Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 01, 1902, Image 1

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NO. :;s
OltK(.ON CITY, OUK(50N, FRIDAY AUfjUST ); 10i2.
I M... IVI i
!, K. I n. 1. 1 ( rf I -.
riKixii-:. & (jai.loway
I.A.MI Ol l li'K IU'MS,.8
Wl'lliluird I'.llll ling,
A i Tuns i y a r I, aw,
J llsln i lil I lin 'i Mi it.
J .!,; r ll.dg,, ( In gon ( tly
, . Mi';.i,
Umcu.is City,
Will rmM r III nil i 'ie n.tiru ol ilir lu
f)i', tit I nil. ll I ii. ile...
II A l.C I.Allll'HK'I'l K,
t'wl .N.-i.l.uKH AT I. AW
MAIM Muter OIIKUilM I TV, lilltiillX,
fnrniii Al'iti tfc ill P'.u' I.'iaii MiH.M . l""r.
rlua Mnrih'l' mi'l l'ncl tn'iii-m
l.ktt Uitf,rik
(Jf A. STI'AliT, M- D.
Mil' III W lUniiu iip lll't.
Or'kt'iii ''liy. i"i'H'iii
(M!li linliri: M tit. In I. in., I In i i, in.
mnl 7 ' 11 '. in.
H'i-'-lnl ulii-i'ili'ii I'nlil
Krina'p I '.
In lihruiiiitllmi mnl
( itll miiii-rri lUy nr Infill.
(iliil:if i'l llin Nnrllifci-In ii I'nivi.r
mlv iM-nlal hrliiml, Cliii iin.
Ainu A m ini I'lilli'-i-iil K i:ll MiiiJi'iy,
WilluniKltn J'.lm k, Oh-K'.ii City.
or nkti.d.N en v
l .Ul.
tHiAI-rii lKKIUt. k4MKKU m l N
Iiu nil0. Iltll" lir,i'ilili,l Mfirii!
l(M-ltiltB till V 411 1 lr!i rl. Imliftf- nil U fMilnl
In (ho t'uli"! Hit,, Kuriic ftinl Hiimk k oi. v.
r 1-r.l I.)". I t,l llitii Ii a I k
muni Irnin a . u inir. m.
Ii c:. LAioriiKri k, rroti.iBiii
J. iit.VI II I'n.k'iir
() W. K A ST I! AM
Und Tl'l- l"sii,l..r.l,
I'reiln, .Mi r'K"''-" l'fM,
A Ii- fie l Ms.te,
Mntit-y Lnninil
net 11 f n 1 11
llnnk nl 1 ' -,?titi l liy.
I'l.ii.iis Cur, Hi.,
W. 8 U'H.a C. B liv.rt.r!
U'llEN A- S('lIUi:!!!:L
AttormyH at Law. !
glcutrdjcv eluchat.
Will iTm i ii e 111 nil i-iniri. mskr ciilli'i-tmiis
snil ti lllrineiits nl I n'nli-n.
Kiiriilh uii I ritt t nl nilp, lend vim inoi.ey ,
ml Ii Ml ynnr iinmry on llr'l imii:re. 1
Oftlco In Entorprlso Building, j
1111:011 ( iiv, ( iii-iioii, J
I. mnl Title null KiiikI Office '
Hi ic-mm 11 Wpcclnlty
Will ptuetii c in nil Courts of the State
Kikiim j, V.'eiiih.iid Hldj;.
ojip. Court Mouse, Oregon City. Krejfnn 1
ini stint or rHiu-iRTT ri-HMinisu.
Omen mm 10 ori-ni.il Cllr Kn rj'rl-s.
I. II III: r I,. Ill In. I;.
TO MY A W D f 0 M 0 R R 0 W
Fllilf II LE flF III si
Will positively closo Tomorrow, August 2. Every pair of shoes con
tained in the store must and will be sold before that time, as no shoes
will bo removed from this city, if they can be given away
Me' Vici Kid Shoe." worth fl.(K) for L85 J;""? w!,rth ?
