Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. Oregon City Enterprise THE LOCAL NEWS. AMI'ITANI. lUmHt f'lUIKIKIl I',. I'.. W. Hful, a wall iHirir and .alnlir of tlilm liy, a nrr-Hi-.l Mn,l,y on -iiliilaliil n Mrs Vlnr Nfliri-n. i-liarund with ani'aull and baltwry mi Imr ami Ctrl. .. .1 .ii. . .. Mi.r Kalkh. John Komi, of Wilson vlll", I.H.rohl k. V. K, IJlilii.srin 10, I (Ml pounds of Imim from the diarl T. Ion larin for 17 cmils. Thin in tlm Ji'i otil Hi, i ,ni r cu, katiiHN County li"' II, n yw, J. I'. Wilijiini and Mr. J. V. HcIIwihhI yiitirdv solil to Hi!nt t-Nrrnr 7iMM) HiiimU at 12 Minis; Jaitr Vilon, of Nlmrw.Mxl, to tlm A. J. I.iish ll'ip Cotiitiaiiy. of Oni-ldi. N. Y . K).(MK) 'p iiiiiiU at 11 renin; Jolm K. Vinson, of w w, a ... ,,llMfy on l,r .,(:.,!. HI,,,o,, ,oTh A. J. I.n.n o Com Im lru.. U U.n Ju ( ouii i,rt ..... jK. W fain,, l C. H. I.m,;,y, of I'orl- Foot Nkvkiim.y Ct T- lloraitt ICol 1'lna, llni II nlil ami of O W, (,.. I.iic, of Mi.Ulla, ilio.H, aa on foot MlnUy mltltig- mi of I, la Ilk Untidy. i tli.-r waa In llila city on a tilp ami waa niiti.. (V t.-ln-I'l.oon. Hit Ml at nr for limna'to aa rrrwiu tl,n t-xlunt of llm Injury, FlaU Til N Til (l AIKAIMS. Jinlm I. Ivv Tlii'iHlorn Omminil, Ivy I n Noiilr ami lUrry lrir vtfiit on a lt Sunday, They nlii,i',J lirar I urrliiNvillH ami t-iitflit many IUiii Low limit M, 1 1 i p'hchI wati-ra of t lie la. liamaa. Kiotn llm ipuiis n-ri-lvt-.l Iriini ImI luralily llin aoil tlii'y liad cnrlainly K'i'at. iM nniiHU ('. Klva, l,a y,m, old ilaiinl.t.-r ol II. M '1 Vtnploiun. la III Willi an allai a of tl,.hl!,mia. t liit f ol I'ull. f lliima l,aa L .Uti-d tint iiian and ia niaiiiUiiitii a alilri ' m r a ttt i it t. The cas la Mull dt.Vi-lnid lull oIiik lo r. ratiiiunaiy iiii-nanns ticl iir l,ikn and. I'O.lHK) (.omnia at 17 cunt l.t.i. of Car i 0. 8. Linali I'oiimla at Mci'iils. John K. y, 5, OIK) iiroiniitly, an-. I. Il'i ilantfer of tuiiliijjii.ii a Hktomii I'hii k Koh ll.ii-a -Lllicritlml Hii.llima, Din New Y-.rk lion l.uvera. Wedn.ia.lHy inr l,MNe.j it.'.iKK) Hiimila of nopa iroin lai-kamaa County Krownrs, payiliK tweli'y eeiila a pound, thtt high. m print paid for Imps tliia year. llo.a arn stuadlly iiicrenaltiK in vJtie ami sales ara alow aa urowi-ra am linMing for a rai. Twelvw llionaMii.l h,iimiIh nun from il.e H. K. Taylor f irm, two inll from Monitor, owneil lip H. K. Taylor amIM.r. Wliiu.; lU.IMKI iiouml from tin, farm of ( ) (). (Vn, two inllea aontlf al of . Monitor ami 1(1,0 K) poiirnU from Hik I'. J. Kiiii.ia f.irm, three nilli-a north ol Miti'oiaiti owned l,v John A. Iti.liiiija. An hunt Ar lii. Ai.KroNK. Tin- ha vy wind hi.,. hi l.rnl Mumlav niuhl l atne near i'4iliiiK tint ileath of Hilda Mi'tiiid'hie of Una eliy on llin Cliantiiiiia gioiimli at liliolxloiiH J'Htk. Ahout H o'clock, evening concert ol llm Clio iimw Indian lluiilwaain iro;reaa, III" wind yrere.i .j ,H aontli and lili w with lii'i e aa to l,reak otT llm top of llr tree atnmliii)( In tint camp Kroumla near tint tmil occupied hy tl.e Iiiinilv of J'llin M' liel.'l.i.t. Miaa M ,' '( waa In ll.n ten I ami alarmed hy tint Midden nutae, ran out jnat in time to ', Hit) (alien lop rruHii tlironnh tint ro"f of llm tent, which waa demoliahed. IUI nlie inidit aim certainly woillil liava hfen killed or Herioiialy injured aa lint I. ult of the portion of tint tree, which fell w aa li.Mrly I;' inchea in diameter. Ilov Staih Hm IIuoiiikk Tin) yoiiiiu ami ol