Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 04, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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New To-Day.
,vh;v ni.itN on kkal ruor.
' ..nvs'll per cent, also on ap.
.1 la Steven llull.lillg Oiif
i0i. W. W. iHvm. An-
rrTvVi i .or nut mai.k ix
well. Il-lf hl-ak from
U Afi.ly lo Mvr Hili-ii, Oirgon
, irK-.i"' hmlih. r-.kpt-.--.
I vVk-A (iOOlMilHL Kilt UKN-it'h..ii'''l-
Nwf. Apply
i,'i,.i.i M writ in rU. k.iMii N,ui..v.
r i, Sl,ik ami if""1' 'i'" ''nhi
W ,...-. ,,,,il r. I For Hurt It'll.
t.J.l.r.-.K.K li V. IVaCu, Winona,
1. aHUVS. M I). I'MYKI
ami in ulisl. Olllrii In
l!.. i.i.ij I'liime 1171. Corner Main
Jitiiicm. cu ni""""' promptly
41 or ii'if' '
irHiKH t (.III I'll, t"ifllr III III
Ja.li.iuM HiilHim.! liv(l.rl.i'l',l
t .i.'i.m '",',"rr i"i"y i"'
0. 1.i i'iii"-
Lilian Oregon City.
I on chhI pii'.Hc '"'. "' school
tin rtr, hull') barn and well.
1 , tu hundred nd Hf'y duUar. A.I
J,!,. W. Wai.I'Hok, owner, Oregou
run. rami " ny. i
.,jioUn l li"i rt.
llaix.M tit (in
Personal Mention
P. V)hill, ol Orli-lil, Ws III lo I.
u' a II ,.f M.iUIIm m hi loan
V II. Hiring, ill Holing, III III"
j. U.D.)y. I
.Jmfl,of CUckama, in town
I tiir.ly.
.ik luriieil was In tow it Saturday
j Milium
ttrtbnr llurlmi'l, f i.', wa in ili
I; situnUy.
ift IdilirMin, ill Colton, was In Hid
!tt Thursday,
yi M. Slilhlry, ( Springwater, was in
t nl; nVilneodaV.
3 "in Tudtinelr In thi city last
i.i'liy Ir.iui Mull 11. 1.
f. W IKxirin, ol Mar.piain, m doing
!'.dh 111 (In ciiy lot falili.lay.
vl MiiiIIit, lm.lni( litrnitr u(
u in liiii Uit hiurily.
t' niit Kviiik, ol Sumpirr, i in
f Hi; un t On .III I. 'b vimt Ul IiIi-ihI.
'-juBly Clf rk kIi-.'I J. C. CHnl.'n. of
I 'm, 4i . vicit.ir in tlin ciiy l o.--
J 4'niilpr H. M Cooler Mini oii,
l,o( Cru., mi-io III tli C'ly f-mtir-
11 Tnillinni-r, rtnii Inr-n t unwinill
ioul I'niiiii MiiU, mi In the city Usi
I i,y.
Wiic Ciiilu-rt ll.ilk'i-" p'liiini'il
i' In I1.1111 a hliult liUMiinna Uli to
i'.it llillmnl, who I.kii In-rn Ml Oregon
I Iu'k-vcmI yi-.iB, lua rnirnu. to
: ii..-ii.n.
p'li l.i FontH, of Tlif DhIIi', It
J 'lirij laniily. i
r1' Ji-nniti I! -nl i in vinitiiiK t the
(WM.i. K ,i...,i llrn.ly, Hi Crt-"-L
Une t'ouiiij .
I". D. 8. U.xlif rln, of Ilroimvilln,
M Iiit llHIInlll.T, Mr J. J. ilMWII,
i'iicitylimt wiM-k.
"''lry lloliH. k.of llm Oregon ("jty
"niirtiiriiiif Coinimiiv. tnii.ltJ liorl
!l Mary Mvlnlyra Imn relnrnej
futlmiii , wliern the wi II. e
" .Mm. C. I'. ItiHliop.
N'jfrin rt-turtieil Muii.Uy morning
u '-"if ii, wlicre tm Iihs Imen nitoinl
'liUle univmHity.
