7 iNTBR iUON T . ... RISE. :;s. NO. II ()It!C(JONr CITY, ORKUON. FRIDAY AUGUST 22, 1902. ESTABLISHED lf.O ol- OR P .... ' " l I-... i r s i.tuiti .Hi (r AAAu. - rill'l I M ill lilt' Ill.M.Ml this the ras'i 10 reHM lorerlani section (WyWWWtTOOWUW JLLliO UT 11 10 1 Mi I'AJ , of tl. lr.,..t ,..lr ,uu!d.ng, wl.iel. ,,;,J(;i;SA 5AU.OVAY Q w. M.i.iii'i Unii'iii't. ivvrii,i' ,l V Al I. A " . ,l a h I ' nl Hi" I'enm. CDaehine Shop f rnnitill.i I lid ia n Confesses Crime on Deathbed. His O o a o o o Fourth unci Wator Streets. Phllipp piK.ldniri, Prop. NEW MACHINERY CONSTRUCTED STEAM FITTING .U-n. r I -1 1 w . "'K"ii '"'y Q 6 i . a m in 1 1 1 . g a11oknkv at law, .GCCGCC0OC?OQ00300003 Ki-p.iiiing i. all k in.lt ;M ill mid Farm Machinery iiml I'niiifs o a o o o o o o o in i.l one solid piece fifteen inches in width I and about eight inches in thirkriess. This piece ol finishing material w j ,i m f-. 1 when tlio church was built in i lit."), ami llM hlulf ol preservation is re J iimrkale , there being very little decay. I r .i-oiU; in )W residing heie, pi-ihaps, ieuli.e tli.it i lit Jobli'N church Was erected hltyseven years ago, yet nmaiii ling perfectly intact, wi'h an appearance kjuhI to many ol the building-, of not Lull that mix. 11m: foundation upon j which the building rests is about three licet in thickness ami stands today 88 j Bolld uh (jibralter. A lurnare ia to b I. nt in tbo basement ami other atlora- I iuiis madti which will nut only modern A N Oil I F.K HAbi:i) KMt tim: Dr.F.D I it.! Inn N.iin il Williams Siy I'ilyf h ll. Nul Minder Aiciil Hiiiiiiiu rr ilcr Mini'1)'. 1 ,1,. .1 i.iiiifi.ri.iii'n makes it cer tain that thi! wrong mini was hanged (or I M the structure ami give greater sealing rni . (mxnoH- ; L twoi L..l..r-lirr Hi lltl.-uarl ft ll.o lti. 01 . ii ...... , M C l ATiil KKna. -rnKNI VS AND (iif.NSI I.OUS AT LAW ,,,lKkr HIIKIIOH I IT, CIlKOl.N. I TUU, l-"n Mutiny. K.iro- l i.h Alolrartl "I I ill. " " la W.llllC , A. s 1 1 AK T, m- I). ' nili. i- 111 SVlllnli'i-tlf lllill-'. In.il" llri-Knii 'My. i r . 1 1 .i in. In VI in.. I t' I'. 7 In N . Ill- ,ni! an ;tv..t I"" ' ( nil aiiiri'. i!y nf IHflit. k H. COOPER, ...Notary Public... i j',. IiiMir.iiiii-. Titli 1 x i Hi i ti - ,.'t . M.i.h-, pi-i'l-., Mu'U: "i 1i;,,!-.,.Mi. Willi J- I. ITIVtNS II I t)(i. OMIOAN CltV. OH. VICTOR AUSTIN t .! ...Iitnl i-l t'l" "'u' I'll""' , 1,:.IT ..I Ih. M.I.I. 1" .l, 1 , 11 1 1 1 .' .1 I tl I . I' I 1 1 CONCIIIT VlOLINUr SOlOlKt . .,.1 .. I "I MI.t'- , r;u.. .....1 " "IT1 ' '" HMt.lt I H ANOIItHON. It I I Mil K TYPEWRITERS N.'W nj Hi-cimil Ilaliil, All Mkkei SOLD ,'iQd RENTED l'lati-nii ami Tarts for All Mitcliim-s t IVri KT TVI'K WltlTKIt r.KI'AIHIN'O At Hrni.iinnl.lr lr).'r Mimoocraphs, Hectoeraphs Anil All liiiplicatinn fiooils T) n rlli.r Hu.pll nml Offlri. I'll nil I urn W iltr ..r '.ln.nr nr tall ..n u V hNl yoll lirnl 14 11 I 111 11 lj Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or. '.' It simk siir.l, i..i. I. mill .V llllini llmik. I. ..lit: I-. '".. ' 'I'l.'-i ' hi i 'Mi.'i-. Hll(li Hy ItiiHTil TrArjrArArArArArArATjrArArArxrATjrjrxrAruTArrArArjrA 5 Built to Fit the Feet, V, t inu' Flv!.' "illi lli.-?-fiii C'.iiifiirt. CdlllO 111 ij a imiriliT on lh Umatilla Hemivation l.'i yi-arH hj.". Th! man whom lib' waH wioniily tukcii waH I'ilyeu, a younit Cay iiHH liniian, who whh convictfil of Uih iiiuritiT ol Mm. AnrH reiunt. Now roiniw ilii- Haibli'Ht part of lli (dorythe narration of th ilnath-beil coiifi.