Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 01, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Our correspondents will please end
n articles before Wednedays of each
week, otherwise it readies ns too late for
F. !. Purling has gone to Y.if Creek
. on business.
Mrs. F.lsie Blood bas gone, to St. Johns
to join her husband at that place.
Mr. K. Warner lias Ven sick for a
tew days but is gouiewlmt letter at Ibis
Mis. Gillett went to Tualatin on a visit
tolier father last week ami returned
home Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Heard, Sr., and family have
started on their telurn trip to their home
in Wisconsin and will make a side trip
to Seaside on leaving OregJii.
Tl'is diy weather ia very favorable for
haying and wheat harvest, but oh. the
dust! It is everywhere. We don't ob
ject to the traditional peck, but would
like to draw the. line at bushels.
W. F. Brayton sold his place to a man
from Kansas and will give possession
about November. Com-ideratien, f".0.
Mr. Ketchr.m, the purchaser, is the
father of Mr. Ketehuiii of Falls View
Mrs. Heulat will leave for
this week, hoping that a sojourn ut the
Seaside may promo'e a speedy recovery
fiom the effects of a successful operation,
w hich she underwent lately at the Good
Samaritan Hospital.
Miple Lane Grange had a very inter
filing meeting Saturday. Brother Beard
w is elected nnstei in place of Brother
Ingram, res-ned. Brother Kavse was
appointed a member of t tie building eoin
miuee. One new member was received
and tiiree names were sent in, w hich
v 11 be acted on at next meeting.
Union Stalls.
Haying is about done.
Mr. Kay, of Meadow brjok, was visit
ii g Frank Shaw Saturday.
Mr. and Mr". H. W. Shaw made a
business trip lo the city Tuesday.
T.ullinger Bros, are getting out more
1'xs this week. The boys are hustlers
nd they are doing a good business.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mumed to
Oregon City Sunday, alter a week's
visit among their friends at Union Mills.
William Bird naS purchased a new
The warm weather has been bringing
on harvest quite fast.
Dr. Smith, of Eagle Creek, was seen
in Springwater on Saturday.
Spiingwater farmers have been quite
busy of late, putting up their hay.
Miss Erma Shlbley has been suffering
from a sore hand but is Borne better.
Miss Ora Lewellen, who has gone to
Eastern Oregon for her health, is im
proving. We expect to have a blacksmith in
this place soon. He will go to woik
Mies Hatch, who was a missionary in
Siam for Six jears, and is very interest
ing, is visiting lier parents.
W. J. Leweilen has been laying up a
supply ol wood. It looks as if he ex
pected to have some cold weather.
Geo. E. Long and Robert Louden, of
Portland, were here July IS and went
into the mountains locating land.
Charles Burgh and wife, of Montavilla,
and Everett Giles came up from Monta
villa July 14. They were going as far as
the Hot Springs and expect to be gone
two weeks,
Anton Waer, w ife and son, and James
Charles were here July 22. Mr. Waer
came out to build a house on his home
stead and returned July 20. Mr. Waer
is well pleased with this part of the
T. H. Fearey, of Goddard-Keily Shoe
Co., of Portland, T. H. Fearey, Jr., of;
lioberta Bros., of Portland, and
Joe !
Fearey, solicitor for the Evening Journal
and Morning Oregonian, had a very en
joyable outing while at Lockerby's
health resort and had good fishing in the
north fork of the Clackamas.
returned from
Emma Jones
Miss A'ir.e Wallace, of Mulino, is
working for Mr-i. Joseph Eaton.
Mrs. J. Guyer is in Milwaukie attend
ing the Evangelical campmeeting.
Only 50 Cents
fo make your baby strong and
veil. A fifty cent bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
will change a sickly baby to
1 a plump, romping child.
Only one cent a day, think I
' of It. its as nice as cream.
B-nit for a free sample, and try it.
htoTT k BOWNK. Cbemistj,
I 409-415 Pearl street. New York.
' 5x. od ..00: all druggists.
Hair Splits
"I have used Aver's Hair Vigor
for thirty years. It is elegant for
hair dressing and for keeping the
tulr from splittitiR at the ends."