Men's Calf Shoes " -'M)" MS Hoys' Calf School Shoes l.io toe
Lulie' Uan.l TurtuMlSho.'s ' " W " LC5 Children's Shoes for almost nothing.
Now is your time to get shod at the
Faetoty Sale of Shoes
That will be no more after Tomorrow, August 2.
Three doors north of Electric Hotel
Where the red flag hangs.
J.MORRIS, Manager.
" j', :
' W V w I
Machine Shop
Tourth nnd Water Stroots.
f'hilipp Gurklein, Prop. .
1 ' '"'K "r u" kinds of Mill t.n.l
T rT T
For 60 Days
t nniki' ruiiiu fur new Full (UxxU; whirli will In; a lur.T and
tiiori. i niii,l, tn el . k than lux I'vcr In-fore l i:n carrii-d at the
lo imt jiuHK iw iy hut come
I.tt'licr.' Im SLirlH
" White Skirtti
Cnliin-il Skirt t
" Clu-tniM.-
' Iirawt-m
" 1 im- t'nili rwciir '
" l.m-c Hone
I'hililn n't. I lose
I'ntwt Cover-t
Hose Supporter
Men's Vndi rer, Sneks, l'ins,
I'tiihrtiidery Silks, Senini; Silks und
Krmisuick House & Restaurant
Newly Furnished Rooms.
Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable.
Opposite uspension Bridge.
Only Kir-t Clas Ilcstatirant
In Town.
Arc at tin! to. Have won ut two of the largest rhowa in the
Northwest, l'.'OI UK)'-', alno at the htato fair.". Look tip their
reciii-il. Siune fine hrccdin coikrtln front our jiri.e winning
htrain f ainl up. Also a few white rock cockrcln $2.00. Eggs
f 2 (H) per ri'ttini?.
Oregon City, Ore.
il' -
,i ..
t 7
O i
1'iirni Mm hinerv nnd I-iu'itirn . O '
.T.T.Tr.'T.'T.T.'r.T.T.T.'rJC.'? .T.'C'r.ir.T.'r.'C.T,
ami in vcNtijjttto.
Siiiilmiiiii li
Cloves, c and up
Milts, loc, 151-, anc
I. allies' silk Tit
All kimU of Lao s
KililMins, ic jil. unit up
New Ladies' Wrappers
Table laiiell
NupkiiiR, Towels
Shirt Wuists
Needles, Shu Silk, Knitting Cotton,
m i. i n.wi;p!is ii!i:vn.F.
1V k On It'if Iiiijiiiiv. mi nl Hill
(') in-
III' lire i t 1 1 et.
The Oregon Witter Power A Railway
! Company In to begin Important improve
! nicnts mi its property immediately. Tlie
IIAW Mil. Ii L ti, I ll.
: arrivnl a f.-w
in eoi.dnion (or
I days gi Iihk ln'i'ii .nt
Ki.rv.Li- und it mil li piii si HorK thiit
M.....V I'.M 1 1: , 1 i. ..t
j w m- 1. inn ii't ni'w inn hi mi 1 B'Ulil 01
j Milw-.ukie, tlniH il'j i,u uvtuy witli lliree
or Mur ircsiii-s, oun l wlucli is loin;.
1 L'pii the i-oiiipietiiin ol tliut work, n hiidi
will Uke hut h ft-' iIiivm, says lh Oro
Kouini.tliH htiMiu sh'Ai.-l will he Inkeo
t i ttisdslmiK, ,re 4 l,j .li i,nila it.
