Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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, 1902.
sy vy vy 8w-b
.c2 tOi iOCi.Oi.
Our eorrciiondetiN will please send
in articles before Wednedays of each
week, ul herw iee il reaches us too lute fur
Itn.ul ie.
Win. Mciay aii.l Lunily visitfvl with
Mr, Crmell'd Sunday.
John Nendal! and Miss Mattie Uaker,
of Portland, visited with tlio lnUer's
parents Snnd.iy,
The ice cream social at Wm. Probst's
1 iiii.iv evening was well attended,
lianus eie played, aiul a nice musical
program rendered. A most enjoyable
tunc was ha ! by all present.
The M. T. A. Lodge was disappointed
in their speakers coining up from Poit
land, siui.l..v evening, hut a nood tune
wastiadattlie dance, which was well
attended. Le cream was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe (iriiues are visiting
the ialters parents. Mr, and Mrs. Stahl
necker, for a lew days this week.
Miss Welsh, who has been
Misses Sarali and Kllen Probst,
turned to IV ri land.
visit ink;
has re-
Mr. and Mrs. Frishie, of Wisconsin,
have heen spemling several weeks visit
ing the lattei s brother, Mr. Stalilnecker
and family.
Jay I'.aker was quite seriously injured
in a runaway in l'ortland on Mondav.
"My mother was troubled with
consumption for manv vcars. At
last she ws given up to die. Then
she tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
and was spr'edilv cured. '
D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y.
A n tt list Term
No matter ho .v hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Aver s
Cherry Pectoral is the
best thing you can take.
It's too risky to wait
until you have consump
tion. If you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
TV ilin: J5., 5Sc., SI. All 4ra((Ut.
John I.iwellin, T. II. Kllllii, Hint
ItroliMt, CutmiiUnloufitft.
Coniull Tour iloctitr. If he ti Uk It
then do ta hi .hat. ir lie tell, t.u
ti tk II. lli.n limi t take II. II kiinw.
LHT. II Wlltl lilm. Are willing.
J. O. AYKI! CO . Liiwell. Mmi.
uknkii.u. mi i s.
liiKxl Saiiuirilan Hospital... ,
Ki'il Kiont TradiUK Co
O l i:bv
K Hinder
C W Armstrong
J 1 1 James
O CC.xirier Herald
V W Jesse
U K Hiatloii
K F (iribble
V Mai hews
T I' Uvan
Vunghan's stables
T 1' Uvan
K A Sleight 2
Pne Mates 1'et ei Tel Co 4
W A Holnit'H 1
The ice cream social given by the
Ladies of the Woodcmlt Cude last Sat
unlay night, was largely atteinled. The
ro..'rainini was very good. Mr. lo..1
of Wood burn, was present and pleased 1 V
('lis per Weisinaiitle's
M ickslmiur 1111
James Kocier and Otto Kvans are
home from a week's outing at the miii
cr.ii springs.
(.'. Piiirrough? and family and Mrs. M.
C Kirk left here today lor a trip to the
Mr. Zeek has sold his interest in the
liiai'kbuiitli shop aud will locate in Port
la 1. 1.
U. Stoj.,sdi!l and sister with Miss
Anna Kuil.l and Miss Walker left I
on Sunday for Wiihoit Soring?. Thev ex-! 'cared up and
pect to he gone about two weeks.
Mr. Gilberts has purchased Mrs. F.
R "hs place ut Kiverside.
L. Ura.ier while working on the lotin
daiion of the scliooihouse had the mis
fortune to severely cut his foot severing
an artery. lr. Deiltnan being absent,
J r. Ueisy as summoned from Aurora
and atteude.i tiie injured man. At last
accouuts he was resting easy.
j the audience by giving a short address
I Mrs. I'arstetter, a former resident of
this place hut now of Silverton, greatly
surpi ised some of her old friends by at
tending the social Saturday night.
II II Johnson
W A Huntley
.1 I' Zinser
W 1 1 Jackson
Ol' lluteipriso
A Mihlstin
Clerk nf Multnomah Co. , . ,
mil Samaritan Hospital.