Na' Cleiiiena. of New Kra.aUhhml lua older liroiher on Tlinraihiy iii(lit of lal week, Tlify hail linen to tramp iiieeliiig aii'l upon their arrival Iioiiih a i, . . ...... Miiopnie aroae, aa to w incn aiionid put up llm Imraea I lie rexiilt wan lliat yoillitfer linv loat IiIh ami Hlillil Ida hrother with a ocki)t kind', inllictinit a wound over tint heart. The weapon alriick a nh, and thia xt.ilily proven eil a faUl wniiml A phyaiciun culled anil .Ireaae.l Hut wound and Hi lail la recov- The hoy who inmlit the attack ii.. i ... -i .i... i i Kou Ilea. It at .s..a..le. t He tel.Uon la nj ,, , B0(( be ,,U,.H un(lur re. ....iIa.I 11.1 tlllM ,r MtlJ ! M 11 MK.'M lt.,1 ' i i airainl aa ilia narellla are ttv ilmiiiv nil- aliln to do anythiiiK with hlin. Only a Willi head IUn Nam. Konr. Otin ll.i- Iter, of luiiiaartia, waa l,roii(,it to Una city Moll lav In anttitin an operation on lila foot wlif. h ia l.adly awnllen aa a re anil of riiinniiK a miy nail intn It ahoiil a week aif.i. I r . K A hullilner lamed the Jnjiired liuih and Mr, llemer waa takeh lo home. Tim caatt ia a aerioiia jne. I'hoiot AoAixar Mkhmy io It, mm, Tim proleal ol Mra I'aine atiaillat tl.e ,la, itii; of a merry it'o roiltnl al the font ol l lilr'. Ill I, M (..! ha r.-ailllei in the tatalillaliiiient Inklliit lip ipiwrieia on Hie Weat aide of the rivr at Hm eml of the l.riditi oiitid of the city llmila. The t'oillicil tanled llm linn ry un-roii.. ropln p"riiilinii to put up their whirl! ai( al the foot ol Tl.liteenlh alreet in aiiieiit of a ll.iee wecka licuuae of f 10, Ho Koa Tiik (N,r Tim Aalorla ami I t.U ll.u.p I... I. ...... I - liaudxiiiiH leH.klel dex'tiplive of Ihe Ore- ! II"..1!' ahort ami a alinht ahrinkatot I taking place In tlm aupply of milk lntirii ileliv arid at llm crcHinerlea. Kail Krain of all klmla n fllliiiK ami rif ulrnr nicely, Hnuifl fall oata ami barley liavo I, cell cu', hut harveatiiiK will not lcom weriHrar for ahout two WMckn, UprinK wheat in K'nwiriK faat and It haa a txi color. J lin coinplalnta of full wliftat loluiiitf re , not niiiiieroun ami hut littln nift ia re polled. The outlook, on the whole, ia Nvorahlit for a larira crun of Krain of an i I evi'itlliti.t r.t.l.tu in u. .1 u.ii slid I wcHiiirn Oregon. Ilopa are iiiHking a (jooil lirowlh, ami lint fw lien are rn ported on the vlnea. Corn haa done well during the week ; it haa good color, ' hut It atill ainall for Ihe attanon of tlie yttar. J'otHloea, omona, augar beuta, liarditna, ami all root cropa have limilit favorahle ailvariceiiient. Tim Italian prune i rop la alrnoat a total failure, hut the rrencli priinea give promiatt of yield ing 'hit crop, Apple alao prnmiae well, Rill few rt.porla rugardiriu peachea were received during Ihe week and they rj were favorahle. Y Coco Ale Ico Croam Ico Cream Soda ; Delicious Cooling Drinks Confectionery CLEO. SMYTH Branch Offic. Amrlco Laundry Phone 683 IE & I 'I 35 ira.tlun I, le lo tun, n Anil lay aome other aiilve, oinlmitrit, n NEW GOODS ARRIVING 4 FAIR STORE ..'em, uii or a.ii-e.i oeainr in tn icotitt ma l ; llm kleit'a Arnica Halva, tell him thirty Pj yitara of marveloiia cure of Piles. liurna. M lloila, CoriiH, l-elona, Lie Hcalda, llruiaea ami Hkln prove it a the heat ami clieapt-at, ijro. A. Harding drug Store. if I'llea, Uurna, 'I Ulcere, Cilia, K iln Kruptioiia V, leapt-Ht, 25c at I l.atllca 4'nii Wear itioe one aizH auialler after iming Allen'a Fool. Kuae, a Kwiler to lie ahaketi into the alxa-R. It makea tigtil or new elioca feel eany ; givea itiMtant relief lo corn ami humoiia. It't the greateat comfort (lia covery of the age. Cure ami reventa wollen feet, hliatera, chIIoim anil (tore apota. Allen'a Fixtt-Kaau ia a certain cure for aweating, hot, aching feet, At all ilrugifiata nd ehoeitorea, 25u. Trial packaiH FKKK hy mail. Addreaa Al len S. Olmateil, Le Hoy, N, Y. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. :!:,;! Tha Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the Signature of I a'lvt-rli'i'iiiitiil ol lint aervi.-e oltereil . the iu'ilic It la iHuit ru'ed with half tonea of acenea ol intereat, cntlagea ami viewaoliiin Necanicniii an. will do a great deal for the hea. h A copy o' tlm t may he ohlained Iree hy wriling to J. (', Mayo, (ieneral I'aaaeliger Agent, Aatona, (liogon. IUoiiK Tmoct. a'lOrt time ago he became ai.gere.l Lis .i er and struck her on the Willi a iiiili.ln-r knilit. STHIKK KniiKII AMI ('Alia Kt'NS'lNd Tlm atrike n the electric line of the Oregon Waler-l'uwer A Hallway Com- i.,nU uhiL.1 jlnr.Lu Tl. ,lir...O hrkkl.llkAII AMI IUonK iMOCT. 7. " " ;, ..." ' . ... .. .. , i ., . i . , ,., l-..h i cretin ib uuit lo me ciii7.eiia oi una c r, rtMc a .M-'faenifer tl. M'ldlilnn Kelly, ol I , . . . .. ..' i-".. . i. . . i-... A i .. .ii who met and appointed a committee of l-llt I line. I ni.p mil V.',llIMnniu.i ill , It... it. VI .. I . ., n i ... i pnvin ineii, ... r., j lii-ii, vjcu.un n , h lh and Jlai.enea. lelt Monday night I .. . ., . ,. . lorheatiie wit :5,0(aJ aleelhead troiil I ' r , J , 1 . ! t im I- , . . i ,.w k tr.,..t .1,... 1. 1 Am U. Dimick anil Uharlea 11, M i , v will,,!, Albilgl.t. to confer with tt. owner of the wll la, delivered to J. N W a hngfon , Vorria lo bring ahout a and planted in iH'n'.y Cre.. f l e egga ; F.7r.lx.olid ro t, - in- ,, v.'", t ! houra the comuiillee waa cloaete.l with iiait oe.i i aoin iioiii jv.i-i were halched at the Cla.-kainaa Station The I'iaainrn hnxik 'rout egtia came from 1-adville, Colo,, and were alao hatched at the Clarkama S'ation. Ilov Loaka Hash is I'Ai'kK Mil l.. A ad accident occurred In Ihe Crown I'a r ( ompnny'a mllla Monday night, re aulling In the loa of a hand of A. Christ tnn. a 15 year old hoy employed in the mill. Tlm Imiv waa at liia work ahout 10 o'chak Monday night, when one of Ida hand waacatight in the calendar cring ing the third and littln flngera ami necea aitaling Immediate amputation. I'arl of the lliiiinh waa ao hadly injured aa lo make amputation neceaary anil the re mainder of the hand waa completely de nuded of akin. The lioy aiiaiained a ae vere aliot k and on Wedin-Kiluy it wl lound neceaaary to remove hia hand at the wriat. WAIIHANTi Not 1'HKaKNTkll I'kompti.y -County Treaaiin-r Cahill aaya that al though he haa a large amount of money on hand, a conaiderahlo Mrtlnn of it csn not he lined to call In warrant, aa ii liiuat he applied on the payment of war mtil at already called for, on which inter nal haa ceaae.l. There are thouHanda of dollar in oiialanding warrant that the treasurer la readv to pay any time they are preaented. The holder of thean waf ranta are not at all prompt In preaentinii warrant for payment, althoiiith they Inivti nothing to ualn hy holding them aa the intercut ccaaed long ago. Mr. Morri. l'reaideiit II urlbui C and Su ierni(eiident Tlll'any. Mailer heretofore clouded were aatndactorily explained, tlie matter waa prolwd to the Itottom, facta were