OREGON CITY , ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1902. 3 Now To-Day. nm. wan run nni ImtiMWotk in amall fumiiy, residence of T. A. I'. (iKNI'.KAI. r.iiipitre at KS11IAY ONF. HARK HAY MAIIK about 0 yril.l. th lltfiimBiin hind leg, wpluht alxilil M) pound, m,. oii0 wirrei lir, white narrow alrnak In fmehcad. both lilml feel white, tiltn olil, Stiff forward with amalMiimp on riyhl kiwi, weight alioiit 1IC0 imuiiiU, rimler of Ilia ahuvn plcaa. axrul Information an a liberal re war. I will ,H M,. i.;VAN lltNitKMi.ii k. Candy, Oregon. J.J. DAVIS. OK (iAUHKIlT w7lJL lain any Dim aim wishes to ao Into tha inniiiilaliK lo IUh or limit, from On-nrni City or tlarlle. at reaaoiiatiht price. t'ih-r hatchery ami Ml. Ilmal. For parliculnra aildrea Mr. Davla, (iarflelii. 1U I H W A N I F, I - C A S iTT A 1 1 IlToK rlnaii ruttuii ri In tin iiaml fur dualling I1"""". No amall scrap wauled. Kn lerprlxe Olliee, ni.ArKs.Mn ii shop hmi kkntI Fully ruiii almp at HjiriiKrUr. Addieaa W.J. l-eaclU-n, Njirlnualnr, Or. Charles llulbert and family, of Silver tun, vimlcil relative in Hut city lat week. Mia Mil, U W(i.n went to Portland Wednesday for a week' vl.lt with blend. (Ji.o. II, Youiik ha returned to Hump. Ittr nfittr aliort vi. It with relative In tiilachy. Mixa (ii.rlrii.lH FalrHonuh ami Mr. May vlcili.il Mra Robert Rlngo Tuewlay at Clarkes, MUa Anna Kngliali.nf Portland, la a iiu'iiiner ol tlm Albright Camp al Olad- aioiid larK. if t """" HO.YSTr.K I'll MC ffEDXEHIMT. Loal Ever;!. itA (Oi it. Oij0itfi49 -W jttti Chautauqua weather. 4 Wholesale and Itdall (Jrore rg anil Ttirlr Friend In Can inah Park. liasuhall today at (iladstonjipark. - v Dr. It. II. and Weinbard Uldg. A. L. I'eatia, Ifefitista, Mra. Luelliiig, of Kir, at rniiiiini'iilniK at New I; i a FKIKII COW FOR HAI.K. inr of Jack llloiint, lila.laionn. F.N- KOU HAI.K A HToUT I It A FT borne. J. C. iMra, OreKm City. MONKY TO LOAN ON' IlKAh'T'ltop" rty urily al 0 nr rent, alnu on ai proved cLtiel xe. n.liy, Ii II. )imik, attorney al law, Steven Hoildiiig l)re lt"ii Cily. I' I ill H.M.K-iiitUll Rora K'.aia fur salu. W. rota, (itiviin. URAHK AN W. Ihvin, Air Hot'Ki: ANI I.OT HU HAl.K-MX li.xnn HiitiMi In Catieinah with lot 7, l.l.ak 7. tiood well. Half bl.ak from car hoe. A..lyto l.lvy Stlpp, Oiegou City or KiiKrnia Smith, Farkplaca. WANTFHA OoolHilRL FOR WKN rral lioimrwoik. W.kI mwe Apply at rraiili'iicp of (iwi. A. I larding. WANTKP- A I'.liKillT MAN WITH Hiflil tram to work in Clarkainan County, hirady w.i'k and ti.xi.) wai()'t to Urn rilil man. Ilrfi'iriii't. ri'.jnlri'.l. Kor imrlicil Ura a.l.lf Km-Ii . IVa Co , Winona, Minn, (1 H. hKAM ANN, M P. I'llYSI--c-ln, aiiritpon and m-ii'ilM. Ollira in Parrlay lililn, I'll. me 1171. Corner Main and 7lo Ht. Calla anaaeird promptly ilar or iil(i'l. I I KInjK.l .1 OKI KM r II, (. .til ,.111 tlm Wrli.lu.ril II. rlly. nliiirl.an aniallmt tirlrei. illillnir,) have llm cl.olre! and country i.f.iixriy ..r IH) YlU WANT A IIOVKT-TWO niilea Irooi Oreiton Ci'y. near Jnnea aaw mill, n K'xxl pul. lie mad, near actionl Iioiim, One c e, linii-e Imrn and well. Only lo lumdred and fifty ..)llr. A.I drexali. W, Vi..uns, owner, Oregon City. Oreifon. I" MONKY TO J.OAN AT H, r rent, rann awurity. 