K S P.ker
John Page.
1 n I 1, inn . .
t :to no
r. )
1 L'i
A .Ml
1! IH)
"" l'i ;
:i to .
1 not
L !M 1
1' IHI ,
111 (HI '
;i no :
IH) ,
K I. Ilolniaii
J A Kandolph ti SO
Fine Farm
Carl Kaiiiiun and .Miss (juentlier were
nii.rried at the lesidenre of the bride's
parents, at i'-eaver Creek. The bride
and groom Went to their own home and
weie chariv,tried by tlieir neighbors.
Considerable ed'ort is being made in
this vicinity to secure hup pickers for
toe different yards.
K. Warner's nephew, W. Walter War
ner, of hastern etraska, was visitinu
here a few days. He is looking at the
country with a view of locating and
making a home in this mild climate.
He is an estimable young man and would
be a desirable citizen of our growing
John (iillett, accompanied by his eon,
Millard, htarted lor the mountains .Sat
urday to gather huckleberries, and enjoy
an outing at the same time.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen and J. X. Har
rington went to Portland Monday and
took in the circus. M. M'Ueehan also
witnessed the street parade.
Frank, Iiobert and Chris Bullard and
Carl Frederick start for Mount Hood
Tuesday morning to gattier huckleber
ries. Several other parlies are planning
to go to tne mountains, at different places
for the same pcipofce.
Mr. Cramer's boii9e, in Maple Lane,
was burned to the ground Sunday morn
ing. Most oi the furniture was saved.
The hou.-e was a total loss. No insur
ance. As Mr. Cramer is working at the
Paper mills, be moved his family to Ore
gon City Monday.
One of the most successful and pros
perous farmers in Clackamas county is
Mr. Casper Weismnntle, of Macksbure.
He came int the county years ago and
with very liule in the way of a star..,
except a pair of willing hands and a
mind to work, be undertook and ha
now owns one of the
linest larms in the Willamette valley.
No one can nuke Mr. Weismantle be
lieve that fanning dies not pay in Ore
gon, ilia farm of lot) acres, with HM
acres in splendid cultivation without a
stump, with plank and rail fences, two
dwellings, three barns and orchards is
a model of neatness and convenience.
Lately he has bought a boiler and engine
and started in the dairy business. He
has ten selected cows and twice a week
delivers his cremn to Canby for ship
ment to Portland and it pays.
On account of advancing years and
the fact that his children are now grown
and doing for themselves, Mr. Weis
mantle has decided to place his faam mi
the market for a short tune lie will
sell tne place, six horses, 10 cows, 14
goats, 17 bogs, two wagons, one buggy,
ail farmiiiK implements with splendid
growing crop worth over $1000, fur
J 1' Klmads
J W Meldrum
lillL'bv Ihxuit . . .
II 1". Siccus
J J I'ooke
1--1 i Williams
J It Potter
Anna Williams. . . .
I) P Mathews ....
I. K Williams
1 11a Chase
1 1 tintiey Bros
I) C Knierprise . . .
J K Shaver
I. Stion
II S Moody
1' Nebrell
(ieo A Harding. . . .
T 15 Killin
John Lewellen
Wm Probst
Mo hnke licit Co..
II Fiiglesoll
K D Olds
A U liiiynnp
I H Fowler
John Lewellen
K A Jones
K D Olds
K A Jones
II Klllott
IV I' It. 1. -Lime H 00 1
W F Henderson '-' w
j II II Johnson -
I In the mailer of supidviiiu Ml colds of
the t'tmnlT , wim.,1 for Court house Onleicd licit en
I tract be endued into with M Main to
j (oniish ,'iOconls tlr wood ill '.' I pcrnod.
In II alter of bids lor county physi-
... . 1 . . . I.. )., ... I I. a
cian--Onler mat coinnici " " i
Sums and Powell (or i LI 00 per month.