'"0'it Mooney WHB In town HiituriUy
MilwaukiH, h I conNUtilu-vleut
""limlimtrict No. 3,
"L. ItMKl.y. the tHWinill mii of
" in I tin city limt Smnr.lv
11 wife a,l Umily.
Mile, of the Western Union, left
tii iy (,r ,, ir,,... c.i, mil, i in
"J lew Jny VHi-ation.
v- P. K. Hammond and On ire A.
'""if miemled the KpincopHl Conven
m 1'ortlnnd IhhI Fri.lay..
r'rank nneh and two nona left
'"' for Viu,ul IUnl, near
j'Kwter, for an extended oiiUhk.
Kihth Havenham, of Ilwaro.
In the riiy lnHt Hnniluy and
'"Kueai of Mi Veda Willianm.
" Annie tally, of I'ortland, re
'''' "uine Monday after a week's visit
11r- W. L. Millur, of Canemuli.
I'ercival A. I'nr.lv. of Seattle, and
J J r!,,1 rker, of I'ortland, viiiited
iiq L. Kellv and (amilv last 8un-
u '
yfl Secretary Heth leavens, of the
Iwi" rel"rn,"l Hatnrday niulit
Rattle, where he visited relatives
( ilayi. i
ilu'1?1 A,"rf,'t returned Tuesday
C"lrina three week'i visit at
ynie, where she was the ku'
'ra Conyers.
,.rcl Oarrett and GeorRe Kinser, of
were in town Monday. The for
litied aa ronmahle of In district,
j oeen elected to that oflite last
Mr J M. Uw,e, , ,,f foHla,,,!
vmlied relative In thiiclty last Hiinday.
I'rof A. T. Willi-Ilea, of Catihy, wai In
the cltv over Kiiiolav, and left Monday
morn li for Hal-m to j..lu Mr. Winches,
Who Is vlaitiiiK I here.
(leorne .a.. ln, Kred J. Mulmll snd
Mis. May Wtidiou ntlnn.lel a iiii.IIhk
(if Wsiiierdraiixe, I'atron of llimlmif
dry, at New Id Uat Hatiirday.
(leorKe KaiiiUII. of New Kra, a leadlnK
Hilto man of that section, was In town
laal Haliir.lav. I In I.i.i t..i,.i
from a trip to Hay I enter, Wash.
Attorney I lvy Sllpp and J. W. Dra
per r ii r i.n.l Haiiinlav evening from a Iwo
day trip to M.-in, wliem they Iran
sacteil l.iiainea In ihe olll. e of the School
IjiiiiI Hoard,
Mis ilplia (iallnwsy and Francis
(ixlloway went to Salem to Vlalt the l.m
lly of KiiH.ilnlciileiit Callirealh, of the
Mate limaiie Aayliim. Thev returned
Saturday veuiii-
Mlaa Alvena I lrn viaitml for a few
daya of lt week in Newheiy, wheie he
" I''" gnel of Mil Viola IIoIiIiuhmi, of
llillalHiro, who tira.liiated Iroin 1'itcifU:
Colleen laat week.
Mr. and Mr. (Jeorijn l. kerliy, of
nariieni, w,m in the city veMiirday.
Tliey have la-nn mih-imIiiIk a few day
with relative tn I'ortland, wheie they
had a piciisaiit vUit.
Mia (irace Han. In, of Vancouver,
Waali , l,a laeti elei-led (io.,i-a of ,ih
eriy lor II. e rnurlli of July at Voncoiiver.
M.e I well known in Una ciiy, where
lm formerly n-Hnlerl.
Mia l.ols and Alice IVehlea. of WW
ton, vUiti.il Cuioiiol ami M.S. It. A. Mil
ler at lila.l..iin Wednesday and left
yet.ler.Uy for Marion I'ouiiiy to spend a
portion of the aniiiiiier with relative.
