V Miller all.l Jamea .m. Inlvre left lunt Saturday for a lew day at Wilhoil Sprint;. . (ieork'i" Adi-u, the neiitlemiin who ilia ,eiiHi. iiiHtice thrnuithout the Stiillord iieinhhorliooil, wa III the county e:i laat F riday. Juntice Aden reported that harv. Ht waa in full hlut in his part o ,1,.. .-onntv and prospects for a bi yield ol urain were Hood. 1 (--.if... anr SklllTM iirniHi Iian roturnctl to Hm ,-ilv alter muiie time sHnt at Ah oria and on Hie heachea, where ho has been accumulatinit a ureal many yii-wa u. i : In hia line ol work pomm oi iiiii-ir- - - - , . c l...uU ia an adclit. UlS vimt tl I. Pllll'laiu"" covered several weeks. j--uy this week rn- Henry Middrnrn ami dauithter 'Otiell, ad ,on j, ett Uat Satur l-iT In. V . ' i "ewpori. . Wlier of IV. W Vrr. f)f this city. ,'t!,7D !ler8 "H-ently from Illinois on The Kovernor Ima iMMiied a proclama tion, umliT dule ol Aiifilt l.'Hli, pro claiming Sepieni er lal a holiday, known u l.ulior I'uy. The I'ortliiml Mom inn Mills will re turn. e iiperalliiliH Hut Iiml of next week, mul conliiiiie to run ateadily, provided enoiiii grain can he had. 'I he unexpected and iiniiaiiullv heavy ruin of lal week did not Hi-em to Imi leiiully Interleri) witli the pleaaiirea of thn iniiiimer.ihlu campera in ihu nearhy mouiituiiiM. ! Attorney W. H. I! 'Ken haa iurchaHed tin-( iluK-i, mil property, at (ireeri l'olnt. and ia now rci-idiiiK theie. Mr. N. ThikIii will iN-rtipy llm properly recently i vui'uli-,1 py .tir. l. Ken. j Senator Mitchell Ima notified the inun ai;eiiuint of the I.alior I'uy celeliialion I ihut it in iiiipo'Hihle for him to he pre--iil upon the occaaion. The fenatur ex- 1 pecta soon to leave for Hawaii. County Clerk Hleiicht i-nued a inarriaue I liceime hint Saturday to Krnery (iotteru nod fiella lluuiluraon. K few moments later the couple appeared before Jildue Kyun, w ho iH-rformtrd the iniirriage ceie iiiony. Three divorce auila were filed in the circuit court Wednewluy morning hy At torney Itrownell, in each inalance the i.unaii of uction helnir on accnlirit ol dri- ertion. Two ol the suits are inatituted hy the huahanda. J. F;. Olllcer died at his home in Olym- i.lu U'uuli lunt Kriilav aieil fi7 veara. t li.i-i.i&Heit waa an old reciilent ol this city. hia lather havinif heen one of the first settlers ol Clackamas uouniy. iwceaaeu leaves a sinter in this county, Mrs. Susan augliu, oi aioiaua, 11. .u A 1 Muiitirniiierv succeeded Wedneaday in shipping the lant ol his hoiiac liola ellects Iroin Here io i oriianu. u I...... I,u uiuia to enter another field of labor. A meeting of the members of i tin I'linri-li waa held Wednesday even ..... i.i art iitmii thp, reaiination ol the pastor, which was accepted with no little regret. Dr. J.H. Colman, president of Will- ainulte University, will preach ai me DreKon Citv M. F:. church, on Sunday in trttiiiir Anirnat 4 at 10:45 o'clock Dr. Colman ia a iiowcrful preacher and an exceptional opportunity is now old-red to hear him. It ia ""penally hoped ii.ut nil who are. thinkiiiL' of takini; a toinee in any university will be present. The crop of tramps is unusually larne jiirl al this time. Tueaday evening the hurricane deck pkaw-ner list of the northbound overland waa extremely largo. Nino tramps occupied herlliB in thofO quarters, and as the train departed from here the Knights-of-the-road con .; , ..!.., I an mlilition of two lliiKiiii, . memheis, who evnlenrea uieir lonuness for traveling at the rear end of the loco motive tender. nn;.,t,.kU to.