In the matter of collcciing lucveln lax
Onleied that .1 K "luvrl, sheilll, pio
.red with the collection ol same.
In I he matter of the petition of Her
man Wiblon lor uii.lv iod I'. tin. hi,
ml. ..I II II .liihns.ui. HlllVi'Voi. J h'
.M01I.111, A Fothes and C II liiiighnidl
appointed vicweis In meet August'.".',!
P.M'.' !
In the matter of the report ol vicweis
of Curl Salines road of puPliccaieuieiil - j
Oi leicd that said lepoit be cnulirincd ,
and said road established
In the mailer of appointment of II II
Johnson deputy county surveyor - Ap
pointment orileied conlii 11. i d.
In the matter of cancelling a duphole
waniinl Ordered lhat wairaiit Noll
'issued til Tom P liandall be cancelled. ;
In the matter of petition of l.niiH loed- (
lemeler and others regarding county In 1
dcbledness Oideted taken Under ad-j
In the matter of report of I. I. lilibble
on sale of a steet - Oi.h ied that rcj oit
be approved. j
In the matter ol petition to aei!c eel
lam slieels in liobeilon -Onleied laid
over until r-nday, Sepieiober I'.11'-.
In the matter of lepniiieg the Ca-011
budge- Ordeied lhat F I ' lid- pmc I
to lepair the north pier of said bn.lg.
under the super) ion of the Ooanl of
I'oininlssioneis and that he be paid at
the Vale ol $1 00 per .lav
I In the mailer ol cleaning the iiiiinbei-
ing machine Ordered Hull I' Tavl'T .
lepair and 1 lean said machine, he In be
paid $'' iKl for same.
In the inaller ol the motion i.f I
road Ordered that said matter be
In the m itter 1 f I ireeuleaf Cli'ite.
digeiil sol.hei Ordered that 00
al low I'll loi niont h 01 August.
II. the mailer ol cancelling warrants a
adverti.ed -Ordered that follow mg w ir
mils be cancelled : - o I'U.'iO, Funk
Page, ft I'll; No IS.' If., J O W.ilkuis,
I' mi; No 1 Sis'), Alex I'.illnis, $1 70; No
ss, Frank Coulter, fl 70, No lsli.0. .1
! F. irlv, l 7'S; No lss.1;, Wm Willin..re,
i;-;(l;N'o I7i:i, I M Long, Oo ; N..
lo'.i;'.!. It I lager, f I 10; No ll, i',s, F l
I'uval, ! 'ill; No If.l.'.S. Herman Ioado,
f .VI; No li.:;'.f. Chas Uu.ehronk. 1",
V.. 1. IOO l ..I A. "II. V . 1
..r . ,. (,.i', ., .-..111. .1011. f 1 ,o, .
Vo :1; .)"bn Mkfii, l i; N :;i7'i, !: w i
rd, $:' Oil; No :;i"0, J llenlnaer. :'0o.
No I'.isS, l ieo l eiderhold. $ IN; N :tl 7".
I L l!o)lau, IHI; No o.o'.i, II Kikinan,
In the matter of names .mulled in
June by J W Mcldruin Onlend that
warrants issue to
T W Uliini'liard 1 1 00
ill .. nH KJfattBa: .
i," 00 1
;b so ,
M 07
IL! 7.')'
L' .Ml
ll.l Kri
7 tm
L' no ;
:'i 00
H7 !Hl
0 LM
ANlCital'Iv rroiuHMtuMil-T Ah
.simiiiiiiiig iiu'iivd.nuii:i1tii.
Itiii Iho Mouiiu lis aiul IhwvIi 1
s 00
LI ,'.0
UOo !Hi I
:' .'.0 1
i;o no 1
!H) Oil
II 1 00 ;
lit) Oil
81 (HI :
fit (HI !
1 111
L" Cm
2 tK)
s :'". 1
r. 70 ;
5 CO
I I So I
:t:i 701
ys 20 1
i;i :u)i
.hs- ;'
be ;
(icss.mdltcsl I'i'iildiiiiitciilar
l1mim.Moi"iliiiii' iiorMuu-r.il.
t)T N Ait roTir.
