Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 01, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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City and County OflK iul I'up.r
l'.ibliMheii Kvery KrUluy.
L. I.. i'OR TKK, l'KOPR.KTi'B.
One year 00
1 mi
Mt.u. f.maif. TitAsn:i:.
Ore(rnTl ( ifV FlltPMlTiSf disapproval of the Kovt'riiiiu'iu'a policy
1 i continu to occur. Servile ineiiiiieni ol .... h.,,....,,,., ,.., , nv .; Pn.ni
1 the senate, a IhhIv that is apinled hy j ()(( ,.lsSl Uliy
tlu crown, have been hooted in 1 1 1 o , - -
: , v., The funeral of Jii.Ik.ih llnwfil. who S Siu.i t to II V. Xolde. lot H w ' '
! . . , ' .lied m Portland last Siitur.liiv niortiiiii.', I r
I ll'llie 11S Olll'ICtl tllelll, llllAl'VlT, an.l ' ,. . 1 , I . ., i , II 1' V.,1,1.. ntunn ..
I was held in tins city Sunday afternoon. J A l.o.ui to II I. .ohl
the demonstration i equally i'"""'tvf , T, (llmr Ht,rvil.(s wt., conducted Ly W 1' Chilcotit to A N t'liili-i.U land
I in the sequel as tetania the methods "f ! the Independent Ordor of 11. 1 it Follows j in sec liil, t 1 h r 11 e
'suppression which Kus.su intends to pin-j an.l the interment wax in Odd Follows Win l!rlst to Win Hudson o'tf of
cemetery. 1 ho .(ecoiiseil wait a mpni.ni , 't m nuiihw i .n. "
ami came In Oi.yon City aliont 1SS;!. t A C K K Co lo T Hansen no (
His ) was ,".; years, an.l lio is mi vivcd 1 nw sec lit, I :i r
by six childieii. One dutiejiter li v..h in T Hanson to II Kohl nw ol w nv
sue. Cossacks were turned loose upon
the mob who beat women an.l childieii
8ix mouths .
Trial subscription two monilis Lo . llml 0j lm. wll, their knouts ami pur
for one year, -a cents tor six inomhs, it ' ui'd 'heir victims to every place oi re- 1 1, ,,,t ,i, one in T.ioomn. Two son-, I H a r ." o
paid m advance. ' Ucv, privato how-os, the chinch ami the F.dwai.l ami (iai uott, reside in thit, oily, .1 Schioibci to II Kohl o'; ol n
Alven.Mndatesveiionarl'iicai.on. , j ,, , w.r , ,,, i ,rlaml. Mr. see -.V, Kl.tJi
-. -" - "j U"V ' Howell l.a.l heen an O.hl IVIl.nv (or 17 II Kuhl lo 1' Knlil, e'.. ol n ' xee '.'tl
!l.h,Til...rs .ill tin.l the dal of exoira-i in me recoiiMiumoii in inp ioe.ii Kov
v.virs an.) was a niemher of OiOi;.n t;lsr.ru.
Fiii-hMiimI i:erf Vck lyll" -Wn-iiiiis
Atislmel .V Trust t ntp.i .
4 Hi,
i o
. i.i . i.i. i. i ,
vu ICIi.,1 Vo.l ll.ni' .miviih II...II5". eeii
",() jrurs Iiiik lioflio (ho hluiinl tiro f
an.l lia tIo HiuliT Ms (M r.
'jT v f. in. il Miprnlsloii hlli.o Its liilniiry,
CuXi ; Allow no loili'i clvo you In ttilx.
All n.H.i'l. H. its. I.i.in.ll.u., 1,n,ll.M-..s.K.MMl'.)l,,. I,,
IMM.ii.... u' . Ili .t trill.' viiH. .n..ln..l.iHi;. MImH.ulilH,r
.UltH llll.l l llll.ll. il I-VI- ' IW
.r'Ui, datrtL .ot ciianl I ''",. 'n1 10 ,"';L,.W.X..3....l..fFalla F.ma,, . JS.hart,,n.,,.K..rt.,J I.I
wi; :iin t o w.'oks atler a payment
uor.ix us a :1 we will look atier it.