! Hair-splitting splits
friendships. If the hair
; splitting is done on your
' own head, it loses friends
for you, for every hair of
your head is a friend.
I Ayer's Hair Vigor in
advance will prevent the
splitting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
j SI M a bttt. All ni(lta.
If your dnilt cannot simply JJ,
iwn.l ns on. dollar ami will xprM
a bottlt'. Be inro and iv the iiaui
at your 0"invt nerv olln-e. AildreM,
J.C. AVtUCO., lxwell, Mil.
Teazle cutting will begin in about two
weeks. Then look out for hard work.
Mit.8 Winnie Howard was the guest of
Mrs. Aneta llornshuli Monday night.
Mit-s Clara Guyer was the guest of
Maui Daniels, of Beaver Creek, Sunday.
The hum and biua fo the mower is
' ),,ie,H' HU llie harvetder 13 heard in-
Mrs. Gertrude Moore, of Portland, is
visiting her mother-in-law, Airs. P.
M ooi e.
Our baseball team is progressing finely
and will soon be able to beat some of
the other teams.
and Margaret (iliv,r
Emma Jones
made a business trip to Portland one
day last week.
Mr. John Adams, of Portland, was the
truest of Mr. and Mrs. B. Faust and
family last Thursday.
Several young ladies called on Miss
Hilda Erickson, who has just returned
home, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Mericle, who has been staying at
Mr. White's, has secured a position in
the Oregon City Pulp Mills.
Hev. J. Elmer will reach at the
Evangelical church Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock. Everybody invited.
Miss Anna Evans, who bas been visit
ing Iriends in Carus for the past month,
has secured a position in Portland.
Messrs. Holden and Hobble and
families, of Oregon City, were guests of
Victor Erickson and family Sunday.
Henry Hornschuh and Edwin How
ard returned Monday from their trip into
the mountains. They report a very
plisant trip.
Miss Geneva Green gave a party at
the home of her uncle, Jack Studham,
Tuesday evening. A very pleasant time
was had by all present.
Margaret Guyer returned home from
Oregon City last week. She has been
working at the Electric hotel and ex
pects to go to Portland soon.
Mr. Lewis, from liocky Point
visiting friends.
Farmers are all through haying. Some
of the farmers have commenced to cut
Basket dinner August 3, and preach
ing by P.ev. Mr. Eennett and Hev. J. W.
Exon. All day meeting. Everybody is
Land has been purchased for the new
schoolhouse. Supt. Zinser attended the
school meeting and gave us a speech.
He gave us all good advice. We think
everything has been done for the best.
The neighbors will live as neighbors
should live and enjoy the new school
house. Hedlanu
William Stone has lost several valu
able cows of late.
Ho! for the picnic next Saturday at
the Clear Creek park.
Mr. Holleneworth has his new bard
treated to a coat of paint.
Don't forget that this Saturday is the
date of the Sunday school picnic.
Mrs. Wolfer and daughter made a
trip to Salem the first of the week.
L. Mosher left Sunday to join the crew
of the United States snag boat Math
loma, which operates on the Upper
This week will see all the hay in the
bam and harvesting of early sown grain
well under way. Hay crop was short
generally, but grain is good.
We hope our new road boss will not
continue putting the plank in the middle
of the road where it looks as if it bears
some relation to an elevated railway,
but put it at the side m we might have
a summer track as well as a good winter
Miss Julian Hatch is going to occupy
the half hour of her fathers' time at tne
Bethel church next Sabbath in telling of
! the mission work in Siam, where she
has been (or the past six years. A mis
sionary offering will be taken, so come
prepared. '
Fred Pierren while shooting squirrels
last Saturday experienced an accident
which might have proved fatal. He
was nsiDg nitro powder in a muzzle-
loading gun, w hich blew up, tilling hl
right arm full of splinters from the slock
and raking ctF a quantity of hide. The
wounds are not deep, owing to the coat
sleeve serving aa a protector.