M le
Aa- . u. -
,, .ASmA it '
hmm r ' ""ear:
A tH ifi i t llciiicilv l'or(oiislip.i
Inui. Sunr Sli'in.i li I h.it 1 In i-.i
Worms, oiiviilsiuiw.lcwi ish
mss nml Loss of Su:i r.
Far Simile SiCnnliir vf
;The Kind You n3l!
Always Bought
Bears tho
W i
For Over
Thirty Years
II' no
:t so
"S (HI
in no
10 tm
-.' no
31 .Ml
f on
8 no
J. M Taylor ha sold l.m fiidelit'
ilo.ellv In this i-itv, the .leal l.ell,k
made U edni-s.l.iv. Mr. J ,i I. .r Willi., i
Uene to 1'i.ltollld, whele I.eHlil ltlli'
1 1111 j'..r.n 1 1 w II. his son.
The onlv i.'..od .rin'iii,' In the r.iunlv,
is found nl the 1- i.ler.n-e ,,!,, .. 'ii.-e
ri'lil --l.sk. stl. nr. I ..r k uiali-h; .
Illie.l.liied. I'r nil .l .rin!li.
Austen Western Co 7(5 IH)
$S,oiH). One half down and balance nn j l',,.,,. (
ioni time al n per cent interest, rarlles
may see Mr. Weismantle un his farm, or
H. E. Cross, attorney at law, in Oregon
City. The farm w ill net the ow ner ten
.er cent on the cost price every year.
Knos Cahill . . .
K I Olds
V. (iiivnup
I'ac Mates Tel A Tel Co.
Itoss h rv
Joseph Woo lk
lieoii;e Jud l
Fred Stalkey
I. Idleinau
Edna Irish, of Beaver Creek, was in
Cams SunCay.
D. Faust went to Salem Sunday.
Mr8. Henry Hornshuh epent Sundav
afternoon at E. Howards.
Sirs. C. E. spence has a felon on her
Miea Hannah Price, who has been vis
itinjj trieudd in Portland, has returned
Threshing is in progresa in this vicin
ity. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
DeShazer on the loth of this month.
Mrs. Price and family expect to start
ior New Mexico about the first of September.
(in to the Iteacli Via A. ii C. U. I!, ami
Hear What tli Wild Waves Say.
The story, "What the Wild Waves
Say at Seaside" so strikingly told in the
atuactive pamphlet recenllv issued by
J. C. Mayo, li. P. A., Astoria, is better
appreciated after a trip to the now
popular Clatsop Beach, via the A. &.
C. li. li. Cheap round trip excursion
rates and unexcelled transportation fa
cilities ottered between Portland and th
beaches continues to attract larye crowds
to riavul, (jearhart and Seaside. Iiound
trip excursion tickets between Portland
and all Clatsop and Nor'h P.each points
are sold every Saturday at L' 50, inter
chaniiiible with all boat lines and tfood
to return Sunday evening. Trains leav
ini; Portland ut 8 o'clock A. M. daily
runs thi-outth direct to (jearhart and Sea
side wiihout transfer, making close con
nections at Warrenton for Flavel.
Portland-Seaside exoresH leaves union
depot every Saturday at L':."0 p. in. and
runs through direct w ith transfer, arriv
ing at Astoria at 5:50 p.m., (iearhart.
(i:-10 p. m. and Seaside, 0:50 p. in.,
making close connections at Warrenton
for Fiavel.
Pope A Co
Vigorit Powder Co.
lia vi l.K I'll 11 ini.i.s.
1: 50
a iHi
5 00
31 (5
4 :':
3 (Hi
o (Ml
3 (HI
15 I V,
! -;"
lb 50
3 DO
li 50
II 1:5
:;i 00
5 w
:; (hi
7 M)
H 50
3 00
I llerliert Lucas
ij F Hri
j Hoard adjourn.'.
on l'riday, A niist
Les I'at.illous
social hop in
will ifivn
I 'aueinah
I 0.1
4 ui
Park, 1
L". Howard N
will ...
s.in.Uv s, I.
