Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 01, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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s? A Vrh Trh A y
firr ir r v j -ji j
All kinds of sport
Ball Games, Hose Races,
Goat ltoees ami
Races to the show
Phone Main 264.
I News of the Week
ftp. AAAAAAAAAA ft f&T
Friday, July 25.
Butte beat Portland ; score, 0 to 1.
Tacorna beat Helena ; score 5 to 3.
Seattle defeated Spokane; score 6 to 2.
American pilgrims received by tlie
Gans knocked out Turner in the fif
teenth round.
Railroads continue to book large orders
for rails in 1903.
Marion County farmers will form a
large wheat pool. ,
No foundation for alarming stories
about the King's health.
Two serious train wrecks on railroads
in Ohio and one in Nebraska.
New England Democracy's harmony
meeting at Xantasket Beach.
Thief gets away with $3800 bidden in
tin pail by Hubbard, Or., woman.
Interior Department takes up matter
of proposed Eastern Oregon reserve.
President Roosevelt addresed New
Jersey National Guardsmen at Sea Girt.
, . , , . i
Jodga Jackson, at Parkersburg, Yi est
, i, . i
Va., found striking coal miners guilty of
An informal ballot for a fair site by
Lewis and Clark directors last night re
Balled as follows:
Tract at toot of Willamette Heights 7
Abrams it Knox tract 3
Hatliorne Park 2
University Park 1
Before taking this vote, it was agreed
that at least eight afEr .native votes should
be required to select a fair site whenever
formal action shall be taken. After the
report of the special committee bad been
considered, the whole matter of selecting
a fair site was referred back to tbe execu
tive committee, witb authority to em
ploy such engineering talent as may be
deemed necessary to aid it in coming to
a conclusion, and it is contemplated that
the report of the executive committee
n aking a definite recommendation of a
eite shall be presented at the meeting of
the board to be held September 12.
Athens, Term., Jan. 17, MOU
Ever einoe the Unit appearance of mr
menses ther were very irregular and I
uttered with great pain la mr bit).,
back, stomach and log, with terrible
bearing down pains In the abdomen.
Dnring the past month I have been
taking Wine of Cardui and Tbedford'S
Mack-Drauirht, and I paeaed the month
ly period without pain for the tint time
ii ears. Nuiii Davis.
What It lift worth lo woman suffer
ing like Nannie Davis suffered? Yst
thers are women in thousands of hornet
to-day who ars bearing those terrible
menstrual paint in silence. II you are
one of these we want lo say thai this
will bring yoa permanent relief. Con
tois yourself with the knowledge that
1,000,000 womei have been completely
cured by Wins of Cardui. These wom
en suffered from leucorrhoea, irregular
menses, headache, backache, and
bearing down pains. Wins of Cardui
will stop all these aches and paint
for you. ; Purchase a $1.00 bottle of
Wins of Cardui lo-day and take it In
the privacy ol your home.
For adTi- aad Ulerauin", address, Ht! n trmn
toma, "ihe La' A'ly i-rtij,cr,l,"
The Chattanooga Medians LO-, Chattanooga.
Saturday, Julv 20.
Bryan is making speeches in Maine.
' President I,oubet closes more Catholic
Union Pacific shopmen's strike nets
into court. '
Kitchener the object of a London dem
onstration. Jeffries knocked out Fitzsimmons iu
eighth round.
I Port of Portland opens bids for dry
dock contract.
Ten fishermen lose their lives in a gale
on Fraser River.
Rich new placer field discovered in
Chetco County, Cal.
Portland won singles and lost junior
four at Nelson regatta.
Eastern advices indicate still hinder
prices for Oregon hops.
The brothers Hoberg meet in Portland
after 40 years' separation.
Anxiety among British Cabinet officials
over the King's condition.
Oats go to 72 cents, new record price,
but lose nearly all of gain before close.
Weekly trade reviews show good crop
news, inspiring general confidence in
, all oticrcii una ill tuaii tied I i mi ui
., , . . . .
railroads in the country are to be com-
Woll ....... I,... S. H, , .11 nl ll..
National Young People's Christian
Union Convention adopts resolutions
against wide-open towns.
Sunday, July 27.
Seattle beat Spokane, score 3 2N
Castro's army retreats to Caracas.
Butte shut out Portland, score 20.
Tacoma defeated Spokane, score 6 5.
Bryan concludes his New England tour.
Wild flurry in oats caused a small
New Coos Bay railroad secures ter
minal grounds.
New York bank statement sbows in
crease in loans.
Big increase in run of salmon on the
Lower Columbia.
Port of Portland Commission awards
drydick contract.
Jeffries and Fitzaimmons deny that
the fight was fake.
Pennsylvania strikers nnder arrest
e leaped from deputies.