Miss Julia Hatch, daughter of the
p storof the Hoi hoi Presbyterian Church,
who has spout six years as missionary in
Siani, will give a lecture next Sunday
afternoon, August 3, at 3 o'clock, at the
above church, on her experiences as a
foreign missionary. She will tell of
social and religious conditions that exist
in Mam and w ill also show some curios
brought fi oni that far off land. Mis
Hatch is a very pleasing and InteiOHiing
speaker and those who come to hear her
will feel that they have boon rewarded
for their trouble.
In last week's locals it wis stated that,
John, the 7 yeiir-old son of Mr. and Mis.
Godfrey Schneider, died very suddenly
of cramps while the parents were in
town. So it wiih reKirted to them, but
on arriving home they w Pie very pleas
antly surprised to th.d that he was not
dead, having been revived by Mrs
Specs, a neighbor. When iho measenger
loft to notifv Mr. Sehnoiler and w iio the
child had all appearatice of being dead
to the children who vre at home but
when Mrs. Specs arrived she readily saw
that the boy was not dead and set ahout
to tiring liim back to life, which she did
after hard work. But (or her valuable
assistance it would have been as reported.
Miss Minnie Carlson is home for a few
Fine weather for harvest, which is
now on hand.
Col. Hall, of Ccnterville, was seen on
the streets of Colton last Friday.
Mr. Stone and familv were the guests
J 0 t1B .;orbett family iast Sunday.
Mrs. Woodruff, of Bakers Heights,
was calling in Colton la.st Tuesday.
Miss Media Hubbard, of Portland, is
spending a few days visiting friends here.
Parties coming from tho big bum re
port exivllent prospei ts for a fine crop
of huckleberries this year.
Q lite a large crowd attended the
funeral ol Clarence Carr, the son of H.
E. and Alice Carr, who was drowned
last week w hile plsyingin the mill pond.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall, who were pretty
badly hurt last week by oTO loot of
lumber falling on them, are getting
along nicely. Mr Hall is able to be
out again.
The mil! proerty has changed hands
again. Messrs. Hargreaves, of Oregon
City, now are the owners. Mr. Storif,
ihe former owner, will return lo Ins
former home in Oklahoma. Tney are
tine neighbors and we aie soiry lo have
them go.
Iliiis Wai, ted.
Notice is hereby given that sealed bids
will be received by the undersigded, for
the construction of a new schoolhouse in
district No. 15, according to plans and
specifications in the hands of T. H.
ThoinaH, chairman, Heaver Creek, Or.,
and Superintendent J. C. Ziuser. Oregon
City. Bids will opened August 'J, I'.hiJ
The board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Hknrv Hoi.m.in,
Clerk District No. 15
Beaver Creek, Ore.,
July 22, 1002.
Bean tfc ) '"ia 8U m iHW
Something entirely new. A regulator
that regulates; no pills, perfectly safe
and harmless.
Fkamjo Amkiiican IJhi o Co.
Geo A. Harding, agt.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble. .
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
1 frt disappear when the kid-
.1 revs are nut nf order
f I'.iP" or di-.eased.
afJ-. Kilny trouble has
f'l ' -l; . D4Come 50 prevalent
Pitic'T H that it Is not uncommon
V f 1 I for a child to be born
I . 'i ;il,-j afflicted with weak kid
' VV J--- 1 r.eys. If the child urin
a'es too r.ften. if the
urine scalds the fle-;h or If, when the child
reaches an ae when It should be able to
control the passage, it is yet afflicted vlth
bed-wetting, depend upon It. the cause of j
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first j
s!ep should be towards the treatment ol i
these Important organs. This unpleasant !
trouble is due to a Uiea.td condition of the
kidneys and blad'ier and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Vomen as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble.
and both need tr.e same fjreat remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect ol j
Swamp-Root is soon realized. U to sold.
by druggists. In fif-y- fT'l
cent and one dollar r,: Via,.;,:.,.';!!
iuu 111a jiac a
sample bottle by mail
v-.. 1 r - r u, r
free, also pamphlet tell- Home at 8winTRoot.
Ing all about it, including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmei
& Co., Einghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
l C, a.V
fc-i .