7. AN I) ill' ii it l. 31 on ey lo I all at loaiMt raie. lUix.ta A (iairriTH. Personal Mention A.S Kiwter, ol Knappa, jm We.lnemUv in In In the town I H. Smith wai in the city Monday from Spritwwater. C. C. Hrvant wai In the city Tneaday from Albany. Frank Ford waa In the city Tueaday from Mnir.nl. W. F. Uixaon. of Needy, wai In the rity rixinrilay. J. K. Wilklnaon waa In town Munday (roiu Candy. J. F. IUtik-liton, of Albany, town Monday. J Z. M. Moiilroy, ol Saifin, waa city Wedntiaday. V.. C Hnvder. of Uruwnaville, wa in town W'ednewlay. William Vatwhn. of Mulilla, waa In the city last Friday. W. W. Wamhold, of Woodhiirn, in Iheclty Tuesday. W. J. Uwellen, of Fpiirgwnter, in the cily laat Friday. Miaa Harriet Monroe, of Portland, wan in the city Hiinday. Mixa Veva Tall, of Harlow, It vixitlnif relalivt-i in thi city. I II Kiti-hinn waa in (lie city Tues day from Ciirrinavillo. Mia Quick, of Portland, waa an Ore jton City vlaitor Kunday. Mra. J. A. Ackennan, of Portland, waa in Hie city yealorday. William C. I-ooney, of CtirrinHvillc, wai in the city Tuenday. Mra. AImiI Murreae, of Foreat Grove, ia viHilinK friends in thia city. Mra. T. CarteriMen, of Portland, waa a Oregon City visitor Monday. C A. Hlghy and J. II. Lnkan, of 8i!nl, were in the city Wednesday. Mayor and Mra. (J. B. Dimick visited relatives in Hubbard Kunday. Miss Nora Conyem, of ClaU-kenie, i visiting her sister in this city. Georire Ogle, of Molalla, waa visiting frienda here the llrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sclioll, of Hob bard, were in the city Wednesday. Mist Ethel Klgdon, of Palem, ia visit ing the Misaea Caullold in Ibis city. 0. W. Robbina, the Molalla men bant, waa in the city the first of the week. (leo. W. O'Connor and G. 0. Hockley, of Layft-tte, were in the city Monday. County School Superintendent J. C. Zinser visited the Dover school Monday. Mra. Onna Culberison and Mies Zoe Stockton, of Halum, were in the city Tuesday. Mr. and ended the lant holiday Jamea Dickey, of MnUlla. waa In ihe city Una week, attending l,e ChaiitaU pia Axxeinnly. Mrs. Oliver Itobblns, of Molalla, ac compuiiled bv her grandHiighler, waa in i me city imwiay. Mr, and Mrs. K. K. Williams and am Hay, ol I'oitluml, viaited frienda In Ore iron ' v Hiitiinlqy, O.eti Culling, , Mlalla, cxme In fiii-mlny with eight head ol beof cattle (or Cli. rli h Albright. .Mi Helen llleanon, of this cilv, la tie g'lext of Mi.,.., 'eva and Veala Knight, of Canhy, thia week, J. J (iil.xon, of Mckhing, waa in the I my yexienuy. He a i lialruuii of e Mm kxliuig x. Iidi.I hoard. Aitorney W. Ca.ev Jnhnaori haa gone io i runt i.akH Ui Join the Mzamaa on their trip lo Mount Adam. Mr and Mra H.hulu, of Portland, 'pent Hun. lav ill tln city, the gtjrata of Mr. ami Mia. C. II. Moores. Mixa ,oii Mortimer, of Portland, vixiti d fnexiN hero iIih pat Week She waa the guent of Mixa Aui-ila Oleaaoti Mia NeUon l.awreucH left yexterday for Poriland, where sl.e will he the gtiext ol Misa Agm-a Watt for a lew daya. (ieorne Krow n left Munday for the Sal mon Uiver hatchery, lo join bin father, Thoinas lliown, who ia in charge there. CO. IJu.e, formerly of ibis cily. has accepted I lie I'OHtii.n ol Ixihm weaver in the 1 1. 1. o. ax Hay VVoolen Mills at Salem. Miaa Klleti Chamberlain, of Corvallis, an inxliuclor in Hie Oregon Agricultural I oii.-ge, waa in tin. ci'y Sun loHctlllii. William Hailow and Mina Mary S. Harlow, ol Harlow, arrived Tuesday morning fur a brief vinil with relatives in Una city. Attorney and Mrs. George Helt, ol Spokane, were vicilmg fiiemla in tnia city Sunday. Tbey will Seiid some lime in Salein and Portland belute their return home. Prof. I rving M-Glen, of the Univer sity of Oregon, at Kugene, waa io town Wednesday, ileaaxtlie haaa aoloixt in Ihe oratorio " Klij.ili" al Gladrtolie 1'ark Wednesday evening. Ueprewinttttive elect Herman A Web ster, who ban received the temporary aixiiiitmeiil of deputy fish