brought out and at the conclu sion of the conlerence the committee re ported to the atriker that the company would agree to take hack all of the men hut four. Mr. Morri poaitively refuaed to reinatate theae four men Im' not on account of their participation in the strike. After a lengthy meeting tho men aureed to go hack to work and the care commenced operation Saturday morn ing. Superintendent Tlll'any ia retained. The end ol the sirike i welcome to the IH'ople of tin city aa the strike caused them much Inconvenience. The Com pany afterwards reinatated all of Ihe em ployes. Choc t'oNiniioNa in Oiikods. The past week tins been ritinlea and moderately mild. The maximum, or day tempera turea in western Oregon isngetl between 70 degrees and $2 degreea, anil Ihe mini mum, or night temerailires between 42 degreea and fl degrees. In eastern Ore gon the maximum temperatures ranged between 04 degrees and llL' degree and the minimum temperatures between 38 degreea and J dettree.- The weather has leen favorable for haying and this work lias progressed actively. The ciop be cauae of an Increaae in acreage will prob ably give total yields larger than last year, although In many places individual meadow will produce slightly less than the average, l'astures are slowly getting l'i'iu'ur Scutlile Scliftlule end Itnuuil Trip rAcimlon Kile Via Astnrig A C'duinhia ICircr Itullroiid Co. lleginning Saturday, July 5th, the A. A C. K H will reauuie iu regular Sea aide schedule anil every Saturday there after during the Summer aeaaon Ihe Portland Si-aide Kxpreits will leave Un ion I).-p it at '.':30 P. M. and run through direct without tratmfer lo I'lavel, (tear hart and Seaaide, making' cloi-e connec tion at Astoria with steamer I'otter and I. K. & N. Co ' steamers to and fiom North Heach Points. In addition tottiis excellent service, an additional local train will tie run lietween Astoria and Clatsop Reach poinlg, thus offering pa trons of south beach unexcelled facilities fur traveling between beach points. In connection with tliitf improved train service, round trip excursion ticket be tween Portland and all Clatsop and North Reach points (except Ilwaco) are sold every Stlurday at the rate of $2,50 for the round trip tickets, being; inter changeable with a'l hoat lines and lim ited good to return Sunday evening. IVm application to J, C. Mayo, U. P. A., Astoria, an elaborate album of Sea side views and points of interest on the Lower Columbia River will be mailed to ynur address free. Straight I'ront Corsets 49c np Colored Mcrcised Under skirts 79c up Ladies' Summer Undervests 5c up " Black Hose 5c np " and Children's white hemstitched H'dk'chicfs a for 5c Ladies' white Aprons 15c up ' Ready Made Dress Skirts $1.25 Satin Ribbon, No. 5, all colors 4c yd Tailor Made Suits. $7.75 Girdle Corsets 49c Torchon Lace. 6 yds, for 5c Valencennes Laces for Rufflea ic a yd Nanscok Embroidery 5cyd Bone and alurnSnum Hair Pins 5c dor fj Pearl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 5c doz PUBLIC SALE F1FTEEX ACRES OREGON CITY. At Hie Court Iloii-e tloor, Salilrday, Aug. 2nd, 11)02, at eleven o'clock A. M , the followiiiK proerty will be sold to the highest bidder, for Cash. Fifteen acres In Oregon City Claim with the South boundary line of the Abernethy Claim and the Aberneihy Creek as ttie Noril erly boundary, with Mcl.oughlin Avenue linens. Vista as the Soutuerly boundary, w iih the Eastern boundary of the Oregon