-BHion of a KUlltV iiihii, whirli wairiiiHile by bin wilt t.i J.f ( rail,', tin- lml aii interpreter, but not until alier uhe bail kept the hecret tliie4 wcekH. A few wei'kn H, an liniian, A ic.tor Williuint by name, whone homo wan near the government ebool, on the reHervution, fintlinu IniiiHelf ut the (lour ofilflitb Willi coIiMlllliption, railed lne wile to biH be.iilH ami horrified her hy cotifci-Hiri that it wa be, and not I'll yen, who bad murdered Mm. Tenant. He Hiiid be had not intended to kill her, but aa che whh uuppoHed to have eoii Hiilerablu money in her botiHe, and lived alone, be thought be could Rifely rob her. While he was ranHackintf the bonne, Mrs. Tenant awoke, made an outcry and MMzed bun. Thereupon be murdered her He b d kept hid secret l;i yearn, but bad tuiH'ercd the agonies ol the dammed w henever be thought of the weak old woman be bad killed, and I'ilyeu, biH i:lone pi rc.nal friend, whom be had permitted to be judicially mur dered to Hi-reeii hiiiiHcll. lie bad be come unable to wleep at niht ami re moral! (-o preyed lion him that be fell into it di eline and finally bei ome a vie- ! capacity, but will increase the altraclivt: neon and render it more convenient. One bf the feature!! of the edifice as it now hIhjiiIh, which ban evidently been adopted Hokly by the local church, are the window h, each of which baa been donated and dedicated to aome particu lar person. With the idea of keeping that time honored custom intact, the windows for the new portion of the huildiri); will be supplied in the same manner, one of w hich will be dedicated to the memoiy of Dr. John McLaughlin, w hose remains lie in the corner of ttie church yard, directly under the window. It is dewired that funds with which to purchane this window be subscribed by the people of this city, out of memory of the founder of the town. The improve ments about the premise will be com pleted entire about t.ie middle of next month. HUE NEAIt DODGE. (.rfater Lo-b Stiiiined lo Hie Neigh bo huid lliuu ut First Reported. 1 l.i.'k ut our Milliliter lontivi nr. Lite M'.vIch hikI Imttoin J KRAUSSE BROS, ArATArArATATATATATATArATATArArATArATATATATATjrArjrA fill I'oMI HA.NH oK nliK.K'N fin flUl. ;ii.(it. r i ut i i.inr i.r ' r LADIES' CHILDREN'S SHOES r All (.null-. r r mti t. . niiiii.iiiii! nr. i si. .n-.W Hill. .Il.ri.lllll.'il. M.rol Ium, I'.,,., .nl rlrlil'l( "I" Hr"IM ;lt I'tlltr-l ".' 'r.. Klllu.n let Hi'li K..li( t-i. I ..ll.;rri Hi .nr.. a lrim v a I" 4 r. a. . I' lAlul I.KI IK, I'rMl'Irnt K. J. II K V K K ( itrr W. K. ITIAM Al liiKM.Y AT LAW i.HTi,1.. I . nmli.ril Aliitrm t Mule. jj trill, M'..r!fa.:.- I'rawn. Mon.) Loaned orri, r i. r ii . rl ol nr. ,.,,n Cliy. iimoos l'i. S.IO'Rra C. B. burl r! L'llKN A- SCHUKIIEL AitniiiiyH ut I-ihv. Jii-ulMjcv buohrtt. ' j : 1 1 .., '! in nil rourii, make rolli'i'lions II il HI Vim .-1,1. Ill I .'ale". U.ri'.h ni, -ir.i.-i. i, title, lend Vim money H,dln,, , , i r nmney mi llrsl mri;ni'e. jCflico in Lntorpriso DuilclinK. I in t un ' i I y . Oircoll. 10I;i;i;t a. Ml U.Kit J ATTOKNI-Y AT LAW Uinl 'l ltice. tuid liiml OOlce HuMlm.- (i Hjjeclnlty '' ill prat Ik r iu all Courts of the State Kooiii Wriiihard Ilbltf. Court House, Oregon City, Orcm I SM'i lut HurKMlm III a4 GROCERIES, PATENT MEDICINES 2 Anil Uriii;. 