W. (iilhert I'.eatlui returned Satili.laV
evenliiK f ruin Knene, whern lie allemled
the aliliual ii.eeluiK ol the wettmn divl
nloii stale tei. I,er' aocU'iolS and the
coinuieiiceineiil exerclh-s ol the state
(ieortie VV. UiIm-h, who wa recently
a.p.ilnie. lie, eiv.-r of Ihe ('nited Stales
I-tnl olllre In tin city, is mskiiiK ar
ratiifeiiienl to move In fiitnily here and
will alanine l.ia new dulie aa oon aa
hia tniN-eaaor aa piwluiater of KheridbD
is apMiititei.
Jiida-n n. Mr. T F. Cowlim left
Weill. emlay lllorilillK, Sicoiliiauied I V
tl.elr daiiiihter. Mi. F. K. Del'arKi, of
Salem, I ir Seattle to viait relative.
They expert Ui le a'.aent mouth and
III vimi Ihe I'liif.'t Sound comiirv and
Itntiah Columhia helote their return.
Trimiiieil Hat, (treat lUrKin.
Miaa (ioldfUiith.
Count) Clerk 1). II. C(Kja-r' receipts
f..r June were r.''u."'i and lor May were
fill: In June, 1'iul, the receipUol the
ollu e were I H.I .'i.
Drs. It. II. and A. L. lleatie, Dentists,
welnhatd JIIiIk.
lra ml Clearance Kale of Millinery.
Miss (ioldainiili.
Hulls, lists and pants at coat at O. W.
uiace s store, head of Severn Ii street.
Flowers, silks, frame, fancy trimming,
special ollcriiiii. Miaa (lol.lsoilth.
A uiurriHk-e liceiiae was iasned yeater
day to Lena Anderson, 20 and Fred
Huilfoyne, "J.
rw Sprliilllnc Itnle.
To accoiniiiielatti the merchants with
more convenient hours, to sprinkle
meets and sidewalk, so as to lay the
dual, the lloant id Water Cuiiuiiiaaioi.era
have amen. led the rule to permit the
un of water r.eiweeii the hours of
SKVF.N to NINK A.M. and TWO to
FOL K I'. M.
Law u and garden sprinkling, or irri
gation, can Ixt ilolie only during the
hoiiraa tirevloiialy puhlished, SIX to
KUill r A. M. and "MX to F.MiHT 1. M.
Mine n IYihiiiiii'sj I, lie.
To have wiven up wuuld have meant
death for Mr. I-oih C'ragif, of Dorches
ter, Mass For yeara she had endured
untold init-ery f rum a severe lung troiilile
an.l ohatiiiale cough "Often", flie
writes, "I conM acarcelv breathe and
aoiiiclliiiei could not speak. All doctors
an.l remediea fuile.t till I used Dr.
King's New Discovmy for Constitute ion
and was completely cured." HuH'erers
Imiii C...iigi.a, C'ohls, Throat snd 1 nog
I'rouhle need thia grand remedy, lor it
never disappomta. Cure is guaranteed
hy (teo. A. tlanling 1 rice ou tenia anu
hy lie
Trial Ixittle free,
Bsantk Iht Kind You HiAlwm 8aott
6if aitara
The new toiUy column of The Enter
prise contains many readois of Interest
to the general public. Something new
every week. If )'u want employment
or require help, if you want to liorrow
money or have money to loan, if you
have anything, to sell, uee the uew-to-day
llulcs Af.iln ltediice.1 Frnni All rotnla
Iiefore yon make tlellnite arrangements
i..p ii,.. i trin mist let us onote yon rates
via the Illinois Central Railroad. Our
rates are the lowest to be had, and it wil
pay you lo write us. If you haven't time
to romniiitiicate with as, tell the agent
from whom yon purchuge your ticket
that yon want to travel by wy of the
Illinois Central, and you will never re
gret the trip.
If any of your relatives or friends In
the past aro coming went while the low
rates are In effect write us about them,
and we will see that they get the lowest
rates with tbo best service.
Through tourist cars, personally con
,l.tetA,l eitenrsicn csis. free reclining chair
cars In fact all the latent conveniences
know to modorn lailroading.
For particulars regarding rates, time,
ervice, stop-overs, different connections
mid routes, Etc., etc., call on or address;
B. H.Tbi'miiull,
142 Third Street. Com'l Agt.
I'ortland, Ore.
