Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JULY 18. Legal Notices. JVetlrr ofaiolntmrnt I KrMtr. Notice Is hereby given that I. the under signed, hsve been by order of the Honorable Counlv t'omtot Clackamas County, Ore on, dulv appointed Kxecutor ot the anri estate of Jot Bauch, deceased. All persons having claims Kinet said estate re hereby notified to preent them to me duty verified at the ottiee of n.y attorney, H. 1C. Cross, in Oregon City, Oregon, within ix months from the date of thi notice. June 20tn, littl. W. J. BATCH, hxecutor. Notice Tor s'ubllcalloB. Timher Und, Act June X 1S7S. United States l-nd Office. Oregon City, Oregon, J"e -". 1002. Notice is hrreby given that in compliance with the provision of the act ol Congress of June 3, 1S7S. entuleti "An ct tor the sale ol timber lands in the Spates ol California.. Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended 10 all the Public 1-and States by act of August 4, IKE. KOSAEL O. OSBORN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day tileil in this otth-e iiia sworn statement. No. 5si2, lor the pur chase of the se' ol Section No. ;S0 in Town ship No 6 8, Range No. 4 E, and will otter prool to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone tian ror agri cultural purposes, and to establish Ins (laimtosaid land before the Kegisltr and Keceiverot thisorlice at Oregon fit v, Ore gon, Tuesday, the Ml. day of September, 100i He names as witnesses: J C. Burke, of Molalla. Oregon : Robert linden, Edward Burke, Robert Osborn, ol Portland. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in tins office on or before said 9tu day olSeitember, CHAS. B. M JORES. Register. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore jron, for Clackamas County. VV. T. Davidson. 1 Plaintifl, ! vs. Augusta Davidson, I Defendant. J To Augusta Davidson, the above named defendant, in the name of the Stale of Ore iron: You are hereby notified to be and appear in the above entitled court on c-r be fore the last day of the publication of these summons, to wit : On or before Wednesday. July Win, 11)02, then and there to answer the complaint of toe above named plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled suit: and, if you fail so to appearand answer said complaint, for want tnereol the plaintiff will pray to said court fur the relief prayed for in his said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled court lorthe dissolving and annul ling the bonds ofmiatrimony now and here tofore flitting between the plaintifl and defendant, and for an absolute decree of divorce from yon, the said defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Honor able Thos. F. Ryan, judge of the County of Clackamas. Staus of Oregon, which order bean date of Jane 2nd, l!tt2, and directs that said summons be served upon the said defendant bj publication thereof lor six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City En- terorise. a weekly newspaptr of general circulation, published in Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon; said publics lion to begin on trie 6th day of June. 1902, nd to end on the ISO day or J nl v. i:r.'. S. W. STARK, 1 Attorney for plainiitt, Notice to Creditors. Notice Is herehv given that Ihe under signed has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Countv of Clackamas adminisirator ot tne estate of (iecrge Marshall deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are herebv noti fied to present the sime with proper voch rs duly verified to the nndertigned at his place of residence nearCurrii sville, Clacka mas County, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this no'ice. EDWIN BATES, Administrator. Dated this 8th day of July. l!2. Notice. is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners will receive sealed bids un til noon the 6th day of Augut, 