Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 04, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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regon City Enterprise
"the localnews.
. IW.I IN Til K I'AIIK -Oil II.U kflr
I"11' I....M will hn daiicii.tf
.TaoVinnh I'vk Many
i fr Uni inn oti tl. F.iunli of J ill.
TV,. will l' manaued '7 i"uy.
... Km ,m Inihan Hriiuul.. (leor-
..y.l wa miil up on Wed una-
'"l,. in Chum III charge j an
i III. atUII. Ill" IW"w. I'.iii.m
? . ...iM.I mnl r" aay, iiikinK
, 10 tin '-"X;
Y.n li'l
a ft . .. I., if
rl I )T llimin inn .'. r ill
, company nl 1,1 '" ''y
iirn In I'lmrifn of Klral
4 I I III 'i . .
r . . 1 .... erM.ltlat.lv. I linv
I III lll'l-' - '
,l v. rv neat a'lonrino ill
i lilull
& nun ol
take t.fllea (he llmt Monday In July
Anaeaaor-elect Nel.on will succeed A-J-'Mor
Willi,,, jn,ury niul M
Hl.nvKr'i eh,. ,,.m,y W, u K (,
llrt. knit, nf Hlo.u,, h, tln ,,w ,Mjr
W try to run 1,1 nillct, with il, j, ,
! liftit tht fi.M cutii.
I'iMliiMMillwili.nof Mf hIihvit
III iol movi t.iM f,,nly lo tlii .-Ity tin-
l,IH"lHeu r. If I.mm t.riiiitH.-I to l.x.k
alter violator of tl, ,,,.y(. 1,1 law, ami
W't I MID (I...I .tl a. 1 1
their wheel.
Mi k ,
CI.0SK (UHK Willi t'l DEI.IT V.
Team II.11U tho YlHitori
hcure uf 4 lo 8.
'Ml. I tint 'nit ii UnirU It U'.ii
... me., mi m inn Stule Circuit Court
VntiiHl ImUt Piano Hum... t ,UVB J(.
laitcr re.iuine.l (,, 0t.Ht ri t mu the
niewalk In front of ii,H
plod by ti,t, .Uii,ir, Hii, ir.nii dwiuri.iim
"" "' iy nailing Unxc
"rui aui'voa (Hal i
.....-I.: HUM Nl ll,M tlwrtl.fHHt IMrilfr III
I rk ami W.nlilnt,,,, $uin -(lrl
mini wiiKrn liu (.xl.tluli ml m.IU .lptt ll4vi,yi.
tot) il nr-t I i if
TIimIoi hI nli.tt tlie Fnlolliy tim
of I'onlHiiil Hutiilay hy l,nnrliiii lU lill
HI Him i.roml ltililli C lir pilcliHil lug j
umiihI n.my K4in. mr klliK out 12 liixu If
Hi id kllnw
iK IIim till wi-ll rmt..r.v), Mcliinn
plu liml KJn.-llm.t l.itll, fxi .t in tliH Wrc
oml iniiliK, Knli-liiy iiiaId runx in tlie
H'lii, sigh ii i,. ,,tii inl n looktvl (r
tiiiin hn tliniiifli tlm (..( would I) llml.
tint Willi I wq out mnl miioinl ami iliird
um WTUpiMil, Hominr, who i.Ml Ireen
UttliiK llm I.mII Mil over this lot, hit
jlioft lly to flrit miiJ the limiiB wh over.
ilt) oie:
foco Ale I
Ice Cream.
I Ice Cream Soda
Delicious Cooling Drinks
A II. JC. II. I'O.
Branch Offlot 3
ioerlcin Lmodry Phone 683 j
f v .i.kl i.nili.rina.
nr ni
j,r Mrini at Vni.A.-rAn oll
k ,nil MHi'lil """'HiU will
l VluU, coiiiiiimirlnii July I),
i,,,.inliu or t' HuinUvii. Iy
1" ..I . I.m VI,. I. Clor... u
tun. i'i '" ' ' "---n" ,
.1 .... i ...... i .
u lliw niooll'iU. t,,"i I 1 ii K
f M
IHnIiiiIhii anil lnu..a . I...
1'ifinin.a iioiii llm ii,f,.,Uiit. H r.
Ilifr alatoa that ni-ar ami lurk of tlm
riHirna o.tiii,1,., ,y ,j,( , , ,,Hirw,y
i-a.liiiKm, I, la. atrHt,an,l tliat it hat
.'mi tlm ltarti. o of tlm Kil.ir'a I'lano
lloinm tiiiniiVKV ami iiiiivh piaiiD on
ll'aiilrala,nltoliliHk up llix al.le
walk In front ol dm ., , alll tm Ut
jnl up Imix.- kikI alint out tlm liln
from tliM Klml.ma. t N u !lir.l
that tlm (li.li.mUm h.l, Imx.-a on Hid
a.r.r.lk, !,,!,. W,.la H t-a liitiltlritf
mualral iimiruini-nla, ami drown the
aollinl of tlm rtt .
mx.i Kkai.v Foil HXAMIM T,y
lliounarnl f.uir hnii'lrcl anil iiiiihIv!
1 i.iilin Iwu umllth ill tin Kaat, ' I r ' l.akn trout mr hroucht to Ihia
Tn1 fflailVfa, am ni'fi'lwl Iikiiiii li. '"y Kiiday fu-rnoon from the l.'iilti'd
Mr M.iniuniiifry waa a il..... 'at.-a Cla.kaiiMa Kir-h ('oinininioii
iluilif rri-livli"lan (luiifral A"fin-1 s'atloii ami tiirii.'il ovit lo a r-1 r u t n -i
aill pn-arh in llm Klrat ! ,'v1 of thi-Orrjimi Kinli ami iarnn Aio-
m Cliiin ti m-t Humlay ami Iiin fiti.n. They Hi'rn tnU-n t.. Portland
4 I M Hi innrinrin anrii: u .. u..-i ...ma nini Ken. pianii.i
... . .. i . u
I ttenrrat ,in.-.ti.u.
l,,tiK ciiyiiKiil ami ivryh.Mly
to alfml No a'lllilaaioll Mill
. II... I (UM.IIV . I
,.,(viuhi. "HI I'0 I" !'' all
( tlm iiii'iniiiit.
1 ..., y.ur KnKtTKII I'oMK HiMrV
.. I f llu u.1... I . all llll.llMM.I I. ... .
I Mn',k',,,,irrT " ' 1 ",,,,"7i w navn j
f,rriu Ka low Wath. Work of
! j Hit atrarupr rry Kigh', alil. li
(.uriKk l.,ivt Clarkainaa ICapiila
i nIv iiu'lit ami iM-a.'hx.l nn l mfiiifiiifiit of
T i i - . - ii.... -l-l ... ....
-Drtl inn "i mi' rif iirar iiiir i'J. .inn arn anil
ii -tU il'Mll'IOIH'd.
. ..Iiri.la ll.at il Waa alllXMt in.
t .t In ral 1 1 hy llipana ol pnni.. i lni.lha.
ill .H.-adow l.akn t.y the , -hilinn. Till
la llio lul of (In. Ink., trout riiiiaiuiiiK at
Ihn aiatlou. Kmlil Su.i.iliin.nii'nt
Wiatirr wl: clear the atntl .ri of (lli hy
July l.'i an a in i ready for llm mm-
a in- K'aMi.r, 't work
ill Ihn alaliou "110 (HW
l.fn. I.
Young, II'
Gianni, c...
Kni kimr, a.
M.Cuitiiin, r.
HIM'. c. I...
jCalill', p
Cal (inil. 3 b. .
('hat. tittil, 1
Snnnnr, c. f. .
.Mi.innn, p. . .
Marl, a
Iiwr, I. f
3 0 t 0 4 O'Zj
4 0ioo rn
4 0 0 (I 0 2'C
-'b 4 1 2 7 1 Oifi
l!rwliiieiHr,c 4 0
i'oyt, r. f 4 1
...4 1 0 12 3
f.. 4 1 1 0 0
...3 0 1 I 0 0
... ' 0 0 0 'I II J
: J
..'ii 4 7 27 14 6 K
...5 0 2 2 0 l'C
...6 U 1 2 3 Ilk-
...ft 0 1 8 1 O'kj
...ft 2 1 0 0 o!u
...3 o o 2 3 o'n
...3 0 1 0 1 0 K
4 I 0 0 0 (I "j
0 10 4 0 M
1 o u Y
mi mil
4 12 3
Total 3H 3 7
lit .sa II y INNIM,.
I 2 3 4 ft 7 8 9
n mtimi atmr i utiiook lin..n. mi) K.ai.'rn l.r,.,k
trout, WH'il t.lai'kitt.-d tmnt ami ni.(KK)
try. 1 wi'iily flvn thouiaiid
.iriil nl llm ilainaii.) to ln-r hull la
JiViliV. It la flow the illtnntlon ol
.ii i ny I rantpiiri.nioo i i.tu
to .lo n.illuii( Until altnr Inn rivnr
oil), Itntly to repair tna boat wlniri.
u KoiiH A I si'.x. Thn rntall
1. ul tlua rily ork'nnirr-1 a uiii.iii
ir n tit tit til I th lollow ilia ollii'rr
4-intc.l to mm until llm
I-., wiirn H.ntiariiil ontaiiixalniii
h rff.'1-lfl : K. W. Ilmnphrr'a ol
f rt'a It.ik Ntiirn, luioiilnrit ; Harry
r, ol lltiiitli-y'a liniK Htor, vnn-
1 : K. K Taylor, wcrmary ; K C.
f ol Frank Ituat'h'a, imaaiirrr ; Win.
!. ol llama' (iriwnry, wardi'd.
r tlit ili-rka i(mt. the roll,
in City now haa five iiulona, paint-
itllr, clnrka. Indxral ami carpnn
acmnpriai in all ovnr IKK) pnol,
witiimi, ol liurity, watli., will
it 10 A M Knv. I). V. Hull, o(
n, Kin., will lecliire during the
fcnof the ramp intnluiK. 'I'lieclna
fcr, Sunday, July 21. will tin devoted
l comnlemlinii of the National
i.il Iw lalit.n and atate orpaniM-
(iiiitt Lazniln, of Orison 1'ily, I
i ulol tlm ata.H iatlon ami t'ounty
i w Allied l.uellliiK la (rcrntary,
r Boat to roari.ANU. TIih re
F a of the Ori'Kou CityPortlaixl
lummmetirnd and the public will
1 lo learn that thi city will en- j
f :uly h.mt nrvir all tnroUKll the!
I-'. The ati-Hiiitr Ltniia ba been j
j uniu reniiiKi nil looka like a
foiirrnuml trip will Ih nude
Hi'") lmt will uitii b at the ful
iy lamliua an at no other
f Mk.iii.' park, Mehlrum',
II, Kinlty'i and Oawosro. Tho fob
Miflnlt will be maintained:
fOrtKon City .t 7 and 10 A. M.
1:30 n1 V. M. Leave l'ortland
f nJll .:KiA.M.andat3:()0 and
ff U n.. ....
1 me e'eamer will lay over
MlOrivi.n City. Ronn.l trlu 2ft
tieniiira.i iroul, aloi.K Willi llm i'.jhtern
hr.M.k IioiiI on band, will hu nhipped to
J. N. VVallim-ford, of Seattle. The hl.ick
ittnd triiui are owned hy C, IJ. Hunt
lev, II. Lelnhton Knllvan l other locnl
portuien and will he planted in flarka
inw County water.
Hoi- Ai.na William ami Ann Kiel-
Ifltf til It.-lirH N Nllllfll MMl luum,!.
tdmrter ' frmii the Nnntti 0 aere yard, f.inr mile
rant of Aurora, 12'i' rent per pound.
I'elir Healer to I'lul Nen A Co., 12 000
pound from the Heater yard four mile
otithea'l uf hlu-rwood, at 10 rent per
iiiml. Jamea II. darker to I'hil Nen
A Co.. Hi Ml pound l 10 rent per
pound K li. Join- to I'hil Nei A Co.,
I.', I Ml ikjiiiiiI at 10 ceiil per ouml.
Aila-ut and Helen Hothenberit
poiimli frmn the KhIIiiuiIhTk' yard 2'(j
tnili aoutheaat of Aurora lo H.J. Mil
ler, of Aurora, for 14 rente tier pound,
Joaepli 11 HIiiik ami J. J. K inic. of Har
low, 0000 pou'iila from Ihetieorue Zieiiler
yard one mile louiheant of IWrlow lo II.
j. Miller, nf Aurora, lor 15 cent per
pound. Michael Sporaltky, of Wllnon-
of New
1(1 cent
l)reion City 0(1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 4
fidelity 000 1 0 0 0 1 13
Karim I rnii Oregon City 2, Fidelity, 1,
Two-haao bite Chan, lied, lloyt, Ken
tier, Keckner.
Siolen bate I-e, I'arrolt (2). Mclnni. f
IaiH on hatet O.eKoii City, (i, ( idelity 0, : W,
llatea on halin OH Cablf, ) oil' Mcln
ut", I .
Sacrifice hit Kpp, Call If.
Struck out Hy Caliir, 12; by Milnnin.S.
AtlemUuce 3.C).
Cinplro Jack iUukin.
hrrcn.nT ( Aac MXTlxi . The
i )irllii!nl cauip mwtlrnr at New
i ll bt hrld Una year from July t lo
a lucluiivn. .Mm, La id rlmilcail
Wvrtthjitfeit a niediilii. frir ll.riaAt.
' -1 If . It Allen will l the il.ytial ! o 8. and K. I'hliiiann,
.. . . ....... t . . lV,..b .'il. 1.1 IUVI .......1. I...
a'.iror. in niiuuny, jtiiy o, l.ev, i vnj, i..,,. ni.i.i..n, ioi
Cot'STV llrvirllii Aui.il' Klu.r.
J'l'm K. Shaver, of Molalla.
Krnk A. Sleiirhl. of Canhy.
'"elect Krio Cahill of New Kra
ler.elect Henry K. Steven, ol
r irrived l n.I. ..iiu i,i s..l
fP" paririn to Into olllce next
f.Mthe Uw provide that the
'".except the aatoaaor, aliall
I wr HMimi. iriieia ine rwcoro price ni
the year. J. S, KohcrtA, of Slmrwoo.1,
to It. M (iaiewnod, of l'ortland, from
the Ifoberu yard two mile Houthrt of
Sherwood, lo l(. M. (iatewixvl, ol Port
land, from the Itobert vrd two miles
oiitbwtt of Sherwood, ftOK) pound at
12 cent; Mr. J. tf. McConnell yard U4'
mile loutli of SberwiMiil, 10,000 pound
t 13 ennt"; II. K. Slnlill, of Canhy,
to A. J. lUy, of Portland, from the
Kni(ht 'arm onn-iialf mile north wcit of
Canhy, 5000 poumla at l-'u' cent.
ira.TIna I. In lo Vau,
And nay oine other naive, ointment,
lotion, oil or lleued healer i a liood in
iiucklen' Arnica Salve, tell him thirty
ver of inrvlou cure of Pile, Hum,
Holla, Corn, Felom, ulcer, t ut,
Scald, Hrttian and Skin Eruption
prove it' the beet and rheapt'Ht, 2oc at
(ieo. A. llardiiiK'a druu Store.
Vucatioii IMya.
Vacation time b hero and the cbil.lren
are la!rly living; out of door. Their
could ho no healthier place) for them.
You need only to niiard ataint the ac
cident Incidental to mot oimn air
)Mirta. No remedy eiplala DeWitt'
Witch Hazel Hulve for quickly ntoppinf
pain or removing dnimer of eeriou con
eiience. For cui. aoald and wound.
"1 lined PeWitt'a Witch llaaol aalve for
tore, cut, and limine." naya L. B.
Johnton, Swift. Tex. "It is the best
remedy on the market." Sure cure for
pile and akin diee. Beware of
counterfeit!. Geo. Harding.
Letter I.InI.
The :ollowi!itf ia the lint of letter re
maining in the al.ifliceal Oregon City,
Ore , on July 3rd, 1!M2:
womkn'i liht.
Bair Carrie Mina May Lucy Mi
Camhell A Mia I'cteat Karly A Mr
liiienlher Mary .Mr Putterton H Mr
Miller Oiliu Mil-a S until Ida Miaa
Si in moil W I) Mrs
mkn'i i.iht
Baxter CK MnherDW
Boyle Cha lleiikel Fred Jr
Burdiun K P Line A J
Byrne K li'iick (iilbert
Coleltu Louia Stewart Jal
Clinton C Seley Oacar
F.van 1 T Tuttle F U
Finher J U Walters H S
Walker J N
Straight Front Coraeta 49c up
Oolored Mercied " Under
skirt 75c up
Ladirt' Summer Underyest 5c up
" Black Hose . 5c up
" and Children' white
bemstitched Il'ilk'chiefi 2 forjc
Ladir' white Apron 15c up
' Keaily JIade Dress
Skirts $1.25
Satin Rihlon, No.5,all color 4c yd
Tailor Made Suits J7.75
Girdle Corsets 49c
Torchon Lace 6 yds, for 5c
Valcncennes Laces for
Ruffles ic a yd
Nanscok Embroidery jc yd
Bone and aluminum Hair
Fin 5c doz
I'rarl Shirt Buttons, all sizes 5c doz
Btan tu f Tt Kmif Yot Haw ntwm Boujnf
Blf rutin
Bctfwiln- Monday, jnna , win be eon
ducted In oh of tb room of the Port
land Buslneaa College, corner Park and
Waahlnrton etrMta. It wUl be (rtctly a
arjjool of itudy. delrfHSd to aid teachers
to tUfber gradea tn tb Auruat axamlna
Uon. rurther parUculaia 00 appllcaUoa.
Tt Portland Bust nee Contra t open aJI
tha rar. StodeoU may enter at any
Uma, for special branches or a rerolar
eouna, and reoetv ladWIdual or claaa tn
atraetlon, aa preferrad. Call or send for
eaUlorua. Learn what and bow wa taach.
A. P. ArautroBCt UU B PrUelBsO.
Is a pretty good stock for Oregon Cityyea, we
havo the finest and largest assortment of Toilet
Soap ever brought to this city Soap from 3c up
yes, barrels of it to choose from at 3c a bar. This
assortment includes Castile, both white and mot
tled, Witch Hazel, Glycerine, White Oat Meal.Cold
Cream, and many other popular brands Soap
don't cost so much if bought direct from the factory.
Patent medicines-well we have a complete etock
at most any old price.
Shoop'u Restorative 7&C
" Rheumatic
Swamp Root 75 C--
Peruna 7JC-
Tierce's Prescription 7&C
" Dincovery .7&C--
In fact we cut every patent in the market. Get
our prices before making your purchase. Remem
ber we have the new store where all goods are new
and fresh, no old Btock to work off.
Xow About Your Prescription Work
If we are not doing it at this time it will pay you
to investigate our methods of compounding physi
cians prescriptions.
This is our one hobby and our fourteen years
of practical experience thoroughly qualifies us for
this work. In our store your prescriptions will
never be turned over to an assistant. This is the
most important work in a drug-store and we give
'it our personal attention.
Prescriptions called for and delivered.
Order by phone 78.
..regular $1.00
" $1.00
,. " $1.00
,. " $1.00
,. " $1.00
" $1.00
'ood Wanted.
Popular Seaside. Schedule and Bound
Trlu Excuraion lUie Via Astoria
k CilumhU Hirer Uallrond Co.
IWinninit Saturday, July 5th, the A.
A C. It. K. will readme ita regular Sea
aide schedule and every Saturday there
after during the Summer aeaaon the
I'ortlnud-Seaaide Exprees will leave Un
ion Depot at 2:30 P. M. and run through
direct without trannfur lo Flavel, Gear
hart and Seaaide. makinir clone connec
tion at Antoria with steamer Potter and I
I.H.AN.Co's eteamers to and from
North Beach Point. In addition totlii
excellent eervire, an additional local
train will bo run between Antoria and
Clatsop Bench points, thus offering pa
tron of aouth beach unexcelled facilities
for traveling between beach points.
In connection with this improved train
service, round trip excursion tickets be
tween Portland and all Clatsop and
North Beach points (except Ilwacu) are
told every Saturday at Die rate of $2,60
(or the round Hip tickets, being inter
changeable with all boat lines and lim
ited good to return Sunday evening.
Upon application to J. C- Mayo, G. P.
A., Antoriu, an elaborate album of Sea
side view and point of interest on the
Lower Columbia Biver will be mailed to
your addrees free.
Parties desiring to contract
for wood in lots of fifty cords and
upwards call at woolen mills.
Oregon City Mfg. Co.
of our ability to handle
your banking business to
your satisfaction, We
6hall be glad of an op
portunity to talk with you
S Oregon City, Oregon The Bank of Oregon City
How to Entertain Your Friends
Opp. Huntley's Drug Store,
Ureat Britain and America.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
Itr. tvilttami' Indian
1-H.-OI vim rvr win
cure llllad. KlradlHf,
and Itcklag 1'llca. Tt
atiorta Iht lumon. al
Urttb Itcblniatonea,
aetata a poultice. slrea
Intlant rtlltf. Br. Wil
liam.' I ll AM PILE
Eared Only for Pllea and Itrhl n or the nrlratt parta.
Bry boiltvarranttd. t)lrt by dnimlnu. or ttni
mallonraoeh.tof prlr,0 and l .oawrbor.
For sale by Charman A Co.,DrungistB
bo they will enjoy every moment
of the time: Take them to . . .
The Wilhelm Tell House
Give them Cream Pure Rye Whisky and Gambrinus Beer.
Sixth and Main Streets. A. H. GRIESSEN, Prop.
Enterprise and V. Oregonian $2.
lis for Lies
Ladies' Long Guard Chains in
1 gold from $10.00 to $20.00;
in gold filled, elides set with
Vis, Pearls, Rubies, etc., from
&0O to $7.50; in silk from 25c
to 50c.
Gents' Vest Chains in solid
EH $10.00 to $20.00; in gold
filleu from $1.50 to $7.00.
Fob Chains, the latest pat
Jfrna in silk, leather and gold
fiM $1.00 to $5.00.
Nickel, steel, white metal and
Ieather chains from 10c up.
They are tho finest that have ever been put on the market. We have them in all sizes
both in open face and hunting case. Some are nicely engraved, others are plain.
Prices from $10.00 to $30.00; Nickel watches from $2.00 up; Silver watches from $G up.
To those who want to buy a high grade watch and are not able to pay cash, we will sell on
the installment plan.
Kois i Cans
The Oregon City Jewelers
We carry Kodaks, Poco, Pre
mo, Century, Cyclone and other
makes, and give a special dis
count of 20 per cent, on all in
struments. Our stock of Supplies is al
ways fresh. Try our Plates,
Films and Papers.
Qur prices are as low and
sometimes lower than Portland
We have a few bargains in
second hand instruments.