'he i')e nil.,:
o'h. ol l'.r:l,.id.
ill'V the pulpit n( tlie I 'oli.'tet'
1 In 1 r. li i.et Siit.,v in or ti . I. l.
"I at I; M No s.-r I. hi
lllllll' AlllKt,
1. land C
d M.
Flowers, silks, dames, fancy Iriminint
special idler ink'. M iss ( ioldsiiiilh.
. ; fur v.
I loiii!
'a '11 h "i u s ii
Hil I v P.anan
II Nachand
K.I Ranch
John Paue
K llimler ,
ICalpb Holmes . .
II Moody
W A HolineH....
In the matter of resiKnation of f, W
Ingram, deputy clerk Accepted.
In the matter of appointment of F W
Greentnan deputy clerk Approved
In the matter of change in Hates road
Dismissed. I n case on new petition be
filed, Hoard allows f75 00 for repairs to!
old limine.
In the matter ol report of viewers of
change in Plackwell and lleckart road
First reading, laid over until Thursday,
Ann 7.
In die matter of damages on Davis
road Keport approved and dainaee-i al
lowed as follows :
II Piper
Wrn McKee
C U Lewtiiwaitt!
Kxperifie of viewers
Tbos Hohna
V C Ulrifh
Jaini-H Wilson
Hats and
(iiace's store,
pauls at cos! at
head ol Seventh sir
Some repairs are bein male
huso house this wck. in tint
I'l.iMeriiiK and kalsoiuiii.
I irs. I.. It and A. I.. Pontic
Weinhard P.l.b.
to the
way ol
I 'elitists
"pen iiieeliiij; on li,, nil, -ui,,..
ii, to which ihe pi!'. in- 1 m
!!!. lies W I , I... t ) ell
II. "t. Mail weather
Mail Helnerv.
a! It.,
mi '
I hold
1 nl ,
! 1 . 1 W
I' lee Kurd
If you need a Hat, don't wait. Call
early and K't a Bargain
Miss liuldsuiith.
Jacob Milev and family have removed
f. 0111 (ireen Point to the J M. 'I.ivlor
residenis! on Eleventh and Wa-huiet.ui
Fiir ile.
Fvditv ii' res on Mol 1
ab.iie I'm. .11 Mills, ,;il nn
i iout 11 acres boll
ret k.
d no!-.
d (llliher
e I I'HI.
( i
Hid on. 1
I! I I W : . k ,
I O. (.;oii I it v
.1(10 no
. 50 00
. 3 :;o
n n
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you cat.
This preparation contains all of the.
ditfestants and diyi sts ail kinds of
food. JtKlve.sirisl.iiit, relief and never
f.il Is tri r-ii re. 1 1. :il h iu s vi.n in 1 1 1 ..II
In the matter of petition of Ina Lewis the food you want. The luo-l, sensitive
. ... . II. ....) ,F nn I
'1 he law 11 s.s-uil
Ihe home o A. C
I'.ea-ant. was hbei
hoii-e mid l,iw u we
decotllte.l ,,r the 0.
pinif'am was rende
Ihe Wnoilinan band
by I '
I in day ivelilli,' ut
W.ttner. ut M,,ih,i
illy a!teii,,.i. H,,,
both iirll.,1,, .,y
1 a-:oli. , 11, I-..
''I by iiiioiil.i.s i.
in lu ill,- v-oc.l .,,1,,.
A. Miller and ..-.,. Iloa.tnl al... I.
Were tholilUhthly e,j ,),.,. l;..,,. I,
inenls were heried an I a neat sum w.
realised to u.t.i v to the fund ,,(,,.,
Ui" new walk Iron, that
''Ul II ti) llos
At l and 7
Stevens' I
Mies Pearl Garret is home from the
Lena Mohr, who has been working in
Oregon City came home last week.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
holds services in Red Men's Hall every
Sunday morniiiL' at llo'clock. Subject
for Sunday, August 21, "Jesus Christ."