1902, at the office of County Clerk for a County Physi cian, who will be required to furnih all Medicines, and Appliances and perform all surgical operations for the County Poor for one year. By order of Board. F. A. Sleight. County Clerk. MIIEKIt'F'H N A 1,10. In the Circuit Court of the 6tate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Coolideeand McClaine, 1 a corporation. I Plaintifl?. vs. ; 2f. Birchet, Mary E j Birclut.Chss. D. Rod- son, fcnocn e-mrvin and Mary J. H. H art man, Defendants. State or Okegoji i Cobktt or Clackamasi By virtue of a judgment order, decree ml an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court in the above entitled cause, to me duly di rected and dated the lltb day of jane, 1002, upon a judgment rendered and en tered in said comt on the 21st day of April, 1!02, in favor of CoolMge and McClaine, a corporation, Plaiwitfs, and agaiutt N. Bircbetand M. K. Birchet. Defendants, for the sum of $1130 53. with interest thereon at the rale of 8 per cent per annum Irom the 21st day of Apr.l 1902, and the further aum of $19.75 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, command ing nie to make Bale of the following de scribed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the N'oithwest corner of John M. Drake's Donation Land Claim, running thence West one hundred end sixty rods (100). thence South seventy eight and one hull C4) rods; thence East one hundred and sixty (lot)) rods; thence North seventy eight and one halt (7H) roils to the place of beginning, and containing H acres ol land and situated in Section 5, T. ti 8. R, 1 E. uf Willamette Meridian in Clack amas Conntv, Oregon. Now, Ttitrelore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in Compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 19TH DAY OF JULY, 1902, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon Citv, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named de tendanta or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above desbribed real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg merit ordtr, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE. Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. By J. E. JACK, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., J unt u, ly-'. j f Hi: It 1 1 I'M MAI.K. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clseksmas. A, E. Latourette, Trustee, riaintiff.j vs. Andrew O. Heck man, Defendant.) Statu or Okkuon ( M CoI'nty or Clackamas! By virtue of a judgment order, decree and l i execution, duly issued out of and under the seal ol the above entitled court, in the ahove entitled cause, to me du y directed and dated the Oil) day ol July, I'M, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the S-h day ol July, l'.V2, in favor ot said A. K. Latourette, Trustee.plaln tilt', and against said Andrew (. ileckiuan, Defendant, tor Ihe sum ol $."--" 0l), wttli in terest thereon at Ihe rale ol 9 pr cent per annum from the 2Hn day of November, lSr., and the furthirsumoi $."0.00, as attor nev'a lee, and the coals and iliaoursenients, and tue costs ol and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the lot lowing described real propeity, situate in the county ol Clackamas, stale ot Oregon to-wit: Tne South West Quarter of the South West Quaiter (S. W ol S. W. 4) ol Sec lion Two ('-') l"oi. snip Five Souiii, Range One Fast ot ttis W. M. in Clackamas County, liregou. Now, rirelor, by virtue of said execu tion, judgiuei.t ordi r and decree, and in compliance witn the couunaiida of said writ, I will on Saturday, the 23 RD DAY OF ATGCSr, l'.W, at the hour of 11 o'clotk A. M., at the front door ot the County Court House in the City ot Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at puliHc auction, aubject to re demption, to Hie highest bidder, lor T. S. gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and interest which Ihe within named de fendants or eitner of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real properly or any part tht reof, to saiisly said execution, jmlir nit nt orJer, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. J. R. SHAVER. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HACK KIT, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City. Ore., July IStti, W02. .olW-e. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will am ly lo the County Court of Clackamas County on Wednesday the ti h day of August, lyttf, for a license lo sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon, in accordance with the petition uereailh published. CaSPAK JlKEH. In the Board of County Commissioners' Court, for Cljrkamas County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Application! of Caspar Junker for a Liquors License. ) To the Hon. Board of County Commis sioners tor Clackamas County. Oregon ; We the undersigned legal voters of Cas cade Precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereby petition your honorable body to grant a licence to Caspar Junker to sell malt, spirituous and V'tious liquors in less quantities than one gallon, in said Cascade precinct tor a period ot six months Irom the date of granting such license, the pur pose being to keep a saloon for the aale of said liquors in quantities less than one gallon. ames. Joseph Willig. P. R. Meiiug. Henry Kidderbusch. F. F. Srllman. , X. Decker. Keunis Jerger. Names. F. J. Walkley. Edward Kopir. John S. Gibbons C. S. Chase. Chas. PtyhV. Gottlieb Muller. H. Wiekmer. J. H. Revenue. H. Ridderouscb. T. G. Jonsrud. H. Bruns. Julius Flendand. A.B. Hybuni. S. Hiitighman. I. R. Duncan. Jaine Melan. Paul Dunn. Fred Wagner. Ira R. Dodge. Peter P. Held. S. D. Coalman. J. J. Wewtr. W. A. Proctor- F. Beer. John A.Strowbr dge. Ezekiel Beers, Sr, E. Beers. J.J. A. Heiz. J. M. Donald. Theodor Fischer. Thos. Clark. Feb. Straus. William Waesps. A. etch J. U. DeShazer. M. C Donahue. J. F. I hielrke. Cl.-uh Truoel. Ole M ikkelson. M. Lemart. Otto H. Meinig .Michael Keisecker Conrad Strasser. CITATION. In the County Court of the Stite of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas. In tlie matter ol the guardianship ol Ir win l.-lie G. rdou, a iui or. To Joiin Gordon, Caroline Irw in Gordon, and John Dowling Gordon, and the next of kin of said miner and all otner persons in terested in his estate. In the name ol the State of Oregon, You, and each of yon are otreoy required to be and appear in the ahove entitled Court on or before the 7th day of July, 1902 at tbe tiour ol 10 o rl'X'B A. M. to snow cause, n any there be, wtiy an order of Ihe above en titled Court should not he granted as prayed lor. To show cause why a license should not be granted lor the sale of tt.e following described real estate, situate in the Stale ol Oregon, and being the property of said minor: An undivided one third interest in Lots 12, 13 & 14 in Block 22 in Cambridge" in Clackamas County, Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat tbereol on record in said County and Siate, suhjei t however to a iile estate in Dr. Jonn Gordon ; An undivided one third interest in the N WW of the SEW of Sec. m, T. 3. 8. R. 9. W. of tne W. M . in Til aruook Co.. Or. containing 40 acres, and subject to the lile estate of Dr. John Gor don: An undivided one third interest in the X V. ot the N W' of Hec. 1, T. 12. H. R. 7. W of the vv . M. and containing 40 acres, and Biibjfit to the lite estate of Dr. John Gordon: An undivided one third in-! terest in 1ils 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, in Block 20 in Peninsular Addition No. 2, in the City of Ea Portland in Multnomah County, Oretton, and subject to the life estate of Dr. John Gur ion. ANDREW GORDON', Guardian of Irwin Leslie Gordon, a