Across I he Chicksiinis holtoin is a tall
trrnlli-, leachiiik! f ruin the Clsikainas
liiver to tin! Iuiiiih of Oregon City, ll Is
li(l (l et tall in mjoi pUees and hss ul
4.v; l"'(-ri tin i Xiii nsiVB pH-iij of pron
eity 10 tuaiiittiiti, to shV i.oliiii of Hie
l.irijjef 1 1 1 j, I most ieopl af-ociiite with
S'leli tn:vale-l rmiij . lhat liestlu is to
Im filled and I lie work will lie heun
next week. Tlie 1111 will lack niur.li of
coining to the full h' iht of Ihe Ireslh).
heiux for a eoiii-i.h'rahl" p rt of Ihe din
tuin e a ho lit Id feet h'-low the. present
tiiii k, tail it will he. huh ennueli to over
top the floods to whiili the Willainelte
Valley is Kiihji'i t. Tim Iri-stle was built
nine years aiM and since then there has
never heen. a fl iod iliat came anywhere
near Ihe top of the piles. The Southern
1'acifn! tulek, whirli iui allele Hie trolley
h'tt) ac ro-s tin; Clin kamas Imtloni, is
much lower than the electric-car track,
and no ihllieuliy lias been exi eiiem ed
011 that road siui u the pieaent u-ndo was
Hindi) there. And the trolley ln.e tie-HL-euds
In the railroad grade where il en
ters Oregon City, so there is nothiri
gained by having tlie trbntlu awsy up in
the air.
The filling of the Clarkamas t re? lie
will nAiiiire about loO.OOO t-iihif yards of
earth. Two or three months of time
w ill be consumed in that woik, but when
it shall he done it will form a substantial
anl permanent piece of roadbed and the
nerves of timid pan-tenners will Dot suffer
ho much wear aud tear. This is one of
the iiiii rovemenls that will make possi
ble i.no tufu butler rumiiiiu time between
, I'unlaiid and Ortgou City.
I Another work of importance for w hich
plans nd Npecificatioiis have been drawn
in the building of a Wharf seven blocks
loii) on the East Side Water-front he-twet-n
Madison and Last Lincoln blreets
on the property recently acquired in the
interest ol tins compauy. Abotn flH.OOO
will he spent on this structure. iUila
lieads wi.l be erected out on the wlmri-
i hue and they will be tilled by earth ex
cavated in building ihe Water front trol
ley road. The expense will be uiateri-
i ally reduced by carrying on these two
enterprises together. All this work will
he liuiahed bulore the end of the year.
1'Llil.IC MAHKtl IS ruKILAM).
Hid nlll lie .Made Fur ! t-use or .Market
liloek lf 10,000 tun Ue Kulsul.
! From now till the lsl of Septemher the
fanners' couiuiiltce on securing a public
market place iu l'ortlund J. J. Juhiison,
c. 11. Welch and F. A. Millet will eu
1 deuvor to organize a joint Block company
! w lib a capital block ol flU.UOO, to be lu
: position to submit a bid to lease the Mar-
ket block lor a geueial market. Alter
l thorough consideration, the committee
i decided that tins was tlie best course to
take. Ciicuiar letters have been punted
addressed muiuly to the members of the
granges, setting forth what is hoped to
be accomplished through orgalil.atioU ol
this company, and the plan ot procedure.
ll l considered itiat if the tqruiers of
Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington
Counties can be interested sulliciently
ttiere will be no trouble to gel tuem to
take enough ot the otot K. lo make the
plau a succesa. A public market, con
trolled by the farmers who will use it, is
wanted. Ihe biock is leserved lor such
a mat ket, and a is now up lo thelarmeis
lo say what they are willing to do.
The stuck, according lo tlie ciicuiar, is
placed at f 10 per shaie. Statistics have
been gathered by this committee con
cerning the workings of markets iu other
cities, aud it has been found that where
tiiey have been managed on good busi
ness principles tiiey have paid well.. In
September the l'aik Mai ket block w ill
be leaned. The cuy is advertising that
it is for lease for a public market place,
and it remains to be seen whether the
faimeis will make a bid oi not, or per
mit the mat ket to be controlled by pri
vate enterprise.
Look lMeaiiul, IMeute.
Photographer C. C. Harlan, of Kiton,
()., can do so now, though for yearB he
couldn't, because be suffered untold
agnny from the worst form of indigestion.
All physicians aud medicines failed to
help him till he tried Electric Bitters,
w hich woiked such wonders for him that
he declares they are a godsend to euQer
era from dyspepsia and stomach troubles.
Unrivalled lor diseases of the Stomach,
Liver and KidneyB, they build up and
give new life to the whole system. Try
them. Only 50c. Guaranteed by Geo.