warden of loe State of Oregon, lias gone lo Astoria and w ill look alter the interests of the state llch coiiimiNiioii on the Columbia. Ir. W. C l.gan. ol Asluria, pret-ideut ol the slate board of dental examiiieia, was in the ci.y Tuerday, the gueat ol I r. A. L. Beatie, M-cieury of l be board, lr. Uigiiii left Wednesday morning ioi Wihoil hpnnga, In the hope ol beiitlit lllig his lii-alt Ii. Oregon City vs. Multnomah thia after noon at tli lhaotawjtia grounds. Grand Clearance Sale of Millinery. Misa Goldsmith. Suits, hats and pants at coat at 0. W. Guru's store, head of Seventh street. Trimmed Hula. Great Hargains. Misa Goldsmith. For views of the city and the Falls call on Soodgraas, the Photographer. Go to Gladstone park thia afternoon and see Oregon City win the champion- snip aeriea. F'or fine photos call on Snodgrasa, 10th and Main Streets. All work atrictly up- to-date. Next Wedneaday a picnic will he given at Canemah Park thai will exceed in alj anything of the kind ever before held in tins city. The wholesale and retail grocers of Portland have combined anil will make the day one of real and pu-asure. Hid Oregon City business men will join in the picnic and assist in the entertainment of the visitors. There will he all kinds ol sports, including races, grocers' races, fat nien'e races. lean men's race and a baseball gams, lancing all the aliernoon and evening. Special performance during Ihe day will be given for ihe entertainment of thoxe present. In addition lo the fireworks (here will lie a grand Illumination of the park and Falls. The grocer will bring! Ihe finest hand in Portland with them. ' The evening will he devoted to the! workiogmen. who will not be able to at-; tend the picnic during the day. Hnsi nesa will he si)xnde in thia city after noon a in' the stores will probably be closed all the afternoon and evening. ' Kverybody is invited. The admission to ihe park will be JB cents, fhoxe (It-sir-1 ousol making entnea for any of the sports may do so unon application lo Charles Albright or J. A. Mi-GlaHhan. The abort flight ol steps leading from Ihe li H.t Hotel to ihe rxilroad level on Seventh Street is in in ed of reconstruc tion. The Spiritualist Caiiipmeeling al New hra ends next Monday, holiday will he a great day and many Irotu thia city will alien. l. I lie only good printing In the county is lound at the F)nli-rprise olliee. Prices nvht Stock, style and workinunshtp unequalled, rrompt printing. Matt Hsu, a native of Austria, granted final citia-nshi papers in county clerk's olliee Wednesday, tlrat papers were issued in Dakota. was the His en- and The Haptist young peoi.le have gsged Misa .Myrtle 'Irevitte to read ay, e ii route . impersonate next Wednesday evening al the Itapltst I hiirch. The public is cord hilly invited. S. II. Kennedy died at the home of his son-in-law, Harry Aiiiih, at Clm-kamas Heights Tuesday iiiahl. Ilia age was 7H years. The Ixxly was slopped to Tilla mook lor burial Wednesday. The young son ol Mr Hrown. Ihe Sev enth Street butcher, It-1 1 from a cherry tree last Sunday and broke hie wrist. I he fracture whs teduceo and tlie Isjy is netting along nicely and will be well in a short tune. The cainpnieeting at Viola baa been In progress lor Ihe past week and is very sucreaxlul. A large crowd attended last Sunday. The cauipmeetinK will prob ably come to an end next Sunday. The Keck family have delighted their audi tors. Ir. C. K. 1. omnia, secial agent ol Ihe laud olllce, and .Mrs. Loomis, returned Monday niiilil Irom a weea'a trip in Kastern Oregon. Mrs. Loomis will re main in Una city for a week or two be lure going lo tier home in Eugene. A. M. drillev, lormerly general secre tary of the Y. M. C. A. in thia cilv ami now w iih the Aaxo.