minor, H. E. CROSS, Attorney for guardian. Dated June 12tn, 19)2. ' Eierutor's .otlce '!' Otdltorn. In tbe matter of tbe estate of Jacob S. Risley, deceased. This certifies mat tne unnerngneo nas been duly apiiointed, by the County Couit of Clackamas County Oregon, exerutor d the lait Will and Testament ol Jacob 8. Risley, deceased, late ot Clackamas County, Oregon. All persons havirgclaims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me for allowance at the office ot my attorney. C. H. Dye, E-q., Corner 0th and Main Street', Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified according lo law, within six months Irom the date of this notice. Dated at Oregon Ci'y, Oregon, this 3rd day of July, A. D.. 1902. JOHN F. RISLEY. Executor ol the aforesaid estate. till. I IT I as Kiiriurr'N N.ti.r.. In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas. Washington National Building Loan A Invest- inent Association, a cor -i Plaint ill Geo. W. Slrvkr. limn ried, Ol M St yke'.un- ' luanled, J A. Hutu I and M. J. Darker. Ina 1 wile. J. W. Duller, Duller, his wife, I Defendants. J Stats or Okshoh, I Coi hty or Clackamas. t Hy virtue of a judgment older, decree and an execution, duiy issued out of ami under Ihe seal of Ihe above entitled court, in Ihe above entitled cause, to me duly di rected and dated the loth day of July, P.I02, upon a judgment rendered ami en tered in said court on the Klihday of June. P'.V in tavor ol Washington National Building, Until and Investment Associa lion, a corporation, plauitilt. and again-t said Geo. W. ftr ker, uiimairied, Ola M. Sinker, utKiiairnd, J. A. Darker and M J. itaiker, Ilia wile, J, W. Duller, Duller, his wile, Defendant.-, lor the sum ol $1000 HO, with interest thereon at the rate of tiercent t r annum from the l-t dav ol March, lSio, and the further sum of $100. a attorney's tee. and t ie furlhir sum ol $'.M 2tiMtsand disliiirsemenls, and the costs Ota d uion this rit, commandinK me lo make sale of the lo lowing described real property, situate in the bounty of Clacka iua, state of Oregon, to- il: 11 lock numbered (S) in S-llwoul Addillm t Milwaukieas snown by the recorded plat ol record in Cia.'kauias Couut, Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue ol aald execn lion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with, the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Saturday, ihe 2tRl) DAY OF ATGTST, 190.', at the hour of M ocl. k A. M. at the Iron! door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and Slate, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, lo the highest bidder, for T. S. gold coin cash in html, all the right, title and interest which tl within named de fendant or either of them, had on tue dale of the mortgage here cr since had in or to the above described rral t ropertv or any part thereof, lo satisfy aid execution, judg ment order, decree, inttrest. costs and all accruing co.-ts. J. R. SHAVER, Sherifl of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. HAl'KEi r, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Or., July Wh, l'.mi .Xotlco lor riiMU-HlloM. lepattmnt of the Interior Land Office ai Oregon City, July IJ. I!1-- Notice la hereby given thai lue lollowlng named aeltler ha. Hied nolice of Ida tnl-u-lion lo make llnal prool In support of hij claim, under Section K. tt . said prool aill be made belnre Ihe Regis t-rand K-avtver at Oregon City, Ougon, 9 , AtifU t '.Mid, P.M2, via: Al'Gl'sri'S K. ALSPATGU; II I". fortlie Lot' I 2 Sec II, T. 1 S., K 4 K. , He names theddlowlng witnesses lo proe his oontinuoui residence upon ami ouillva lion ol said land, Vl: Auguatiia D. Il'.rnelt, 1-. Uard llnroeil, and Joseph P. Wooule, all of Eagle t 'eek, Oregon, and Granville B- l-lnn, ol Cnrnns v.lie. Oregon. 