Sunday School at I J o'clock. Wednes
day evening meeting at 7:30 o'clock.
Christian Science literature can be ob
tained before or after any of these services.
I Then the baby is most like
I ly nervous, and fretful, and
I doesn't train in weisrht.
S Scott's Emulsion S
K - A.t f A. ... 2
i mc DCbi 100a ana meaicine
8 for teething babies. They S
8 gain from the start. S
5 Snd for free sample. d
9 SCfiTT BOWNE, CbeminU, j
f 409-415 eearl htreet, New York, 9
yx:. ami li.oo, all druKitt.
Slot Seams and I'ins-Poiiff EfTectn.
The latest and prettiest fashions are
always immediately interpreted into !
Puttorick patterns. Our September sup
ply has just been received. It will pay
women who have dressmaking inten
tions to call and look over our etock.
For Infant! and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
1:. I. nn
rranfep and
Freight and parcels delivered
to all parts of the city.
for aid Allowed $5 00
In the matter of motion to difmiwi re
port of HolHt road Ordered that it be
laid over until Friday, August 8, at 1
In the matter of application of (.Vpcr
Junker for liquor licenHC Ordered that
clerk iBsiie license to Casper Junker f.jr
period of nix months.
In the matter of application of J K
SUme for allowance to apply to J V. Stone
road Ordered thai 112") 00 he allowed,
arid supervisor ordered to work petition
In the matter of correcting account
with Joe Myers Ordered that warrant
ihsue to Joe Myers for $1 25. v.
In the matter of collecting noil tax in'k
Iioad DistNo 11 Order that supervisor ! )
collect poll tax in his district in can!.. ! J
In the matter of petition of K 1 Wil-lU
mot for countv road Ordereil I hut u;,.,.. i Ft
ins Kfanted. II II Johnson, surveyor, C
C I5oyln, 0 C Whitten and J F Uialey
appointed viewers to meet August 18.
In the matter of petition of G If lirown
for county road Petition (ranted. II II
Johnson, surveyor, II B C Phelps, Auj,'-
ubi, trainer and wrn Knight afipointed
viewers, to meet August VJ, l'J02.
In the matter of report of supervisor of
Dint No KJ of Dames omitted in June re
port Ordered that warrants issue to P
Hall, r 25, and to II Lucas, 4 50.
In the matter of repairing the (Strauss
bridge. Ordered that county furnish
lumber and nails to amount of tf: 00.
Supervisor to plank two bridges. j
In the matter of netition of J C Peek
for county road Petition granted. Il tf
Johnson, surveyor, Ed Harrington, Ed
nornsctiuii and David Miller appointed
viewers to meet Aagust 20, 1002.
In the matter of a change in the Pdack
well and Heckart road Ordered that re
port of viewers be approved. Fnense
cc uuni:
A 8 Henderson $ 2 00
I Ij Hnrlus 2 00
W J Lewellen 3 00
M E Kandle 3 00
stomachs can iaic it. J'.y Its use inany
thousands of ri vsp'-ptir-s have been
cured aftoreverythink't'lsc failed. It
ji uuequalli d for all stomach troubles.
li can't help
but do you good
Prpanil only by V. . r. In: Witt A l'o.. 1 IiI.iiko
The tl. boluecoiilulii'i tin,. Ui. Ji:. bU
lll.iN lnn j In Limn.
p"r f-i.t. ( 'nil nn or w n,,
l--o. W. I.,,,,, .
'Ir.'Ci.n f;ty llie...,n.
Hi! dill.'.
sfV.,lV!1l ll.l
t th
Straight Front Corsets 4yc up
Colored Merciscd Under- U
shirts 7yc up
Ladies' Slimmer Undcrvcsts 5c up
" Black Hose 5c up
" and Children's white
hemstitched Il'dk'chicfs 2 for ic
Ladie9 white Aprons 15c up A
" Ready Made Dress n
Shirts f,.