Coyrl;tit. I'ij,
li lu uni'lli ns eolllllli:
lit- At the Nloge f l'
A iinrtoin cow had been cmsiimcd
J I.. u,.',i kIiII'M'iI
Itli'lig li' "on".'
,.,..t i 1,1m utIT
rr ii.
niltl llioliisscs, wnii r.n- i.-ii". " r
.i... ..., ii,i.. iiumIIoii of the tinny.
I I Htiii'M me all iiround lis.
... . - .. i. i r...i I I. hI nii't
mornini; i.i .-u . ..
itllV lllHl
tl.nl Ills
tl). old
pel spol.e
l lii Is
Which Si
lihike took
Tim HATTKHAsarruN rinx n v
THIS At.AH.V4IA H Hlir.l.I.S
the magiulne to prevent explosion, and
The livncrf.ole In whlcli war coi n
Indulge w hen they write up I'limcs
tins bit'ii there. Once In awhile,
ts put Imagination to blush. This
said the grim soldier w ith a mischievous i miiii-. ,
When Cnptain Scuimcs found " , , . .,, ,,,.
new English but,, ,ru.-r Alabaim, he hiM , .,,
o:iK.. nf Slone Hlver when Itrccklnrhlgi
tiickliins, headed by the famous lighting brigade
known ns "the Orphans." charge,! upon a brace
of lVilcral butteries on the south bunk of the
rher. The Kentiicklans rushed through the bat
teries bayonet In bund and chased the aitllh-ri-is
with their Infantry supports down Ihe slope to
the fords which served to coiin.vt the ruptured
batteries with tin- main position of their iinny on
the north bank. Opposite Ihe scene of the
charge. 011 the north hunk, lay re-em' artillery
brigade of llfty-clght guns. The instant the
retreating soldiers got Inside Ihe range of those
reaily cuiinoiia the entire brigade opened upon
the pursuing 'Orphans," tiling i sleds 11 mill
tlte. l'oiesta which stood In the pathway of
the shells w ere KW ept 11 way and the Ki iitii' klaiis
ti..!.iIv niiiillillnti-l. lilllv one half of Ihe ntll-
Cera lind men were cut down by the awful tire alinosi t one blast.
Colonel S. S. Try of the fourth Keiitu. l.y 1 Y.leraN. riding inn-s the Ib id
BIO GAM E Poll A LI1TLE (11 5. Iliollienl III
from the lire of Fry's regiment.
Four bells Hounded on the I'nlted
ani-hor. will, fires bunked. In the l.lockii.lliig
fleet off Ncwbern. The night was dark, uud It
was r.-iininir in torrents. The lookout
noise of iiiitiro.iehllli: vessels uud
rapidly the clinllenge: "l'.ont liho)'!
Hout nhoy!" (Jetting no unswer, the wnteh
uprang the ahlp's ruttle. The crew of the gun
boat rushed on deck Just ns a party of In ardors
dressed In Confederate gray liiiinbi-reil from
the Inunchea over the ship's sides, tinned to the
teeth with pistols unit cuthisses. It look but ten
minutes to decide the buttle on (leek. The gun
boat lost ItH (iiptlllll lllld eight sailors killed, be
aides twenty helplessly wounded. In the board
ing party alx were killed and twenty two wound
ed, but then; were llfty Hound men left tigaltist
twenty gtinboiit Jackies. 'I he little handful sur
rendered. Finding the Udlers of their prize cold.
the boarders applied the torch and s lily got j'Ain voi' iiomh.kiis . i imm-
out from under the ruin of lire poun d on them k.i in r.u tin: huh- tun.,
from the Federal forts on shore, which had been nhiiiiie.l by the bold attack.
Four I'fderul ironclads mid three gunboals of Commodore I'oote's lYih-nil
HACMNO IOWN THK FLAG UN- llt tll,! 01 General Grunt find received a
lKii nan. special mark of distinct Ion for his giillunt con
duct during' the battle nnd nt the time of the surrender.
Commodore Itowiin's fleet nt the iittnck on F.llzuboth City consisted of old
ferrybontH, tugs nnd river steamers rigged for
war. The Confederate Kquiidrou lined ttji be
fore a fort which mounted four 'A2 pounders.