Kui.re.1 U e poMolh. in lirecon City
Or., ss seeoiui elass trailer.
muni riiiiin have been nisiiuse.l an.l their , No. 4.
I'laees have been liile.l hv siuh tinue ! many y
servets as tlioe wl o aroused the pi
ol li
Besy.T Cretfc..
Miiwa'ik.- . ...
rni.m M ill .
Mea.ionr Hrooi
.Nct Kra
Pa-Fpla.- . . ..
,; .tiiila . . . . .
K;:.; ville
A 'i-o -a
i'.H ;ie t'r."
i 1 se:is
M -mot
1 fk'ials of the crown are of the same style,
lr. T. 15 Thomas i
li, . Sias . "a stippoit the police in conduct that is
. '::::;.'a va.hrr i lm , , ,
. ..iscar . ismcer i ' r
I! 1 T,.. llii., .r . .1 .. ..... .. ..
t .1, ii i .AH.ii.rH are more iiiilu mu kmi .. . i ..
I 'Hi
lie has been ill feeble health fur acies see 1. I t I e . . .
.in ...1,1 h,.itl s.. v.. n months ii.m M l.orvca lo 1. I' liil. V liml
.1 the public I WM ,1 '"'ni.'. n"i 1 acres m see L'S. t 1 a r '. ...
ii I I ii I... u.m i.ki.n I,. I'll Miiliyloi-. !' llil.y :l acres in
in.litinatioii on this occasion. The toy'', . . , . ,, . . .. m'., ... i. i r ,
' ' tlo.nl Samaritan hospital anil the eii.l f MacM ihon l I. , l a r . e .
,rnor geueial is an energetic ami ty tail- j tmn, js.,(r,;ly. II Truhe to A Trube 4. HI iicicit in
! nous agent of luissilicaiion. .Minor of-j i see I, 1 1 ami 1'J
( lmr'.is V. Aniitriinir. (- p,.n v p m uyles, Ji I .is 1.
Charles V. Arinslrolu. ilire.l o7 Vears, ti.iet L' Mol.illil
ilroppe.l iloa.l at I'anby oil Thur-.l iv J l'.oi-li.i taltoOl' Jones liml
.ifternooii of last week. Tlie cuu-e of bi- 4 li oi blk A A prci-m's suh.lui
....... i .. i .i;. ........ it.. ,,i ii mi.l 7 I'uiLn!...... ... I'.'1'
. .Clias. Il.ihnau , ' ; s.iooei. oca. o .it,... ...
U.S. New l.'-rry .; sut jeets ol the ctsr in hnropeau Kiirsia 1 leli a wile, an.l six chil.lien, one sum, ! v. llcuou el ai in "in i. "i
" K' V o't.u'v 1 '"'. llu-tf are only .bout 1'hH),- I William, an.l live .laughters, three oi kitk ImI acies sec "', t I s r I '
""i- T It .,.r 1 ' , . . . , i whom aie Mis. II A. lV.hnan. M is. ' , ; .M.Xll, ;, ,.t ( lliniim r
" ' V. . ,v.w i inns, uuu ii.eu ecu my is on I ne ,, , ., im- . , . . ,
li. M. I ooper I ' Dirdie ollner an.l Miss I oia Arnistroi.i.', nw of nw (.... 1 7. t " s r I e . ...
...AimieStuhns !cotilines ol Ku.siu, then cimilal beini! : , i . ),.. n... ,. u..ll kn.iwn an.l vi.:. 1 1 l I-.1 I:. r.. I.'. ...i. -
s. e :'.4, I :! a r 1 e
iforir, li"l's
U n Ituriiil. Milislltuto lor Cnstnr Oil, luro.
anil so.-iliin:: sjnipH. ii h i mi.mitii.
........ I., ...it lit l- Ol'i. mil .Morpliiim in r iMiiir .iiir.iiUrt
M.l.si.n.co. Us . 1 "H Kriiil.-i-. It .l.-sl rj Won,,,
ixkI nlli.xt IVi. rM.n . It "' IHurrlt.ru anl VI,l
Colic It r. li. l." 'I'itIIiIus: 'Irnlllil.".. IHITH fuil-llimtlnii
,.l i l.il.ll. ncl. It ..ssiinll..!. Hl r.'l. l-.UtlUl.H (In,
M,.,,. M li J.ml i.wrlH, Khintf "l liH.ir hlwp,
'Tl.. t IiiMr.n'M IM.iii.ia 'llio .Moll., r' filitul.