Satin Rihlion, No.5,all colors4c yd
Tailor Made Suits $7.75
Girdle Corsets 49c
Torchon Lace 6 yds, for 5c '
vaiencennes Lacea for
Ruffles ic a yd
Nansook Embroidery 5c yd
Bone and aluminum Hair
Pin 5c dor
Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 5c doz
2i23i mil r-yyy y y ;
-Nei.s.nrj l'r--uiill.,ii.
I'on't n.K.l,',t Held. Il in wro than
nnpli-iiKint. It is il.iiigeroiiM. P.y n,i,.
Onr Minnie CnK!, (, yu ,. ,.,,,. t
"l '" - Allays inll itinnatioii, 1 li-arM the
'"ad, H.,tl,eH and htrengtheiiH the
mucous luetiibriit,.'. Cures ri.nghs.
croup, lhr.,ati,d lumj troubles. Ab.,.
lub'ly nif.,. AitH itnioediately. (',i.
dren like it. lieo. A. Harding.
t- ftfiiaoti.
"Vi H, he Is III
KhslMI, ,rllh.
T, but he Is de-
Voted to JjIk
"I've rend
that nbslntl!
mnkcHtlie heart
jrrow fondiT."
Chlcngo Newa.
Tti I 11 in 1,1 nn f Inn W t.ril TliKI 0fM
I 11111111. uluri. Hn.lril.Hlt
1 1 1 ..... ,1 . 1 . 1 .
n i-i'i'iii'i; 1 ' ii 1 r.r u .111. 1... 11 u,
I lll'.'h.f .1.... 1 : : ..I. I... iii.J li,
, d.itl.11 nf I In- r .: . 1 w. illli IJ j
l' ' "III"' I'l" rr'il.l!, M.IH n 1.,. in
I'llu. .il..i, L11.1H !l. IciV nf lU
I. 1." Hie I i. 11. ..I. I. il.l.) n . a Ik i.q 1
Ii- k.pt In biii.K. it t:..' i.i..ni:
l!.e rmiil.1 mi t ...li ..f t :,. nlliir i.,'t 1
ii-.l until Kii.iil. il h . 1. prt
li. iij'pi-.itiiii; i'l"' iii"inliis tij I
, l aliii' mi ., .( I., tr.nnf.-r lU
III "I'll r 1 1. 'It I !. l l.l M llfk 11. i'.'.
d.Oie w iCe lit Ii I .'I liilnitull.T.
! I hi- b....l.l.. . p. r k. nt to tlw PC
ll'-ie'a I viin' f T tin- wi.r.l I1.7 rV.
!.... I r I 1 V 1 1 11 1 ' d..i;" w nt l( iri'
1 ..I) wind. Put rwry iff.,ri ti
i.-.iM- tin' t...ti nn t In- "duj-'ric .
t.nii f l.-.l. mid It Win innu.1
'1i. HTiiln to Ihe Vnliderbilt lM
f. .ir tb:il tin' 1. Id Ib.iiii'-li-r 11.!;!.! i
I. rid.' 11 th.'ilnhll. lii.l;il.r Iljl :.
In. ' 1. :.Ki'i' w.ih e 1 .. i-' ! ; !)' iMtillln-"!!
the IlllHtilke UllH .illli'tl)' flxl -
II..' Iiiih. ;!.!.. euiiiiiiin 1, re Hi (
I. 1 in : " 'Jim.'.' )'.u !;: (
f"iiiid ymi nil fur n l"t nf ian!rt'
II. 1. I, K" bn. U to the ollliil l:l 1
t!.:it H.ife oil 'dug' 'd 11 r if
Pblliidi'lphhi '1'liiii'n.
urrn V li lorln'l Wr.
