Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1902 TWO COMPANIES If SCIENTIFIC DENTISTRY Why Many Artificial Sets of Teeth Do Not Work Satisfactory. Social Happenings. CONSOLIDATE PROGRAM rut Church lat I l)nv nr. Iha 1 llllHri'K""'""" ' Mcuuh rruclicully Nutlilnt; Hut FOR following pro- Cliu n Ko lit Nhiiio. ' ,l.,! Fort of If ; iiiriorr rvi(' t" iuii.rft,UUr.IUli7. :i -If H 1 1 A,, tepllhlll)" r". , . .. ' .i,,ina ami jPmitU"''' AccepUnea ul the Ureal I"1.. u' ....I inn-" "lieu, " "" ' ! ,u-"'H'" lievolulion.rr .,11... manrvntillll Ul U ;TuVi'ii--i:.:;:' ' . .i . w Imu U..I...., m, iitf of III" nun"- - i i.. tK iiiiifitiiitf llm dill III ! m rl riiin lei tli Hum ar". ii our lore- I work nlay Krl dccoi. lii r hoi.l 'out-title Wil l IAM-MHcrl KIM. .. Mr... i, . Wn.iliMBiliv Ii aimiu, - '' - t - ,' hv l'- M Hrown.of Toledo, ' .' .'. U' .III.. ill A tiatlV Mli.i Ll'ri.ill lliM'llnin.ol Yiiliia, were ,d in iiiim-. . u Huillfi" IUhler ol I'i 7 I l ' II. ... . .Ill III Valltlllia. Mil t'f it V. II"" I - ' .1... ... j.f Mr .ii.l HI 1 n iniiiii" i" " - a W II 1 1 . "' Gladstone, and is con r,J ailli tin Albany Iron Work, t currnn'iiy irlorined at I lie 1 ul Hi brlde'a parent ill Ya J, in lh pfewnc" of a lw relative J'twnili. l U A. M. Tha bride' lw !; ifiniilii by " Kdiia II'M-Iltnn, ,,U-, hiiileeiiiald. Immediately LllttMmt hrekll. Ilia party i ,D tin Hani l"f t're.on llty. where a till iriiil 1 1 remainder ol Ihe -Ibry ill b "l "' i j in AHiy altrr July 10. Muri-iiAlil n. Darrfni;r (i( Mr. Aintilla hl:illr illl Martlll tilillllllUld lail ir lirtiiKHl liy HfV. K. H. llol ,.i llm Cuiiifrrualliiiial iroiioKn ir.MnU 'I11"1 one. TliM tirulo ,tiiu i'v wll ii" on III tot city ,if (iruinuir nt III (I'Hii'l Army cir Mr. 1'!mi In a innintn-r ol IcIVl, A. IC. ami Mri. Mariin iiio Mi''l ICi'lii'l Cri. Tliry it Sunilav pvniiluif 'a Irani lor Purl in. I Iiuiii tlnrn wrnt to Anion, .Mr. JUtlin la iiiiilnyrl In llm ruciluaul larKM null, nicy am o io Uncoil t'ny In about tlx iji. AMiii wi-NKrima. id ('iii:ii'iEiiiiinl Clnirrli uri 4k!tr liiuiiiiKil. J in v .1 Mr. t. r, i ti mil Mi Anna M Ni'iii r t Uiirncl. (Inly llm IminoiliaUi I Itiml rvUllvxa ol llm irtlr wcr f nl, tlii anlur ul llm I'liurrti, lirv. t.,iLi.k'i'f ollit'iaiinn. Tlia brulal i Irll lur Ni" Mjrt iiiuimilLlnly altm ivrrmuny. Mr. ami M't. Amlrcwn n.ilp lln'ir on tli Anilrrr it llililmi'l Hrr ilicir return Iroin (v.niiHfi.. It i Imt "cliluin thai a I uitirinl ('i)iylu ai-l unt in lila to l nli ninny Uviiralilo aimpiiT Ixw ymiiiK Hiiin liavo. I. I III ki ll I'kAlKK NKUVICK. f priw wr.'irii at ttm MkIIiihIIhI k "11 I'lnirrli lHt SumUy uvrning irnnly iihiiiIi-iI ami a itaiuK pro t tu rrtiili-iril. Mr. C. A. Miller "lirxililnl Inln nl KiHimwIinra," ai d I'flriMiHT" an r Mt lv Mia t "Tl. 1 'lu i nn ol JVhcb" (t ftil l.y Mm t'liriyi-m. Si-viral an il wrrp ifn hy tlm ilmir ami Mtaa V Smuinn prpNiilfil at tlm or an. f liitiglili-r nl tlm Kinu will "'T iiinil all iluv Inlay anil thia ev in llm IniililjiiK Iiiowphii .MiNlnin'i f l arn I'mlcer' liarlmr aliop on il nl Mrtin triM't, lKtwoin ih and Kihtli tn-H. Circli, Wniui'ii ol Wn nlrriilt, g ! "i kiI iic,ly fvi'ninrf. K- I'lwnU fr nfrvril anil an enjoy "Trning m pnNM-i. fi.Tlin((j W. (;irk pntirlaini'il 'mlr. il the DirktmN ('lull yi' lyiliiTiiKiii) . pssrm OH j'l wrote to Doctor erce, who sent me very kind letter d advised "me."' wmK HI1( PUB. Tll"-ii rlhe IwvinniiiK of a new life of T Walth to lul h-ltr-r wriltrn to vlerce, f' M'l ailing wotnrn are Inviteil to f 1 lr. I'ierce, hy letter, free. All fPoiidence h.-l.l as atrictly jirivnte triy rofi,enti(ll. AiWrena IH. t "free, Iluff ilo, N. Y. f rltrct'i Favorite I'rrarrlption curet fw,l aching Imcka, hemlm hca, nerv i " "nd other womanly ailmeuta by w womanly diseaaci which cause tprin. nf im I hrcm mi 111 . Alvim, Scholli. of Whlna tT "Lc" "mr lck wm ry t i J1""1 " ,h I eoiifd An oo work nt vVn,'l'iCl l"k to nr ht. I frit Io urtntle .ml the pin in lniot onlir.nihlf. I lo Ik. . "" m "y 'c". I W '"ke H.irllr Frmcription inciwrry. I took ix f 4,orite i rescript ion nmkes wenlt tneiliciiie wliicn iU . "nine 0'ltr Un weak women, i J'We', I'leasiint Pelleta a , ""e laxative are the for delicate t'UlKAMAI KAILVTAY EXTK.NSJON I)lpaliliir Nluait lla Itenliied llul OlhrrwlMi Tliwr I ( Imnre In the. hirikehliuiiilon. The I' Cily A Orenon Hallway Coiiiiiany lu Immiii almorlHiil by llm Ore- Hon mmr l ower A Kailway (Company whleli walar(Ki 11 year a tlm ()r- Hon (ienerat Klwlric (Jonipatiy. Tha cnaiiKfl i inn iKiiiiinnt aa tlm aame peoplu oannil hoih eoinpanle. Tlm ol llreraara: Jam II. ami Fred H. Mur rl, tlm loriner Ihiiiik pruaiilnnt ami tha laiter Ire.aurer ami riiuriaKiir ol the Mur rlA Whimiieail HankiiiK Amlt.on. W. II. Ilurlhurt i pieNliltinl; J. frank WaUon, ylio pn-anliiiit; A. II. C'roaaiiuii, treasurer, ami W. T. Mnlr. w relrv. TheOr.-Koii Waler-l'uwer A Hallway Company i i-.iihIixiI at L',IHHI,()IK). aiuru na aliea'ly lii., n aal.l about tha plana lur ronairucilnn ol an electric imwer alaliuri on the CUi kmnai Kiver and the bmliliiiK of a trolley road to that iroerty. The plana il now r lor ward under llm new coiiiimny, al.d K. 8. Morria a.ld Ibat (hey antild lie proe t illed viuioiia!y to completion. "W hal net tu amrk at oui-a on the eileiiNinn Into Clarkamaa t.'ouiitv," aaid Sir. Jlorrl. "A larH leni ahovel la no on Ilia way here, and I eximcted lo arrive any day now. We bve lwohii- luail ol rail afloat from Kurope. They will reach Portland in Atmuai. and the irtaln will m ready I hen io put them down. The rolliii-lock will be ready lor the road when (he track "hall be tomplelrd. We have ipiitu an exieinive yiein nl eleclrii: railwaya planned lor Una region, but I here in nothiiiK in the reHirl llul we are coulemplatinit the roiiMr union ol aleaui lailroad No lar a lhl I I'oni-eiiii d, however, our new line will he up lo the 11 MUmlurd ol ieain railway biilldiiif. The road to the l'ppi-r Clai ltauia will not have a Ifraile exceeding I 'v per cent, except in una place, w here lln-re will be a eliorl nim ol '.' per rent, and the liarM at curve will nut en red 3 denreea. Ye, we have been proieedlliK without lllllill ol a thmrinii ol triimi et, but we have been procredinu iiinl the nuiiie. and we expect to continue lo do o lor a luntc time to coin. 1 believe it will lie profitable lor all concerned to gel thin country devel-iwd." Ilieatrike ailuation on the railway line i nut altered by thu new arrange ment, lllnpatcber Stuart haa rei)(ued and leli lor Han Kraiicico Tueaday. Mad car are ruuuiuK between Oreiron Cltv and 1'ortUinl. The men are linn ami lill demand llm removal of 8uer intendenl Tiir.iny. It I a not believed that !h company la anxioua to reunie oKration until the repair lo Madmon alreet bridire are completed which will be within two week. Celebration A -iy yyvi') f'Y Staix ok Ohio, City okToi.kdo.I as. l.t'LAS (,'ot NTY. ) Frunk J. Cheney iintkea an oath that he ia the Hcnior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., (loiiiK biiHiiiea in the City ol Toledo, County and Statu afore- aaid, ami lliut aai'l linn will pay the sum of O.NF, HCNItHKI) HOLLA US for each and every cae of Caturrh thnt cannot lie cured by Ihu line ol Hull' Cutarnili Cure. FKANK J.CIIKNKV, Sworn lo lie-lore nie and a-.ilmcrihed in my prewnce, this (Ith day ol Pecemlier, A. D. IWMI. A. W. (il.KASON, j kkm. Notaryl'tihlic. Hull's Catarrali Cure la taken inter nally end acts direclly on the blood and intn-oiis surliici'S ol the BVHtem. Send for tentimonialH, (ree. F.J. CIIFNKY.A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold hy drut;i;l",i HhU's Family 1'illa' are the l'Ht. OrcRuti MIT flarket Iteporl. (Corrected to Friday. j Wheat No. l.fWV bushel. vi,.iirlirtlunil. i: 40 iHr hid. 00c ner sk. Howard's Itest, i)Oo per sack, t:i.40per bill. Out -insacks. white, ll.lfvto I1.2.J per cental, gray. 1 10 lo $1.15. Hay olil limoniy, naiea, u per ion; l.u. x) lo il ,r0 mr ton. Clover $S Oats, $11 Mixed hay, $H. MillstnllH liran, ii.uu pr ion. al.nria it x AO tier ton : choii. $ 1 8 00 per ton, barley, rolled, $J(1.00 per ton, 1'Olatoen 1WC io ai.m per iniiiuimi lbs. l'olaloea, new, $1 23 to $1 75 per hundred lbs. Fifg Oregon, l(le ner dozen. Itutter Ranch. HO to -Hie per roll. Onions, choice 1 to ij4'e. per lb. AHparanns, 0c per lb. Khubarb, 2 per lb. Dried apple, 7: per lb. . ivniin, rilriuih iietitH. 2i! ner lb ; Ital ian, larire, 4c per lb. medium, Zic; SJr.4!i. .. , ,A l uriinipt, Jieew arm tnu"ii uu tier Ruck. (irfen imhs. Itc per lb. CnrrantH 4 to4'a'c per lb. Kasplierries .r! per box. (iooneberries, .'lc per 11). Strawberries, 5 (o (lc per box. Cabbage (new). 40 to 4rc per iIob. Honey, 11 to 12,'vC ppr lb. frames. Dressed thicken, 10 to 12,4 c per lb. i ;..uin,.lr ami ilrnHHi'il meats: heel. ii... i r,A ,i t l m tier biindreU. IIOl'S, live'Scts; hos, dressed, M to 7c; sheep, 2' to Jc; sheep, (lreMMeu, ou, veal, dreHsea. cenis; ikuuib, nro, 3c; lambs, dressed, b.'.jC. $1 OASTOrllA. Berth Itia Kind ton Hav9AliysBoiiht Sunrise Kalule. :I5 A. M. Oraud 1'arade. The parade w ill b foimed promptly at OA. M. wlih the right resting on Main street at Intersection of Filth street. IJrand Marshal J, J Cooke. Alder lr. K. A. Summer, (j. W. Grace, J. W. Loder, Millard Hyatt, W. E. Ilurna, C. W. Tope. II. S. Moody, J. E.Jack. The t io. Idem of Liberty, Miaa Veda William, and her attendants, Mins Edith Cheney, Mm Llizie Walker, Mi MiiIIIm lining anil Mis KUiol Albright will be ecorted from her home In car rlKa by (he otlicers ol Co. A., 0. N. (i., and a detachment ol 10 men, to the erty Car. The at. ten will be represented by 45 uirl. The following- primes will lie awarded: For let decorated cardage in parade, Urn i prim, $V, second prize. $2. For tn-rt decorated automobile, first price, $:. For beat decorated bicycle In parade, first prize, $3; second prize, 2; third prize, $1. For heat comic character on bicycle in parade, first prize, $.'); second prize $2; third prize, $1. For Ix-st U nit in parade, first prize $10 ; aecoml prize, $"; third prize, $3. The line ol march will tie on Main street to Second alreet, countermarch to Tenth street lo Hill Kovl ; on Hill Road to Seventh silent ; up Seventh street to J. Ad urn street ; on J. Adams street lo Filth street; down Filth street to Center street; lip Center street; to Fourth street ; down Fourth street to grounds. Position in the parade will be aligned a followa: (irand marshal anil aides. Hand, W. O. W. Company A., O. N. G. Liberty car with Goddess of Liberty and representatives ol states. (irand Army of the Republic. Union Veteran Union. Fountain Hose Co. No. I. Cataract Hoe Company No. 2. Hill IbweCo. No. 3. Mount View Hose Company, No. 4. Columbia Hook ami Ladder Company, No. 1. Park Place Hand. School children. Float" of business houses. Societies and associations in order of reiKirling to grand marshal, with their tl iat, banners, etc. City ami county ollicial in carriages. Ricycles. Automobile. The following program will be ren dered at 10:15 A. M. on the grounds at the head of Fourth street steps. Hon. C. H. Moores, master of ceremonies. "America" Chorus. 'Red, White and Blue" Solo by Miss Imogen Harding, and chorus. Recitation, Declaration of Independ ence, Mrs. O. W. Griflin. Anvil chorus, National anthem. Ofation, Hon. A. 8. Dresser. "Stat Spangled Runner," Chorus. Din ner. AFTKKNOON l-KOUIIAM. 12:4.') lloat Race, open to fishermen, double oar, prizes. $tl, $4 and $2. 1 :00 Tug-of-war on floats, three men to team, prize, $15. 1 :15 (irand ahde for lifo. 1 :25 Log-rolling contest, prizes, $10, $7aml$:i. 1:35 Swimming Race, 50 yards, prizes, $l! and $4. 1 :4.'j Walking greased pole over water, prize, $5. 1 :50 Grand military drill by Co. A., O. N.G. 2 :30 Japanese acrobats in their world renowned performance. 2:45 Firemen's hose contest, from Moore & Wright's to hydrant at corner of Voting's livery stable, where hose will be attached to hydrant and 300 feet laid, break coupling and get water. Prizes First, nozzle and $75; second, $50; third, $30 ; fourth, $20. Teams will run in the following order: Cataract Hose Co. No. 1. Columbia Hook md Ladder Co. Hill Hose Co. No. 3." fountain HoseaCo, No. 2. 4 i!5 Fat Man's Race (over 200 lbs.) 100 yards, prize, $5. 4 ::iO-Three-legi;ed Race, 100 yards, prize, $5. 4;45Sack Race, 50 yards, prize $5. 5 ;00 Wheelbarrow Race, 100 yards, prize, $5. 5 :15 Boys' Race, ages 8 to 13 years, 100 yards, prizes $2 and $1. 530l(X)-yard dash, for members of Oregon City Fire Companies and Y. M. C. A., prizes, $5 and $2 :50. BVEN1NU I'HOtlHAM. 7:15Grand Concert by two Bands. 8:15 Grand Slide for life. 8 .30 to 10:00 Fireworks and illumin ation ol Falls. They are Not Constructed Along Lines of Recent Sci entific Investigations. 5 OME time i;o it wan dincovered by Dr. W. I. Bonwell, a dentist, who hag made many scientific inventi- gationH in relation to the human teeth, that the lower jaw forum an equilatoral triangle, the bane or which is distance from center to center of the condyles of the jaw, and the sides the distance from these point to the medium lino of the inferior incisors. The Hides of the triangle average about four inches. The cento the tips of the the arc of the circle. A line d i u in lino of the head thro' which is known as the circle, the centers of the second lur line parallel to the firHt, of the second molar teeth, buccal cusp of the first mo ively the primary and sec rior arch that is, they mark direction. Failure in the unquestionably s due to a above facts. Dr. Pickens can give class references from jxirsons sets of teeth with comfort during a period of thirteen Positive painless extracting of teeth. No gas or cocaine, Lowest rates consistent with first-class work. anterior superior teeth are ia at right angles to the me the center of this circle, of the mouth, will pass thro' bicuspids teeth, and a siini through the posterior edges The cuspid and the anterior lar ,tceth, forming respect ondary eprings of the supe the decided changes in iU making of artificial teeth luck of knowledge of the you nearly a thousand first who are wearing artificial and pleasure, constructed years practice in Oregon Citj DR. 1. L. PICKENS. DENTIST Barclay Building, Oregon City. Not M'hat 1l Mrant. Rronrs. hnvliig Kent a stupid servant to do nt) oiTiiid, was jcn-utly annoyed on lltitllnir that he had done rxnctiy tho opposite to what he had been ordered. "Why, vu haven't coiomoti sense, Lo remonstrated. "ililt, s!r"- "Shut uih 1 should have remembered thnt you were an Idiot When I'm tctmitcd to send a fool on an prrand ijulu, I'll nut nsl; you. I'll go myself." A Klna-'a Kroaomf. An example of George lll.'s eon nilcs Is so curious a almost to sugjrest that It must have betokened approach ing Insanity. He acttiully let out the cream colored homes used for his state conch to a Jobmaster, who "thinks from the great receipt of custom thnt they will draw him into au easy for tune." Woes of th Collector. "Did you get aiiytulux out of her?" asked the business manager of the col lector. "Ves; she paid me a compliment. Said alio wouldn't be afraid to trust uie with the money If she bad It." New York Times. WILLAMETTE GROCERY ) Stevens Block Now Open for Business. Human Nature. The sermou of the best preacher Id the world will not make as much Im pression uikjii a congregation as the sudden pattering of rain on the win dow panes of a church containing 200 new bun net s. If you are not afraid to bluff It post pone trouble till tomorrow, and it will often leave and never come back. Atchison Globe. A Qoeer Landlord. (gag u mt -o mt mm sL Wife Just think of It. George, the landlord told me we'd have to move If we did not pay our rent George Well, does he think If we could pay our rent we'd have stayed here as long as we have? New York Journal. Exact Mr. Juan. Mrs. Rrown (Indlgnnntly) Is It true thnt he said I was "fair, fat and forty r Mrs. Jones I'm not sure that ho said The Core. "Gladys, If you knew how my heart burns for you!" "Try some baking soda. They say that's a splendid cure for heartburn." New York World. A Conundrum. Jimmy Say, pop. If I'd been born twins 'stead o' me. what would my other name be? New York Jour-nnL $3.30 Barrel Eastern Oregon Flour $3 10 Barrel Best Valley Flour 5c Can Good Alaska Salmon 25c 3 Cans Good Oysters 20c Pkg. Gold Dust Washing Powder 5c Pound Tapioca 5c Pound Sago 5c Pound Good Rice 15c 2 Large Packages Acme Mush Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS. D'ly ',D'ly r v A.M. 6 .V 8 00 8 U.V 9 CTi 8 20 IMi 8 381 9 35 8 44 9 40; 8 50 9 50. 8 58 10 00 9 08 10 10! 9 19 10 21 9 37 10 :i 10 00 11 021 10 OS 11 10 10 20 11 22: 10 3-IIU 30 T Effective July 0, 1!1 Lv. Portland .Ar, Gobi . .. . .. Rainier .. .. .Pyramid.. .... Msyger .. Quincy .. ... lataksnie. ...Marshland West port . Clifton... . ... Knappa .. .... bveiifen . John Day . . . Ar. . An'orU. .l.v D'ly D'ly A.M II 10 10 05 9 5 9 -'V 9 30 9 20 9 12 9 02 8 52 8 37 8 17 8 07 7 55 7 45 r.a. 9 40 8 35 8 20 8 00 7 54 7 46 7 : 7 28 7 17 7 02 6 42 6 32 6 20 6 10 8KASIDK DIVISION 11 30 a. m. 11 35 p. m 5 50a. m. 8 15 a. nt 6 15 a. m . 2 30 p.m . 5 O0 p. m 9 43 a. in. -1 ASTORIA "J v .-j SEASIDE .. 7 40m.n .. 4 OOp.m ..10 35a. m . . 5 50 p. m .12 30 p. m . . 7 20 p. m .. 1 30 p. m .. 9 30a. m Miles & McGlashan Propi. UELLOH S 2,000 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon, Washington, Cali fornia and Idaho now in operation by the Pacific Station Telephone Com pany, covering 2,250 towns. Quick, accurate, cheap All the satisfaction of a ' personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane and San Francisco as easily heard as Port land. Oregon City ofEce at Harding's Drii Store. CONNECTIONS. All trains' malte close connections at Gobi with all northern Pacific trains to or from the E9t or bound Points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union Depot At Astoria with I. R. & N.Co.'s boats and rail line, and Steamer T. J. Potter, to and from Ilwico and North Beach Points. Ticket office, 2-io Morrison St., and Union depot J. C. MaYO, Gen. Pass. Agt. Astoria, Or DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY TO SALEM AND INDEPENDENCE STEAMERS ALTON A AND POMONA LKAVS OREGON CtTY Going up, 8:00 A. m. Going down 2.30 r at Daily River Excursions or OREGON CITY BOATS. daily schedule: Leave PORTLAND I Leave OREGON C1TT Foot Taylor 8t, 8 30 A. M. 11 30 3 00 P. M. 6 15 Foot Eighth St. 7 00 A. M. 10 00 1 30 P. M. 4 30 Only the following landings will be made: Magoone's, Meldrum's, Morey's, Risley'a and Oswego. Sunday excepted. ROJND TRIP 25 CENTS. Oregon City Transportation Co. 1. nil, Septor Line. PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By tho fast and com modious steamer Regulator The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Leaves Portland daily except Sunday at 7 a. m. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. S. BOOTH, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or.. Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. PIONEER ImjM and Ere, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. , RATES - REASONABLE S. J. YAUGHN, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECONCITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE BRIDGE ASP ESFOT. Double and Single Rigs, and sad dle horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corrall connected with the barn for loose stock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person ol ietter.. Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Boarded and Fed on reason 1 bis terms.