'A A A J A O M MT i. 11 I'.i.l Oftlei. unit J j A. O. MUIN I, illiiiiiette rails. ri,n. reii.h..i... sn.tion r I To the Editor. We have just passed j thiotigti a forest tire, or rutber.it came near passing through us of this locality. D burned over a laine ncope of country j about three miles long and six miles w ide in extent. It cauie near burning i us ail out of house and home. every thing His "total loss is about $100. lie is at present in East ern Oregon. Widiam I'.usch bad just completed a lare barn, which would have been destroyed bad it not been for the faithful work of .Messrs. Kirchem and Foster. Myers & Son Baved their daughter, i sawmill plaDt by baid work. It was a woman s ' close call. Uonstanliy lor tinny-six hours the owners and others lought the lire buck. As it was there was a loss of ,.I,iii il.'.O Riistitined. The mill is attain about ready to run, however. The house and barn ol J. T. Myers came beini! destroyed. The barn Knmswick House & Itcs.aur.mt Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Kestaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, l'ri'iirietor tbn of e iiisuiiii.Unii. To east) bis con Hi iei ce. he said, he must coiil-ss lus, William Neiman lust double minder before he died, lest lie j housie. brn anil fences. could not Iiml rest even in the grave Such m the Mtoiy Victor Williams lold his wile. Tin: ckimk. j On the third day of April, 1SV.I, Mrs. Atrns TV-sMit was murdered. Her body was di-icoveicil by her , Mui.mm Duiinin. Till I tiru i it m hail been beaten out'witb a clul ;aml to make sure of his work the assass in bud cut her throat. For some days noclew to the murderer whh found, but ! t'niullv iiiinv tracks were discovered in mm H.ri.iiiiiinz Held, which were traced to 'tin. iii.K'hhurhood of a 'Indian culled I'ilyeu. I ilveu's wife had been seen washing a shirt in the ' I'niatilla river the day after tbo murder. I'l'liH Hhirt wuh found bv the nllicers, ideil- us beioiiL'iiiir to Piljeu, and WILL EXTEND LINE Trolley Komi Will l!e Hiiilt To Sjiriii!?Muter. wokk will vr.titT Miunnvnii vc lie, ill his Aie Ilea ly Fur In jr f tii.ii II r Intending' ( onlrui't ers -C .iiiilcte hy Fall. I Vinstruction worlr on a trolley linA In Sprinxwaier is to begin at once and be pushed with the nope of completing all lowland grade before Fail rains com mence. The Oregon Water Power & Hail way Company Monday announced ihat it had let the contract for the 5Ji miles between Lents and tjresbam. Con tractor Mason has heuun assembling in struments for the grading, and crews of men will be put on the work Monday. The intention is to have that stretch of road ready to operate before December. Contracts tor the construction of the ad ditional '1) miles to the eomnany s power site on the Clackamas river will be let before the end of this month, and the work will be entered uon at once. The tir.U'r aitw tu fti.r.ill u milt nml ft hlf from Sprmgwater pontotiiee, and for the present the power station will be the terminus ol the line. The construction contracts are for clearing the right of way and preparing the grade for ties and rails, w hich will rirniiul.tv ha luiil iiv llip primnanv. T.fthir f " .' j 1 j for clearing toe right of way and prepar- , ing the grade is exiected to be supplied by the farmers along the line. The har vest rush w ill be passed, and many fann ers will be glad of the opportunity to do this work near their homes for the cash it will bring in. By dividing the line into short sections work may be prose cuted in many places at the same tune, and this plan is expected to get most of the grade out of the way of the rains. On high land, where drainage is easy, tlio work may be prosecuted in the wet sea son, aid those stretches w ill be leit until the last. The bridges will not be in cluded in the u-ru ling contracts and they will probably ti6 bunt under the direct supervision of the company. Itlghtol way lias been omaineu an through to the power station, with the exception of three or four tracts, for which condemnation proceeJings will be necessary, and will be instituted at once. LOST ON MOUNT HOOD. nnur IkMinu rifstroved. the barn con- .......... 