' 1 'j,.nmi L.s . but a short liistance lioni SI. retersbuii;, ' hinlilv respected citizen of Clackamas
I cars tho SiiKituro of
H!,".,Avj" tne case would seen, to be hopeless. And 1 County. 'I'l.e fune.al was held Satui.l iy
, Ki'.Vr ' .. liil tl... i.i.ii ,... f .i ,. i ' 'in.l the iulenuelit w as in Canbv cenie-
j. i. i.i iou luie the majority ot the peopitf haye ;
I'.nl Sell I. .hi. I ( "oinra to N 1'
I'.ioii n mi '4 see In, I L' a r 7 e ...
Y. C.vlseli i ! tor v.
(ieo. J. Cnrrin not ivn up in despair as vet, thero are i " ,
" "doloh Asclu.tr : ... . ! Chaib'S . A. n. string- was born
i outers who can see no relict or me .si ua- ,, ,- , . ., ...
i , l are lucent, jellerson I o,
' tion except in emiratio:. In the siujile
X. Y
, w. nl to Caliiotnia at the Hi;.' of 11
Ii is evi lent that rortlaml can put up ,
a I anier tk-lit than that for the i-hatu- i asaiiwt Tf.J lor the same
, .!,;,, ,.f the woi!d i.y the heavy ""'" f l'L "' ' en.iKralion uyU
w i 'lits. There will be no cry of fake J coiifiilerahly more than two-
aiuiit the l'oitland all'air.
niuiith of Febniiiry the einigtanls niiiu- first worked in a dairy in Santa Oara
County for tluee years (or a man nam. d
l.'ea. lb' in tde lice nips across the
tiiinis of the eniire einiralion of l'.'Jl.
It may be that DeWimlt lias found a
ft jsible route for a railway hv way ol j
A ,s',a and Siberia to Enr.pe but it will; S"1'1 " HmMhv Far F.ank
1 some time before capital, w ill be ready j
t. invest in such a sclieme. me uni
d-i:.ls are t' . remo'e.
1!um Ii ami 1'. cktt. ii Hie .Mniiei.
Cuited M.ite, tour times by rail and
once by the Isthmus of Panama. He
lived in San Joipun County a number of
years and in IS7' mov. d to I'lile liiver.
In I S7 he was married to Kda Thurston.
Tlitee years later they cam.' overland to
Kasiern Dieon, near The I'allt's, and
from iheie moved lo th.
Valley, w here he .lied. II
Win Spanel to Coma I Hindi nib,
H 'i of sw sec L'S, t s i .'i e oi'il
F J l"U.-ll to X 1' liroW II W 1 j sec
hi, t s r e '''
W V. H ut to I'. Xui.ill lm i. bik ::
(lie. oi I'.iint . .''(''
M I! Ilradfoid t ) I Anders m Id
a. ics in I ieo Wilis I' I. t '
l-i V. Chaimau ft al to Clack ici.it
A A f t'o tract bet hiks :;, I, .'i, ii,
7 and S and tl.e i i.-r, I he. on City ''."
Albin I'lo-s to S Swans. u lots b'i,
lh bU leS II I A S Cn's I'ivlu to
l-i Add to 1
Willamette j F Ii Wright to J II Wlibt W 1 .. ol
had M-veli sw si c t 4 r il e i
AS W 4 r J"
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
In Usg For Over 30 Years.
.1 r ttc;.!
. i. t ui.