-iation in lloiae, Idaho, visited friends here Wednesday. He hilt yesterday morning for Salem, where he w ill Bend part of his month a vaca tion. Arthur Hitch, of Cuba, Mo., an old friend of Mra. G, W. Grace, and the Faircloiigh s, was visiting them over Sunday and Monday. He left for Seat tle on hia return home, after taking a tour of ihreo months in the West. Mr. Ihtcli is so favorably lBi reSed that he will return again. David Kby, the father of O. D. Kby, of thia rity, went to Kugene Tuesday uioVn nig to meet his brother from Nebraska a I ion) he baa nut seen lor over lift y years. After a visit with the former's daughter, Mrs. Dillard, in Springfield, near KlKMllie. thev Will COIlie 10 this el! V ...... n . - j - (or a vie.il with relatives. Receiver George W. Hibee haa brought bis family to thia city and they will occupy the Jiseph Henner bouse until August 1, when tliev will move in lib residence ol John K. Humpbrys, now occupied by Register Moores. The la'ler has secured the Harris house in the north end ol the city. Attorney Carl Haberlacb, of Tillamook, is in Ihe city on a week's visit taking in the Chautauipia Assembly and visiting hia people al Clackamas. He says that the law proleesion in Tillamook County ia profitable and is very pleased with his present location. Mr. Haberlacb was admitted to the bar about one year ago. He studied with U'Ken & Schuebel and ia making a mark in hia chosen profes sion. ;r-(l More Help. Oiten Ihe over-taxed organa of diges tion cry out lor netp oy iiyspepsiu s pains. Nausea, Dizziness, Headaches, liver complaints, bowel disorders. Such troubles call for prompt use of lit. King's New Life Pills. They are gentle, thorough and guaranteed to cure, .ou at Geo. A. Harding's drug atore. D. R. McKinley, who arrived here recently from Minnesota, haa puichaaed a (arm of O. A. Hayward, near Ihe Graeme church. The sale was made by O. W. Kasihain. Mr. McKinley'a family is in rortlaud. The Maccabees ot Molalla, Marquam and Alacksburg will give a harvest pic nic at Macksburg tomonow. rred J.I Meindl, of this city, will deliver the oration. This picnic is given in the place of the Fourth of July Celebra tion which did i.ot i c ur, owing to the rainy weather on the Fourth. The ball game at Willamette Park last Sunday between Mount Angel and the Vancouver nine, resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 10 to 2. Parker and Cole was the battery lor Vancouver rand Graham and Kiel for Mount Angel. the attendance was about -00 and F.d. Keckner waa umpire. lion. illiain Galloway, fur over six year Receiver of the C. 8. land olliee has lormed a partnership will. Giloerl 1.. Hedges tor the practice of law. Secial attention will be paid to land olliee business. Olliee iu Weiuhard building. Christian Science service are held in Red Men's hall every Sunday morning at 11 1 'clock. Subject for Sunday, July 20, "Truth.." Sunday School at twelve o'clock. Wednesday evening meeting at 7 :30 o'clock. All aie cordially invited to attend these services. The reportof the Fourth of July cele bration in this city Iri last week s paper excited some comment. The conclusion was evidently drawn that reflections upon the inanagjment of the celebration were intended. This was not the case. If everyone connected with the celebra tion bad done as much toward the suc cess of the celebration as did the general committee, there would have been no question