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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JULY 4. 1902 Legal Notices. lUc of appointment! lliffnlor. Kolics Is hereby given that I, the under eigne.!, have been by order of the Honorable County Court ol Clackamas County, Ort iron, d'ul v appointed Kiecutor ol (he will ami stata of Jacob Kauch, deceased. All persons havini claims aKint said estate re herehv notified to present them to me alulv veritied at tb otfice of my attorney, M. fc. Cross, in Oregon City, Oregon, within tl months from Hie date of this notice, Jane 20lu, l!tt. W . J. R A I'CH. Executor. In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Ore- cnn. lor Clackamas county W. T. Davidson, I'laintifl, vs. Augusta Davidson, Defendant. To Augusta Davidson, the above named defendant, in the name of the Slate of lr Kon: You are liervby noli lied to he and appear in the shove entitled conn on or be fore the last day of the publication of these amnions, to wit: On or before Wednesday, July ltitb, l!V2. then and there to answer the cutm.lainl of the above named plaintiff tiled against you in the above entitled suit: and, if you fail ao to appear and answer said complaint, fur want tliereol the. plaintiff will pray to said court tor the relief prayed for in his said complaint, to-wit : For a decree of the above entitled court tor the dissolving and annul ling the bonds of matrimony now and here tofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and f,.r an absolute decree of divorce from you, the said defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof by order of the Honor able Thos. F. Kvan, judge of the County of Clackamas, Stale of Oregon, which order bears date of June 2nd, l'.WJ, and directs that said summons be served upon the said defendant by publication thereof lor six consecutive weeks in the Oregon City En terprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published in Oregon City, Clackamas Counry, Oregon; said publica tion to begin on tne (Mi day of June. 1UU.', and to end on the 18b. day of Jul v. l:- 8. W. STARK, Attorney tor plaintiff. Notice of 1'iual Settlement, In the County Court ofl'lackaiuas County State of Oregon, Jn the nailer of the Estate of( Jons KriMenson, deceased. ) Notice is hereby given that the under signed Executor of l lie Estate of Jons Kris tenaon, deceased, bas tiled bis final report therein in said court, and the court has tiled JULY 7TH, 1902, t the boor of 10 o'clock A. M. as a day and time for trie tiling ot objections to said re port, and for the settlement of said estate. T.J.JONSRCD. Executor of the Estate of Jons Knsten son. deceased. H. E nioss, Altfliey lor said Estate. County Treasurer's p olice. I now have money on hand ' to pay General Fund county warrants endorsed prior to January 2nd, 1900. Interest will cease on the warrants included io this call on the date hereof. A. Li'klmng, Treat?,, Clackamas Co., Or. Oregon City, June 20th, 1902. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas. 11 ae Edwards, PI iff i vs. Charles Edwards, Deft I To Charles Edwards, defendant above anted : In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint tiled berein against you in the above entitled snit, on or before the time prescribed in the order for trie Jiublicatiun of summons to-wit: on or be ore six weeks alter the the first ublication thereof, and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief in her complaint prayed tor, and lor decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defend ant, and for such other relief as may seem just and equitable. The date of tne first publication of this amnions is May 23. 1!X)2, and this sum rnons is published pursuant to an ordtr made ana enured by the circuit court ol tbe State of Oregon for Clackamas county, Hon. Thomas A McBnue, judge, on toe 11th dsy of November, 1!(01. GEORGE C. STOUT, Attorney fur plaintiff. KiicKtri" nam:. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the County of CUckamas. Cool idee and McClaine, 1 a corporation, Plaintiff;. I vs. ; 31. Birchei, Mary E I Birchet.Cliss. D. KoO-1 ison, Enoch tjkirvin and Mar; J. H. Hart mao, Defendants. Statu of Okeoon i County or Clackamas By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an encution, duly issued out of and a ader tbe seal of tbe above emit.ed court in the above entitled cause, to me duly di rect el and dated the lltn day of Jane, 1UU2, upon a judgment rendered and en tered in said uouit on the 21st day of April, 1U02, in favor of Cooliiine and McClaine, a corporation, Plain Hla, and against N. JJircbet and M. E. Birchet, Defendants, for the sum of $ 1 1-iO 53, with inur-tt thereon at the rale old per cent per annum Iron) the 21st day of Apr.l 12, and the further aura of $1!).75 costs and disbursements, and the cools ol ami upon this writ, command ing tne to make sale of the following de scribed real property, situate in the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the Noitbwest corner of John M. Drake's Donation Land Claim, running thence West one hunured and sixty rods (HjO). thence South seventy eight and one halt (Vt) rod-; thence East One hundred and sixiy (lUO) rdr; thence North seventy eight and one hall (7hJ4) rons to trie place of beginning, and containing Hi acres ol land and situated in Section 5, T. ii B. K, 1 E. of Willamette Meridian in Clack amas County, Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands ol said writ, I will, on Saturday, the 19TH DAY OF J CLY, lf2, at the bour of 2 o'clock P. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to re demption, to the highest bidder, for L. S. gold coin cash in hand, all tbe right, tide and interest which the within named de fendants or either of them, bad on tbe dare of tbe mortgage berein or since had in or to the above desbribed real property cr any part thereof, to satisly said execution, judar merit order, decree, interest, com and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By J. E. JACK. Dewity. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., J ana 13, 1&02. Notice ol rinnl Settlement In the County Court ot Clackamas County, 8late ol Oregon. In tut matter of the Estate off Wilev P Hover, deceased. ( Notice is herehv given that the under sign! Administrator ol the Kstattol Wiley P. Rover, deceased, has Hied nisllnal tti-ort therein in said court and the court has fixed MONDAY, tha4th DAY of AV0U8T, at the hour o! ten o'clock, A. M , aa a day and time tor the filing ol objections to said report and for the sen lenient of sad! estate. GEO. J.CVRRIS, Administrator of the Estate of Wiley P. Bover, deceased. L1VY8TIPP, Attorney for Administrator. Notice. Notice is herehv given that the under signed will am lv to the County Court of Clackamas County on Wednesday the ti'li day of August, isn't!, for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in less quantities than one iiailon. in accordance Itli the petition h re with p-ibliiieil.. CasPAK Jl'MCKK. In the Board nf County Comiiiissloiirra' Court, for Clackamas County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Application) ot Caspar Junker for a LiquorV License. ) To the Hon. Board of County Commis sioners for Clackamas County. Oregon; We tbe undersigned legal voters of Cas cade Precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereby petition your honorable body to grant a license to Caspar Junker to sell nislr, spirituous and v nous liquors in leas quantities than one gallon in said Cascade precinct for a period ol six mouths from the dale of granting such license, the pur pose being to keep a saloon for the aa'e of said liquors In quantities less man one gat' ion. Names. F. J. Walkley. Edward Kopper. John 8. Gibbons C. S. Chase. Chas. Ply tier. Gottlieb'M oiler. H. Wiekmer. J. H. Revenue. H. Ridderbuscb. T. O. Jonsrud. H. Bruns. Julius Klendand. A.B. Hybum. S. Haughmat). I. R. Duncan. Names. Joseph Willig. P. R. Meimg. Henry Kiddrrbusch. K. F. Sellman. X. Decker. Kennis Jerger. James Melan. Paul Dunn. Freii Wagner. In K. DiHige. Peter P. Hell. S. D. Coalman. J J. Wewer. W. A, Pructor r. Beer- John A. Strowbr dge. Ezekh 1 Beers, Sr. E. Beers. J.J. A. Hen. J. M. Dona! I. fheodor Kischer. Thos. Clark. Kch. Straus. William Waesps. A. etCQ J. G. IVSbazer. M. C. Donahue. J. P. I'hielrke. llruh 1'rubel. Ole Mikkelson. M. Lemart. Ott J H. Meinig .Michael Keisecker Conrad Siras?er. CITATION. In the County Court of ttieStite of Ore gon for the County of CI tetanias. In the matter oi the guardianship of Ir win I.e.-lie (t .rdon, a minor, To John Gonton, Caroline Irwin Gordon, and John Dowling Gordon, and the neit ol kin of said minor, and all other persons in terested in his estate. In the name ol the State of Oregon, You, and each of yon are hereby required to be and appear m trie above entitled Court on or before the 7th day of July, 11)02 at the hour ol 10 o'clock A. M. to show cause, il any there be, why an order ot the above en titled Court should not be granted as prayed lor. To show cause why a license should not be granted lor the sale ofti.e following described real slate, situate in the HUle ol Oregon, and being the properly of said minor: An undivided one third Interest in Lots 12. 13 & 14 in Block 22 in "Cambridge" In Clackamas County, Oregon, as shown by the recorded plat tbereol on record in saio County anil biate, subjei t however to a lite estate in Dr. Jonn Gordon; An undivided one third int-ret in the N W of the SE'i of Sec. 3d. T. 3. 8. R. 9. W. Ol toe W. M. In Til amook Co.. Or. containing 40 acres, and subject to the lile estate ol Dr. John Gor don : An undivided one third interest in the XEJ ot the N WJ4 of Sec. Id, T. 12. S. R. 7. W of tbe w. Si. and containing 4u acres, and subject to the lite ertte of Dr. John Gordon; An undivided one third in terest in Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 9. in Block 20 in Peninsular Addition No. 2, in the City of Ka-t Portland in M ulinoinah County, Oregon, and subject to the life estate of Dr. John Gomoii. ANDREW GORDON, Guardian of lriu Leslie G rdon, a minor, H. E. CROSS, Attorney lor guardian. Dated June 12tn, I!J2. Kommosii. In the Circuit Court ol the State of Ore gon witbin and for the County of Clacka mas. Anna E. Albee, "I Plaintiff I vs. 'f Suit for Divorce Charles T. Albee, I Defendant. 1 To Charles T. Albee, the aneve named detendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe compldnt Hied against you in tbe above entitled suit on or before Friday the 11th day of July, 11)02. following theexptra tion of six weeks publication of this sum mons. This suit is brought to obtain a decree of divorce between you and the plaintiff and awarding the custody 3f your minor chil dren Edwin Albee, Albert B. Albee, Lidias Albee, ami Mayerie It. Alrve to the plain tilf; arid you are hereby notified that if you fail to api-enr and an-wT said complaint as above required the plaintiff' will apply to the Coup for the relief therein praved. This summons is published by order of Thomas F. Ryan, .lunge of the County' Court of the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, made this 27th day of May, l!r2. Date of lirst publication Mav .'!0, 1(102. U'REN ctSCHI EBEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor police To Creditor). of Jacob S. In tbe matter of the estate Risley, deceased. This certifies that the undenigned has been duly appointed, bv the Courdy 'on t of Clackamas County Oregon, executor the last Will and leftument of Jacob B. Risley, deceased, late ol Clackamas Count) , Oregon. All persons havingclanns against Said estate are hereby not. lied to present the same to me for allowance at the office ot my attorney. C. H. Dye, Ea., Corner rh and Main Ktrett", Oregon City, Oregon, duly verified according to law, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated st Oregon City, Oregon, this 3rd day of July, A. D.. Wa. JOHN F. RISLEY. Executor of tne aforesaid estate. Kxerntor'a Notice. Notice ia hereby given that tbe under signed has been duly appinld by t e County Court of the county of Clackamas, etecutrix of the last will and teatamentof John C. McMurry, deceased, and all per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified to present the same with pror vouchers duly ver fied to the nnder signed st ber place of reside- ce near Dam ascus, Clackamas County Oregon wuhin six months from thedste of this notice. Dated this 23d day of June I!i02. NANCY ANN MCMURRY. Xxecutrix. Notice for 1iiIIIcmIIii. Department ol the Interior, Land ollloe at Oregon City, Oregon, J it 28, W02. Nonce Is hereby given that the followli g named settler has tiled notice of his linen Hon to make linal proof in supixirt of his cl .im. and that said rMif will ha made before Register and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on August il. 1'ki'JvU: FRANCIS M. Oil. I. H. E. 12W, lor tne of s.S of rc 28, t s, roe. He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion ot said land, via: S. C. Ilnllman. II. B. Sarver. K. 0. Huff man, 11. 11. Ander-.all of Gartl Id, Oregon. CHAS. B. MOOUF.Si. llegisier. lot Ire for I'libUcnt Ion. Timber Land, Act June X I'nlted States Land Olllea. Oregon City, Oregon, June 27, l!K2. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tne provision of the act ol Congress ol Jul e S. 1H7H. entlll-d "An act lor the sale ol limber lands in the 8 atea ol Cahlorma. Oregon. Nevada, and Waldngt'li I'errl t ry," a extended 10 ll the Public Laud Stales by act of August 4, ISI'J ROSA El, (i. 0S1I0RN, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, baa this dsv tiled in thia ottl.'e his sworn U'einetil, No. &r2, lor the pur chase ol the sei ol Section No. ;tl ill Town ship No A 8. Rmige No. 4 E. and will oil. r prixd to show that the land sought is more veluid'l- lor ita timber r stone t .an for .ri cnlmral purposes, and t-i eslahll-h his (laimiorald land helore the Kegistr and Receiver ol this office at Oregon City, Ore iron, Tuesday, the !Un day of September, 1902. He names as witnesnes: J C. Burke, of Molalla. Oregon ; Robert luulen, Edaar.l Burke, Kulwrl Oshorn, ol Port and. Auvandall pernons rlaiming adversely the aiiove-descntied lands are requested to hie their claims in this otlli-e on or before said 9tU dsv of Sei tember, l'Yl. CHAS. B. M -ORES. Regl -ler. Aa Cnrrownrd Klna of Etland. Writing of rrince AlU-rt In au urtlole In the Century on "The Koynl Kamllj of EngluiuL" rrofewwr Oscur Drowu lng says: From the first the i-rince Identified hllnst'lf with the queen lu all ber la bors. They had one mind and one soul. RImIiik every moruliiK with the Uuwn, the prince wenLnto his work room, where thulr two tables stood side by side, and read all their corre pondence, arruttglng everything for the queen' convculeuce wheu she should arrive. He knew all her thoughts nud oHslsted all hor actions, yet so udrolt and self suorlQcliiK 'n his conduct thnt all the merit utid pop ularity en me to her. The people hud no Idea thut he Interfered with public nffulrs, yet had they reflected they must liawe known that It was Inevita ble. Once during the Crimean war, when the notion got abroad that the prince had Intervened, there were tales of treason und of sending him to the tower. Yet on the day of the prince's death, on thnt cold, Icebound Saturday, Charles Klngsley said to the present writer, "He was king of England for twenty years, and no one knew it." CuurtaMtt !! In Spain the courtship 'l w" Klfn of flowers, and the " with shower of l.loaaoms oil th Cou ple. Wh pass Into a Moral In.wt un he U,f of the new home. The suitor Kla hi cotirtshli. hy kl"K f,,r, " Ko..d of water at the ho.uo whew object of his affection Uvea If thl request Is gra.Ued. he my Ht I,ls attentions, but If ,1,a 111Bttcr o.ul. there. I.l-r the U' rails ngaln. pa tiled ty musician mid torvhbearer. and while the limit dolln playtT atrum their Instruments the lover's companion make, hi ad vances. Any time during the courtKhlp the suitor may l rejected l-y the Kin of a pumpkin. Three times ho must make formal suit for a wife, a ids re quest cannot be granted t first. Hut If her father refuses the third time lit may consult a magistrate, who de mand that the daughter b pr.Hhi.iHl or that her father give his consent to the Marriage provided he I an honor able man. He cau then carry oft hi bride. Hut this emergency does not of ten ri8e.-Voman,s Homo Companion. DmcBlsts' Colored Mottles. Those huge glass bulbs of red and yellow and blue water which are called show bottles are gradual: ceasing to be a feature of the decoranon of drug gists' windows. In the past they were us uecessnry to every drugstore as a red and white pole Is to a barber shop, but they have uot, as the jiole has, well defined history. All that druggists know of them Is that they have been always um-d as window ornaments. The brllllunt liquids that they coutitln are made cheaply and plainly of chem icals and water. Thus a solution of copper and ummonlu makes blue. Bi chromate of potash makes orange. Ani line dyes have of late been used In tho chemicals' place, but the liquldB fade In a strong sunlight and have frequent ly to be renewed. Tbe liquids colored chemically, on the other hand, last well nigh forever. Philadelphia Record. Iietlo Salutations. In our salutation Wl" "r0 P,H'tll',,, and pious without rfallr.lng It. "Hood by" which fulls s.i flippantly from our lips. Is really "Clod be with you." and (Joed day" means "I wish you a good dny-a happy, prosperous day." Tho l'h.enlclan on meeting used to ask. "What occupies you'f" Another of their everyday phrase meant to ex press Joy and pleasure was, "I'lesh. rejoice r Every day oil our streets we the not Dhrase of the tiertnans. gchtsT (How goes It?) or "Auf wlednr schen" (Till we meet again). And the llullttti fruit dealer at the corner call to his comrade In his native tongue. "Und give you a good morrow." The ancient Irish mother tiixm en tering house say In her own lan guage, "Tho blessings of I Sod le on this house." "Peace 1 with you" Is the Hebrew benediction, and the answer Is equally beautiful. "With you be M-ace." hear Wle ln.ere.tlna for the llnahwnd. A tithd lady warned her new garden er that her husband had an Irritating habit of disparaging everything he saw In the greenhouse and of ordering In a reckless innniier hew plants to 1st bought -Hut on no account humor him," slin said. "Whatever he suys. throw cold water on hltn. or he will ruin u with his extravagance." At this point the new gardener turn ed on her a white and startled face. "Mu'am." he suld. "If he orders me to pitch every plant In the place on the rubbish heap. I sliu'n't ever have the pluck to douse him In 'old water. Won't it do as well If I get a tlrulu of warm water out of the boiler and let It trickle gently down his iieek'f'-Ixm-tlon Tit Hits. rreaentlns Arms to Cat. Pome fifty years ao a very high Eng lish olUclal died In a fortress at a place thnt Is one of the centers of Ilriihmanlc orthodoxy, and nt the moment when the new of his death remind the sepoy guard ot the main gate a blin k eat rushed out of It. The guard pre sented arms to the cut as a salute to the flying spirit of the powerful Eng lishman, and the coincidence took so firm a hold of the locality that up to a few years ago neither exhortation or orders could prevent a Hindoo sentry at that gate from presenting arm to any cat that passed out at night.-- Itotn bi:y Times. ProsreaalT Tlppllna;. A correspondent of the Lancet tells a Story In reference to the rapid growth of the habit of tippling which limy he developed lu unsuspecting subject. Two elderly ladles, he says, were sur- lle Ran. fiol Rmlth Russell had three young nieces living In the west, of whom he ! prised by a visitor lu the act of drink " i. i i- t 1. 1.. i.... was very fond. On one occasion, so the story goes, be took the youngest of them for a walk and bought her some candy on the agreement that It wa not to be eaten until they reached her home. They started, but before they bad gone far the little girl proposed, "Let's wun!" Her uncle declined, and there was long pleading, all to no pur pose. Finally the little girl stopped, knelt down on the pavement and of fered up the petition, "I)od, please make Uncle Sol wun." "It was simply a question of my los ing my dignity or her losing her faith In God," aald Mr. Itussell In relating the Incident, "so we ran as fast as we could for Lome." Mod nils of Words. A negro boy wag In the bablt of giv ing his natne as "Nedlcudlne7.7Ji Ik-lt-tlkedlshazza Sham Ham Jafac Max well Brown," mispronouncing nearly every word. The sound of words has a greut at traction for the negro, and he use them regardless of their meaning. A negro woman was with difficulty prevented from naming her child "Cru cifix," tbe sound of the word attracting ber. A negro preacher in a sermon de clared emphatically: "I comes not to contaminate any oth er sect" repeated still more emphatic- Ing neat brandy. I'ixiu his expressing some surprise they said that brandy had been recommended to them ss a capital preventive against cholera and thnt tbey first took It with water, and theu they took It without water, und now they took it like u tiler. Csrelea f'ondnctor. "Isn't this awful?" asked the com mon looking man on the crowded street car. "Isn't this awful? Why, there are already 1C people on this cur." "It is awful," agreed the person ad dressed, who wus a street rullway magnate. "It Is awful. There ought to be at least twenty more In here. I'll take that conductor's number and have hltn on the carpet tomorrow." Balti more American. Hit It. An Iowa man being examined In Washington to determine his fltnes for a consulship was asked, "How mttny HesHlans did (Seorge III. hire to come to this country to fight the Amer- I leans during the Revolution?" Ho thought for a long time. Then he snld, I "I don't know, but It was a darn sight more than went buck." I,0Altl OK C0ISSI0Xr:iH. (euutt Kcfiilir June Term Hoard of the ftc-lenliflo Faet. Doctor Speaking of ' your trouble With your husband, do you know that It Is a scientific fact that meat causes ally "I comes not to contaminate any ' had temper? other sect; I comes to exonerate your, Mrs. De Jarr-Oh, yes; I have noticed minds." Independent Business sad Poller. "And now, my son," said the father, "as you are about to go into business for yourself, It Is well for you to re member that honesty Is tbe best poli cy." "Yes, father," said the noble young man. "That honesty Is the best policy, and," continued the old man, "If you will study up the laws you will be sur prised to find bow many things you can do in a business way and still be honest." It always does, and especially when It's burned. New York Weekly. Made and staking: I'p. Mr. Splnks-Well. Willie, bag your sister made up ber mind to go to the concert with mo? WIIIIe-Yea. She's made up her mind, and she's making up her face now. She'll be down In a minute. The Walk-ln-the-Water, tbe first steamboat on Lake Erie, made her first trip from riat Itock to Detroit In Au gust, 1818, leaving on Sunday and ar riving on Thursday. t It. M..rl. Jh ! a X' KIIHn t'ommlssl.."'- 11 It rememlsired. That l Will" .ermultbo Hoard ' ''""H.,.;;;.1 ' .loner, lor the t'ounty nl I 1 .. Htale ol Oregon. iM'gun h'hl al lb art house I., county an.l on wed,. v. h 'y u' Jui'"; : ,.... Isnng th regular tun flx' by law tranesctlon 1 ',""j5,1 l M rum' Then, we.e present: Hon J. I . Morton, . Job., l-ewellen ami . T . Kllli... r...ninls.oner.; K ll. .o-'l'. elerkiJ. J. l' '",rlir V 1 ! (, wing proceeding"' '" !'!, lo ', lioa.l Ihslrlct No. :'S- Sen H Ut A I,, John NigMmiial ' James Mart Win Itrvan " Henry Pangherly J" Scull t arter .', . I. UTrulHngcr " CNHroli N II Wade I "' Kiank Sherman ? J 1.0 Nightingale J .Morris Thomas J CJ Vnrl.e.s ' ii wu.n " Itsy Wyland ' It,.., Johnson ' " It r' llnylc. g" w Total II" !,m,l District No. t. tie,. II Kite A Co K-ad Di.tri. t No. :u- Tuslatln Mill I'hl! ' V. Kaiikiu. bridge II I'latt. bridge I " J II run. hridrt ' " J Kre. koll. toad " rKI A II l1 K Itankin...' ' JKi-er 6 John Hi. kner " W Itu kner ,, A Itavi.lsoti u J II I'latt ,H.'- J Monroe K 'J VI t'l.n. k J ' ? VV 1'hoinss 5 ' A Woitlungtoii ' K I'l-'t M ria I ? w ' li Waldorf 'V j-:"'1" ,!-! I Long - K fluids w J It 1 1 ay ! ,HI J Monk -" '"J J C.-.k -B J llsitlel 21 "U I Villus I "1 K Wl.ittin IH K ('ronend. 14 W J Hay 17 v 0 1'avidson 4 IK A Koetner K Itankin " " J 11 I'latt 3 W II I'latt llenrv I'latt 1" ltoa.l District No nu- Ali. Irew Anderson,,,, N lllair I' l t'brlstner t'bartet t'aaio. ' t'liarles (illrn t'brlsl Kmtseii Davl.l JloalKtter William Jminlng K L Kenagy ileiilon Killln ' tlxorgM llfer , '' ieorga t)liig " iM I'elermn Samuel I'ratlier (" James Itnner J C lteaaiiir Alfred H. Iiutlder C V Nuncktr wm t.mI.i . Aniltew Tlivkjer r ii watni.iai.i Aiii.m Yoler Nb Y.Hler,,., "" K A Yo.lnr Hud """ Tolal.... t ak MSN A I, ItoAt) Kf.j Kiank Huai'li lieo II Kate A t o w Kiurri A l-acer Mmdilikt Hell A Co "" ...111 I lng . . . Kt'liilds ... J It llava .. t) W Kr.ise. tl X H 111 Itl (SI It It V iltnoiit II J W Mono I' K Shipley J Dennis 17 M W Wanker " K'' Total I'77 H!i Itoail liistrlct No. 31 Anlinr llurland .... t 15 l1 lien Athey T T llaker ' (Seo Keller 10 .'s J I. Kru I Homer Krut W0" Albert Turner :i ' Kre.1 Wi.gell.-r 1 o0 John Wilken I T L Turner 7 fcl Ol' Sharp : io Kdw Sharp 7 .Ml tie irg.t Aden 4 .VI tiny (irols .'M Mike Sl.aler 4 .V) M.ko Sbsler, Jr 4 fit) John Suger, Jr oh 11 Sager. . Jacob I i'H-t. . . . . I rstik Kegel Carl Korman.... John Aden 30 (SI Total 11411 X i:md District No. riL' Aug Hol.naKel f 1 Ml (!arl Kolman 1 (HI llaker Hros, bridge HI L Seely tl (K) A Camelil 4 Ml H 15 Seely H 75 J K Harns H 00 II Her 2'j r,0 A Yoss J H 7f J Unison 3C0 J Taylor (1 (X) H Voss il (X) II K rouse 1 M) S Itoberts 1 M J linker ( (SI V 0 Heater M 00 Total $1(17 8!) KohiI District No. 3.'5 J A Keid 130 (10 ItOH.I District No. 31 rc.r A Co $ A M) K S Ilaker 4 :t Wilson A Cooke 17 (ir K Story 11 ,10 J C Townsend lr (Mi KKd liahlorf U2 M) j 1111 luser L'li 00 Henry (Jilliort 42 84 II Hill . ... Fritz Wagner Caleb Cross. Tom Mnnson I John Kelly M I'etlt... (ico I'-Htilorf Km Katdorf fieo I'etit Msx Klinger Hen Iinrgeas.,.,.. Hugh Chlnw Albert Blackburn. .1 McDonald D Jones Frank Shipley.... D Dickie Ben Moore C Caiwr (Hen fistdorf. 45 1)8 40 81 411 81 75 25 :w 8 75 II) 75 45 60 'J4 f.0 1!H 00 24 M 28 88 25 38 111 75 2(1 25 17 60 35 00 M 00 40 00 1 00 Lot!. . J una lih, In 12. In tbt mailer ol itaion otJln hell, rl al, (or vsteusloii ul livui tirautiHl. In tbt matter ul Hit llutard'i I Or.lmtil oIwiiihI on i lalui lum to oilgllial Milillon. In Hit matter of rejatrt of ,;Mrl sutvey of l'aratua ltoa.l kea.n In tbt matter ol W. I.. lt,le, rhsrgn Nmt orderrd Ukf Ir.jaj lrr toll. In the malt r o( reirt of rlt, survey ol Miley ltoad-ltaj ra In tbt nia.ler of risul aarniru lH4'.i:i. 18IIS1, iM4!irJ. lM'JI. lHf7 tu Mf.' Ordered cancelled. In the. matter of report ol survey ol rliaug in Lon K.j llrst lime. In the matter ul rotinls tvrui 10 731 Ordered ram-rlle.) In I lie matter of ient of n, nriey ol IVidut and Stiulesti , Head llrst Unit. In lbs matter ot pptilioo of W 1110I, el al, for a county road U4 until next term. In Him mailer of dauiage of it, laud Koa.l Ordeiiil tlial rjirsifi lisid bv rountv, I IH. In Hit matter of atpliraiiua 4 MclHiuald for rvbateof pull tai-tra Jnner.Ui. IXC. In the mailer ol a-tition ul C !t for a road of public rss.-tne sMin lu the mailer of Ih si('Ustiaa .e J. M. kiliil lor ran.eliatstafi gk'e Tales (irmted, In the mailer of iwtilion oi t lb for aid (.ranted , 00 l June 1st, lii:'. In th matter o( work In Rou!D No 4 S.ierviir ordeit ioit!( mi ioiy Koad nor ih of K4 l HmU-e. In the matter ol report ol itn s.iivey of Miley roail OideH ll.bed. KII'SNSS iuuljrr. O I' Sharp I John V ag-ner - W A CfisM.ll I'.tll I'ellail ,y Filer rwl Kiltr J I. Swly K 1' 1 Total -V In ibe matter of report "I tin'" survey of Haratow Itijad liMrlc1 Ik-1 1 ierin. In I lie maitrr ol reorl ol auivey ol lilitf Koad-Ordtred nf sti'SMss Actoi rt. Wiley May 1 F 1' ltaiula Tolal ' In Ibe matter ol report cl survey ol IVrdue and StrUtM" 1" Viewer ordered to amend rttA In ibe matter of rent of rwk J to Hei.edict Father ol Mol W County received 151.00 in f"1'-. In the mailer of report Of w survey ol Wile Itoad-HtsJ W In the mailer ol iea.rt ol survey ol Scones toa.l-Ke1 June (Ith, In the matter of report of aurvey ol Wile Road-Ordered if EXI'KNSK ACCOllT. D V Kinnair.l ' In the matter ol rewrt ol 8orf re survey ol Sconce KoM w oiK-ned. XI'ltSlt l'lOl,,r J, T II Sconce 1 W S Sconce i F V Smith K I' Kandi , IiitUmVlter'oVs.ilt'oiWr"1' ainai County-Settled for Mw June 7th, 1J . 1 matter ollndiifsntW " Jim lirown 17 w) Chas Hitupson. 15 75 Total H20 88 Road District No. 35 Chester Klietterly $ 2 25 rreu Wagner 12 25 Ir. the -Allowed 1100 00 from Oenefin Inlhematterol.PplifLj,j W W Itellmore Allowed Itnl Soldier fund. tiff In the mailer of L l. county charge Allowed tJ"" r pants. June Oth, M- In the matter of ,--tUion of .j As.s:iation for vacation of t Cirsnted. trMrfl1 In ibe matter of Turner B" by C II Dauchy-Arcepted W orrlered drtwn lor $:I0J &'Ttft In the mailer of rejort a survey ol Harstow eotint ordered paid a fo'10"' 5 r j Killings Itbys liwlnn Dan (irosliong W C Hammer M II Smith It T Harstow K C Thorn al J F Jones C K 1 homas... II II Johnson j Total $14 50 Total. . Bifaatut