The ii ' Int. 11 -.t In liJ
f publle iifliili s did n.'t ci'nw'!l
pi in. -. 8 ib nth, iiltli..iii.'li In ti -
.H ani of nvi'i w lii'liiiing .rrn
bin.- Lu u dull. -ult ti.r.irryeutM
I'piii'ii ..f iiut) . All lin'"r:.nii n
II..11M w 1 ri- I.1I.111 by le r; tin- "'f-
n.iii'H In '1 In- 'unit I'll' ul:ir 'f":
ti n by h.'r mi li b.'iid 11 ud n'
1 in- !--. Win 11 ."- r Henri IV L
b. nm ii' tin- .ti. 1 n's priwile W
h Mild tu lilin, iin'iiil"'f ,u:
ii.Imi'i-: 1 nm older Hum )'"" ,rt )'
h:i vi' b.id li.i'i i' i I" 1 1 1 1 " -. In 1
y i'iim hlhtnruiiiH w Ul haie tt-
II -It Ihe ipieell'H pi 1 -Illli luff 'J
K'.M I nineiit i.f In r iliciiiiili'im. Ai. -ni..fs
bne been iu"st rnrrfu-fl'
hennl nm I iilT.in;'.d 11 ml ""'
pi-rhnps. will be iii'iis-lhii' I" lte
.1 tl...n- !l
r. 1111 the ntiii-r 11:11111 " ,
le piipi r l,e.ili.:!ll I" ie'"'' "
II Mlo.'le I
ulilill 1.1
I'l'i.fi KSii'
:i 1 11 r
l.lmWII I'
I In. Ill' lb
,e III Hi'
lunliiK in lotsr.
"They tell me
rou cami) out
of your recent
ciirnpnlKii with
colors llylnjc,H
auld the friend
"I don't
ed Kenntor Hor
Khum. "Maybe
you inlHunder
stiKKlhlm. May
be you thought
he Bald 'colors'
when he aold
'of If Htralum.
Tenderfoot Curious
names you Indium
(five enoli other Spot
ted Till I. Ited Dog and
all thut Now, what
numo would you give
mo If I were an Indi
an? Chief Jim L'mph!
Hlff Injun call you Kat
Head! ChlcagoNews.
! A llrmr.lr K.ir -1 1 1. 1 Trkl"
l or t.-etblio;. 11 Surrey "iii"'"';
1 I.., . ,.ii. -nt rii'lfJ
I I. tms never ft1 ):
the fiihl nyinpt.iiuH Hie clilU
tnl.i'1. out enily In He' "wrMJ.
pbii i d upon 1 ! bio ii of
be boiroweil for the or.-ln- 1 ..
ri'iUlred heie. f'r the UN1 18
liiUKt sit exnctly 11p1.11 tin' 'r'".0"
doiil.ey's buck 11 ml Is1" ,.
the (.ill. The ini.l fur will ""'""j ' ;
lililiniil slowly fi.rmiid l'114 '
clli'H the IiriPs prayer. nt
which she should Hike II"'
HrniM, kiss him mid ny. "'
him," mid his te. tl.lm.' tro"''11'""
over. f,
Oh, why did not our imitluT
this? What we mhtht b
Kpnri d!- Iiiidou Tit Hits.
Tli Ilml Inveiilnr of rU
Weber whs tin- llrnt who rf v
n Iierim nt workable "''"'ftr.
mid thereby ilcmnliittratcd '"''L.ji
vii 1 t il.'.. ..l.-elrle Ifll'L-rnpll- " .
house whs connected wh"n
liomli al mid uiiinm-lle l"M'n'' fc p
llm.' over two mlli 1" f,., 1
kIkiuiIh were mud.' by '' ,UT ' v
the needle of 11 K'll viiik'""1'
rlf,-ht mid left and were "'"'rp , uy
cordliiK io a cmvi ntln""1
The use of liiterrunled or W .
rei.Ui did not iierii.lt the tw'J
of more than one or two wor l
..... I...I .1... I una lwr'',u
m., i.ii u.c ri"--- . g
.... I.H
tn or el(,ht woros by i"'
ducUxl current.
In h,
1 "c
f Mr,
t I