-nif tiurtv waa ..I.. ..ii luut llltli Inv hv a number ol vouiin m-oiilo to the old'hatchery, on the Clack 1 . i . .i i i... .I..,. umas. I.nncn waa vukhu mm mo spent in the woods. The party consisted ol Misses May and Kate Murk, Grace KobiiiHon.of Clackamas, Delia Young, of The Dalles, (irace M. Marshall, Lizzie Walker; Mensrs. Mgin Mines, i can Mosier, Charley liinnm, uimm MaiBlmll and Charley Schramm. ... .t.. n liu. ilinir of this citV. ex 1.1 liii"Kr" nects to eave 101 . - - pei in . ... ...,.i., tni-oino e e her !IT'd , r MtsV lUrdiiig is l,IUD1 " . . . altrk imtoa ami i ..i a ricri f'Diurniiu 'wu pOBseBB-u . .. - 0 know that she is to be given the .Wan tage of study in mat ciiy. Statk ok Ohio, City ofToi.kdo.) aa. I ... II I OUNTY . I t fii..nB makes an oath that r raua. j , he is the senior partner of the firm of r . Cheney & Co., doing unaim- ... n ... I C.lu of.ira. City of Toledo, County am. . aaid.and that said firm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDBED DOLLARS for each and every case of CatarrU u. be cured by the use of """"" Cre KKAMi. J,nc"''-i SworiHo before me ami subscribed in my presence, this Mh day of December, A-D-181W- A.W.OLEASON, j" Notaryl'ublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inter nally end acts directly on ll.e inouu ,,,,, 8rhuTS of the system. Send for teatimonials, free. F.J.CHr.NICY.&ca.ioieuo, v. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hull's Family Tills are the best. The Fntcrprise $1.50 per year. Trimmed Hats. Great bargains. Miss Goldsmith. m Personally Responsible m Tlw new hose recently purchased by ii imi.il Ima arrived and been inn 117 . v...... . placed in the lire department l.eadquar- lera by Fire i:tnei nurioiu. luom miii f....t of the new hose, which will add ireatly to the ability of the two hose J . .f-.n ii...a companies to siiecessiniiy wumi Thri-e humlreii leei oi m uow bhh-.c was given to Cataract hose company and "00 feet to F'onntain hose company. It ia a good quality of hose, and an addition . . . ..... I. . II.. h..,aH tothe equipmeni inai bb uauijr mcuou. Not a very enthnsiastie meeting of the local Retail Merchant's Association was held Monday evening. The presiding ollicer and secretary were present, being the only ones, however, and these of ficers concluding that business trans acted by them alone, might not be alto gether endorsed by the memberr-hip, upon motion of the secretary the chair man called for discussion of the question to adjourn. Only a few brief remarks were made and the business of the aes sion Boon ended. Dr. and Mrs. Francis Freeman enter tained a number of their lrienus.-ia.8i Friday evening in a most delightful manner at their home on the West Side The law n and house were handsomely decorated with lanterns, n ferns. Games were played both outside and inside and dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Misses Amy Kelly, Maria Pratt, May me Lewth A inno- fr. N. W. Law- wane. i.i" -Jr-1 . . , ....... K I nu . r KorbeB Pratt, U. Lee v r ni.anman. John Huni' liaruiua, v. v, - - pbreys, Willard Morse and Chambers Howell- m. i i ..,.i nf iTnroatprs held an i tin im hi hiuii exceptionally interesting aession last :,' ...,..; Ilrniih-a an initiation, there were a number of entertaining : . :.....i.,.,t itorini? the eveninf oral nod time was had. The . i.:..i.i nrnannrona condition conn is iu uh.ii I---- r and ranks among me icwuiuk and sa:ial orders of the city. At the laat meet ng tour pennons .or uimi.i.r. i?,iP w?re riceived. Sunday next there will be a picnic at Canemah Park under the auspices