Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902 7 Social Happenings. I K, 0. T. INrrAI.I.ATIuN. TiiHlMilu Tml No. 74. Knluhis i, ilmi" Manabtfa, Inalalled ttanmi-erVriiiira.liiv nielli. In addition Id th me iulia of tlm lent many Invited aimata i.rn pree nut, Hlr KiilghtHtatflCniiiiiianilerNlier wood a Ilia liiatalllng uilirer. Afinr tlm Installation 1 tin tiieinhf is mid Hn-lr fiMn'a Indulged tn itii tml smoker. TIib following iilirtr hi mailed: J. II. Howard, roiiiiiimidiT ; Millard Hyatt, IlKiitniimil I'liiiiiniiiiiliir ; );. F.. Tavlor, ret-onl ml llnanre krcMr; William Beam, chaplain ; A, Frniiiiing, Httgediit; (harlt Calls, inueler at anna; J), I'mirtney, II ml nueler ul giiarda; J. V. Turner, kttt'otid tn lr of mianls; A. J. Wymaii, sentinel ; IC. Vauglian, pit kul. ,cii in v VkNr r ct.Ar a a u ah. The tnartlegn ol Mr. Carey Johnstone, noil of Mia. Jacob J'.lin.tuiin, mid Mm MaM CuiIiImtI, ilauitlitttr of Mr. and Mi. Win. CiiiMhtI. will Iki solemn Wed In lliu I'horrli at Clackamas, Thura lny JnlV 24, at Id nYl'x k liy tlm rv. Mr. hiinii, rrx torol hi. Murk F.pleeij. pal rlititi'li, of I'oilland. Till will lit tlm II rut church wedding ever held In t'lmkeiiiaa ami It promises to In an ilalHirala alUlr. All)AN-4'AMIIAl (III Tlm inarriatfM of Mfcs Tllllti 7. Car tmugll ' to Clmtlea K. Aitliliiitil Wae oltiiiiil"d Wedneaday afternoon at Inn CotitftfKiitional pare'iiuifn In Una rily, i:v. F.. H. lUjtlliiifnr tillirlatitig. Tlm l Paplllltiil ('lull liai leaned . vllatloiia to a lioi In tlm ('am-iiiali I'mk tiavilloii on Friday evening, July 2.Y I da petroiieeima am Mra. W. F. I'ratt, Mia. T. A. l'omi Mra. C. 1) l.atniiri-tii-, Mr. I.. I. I'ort.-r, Mra. 1'liailna A I lr ttit ml Mra, K. A. hniniiirr. C'liarlxa K. IWainliall, a wnll known yoima' man of Ihla niunty, waa iunrriid Ihia witi'k to Miaa Kluia I', (iraliam, of I'urtland. Co. A. Tliiril llnuliiii-iil, Ofi'ifiui Na tional (iuard, l- lt yiirday tmirnliiK for All'any to u l,,l, auii. A I" "it forty liifil wriit (roll) (lirifaii City. The ria am Cai'lam II. Li'IkIiIoii Knllv, Kliat'iilriiaiit ffilt-riik W. Iluliili idirva and -oinl'iiti-iiant Cliarlta K. frunia, Jr. A marrlan llrriiNi W4a 'n-l In Van coiivrr ymicrday tn ln Ni'lami of tlna city, and I., n. ''ana. Wkj . la( ovir tlm aun lurnrd. aaiiti tiruali ami alkali ilaina lnii you may jual aa wll tako a dilli(litfiil, vtm and coiuf.irtalilu rl.ltt lliroiiKli tlm lo art of tlm Hot ky Mounlalua In vlt w of tlit uraiidt-al rfiirrr on tlm Ainrriran coiillnf nt? Tlilavouran do liV IravttlitiK on tlm Kid lirandtj Kyaltun, llm far famt'd St uiiic I.lnt) of Tlm Woild." Uio only tranatoiitlntinlal llnf Jiaatting tliroiuli Hail Uka City, Ulwliwuod SpriliK, I-ad-villa, lilorado hurlm and Ittuvir en fnilt to raaU-rn Miiula. Tlirt daily exira traina makn clow conntKlloiia wllli all train raal and wral and alf jrd a rliulctt of flvn dlxtinrl pmttHi of traval. The i-ii'iiiiit of (hfati traina ia Ilia beat, iucludliiK free rtH-llnlng cbalrcara, atandard and touriat lrriwra, a mrlwl illniiitf t ar attrvice, and lao Miraoitally condiifted excuralon rara, at:li In clmra-" ol coniftiit nuida, wlioan buaint la to lok alltr tlm com orl ol Ilia knatii. 