0, AS MOOU Regisier, 1902 nOAIlltOFVOMMlSSIOXFKS. .otlre Tor INibllralloii. Department ol the Interior. Land office al Oregon City, Oregon, June 2S, Pi2. Nolice is hereby given that Ihe followii g named sen ler has hied notice of Ins linen tion to make final proof in support uf his clitim, and that said I roof will be maOe before liegister and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August 9, 1!2 viz: FRANCIS M. GILL H. E. 1-V.I7. for the s), of s', of tec 28. t 3 8, r 5 e. j He names llsr fi llowing witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: S. C. Hull man. H. B. Sarver, E. C. Hun" man, H. H. Anders, all ol Garfield. Oregon. CHAS. B. MOORES. Register. Notice ol filial Nelllemeiit In' the County Court of Clackamas Countv, State of Oregon. In the matter of Ihe K-tate of' Wiley P Buyer, deceased. f Notice i hereby given that the limit r signed AdniinisiraU r of the Estateof Wiley P. Boyer, deceased, has tiled his final reiairt therein in said court and tbe court has lined MONDAY, the 4th DAY of ATGL'ST, 11)02, at the hour ol ten o'clock, A. M , as a dav and lime lor the tiling ot objections to said reyort and for the settlement of said estate. GEO. J.CCRRIN, Administrator of the Estate of Wiley P. Bnver, deoeaed. L1VYSTIPP. Attorney for Administrator. II Ida UuuttMl Notice is hereby given that Ihe Board ol County t'omml-sioneta will receive sealed Phis al Ihe olllcenl the Couiuy Clerk up lo We Inesdav, ihetlili day ol August, lor .V) cords ol good sound wood cut Irom green trees, old growth timber, t i he llrsl i-Ni In etry respeH, to lie delivi reil in the Court House yard. Itoatd reserve" the light lo reject any or all bids. By order ol Hoard ol Commissioners. F. A 81. Kill HT, County Clerk. Bv L W. INGRAM, Deputy County Clerk. Illils Wauled. Notice in. hereby given that sealtsl hi'la will Im reH-tflvcd hy the iiudoreigileil, for the i-onatrtiction o( a new kcIiooIIiouhm in liMtrii't Xo. IU, aicoiding to plana ami apecilicntioiis in tlij linmls of August Siaeliely, cliairiiian. New Kr. Dregoii. Bids to he opened August lt. l'.Ki'.' Tim Board reserves llm right lo reject any and all bids. GkOKlig Bl.ANI'IIAHl), Clerk l.tstrict No. till, July 16th, l!H'2. New Km, Dro. police. Sealed Bids will lie. received ly the Board of County IViiiiiiieaioiicra of Clackamas County for the County Print ing ami all hUnks and stationery requir ed by the dillrreiil ollicials for the term of one year beginning Augimt the 1st, 1902 The list of the requited blanks and Ht tioneiy may be seen at the Countv Clerk'sOllice. All bida miist be aiiluuittcd on or bit' fore 10 o'clock on the liih day ol August, 1!K2. The Board reserve llie rigid to reject any or ail Imlf. iiy ortler uf Board of County Coinmis sinners. F. A Slkuiiit, County I'leik. I iM'liilmrtt Vitrrnul. County and Road Warrants urn Uimed lo be cancelled at AQgusI 1 eriu ol Commis sioners Court. No. COINTV IllllMi, lill.-a). 19IOH. IN778. IHJ4H. sK IHf4, IHimi, iKSllf,, IXHi.2. 17471, KSrjil. Ii7tw, Itel.'tH, ilr.', t;iirj, 1597M, June ft, June li, May M, Feb. , Fell, II. Keb. II. Feb. II, May N, May 8. Dec. ft, Oct. 3, Sept. ft. Aug. H, Aug. a, July 9. July 9, Hrt, Ifcrt, liV lsirt, Iwift, 1H!H lH'H l.M 11, MU, Knmk I'nja ... C. W llohart... KrtcGransliom J O. Wa-Xliii . A I. I Dn Hois $l . 1 II 2 U) no Frank Coulter I 70 Jos. II Eaily John ttower I Win. Willmore 2 J.M Long 2 B. Hager 4 , F D Duvi I 1 , Herman Terwado , 1 Charles Itosebrooks 2 M. .-ham on John (iaskell , I 7' ROAD WAKKAKTS. 3170, June ft. 1n!i". K. Wnmlard :illlf, Juneft, I'Sft. J. IUtihler .. .. lltajt, July (I. K9, (ieo. Wieilerliohl 317M, June ft, N!i, I). I.. Il .ylau. . . . M,'.l, Jui.e.1, l:ei, it. hrkman 2 I'M I 2 no J.'i 2 is) 1 ,'KI Niir.itu i'N hai.i:. ss JKxeculor's) iotKCe. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed by ft County Couit of the county of Clackamas, eiecutrix of ihe last will and testament of John C. McMurry, deceased, and all per sona having claims against the said ests'e are hereby noli fled to prevent the same with proper vouchers duly verified to the under signed at her place of residet-ce near Dam ascus. Clackamas County Oregon within six months frnm tbe date of this notice. Dated this id day of June 1'r nancy ann mcmlrry. Lxecuirix. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County uf Clackamas. James M. Tracy, "Plaintifl. vs. Hiram E. Siraight, Mar garet Graiz and liratz. her husband, Win. E. Straight. Ja cob Suaighl, James St-aight, JohnStraight Mollie oiraignt, and Hiram E. Straight, administrator of the Estate of Hiram 8 raight, Deceased, Defendant". State orOREuon I ColIKTY or Cl.AC KAXAS.V By yirtue of a Judgme it order, decree and an execution, tiuiy issued nut oi and under tbe seal ol the above entit ed court, in Ihe aoove entitled cause, to me duly di rected and dated the 15th day of July, 1902, u noil a iu igmeutand decree remit red and entered in said cooit on the 3rd day of May, 1902, in favor of said James M. I racy, plaintifl, ami against said Hiram E. Straight, Margaret Gratz and Gratz her husliand, Win. E. Straight Jacob Straight, James Strilght. Mid le Straight, John Straight, and Hiram E d raigtu, admiiiislritorol the estate ol Hiram Straight, deceased, defend ant, for tbe sum ol $100 00, with Inttrest there n at th rate of H per cent per annum from tne Hth day o' Xoveu ber, ItffM, ai d tbe lurtlier sum ol $2.r 00, as attorneyis fee, and costs and disbursements, and tne costs of and upon this writ, coniniamling me to make sale ol the following described real propeity, situ te in the county of Clacka mas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Al' tnat part of the Easterly or wife't hall of the Hiram and busan Straight D. L. C, In Township Two (2) South, Range Two (2) East, lying west ol die Oregon and Calilorma Rainoad ami Etsterly and South erly of the county r tad, being the unsold tuition ol the claim lying west ol tne said railroad, excepting from ahove asmall tract sold to Knute Tel.efton, also a amah tract en Went side of said r a i sold t ChS'l-s Albright, the amount of land conveyed be ing lifieen f 15) acres more or leas, the in terest hereby convened being the undivided one-sixth in tlie same, that being a portion belonging to said Hiram Straight, situate in Clackamas County, Oregon. Now, therelore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in comp iance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, tbe 25TH DAY OF AUGUST 1902. at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M. at tbe front door ot the County Court House in the city ol Oregon City, in said county and Stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder, for I'. S. gold coin cash in band, all the right, title and i tit- rest which the within named defend ants or either of them had on trie dale of the mortgage herein or since bad in or lo the above described real propeity or any part thereol to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs, and all accruing cost. J. R. SHAVER. SherifTof Clackamas County, Oregon, By E. C. H ACKKrr. Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Jnly 18ih. 1902. F. A. SLEIGHT. County t lerk. Caution. School officers are cautioned against person going through thti county sellii the New Educational Chart. Hn nm represents factH, aigns tlm names of ollicera without their consent, and sella a chart for $fi-i, the price of which he staled to me to be $20. J. C., Supt. (if Schools. ln't l ull to 'I'ry TliU. W henever an honext trial la given to Electric Hitlers fur any trouble it is re commended lor a permanent rum will surely lie effected. It nevor fails lo tone tlm stomach, regulate the kidneys anil bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate tne nerves anil purify tne tiiood. it s a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Ktoin