. test Si;
.-u that tbe olitical fht
.r i'l the eiuiid disiric'.
vi.-or I mur's uppointnieut
A. J. Finch, a sew in); machine iiireiit
1 was jailed Siitiir.tay, char;eil with sell
wi a maeriiiie ami poCKe!inL' me niiioiiiil i p,()j
i ol the Pale, lie w is :u resV, u;oti coin
I plaint of Frank Ihi-ch, the l irnitiire'
children, oi e boy and six c,irls. Ho was . II Wright to I', luinn k, tMi-tee
a meinber oi the I'lli'e I Woiktueil 11 w s see II-'. I I r .1 it
y.-ats, nd an Odd Fellow sine May -II, S ll.-Les to K U Ko kao e1..
of nw s. e ." I, t l.' s r 7 e
,1 W Junes to M I s A Jones pait of
.Vilhil Nelstin. ' ,,t and L' t.ik 1 ' pv oi Ciiy.
dealer, who is the ciiy au'ftit of Hie! Tb,. funeral of Mabel X,.son wis held M V. li.a !.. O F Joiici n I t U
Wheeler and Wilson inn hme Finch in this city Monday moi niii. Tl.e little blk A of A .poison's Mii.dwi of
was eiu-aeed by Mr. Ion, h, upon lecom- ,,jri w lls i u...rit 0, ,! died in f.ot- biks , ti ami 7, I'aiki.lace
!y, although tie rest uf . niendation uf the iniuiiifact.irers, to sell ,ul Satniday. Her father died la-t J W i.ia-le to S Monroe lots I . to
ma. limes on comnns-ion, and was to re-: Jai.uaty and the family loi m.o ly lived at el h.k i'l Miiitboin
ctiveIOfor each machine nol.l. He , 'a,kpl.iee. Services were held in the Same lo T Hollows lots ;l to 17 blk
OHed for Several Weeks board at the ' V..t P. ,.Ik. ,-. ,r ... I ( '!.m. !t ..ml l l.e in- OlMoolmrn
..ade the fiit more tltau Flei-iric Hotel and "..M a machine to't..r t u .-0. l...i-,p,in View ....... . v. i I ) I b.rtis lo T I: Thoin.i.n 1 acre ee
litical ar 1 :a row vrrL'ins; on the proii I. ' Mrs. Jacob Cassell, w ie of lh proprie- .' i "o, I I) s r L' e
f ! . tor, for which l e was paid :.7 ; ,-a-l, IHiwr ey imuir I'liilp-. ; W II Sin. Hi to C I. Ilolmea
When tv, , vuni; men have lo'o into;1""1 ""' relll;ii"'('r wt'nt I'l" I'oard ! pi,.,), t Viola, Clackamas County,' and S blk 2 I'ai kplaee . . .
Ue h'M went to I'mtlalid hut: J,,v tKvj Oliver Seymour I'helps, ; M A .b.rris to W II .-'iiilli
I ns been revoked on cbarijes by Con
e t'- s man M
CeOie; n delenion e'ood by Itufiir.
I. oeal coii.iilions in Wasco County evi
dently Ikiv
' . " 1 .
a list fiellt
f.'. t.'.T-
i : -a's of
a'. 1 ' 1 1 1 a
VI. U: o lli;
c;-.n only
are to j
ler which shall have the
vinsMiis arieciKn to io ; a.-ter , .,,, ,,r,
inelhin.' wio'l; in the lay evening an I
people. This happened Finch ?:iys that I;
1 n-.-.i'.s- I in one oi th.--int'
kined. The'e ideals
i r: 1 hv f! ilea-i.,n. Tl.ey
i to be leadiiv belieV- d.
( hit 1 nf Police Charles K. Ilnrns wen!
i.ht him lack Sahir
lamled him in j ail.
b .s friends in Ciaw-
f ool-' ii',e w ho will u-.-i-t him to ;M oat
"! the dllli. liliy a:i ! has wiil'en to t li.-in.
F ncli appealed ju the Jus'ice Court
W.-diii --lav inoitdn and Husyivtii umil
Monday at M A. M. to plead.
'(!' ' w' years. The funeral was held !
la-t Sitiii.iay from Fl.v.nd Holinan'.s
funeial p.olois in l orliand and tin) in-
teiment was in l.ivervie'.v cemetery.
and s blk I'. l'.itk;.:a.
I 0
Ml.1.. K. 1 ll.i.ai.l
. ..I I I!j:.!, A'! ,i
PI ,' us an I 1 .. t ! . ( .r All M .. )i!ii.-
1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1
il I 1 1: 1:1 r 1 11:1 m,
Ir P, , . .