of the Foresters, Portland courts joining with the membership of this city in the festivities. We know every fwituro of our Htnr-, hoMin ourselves! jierHonally renponHilile notonlv for the 'I'lality of every Jrug, btit fr the clmracter oft-very portion ofthfl work. No at ticli! U allowed to go from this ntore that iH not exactly aa represented either in our advertisement or by our clerks. We take pride in the quality of our goodrt. Anyone can buy and Bell cheap good cheap, we are buying and felling guild goods cheap. We are conducting every department of thirl store as a high clasH modem dru Htore Hhould be conducted. . . j sj vy W w U w w w w- w yns.' w w w w w CO D O C) o o o a o Q O o o o o o o o o o a o o o o 6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 5 o o o o o o QUALITY COUNTS IN PRESCRIPTIONS Win n you are nick you ure not looking for cheap drug's. ' Every drug in our prescription work is the choicest obtainable, bought without regard to price. 1C very drug in UMt Ix: absolutely fresh, or we wont use it. Kvery prescription must be put up exactly as the Doctor orders it, no sub Btitutiona here. And with all these advantages you w ill find tliMt your prescriptions wont cost uo more here than elsew here. PAINTINC? Let us figure with you then. We make it our business to keep posted on everything per taining to paints and painting and believe we can give you valuable advice. 0 ar 0 mv aT 0 tfcpy gay ajf mf w w r CO WRITING PAPER New design and tint9 now arriving. The price is no higher here for late stylish goods, than others charge for common box papers. I quire and stock envelopes to match IOC. Good Tablets, both note and letter size as low as 5c. Envelopes 5c. Souvenior Tablets with Oregon Scenery on every sheet, very popular 25 c. Eastman's Benzoin and Almond Cream the finest toilet preparation on the market. At special sale . . 25C. Sells everywhere for 35 to 50c. SHEET MUSIC Popular sheet music, clean and handsomely printed, per copy 5c. New Music regular 50c. editions all our present stock IOC. FISHING TACKLE Jointed Rod 75c to 00 l'Uh liasket 1 00 to $1 50 Bait Hoxes 25c l'ly Hooks per dozen 2 )C to $1 60 Snells J 5c to 50c Lines 2c te 2 00 Reels 15c 10 2 00 We do all we can to help you in selecting an outfit. - CLOSING OUT THESE LINES AT COST OR LESS Hammocks have a few left yet at 75c to f4 00. Take your choice at j off, or 60c up Base Ball Coods All Bats, Mitts, Gloves, Masks and etc., at off regular price Croauet Sets KVi price 50c 75e 1 00 I C. G. Huntley W. A. Huntley Popular Price Druggists and Booksellers CCOCOCOCOOOCOOCCOOOCOOOOOOOOOCCOOOCCOOD PRANK BUSCH THE HOUSEFUKNISIIER Hot Weather Cooking Can Be Pleasant I PlStWfl WROUGHT STEEL if you have a CHARTER OAK STOVE that gets the meal in a hurry and lets the kitchen cool off. Can't you see what advant age it would be? Here's a Charter Oak Range . . that gives you a perfect fire all the time you need it, and cuts down your wood bill. There is no better made. This Range 00 with large copper reservoir VaW.vv m -v '' BREAD RAISERS Makin? bread looks like an easy job at the Btart, but the disappointment at the finish gives heartaches and aggravates the labor. The easi est and safest way is to purchase a bread raiser, it costs little and you have no dis- f) K appointments. Price for anti-rust ware, 9AwU Otbtn Cbtp Warranted Pocket Knives 25c. up J55?. Table ll P. ut I o rv 6 Knives and forks 60c. o o o o o Q o O O O o o o a a o o o o a o a Q o Q o o o o a a a o a o a o o o a o o o O O o o 8 o o 00 -w mi relative.