9:L'2 a. m. (Albany Local)
6:10 p. m.
9:22 a. in.
4.60 p. m. (Albany Local)
9:14 p. in.
Jnweler Younuer has moved his eatb
bailment lo to the building adjoining
Harris grocery,
Fred J. Melmll has been elected prin
rlpaloflhe Calieinah school and Miss
Alice Shannon, assistant.
The only good printing in the county
Is f.'iind at the Knterpriae nllice. Prices
;..!., ...i.. ...i ....PL.u..-i.;n
III l.'IK, F.J.D Il.l W JI KUJatiDI,.
unequalled. Prompt printing.
The receipts of County Recorder Tom
I'. ItHii.lall for the month of June were
VIVll'i. F'or the piec.eduig month they
were ''il.2: and lor June, ll.ll, 2o-i 65.
The hlc)cle sts-on is on to you and if
you are on t yourself, lake your wheels
to Johnson V Ijimb lor repairs. I'ires,
sundries and general repairing Wheels
to rent.
The Hoard M school diiectors of Can by
has re-elected the same cor of teachers
that taught last year. They are I'rof.
and Mra A. T. Winches and Miaa Veva
The regular July term of the Hoard ol
County Commissioner covene.l Wednes
day morning. The bond of Sheriff-elect
J It. Shaver as tax collector is fixed at
A marriage liceiiae wa issued Monday
to Fred W. North. '.'(I and Zona M.iylleld,
The bride is a well known school
teiclier of the county and resides at
The sate of the northeast quarter of
se.tion 14, township 4 south, range 6
east, by Asa R. Hawkins, ailmiiiialralor
ol the estate of William D. Iiedford to
M. Dollie Cross ha been confirmed.
('..ml M, ,iiiil ll.vul. Ani-ient Order of
Foresieis, will hold a i.uhlic msiaatiou
ofotlicers next Monday evening. Re-
Iresliuienta will lx serve.1 ami eacn
memliur is requested to invite friend.
County Clerk elect F. A. Sleight has
aniKjinte.l Sherman J. burfoid, chief
iliqiuty in his cilice. Mr. Hurford Is chief
of Ihe. Oregon City File Department and
his apKiititment gives mucli salinluclion.
It is claimed, savs the Hrownsville
Times, that the Siaulding Logging
Company will soon commence lo improve
I'u loing River in order to float white lir
and sou wood down Ui the Oiefc'on City
paper mills.
A. P. Wooilenclc. of K.wene. has been
S.Kjinted referee to take testimony in
the matter of the prool of sn instrument
piirKjrtiiig to be the laat will an.l testa
ment of Anna Keller, deceased, and re
port within It) days fionyfune U.
The hot dava are here and will last
until October. It lollows that you must
wear summer clothing, the kind that lits
the (orin perfectly. There is great satis
faction in having good fitting clothes.
See Joe Know land, on Seventh Street,
near depot.
Christian Science services are held in
O...I ii. .... I, .,11 uumv Kmi.lnv mnrnintr
stilt 'clock. Subject for Sunday, July
t .... 1 . .1 1 ... 1 . I.
tl, liotl. ounoay ocnooi av uuwuii,
WedurHilay evening meeting at 8 o'clock.
To these services all are welcome.
Minnie Wilkin, the 10-year old daugh
ter nlJiiliti Wilkin, of Stafford, met with
a had lall last Friday which resulted in
the breaking of both bones in her left
arm. She was brought to tins city rn-
day afternoon and the injured limb set
l,y lrs. Morris aim i oweu.
The Lord's Supper will be commem
orated at the Congregational Church
next Sunday morning. This ordinance
will be i. receded bv baptismal and cov-
enantal services. The customary ser
vices vtTlr be held during the remainder
uf the day.
Charles Wilkins has sued Sarah Wil
kins for a divorce. They were married
in Marion Couuty. Or.. August 30, 1!K)2
and nave Iwo children, Clare, aged 7
years and Lewis, aged 4 years. The
complaint alleges oeseruoii as a groonu
for the suit and the plaintiff asks for the
cusiody of the children. Ueorge C.
lirowtiell is the attorney for Wilkins.