A. Harding.
hm usr wisiii.s r ir;;:n;; olt.
I'.nrj D illar Owed Ilet osltoni I'ald l!y
Ho.iist .Ii.liu llyeis.
The la-t wish andcherif-iied intent ona
of Honest John Myers, the Resident and
manager of the Commercial and Savinifs
Hank, of the Last Side, whoso doors
weie closed during the panic of the lurd
Iiriii-H, thai every depositor ami h!1 debts
of tlie institution should he paid in time
in full, have now been fully carried out
by J. K. Hedges, of Oregon City, admin-
islratorofthee-taieof Mr. Myers. The
outcome is hichly creditable to the rnsn -
sgement and fidelity with which Mr.
Iledi'cs carried forward the plans of Mr.
.Myers in paying depositors and creditors.
At the time trie Commercial and .Sav
ings liiink closed, says the Oregoman,
its assets would have brought little or
nothing had they been sold out at auc
tion as proposed. At a meeting of the
depositors held in the office of the bank
Mr. Myers mnle a proposition 'o take
Ihe assets, also to throw his own per
sonal fortune into the scale, and pay oir
tiie deposits, amounting t') something
over J.S.OOO, and the liabilities, provided
that time be given to realize on the prop
erty. There was a long discussion over
the proposition. Some were opposed to
accepting it and were in favor of "wiping
the whole thing up" at once.
J. S. FVs, and a few of the conserva -
live depositors, nrged that the proposi
tion he accepted. This was finally agreed
to and a paper was draw n up w hich was
signed by John Myers and the depositors.
Mr. Myers then turned his personal for
tune in with the BBsets, and at the
time of his death was making progress
in liquidation. Mr. Hedges, his admin
istrator, took up the work, and a few
days ago wag around on the East Side
pay ing off w hat was left unpaid on the
deposits, the main portion of which had
already been paid. The only loss that
is sustained, if it can be called a loss, is
the interest on the money.
This is the only batik that failed com
pletely in Portland that has paid out
dollar for dollar. J S Foss. has the or
iginal document signed bv John Myers
and the depositors at tlie time' the 'bank
clofed. He cxpres-es great satisfaction
over the final outcome. He fays that
the finances have been so managed tnat
the heirs will receive something. .
Ti sellers' Examination.
No' ice is hereby given that the County
Superintendent of Clackamas County
will hold the tegular examination of ap
plicants for state and county papers at
Oregon City, as follows:
Commencing Wednesday, August 13,
at niue o'clock, A. M., and continuing
until Saturday, August 10, at four o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
spelling, algebra, history, school law.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, book-keeping,
physics, civil gove.nmeiit.
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, physical
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature, psy
Commencing Wednesday, August 13,
at nine o'clock A. M., and continuing
until Friday, August 15, at four o'clock.
Wednesday Penmanship, history,
orthography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, school law.
Friday Geography, mental arithme
physiology, civil government.
Wednesday Penmanship, ' orthog
raphy, reading, arithmetic
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, methods, physiology.
Oregon City, July 28, 1902.
Superintendent of Schools.
Letter List.
The following is the list of letters re
maining in the postofficeat Oregon City,
Ore., on July 31st, 1002:
Reed Christena Miss Yeska Wra Mrs
Seckler May A Miss
men's list
Adams Charles Morris Ralph
Agater Ehudhoff Montgomery WelJon
Bailey E
Burroughs Frank
Campbell R A (2)
Everett Martin
Frill Geo
Frazier Frank J
Herrick II
Holmes Wm
Pollard Mr
Redden B L
Robertson C A'
Shuck Linus W
Shubeit Wm F
Schnider F
Wyman A J
Zamblock Claude
Vor lione Cutarrh, Hay I'cyer
anil Sneezing Cutnrrh
Use S. B. Catarrh Cure with douche in
the proportions of one tablespoonful to
one pint of warm water and use freely
three or four times daily, which will al
lay all irritability of the nasal nerves and
tissues. For sale by all druggists. Book
on Catarrh free. Address Smith Bros.,
Fresno, Cal.
iv.o miti f.u omihMo.