Miiivouriiphs, H ctoi;rnj)hs
And Ai! I mpli. .101;: i . N
I ,).... , i I t Hi, 1. 1 1 I r . . le I llftl. n I Uti.tu.
Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or.
I .a. 1 a. I 111. .11 lunk.
s.1 !:: tm iiT dki isinVs.
It is oi : .- ssary in ciimin.il 1 as. 8
for the pp utinj; attorney to insert lit
(o. To tin- Heai li ami llciir V!...t t!;c
WiM Wales Sav.
.In -I a.oob AI Her.
W..e:ne j-hu.o that spri.hl'y "'
faiPll.-t skin, ill 1 1 . n-c 1 on, pi. x . 01 ,
T1IK CLACKAMAS .VIKTUM'T smiling f.n e '.' She .-ks I, let !.- I
TRUST I'O. are tint owiie-s uf the eopv- ' ' lion's her s. ciet . She u es I n . Klin's
riu'ht to tin- T'.orne (.)-' 111 of a; tra. I Now Life I'llN. Hes'i'i- ail 01 K' ins act-imlexi-e,
lor C lackamas i-., iinl , an I lune ; ive, di. -tiofi i-'ood, in. he niacin"., ho
the only cumpiete set ol ait-tr.o in tl.e . hiim e for "blue-." Try Ihiou yoiits.-lf.
County, can furnish in.'oi niatioii as to Only ""ic at !'. A. II udo os.
title to land at once, on uppp'-ition
Built to Fit the
ti.e loot .;
any witner-..
by him.
The t.
road mii-t ';
tion that a :
- i '
Whei -tl.':
con.' . -
feparateiy re-ardin.' s'
ia the !.'.
all. fod 1. :..
iVutii .... .
money co.,-.
l itter may :
1 e ., rilJ-. ;. -
(Ti ver'.e
1 1 1 (J II ! - - ! .
Since t;. -al
by the K'.
br n it a' 1
Lut ti...-;.
t-i tante ,..
l'e W lilt f 1 1:
1 e.'oarka'.l -w
rld's hi-'
at.ve st.-e:..
A late t.:
w ith tl.e !-
tl.OI'h tl,i-
1 Kxiellept train
;..s of a proposed county
so d.-sinated in the peti--t-on
of ordinary intelii-
::iist...k" the loi ii'ion.
. are ci.ai
, round mp excursion r.i'- A
j Ii. K. enable everybody to visit the Sea-1
; (toast and appieeiate the stoiy "What i
' tint Wiid Wave- Say at S-t-i i, " .;,,k-
I inty told in a hah 1-oinly iiiu-trated did for m
Loans, itive.s! men's, real estate, a'o. tiaclt
D'e. 0!!:.-e o.'er Lank of Oregon City.
C.iil and invi stiaio. Address hot Ii7.
i.;oiina:.on toe I1a11.es o.
o'her than those examined
'' illy l i i. 11.lt
It is with j..V I te Votl will' Kodol
I was t r. 11 hb-.i witti my
uinl de.-ciiiliie pamphlet just is-uul bv ; htomach for 'ey.-r.il iicjiiIo-. Cp'.n he
Mr. J. C. Mayo, (i 1". A. Astoria, Or. ; 'mil advised to list; Kodol, I did so, and
Through train Letv-u Lortiand. words t-nnhot t.-l tint eood it has done
d jointly with ! Flavel, Oearhart ami S.-aidtt leaves ' m i'd or had tly-pej.siii ho that
,.ri ol a crime and are trie '
- error to admit testimony
.'eu.t.-nts made by anolher
i- .f the ilefeiidant alter the
.. ii.v ha 1 terminated.
.nt ref.Js-s to pay
ted for hit) principal, the
in,: an action in trover, and
r. he the particular money
Union Il.-pot at S ;oO A, M. daily. Tort- i I'"! ,r"'; ""'-t every 'Ion.'. I told
iarid-SiMsid.; Lxpre-s h-aves Union In- l.im to u-e Ko-l-.l. Wools of ratit.nle
pot e..-ry Saturday at L'. lei I. M. K jiind have come to lutj from him hee.tnsit I
tri excur-ion tieke's hclween I'o, (land recommended it. lieu. W. Fry, Viola,
and all Cla'-ot) and Xot'li Ih-n.-h points Iowa. II-u!:ii and i-tieii 'th, of n.ind
'sold every Satii d iy at rife of '2.'M, in- and body, d. p -n 1 on llif slomaeu, ami
over ' ter.-l. any-able with all boat lines and normal aeiivi y of tin; d.yc-tivc organs.