5o mora pleaaanl and liifXHtnalye nmana of troaainu the Coulinant can b found than li .rovulutl by IhrM excuriaona. Kor adtlilional tlftalla, addrttaa, J. I). M anrkiki i), litin'l At , Kiu (iranda I.lnt-a, No. 124 Third Hi., l'ortland, ()rfi?on TO MOTHERS Mrn. J. II. HaHkins, of Chicago, III.. lnHluVnt Chlcaeo Arcade Club, AddrPHHOH I'omfortlnt? Vordn to Women lU-gardlng Childbirth. "Pkah Mm. I'ikkiiak: Mothrra fired not drciwl chlldarln(r after Uiey know lh Talue of Lydlrt 15. lk Vorroluhlu I'tMiinoUUU. vi,iu T lil children I dreaded the tmlrnl. for It loft me weak and alolt MM. J. II. IIA8KINS. m . .1.. .i. ami at th. time lor monum - -- ii... thonffht death wm ft w.;lxrr re"t l,ut .before, my laat eh Id wm W . .an.'H VrKctlp Co.npoul and I used that, toother with and Bnative Wash for iM months U-foro the child', birth -tt me wonderful relief. I hwdl. bftd ache or pain, and when the ten day. old 1 left my bed strong In healtlu Every aprln? aniUMl I nowUke almttlaof Lydla l-ln',a" "J.f: rtablo Compound and find it j W P mo In continual excellent MM. J. II- Hmkw. 3248 Indiana Awl, Chlcftjro, 1 11. 5000 Mtt If Koo l-il- "'acrr,Vnd careful coun to what theeiiwctontand would-be Mother nccdH, and thto coun she can Bccure without cost vy rr - v T.TT.T.T.T.TT.T.t.T.tsr.T.'a ' HX AROUND THE H i fl COURTHOUSE TIih will of Hut lau William 11. Dauby, l,,"u,l '" wul thH con lily W'lllllW. 'V1"'" Monday aflernoon. Ill uarrim . imy, e named as exeat trlx. IIhi hulk of lil properly I lift to fuur Kim, KoUrt W., If nnry M., Frank H. I., ami Thomas K. Ilagliy. He left (5 0 till remaining mui, John, Jeane Mini Citlvln VV mul tint Mine amount to In. daughters, Mia. Ma'garttt M. IVIky, Mia, Mary Walling, Mra. Alice M. hand- ml, Mia. J, lUimlloii and Mra. Ir 1,. Jarlsth, Thu deceased wan a luneer ami wan lbs poast-aeur of a Una (arm near Molulla. ilia catatu ul lludd Smith liaa been ad nulled to probate. Ha died May m. aim l-lt an estate a (pr hI-1 at f IV) Ilia littlt arM lua widow. Tillitt Siniih. "4, ami hia aun, ipoik llcwcy Siiil'h, a(nd 4 yfara. The court nauifil lua wife aa adininiairalrix and fixttd ht-r homla at m J he antiraiaira ar Dtvid C. Hall. K. I). IU1I mid Atnlrnw Johmton. A iiiHrnK't licmiiM) waa iaamtd ynaittr. ny lo P. I,. Ctilfiuan. forinirlv irim iil "I lha Canhy at hool, and Mica Carrie Hair, ilaiiKhittr of Colontd lUir, of Nrfdy. A iiiarriiiKH litflnti waa iaatmd Vnd- iifadav to Tillitt Carbouuh, 45. ami I'lutrlfa K. Aahiimn. 50. Il'ltlll) or (OMMIiM()FS. fContinuiid from int 0.) II llnrt 2 out-rank llmidricka 13 W) i A Wilaoii in no J 11 lloaull 9 (XI It II Taber 27 (K) K (Vmthan 7 50 K Warner U) W Hy I'arker 3 (W (! K Hwkk 1M Malroliu Tcllurd 4 ISO (1 H Kruner I 60 K iMulhil 1 60 W in 'orbit fi M Krank llemlrirka 7 fiO Ml 70 60 J II Howell 1 K W llai ker 5 K Carniiiian 1 W II I.MWtcm 0 (0 3 00 OH (5 00 0 KSwirk .. Kly I'arki r . A Warner... KHMillfl 3 00 H II Tair 0 On II (tanoiiK I (0 It M Taller 8 "0 U l Miller ... 