ich Disorders', Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expt'ls Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by Geurge A. Harding. Only 60 cents. WOMNS' Fill END Something entirely new, A regulator that regulates; no pills, perfectly safe anJ harmless. Fkanco A Miotic an Dm' a Co. Geo A. Harding, agt. OASTOniA. Bsars the M VOU Haw W3 BoujM JaW: Mas kr tar4 Oil c. Mm. In every town nrwl vill'irr 8 fft Eli a i Axle Grease that makes your horses glad. Vvimti lUHinl. joint Lewelleti, T. H. KUUn ami Win. ltrulial, Ooilllty ('ollilllls sioncri. IN VACATION . Tuesday, July 1, 1W2. State of Oregon, county of Cl.ickain. Before lht btmr.l of county cniiinil sioner.ot lb slate ol Ih.gon forth county of OacUiiiiu. In iHtrsiiHttci. of lt ' the board snd enleroil of record ortler. ing war. ant. to be Issued In vacation, I, F II f.H.ptr, couiiiy cli-rk ol said cotitpyand state do brreby Issue war runs and in lavor ol the lollowing poi sons lielt'wilh specllliil! County Chiirget Mrs H Davis " Mrs Kuan Trlccbl.-r "l F.l'cn llrtdgcs VviT :::::: W W HI Scott VMM M r MraSl! Harrington J ,HI l .l rreylag- . ' Win Dean " A M Sl.lhley llet.rv lewis M' J W Abe Utr I, Malliew.on J liua l'irkle li K Hums lH' i i t:,, riuit ft on J M llackerl J tHI K.ngH u .1 Fllas Miller ' Mu.y Haley W tl() K Austin IMKI Fldor Votitujer H 00 John Aims J W MrsAdums I lieolge Mount-)' " Mrs Volkors VV II Mattoon 3 10 W K liinnslfv ll" Mrs M A Clark I" " S II IVppt'l S ihi Indigent Sildier John Watson 5 'Iboiuas Holland... 10 Oil (irt-enlraf Chute 10 00 J II Churchill " Mrs J M Bacon Id vV F Gardner, Boys and' Aid SM it ty HI It) IVter Nehren, janitor .V) "l F II Cooper, clerk 121 On t) D Khv, deputy W u) J J, sheiiff 1 II Ml J F. Jack, deputy ') T 1' lUJidall. reconli-r l'kl tm l.onva lUudall, lecorder ft'-' mi A l.uelling, treasurer HI 31 J II Luelling, tleputy 20 on J C inser, supt H.I ;;t Thomas F Byaii, judge lit) no C A Stewart, county physician . . II f-M Tuesday, July 2. l'KVJ. State ol Oregon, I'ouly of Clackamss. l'.eloie the txiard of county commis sioner ol llio state uf ihe slate ol Ore gon. I'-e it MiieuiWred, That a regular term of Ihe Board ol County Cotnuil sinners (or the county of Clackamas, state ol Oregon, l-egun and held at the court bouse in said county and stale of Wednesday, Hie 2d day of July, the same lieing the regu'ar time filed hy law for transtti ton of county business, Theie Were present II n. J. It. Mm ton Hon, John Levelling and lion. T. B. Killin, i-oininlMsioners ; K. II. Ootiper, clem; J.J. Cooke, shrilf; when the follow nig proceeding were bad to-wit: in l i s AI.I.UWKI). Assessor Kli Willlsins 'i2 00 J (i I'orter , 09 00 C K Kaiusby Id 00 D I' Matthews .'(() Oil Anna Williann -HI 1 II I. K Williams tl'J 00 Klt-ctioii F M Barklieim 2 00 C A Miller 3 00 K N tiieavis :t oi K Mass.... 3 2i J K Morris ;j ih) T J Gary ; (K) K I) Olds 3 01 Louis Funk l,r, 00 John Darling 7 no J W McAnulty () ;,() Floyd, pauper 1 7"( Hetnan Ix-e, State vs Vorpalil, j p Canby tlistrict H ! Bed l-ront Trading Co, pauper.. -I (IH Carlton ic kosenkrajiH. . . ." 2 i:i ! A Stewart " 2() K() M N Bacon, lax clerk 1.1 00 Bancroft Whitney & Co, station- "7, 3 7.') hlectlon O W Wjssinger 12 20 James C Mariain. u HO John H Uiclilo 20 F II Dungan Ill 00 J I' 1'itter 8 lit) J K Klliott ji 00 II F Gibson 3 )() II lircittiHUpt " 411 o k Miller 0 .m W J Iewellen ( 70 M E Handle jy) diss N Wait j )H) Samuel Irons 40 H M ('tKiper 4 41) II A Webster g 70 T G Jonsrud l.r ,'10 (Jims FTooze 3 40 H C Huffman ,', i) G D Ely j 20 Henry Wllburn.. 2 110 J M Tracy F M Manning m w f Young ;;; m IO.i in Punk jo W W Jease 11 80 J C Haines o , i KobertBell "" ,n Tom 1' llandall, recorder.... 16(H) . " " " 1 40 0 ) Jurors L U Kircbem 3 8 0 O Bjyington q 40 A L Walling U8U ? 