'C. 0. T. Williams mnl 0. A. f'hi nej Sold
1 IMa r ami Did . t (id F.cs.
j C, O. T. Willjams lias brought suit in
j the Cireuit Court ngninst John "chlndler
and wife, of Xew Kra, to recover fltH) for
(omnii-sion in telling real estate. On
j January .'!0, 1002, the defendant employe.!
i Williams to cell land for them within
! two months from the dale at a price
j amoiiriling to not less than J 12 per acre,
j and as bin conuni-sio'i he was to receive
j 5 per i ent of the firet $10 )0 paid and
1 per rout of the remainder, and if the i!e-
fendants should eiTei-t the sale without
the aid of the plaintiff, tie was to luvo
received to cover his expenses.
The plaintiff accepted the terms as a
riroker, and in a. i.-onlanee advertt'erl the
land and by personal effort procured one
Heinroi-h C. Kane and bis father, Angost
Kane, his agent, to inspect the land and
induced him to buy. In February Hie
land wag sold for ffi'l. The defends nts
made and executed and delivered a war
ranty deed to the land on May 10, l'J(i2,
and the plaintii! alleges that tlie deed
and transfer was delayed hyoud the
date of expiration of the two months in
order to capriciously avoid payment of
commissions. The plaint; If further al-
leges that by the sale of the land to Kane
j the defendants became indebted to him
1 foi commissions. 5 ner cent on th fiist
$1000 and 2jj per cent on the remainder,
or 180. The plaintiff received $20, leav
ing a balance of JI'iO, for which he asked
O. A. Cheney lias commenced ruit in
the Justice Court to recover f 121, alleged
to be due him as commission from W.
W. May for the sale of 50 acres on Mo
lalla avenue, about C miles from Oregon
City, to D. U. White for $3100. He al
leges that the amount sued fcr is the
usual one chaiged by real estate agents
for making a sale oi this extent.
Weather Heperl.
The following data, covering a period;
of 30 years, have been compiled from the '
weather bureau records at Portland, Or.,
for the month of August.
Mean or normal temperature, 06 (leg.
The warmest month w as that of 1&W7,
with an average of 71 deg.
Tlie coldest mouth was that of 1 Mill,
with an average of C2 deg.
The highest temperature was 9" deg.
on the i2od, 181U.
The lowest ternperatufe was 43 deg. no
the 29:h, 187G.
Average date on which first "killing"
rost occurred in autumn, Nov. 15.
Average date on which last "killing"
frost occurred in spring. Match 17.
lllain and melted snow.)
Average for the month, O.tll inches.
Average number of days with .01 of an
inch or more, 4.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 2.50 inches in 1S99.
The least monthly precipitation was
0.00 inches in 1SS5. '
The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
was 0.83 inches on the 2oth A 2(ith, 189'J.
Averasre numher of clear days, 16;
partly cloudy days, 9; cloudy days, 0;
The prevailing winds have been from
the northwest.
The highest velocity of the wind was
35 miles, from the southwest, on the
10th, 1893, and from the south on the
31st, 1897.
Station : Fortland, Oregon.
Date of issue July 25, 1902.
Edward A. Heals,
Forecast (lticial.
All Were Suirtl.
"For years I suffered such untold mis
ery from Bronchitis," writes J. H. John
ston, of Broughton, Ga., "that often I
was unable to work. Then, when every
thing else failed, I was wholly cured by
Pr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. My wife suffered intensely from
Asthma, till it cured her, and all our ex
perience goes to shew it is the best Crmp
medicine in the world." A trial will
convince you it's unrivalled for Throat
and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles
i 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Geo.
A. Harding's.
Some Reasons
Why You Should Insist on Having
Unequaled bv any other.
Renders hard leather soft,
Especially prepared.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness.
Never burns the leather; its
Efficiency is increased.
Secures best service.
Stitches kept from breaking.
I s sold in all
Localities v.nnfvhr
Rlaadaral Oil ('nr.