3 Koad Diatfict No. !0 (ieo II Kale A Co I !8 W "V II Hre iner 2H 00 ('liaa lUiimau 3:1 'l' f W lllandiard 45 Ml Mike llulraa M 60 ( Inn lirudlt 10 60 Frank Knule 7 00 Iterhorl l.lical 8 '.'j Khlneuian 4 J0 IIKiiikaon 2 25 K MoArdiur 3 u) A dreamer 1 60 C Delta 00 II Knirle 3 00 (ialhrlt k 3 00 U lUuman 7 00 A (ielhiick 3 00 Sumneilltld 3 00 I' Hall 3 00 C llall 10 50 J (1 Hria Wl 50 C V 15 60 C MrCormlck 3 W KintlT 7 60 W 8 hitler 60 Chae Clark.... 8 00 Alliert MfCrmack 3 00 Robert Camnbell 3 00 - Clark 8 00 Joa Wilion 1 60 An bla Currv 1W Cnrry . . . 1 50 Will IVnman 3 00 41 00 3 00 J KHriwi... Tl'enman.... Hoad Diatricl No. 17 Carlton A hooeiikraua f n 65 Alex The 1? & Wm Tire 12 00 Win Mclntoih 7 60 Janie Wilki-raon l,u Kn W'ilkerson I u jamea Wilkeraon 2 00 Hoad DiatrlctNo. 18- Llntlaley A fon $12 40 Wilfon A Cooko. Alttert 8teadman "o Thomaa Panlela w Kdward Hmilh ' Fred Mmhnke Hoad District No. 19 Trulliinji r Ilros Jacob bchinidt, bridge 4 71 4 00 4 60 3 00 1 60 3 75 1 bauer ; I T Murphy W 1'iirker J A Daniel JDar.ell I .1 M.llutt 1 60 0 00 i Schmidt 17 40 U' K. l.n.illt 6 l w M lleek 8 (0 i 11 40 V A Molde'ii'hauer 19 00 K ::::::::::::: S! J J Mallatt F Miller K Slarks K Hornschuch L Wallers W Wallers F Mink Hoad District No. 20 T U Madison J A Stromgren T (Irace Hoad District No. 20 J FOlsen 18 60 7 oa 6 00 11 40 7 20 1 60 1 33 1 8-; 1 60 1 50 1 60 1 60 1 60 0 Haatf J HLund...'. Nat Scribner Lee Farriih rarriah T J Kirk 1 Parriah 1 60 1 60 1 84 1 60 Wallace R Mulr 3 M K Haptke..... f Carl StromRreen f K Johnson J Poty Peter Schiewe Fred Browers F. Martin B Sullivan K W Hammette M Freeirmn J A Htromgreen O Wallace, bridge Carl Stromgreen, bridge. 3 00 3 00 4.V0 00 3 00 3 75 12 75 30 00 1 60 3 00 j a hu . J A Htroiiiureen " ... I Dialrlut No. 21- Jalliea 13 50 Kallie Jamea 0 75 J in Jamea. ,, W H (iitrrett (! H Jami-a ' Hobt WriKht V M Country mini I - John Cniiiitryiiian 1. 1' Willlmna...., John (ierber I lav ii liiiU-ixin I'K lloni.ey Hoad llialrict No. 22 I. W Itobl.ina duo Y Hull Andrew Joluiaon 7 60 l0 IUII 2 25 Itlchiird IUII 0 75 (iiia Joluiaon 2 25 bjula I'emiltoii 3 7.) (n..irk' Wilhaiua 00 John H Johnaon 3 CO II J ltaatall 8 00 Andrew l.amb 10); Clay Knl 3 00( Jo Himio 12 00 ; Albert Knicle 6 00. Hoatl Diatrlct No. 23- C Froat Aiiitual HottenlierK W J ArmiitruiiK 1 F Yoat ...3 10 .... 3 00 . . . 3 00 ... 7 00 Hoad Dlalrict No. 21 lN lllilWfll llod Diatrict No. 25 Cole liroa, bridKH 1 60 rrullmiier lima 37 32 A Willoroiid 00 .1 Willbroad 4 60 II Dryt-n 16 00 F IIuhIi 4 12 F llanaon B (H) F KraxUtrm-r 1 50 F Maltlmwa 13 87 John Heine 232'J Joaeph liolli 0 (K) (ieoruN Walhh, road 2 00 J.thn Ki t el 3 00 N K Cole 20 40 A M Condet 0 (H) Jamea Fry rear 24 00 lb nry (ietler 6 87 Will cietler 10 60 Win (ietler 3 00 Hoad HiHtrli t No. 25 Jamea Mitte, road 3 On F Werner 15 76 I. Werner 7 50 F M unlock.... 