Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 04, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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" . - - .,.. hi. mi'im. IV. IIAIUN. I i i i I
NEW MAIL lOYIKHTUKS. ir..n v j,.., y!T7lTr ' '
Oregon City Bnteipiise,
City aid Counlj Official Paper
Published Every Krtdeiy.
L. L. PORTER, Paoraiaroa.
nnftrDir ..... ......$'- W
Buruonlh 1 W
Trial subscription two mourns -o
A discount o 50 cenls on til subscriptions
for on year, 25 cents lor in monuis, u
paid in advance.
Advertising rates given on application.
8ubscrihers will find th dt of expira
tion Btmiuped on their papers following
their name. If tnia date is not cnanKwi
Within two weeks after a payment, kindly
notify us and we will look alter it.
Entered at tee postottic In Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek
Can by
Union Mills
Meadow Brook....
hew Era
..Dr.T. 13. Thomas
E. I. Sms
A Mather
Oscar issmger
....G. J.Trullinger
.... Chas. Holinan
V. S. Newberry
R. O. Holmes
J.Q tiage
C. T. Howard
R. M. Cooler
Annie Stu litis
.J. C. Maruam
Batteville B. Jennings
Aurora Henry A. Snyder
Eale Creek vuinern
Dinsviia J- C. Klliott
Pandv F. O.vtsch
rtirrinTillB Geo. J. Cnrrm
Mo-mot Adolpli AsohotT
the ruiLirriNKs.
Whatever, diverse views way be enter
tained regarding the wisdom of our pres
ent policy in the Philippines, no one will
be disposed to discredit the teotimony of
General LoyJ Wheaton as to the sanitary
benefits conferred by our army of occu
pation. MiPtarism is never quite so defensible
as when employed in the business of
cleaning up the plague and disease
breKling spots of the earth. For this
work the army is splendidly organized
and equipped. As an agency for sanita
tion and disinfection it lias no equal. It
ci.n enforce sanitary and health regula
tions with superb disregard for the ob
stinacy of ignorance. The work of the
British army in cleansing the plague
ipnts of India and driving ignorant and
stubborn natives into the hospitals at the
point of the bayonet has commanded the
admiration of the civilized world. The
work of our army in transforming Cuba
from a filthy and pestilential fever-breed
ing island into a land of health and sani
tation will be the most creditable act
that history Till record in telling the
gtory of our intervention.
What the army has done in the Philip
pines in the establishment of sanitary
measures for checking the frightful mor
- Ulitv from smallpox and the bubonic
plague can hardly fail to mitigate the Be
aaverity of the criticism that has been
heaped upon the army. Of course there
baa been much loss of life as a result of
the war, but General Wheaton declares
that the mortality from that souroe seems
infinitesimal when one takes into consid
eration the tundreds of thousands of
lives that have been saved by reason of
the sanitary precautions of the American
armv and the Taft commission. The
general plactft the number saved in this
way at half a million. Compulsory vac
cination, enforced in every province and
town, has stamped out smallpox. In
General Bell's department alone 300,000
were vaccinated. By prompt and vigor
oua measures the army also succeded in
preventing the bubonic plague from get
ing a footbold in the islands.
Upon such work as this must rest the
justification of our military occupation of
the Philippines. Civilization, not com
mercialism, can alcne excuse our con
tinued assertion of sovereignty over the
dueed. Greatest not only lit the privi
leges of its ritisens and their ability to
take part and enjoy to the fullest the
many material intellectual and social
blessings hut greatest in it power and
force in the earth and greatest in its
ability to bring to other people these
same blessings. On this day we should
realize that the fathers of this govern
ment in order to give the blessings we
enjoy to their posterity had to give up
much and they placed themselves io the
shadow of the hangman's noose to gain
the freedom we enjoy. These are some
of the things we should not forget and
turn the day over entirely to noise.
Tils efforts of several people iu this
city to bring about a satisfactory settle
ment iu the r. C. A. O. strike are very
commendable. Strikes are deplorable.
This one has caused inconvenience to
residents of Poitlaud and Oregon City
and intermediate points. The accident
to the Grey Eagle was unfortunate in
more than one way. Fesidea a loss to
the Oregon City Transportation Coin
pany, which has had to bear its share of
loss of late, it has prevented the installa
tion of a faster schedule and the travel
ing public has suffered thereby. The
sympathy of the people of this city has
been largely with the employes but a
strong drsire for a settlement of the diili
culty has aUays been entertaiued.
The selection of lion. A. S. Dresser as
orator of the day of July Fourth is a high
compliment to his ability as a speaker.
No man in the city is better fitted. A
deep thinker, a lawyer with a judicial
turn of mind, a talker who is careful in
his choice of language, Mr. Dresser will
hold the attention of his audience and
will deliver an instiuctive and entertain
ing oration.
What does Tracy and Merrill think ol
the posse that has chased them over two
states with bloodhounds and militia
companies? It would be interesting to
know their real opinion of their pursuers
(iianxf Made lit Several Carrh ra,
Men Httiflnsr From Sen-Ice.
A Cleveland preacher has won fame
by saying St Peter was a lying oid fisher
man. He might have written books all
his life and never been known outside of
bis own ward.
Tom Johnson, Bryan, Heury Walter-
eon and Sam Jones miht get together
now and show Cleveland and Hill har
mony as is harmony."
When Weyler reads of the manner in
which Hero Gomez was kept quiet it
must make him sick to think he never
thought of that.
The following new mail contracts went
into effect Isst Tuesday :
Oregon City to Graeme W, II.
Young, contracti r; John W. Kelly, car
rier, Oregon to Viola Silas Moslor, con
tractor; A. Moaior. carrier.
Oregon Citv to Mnlino Silas Moajor,
contractor; Frank Doty, cartier and
Oregon Citv to Molalla S. J. Vanghan
contractor; Patrick Dully, carrier.
Ciirriimvilie to Garfield W. II. Young,
contractor; Kd Noble, carrier.
U. M It. Join , who has carried mail
on the Oregon City-Viola route for two
years, made his last trip Monday.
K. T. Kider, who has been sub-contractor
and carried the mail on the star
route from Oregon City to Willamette,
Stalford, ilnonvilte, and Graeme re
tired Monday. He has been on this
route for (our years and has always been
on time.
People along the Oregon City-Molalla
mail route are pleased to learn that
Patrick Duffy, who has cairied mail on
this route (or (our years past, will con
liuue the run under tire new contractor.
He has given excellent satisfaction.
Vo on 1'iltiutlie and Referendum.
I. F. I. Dniihar. Secretary of State of
the Siate of Oregon, pursuant to the pro
visions of an Act of the Legislative as
semhlv, entitled "An Act submitting to
the electors ol the Stale of Oregon at the
general election, to 'e held on the first
Mornlav in June. IWi. the pending pio
nosed constitutional amendment," do
hereby certify that the following is the
result of tire canvass of the vote of the
various counties in this State upon the
"Initiative ami Referendum Amend
inent." submitted at the general election
June 2nd, l'.hlL', as shown by the abstract
of voles cast n. each county at said elec
tion muxi said amendment, as certified
to me by eacti loiinty clerk in this Stale
The Kansas farmers have overcome
the physical inertia of the bobo. They
did it with a gun. The deficiency of
farm hands in Kansas is estimated at
bout 10,000 men. The harvest fields,
with their golden seas of overripe grain,
re calling for men. A freight train
westward bouud was wrecked near the
town ol Pratt. On the train were fifty
or sixty tramps bound for Colorado for
their health. The farmers heard of it
nd offered them (2 per day and plenty
of good food and shelter. They de
clined the offer. Thereupon the farmers
tried shotgun persuasion with the result
that nearly all of the tramp are now
toiling in the harvest fields of Pratt
County, and they will be kept at it
until the wheat is all garnered. The
picturesque feature of the episode ia
furnished by the women of the farms,
who are acting guards, each armed
with shotgun.
If the Pratt County idea spreads it
may offer a solution of the whole tramp
The Fourth of July has come to be a
day to many people for noise. A cele
bration that may mean many things ex
cept the reason the day is kept as holi
day. Many people both young and old
never atop to realize that the day means
ranch. That it means the birth of the
greatest nation the world baa yet pro-
Celebratk early and often. Commence
in the morning with the sunrise, and
don't stop until the last cracker is fired.
Pbkmati'bb explosion of fireworks has
been in progrepa in this city all the week
lo-wit :
1'oiiny Yes. No. Klectora voting
Hake,- 2.4!T LMU .VlH
Hsr.ton II lit HI
t'lackainas 3.M4 '.'17
runop i..m lit: 2 .fin
Columbia !H4 ! HO
Ckis l.;V2 M 2.2.11
Crook ti"7 Vi 1.221I
Currv "M !! 'r,21
Douglas 2,4T.t 1M 3; M.I
tiilllam .'!'.' ftr : .
(irar.t 3i ITU ' l.Nil
Harnev o22 21 !
Jackson 2,l.t; 1.10 .VvDt
Jnwptiiiie 1 ti7 110 !.!
Kltmatn ft III VI !"!
Lake 4o7 H N
Lane 3.110 3"!l MM
l.ltlfulii lv2i ti"
I. ion 3.2HI 1 4 311
.Malheur M.'l 74 l.l'U
.Marion 4,e.4 328 6.H7.K
Merrow 77 40 1,2!
.Muitn'ah I2.1HO 1.2.VI 17 .V!l
Polk l.lHj 173 2..CK)
Sherman ."Sit as l.mS
lilUnriMik Kt2 U7 1.177
Umatd'a 2.77(1 1711 4.4HH
Union 2.21H H2 S.l.'nl
Wallowa oo 124 1.4.Vi
Wa:o 1 Nd 20 2.UM)
Washington 2,31 310 3,.'ll!l
Wheeler 317 22 72
Yaiuhi.l 2.215 HI 8.17
Total 02 024 5,W (O20
Tbist in God and keep your powder
Make hay while the sun shines.
Little Johnny My Paw's a Kepubli'
can. What's your paw?
Little Georgie He says he's independ
ent, but maw outlines bis foreign policy
There is considerable sensation
In regard to education
Which seems to trouble the people who
live on the West Side.
Ebey had an election trie other day,
To see who would have the say
In administering the laws by which the
others should aoide.
The Irish and the Dutch
Against the English and theUcotch
Had a battle of the ballots which laid the
latter in the shade.
There was talk of dissolution,
Like a Southern revolution,
Ann threats of annihilation with great
frequency were made.
Mike Clancy and his band
Made a most di-terinined stand
Against the allied forces of Humphry
and McKay,
And nothing amounted to much
Against the Irian and the Dutch,
so the English and their minions were
completely swept away.
It the rising generations
Of the Scotch and English nations
Can continue electing level heads to guide
their young careers,
They will soon becone enlightened
And their social standing heightened
Till they'll equal the Dutch and Irish
whom they now concede their peers.
But their night is getting lighter.
And their prospects getting brighter
And emancipation from their density it
seems is now quite near;
For with a sense of duty's call
And in justice to them all,
Mike Clancy will run with Hansen in the
election there next Fall,
Catarrh of the Kidney
Caueess dull pain in the back, loin or
groin ; causes you to pnff np nnder the
eyes; causes frequent desire to urinate,
scanty supply, scalding, irritation, dark
colored, scanty, turbid urine. Leads to
crigbt's disease, bbouid you need evi
dence that you have catarrh of the kid
neys, fill a clean glass bottle with urine
and let it stand twenty-four hours. If
there is sediment or settling it Is evident
that yon have catarrh of the kidneys or
bladder, and should not delay taking 8.
B. Catarrh Cure, the effect of which is
soon realized. After taking S, B. Catarrh
Cure for one week according to direc
tions, fill a bottle with urine, let stand
twenty-four hoars snd you will be sur
prised at the change, all due to the effect
of 8. B. Catarrh Care. For sale by all
druggists. Book on Catarrh free. Ad
dress Smith Bros., Fresno, Cal.
(Continued from page 1 )
gon. Ours is the wheat, cattle and sheep
region in quantity but yours lor a greater
diversity of farming and stock raising
where you have a great market at your
Win:ls did little, if any, damage here.
Grain is ripening slowly anil harvest will
be a little late. Grain and first crop
haying is practically done and all are
preparing lor the harvest.
Geo. J. Cl'KKlS.
Weather Kcport.
Tho following data, covering a period
of 30 years, have been compiled from the
weather bureau records at Portland, Or.,
for the month of July.
Mean or normal temperature, 57 deg.
The warmest month was that of 1875,
with an Average of 70 deg.
The coldest month ras that of 10X11,
with an average of 03 deg.
The highest temperature was 102 deg.
on the 23rd, 1891.
The lowest temperature was 45 deg. on
the 4th, 1901.
Average date on which first "killing"
rost occurred in autumn, Nov. 15.
Average date on which last "killing"
frost occurred in spring, Match 17.
i, Rain and melted snow.)
Average for the month, 0.52 inches.
Average number of days with .01 of an
inch or more, 4.
The greatest monthly precipitation
was 1.80 inches in 1884.
The least monthly precipitation was
0.00 inches in 1883.
The greatest amount of precipitation
recorded in any 24 consecutive hours
was 1.10 inches on the 11th, 1879.
Average number ot clear days, 16;
partly cloudy days, 9; cloudy days, 6;
The prevailing winds have been from
the northwest.
The highest velocity of the wind was
35 miles, from the southwest, on the
13th, 1894,
Station : Portland, Oregon.
Date of issue : June 29, 1902.
A. B. Woi.laber,
Temporarily in charge.
l'om-iTriSl5 ami Member r Tarty
Unit MU'I Meek t.tit "
Kach.'l W. Hacon, a pioneer of M
and a member of the party that made
the famous Meek 'a cut-oil, died In '?
citv Thursday afternoon, June -tl, at ft ;lo
o'clock. She had been an inval d (or
for ..early a year. The deces-ed was
born in Indiana, November 19. 1 '.,
Hud was the youngest daughter of John
YV Newman. While iu her infancy she
moved with her family to Iowa, remain
ing there until her twelltli year,
she left with a la-ge paitv lot Oregon.
She was married to John M. Hat'on
March Id. 1S.M. For a few years after
their marriage they lived on a farm near
Needy. After a residence ol several
years there they moved to Oregon City,
where she has since made her home.
He, husband died about eleven years
ago. He was a very prominent man m
Clackamas County (luring Ins lifetime,
and tilled the positions of county clerk
and postmaster of Oreton City. bi
funeral was held F-idav aftern on and
the interment was in the family plot at
Mountain View cemeteiy.
Sarah Aluilght.
Sarah Albright, aged 22 years, died
Tuesday afternoon at her home hear
brown's school house, four miles from
this city, of consumption. She was the
daughter of Mrs. Mary Albright and (
the laU) Fred Albright. The funeral was
hehl jelerdav morning from the Caihu
lie church and the intei iiieul took place
in the Catholic ceineieiy.
( Iiailcs Kogert.
Charles, the 10 year oh! son o' Mis.
George linger, died of diphthelia at
Claikes rridav night.
iifi i ii I if
Furnished Kvery Meek by the 'luck a
mils .Instruct A Trust t'o up in).
J Siisbauer et al lo P Susbatier,
lota 7 and 8. b k 10 t'anhy $
J Tiler to J Sua her, lot 9 and 10
l.Ik 32, and lot Id, in hlk 4.'
II A Vorpahl to K J Saunders, lot 1
hlk 1 Caiihy
W J minerinaii to II Diels, 10 acs
in st-c 30, lis, r 2 e
D llei-er to O F Heiser. SO acres in
It Smith claim and lot 2, sue 9, I
F Alv toV' W May I.Iks 1 and 2
and lots 3, 4, 5, ti. in hlk 3, Fly
Win Harlow lo K F. Seward 5 ac in
sec H. 1 4 s, r 1 h
I 1 Kiggs lo S M liiggs lot 7 blk 20,
rails lew
P Sushriuer to J J Schtuitt lots 7
ami 8, Ilk 10 Canhv
M M Gordon to II F tiibsoii 84 acs
in Forrester claim t 2 a, r 3 e. . .
K Nuttall to U F Preston, 40 acs in
sec 2, t 3 s, r 2 e
O S While to I, O Moore lota 3 and
4, blk 158, Oregon City
Sellwood LdA Imp Co. to T K
('one lots 7 and 8 blk 47 Oak
Grove J.'iO
C Perry to 8 Wylde, 10.30 acresjin
sec 20, t 2 a, r I e, correction. .. . 1
JPerry to S Wylde, same
Ii S Hellomv lo F llusch lot in hlk
13, Falls View
0S aH
Tito Kltul Y H"vo AlwnjH lloiifc'M, ftn.l whk-h liiubor.
lit tio for ovrr : jeiira, tin lni tho aliriatnr tf
ii,,l tna tuMi Imul.t ti,,.l.. i
- - r J,,,
miiml muwrvlnloii nliien . t,iit...
CiaZciti Allow no ono to!Hlv ymi n (ji'
All OtlllNTfVltA, IlllllHtlollH lll"dll"l-lW.K.MMl'Br,kll)
Ksiwrliitt'iit I'"' r,l,,, w,,h 'iMtusirr tlio li.lth of
Junmtrf ami Children-I'MHTloiiro Kttlnat KiparluKaf,
Cimtorlu H ft liunil mibatltulft for Castor Oil,
Korlc, Iropd ami Noothlntf Hjrutm. It lit IMuunnt,
contain mW1i r Opium, Morphlno nor other Jiureoti,
Mil.Ntnni-o. leK' ! (ftiurantt'O. It uValruy Ww
iiu.l uIIiivm lYvorMmrK". It euros Dlarrli.ru na Wlr4
Colic It relieve) 'IWlhlntr Troubles, cure t'ontlUrtUu
ami I'hituleiiey. It assimilate tho Food, r KuUit u
Hoi. uw h and IloweN, Blvlnif lieiillhy and natural slot),
Tho Children's lNumeea-Tlio iMother'n Friend.
B.ais tho SIgnaturo of
The KM You Have Always Bof
In Use For Over 30 Years.
M ise to F Schneider 10 acs In
Kagon claim, t 2 a, r 2 e ... .
C W Dart to A llergreen wS ol se
k 4 acres in sec 2'.), t 6 s, r 2 e . . . .
TRUST CO. are the owners o( the copy
right lo the I home system ol alislract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstract in the
County, can furnish information a to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments, real estate, abstract
etc. OHiceover Hank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box .
Avt liiutu-tllalf ly. '
Colds are tometitnes more troublesome
in summer than in winter, it's so hard to
keep Ironi adding to them lnln coolimi
oH after exercise. One Minute Cough
Cure cures at once. Absolutely aalu.
Acta immediately. Sure cure for cnnnlis.
colds, croup, throat and lung troubles.
Geo, Hurding.
or it i.r. tin u
Jfv iaj Bwcflftd llftttd, Al M.i
Platrnt and Part for Alt Machine
iM-r ur twr, uiiin ii iiUMiano
Al Mraaonnl'lc I'rLrt
Mlmoocmphs, Hoctographi
And All Implicating Goods
T;rrltr Nuillt ami Orllca raralun
Write r 'iliin nr mil mi u
wrhrii jrou nrrd anytliliig
Coast Agency Co., Portland, Or,
Htrk Htrl, oi. 1.M M Tlllun lUttk.
I.ong Hit arte Thoiie In ' "'"t.
Nlnglfi K) lloar.l
Built to Fit the Feet,
lolnln(f tl'e N) aleni.
It ia through the bowels the hodv is
cleansed of impurities. Constipation
keeps these poisons In the system, caus
ing headache, dullness and melancholia
at drat, then unsightly eruptions and
finally serious illne-s unless a remedy is
applied. DeWitt'a Little Karly Riners
prevent (Ins trouble by stimulating the
iver and promote easy, healthy action
of the bowels. These little pills do not
act violently but by strengthening the
bowela enable them to perform their
own work. Mover gripe or distress.
Geo. Harding.
Beantb f KM w Haw Always Bought
Yet combining Myle with lilissful comfort. Conn it
ami look at our HUinincr footwear. Late Ktyli'tt and bottoa
Orcgnn's Favorite Seaside Kraort.
Por Infanti aM Clildren.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
Bear the
Signature of
Recognizing the advantagea of New
port aa a summer resort over other sea
side resorts in the northwest, ami to
make It possible for all who desire to do
bo to spend their vacation by the ocean
waves, the Southern Pacific Company,
in connection with the Corvallis & Kast
ean Railroad, will place on Ble. effective
Jane 15th, round-trip tickets from all
points In Oregon on the Southern Pacific
to Newport, good for return until Octo
ber 10th. at specially reduced rates.
For full information please inquire of
your local agent.
In all Its stagea.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanse, notha and heal,
tba disused BMinbran.
It eon catarrh aad drlret
away a cold In tba baad
Cream Balm It placed Into th nottrtlt, spreads
orr th membrao and 1 aborbd. BUf li In
sudlat aad a cor follow. It It aot drying -doe
not prodoca (nMxicg. LargtSlza, DO casta at Prog
glittortymall; Trial 8lxe, 10 ecatt. I
Enterprise and W. Oregonian $!
For the next wixty dciyw
Wo Will Givo
Ten per cent, off on
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes
Furnishing Goods.
Court House Block