1 t'ou'i to return Sunday niht. Warm Kodol, the o,i-at reconstructi'.e tonic,
j gait wit-r hat lis al Seaside now open to : eurer I'll f-tomeh and bowel troubles
1 the public. : indiiO'-t:on, .lysiepsin. Kodol digestH
j . ! any (.'ood food you eat. Taku a doso
. ii. Uio.v ot' lir..M.
. --rthrow of the uonstitution
.uiatidwas determined upon
in government the efforts to
.1 have been unremitting,
.ve met w ith a doed re
- part of the Finnish peo--t
rank aa one 0 the uios.t
'.".";'Vh for liberty in the
. e-jieuial!y when tiie rel
. of the opposing forces is
j Oinif J' Tr:inrri-' f ice.
j I now have money to pay County war
j rants endor-ed prior to March I, I! I),
j Interest w.ll cease on the Warrants iu
j eluded in this call on the date of lids
Or.-Kon City, Oregon, -July III, V.Yri.
L.vos C'Ann.i.,
Treasurer C!ackatoan Count v, Ore-'.jn.
is.; in the contest Las to do
v ription. It Beems that al
:e are eevere penalties for re-
!ui-ing to a'.tend the levy the Finns are
not terrilie.l by thtm into obedience. Of
more than 10,OoO reciuita who were sum
nionned u;-to June Ite than 5,000 had
pnt in an u jrf-arance. And this not
withstand::. the fact the Russian of
ficials had employed every means to
make there appear.
F'urtLerin jre, although the people are
law-ahldi;,, popular demonstrations o
It Kind You Haie Imm E.r'l
Orei,' in's Favorite if,i.i
af!t.-r meal.-, tie a. A. JL.rd
J )r. i:i;r p." ;:r: ' ':) -
"pdry. a- -. , : : y 0; .- , ;,
''.hie. i h'i.i' r- lin ,i
t ),0.e, (-..
tl.-or 1 .r, : !.:.'..
j il:: h... i...',.:. , '
' and l. v; t! - . : ' ,,
! h.;..,'.. I iy 1 ,...i i
and wi.i 1 (. . ;
.-a illy a: 1 j,' :. .'. '.
j in.'ilie'i for l-i " : . . ' .', I
j Cdo. '..: .!.,;.,!..
' T..'.- i. I. i ..!-..' '
I irri'ate or e i" : " -. .'
. t an ir-;. I i -,-,
ijjo ion:."-: ii'1 ly t'
d i.
i. i-.-t,,.:...,
:.-.! .l.;eotn-
1 . : ; t ; ,,
1 ail d,-y-;
1 i'n I
. Ii-s an '
. i'.ii l.f .- d
1: . -.. .' 1 I - .
t.i! the,
..y.l. -
, -'-.es nofd
-vl,,its. If
' I , . lie . I
: 1 . i j .-1 j i -1 ion. I
Kal. s A-' oil l.'ioltiri .l 1 1 .on All ',.nr
I. list.
Lefme you I : i -. P.-. l.-li ti , t an ii.emenu
lor that trip i-t let us .ju ,te you int.
' via the I. lino:.-. Cciiti d l.'allr 'td. On
rates ate tl.e bi'.M-t to be .,i . I , and il i
pay you to w i He n. L' .ci hav. n't lim
' to COUIIIIUtiic.lt.. W Ith lis, lell till' Ji .' '1
from whom you puichiu'i) your tnkei
that Von wan! to travel by way ol the
, Illinois Central, and Vo. i will never e
' jret the trip.
If any of your r.-lativei or fiiemls in
the e i-t are eoiiiiii i ! wi i.e the loa
rates are in J I ". - -1 w rite us about them,
and we will so., that they eel the i,wet
rales wil'i tin; best n rvire.