Rowan lioirded the signal, "OiihIi Into the ene
my!" and Milliliters as well us leud and Iron begun
to fly. On board the Federal whip Valley City
Gunner's Mate John I)avlH served powder In tbo
heat of the fight from an open barrel. Suddenly
one of the enemy's Hindis crushed through the
frtinrooiii, aettlng the woodwork on fire. Spring
ing through the flamen on his trip buck from the
run last nerved, Llavla threw himself across the
opening of the bnrrel head, covering the powder
from falling sparks until the lire was extin
guished. The affair at Elizabeth City was not
Important, only a belter skelter aea fight of the
liveliest kind, all over In half an hour. Davis
was not Klorified for his coolness nnd bravery,
but Kowan praised the deed In bia olliclul re
port, although the hero was only un
I man In th navy.
. . o,.
.. . i
In inldwlniiT. ' '
f,,r f, iiim! the licim cm I l"l
lillllVtllK SS. 1 Ml' 111"
.. . -,.,
sat down to tlidr "sii.u
ohllK lM " II" H
l from the llrnig
lino In'Kiin t' l'iill
I!mt thlnu was
1 1 la i U . "Wli.v." i"il'l
lie cv
li Klios w lull y" '
be or lio'd win
us holm Ihlng l" lt'i.
lionchid gunl'tmt Mattel 111,
11111I they
Ihe ll-llill Kicllli.-. NHim.1 c.M.i.M.g
hlp whs the ibitiHl. Mc'"-r '
Itlal t the lliittcms ..lii.oi..."'!
send "IT .. boat. "l sudih nl) ll Irimi-
front the deck of Hie HiiMiik-.i.
the Coiifclel' it'1 si. inner
Alal'iiiua. ,
broadside from the Imllcrlr. of the chiImt c,...i"
,,s a iMiiict.mtii.il of the taitllng avowal. Ihe
ports of the Ili.ttcn.H were open mid the men
wen- lit their gnus. The w.-rU c,e h.lf 11 ".
,,,,,,,-t. s.ailng th" Willie coi.r-e. and lh- v .Min d
vollevs Int.. euch othr. gradually I. k. Ih"
.11., '. tlo.lv n.r.ls. The nailois In !!.' t"l'
with pistols mid iii.i-l.eta. At h.-t
I.. ,. I...I two shells III III" Malt'
t her ol. lire Mid sinil-hed tier M'-ni'l
steeling gear 11 ml pump", fnptnlll
bis men otT In I nt aft'-r Ito.-lliig
In to minutes . .. s op ; .
spoiio. ins o.... .
souii'i - ')
though, the
ludicrous (o Ihe Kii.l.r WHO
was Hi"
H'lWINll l'..M 11IK
rl ' h Ulll HANt '
a. s-
. 1
nt Mill i-l'i-Uik;-'. was iirroM.-.i i.y a sirang-r
whose unlfoiiii, whateM r the color, was iil.-l
under a gum -oat. It was misty uud rainy, and
Ihe cii.it Was illlte the tiling f'T the 01 1 ii-lon.
Itehind the (ioiiked llglire liy saw home troops
ndvutielllg, lllld the stranger Mild, "dlilllig ll!
the line. "We must Hot lire mi our own mm."
"Of course not." Try respond, d and r l" buck
toward bis regiment. In a few se. on. Is 1. mil her
Htrullger Jollied the one In the cl..uk mid lll'-d
n shot at Fry. Thinking hiui-. lf b tra'-.l. liy
luiiied mid llred a pistol at the man In the clonk.
Ills offhand shot killed the c. 11unMi1.b r of the
opposing iinny, General I'ellx K. ZolMrouVr.
The troops 011 Is.th sl.h s w. re green soldiers,
mid there were no skirmishes In front. It was
believed that .olIlcofTi-r kii'-w that Try was tin
eiieiiiy anil spoke us lie .lid 011 the sj ur of th"
Oilier 10 glllll Utile Ull. I sale Ills lll' ll
Htntes gunboat t'n.lerwrlter, lying at
lieiird the
culled out
I!nt iih"j
v ; )
fleet rained shells Into Fort Henry for two boms.