City Claiui as the Easterly boundary and the Eastern line of blocks 176 and 177 in Oregon City aa the Westerly bouudary. Further information regarding the land will be furnished on application to tbe undersigned. E. C. CAUFIELD. Assignee. The Confidence Of physician is hard to win. It must be earned. We have the confidence of every physician hereabouts, because they all know how carefully and expertly we fill their prescriptions, what pure, good and fresh drugs we use, and at prices that are right. No exor bitant charges on prescriptions in our store. HOWELL & JONES Unliable I)rti(glats Chambers Howell Lion E. Jones Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the dlgestants and digests all kinds ol food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat all tho food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By itsm-e many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It jiunequHlled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. HrWirr & ro., Chlcauo The il. buttle eonUlusS! times VbuWc all S. J. YAUGHN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. OCATXD BETWEEN THE BRIDGE AM DP0T. Double and Single Rigs, and sad 111 1 1 1 1 A . 1 ' die norses always on nanu at tut l lowest prices. A corral) connected I with the bam for loose stock. Information regarding any kind 01 stock promptly attended to by person ol letter. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason ble terms. i BETTER THAN MONEY ! E The Bank of Oregon City Oregon City, Oregon We issue demand certificates of deposit, which when properly endorsed, may be transferred from one person to another. These certificates often take the place of money, and, owing to their safety and convenience, are used in the purchase of property, in the payment of debts, taxes, etc. How to Entertain Your Friends JOHN YOUNGER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, FORTY YEArTeXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. so they will enjoy every moment of the time: Take them to . . . The Wilhelm Tell House Give them Cream Pure Rye Whisky and Gambrinus Beer. Sixth and Main Streets. A. H. GRIESSEN, Prop. Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2. this If Lies : AND CENTS Ladies' Long Ciuard Chains in solid gold from $10.00 to $20.00; in gold filled, slides set with Opals, Pearls, Rubios, etc., from $2.00 to $7.50; in silk from 25c to 50c. Gents' Vest Chains in solid gold $10.00 to $20.00; in gold filled from $1.50 to $7.00. Fob Chains, the latest pat terns in silk, leather and gold filled, $1.00 to $5.00. Nickel, steel, white metal and leather chains from 10c up. IfflliiSsEDfctoTlMilGlFfflfiiWclss? IF NOT, COME LOOK AT THEM They are the finest that have ever been put on the market. We have them in all sizes both in open face and hunting case.' Some are nicely engraved, others are plain. Trices from $10.00 to $30.00; Nickel watches from $2.00 up; Silver watches from $G up. To those who want to buy a high grade watch and are not able to pay cash, we will sell on the installment plan. BURMEISTER & AMESEN The Oregon City Jewelers Kodaks i Cain AT CUT PRICES We carry Kodaks, Poco, Pre mo, Century, Cyclone and other makes, and give a special dis count of 20 per cent, on all in struments. Our stock of Supplies is al ways fresh. Try our Plates, Films and Papers. Qur prices are as low and sometimes lower than Portland prices. We have a few bargains in second hand instruments. I