Portland senior-four get second place
at the Nelson regatta.
Portland defeated Tacoma at cricket
one inning and five runs.
Governor Geer may increase reward
for capture of Outlaw Tracy.
Frank Carlson is killed In fist-fight
witb George Baldwin in Portland.
Frank Woodward, who was killed by
A. L. Belding, is George Woodruff.
Demonstrations continue in France
against the closing J Catholic schools.
French bark chartered at 27s, lowest
rate yet for new-season wheat loading.
' Canadian Pacific contemplates build
ing a fleet of 15 vessels for transatlantic
Executive Council of American Feder
ation of Labor concludes its session at
San Francisco.
Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, ex-president
of University of Wisconsin, dies at
Kedlands, Cal.
Monday, July 28.
Butte beat Portlrnd ; score, 7-4.
Spokane beat Seattle ; score 6-3.
Tacoma beat Helena ; score, 3-2.
Large coal operator will endeavor to
start a colliery.
Arions, of Portlaud, lead procession at
Seattle saengerbund.
Anti-imperialist committee issues an
open letter to the President.
Coroner's jury finds Frank Carlson
wss killed by solar plexus Vow.
All Unions Will Unite to Celebrate
demonstration in Tans was as much
for t lie government as againxt it.
Negotiations looking to ieaoe in Col
ombia are in progress in New York.
Morgan is said to have perfected a
great Southern railroad combination.
Umatilla County rancher skipped
while wife attended his dying mother.
Josephine County jury did its duty in
convicting Gibson of murder in first de
gree. Snip Pyrenees, from Puget Sound, with
grain, caught fire and was beached ou I ,llle ll(,-u'8-Gambler
Islands. j Man fost in woods near Monteaano,
By new commercial treaty between Wsi.li.. for thro months is rescued more
Great Britain and China four new Chi
nese porta are to be open.
Tuesday, July 29.
July oats make another big slump.
General Dewet arrives at Cape Town,
Souffriere still gives indications ol
Ocean freights have declined to 25
A German electrician invents a wire
less telephone.
The Sylvia will hereafter be the
Preeident's yacht,
Rioting occurred at Paris, Venice,
Padua and in Galicia.
More injunctions are issued against
West Virginia strikers.
Iowa Republicans will hold their state
convention Wednesday.
Serious rioting occurred at a New
Jersey primary election.
Fourth annual tennis tournament
opens in Portland today.
Southern California towns experience
several earthquake shocks.
Chaffee censures a captain for pei mil
ting the burning of a cockpit.
Nome inineowners come to Portland to
seek steamer connections with that port.
Southern Pacific Railroad Company
discovers good vein of coal in Jackson
California man runs amuck, wounds
several men, one fatally, and makes his
Engagement of gold for export makes
speculators timid and stock market flat
tens out.
Very few, if ally, of the state organiza
tions will take part in the regular army
Explorer DeWindt says railway unit
ing Eastern and Western hemispheres is
a feasible project.
Insurgent Republicans who opposed
President Roosevelt's appeal for tariff
relief of Cuba, already defeated for re.
nomination, include: H. C. Smith,
Second Mich. Dint.; Edgar Weeks,
Sever.th Mich. Dist. ; II. H. Aplio,
Tenth Mich. Dist.; C. D. Sheldon,
Twelfth Mich. Dist; J. P. Heatwole,
Third Minn. Dist. ; Page Morris, Sixth
Minn. Dist.; F. M. Eddy, Seventh Minn.
Wednesday, July 30. 1
C I 1 . Tl A . frt . A I
sjKjaaoe ueat cuue; score, 10 it.
Portland shut out Helena; score, 10.
Seattle defeated Tacoma; score, 41.
King Edward is able to walk about his
Umpire Cunningham is lo pitch for
First car ot new-crop wheat reaches
Boer commanders receive ovations at
Cane Town.
Heavy engagements of wheat for South
Africa continue.
Joseph Chamberlain reappears in the
House of Commons.
The Iowa Republican State Conven
tion will meet today.
Teller leaves his candidacy to the
Democrats of Colorado.
Stella log raft will start for San Fran
cisco in about 10 days.
BE A PAGEANT Utf briwrv
Address J. H. HOWARD, Munagor. Box
Outs make another slump. July ehoit
secure "marginal price" cm oats.
Harry Wright, who sainted Outlaw
Tracy to escape, is wen in Lane Comity.
The three great oil interests of Rocke
feller, Rothschild and NoM have com
bined. Cardinal GoMi has been appointed
SueceHKor to the late Ordinal l.do
chuwxki. Commander MtCrea will not permit
bombardment ( Cape Haytien without
tlead than alive.
Thursday, July 31.
Butte beat Spokane; score 12 to I.
Seattle beat Tacoma; score, 4 to 2
Helena heat Portland; score, 6 lo 3.
Eugene Fry drowned in Willamette,
King Edward's progress continues sat
isfactory. Democrats of Michigan open their Male
Corporation formed to take over Ruck
Island securities.
Paul Mohr's portage railioad sold to
the Northern Pacific.
Americans rewarded in connection
with Prince Henry's visit.
Seven hundred bluejtckets created a
dinturbance at Kure, Japan,
July lumber shipments from Portland
by water nearly .QUO ,000 leet.
Wheat crop of Umatilla Coun'y will be
15 per cent less than u ual yield.
The funeral of Die late Chief Rabhi Jo
seph, at New York, was the occasion of
a riot.
Warden Janes favors' pay ing Mrs.
Waggoner euiiie reward for reurn oj
Merrill's body.
1'latt says Roosevelt will have the solid
New York delegation at the next Na
tional convention.
"Marginal" price on July oatei aust-s
bad feeling between bears and bulls and
results in advance.
The long-threatened clash between
striking miners and police occurred at
Sheuaudoah last night. A leading mer
chant ol the city wus beaten to death,
several borough policemen were sliot,
one fatally, and over a score of strikers
were shot by policemen and deputy
sheriffs. Governor Stone ordered two
regiments of infantiy and the Governor's
troop to the scene. 'Hie disordnr was
caused by foreign strikers. Oilicials of
the miners' un on are doing all they can
to maintain peace and order.
Iowa Republicans made the following
nominations: Secretary of State W. B
Martin, of Auair County; Auditor of
State B. F. Carroll, of Davis County ;
Treasurer of State G. 8. Gilbertson, of
Winnebago County ; Attorney-Geneial
C. W.Mullane, of Black Hawk County;
Judge of Supreme Court Scott M. Ladd,
of Bryan County; Judge of Supreme
Court Charles A. Bishop, of Polk
County ; Clerk of Supreme Court John
C. Crockett, of Hardin (Jounty ; Supreme
Court Reporter W. W. Cornwall, of
Clay County; Railroad Commissioner
E. A. Dawson, of llreme.
niiaki: i.vro vol it mioi:n.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder. It cures
painful, smarting, nervous feet and in
growing nails, and instantly takes the
sting ouof corns and bunions. It'i the
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease niakea Unlit or new
shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for
sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching
feet. Try it today. Sold by all drug
gists and shoe stores. By mail for 25c
in stamps. Trial package FREE. Ad
dress Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Bears tu yllie Kind Kou Win Alwart Bought
Prizes will ho lmii up in all
depart mollis.
All business houses will be rep.
resented in parade.
Whose Strength Equali Their
Fw wrymrfi if any shrink from tit
tawing fxtin of matrrnltv. All they k
to It rl the child's heart bating against
their own as thrv hold it in strong arm
to the full fount from which it feeds.
How rarelv the mother's strength krc
pace with her love ettry woman knows.
Often the Uhy is laid against a breast
that cannot nourfh it. and folded in
arms aluuwt too weak to bear the tmv
burden. The woman who is strong and
whose abutel.int vitality enables her to
nurse htr child ami enjoy its care is
looked upon as marvel. She Is enn-
sidrred an exception, peculiarly
specially endowed try nature. But the
real marvel is not the strong woman but
the weak one. She is tlie exception,
j The strong healthy woman is nature's
type. She sliows what every woman
; ought to he anl what almost every wom
an may be by the use ol prnrr means.
Dr. Tierce's 1'avorite I'reecription
J makes weak women strong snd sick
women well. The record shows that of
the hundreds of thousands of women
who have used " Favorite Prescription "
ninety-eight per cent, have been abso
lutely and altogether cured. The other
two women in each hundred for whom
no complete cure wsa possible, have in
general acknowledged a great improve
ment in their condition ; headaches leas
frequent ami less painful, backache
greatly diminished; able to resume again
the Care of the household and take pleas
ure in social life. That is the general
story of the two per cent, of women who
I had found no help in any other medicine
' I . 1 1 . - ..
uui uavc mr me uk 01 " ravorue i re
criptlon " found relief and comfort.
But think of the great army, the nine-ty-eiglit
per cent., numbering hundreds
thousands of women who have been
cured perfectly and permanently. No
more headache, no more backache, no
more monthly misery. Pain is a thing
of the past. These are the women who
are fit for maternity who will have
strength to give the child they bear.
"I have intended for some time to
write to you," says Mrs. F.va Burnett, of
kossellville, Igan Co., Kentucky, "and
gf? a testimonial in regard to what Tour
medicine has done for me. My baby
Cme in July, 1899, and I had congestive
chills, and lay at rleath'a door for ten
long weeks. I was in a dreadful condi
tion and bad six of the best doctors in
the city. After everything had been
done and I had been given up to die I
asked my hniband to get me a bottle of
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Tresrription. He
bad 00 faith in it, hut he got it. and
when 1 !,.. uai-n it two weeks I wa
able to walk to the dining room to my
cu:k rou
Ely's Crezm Calm
T.Mf anii jileaar.nt U
n. CixiUiius ito In
jurious inij.
lilVlfll Jiyln-f at Olictt.
It ),ns smiI t;m.et
fc Vfcie: vV " 7
HAv.rrvr;?i.a V'
Li:t .i-ri'Wi -v
nie ai l'as-ai?i s.
All-ire Iinlntiimstion.
llls snrl lrtru the Memlirane. Iteslitm tl.
h-niil Tnie ami h.ni.;. ,are Hw, ti i:fuIs i
DniLVlft or lir mm!; Trial n..n. 10 ti nts hv im.l
tLV iS'.vn'llLIU, M W'arteo bUmI. Htm ur
rWI - Ufl W V
-' "a
374, Oregon City.
meals, and by the time 1 bad Ulrttfc,
bottles I was able lo cook fmy!aj
of lour. I can never prune fc.
and his medicine enough. 1 tuvtmn
mended It to afflicted ledie tem
oMihlv rould. I know 1 mK',i b
wen tieatl had It not tees lor i
Dr. IHerce's Favorite JWriptioe
(abilities regularity. It dries en haft
drains, heata inflammation sod o'crriu.
and cures, female weakness. Ttirtai
prerative for maternity it gien ji
cal vigor anl the mental Courtgtitj
rotttea from a frellntr nf trn.tli ft-
- n a'-
courages lite aptietile, lrnia:',im s
ttrrtes and indurra refrethmf s'te
II ntaaes ins natty s auveut pfsrtsa.'
painleaa, and increases the flu ef
Utttntive set reiioil.
"I wish to advise the luffrrinf trac
of this great land, of the r4 a-
received from Di, Tierce's latwiit N
ecriMion and 'KWt
Mclual Ihicotfrt '
writes Mrs. Mirjk
pell, of ColsBb;
(..rove, rut rum u
Ohio. "Fur low a
I hail bees I r-J"
Iroin female treuV
and at timet vmssc
lo do even the sow
work for three hi
family. I had s
pains that 1 luflrrsi.
rttitat death duena t
times, but after Uc,
five bottles of t
medicines 1 cas 6V
fully say that my het
was greatly impnw
I have a food sr??
snd am ginifi(U'
right aloar. Ts
spring it the I'
in five rears tbsl Ik"
done my bouie tier
ing si I ly Bywii s
without the lead
tigue whatever. Ikr
II tullrrinf rmi
may find relief at 1 have dune. I
" My gain In weight Has pets jm p
pounds, and I am still gaining.'
Sick women are invited to consul.
Tierce by letter frit. All corretpM'j
confidentially comluctetl ana wow
confidencet guarded by Stnd Pe
slonal privacy. Address Dr. '
Tierce, llttfTslo, N. Y.
The offer of frit consultation bjrktr
mane oy nr. rierce 11 not m w
with the misleading offers of free
iral advice, made by those who barf
ther medical education oof "r"!
Anyone may offer " medical ad,
the tnliral ailvlrr of SO UBQtUi!t
per si in, either man or wofitn,
only worthiest but Buy oe -
As chief consulting physician w u 7
valids' Hotel snd .Surgical In1'
lluffalo, N. Y., with sn ttsociate lUlf
nearly a score of physicians, Dt-J
it enabled to offer to those who eo ,
him by letter frit, a medical eirtn:
and success which hat no superior. I
There it no alcohol in "re'"!
scription" and it it entirely J
opium, cocaine and every other
Tills perfect freedom from til i"FT
ingredienta mtket "Favorite W;
tion" the ideal tonic for nurtinf w
ert and all wesk "run down" wom f
If a dealer trlet to sell .
in place of Dr. l'lerce't Ftvorittn
tcriplion it is because lets
medicines pay a little more pw
the dealer, if you want to be u
want to insist on the medicine
cured other women, Dr. Tierce
ite Prescription.
Annie Harnett, of Hlttou,
Texaa. says, - Will say I J'f "V,
ical Adviser' so much; It is wow ,
we:ght in gold." J
Dr. IHerce's Common Sen i
Adviser containing 1,008 P 'ei
700 illustrations is sent !
receipt of itampt to pay "F1" i -fcl
ing only. Send 31 one-cent u
the cloth-bound volume or only st.
ii. t 1- : ..nnaf rf. Vtr-
t. R. V. I'icrc, Buffalo, W.
r--fl-inr(wntf hfl
Freight and pare. -
to all parts 01 v-- uz
b. B. biuuPih