Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1902)
OREGON OIT.Y ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JULY 4, 1902 l News of the Week fta A iY rCV a -a. A A 1P1 Friday, June 2. - King Edward continues to improve. William liuaie, veteran salmon packer, ia dead. MISS VIRGINIA GRANES Tells How Hospital Thyslclang Use and Kdy upon Lydia K. rink hum's Vegetable Com pouud. " Pkab, Mn. Pinkiiam : Twelve year cvntiuuua service at the) sick 1....I J . . a . . i e i i . i w ui noma ui uui jinuuiuvn iuwii tpec!l envoys and visitors are leaving ulS( M weU mt pTate hom,.8t hM riven nw varied experie.nces with the roue to many shippers who liave no out lit for their produce but the Columbia and Willamette Itivem London, The Senate passed the general defici ency bill. A reciprocity treaty with Cuba is being urawa up. The House passed the Philippine gov ernment bill. Shipowners experimenting with oil (or fuel on Great Lakes. Liquidation and selling causes decliue In wheat in the East. Yale defeated Harvard io annual eight-oared 'varsity race. The International Sunday School Con vention opened at Denver." Tim Hegarty knocked out Billy De Coursey in the ninth round. Convicts Tracy and Merrill continue to pillage Kelso.Wash., section. Portland Chamber of Commerce starts public subscription for h re boat. Eastern lumberman plan to start saw mills in Urvgon ami Washington. The House and the Senate agreed to we couterence report on the canal bill diseases of women. I have nursed some Special intereessionary services were ueia at m. raul s and other English cnurcnes. aorthwest League games: Seattle Deat Portland, 2 I ; Tacouia beat Butte 10 8; Helena beat Spokane, 12 5. Michigan Republicans made the fol lowing nominations; Uovernor Aaron 1. Bliss, oJ !!aiuaw. LieuteDant-(.4ov erner Alexander Maitland, of Mar quette. Secretary of State Fred M Warner, of t-armington. State Treas urer L'aniel McCoy, of Grand Rapids Aod.tor Perry F. Powers, of Uadilae, Attorney-Ueneral Charles A. Blair, of Jackson. Couiuussioner of State Land Uthee Ldwin A. Wildev. of Paw Paw Superintendent ot Publ'ic Instruction D. A. Fall, of Albion. Members of Slate Board of Kdiication Patrick J. Kelly, of rLi.:,. i u-: i , ' liuuii, ii. i. ii rigui, oi ironwooo. Saturday, June 28. King Fd ward's recovery is believed to -De ash urea. Seattle baseball team wins from Port land o to 1, Corn touches a record price, but drops oerore uie close. Much of the coronation week pro gramme will be carried out. An amnesty proclamation to Filipinos will be issued Fourth of July. W. H. Mead, the well-known Portland railroadman, dies at Spokane. Convicts Tracy and Merrill appear at Winlock, Wash., and secure a meal. V. A. Schilling, prominent railroad man has, mysteriously disappeared from Portland. King County, Washington, Republi cans indorse Harold Preston fur I'mttd States Senator. Trade reviews show business to be in a state seldom equaled and not excelled in recent years. B. B. Tyler, of Denver, was elected president of the International Sunday School Convention. Eiuene, Or., man kills married woman believed to be former sweetheart, and then himself at Pearl, Idaho. Senator Mitchell presents Oregon memonai lor iwo rair ana makes a great speech for the exposition. Walter F. Matthews, of Portland, nominated for United States Marshal of Oregon, and I L. Patterson for Collector of Customs at Portland. - - MISS VIRGINIA GRAVES, Pnwldontot huri.'AMtcillon, lTtown,N.T. most distressing casea of inflammation and ulceration of the ovariea and womb. I have known that doctors used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vejretablo Com pound when everything else failed with their patients. I have advised my patients and friends to use it and have yet to hear of its first failure to cure. " Four years ago I had falling of tho womb from straining in lifting a heavy patient, and knowing ot the value of your Compound I tagim to use it at once, and in six weeks I was well once more, and have had no trouble since. I am most pleased to have had an oppor tunity to say a few words in praise of your vegetaiue compound, anil shall take every occasion to recommend it." Miss ViuoiNiA Chases. 