'ui.i.u luiiiud alxmt fnrtv tuns of hay. We are imiiik vi.j ...-v j v.. -j rr. . ,. satisfied that people visiting me lucauiy looking for berries set out the tire, through carelessness and enssedness. We have a clue as to wl o set the fire, uml ulwoi we become thoroughly con linen un ueiuiiKing .-.., - , - -- - - doctor swore at the preliminary hearing i vinced we propose to proeecute the of . . . . .... i . - T Li.l.ird IA Ilia ll OVlliht 111 t IA LIV MURROW'S BARRED ROCKS An- nt tin' to). Have won at two of tlio largest pIiows in tlio Northwest, l'.lOl nlso at the etato fairs. Look up their nri.nl. Somo fine hreedint? eotkrels from our prize winning strain -MH nml up. Also n few white rock coekrelu $2.00. .f'J.OO per HfttiiiK. J. MURROW & SON, Oregon City, Ore. L POItTKIt, ATTOKNKY AT LAW iiirri m of raiirisTT ruMHin. next tu Orrimi City Eiilerirb - I (Jf-0. C. JIUOWNKLL, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Wcii. - Oregon Will prnm In all tlm courts of the ffioe it, Cie, l.uilihiig. Flour is a Necessity TlM-re are many kinds of Hour. But none bo good as ours. Try it and he convinced. Made by patent process. Pure, wholesome and of a superior grade. Portland Flouring mills Co. before United States Commissioner Tus tin Ihut the stains on the shirt were hlood, but whether of an animal or human being he was not sure. I'ilyeu was committed for trial in the United States Court at Portland, and was placed in the Multnomah County jail. Upon bis trial before Judge Deady, in addition tothe evidence about the pony tracks and the blood etains on the Blurt, an Indian named Liberty, who nad ieen a fellow prisoner with I'ilyeu, went on the witness stand and swore that I'ilyeu confessed the murder to him in the Port land jail. Upon this evidence Pilyee. was convicted and duly hanged. I'ilyeu always denied his guilt to friends and lawyers. A circumstance showing the truculent character of Victor Williams was re called bv Lee Mooreboiise, who was Umatillu'lndian agent when the murder was committed. Mr. Mooreboiise says that be recalls the fact now that on the the murder. Williams came to Pendleton and got some whisky. When returning to the reservation, as he passed the Sisters' school on the eastern edge of the tow n, he fired a pistol shot through a second-story .. ;.i., ... i ii, u,,,i,l.,iiiv the bullet nar rowly missing one ol the Sisters. His flight Irom the country saved Lim from being prosecuted for tins offense. EXTENSIVE IMPROVEMENT. I'artiehhil Residence loninleted Alter ations to Catholic Edifice tiolng On. f.ui.lMrs in the foil extent of the law We are at a loss to know why there is not a forest ranker sent to this part of the country. There should be such an ..tu,... ao mir i,rnt.urtv is in ilnt?er of destruction all through the dry season. Parties coming Irom a distance 10 pica hfi-nea do not deem to care whether they destroy the wtiole country or not. J. i. n. Later reports just in from Spring water are to the effect that the fires have been revived and further and more serious dauiage is feared. GE0.T. HOWAKI) REAL ICSTATK AND INSURANCK NOTARY PUliLIC A(Rtd Front, Court Mouse Hlock Oregon City, OreK IS. I SIAS 1)1''. AM'! It IN itches, Clocks, Jewelry and. Spectacles. A11 