14 00 Ira Morria 4 50 Oils Morria 15 00 Chaa Monii 1 00 (ieo Si.ear 12 00 Will Tucker Mm Bowers M I'erkholder I' Wallace Fred l,n moil r (j M unlock (Continued 12 00 75 4 50 1 0 "5 7 50 next week ) Static ok Ohio, Citv ok Toledo,! m. Ll'cab Countv. J Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tlmt he ia the aenior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing buinee in the City of Toledo. County and State afore- aid, and that aaid firm will pay the aum of O.N K IIUNDHKl) DOLLARS for each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the tine of Hall's Catarrah Curo. FRANK J.CHENEY,( Sworn to before me and aubacribed in my preoe nee, this 0th day of Deqember, A. D. 18iHl. A. W.OLEASON, mkal Nutaryl'ublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure la taken inter nally end acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J . CHKNKY, A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by ilruk'tfluls, 75c. Hrtll's Family Tills are the best. OreRon I'll Market Report. (Corrected to Friday.) Wheat No. 1. 00c bushel. Flour Portland, 3.40 tier bbl. 90c per 8k. Howard s Dest, iruc peraaua, $3.40 per bbl. , Oa'.s -inwicks, white, (1.15 to (1.2o per cental, urnv. f 1 10 to (1.15. I In v old Timothy, baiea. fit per ton; lootte. lit to (9 50 iter ton. Clover OhIh, (0 Mixed bay, $S. Millstuirs Uran, 17 W per ton Aborts, (18 50 per ton ; chop, (18.00 per ton, barley, rolled, (20.00 Per ton. l'otatoea 90c to (1.1a per nunarea lbs. Potatoes, new. (1 00 to (1 'ii per hundred IIhi. Ktfifa Oreiron, 22'.i to 24c per dozen. liiitter Ranch, 30 to 45 c per roll. Onions, choice 1 to 1J4O per lb. Rhubarb, 2v: per lb. Dried apples, 7o ter lb. Prunes, (dried) petite, 2c perlb;Ital innf lame. 4c per lb. medium, 3ic; Silver. 4,'a'. Pa rani pi, Beets and Carrots, 75c to (1 per sack. (ireen peas. 3c per lb. Currants 4 to 4 'a'c per lb. Raspberries flu per nox. (jooaeberries, 3c per lb. Cabbage (new). 40 to 45c per dox. Honey, 11 to 12'c per lb. frames. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12 C per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, Jive,(3.60 to (3.75 per hundred. Hobs, livA fi cts: boas. dressed, 7c; sheep, 2'g' to2?.,'c; sheep, dressed, Co ; v.. dreaseil. 1 cents: lauiUB. uvo 3c; lambs, dressed, C'.je. BAD .. . . v . rlll ASITI sad ma mild and ttttcui li.Uw tbr are Imp'r derful. Ml d.uhtr and ! w. bolbered with iirk itomaik and onr braih wu f rj bad. Afwr Uklng a few d...ea of L'awarel. haf e ImproTrd wuDderfullr. Ther ar a great belp In the lamllj. . WII.HKLMINA NAU 1131 KIIWuUoum St., tluclDMtl, Ohio. Ptaaaant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, no Good, Meier glelea. Weaken, or Gripe. Wo, too. Ue. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... torttM ImiIt tmymj, tklwee. tl. T 1 CANDY fl CJr CATHARTIC 4 V tbaoi ma titmm ! I TTTl 1 I. 1 Tll'l fl J I " I-' I I ii n I in nninnn in nun iininn I'miniinn n nniiniii i imii in : WllUltjtJtlifj dl fiO (111 LrlULDlD ADdUljldllUli i 50 7 60 1 f0 i II pJmne'23, lOO ALL KINDS OF SPORTS Swimming Races Grocers' Races Dancing Afternoon and Evening Fine Band Special Performances Grand Illumination of Park Will be joined by Merchants of Oregon City. Business will be suspended in the afternoon in Oregon City. Two Thousand People from Portland. Fireworks in the Evening. The Evening for Workingmen EVERYBODY INVITED. Admission ThoBe dehiring to make entries for any ol the sports may do Albright or J. A. McGlat-han. FLOWER AND TREE. Falms never live more than 250 years. Ivy boa been known to live 450. chest nut 800. oak 1.000 and yew 2.880 years. Nothing Is better for bouse plants tnnn to be set out In a gentle, warm rain, but cold rain and wind are any thing but hopeful to them. In planting trees an Important point not to be forgotten la pressing tbe soil down upon the roots so that tbey will come In close contact with It A pot of flowers In bud should re ceive all the aunshlne possible, but when the buds open keep, them In shade, and they w'lll last longer. The largest apple tree In New Eng land la In Cheshire. Conn. Its trunk measures one foot above ail root ex largeweuts, 13 feet 8 Inches In circum ference. An orchard, whether young or old, should not be allowed to grow where heavy crops of grass are taken every year. It Is weakening to the soil and detrimental to the trees. In Ashantl there grows a tree resem bling in nppearunee the English oak, which furnishes excellent butter. This veeetable butter keeps In perfect con dition all tbe year round in spite of tbe heat Drinking Through th Koatrtla. The Indian sages do not practice their breathing exercises simply for the sake of repose and sleep. During the Inbreathing energy Is increased. These Indians are not the only people who believe that with tbe Inbreathing of pure air there comes something still more vital than oxygen. But tbe Indi ans have developed the art of breath linr more than any other people. One of their favorite exercises Is to Inhale through the left nostril, to bold the breath for a time and then exhale through the right nostril. Another of their exercises Is to drink water through the noBtrils, and after It has been retained for a short time It Is expelled through the nostrils and the mouth. This Is said to cool the head. Chambers' Journal. Growing Bananas. Bananas are as a rule planted out systematically In rows, the "suckers being placed at an average of ten feet opart The banana plant bears only one bunch at a time, but It is a quick grower, yielding Its fruit In twelve to fourteen months. When the plant la ahout six mouths old. a second "suck er" or shoot Is allowed to spring from the root a third after the ninth month. and so on, so that after the first year there Is a continuous crop being reaped. j Cianiwrrtd. may I ask "Say, pop, you a ques- tlonr "Yes, Teddy. What Is ItT' "When a man's finished mllkln' cow, how does he turn oft the mllkr I3ST Fat Men's Races Lean Men's Races ;BASE BALL GAME; to Ta,rtx., WILLAMETTE GROCERY Stevens Block Now Open for Business. 