Throu.'h lourii.' cars, peisonaiiy c. in
ducted exciirslcn cats, free le. liniiiir chair
cars in fact all the lah-st ennveniences
know to model n lailroadm;'.
For particulars regard in;; rati", time,
ervce, stop-overs, dilb tent conn. (! ions
.l.drodles, lite., etc., call on or addie-s;
L. II. Titi'Mni'i I ,
ML' Third Street, Coin'l Aitt.
I'orlland, re.
l'lITKKX ACl!i:S
'j; A rTA rjTjTJ?
;i to
),f..r!. ('
s' v h - II 1 1 I
Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2
1 i
1 mm
I'or the ni'xt sixty (1,'iys
At the Court llou-e door Si. I n r,lt v
i V. nil Lly's Cr. run P. ,lm y.ti i.ro ariubii ! ., . , . , , , , ,.' '
' agahWlCutixnh and L ,y J -ver. I -,"1' VM,i at,,l"v"" " ,;i",:k ' ''
i - j the follow ini property w ill he Bold to the
UN fright l lir. lllcli. il, , ,,;,., I.i.l.l,., fr 'Hi. L :.,.,. u,..u
Lecotrni.ini; the advantages of Xew- "While picnicina last month my II-j In Oregon City Claim with the South
port as a summer resort over other sea- year-old hoy Was poisoned by orne weed boundary line of the Abernelhy Claim
side resorts in the riorthwest, and to , or plant," Havs W. II. Libido, of Sioux ! a,l the Ahernethy Creek as the .North
make it possible lor all who desire to do -. r ..n 1 1 i ,i r i ' . . . .....
so to spend their vacation bv the ocean "" e,,Jf ,"""",ltry' "h ',:'-""k'hl.n Avenue
waves, the Southern I'acilic Company, i ''ands into his eyes and for a w hile w e Luena Vista as the Southerly boundary,
in connection w ith the Corvallis & Kas't-1 were afraid he would lon iiis ni?ht. M ith the Kastern boundary of the Oregon
ean Lailroad, will place on Hale ell'ective . Finally a neighbor recommended D-1 City Clair,, as the Katerly houmlary ami
June loth, round-trip tickets from al , n , . . , .. .. . i . '. '
points in Oregon on the Southern I'acilic I . lWM XUA Sl4lv'- Jt'fi ,lrht ; the Last-rn line of hha ks 17'1 and 177 in
to Xewport, (jood for return until Octo-1 ar'I'li' ii"" l"dp'd him and in a few days i Oregon City as the Weetorly hoiin.Iary.
her 10th. at Bs3cially reduced rates. j he was as well as ever." F"or ekin dis- Further information rei;arilini the land
I'f.r ftilt it.fom.ati..n t.h.nn. i..ii;. , t . . ... I
. .. i' " . 1 1 e ; cuts, burns, scalds, wounds, insect wjH be furnished on application to tl.e
bites, LeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, is i undersigned. ,
sure cure. Keiievee piles at once.
your local aent.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
ware of counterfeits. Geo. A. Harding.
. . I'.l-ltlW ('ost
:;.'(, up
.n.iw IL'Ii: J'l
. From y1
Mr:nv ;i i 1 Cra 1, Hats
Sliiil f,-,,,,,
.'I'i-iiieli I'' malt
Tal.io (Hotli
I 'tick Mints in colors I" nun
Men h iiinl Loys' Cups rcultir pri
.Men h I' iincy lle,-s Sliil'ls, r. oU
-M-cKii'-', r.-oiiini' pti,.,. 'j;,r
Men's Sw-.iter-, rconliir price .v
IIdvh' Sweaters, r oiilar j.ricc .,(),:
M.-h'h He.'ivyShirlH, regular pi ieo (ill,: 'Jm.
ar trice II
llttW' I'n!
Iimv 7. a'
nmv 15
jniw 'i'1'
now -10c:
now ""
..'o l'.''ir
We lire making a ,it cut in jiriccH in (tvery
tiling in II..; lino f Sinu s. l),-v (:,,,u ,.,,.1 Fur-
. .... . - .
Call and i-xaimnc goodft and
. :. I : . . t
ihsiiiip' I muds
Jj-t our prici-M.
Court House Block