kinds of repairing neatly dono and warranted. "MoHtce lll.ljr. I'miby.OrrBoil JOHN YOUNGER, t - Near Huntley's Drug Store, Y YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. DON'T GUESS AT IT but If you are going, east write us for our rates and let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered by the inols Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars I t?. Illinois Central Pacific Coast to ChlcaeO and Cincinnati. Don't fail to wnte us about fou ufp afwe are in a position to give you some valuable ...forma Jio" anil assistance. 53-9 mile, of Truck over which operated some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or address J. C. LINDSF.Y, B. T. TRUMRULL, T. V. &. P. A. 1 141 Third Street, Portland, Ore. The improvements going forward about the pramises occupied by the Catholic nlm-nli FA tin il.mht of a more extensive and notenortby nature than many of the people of tins city realize, nuai is 1 .i.o , ..mi. Iiiiil residence is now kiiunu iui ni" r"'-- : , r . practically completed and is being oc ..,,,.i.,l hv Father Hillibrand. The .. ..... .0 n.mlurn throughout. It COD till ULI Ul O I" ' . tains nearly a dozen large well arranged .. ..... . 1, , u hpn furnished, will cer- IUUHID, ' , tBinly be one of the most pleasant and convenient nomes id mi mj. building will have cost over ,uw, auu ..;....;. .,,,uiriiims are not extraordin arily large it may readily be understood ii.u 11. u ....neral construction must be ...... f.,-'- , . 1 0...1 it fmiuli nt tbn nest ma terial obtainable, the result of carefully prepared plans ana the product 01 emu (ul labor. Father Hillibrand is very and takes a keen interest in all that is being done about the premises, personally supervising every detail. The fact that the church .i ...oi.iaa nei'imv tbn most com manding location on the flat easily renders the place an ideal spot for the purposes to which it has been dedicated, i,on tim improvements are com pleted a most cre Jitable change in the appearance of that part of the city will have been accomplished. innii, imimrtunt change in the premises is just now going on. The church building is receiving a very wihd addition on the front, which has been made necessary by the increase in the attendance at the services conducted there. The additional room has a ground surface of 30x155 feet, the full height of the original uuiunng. me- uuiauu a material used on the front of the old building has been very carefully removed 1 .:n nn the front eleva- ;Sllll Hill uon-),.""" - . , , ! tion of the new portion. Particularly ts Resolutions of Respect. OiiKfos City, August lOtb. Once more Meade Post, Department of Ore gou G. A. K., has been called upon to fullow to his last resting place the re mains of another beloved and honored comrade ; Nathan Tingle, who died at his home in Gladstone, August 4. Comrade Tingle was a member of Battery E, First Regiment of Michigan Artillery, and re mained with that organization until the close of the war. His Rattery was as signed to duty in the Western army, un der Thomas, and served with distinction in all the hard-fought battles in which the array of the Tennessee was engaged. . . it -i, 1 1 tie was a man oeioveu rjy an woo miew him, as a man of unswerving integrily and loyalty and a neighbor to be reiieu upon at ali times, always ready to lend a heloinir hand to those in want or diBtiess : a loving husband and father. The com rades of Meade post deeply deplore the loss of our oeioveu coiuraue ana exieuu tr. tim fumilv nf thft