The Confederates begun the fight with llfty four
men mid nine guns, nml In the brief boiubnrd
inent five guns bud been disabled, with silicon
men cut down beside them, 'i he coiiniiandaiit
of Fort Henry liiimuiiely ordered the eolora
down in token of surrender, but the flagstaff bud
been shot through lllld the halyald.4 fouled lit the
croKsirees. The Hug could not be lowered. Tim
stuff and Its defiant ensign were targets for a
steady lire from the fleet. It happened that Cap
tain Taylor, couimiinder of the gunners w ho bad
fought so well to hold the fort, was an old mun-o'-war'a
limn. He climbed the stuff, hecdloHM of
(lunger, hauled down the colois uud saved bis
helpless men from further slaughter. Taylor and
Ills men were amateurs In war. After the sur
render the captain and bis men were enl. t tallied
Sour Stomach
Afi.r I trf 'Ac4,
u r r. i " "'"" "'" m iiw n.iiimi.
Mr nr "' ""' ''' ''"I i"f fco.d
, n4 il I ' ""'""H '"' inn ut.
lua i "" I " " 'imi m4
Uieni niil" ImiwOi '' riwuli. fir i. ii.k. n
ja. luiiuustf. 111 Luimrw II , Ut laiuii, Ha.
! rfftts CANOr
I t'l..."' ISlll"n tuli 1,
Uim1.!, .Nunil si.lw". M hwu.of Oi l,aj,
M"c KMJf IIM'. klM, MMI..tl. ImI, i
lfl Tfl DAP '"' """'i""i 'ia.u.
Stovona Dlock
Now Open for Business.
IV. (i"!l Iut Washing; l'owir
I'utiinl Hiik ur Tii.i.-.
(J.lll.lll l-'Ht N. 0. MoluI.
r I'.ars 'I'rti'' Uliii Suuji
I.ato ',.i Maciironi
!'. t 'nun ( i.mm ( lystcr
I'l.lin 1 Fine r.leti.l Cd!'. .'
I'.mii.l l! -t 'until IliiM Collie
Miles & McGlashan
rr k k x. c r r.T.r .t.t.t r k
I tha
Sti.iigbt Front Corwt 4'A' llP 3
Colored Mrr.iwd Under- 'M
kilts 771' "P '?
I.ii.lio' Summer I'lidi-rrriK jc up '
ll!,.. k Mow .V i'P 1
' and Childrrn'a white A
1, ..,,..1,1. 1..-.I ll'.a Mnrl. 1 for ,c A
I..i.liri' white Apron 15c ') J
' Kcudy Made Ilir J
Skirtt f'-35
S.itin RiblMin, No 5, all color" 4'
Tailor Made Suit il 'i
C.ir.ltr. C.ri. 4'(
'l or. I1..11 I.n. e 6 yds for JC A
Vulciicrnnr I.acra for J
Kuillcs icayd fl
NaiiHook -;mbroldrry 5
Hour mid aluminum Hair
I'in 3f 1"1
lV.nl Shirt billions, all sic 5c dot
Wiitclics, Cl.x kH, Jtfwclry awl
Allkin.li of remiriit nnitly lon
nml warranted.
oolollU ft III.Ik. t'mnhr.Orrt
JTJE2 3E3 JL & &
Ojip. Huntley'H Druif Store,
MWTV VI'APQ 1-Yl'l klf 'CE IN
Urcnt HriUin and America.
(;ko. t. howaud
ii ivt'ii I'riHii. luuu
Oregon City, Oregon
Ltt I MTU" 1
C I'lIK Kilt
Ely's Cream Balm
5 vjji
'iuf it mi jileatniit to
ii"'. i'liiiijiiuii do In-jtirl-jtm
Jt In fpilrkly alitor 1 m'!.
1 vK liyli'-r at ofu rt.
r COLD '".H EW,
A ilny 11 ltitlnfiiiiiiiti.!!. wir' -(i,rf
Ur-.i-irt- nr Uf rnr.il ; Trial I" r"n'lZ
'V ' A