1 '.er';e 24 20 ?, lL I)arlin8 24 00 JI Jiueaen 7 hq Kjaco 1 Gard 24 f0 W F Hams io 8 8 Walker , 7 Geo Unnilall 27 20 Milo Gard 3(1 40 J W Jones ' g ijo ,w,,lJ'"nn -'W ) V,? 3 00 A Ilardesty 33 00 George MoConl. ... Orenon t'oy linli-rprUii'.slatliineiy III ti 11 county nutnly irlnlli'if S'l J J Took, slienfl j A Turin r. idtcllon i W II Cta.kit, sherlil, ;u, tax stit-r inr f1' liolph Mveis.elt'cllim I, I' Wllliiitus " A l Hiiniett " vY M t'ooper, rlerk J I'.verhart, lsiipi'r I" A Nli. eliMllon A F 1'iirser " IPTavlor " John W hler, pM'inlnin on bond ol Mit'Nlf J K Hhaver .... ;,iad IMalrlct No. I O MessiiiKer 0 Kerr. ... W II l'oiincll II MutkrV J llaitfw'g Frutl .linineruiait F. Itunslkln Tlnuiiaa liilt'y Jitines Kvsiib Hriitiswuk Uclauratit Wila n Cooke, elet tlon Iliiutli-y Bios, stationery A W Ohein-y, foiiniy printing .. 1 J I'tsike, im ycle lags It I, olniail, Indigetit Soldier, . . W ll Calvin, election J I) Zinser, supt Alice Zilin r, " II F W allers Waiter Taluisge J McKHrsny I 1 . H , W) . ,'lft HI 2ft , :io . 3:1 . Hi . Hi . I . H . 21 , Ift . 4 ft . 2 . 17 . I , 20 . Ift . ill 7, ID 4 33 0 Ml 37 :m 7 34 I no 71) lid til I' t'linumdl F I -owe .I0I1 11 Murkey J Counsel Iload lhslitft No. '.' 0 Kerr J II Mc)cr, bridge I' T I 'avis Ed l.yon , K T l.yon" W lavnlmn Is T Hall Harry Gilford. M i; ('liiunlrs f. J W JohiiMin ltoss I'arki-r... A A t'onkiin It A ballon M 111 Ka'r II I'miiIkIs , A V, I'avla Iviiail Pialncl No. 3 C WollliSk'ell 1 1 W lirillm E II 1 ; r 11ft 11 . II H.ak t-rcy Morton W Hall W W Cooke Fater lieardorl . . A W J K Minion FJ Moilit A Foibt-s M long Earl Tong F Harden John II it ion Boad Ihs'rli I No. ft John A Licliey ti II Kate A Co A 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 lleiiii h S Wsyldll ICosd IHstilt l No. 7 (ten II Kale .V Co J tliuKoii .V Johnson Mt'lnlg Bros John Vonderhoff W G Csiviu Charles l.eal Henry Von Helen, Jr. . . . Ili-niy Vo 1 Helen Sam e Hafon Jaincs regie W G Calvin, bridge Charles Uaf " James Fesgles Koail Iitrit t No, 10 G B liale A CoV John HoneUm BenjT Kawlius (' Krigliuutn () II Sarver Matt Patterson Ftuett lliiflinan T Yocuin II II Anders V II lloMeii H G I'alina'.eer. ... . . ... C A Denny C I Illlll-Hll C .It-tinintis , , . , A W Sliatiklaml I E l.inn I. I'slmateer 1 1 N liridenstine '.'4 7H 3 31 I ft Ift 4 Ift ,1H 40 10 0 13 I 31 I ft II ,. u . 1 i 4 20 3 M II 2t .1 3 3 2ft ll 0 tt Road District No. 11 (ieo It liale cV Co M A I.siwm O II Dsucbey W F Harris John V. Sinitli Win Forsytlie Win Glass W Fnubion OK Hmitli I, J Bennett James Dunniire F Jones F E Smiili (ieo F.Hilen Thomas Fallen , . , , W II Hm It h .1 0 Morgan , , . John CuiiiiiilngH E Nathan , 0 (irider Uosil District No 12 G -orge II Hate 4 Co , Koa.l Dietrict 13 John lliighea Itanore Miller , C B Ward M 0 Ward , John Frlcken , Ed Miller , W C Ward Bond. District No. 14 George li Kate A Co Alos llorain, bridge J It Myers 0 Williams , 1 Hhortlidge M (1 Irwin Boh Konduls F W Beard Delhert rihelly , Coity Gihbi , t"-atn Bailey A H Bai'ey Jim Hhelly Harry Hhelly , T.W (Jihbs L D Barney Koa.l District No. 16 WB Uwton , M m ('orbit K D Miller (Continued on page 7.) Ki 7ft M 00 IX) 00 M) IM M DO 00 (HI M 00 2ft 0O U. Oil '.'ft (XI f,() 7ft HI w 2ft Ht H." Htt Ik) INS 4i ()', IM ii'i 7ft IM) IM M M 7ft 1K Ik 1 OO M 7ft W Ift IM Ml Ift t)i 7ft Ik. m i "' Ift t to IS) r.i m ftii f Ot. f.t) i M M 61 ,M lai t M lt U 77 3.V (XI. 00 til t l 7ft (k m K 0( 12 7 33 (H 7 rx tt (X 12 oi tl M Ift m 10 Mr 6 7ft IH IX) 1H l 0 75 1 M 1) 7 ft 10 ft ll 7 ft Ift IX) i 7S .2t .TV . 4 2-r . 2 00 . 7 m . 41 00 . 24 10 1,1 M . 1ft 7 ft . 1ft GO . 13 (A . 11 31 . 10 MV . 7 fW . 0 37 . 14 7 ft . 27 le , 27 12 . 24 12 . 21 ftO . 10 60 30 I 7 60 . 3 00 . 20 25 . 21 00 . 6 'lh . A 60 32 00 . $24 60 . 6 40 . 20 00 . 22 60 . 24 00- . 1( 60 . 1 60- . 21 76 . 22 60 . 23 25 . 8 00 . 3 00 . 23 00 . 12 7ft . 12 75 ,. 1 60 . 12 75 . 1 60 . 12 00.