15000 for f, it if ata Uxttmon-at it mot omnuin. Lydia K. riiiknum ir'taIIo Compound has stood tho test of time, and has cured thousands. Mrs. Piukham advi.M'.s sick wo men free. Address, Lvnn. Mass. Wednesday, July 2. Congress adjourned yesterday after noon. The President signed the Philippine and naval bills. King Kdward coiitinnes to improve. China refuses to pay the present in deinuity installment at the present rale ol exchange. The Cabinet considered the Pacific Cable Company' proposal. Shop men of Hi Northwestern and B. A U. are on suike. Columbia Uiver salmon pack this sea son will be the largest in years. Convicts Tracy and Merrill are seen at Teniuo, Wash I'. S. Marshal Mathews takes over the ullii B Irum Zoelli liouser. Minnesota Kepiihlicans made the fol lowing nominations: liovernor Samuel H. Van ant, of Winona; I.ii'iitenaui' tioveruor Kw W. Jones, ol llenni'pin County j Secretary of Slate Peter A. Hans, 11 ; Stale Auditor Sammd U Iver- son: Malo treasurer J. H, Hut. of Nic llett County ; Attorney-lie neinl, V B. Hoiiglss, of t'lav Coiiuiy; Clerk ol Sup emeO'iirt--C. A Pidgeon.of Wihht Coiiniy. Kallioad Commissioner C. F. Maples, ot i'ukola Coumv. '"She Let Concealment Uko a Worm 1 the Bud Teed on ncr Damaak Chock." lamn til ICltlbU flab. I A few d:ty ngo I was nsked ly for flgticr, "Why do you say 'two herrings' and 'two aoles and not 'two oisla' and two sliuonr" I do not think my 1 uiiHwer was very satisfactory, but tin! ijticstlnn Miiggcsted tho tlioiight thutj there are several eases lu which U would be dlfhViilt to say whether there 1 la uiiytlilng like a consensu of opinion j Slikrre tourhes ths us to whether u plural form of the 0lnn chord In woman's natiirs. nnnie of a IIhIi I admissible. Wt all jilf suilcr in silence i diw s curtain spenk of soles, herring, sprats. Inm ,Ver h.-r pttvsle .rniw. and cudutrs rrevs mid anchovies, the Hliignlnr form mtll rndtiraiice r .,r,,u' nev'cr. I believe, doing service for the rbis is r,,-cully the Plnrul. No one. , think, say. mucker. JZjZ els. cods, saluions. trouts. brenms, T". ,' , llll,t,v.ll,,d vrt.althongtt sliiuls, curpa, plaice, busses, luirbcla. 1 ' kIOW thry' lirrd liirdii ! aid froiu reading It that uV. i"l clue would do in mft the homt diclor Ul mt ou had told tut l would du risHl I would havt , that much kkmL' 1 tan U, was surprised at the iH-orlii i I f St. do all my w.,1,1,,. my flower guidm. n 7 fret lm( all the time. Aa . t mine aald to im wi, j ...11.. wiii. ......1 1 t in, .vi iiii yiiur 10Usr.ii wrilllit ilu liliol.. -1 ' again ' I told her I had of lr. Plrri-t's mr,lu I E. G. Rathbone at-ks Conirress to in vestigate his case. The American yacht Uncle Sara won another race at Kiel. Great forest fire in California is likelv to destroy famous trees. Steamer Potter leaves on first trio of the season for the beach. General J. H. Smith was found eniltv of violating the rules of war. Convicts Tracv and Merrill steal razor and mirror near Centralis, Wash. Thomas J. Grillitts, well-known Wash ington lawyer and politician, is dead. Civil government will be established throughout the Philinnine arehiiielHun July 4. Major Gardener testified before tllH broad of inquiry that is investigating his cnarges. Oregon Slate Teachers' Association de clares in