The case of Superintendent Tiffany,
u'aa urruulBit lnnt week OD ft Charlie
n i'u " . " . ...... . . -
, ..:..l..:n.. l,a itif nnltnaneA liv ilia
Ol Vioin.nia; v. v.. j w.v... v "
charging express matter Irom car be
tween foliriu anu roiiriceuiu micom,
came up in the city recorder's court yes
terday afternoon. Tiffany was fined 40
snd waa given 10 days in which to ap
1'.. ) I T ulu, TTritnn 07IIH will
have a float la the Fourth of July parade
today. The float will have as a central
figure Miss Stella Nichols, wno win ren-
. .1 ...... .,( I ..I.. . Dn oui-h
reseni ine uoiiucD u. i,-..
corner of the float will be Roman figures,
and on me siues ww uo
ment of the celebration of Labor Day,
Monday, September 1, by the labor
unions of Oregon City.
The will ol the late Jacob 8. Risley
... ..imiiteil to tirohate vesterdav. The
estate consists of the home farm near
Milwaukie, about 300 acres, valued at
$24 000; a lot on the northwest corner of
Seventh anu worriMou sireeis iu ie
lsnd, valued at f.'O.OOO and personal
property and cash to the amount of
$1300, a total of $45,000. His son, John
F Risley, is named as executor. The
will was made April 22, 1893. The es
tate is equally divided between the three
children of the deceased, John F. Risley,
Charles W. Risley and Mr. Alice M.
Starkweather. The appraisers are tlicb
ard Scott, T. R. Worthington and M.
City Council Hold- a Hlmrt Meeting and
AdJ'iorna I'ulll K. it Mmidny.
The council held a regular meeting
Wednesday evening. Five membeis
were present and for this reason the or
dinance that were to be scted opon were
postponed until next Monday, when a
special meeting will be held. The re
ports ol the oflicers were received and
approved sod t .e reort ol the water
commission was resd. The committee
on strests anil pulili.: property was
authorized to repair Main street wher
ever necesaary. The recorder was In
structed to notify all person who have
not made sewer connection to do i
within 10 daya or the city attorney would
commence action against them. The
following hills were ordered iaid :
Hruce C. Curry, sal and postage, $ 2(1 00 j
Chas. K. HuroM, police, 4 b'g dog 00 1
r L. hlisw. night watt b (10 00
S. J. Hurford, chief firs dept 10 00
1'ortlsnd lien. Kiee Co., lights.. IliO B8
Brunswick Rea., meals 2 40
L. Dickslman, clng. Main Ht 41 2 i
F, (;. (iauke, material fl 60
O. C. Knterpriae, printing 6 (ii
II. L. Mixxly, special night watcb 11 60
O. C. Planing Mill, shovel handle 60
h. B ory, wrenches anJ nick 7 00
I'shtine Ins. Co , Ins 21 00
A. 8. Dresser, city stty 30 00
no AD rt'ND.
F'd Haldorf, run'g rock crasher
Wilson A Cooke, nsils, oil, etc.
l.lndsley A Son, lumber
Limlsley A Hon, luinher
Lindaiey A Son, liniiUir
Lindsly A Son, lumber
John Green, Street Wotk
0. B. Hlrsigbt. do
N. Sioty. do 17 00
V Vniml lin Oil Oil i
O. II. Jefferson, do 00 1 1 J
II. B. Nichols, do 22 00 If)
L. Waldron, do 19 CO I 2?
C. Fuge.do 13 00 O
F. J. Meyer, treas 40 66 1 r
O. C. 1'laning Mills 12 67 !J;
We want to close out our entire line of new and second
band bicycles during July. Muttt bave the room for other
goods. You know tbe wheels Nothing better can be made
o COLUMIUAS-Standard of the World H
8 CRESCEXTS-The Wheels That Stand Up o
o - - o
o TRIBUNES The Speedy Blue Streaks o
,. 6 00
... 16 15
.. 10 80
,. 50 94
. 104 95
,. 23 73
, . 64 00
. 36 00
r -v
We bave cut off the profits altogether for this sale are
even willing to take less than cost on some models that we
are overstocked on.
fr0.00 Bicycles for $35.00
If you need a Hat, don't wait. Call
early and get a Bargain.
Miss (joldsinlth.
Spring Frames
Coaeter Brakes
G & 3, Dunlop
Hartford TiresJ
Easy Installments
One Mure Chance to (iel a Large I'or-
tralt Fne.
For the benefit of the country people
we will extend the sisscial offer of one
large 1(1x20 portrait free with each dozen
cabinet photos for today, the 4th of July.
This offer is good today only. The por
traits have been going like hot cakes and
everybody has been well pleased.
l ours to please,
Snoikikass, tbe Fotogrsfer.
Individuals Money to Loan.
At 0 and 7 per cent. Call on or write
Jko. W. Lodkr,
Oregon City Oregon.
Stevens' building.
The stock of women's models is limited only 5 machines
in all better make your choice first.
There are about 10 second hand wheels two ladies' at
prices from $5.00 to $15.00 every one worth double what we
ask for them.
This sale also includes all our bicycle sundries. For instance:
Smith's Dandruff Pomade
stops Itching scalp upon one application,
three to six removes all dandruff and
will stop (ailing hair. Price 50 cents at
all druggists.
sea MICt till MICE
Solar Lamps gas $2-50 f 1.95
aothCent. " " .... 2.50 1.95
Queen Lamps oil ... I 50
Toe Clips 25
" 50
Foot Pomps. 50
3 in One 25
Stop Leak V 25
Chain Brushes i . . . . .35
Handle Bar Buffers... .10
Wrenches 25
Rims all kinds off
Ea.tCf Mil SSKI
Tires Single Tubes. .J2.50 $1.25
Inner Tubes 1.25 .75
Handle Bars .$1.00 to 2.50 '4 off
Pedals, per pair 1. 50 .75
Bells, all kinds 25c to 1.00 off
Cement, all kinds 5c to .15 off
Luggage Carriers 25c to 1. 00 off
Grips, per pair .10
Cyclpmeters 1.00 .50
Oil Cans 10
Carbide, per can 25
Locks 25
Chains 1. 50
ii 1 ! n 11 rnii
X- jot
v-pr H fti .t' z2L
'A 11 I , '. 11
1 "l MVV ' I
An Economy.
We can't speak too strongly of the
economy of having a refrigrator.
These are substantially made, with
extra thick galvanized iron lining,
and are scientifically packed to insure
perfect preservation of food and econ
omical use of ice. Our regular size
at (10.00 is a marvel of convenience.
Hammocks 90c up
Garden Tools. ,
It'a time to buy a good supply of garden tools. We
are making special offerings that should interest you
on rakes, spades, spading forks, hoes, garden sets,
shears, shovels, trowels, etc. They are the kind that
do the work to your liking. Full size Hoe or Rake
for 25c up.
Lace Curtains.
Here are novelties made to our order in exclusive
designs. In the magnitude and variety of these Lace
Curtains, in their artistic excellence and in their un
usually low prices we present a sale that will be prof
itable and helpful to you in draping and adorning
your home. Lace curtain material J2c per yard
and up.
Iron Beds.
There is so much more pleasure in the iron beds of
to-day than in the old heavy wooden beds used in
the days gone by. There is a beauty, grace and
economy in these iron beds with brass trimmings.
We furnish you the entire outfit, bed, spring, mat
tress and all, for (6.25.
If you knew tbe cleanliness and comfort of a dining
room floor covered with one of our linoleums in per
fect imitation of carpet, you would not think oi hav
ing anything else under your dining table. A glance
at the rich patterns is enough for the wise housewife.
Good quality 65c per square yard.
Coal Oil Stoves.
If you have a small room, with no way to put up a
cook stove, you will be interested in one of those
small oil stoves with large oven. They are highly
recommended during hot weather, and more so for
camping. They use little oil. Frice with oven $2 50.
Croquet Sets.
More attention has been given to make these sets
substantial. Balls and mallets are made out of hard
wood, the handles tough and firm. Price i.oo for a
four-ball set.
Tents and Camp Furniture.
We have a good stock of tents, and sell them as
cheap as (3.00.