20c Pkg. Gold Dust Washing Powder 5c Pound Sago or Tapioca 50c Gallon best N. 0. Molasses. 25c 6 Bars True Blue Soap 35c Large Box Macaroni 25c 3 Cans Good Oysters 15c Pound Fine Blend Coffee 124c round Best Costa Rica Coffee Miles & McGlashan Props. Daily River Excursions ORfiOON CITY B3AT8. DAILY SCHEDULE Leave PORTLAND Leave OREtiON CITT Foot Taylor 8t, 8 30 A. M. 11 30 S 00 P, M. Foot Eighth St. 7 00 A. M. 10 00 1 30 P. M. 4 30 6 15 Only the following landings will be made Magoone'a, Meldrum a, Morey a, Eisley's and Oswego. Sunday excepted. ROO'D TRIP 25 CENTS. Oregon City Tranaportatlon Co. The Enterprise (1.50 per year. SCHEDULES OF TIME SOOTHERS PACIFIC RAILWAY NORTH BOUND. 7 :00 a. m. 9:22 a. m. (Albany Local) 6:10 p. tn. SOUTH BOUND. 9 :22 a. m. 4 :50 p. m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p.m. and Falls Cents bo, upon application to Charles Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS. D'ly D'ly Effective D'ly D'ly July 5, 1902 P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. 7 00 8 00 Lt. Portland .Ar 11 10 9 40 8 OA 9 05 (ioble 10 05 8 a5 8 20 9 18 ... Kainier .... 9 52 8 20 8 38 9 35 .. .Pyramid.... 9 35 8 oO 8 44 9 40 .... Mayger .... 9 27 7 54 8 50 9 50 Qumcy .... 9 17 7 46 8 58 10 0J ... latskanie .. 9 08 7 33 9 08;10 10 ...Marshland .. 8 58 7 28 9 1910 21 ....Westport ... 8 49 7 17 9 37il0 m Clifton 8 33 7 02 10 00 11 57 .... Knappa.... 8 10 6 42 10 08 11 10 .... Sveiifenj... 8 07 6 32 1020ill 051.... John Day ... 7 55 6 20 10 3M1 1 30 Ar.. Astoria.. Lv 7 45 6 10 SEASIDE DIVISION 11 35a. m...l .. 7 40a.m. . 4 00 p.m. . .10 30 a. ra .. 5 50 p. m ..12 30 p. ra .. 7 20 p.m .. 1 30 p.m .. 9 50 a. m 1 VI n n I , -ASTORIA 1 11 30 a. ra .. w If. ... . 8 15 a. m.. 6 15 a. m . . 2 30 p.m .. 5 00 p.m.. seaside 9 40 a. ui. CONNECTIONS. All trains make close connections at Goble with all northern Pacific traina to or from. tbe East or Bound Points. . At Portland with all trains leaving union Depot. At Astoria with I. R. & N.Co.'s boats and rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilwaeo and North Beach Points. Ticket office, 255 Morrison St., ana union depot, J. C. MAYO, Gen. fass. Agt. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY fO SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS ALTON A AN D POMONA -LEAVE 0BEO0N CITY Going up, 8 :00 a. m. Golnn down 2 .30 p m PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast and com modious steamer Bepto Lit Regulator Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia ia not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in tbe United States. Full inform- tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or, Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. wrltlnff to Mrs. Lynn, Mass. MTU 0 1 f So'l and (piaranteed by all dnif at New York Times.