riapiiRpd their heart felt sympathy, feelinj- that as the years roll on our last thinning ranKS win oe so reduced in the near future mat tne last n,n.kap nf ihut errand nld organization will have answered the last roll call, aud what was will be no more. Q. A. Harding, C. A. Williams, L. W.Ingram, , Committee. Rates Again Reduced From All Point East. Before you make definite arrangements for that triD east let us uuote you rates via the Illinois Central Railroad. Our rates are the lowest to be had, and it wil pay you to write us. If you haven't time to communicate with us, tell the agent from whom you purchage your ticket that you want to travel by Way of the Illinois Central, and you will never re gret the trip. If any of your relatives or friends in the east are coining west while the low rates are in effect write us about them, and we will see that they get the lowest rates with the best service. Through tourist cars, personally con ducted excursion cars, free reclining chair cars in fact all the latest conveniences know to modern tailroading. For particulars regarding rates, time, twice, stop-overs, different connections and routes, Etc., etc., call on or address ; B. H. Trumbull, 142 Third Street, Coui'l Agt. Portland, Ore. Terrible EsperLnce f Rey. Beik, Portland Episcopalian Minister. Lost in a blinding snow storm on Mount Hood for 3d hours was the terrible ex perience of Rev. W. A. M. Creek, rector of St. Matthew's FiOiscopal church, of Portland. Kev. Breek had been passing his va cation at Government Camp. Last Sat urday morning, accompanied by a small party, he left the camp for the snow line. He did not intend toclimb the mountain. The duv was a cloudy one and not at all favorable '01 such an attempt. He bad with him his alpenstock, this being his only equipment. The other members of the party re turned at noon, for leaden clouds were making their appearance, and there were unmistakable signs ol an approaching snowstorm. Rev. Breck's absence was not noticed until later in the day. In the meanwhile the storm broke in all its fury. Night came, but Mr. Breck was still missing. Oi course, everyone was much alarmed, and Government Camp was in an uproar. Searching parties were organized and plans were made to go out lor the lost man as soon as the storm should abate. Sunday morning came and still no word, he Btorm meanwhile continuing. Sun dav afternoon at 3 o'clock the welcome news was brought from the toll gate, nine mileB below Government Camp, that the lost traveler had arrived. During the time that he had been on the mountain he was without food and without even a match. All night he leaned against a tree. When day broke be was fortunate enough to reach one 01 the streams, the Zig-Zag, which he fol lowed, and thus reached the toll gate. All Were Saved 'For years I sudered such untold mis ery from Bronchitis," writes J. H. John ston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often T was unable to work. Then, when every thing else failed, I was wholly cured by Dr. King's New Discovery (or Consump tion. My wife suffered intensely from Asthma, till it cured her, and all our ex perience goes to shew it is the best Croup medicine in the world." A trial will convince you it's uDrivalled for Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Geo. A. Harding's. NEVER RISK MONEY In the mails when you can get a bank draft. This ia tbe safer and better way of sending money. Allow us to sell you the draft. 1 4 V I i Ii M j THE BANK OF OREGON CITY L Oregon City, Oregon s t: