6 ' OREGON CITY FVTRR1T?TSTT PR ID AY. AIN1UST. 1 19"-' Legal Notices. Administrator's Mule f l.uiitl. Notice n herein- given ih.it (lie under- I sinned as Administrator ot the state of I Wil ism Mkirvin, drceased, by vlrtua-vf an nidi r ol the (Van iv Court ol itir fdateof 'rt g.n for CUckama- Com t v made on ihe l'.K'.', authorising ivy, AdiiilnUirMtor .VM Ire Notice is hereby iriven tl at the iimltr. signed has been appointed adniini-tr itor i '.'tiri dsv 0I July, A. I) uiv ri-inir 01 jonn , lire, ueceasel. All person" having claims anainst the nniil es tate are hereby uotinrd to prese nl (tit Mine duly verified according 10 lit and accom panied by the proper vouchers, to the tin. drsigned m Cinhv. Claekimas (Vunir. Vregon, or at the ollice ol Goo. C. li.owm II Oregon Uly. Oregon, within six months Irom the (lute ol this notice. Dated this 1st ilsv of Angnt. 1:102. Al.EX AN PER Th'K. Administrator. GEO. C. PROWNEI.L, Attorney for Administrator. police lor ublieiKion. Timber Land, Act June S, 1S7S. rnited Hates l.aml Otlice. Oregon Cttv Oregon. J line 27. l!HV Notice is hereby given tint in compliance witn tne provision ot the ai'l ol Congress ol June 3, lfCS, entitled "An act b r the sale ol timber lands m the 8'ates ol ('ah(orma. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land blates by set of August 4. ISC. ROSAEL O. OSBORN, of I'oitlsiHl, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this ollice his sworn statement. So. SCJ, for the pur chase of the fr ot Section No. 30 in Town ship No 6 S. Ranee No. 4 E. and will otter proof to show thnt the land sought is more valusbte tor its timber or stone fan for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Keetster and Jieceivtr of tbisnflice at Oregon City, Ore pon, Tuesday, tlie 5tti day of September, l!0-. He names as witnesses: J C. Burke, of Molaila. Oregon : Robert Ixinden, Edward Burke, Robert Osbom, of rort ana. Any and all persons claiming? adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ollice on or before aaiil !tb day of Sei tember, l'Xtt. CHAS. B. M jORES, Register. Notice, of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under siiiied executrix of the estate of Conrad Neibert, deceased, has hied in tbe County Court ot Clackamas County, State of Ore gon, her final account as such executrix of said e-tat", and that Monday, September 1st, 1H02 at the hour of 10 A. M.. at the Com ty Court room, has been fixed by the said Court as the time and place for hear ing of objections to said account and the settlement thereof. ROSA NEIBERT, Executrix of the estate ol Conrad Neibert. deceased. fipes A Tim. Atty's lor Executrix. Administratrix' .oflre. In the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Clackamas County. Id tbe matter of the Estate of( Budd Smith, deceased. I Notice is hereby given that the tinder signed has been iiu.y appointed Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Budd Smith, de ceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to pre sent them, duly vf r tied, to the undersigned at Meadowbrook, Clackamas County, Ore gon, within six months from the da'e hereof. Dated this 22nd day ot Jul v. 10n2. L1LL1E SMITH. Administratrix. BOBERT A.MILLER. Attorney lor Administratrix. Nl'.U.MO.S. In the Circuit Court of the State ol Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Bargalin A. Knighton, 1 Plaintiff, I vs Marvillo Knighton Defendant. J To Marvilla Knighton, defendant herein : Io tbe Name of the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the conn lain t hied against ou in the above entitled suit and cour', on or before the 2ttli day of September, 10"2, being six successive publications ul said summons as ordered by the conn, the first piiMicalion thereof as ordtred being on the 2otu oay ol July, 1902. and which is the first publica tion ol ibis summons. And it you tail so to appear and answer said couii laint, and lor want of such atnswer, platntill will apply to the Court tor the reliel prayed for in the complaint to wn: For a decree of the court dissolving the bonds ol matrimony now txisting be tween pUintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as the court may seem meet wiid equi y ana justice. Tins summons is served upon you by publication in the Ortou City Enterprise published at Oregon Cny, Oregon, once a wees tor six successive weeks, the hrsl publication thereof being in the issue of July, 25, 1902. by order of Hon. Thos. F, Kyan, county judge, of Clackamas county in the absence ot Hon. T. A. SlcIfDde circuit judge, duly made and entered here in, this Ski day ot July, 1"2. J. A. STKOWBHIDliE, Jk, Atty. lor Flaintiff Last publication Sept. 5. him so to do, will from -ud n't.r t'ie 'J.trd dsy ol August, l!Vi, duly sell at private sle lor Kh tne olloing decnhed real property belonging to the estate of the said dei-edei t to wit : Tbe undivided one half of the N- rth-Ktist Quaiterof Ibe North-East Quarter and the West half ot tbe North East Quarter; also 1Ot Five, all in Sec. Eighteen, l'onship S S. R .t E. ol the Willamette Merldnin, ex cetit A) seres t the aimve land deeded lo James McKenrie by Martha A. and Alfred How kin, two deeds as lodows, lo-wit : One deel of live acres recoioed on pace '.kA Hook W, and one deed of lifteen acres re corded on page 47ti Hook Y, record ot deeds for Clackamas Com ty, Oregon, containing 1:57. -IS acres, more or less, and that all ot s.tid land is situated in Clackamas Couotv, Oregon. Said land will be sold for cash. 1'ersons wishing lo lui said liinls are re quested to make Iheir oilers to the under s guetl at Iauiasciis, Or. -non, or to tiordou E. Haves at bis ollice in Oregon Ci'v, Ore gon. J. 0. EM.ITr, Ad'ninivtralor of said Estate, coupon e hayes, Attorney. ollcc to reIitori. Notice Is hereby given that Ihe under- signed has be-n duly appointed by the County Court of the County of Clackamas, administrator ol the est.ile of (teorge Marshall deceased, and all ir-ous having claims against said estiite are hereby nott neit to present the same with ir uer voch rrs duly ventied lo the undersigned at his place of residence nearCiirnt sville, Clacks maslotin'y. Oregon, within six months Irotu the date ol this notice. EDW IN BATES, Administrator Dated this Sth day of July, 1ML. Nuninionw. In the Circuit Court ol the State ot Ore gon tor the County of Clackamas. Charles Ranch, Haiti! II.) vs. V Roiey Ranch, Defendant.) To Roxey Ranch, the above named de fcndaul : In Hie name of tSe Sla'e of Oregon, you are hereby r-quired lo appear and answer i theconipiami lilt-d ag iinsl y u in tbeatiove entitled suit in ttie ao 've naiui'd V'l'Utl on or belore Septemter l.th, 1; 0.', the same being seven weeks from the Hist publica tion ol this summons; and you will take notice tliat il you tail so lo appear and an swer said compl tint, the plaiutill ill apply to the Court lor Ihe r-liel demanded In said complaint, to w it : that the bonds of matri mony now existing between yon and plain tut be dissolved. fins summons Is published bv or ler nf I'hoiuas A. .Mcltride, Judge of the .Mb Ju dicial district ol the State ol Oregon, In the Oregon C ty Enterprise, for seven amvessivs weeks, coiumenciiig August l-t It1., and contiuiiiug foreai-h weea thereafter to and including Septetnh-r I'.', Itn.' tiEt. C. IIKHWNELI., Attorney lor 1'iMintilT. fiii-.iiiri"N nam: nov on HOW "THE KID" Mii:uiri'N nai.i: In the Circuit Court of the St ite of Ore gon, lor the County ol Cl ickamas. James M. Tracv, 1 i'laintill, vs. i Hiram E. Straight, Mar- I garet tirau and I t.rati. lor husband. Win. E. Sttaight. Ja cob Stiatght, James police Tor 1'iiblirHiioii. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, J til v '."nth, l!rj. notice is herehv given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made be lore Kegiter and Receiver at Oregon Cilv. Oieg ii, on Sept. 8;h, llkl', viz: SETH AUSTEN Pre. D S. No. 7H75. lor the SI-X' of NE1:. Sec 5. T. ti S., K II E. and Lot t SE'i ol SWU SW;; of NE'; Sec. 30, T. ti S.. K. He names the follow inir witnesses to itmvA hts continuous residence Upon and enliivn. lion of said land, vir: hrank Hake', of Cotton. Oregon: John f! Arquet. of Colion. Oregon: John IV lrri,k of Oartield. Oregon; Harry E. Austen, ol Oregon City, Oregon. CHAS. II. J100KES, Reirister. The Enterprise f 1 .50 per year. Executor1 Notice 'I'o estate I'rediloi-M. of Jacob S. In tbe matter of tbe Risley, deceased. This ceitities that the undersigned has Deen duly appointed, by the County Court of Clackamas County Oregon, executor el tne isst in and testament of Jacob S. Risley, deceased, late ol Clackamas Countv, Oregon. All persons havingclaimsagain'st said estate are herehv notified to present the same to me for allowance at the office ol my attorney. C. H. Hvs. E-n. Comer tSth and Main Street-, Oregon City, Oregon, uuir .riiuc.i BLUOrillllg io law, WIIIlIU six months from the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 3rd dav of July, A. D., I!i2. John f. risley. Executor ol t'ie aforesaid estate. HIIEIKIFJF'N HA I.E. In tbe Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon for tbe County of Clackamas. A. E. Latourette, Trustee, Plaintiff.) vs. Andrew O. Heckman, Defendant.) State or Okeooh C0D5TY or Clackamas! " By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of tbe above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the Din day of July, I'M, upon a judgment rendered snd entered in said court on the 8'b day of July, 102. in favor ol said A. E. Latourette, Trustee, plain till, snd against said Andrew (). Heckman, Defendant, lor the sum ol WiYUO, with in terest thereon at tbe rant ol 9 per cent per I annum irom me ztnn aay ot November, 18li2, snd Ihe furthersum ot $00.00, as attor ney's fee, and the costs and disoursenienis, and tbe costs of and ujon this writ, commanding rue to make ssle of the fol lowing described real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon to-wit: Tbe South West Quarter of tbe South West QuaiterfH. W of S. W. yt) of Sec tion Two (2) Township Five South, Range One East of tbe W. M. in Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtne of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with tbe commands of said writ, I will on Saluraay, the ZSRD DAY OF AUG EST, 1902. t tbe hour of 11 o'clock A. M., at the front door of tbe Comity Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. H gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and interest which tbe within named de fendants or either of tbem, had on tbe date of tbe mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, jude m nt order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER, BhernTof C'arkamas Cour ty. "-'"ti. By E.C. HACKETT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., July 18tb, 1902. Notice for l'liblicution. Department ol the Interior. 8 "r 0ltiCe " JreBo" ''J- Oregon, June Notice is hereby given that tbe followit g named settler has liled notice of his inten. lion to make final nrool in innnnri ,r i.i. claim, and thst said i roof will be made before Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August il, l!n-2 viz- FRANCIS M. OIIX H. E. 120!7, lor the of t of see 2H, 1 3 s, r5e. He names tbe Mloxinp witneua m i.t, his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: S. C. Huffman. H. B. Ssrver, E. C. Huff man, H. H. Ander-. all of tiarfield. Oregon CHAS. IS. MOoRES, Kegtster. Straight, John Straight Mollis Straight, and Hiram E. Straight, administrator of Ihe Estate of Hiram S raight, Deceased, Delendants. I STATX orOllltonM I Coi ktv or Cl.Al KAM AS.I By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal ol the above entitled court, in tbe above ent't ed cause, to ma duly di rected and dated the 1,'nti day of July, l!rj, upon a judgment ami dei ree rendered and entered in said court on the 3rd day of May, 'J"C, in favor of said James M. Tr.uy, plaintill.and against s.ild Hl-ain E. Straight, Margaret (Iran and tlratz her husband, Win. E. Straight Jacob Straight, James Strilgbt, Mol'ie Straight, John Straight, and Hiram E Straight, admiuislr itorof the estate ol Hiram Straight, deceased, defend ants, for the sum ol ?1HMKI, with interest tliereon at the rate of per cent per annum from the Mih day ot Noveu her, 1 !, and the lurthei sum ol $i"i uO. as atlorm yis fee, and costs and disbi raeuienta. and tne costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, sttu de in the county of Clacka mas, Mate ol t tregon, to-wd : AH that p-rt ol tbe Easterly or wife's hall ol the Hiram anil Sun Straight 1). L. C, In Township Two (.') South, Range Twoi'.'l East, lying west ol the Oregon and Calilomia Rail oa I and E is'eily and South erly ol th" county Mad, being t.ie unsold portion of the claim lying west ol the said railroad, excepting from above a small tract sold to Knnie felletson, also a S'uali trai t on West side of said roau sold to Charles Alhrivht, the amount of land conveyed h Itig tilieeu ( l.i) acres more or less. l'h in terest hereby conve.ved being the tmdlvidrd one-sixth In t tie same, that being a portion belonging to sani H.rsni Straight, situate in Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and In comp iance with the commands ol said writ, I will, on Monday, tbe 25TH DAY OF A I'O 18 F 190-', at tbe hour of 1') o'clock. A. M. at the front door ol the County Court House in the city otoregonCiiy.nl said county and Stile, sell at public auction, subject to redeiiin tion, to the highest bidder fo' II. S. geld coin cash in band, all the right, title and hit rest which the within named defend ants or either of them had on the tlste of the mortgaKe herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any pari mereoi io satisiy nam execution, juiig tnent order, decrte, inter-st, costs, and ail accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. ShenfTof Clackamas l oumv, Oregon By E. C. HACKErV. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore.. July Irith. l!rj. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore goo, tor the County of Clackamas. M. Raphael ami Son, 1 ria'iitill. I v H M. Neui I, 0 lemlant. I STrit or (Iiikoon ( Coi'NTY or Cim k M i By virtue of a Judgment order, decree and an ex.s'utlon, duly issued out ol an I under the seal ol the atove en Ittrd court, III the above entitled caue, lo me dul' di reced and dated the l lth day of June, IS.U, upon a judgnient rendered and en tered in said coin! on the It b dnv ol .dav, I Oil.', in lavorol M. Rnnbael.t m. I I n 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 . and ag umt E M. Newblll, Defendant, lor Ihe sum ol f-'i i'o. with intir-st th reon at the rate id X per cent per rm Irom the ISili day ol May IMI, and the lurther toni ul f'.l.tl. costs with lineiesi Ihenoii at the rale td .s per cent pi r annum Irom tlie Ulh day ol .Way, 1M, and Ihe costs of and upon tills w nl, coiiiuianuiug ine out ol llie per-onnl properly id said deleodanl, and II sllllli'ienl could not he IoiiiiiI tl'eo onl ol toe real properly belonging lo sal I deleu i lit, on ami alii r the date ol said Judgun ut to satisfy sal I sum and alio the costs upon this said writ. Now, iheretore. by virtue of said execu tion, judgment truer and decree, and In compliance with tne com ma mis ol said w rd, being Unab'e to lind au h isoiisI property ol said delendatd's 1 dpi, on the I lib day d June, ilulv levy upon I re loll win; de scribed real propeny.ol said del hint, situate und being In the coliniy ol I lacks, mas. and state of Oregon, lo wit: All ol Lots No. :i and 1 1 in Block 2 In Ihe town ot I'.ilk i'lace, - shown on Ihe map in the Recorder's olll.e in Clackamas County, Oregon. And i will, on Saturday THE li.liv.U 111 1 1 I t I0NCURIEI) man mm: UUill7 r i j . . . - 1 1 . i i . 1i i' 1 1 THE:5oril DAY of Al'lit'S T, I:m2. at the hour ol 2 o'clock I1. M , at Ihe front iloor ol Ihe County Court House in Ihe City ol Ore. on City,' in sai l Count , and State, sell at public auction, siibi-cl to re demptlon.to tne bignesi bi-hb r. lor I', S. gold coin cash in hand, a I tne right, title and Interest which ihe within named de bmdant had on Ihe date ol said judgment or since had In or to the above described real proierty or any purt thereol, to satialy said execution, juilgiiienl ordi r. ilecree, lii terest, Ctists and all accriiing costs. J. J. COOKE, Sherifl of Clackamas, Couiiiy, ore. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon. July':!, pur;. Notice Cor liilllrnlioii Notice Is hereby given that Incompliance with tlie act ol Congress ol June .'I. IS7M, en- titled "An act lor the sale ol limner iau.l in (he States of Callorida, Oregon, ea.!u. and Wastnngion 1 err. lory,'' as exirmled to all the I'UDhc Land Stales by act ol An itn-t t. I:r.', Win. F. Ri intr. of I'lirdand, County of Multnomah. Shite ol Oregon, has Ibis day tiled tu this ollice his sworn stst-ineiii. No. or t e piin ba-r ol tbe t.'t ol . t. S', ol Ml ,, and Srt'.ol SI-. ',, of Sei-uun .So. 2d, I , I S. I!. No. ., i: , and will oiler proof to show that I to- Und sought is more valuable h r its limner or stonl tlian for UL.T it 1. 1 1 il r.t I purno-es ami lo establih his claim to sal I land lieloio the Itegi-ter and Receiver ol this otllce, at ore gon Citv on Saturday, tbe (th day of Octo ber. ItsrJ. He names as witnesses: Heurv Iqiper.on, Richard l'almat--er, Adolph Miller, t has. C. Miller, all ol liarlleld, Ore, Any and all persons Claiming alvcrclv Ibe alsive described 1 inos ure re.'n-3i.-. p. nie meir claims in ibis uftn-M on or before said ten day ol Octolx-r, Ion.'. CHAS. 11. MOOREts". Iiegi5ter,. By Cisllle Bonney Marble Copyright. IM. by CalMe I'""""' W"M 1 HOltTY, ll.c licv.sl.oy, littti ' posctl of Ilia I'ttl'- l" the lllrof n Slice. . ful lUINlllCNI man n golut! ..ul let I lb A-hot 11 !' I'""- a nIii-III vole us Hi" n'"l"'.v th,. list linn null-, when. Im caught ,.( UnMlulicr of n hint- tilhKl'""' "1"'"" , soin,. altibl-y f .u.cii tlie lotimls. bolli I'cloitglng Id ,! ullvc boy of four, with blU. ld- n writ..' gni.v -.-a iin.l ii l'-'k "f .vll"w linlr. What you cunt. KI.I7" nl.-.l t! hcwHliov. ullli a piili-mlHn: air. "Oh, Shorly," filc-l ll'" w-'- orphan t gleefully, "iniuoiTotv'a Dccotiiilon day, 1 li ml set- what I've p'l"' A'"1 '" ,1,','w out from n hole under Hm K"'1' " won tlerful comhlliallou iMiuquet of Ida own raHhlonliig. wlilelt eoitsUtetl of two faded plnl s. tin ai'tlllelal rosebud drop ped from somebody's bonnel. sonic cel. cry leaves, ti pine tw' "' " fu" tiNsortnieiit of 11"' weeds which grew iibotit the asylum yard. "Isn't It bu ll full And touiotiow when the ol .it... ,1. I,v I'm coin' wlf 'rm w here tlie dead people tin- nn.l put U jntli tht M, ,hll render back nn some grates, If I can ruuM ny. I Th wutler cf hsr dead If I can't. I'll lake It to the .omi.rs. y oyn (cron9 of ftmt . Full many a heart that bled, And still In many a hidden spot, Dy vines and (jrass o'srgrown. Unnoted heroes lis forgot, Their plies of rtit unknown. Ot i -..p right. I'ntJ, bv W, K Vail ) i -sODAY your choicest flovtura. you uring In honor of tht brave; Your choicest hymns pralst you sing Around each hero's oravs.j Out what of (host who darkly sleep j Where mourners nrvsr corns T Shall none their hapless fortunsi weep, And shall their praise bs dumb? niii:kii'f'na!.i:. In Ihe Circuit Court of tbe Slate of Ore gon, for tbe County of Clackamas. Washington Nations! BuilditiK Loan 4 Invest ment Association, a cor poration, Plaintiff. vs. Geo. VV. Stryksr. unmar ried, Ola ii. bt'yker, tin. married, J. A. Barker and M. .1. Barker, his wife. J. W. Didier, Didier, his wife. Defendants. J State or Ok boos, i Couhty or CueicalAS,f " By virtue of a Judgment order. il.,. and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to rue duly di rected and dated Ihe loth dav of Jnlv VMl, upon a judgment rendered an.i ..... tered in said court on the 13th day of June 1(102, in favor of Washington National' nuiiume, iian ana Investment Associa tion, a corporation, ulaintilf. ami said Geo. W. Striker, unmarried. Ol M Htryker, unmarried, J. A. Barker and M. J Barker, his wile, J, VV. Didier, Didier, his wife. Defendants, for the sum of 11000 Oh, with interest thereon at the rale of 6 percent per annum from the let day of March, Itfio, and the further sum of $100 as attorney's fee, snd the further sum of ?-':r.'OTOisannuisourseriieiits, and the costs .otlce lor 'iiIiIIchHoii. Department ol the Interior Land Otlice at Oregon City, Oregon. July 12. I!i2. Notice is hereby given that the Pillowing nameii seiner nas hied notice ot tils Inten tion to make finai prool in support of bis claim, under Section 22X1, R. ti., ami that said proof wilt be made belore tbe Regis ter and Receiver at Oregon City. Oregon. on Atigu-t zird, I').', viz: AUGUSTUS E. A LSI' A UGH ; H E. ll.TO, for Ihe l-ots 1 A 2 Sec , T. 3 S., R. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Augustus I). Burnett, Edward Burnett, and Joseph F. Wooole. all of Eagle Creek, Oregon, ami Granville B. Linn, of Currins vibe, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES, Register, The Imllnii I ntalliio l.ruenil, The earliest hoiitci' for tin- religion of India Is the liytniiH of the ICIg Veda, the (In le of which In now fixed nt nhotit HXX) It. ('. In one of Iheso hymns we encounter as the creator I'tirtislm, who In simply a "nmgiiilloil mini." A pan theistic turn, however, In given to tliltt conception iimler the Inlliletiee of wlileli I'liruslia licr-nnicD tlie "nil In nil" find Ih liletitllled with the universe, with u lint Ii:ih lie. ii nut what hliall be. All K'hIh. niilinnlH iiml castes arc pnrtt) of Iilni. The inooti Ih Ii Ih inlinl, tlie sun lila eye, from li Ih mouth sprang Intlrit mid A ptil iiml from lii.s ldon;!i Viiyu, Kptiee from Ills navel, Inn veil fi-ntn Ida bend nnd the earth from his feet. This rnui mi tion theory when freed from Its Jirltnltlvc elements lieei.niea panllielsin pure ami Kimple. In neconl with this view the source of crenllve activity Is carried back In other liytnnH to "do- ulre." We rend In Vedlc lltenittire flint "(lonlre Ih the Heed of the niltnl." .Mor ris Justrow, Jr., In Harper's Magazine. ami they cull give It lo Hie "end "" for me." Ami Hn l-aby. who knew liolhlni, of w ar nnd death, smiled t;lei. fully. "You're coin to be In It. ain't you, Kid?" Shorty said, answering the baby's smile In almost a fatherly wny. "You're a good boy to think of the dead folks, mid here's a penny to buy you a popcorn ball." The h.ippy orphan rnti Nek to the asylum after having deposited his pi Ions penny In Ihe bole under the gate, w here reposed tils Memorial 'lay boilitiet, ami that nlglit be was fa vored with a boy's happiest dream. for soldiers and guns and p"l rn were In delightful evlileiiee. Tbe next Inoinlbir the KM w-rt wake lone before the gong sounded to arouse tlie orphans, and after In- bad disposed of his bowl of mush and milk ami secured tils treasures be start id dotvtt the dusty road as fast n I, diminutive legs could carry him. lie hint not gone far before be heard mil sic anil the tramp of men ami horses. "The soldiers: The soldiers:" he cried tta lie hurried on ward ami finally stumbled ami fell Just as Ihe rapluln. on the big black horse, spied blin ami suddenly drew rein, fur u temporary halt had been culled. "What Is your name, sunny?" lie ask ed klhdlv. bending over the hoy In the blue gingham apron, who scrambled hastily to his feet, aMIl determined not to be left behind, bis eyes glistening wllh Joy nnd admiration as ho stir vcyed the captain. "It Used to be Robert, but (low I live nt the 'syliiiu It's llob nnd the KM." promptly replied the Vntingsler. Then, fearing that the cnptnln would rldu away and leave tils mission uniueoui pUshcd, he plunged right Info the sub ject nt heart, and, holding tip bis with ered boii'iuct, be said proudly: "I've got some ilowers. t.si, and I'm golti' to tit Le 'em to the dead tiietl. Do they live a good ways from here?" "That Is a line botnim t ymi have," ttie captain replied, turning bis head tu hide a smile. "Hut the cemetery Is Phi far awuy for a small boy (Ike you to W!ll." "Oh. I do want to go so had." the Kid said plalnthcly, "and 1 saved these flowers ever since yesterday," tl I Yet grieve not that you may not drtss fiuch flrsvei with fitting art I While nature hi tho will to bleu ev !. --- ; .' r. i.. U at ; 1', trwV ,'. . ti it) n,;v.- .ins j.'! mam ! . a - v 1 1 c rs I'nt-liilnietl 'Warrants. County and Road Warrants iiti'-Uimed to be caina-lled at August Term of Commis sioners C jurt. No- COIKTT WA8RAKTS. IMflO. Jnnefl. lxit. Krsnk I'nja. $3 ! iijioh. junen, ihi), i;. w. iinbart 1 70 1X778, MayH, IHho, EricGransiroiu i l ret. . !.-. J. o. WatKins ... 2 ) 1HIH.'., Eeh, . IXt.5, Alex D11 Bois ... . 1 70 18IM4, Keb. . lg. Frank Coulter 1 70 IHI00, Feb. B. PCtt Jos. B Early 1 7.1 Isxoo, Mav H. IH!T, John (lower 3 (ii 14 12. May 8. IH!",. VVm. Willmore.. ! i 17471, Dec. ft, 1M, J. M Ixme 2 w KJr'i, Oct. 3, WH. II. Hager 4 pi I07W, Kept. 5, 104, F D Duv.d t XMM, Aug. H. H'H, Herman Terwado . 1 .V) lB!r2, Aug. 8, IKH, Charles Rosebrooks 2 10 Hilif-', JnlyO.lWll, M.hbsnnon 1 701 VMM, J illy tf, IVH, John Gaskell 2 m KOAD WAKHANTS. 31"r, JuneS. IKftrV E. Woods rd 9 nn 3100, June.r,, ls!5, J. Heuhlser 2 00 A Fair Ksrhnnice. Clerical Customer (arousing himself from nap In barber's chair) Finished, eh? Harbor Yea, sir; ulte some tlm ago. Clerical Customer Indeed! Then I must have been Indulging In a quiet nap. llarber You Htirely have, sir. Clerical Customer It was certainly very kind of you not to awaken me. The rest lias done me pood, and I am very innnkrui to you ror what was really a very refreshing uleep. Iturlier Don't mention It. sir. It's only a fair return. I attended your church laat Hundny. nr d nr.ni. ml. . V i oi:r, J one .,, i s:, j. iieuiuser on n ake salr f t e fb oil, i 5'"? -J" "f I;'M' J,"y im' (iw' Wiederhold. 2ft msKesaierii ti e lo.lowfng described, real ,')i7H. Jniie 5. w, li I, Bovlao 9 nri nronertv. situate n the hnurn fi.-t. ' ''.'."! "Ile ?!?" ""y1"" I 00 m... state r . ' w" M.il.JUneO.tH'tt. uiocc niimtiered H) in Bellwoad Addition to Milwaukieas shown by the recorded plat thereof of record in Clackamas County. Oregon. Sow, therefore, b virtue of said execu tion, judgment order snd decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 23KD DAY OF AUGUST, 1002, at the hour of 10 o'cl.ick A. M. at th Iront door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said Comity and Btate, sell at public auction, subject 10 re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. H. gold coin cash in bend, all the right, title and interest which the within named de fendants or either of them, bad on tne date of the mortgage herein or since bad in or to tlie above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, cost and all accruing corts. . J-R.HHAVER, Sherifl of Clackamas County, Oregon. xsy fi. u. HAtkbll, Deputy. Dated, 'J j gon City, Ore., July lstb, 1902 li. f.rkmaii t F. A. HLEIGHT, County Clerk. Tfollce. is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioner! will receive sealed bids un til noon the'ith dav or August, 1002, at the otlice of County Clerk for a County Physi cian, who will be retpiired to furnish Medicines, and Appliances and erform all surgical operations for tbe County Poor for one year. By order of Board. K. A. Weight, County Clerk. What Ther Were Hawkins;. At nn exhibition cf paintings in Lon don In one of the galleries htinj? the notable picture "Hawking: In the Olden Time." An elderly farmer und his wife panned before :his picture, view- Inn It with evident satisfaction. "John," wild the old ludy, "what'a that'" John then turned over the leaves of tho rntalogtie he carried. "They ca It 'Hawking I th Owden Time" said