of its successful outcome. The Fourth of July committee requests that all bills be presented at once, as a speedy settlement of the finance ia desired. When all outstanding claim are paid there will be a surplus over the expendi tures ami theie is a movement on foot to use this amount for the Labor Day cele bration on September 1. Flowers, silks, frames, fancy trimming, special ollering. Miss Goldsmith, aiave it IVoiiimm'm I. lie. To have given up would have meant death lor Mrs. Lois Cragg, of Dorches ter, Mas. For yeara she had endured untold misery from a severe lung trouble and obstinate cough. "Often", she writes, "I could srarcelr breathe and sometime could not speak. All doctor and remedies failed till I used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and waa completely cured." Sufferers I Mother A I way Keep It Ilan.ly. "My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo. "lwo years ago I got her to try Kodol. She grew ft T, d L better at once and now, at the age of .....,'., . ... ... r seventy-six, eats anything ahe wants, remarking that she lears no bad effects aa she ha her bottle of Kodol handy." Don't waste time doctoring eymptoms. Go after the cause. If your stomach is eonnd your health will be good. Kodol rests the stomach' and strengthen the body by digesting your food. It Is na ture's own tonic. Geo. Harding. Trouble need this grand remedy, for it never disappoints. Cure ia guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Trial bottles free. OABTOIIIA. Baantk yaylhe Kind Yon Haw Hwm Boogl a o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o a o o o o a o This Is Soap Week. We are going to have a cut-rate soap dale this week that will be a hummer. We have all the popular soaps made by Colgate, Palmer, Wrisley, Jergen, Kirk, besides many of the fine imported kinds. You can get more soap for your money during thia eale than ever before. Everyone knows that if there is one thing more than an other that improves with age it is soap and while we seldom keep it long enough in our store to get aged, yet we buy our supply from the factories that do age their soaps More send ing them out. Come to us for good OLD soap. r County Superintendent J. C. Zinnfr is making an appo'tionmeiit this week of $1 per t apila lo the children of tcliool age in the county. New Sprinkling Roles. To accommodate the merchant with more convenient hours, to sprinkle streets and sidewalks, so as to lay the .1... .1... I? i . I 11-,.- r : : ninf, inn jjwam ui ,i aier lyuinriiiHxiunera have amended the rules to permit the w use of water between the hours ol SKVEN to NINE A.M. and TWO to FOUR P. M. I .awn and garden sprinkling, or irri gation, can I done only durinir the hours aa previously published, SIX to EIGHT A. M.and SIX to EIGHT P. M. If vou need a Hat, don't wait. Call early and get a Bargain. Alia Goldsmith. Letter List. The following ia the list of letters re maining in the x-istofrice at Oregon City, Ore., on July 17th, l!X2: WOMKN'S tIST. Anderson A Miss Owhorn Lillian Miss Crr Caroline Mr Whilaw E Miss ken's list Raldorf Sain Croao C M Fort M (iill Alex Gordon Walter F Harrick H Marlin J M Martin F J Martin F'rank GEO. I Martin A W Theodore Riched Rewald Mr Reed J II Schroeder Sanl Simmons W Tracy J M Turton Alfred 0 Wills Wm C HOKTON, P. M. o o o o o o o o o o a a o o o Ivory Soap 4c cake Wool " 7c " Pine Tar Soap 3c " " " " 6c " Castile, Glycerine and , English Lavender . ic " Violet, Glycerine and , Medicated, 3 in box . . . 10c box Imported Castile 5c cake Colgate's Clemates 20c box 7c " " Bath Soap 25c " loc " " Caprice ... joc " 7c " " Gerosa .. joc " 7c " Cold Cream 20c " 7c " Wrisley'a Buttermilk 5c " Jergen'a Bouquet 50c box Palmer's all odors 7c cake vk " Imported Castile ...2 pd. bar 19c Fine Art 7c cake 20c box PURE BLOOD Pimples, Boils, Scrofula, Ec zema, Amt-mia, Debility, Old Sores and many other ail meats are due to impure blood. In fact, one of the first and most important con siderations ought to be re garding; the condition of the blood. RED SEAL BLOOD PURIFIER is one of the best remedies that we have ever known for purifying and enriching the blood. It is really remark able bow its effects are quick ly felt all over the body, in the shape of improvea ap petite, clearer complexion, better rest, and greater strength for work. Price, 75c per bottle. C. G. HUNTLEY Popular Price Druggist OREGON CITY CCCCCCCOCCCO0CCCCOCOCCCCCO Smith's Dandruff Pomade s'ops itching scalp upon one application. three to six removes all dandruff and j will stop falling hair. Price 50 cent at ' all druggists. 1 Individuals Monej to Loan. j At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write, Jffo. W. Lodek, Oregon City Oregon. 1 Stevens' building. Brunswick House & Restaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARLES CATTA, Proprietor r I FRANK BTJSCH THE nOUSEFUKNISIIER .. l. iii-..-.i...--e- 4. a. .Si xX-i : A.i ili ij' ! ir- -1-. - ''. ..- . II ' W0 Vxf v . An Economy. We can't speak too strongly of the economy of having a refrigrator. These are substantially made, with extra thick galvanized iron lining, and are scientifically packed to insure perfect preservation of food and econ omical use of ice. Our regular size at $ 10.00 is a marvel of convenience. t" 9w Hammocks 90c up Va. Garden Tools. It's time to buy a good supply of garden tools. We are making special offerings that should interest you on rakes, spades, spading forks, hoes, garden sets, shears, shovels, trowels, etc. They are the kind that do the work to your liking. Full size Hoe or Rake for 25c up. Lace Curtains. Here are novelties made to our order in exclusive designs. In the magnitude and variety of these Lace Curtaina, in their artistic excellence and in their un usually low prices we present a sale that will be prof itable and helpful to you in draping and adorning your home. Lace' curtain material I2c per yard and up. Iron Beds. There ia so much more pleasure in the iron beds of to-day than in the old heavy wooden beds used in the days gone by. There is a beauty, grace and economy in these iron beds with brass trimmings. We furnish you the entire outfit, bed, spring, niat tresa and all, for $6.25. Linoleum. If you knew the cleanliness and comfort of a dining room floor covered with one of our linoleums in per fect imitation of carpet, you would not think ol hav ing anything else under your dining table. A glance at the rich patterns is enough for the wise housewife. Good quality 65c per square yard. Coal OU Stoves. If you have a small room, with no way to put up a cook stove, you will be interested in one of those amall oil stoves with large oven. They are highly recommended during hot weather, and more so for camping. They use little oil. Price with oven 2 50. Croquet Sets. More attention has been given to make these sets substantial. Balls and mallets are made out of hard wood, the handles tough and firm. Price $1.00 for a four-ball set. Tents and Camp Furniture. We have a good stock of tents, and sell them aa cheap aa $3.00. . o o o o o o o o o o o O' o O O O 8 O () O o 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 o . 1