favor of Lewis and Clark litera ture in si'hools. Northwest basebsll scores were: Seat' tie 2. Portland 1 ; Tscoma b, Butte 1 ; Spokane 7, Helena 2. The session of Congress which came to a clusttodav aecoiuplirhed much lor the 1'acilic Nortliwext. Boih Oietfou and Washington have fared well si the hands of ihe first Heasinn of the Kifl v-sevenih Congress. In fart at no other Congress have 1 hose slates fared so Well as at III s sefsion, although large appropriations were made by lormer i"e!Moiia lor river ana naroor improvement ror riven and harlxirs. Olefin, including the Co! uinliia Kiver, nets atiout $J,,r)S!l 000, and Wsslimgtoii over 'Hil.(KlO The Indian bill earned the neressary amount lor cou'iniilng Si'huols and agencies in tsith stales, w bile minor appropriations were made in the sundry civil bill. The Port liinil Mist 111' e is assured ol IlMX) IHH), and $10. INK will put the tini.-hiug lour lies 011 the (.'11-toiii House. A-hle from appro priatioiiH, Oregon Iihs Imm-ii exree lingl Ii rliinsle in local legislation, ifellimr an Iiidiui) w sr pensinii bid ; the Crster Lake National Park ; aiilln.r;zs'ion of Ihe salt ol Cinttiilla lainls, and reliel of Sheimau t ouuty settlers, axide (10111 a liumlier of private pension bills. Washington, in adilnion lo $1,100,000 (or ihe I'uget Sound Navy Yard iiels several light- 11 uses, fl 1 ,iw rt tiilrseinent tor slate expendituies, public tiinl ini,'' at Spo kane and laci'ina. and a bridge arr.n the Columbia at Vancouver. Sturteon. perch, mullet, pike. turlKit, tunny und skate have Hot unusually the plural form In "a." Fishermen and fishmongers are In clined to avoid the plural form In some Instances where It Is employed by the ' j majority ot educated people. 111 some cases there la considerable uncertainty. This I have nsi-erhiliuM by inciina of a fair number of tests. Among tliciu are carps, shads, tenches. Compiler of Kngllsli grammars, so fur ns my expe rience goes. In treating of plural forms of nouns mnke no note of the nnines of Ilsti which do not vary In the plural. Note and Queries. r Tharkrrar m Nhutvnian. In Thackeray's ense the Justlllcntlon of nrtlticlal 1111 Hies, If It le right tu speak of Justlllcntlou, lie In this, that with all the solid reality of the life por trayed we nre never allowed to lose 1 sight of the author and his art In por tralture. lie I ever at hand to under lino the snobbery or hitigh oh the pa- ', tho. There Is a strong strain of the1 satirist In him, and satire Is nklu to al- , legory. There Is even a strain of the caricaturist ready to emerge In the 1 midst of his noblest art. He Is especially fond of putting on the ulrs nud grnees of the showman. Ills preface to "Vuulty I'nlr" Is headed "Before the Curtain," and this great novel of real life concludes with "Come, children, let Us shut up the box and the puppets, for our play Is played wut." And we accept Thackeray's showman' hiunor.-lilnekwood' .Magazine. ilirv choose rather 10 xarthe ills tli'rv know llun to submit the eiamiiwtlon of sow local phy- h-M 11 m, Ml 7 i J 1 i J I r I ; .V "i n :i 1 J 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 11 1 d " I I 1 1 1 1 m in tiu i It is .ml It is not i mails 1,1 certain k It Hrfrtly, tt wonder , ,t whu h pulls , "oj, am years younger, loo." Ilowrvrr wonderful It , IVs tor I'lric.'. I......:" T.r 1. ------ --"ill- nrf - " '"-"nil m peculiar 10 women ful as it appear. to us, that mat bin lo do 1 I o not , Thursday, July 3. Steps to be taken to put the new Phil ippine law into itlei t. , The lectures of the new warships will be the streiigili ol bnllurit-s and thickness of aim jr. King Kdwurd'ac tidition is satisfactory. Kiols occurred in Southern Russia. and What t Oni lo rurUnhllna. The now disreputable amusement of cockllglitlng, which was once nspi-c-tuhle enough to divide with scholar- ! ship and urchery the attention of Roger Ascham, has provided the Ian- , guuge with "crestfall " "In high 1 feather" und Shakespeare' "over- ' ililan. I'or thu rrawm many a woman let ilisnic t 11 upui her. , he con rills hi-r coii.lilloii and rndiiirs dally ll.ut viiloni ol miii bt-cause hrr mind revolts at the thought of hiImiiiwuoii to :he treiitmnit lir knows the hsal prac dtionrr will moist upon. Vrrv many woiis-n have writtrn grate ful lrltris to I r. K. V. Pierce, ol lliilfalo, S. V., briiime tliry have found ill his methods an ewae fnmi the o(Irniv pirstions, the obnoxious risminutuiua. lid tlie dlsagrrrablr hsal It raiments Insisted 011 by hi many home ptin um. These thing are, n a rule, not tircrvwry. Dr. I'ipfCr's rutsTiiriiee and snccrss in crow (cr. to crow oven, 'lo show the u-atim? hundirdiol ihmiind.of women Monday, June 30. Battle is raging in Hayti. Storm des great damage in West. Middh Sunday, June 29. The triple alliance was renewed. Union Pacific machinists strike. Kick Anderson acquitted of murder. King Edward is out of immediate danger. First Sunday session of Congress foi 91 years. Frantic womsn burns herself to death in San Francii-co. Automobiles ran from Paris to Vienns at 51 miles an hour. Georgia. Democrat ignore Bryan the Kansas Clly platfoim. The L'tnon I'aeitie strike has down to a ttuiihoiu (outest. AlliiUMt Schieve is hiilliied at St. Helens. Or.,lur Ihe iiiuider ul Joseph Miii.kowvm. ,1 SI .uarjoii couniy hopgrowers prices to go nijuw 10 tents, am this ollur. I'onlaiid sawmilis enter into combine in local trade. white feather" Is from the siiine source, since white feathers In a gniiie ctM'k's tall are u sign of Impure breed ing. Often the origin of such words or phrases tins been quite forgotten, but when traced discloses their true character lit once. "Kalr play" Is still recognized as a tlgnre from gambling, but "foul play," now specialized to "murder." Is luinllv felt 1IM II till! IllJiitP settled at ull.-Open Court. expect icluse Rainfall for 24 hours breaks lecoriis. all July Harry Tracy, the escaped convict from Kettle llrlilura. Perhaps the most remarkable bridges III the world are the kettle bridges, of which Cossii-k soldiers are expert Winders. Ihe materials of which they hip ciiiiairiicieu nre uie sumier lance nml cooking kettles. Seven or eight lunces are passed under the handles of a uumber of kettles and fastened by means of ropes to form a raft. A sutll clent number of these rafts, each of ...... It- B 4 1 1 V. I BlIJItTII TO 'ioims nzuEFl A really healthy woman has lit tle pain or discomfort at tne I menstraal period. No woman M i- . . uccus 10 nave any. Wine of Cardul will quickly relieve those smarting menstrual pains and the dragging head, back and aide aches caused by falling of I the womb and irregular menses. WtfiEo'CARDUl has brought permanent relief to 1,000,000 women who suffered every month. It makes the men strual organs strong and healthy. It Is the provision made bNa-i tare to give women relief from the terrible aches and pains which blight so many homes. flMbmrnn. t . f a. iir".tik.en w,:h . -"r pain In my iVri-a t , no: V "licf until for I hd Uken til of it I .ii.a I 11 . m7 doty to ujr tiu.t jou'hive a 1 wonderful medicia. Mm. M. A. Tockt. uoveinor ueer lias not yet decided lo call special session. One killed outright and 30 injured in railroad accident in Colorado. Tracy and Merrill leave a hot trail in Thurston County, Washington, It is ascertained that the man killed by an officer at Whatcom was insane. With exception of iron and steel, our exports this year beat any previous record. Portland beat Seattle, 3-2; Spokane beat Helena, 5-4; Tacoma forfeited to Butte, 9-0. King Edward's coronation aain a.t lor enu oi r-eptember. King's health continues to improve. Tuesday, July 1. King Edward continues to improve. The international Sunday school ron. vention adjourned . The Marietta has been ordered to pro tect American inieresti in Hayti. rjy him at Ul.wnpu. lie impressed a cm ot lour men t the point of a rdle and compelled them to hriiiu him m Meadow Point, just outside the northern i u,l(1 Mft-'tJ. boundary line of .Vallle. Couiiellii.g two of Uie men lo bind tirst one and then anoiher of the boatmen, he aided a third one in tying another man hand and loot. Taking the fourth man wub him, he em barked and went into liallard. six omen troiu fu?at tie. there be onlered his in voluntary companion to leave turn. A posee is now in pursuit of the convict. are fastened together, and In the space of un hour a bridge Is formed on which uii sruiy miij- cross witu contlcleneo Lnion Pacific strike order went into euect yesterday. Eastern capitalists began drilling for oil near S-lein . Convicts Tracy and Merrill are ttill moving toward Puget Sound. Company incorporated to build fine Hour mill at tlood River. Portland wheat shipments for cereal year were 17,000,000 bushels. .Heed .More Help. Oiten the over-taxed organs of dilu tion cry out for help by Dy-pepma'a pains. Nausea, D.z.iness, Headaches, liver complaiuts, bowel dinorders. Such call for prompt use ot jt. King's New Life Pibs. The uie gentle, thorough and guamnleed to eure. -Jk at Uto. A. Itariliiig's drug store. She Knnr thr Itraaoa "Can you tell me why it Is," he growled ns he began diving under the bed, "that my slippers always seem to get pushed clear over ugulnst the wull?" "les, dear, she answered antly. "You can?" "Yes. dear." "Then why Is Itr "Hecause you don't put them nway In the slipper ruck when you tuko them off, dear." Chicago Post. pleus- One Pnllrtrff. "It's funny our minister never gets uiurrled." remarked the young hus band who bad Just refused his wife a bonnet In his endeavor to change the subject "I think he'd make a good husband." "Well," replied the wife warmly, "be didn't seem to make a very irood one Corn jumps to highest years in the East. price in ten Portland sawmills unite and miaa Inm. ber prices. Senator Bailey, of Texas. ARM) II 1 toil Senator Beveridge, of Indiana, just after the Senate adjourned from executive ses sions. The affair ws the result of fr, bitter controversy which the two Senat ors had during the afternoon. Bailey demanded that Beveridge retract the language uttered at that time, and when the laiter declined Bailey seized bini by the throat and threw his weight opon him at the same time. The two uieu were separated, however, before damage was done. Filty river boats and 200 engineers will be affected by a strike of marine en- engineers which will probably be called today. The men ask an advance of $10 a month per man. which the onr of j the boats say they will not pav. The , result of such a strike would be' disaat- .11 oilier Alway Keep It lluody. "My mother sufi'ered a long time from distressing pains and general ill health due primarily to indigestion," says L. W. Spal lii g. Verona, Mo, "Two rs ago i got her lo l.y Kodol. She grew ; when he married us." oeuer at once ami now, al the age of seventy-six. eals anything she wants, remarking that she tears no bad elleets I as she has her bolile of Kodol bamly." iJon't wate time doctoring sympi. m. Go after the cause. If your stomach is sound you. health will be good. Kodol : resis the stomach and ftrengihens the! body by digesting your food. It is na-1 ture's own tonic. Geo. Harding. PIUPLES .v"I?',f,e dplmpl on her face, but he Imi beno taking- CASCAKETS and they hsre sit disappeared. I bad been troubled witb constipation tut some lime, but after UK L,?u flrJ' Csacsret I bare bad no troul,l witbthl aliment. Ws cannot speak too blub. l70'.f,CrU " FR0 VAR7UAH. I7M Oermautown Ave., Philadelphia. Pa A Sirret. Old Iinehelor Uncle-Well, Chnrlle, what do you want now? Charlie Oh, I want to be rich. "Rich! Why sor "Because 1 want to be petted. Ma says you are an old fool, but must be petted because you nre rich. Hut It's a great secret, and I mustn't tell It!" fAl) CANOY i If Vs1' CAARTIC a ThrllllnsT Moments. "Johnnie," called the mother. "1 want you to go to the store for me." "Walt a second, maw," replied the youth, who was absorbed In a five ceDt volume. "Pepperbo'le Pete has thirty-seven Injuns to kill, an' It'll only take him about two minutes." Ohio State Journal. enables him at oner to deb-runnr fioin the written iitatiitirtils of wouun the form of dm-asc which it is uri riuwy to trvat Sick women atr invited to con sult Ir. Pierre, by letter, Jiff. All corrrsjsmdpnce is sacredly confidential lud the same stru t piofesnolial privacy KH.irds the written confidence of womrti as is observed hy lr. I'lerce and hia atall in prrsonal consultation with women at (he Invalids' Hotel and Surgical luttl tute, itullalo, N. Y. A WOMAN'S STATI'.MI'.XT. "I enjoy gl health, thank to IV. Pierce's 1 svonte Prescription and 'Coldcn Medical Ihavovrry,' " write Ml. J J. Schnrtvi-r, of I'ontiac, Living, tea Co., 111. "Have taken sis buttle ol each kind. I was taken sick Inst l'tbruary and the dis iors here callnl it 'Grip.' I lay for four week in l-d, then whm I got up I found I had In placeiueut.' Had am h schr and pallia in my hack ami limb could not stand any length of time. I knew that our home doctor would insist the first thing on sn examination, and that I would not aobmit to, unlrM I was dangerously sick, and then it would be too late to do any good. My son had your Issik, Common lie iirei Hu es lo ihe Kat. Tlm contemplating an eastern trip will la) interested to know lb it there will -hortly bo on sain greatly reduced rate iikels in roiiiieclioii wnh !il0 ci Grande System, Ihe famous "Scenic Line of I be World." This liim i.fTers lis psssi-ngers a most leligbtful and cuinforabV journey to all eastern points. It is Ihe only tuinscootinenUl line passing directly Ihrougl, ,,,,!, ,, ..j tiirenjue Salt l,.k,i City, "Ti,., clly The hail.ts," beautiful I ilenwood SoriliKs, ladville, Pueblo. ( w here a side trip may b.i made lo the Garden of ihetioda and the suinmii ,.( I Ikes 1 ,.k over the cog-wheel railroad. -.It. ' ' aim nenver, tl.H.p n ciiy of the inter region. Mop overs are allowed on all classes of tickets. Three daily express trains make close connection, will, all trains east and west and afford a dcice of five distinct routes of travel. ' he eipilnmenl of these trains l the best, im tiding free reclining chair tliouih i nothln, f J know Hi J ... . i . . - 1'ia'lV W e do niuaitai am-i frwaki whu iiu Stililiirut snd Prfrt know that con, the enables 0 romiiiaiid uf board. Ut . ro. -.l .1. U-a -; rvrr an the, and key. rar1 lu into iliat oof h lr. Pine in 1J J lion" only Was mule to d. Pierce knoai i; Kmut of the , Katiiain. Wlifi eerniicrd pi, pro. I in r i t qi! eitM-rirni( and sblr the prul , eriect lurnu i iltcieine !(, auci rs of r. T the uiibliary pr. In the trrstmrnt ami cure u i aiinipma im iiip iiiurrrii'. r iirts nd aui'i raa oil the our hauj au. eapeiicnce on the other. UAINI.U TI N Isil'NIli " I tisik four Kit tlra of )r. I'avorite PirM-nptioii aiut 't.oblrn Mrdlial lliHovrry' ceivnl great lirllcdt, wrtlri M: I). Miraie.of Mnuuthiipt, lnc. Pa " 1 do hot have thoar ink formerly. Hefote I tcsik your rl 1 cotil.l hrllv walk at limca, ! Uterine trouble. I can truly after taking four Uilllra of ' Prr r i pi um ' and two of ' ical Pistovery' I did not more. 1 gained tell (aiundiis In June I coiiiiorncrd ualrifj thf n ami hi July liripro to lunctl ti si you may kuow Hut very bad." ls-clur Pirrrr's l'vorile establishr Irgtllarity, dnrailiui diains, beala iiillaimnation ami I tloll and cure Iniial wrakl) tianipiihp the firrtrs, rnrouraf aps-tite, and iudiicra irlrrslnn,? Aa a tonic for wrak. worn out, r j wolurll it ia uurimlrd. it Unit winiirii strong, tick women well I Accept Iiu subatitiile for "ll Pres. r i pi loii." The only nmtivt i stilnlloii b tu rnsblr the dralrf If the little more proht paid OR the lea meritorious rnediciuf. CSIVKN AWAV. The Common Spnac Mcliral referred to in Mr. S hm-tm'i I rtc-iit Irtt on receipt of alarm eitH-nae of mailing riy. Th: medical work contains over t f t large igea ami more than atvto If il I uat rations. Send Jl one-crot I for the cloth-lsiund volume, of 4 stamii for the Isvok in parier Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Aufhilo, rvrw li e I dil i lie Pre4 Soft 4,5 m narness t WW Tsu paa mull rir bas ( V T ll " bmii mm m '" iy r.T MI mm bih mm mr' It uuii tl llkkt liar. an., till. Yi lei,L-llirtl IU HIV l.ut twtr. as long oruiiuucjr wuiutL w. V cars, standard ami tourist feet di an ex- latellectnal llomralni. Querist-Doing any slumming these days? Pslnnlck-Oh. yes; occasionally I read a modern society novel. Chicago Tribune. oJr?" ' luble. Pownt Tut Good. Do Qooa, Mrr Bicmd. vVMk.or Grip. 0e. tx.u. ... CURE rniraTiDiTinu 7 Cmmrj, ntmm, HMrnl. Sr Im. i MTQB1C ld andjrn;rnted by all Drug. Ill HAH giai CXJ Tobacco UatoiL Aa Krror of Jailameat. What caused PuIIlelgb's fallureT "He was u victim of overconlidence." "ln"- "Hlmself'-Puck. Hypocrites pray cream and live sklro mllk. Chicago News. sleepers, a per- log car service, ailfl mho i.r,i,. ally conducted exciir-ioii cars, each in charge of compter.! Kui,, ,llHj. lies is is to look sfter the comfort of his guests. No more pleanant and inexpen sive means ot crossing the ConliriHiit c. he found than Is provided by these cnrsious. For additional details, address, J- D. Mansfim.h, (ieri'l Agt., Rio Grande Mm,.. No. 12-1 third St., Portland, Oregon. ExiKTlonPO ConvlncoH. Trove its Talus by inventing JO cent in trial size of Ely's Cream Italia. Druggist iij iiu w man it. i un size 00 oent. JiLY UROH., 68 Warren Kt, New York. Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 0, lRy'J. Messrs. Ki.i IIbos.: Please send me a HO cent bottlo of Crsam Halm. I find your remedy the quickest and most permanent enrs for catarrh and Cold in the hsad, 1)eixM. Pottib, Oen.MgT.Ariz.Oold M Co Messrs. Klt Riios.: I have bean afllicted with catarrh for twenty years. It made me so weak I tbongbt I had Consumption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Halm and In tl,rM day tha diharge sb.piwd. Jt j, th8 best medicine I have used for catarrh Proberta, CaL Fa ask E. Kmdlwwmc. rnnktlt If j it EUREKA llarnass Oil i rnikiai pnarlootine bir- txm Ilk. nmw. Uim ot burm. hmmmy ImkISI oil, J' lall' prr"t fl aiauil Ui waauirr, fAuli 09mrrwhmr9 In oaa-ail auaa. Mida lii STANOARQ OIL CI tmmmi mmmY Dyspepsia Cu Diacsts what you ea This preparation conuln all 06 digestants and digests all 'n1 food. It gives Instant relief naJ falls to cure. It allow you toe the food you want. The must" stomachs can take It. Py )wuse '2 thonsatids of dynpeptlrs h'1" 1 fured after everything elte j',e'l It can't help i S...4 Aim tntl HQ liui ui j" - . . . t.-.e. io.. n- The 11. uoulo conlalna2!t "L! K. I. SIAS DKALEK IN' Watches, ClockB, Jewelry Snectacles. All kinila of repairing- neatly and warranted. l'oaf office 111 Jar. VmobJ, f T