he. "Hawking' Why, what are they hawking?" Khe Imjulred. "I dunno," he replied, "but I spect they're trying to sell them birds." And play the mourner's part. She Qava them life and couraQS high. And since thsy bravtly bled She lets no wandering wind go by But mourns tht hero dead. The solemn dirges of the deep Hsv lulled hor aoni '0 rest Gho toothed them to untroubled tltip Upon her loving brtjtt. And even tht humblest wed that blows Where sleep the true snd brsvt Can peer tht lily or tht rost On any honored grave. ARTHUR CARRUTMERS. I Bsaritbt Bimtore, f im K-r.a ipii Han Aiean Boujnt The llrldnl Wreath. The bridal wreath Is usually formed of myrtle brain-hi-H In Germany. It Is made of orange LIohhoiiih in France as well as In the United States. In Italy and the Fsencli cantons of Switzer land It Is of white rows. In Spain the flowers of which It Ih composed are red rosea and pinks. In the Islands of Greece vine leaves serve the purrwiHe, and In Bohemia rosemary Is employed. In German Switzerland a crown of artificial flowers takes the place of the wreath. "To nobody but Jod." he answered gravely. " live at tbe 'aylutu. jail know." "And wouldn't ,vou like to belong to some one else?" alio asked kindly. "If 'twaa you I would" ami ttit Kruy eyes met Iht trustfully-"!" and him," Indicating tbe cnptnln, wb to his childish fnnt-y represented D lest a hero thnn Jnrk the fllant Killer. "Are the dead men ulnd when wt glv 'em the flowers?" be asked, patting 111 boti'inct admlrliijfly. The caplnln's wife will pnrxled fori moment. Then she snld: "Oh. tbe det men are not In tho (craves, you know. They have gone to live In another world. Hut we rniuiot tak the flu"' ers to them there. o we put them on the graves here, and If they see "1 I nm sure It pleases) them to know tlist we remember ami love and honor them, lint here we are, and now yott can take your (lowers and put tlie" where you mint to. dear." Kagerly the boy m-ra ill bled out of th carriage, and the cnptaln'a wlfo placed tils treasured bntHiitet In the cliubbf brown hands raised to receive It For a moment tie, stood silently W Curding tbe graven close by. Then n ald, with a touch of pity In tht bW voice: I'm goln to give my flowers to tb man over there." iiolnUng to a half hidden, neglected ijriive off a little to one side. "Vitnsa nil the other men have got flowers, and thla poor man hasn't got any. and I knovr he'll ft-' bad If nobody members him." "Ves, dear." The captain's wife spokt even more tenderly, for heart and VS were overflowing as she lifted from tb carriage a white wreath thla one not for the soldiers, lut for a tiny grave In the family lot where a mother's fond hopes were burlol when the bnby which had stayed Just long enough ,0 bind closer together her litmrt ami I'1 had slipped awn y li.ln the beautiful "'' yond, perhaps to allow IIh'iii the ride with mn' .,.i,i . ir niter nil were going """" tTJtl ZJj"! V,e t'Ur',uln', "! wl,..n the big. kind rt.p.aln "WHAT'S TODB KAMB, gONHTr atlll gazing admiringly at his very unique boutjuet, which had tumbled when he did and looked worse than ever. The kind hearted captain, thinking perhaps of another little boy whom he sadly missed, wheeled about and spoke a few words to his wife, who was driv ing In a carriage a little to one side of the soldiers, after which he returned to the child, who stood wltb quivering lips and brimming eyes whero he had left him. "No. my boy. you can't walk there but here Is a Indy who say, you may ride with her. Would you like to' Would he like to! It was as though heaven had opened to the disappointed boy. Ko this Is the little man who Is to ty wire. "Hit here, di 11 r on thla II. .I aenf irh... ! 1 ' " . " ecpj I . c iu.-ic m roo n. inn Ti,r 1 m.ie..- i...,. . ... .. ue Powers 1ml 1 '" loving nenrt ie kni'W Itiai ui'" lZ Lr-Dll,T d yU hvi"' 'ou.d the little waif belong "to tir.ani, saw the sleepy boy ruddled close to Ills wire s loving hen Strufn n-noM tl... j nobody but God.'