Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JULY 1, 1902 CORRESPONDENCE J k. A A A. Our correspondents will please ten J n articles before Wednedays of etch week, otherwise it retches us too late for publication. Logta and Slons. Ned Hutchin is erecting a barn and bouse on bis (arm. Fred Gerber's new barn looms up very prominent on the landscape. Mi's Lydia Steinman, of Currinsville, b visaing Logan relatives and friends. Tlie Logan boys defeated the Oregon City boys in a game of baseball on Sim day last. Carl I Kirrhem is walking with crutch es acain, the result of a lacerated f jot, tom on a uall. The upper Lotran school gave an enter tainment last Friday evening, for the school library fund. It was a success. At the June school election T. P. Mc Cubbin wis circled director and V. W. AtiHten, of lirant County, hired as teacher. Road woik and gravel hauling is in progress now. They are putting Rome on the rocis road in places. It will tie an improvement. Everybody is buty now. Farmers are wishing for some good bay-making weather. There is some complaint that the hay crop is short this year. Messrs. 0. D. Robbins, J. C Sprague, Mis. r'allert and others aae having their silos filled with green clover. William Mum power, of Stoue, is running the en silage cutter. W. P. Kirchem thinks he has the best irenoi separator on the market. His is the le Laval No. 2. I'p to the present time it has made the closest skimming rn oid of any other make in the county. The patrons of the C. C. Creamery, received for the June pnyment for butter fat sixteen cents per pound or thirty-two ceiits per roll net, above the running ex pensee, which is a very good beglnuiug. Long live the creamery. On Saturday, June 21, Harding gramre observed Flora, Pomona and Children's J'. y with appropriate The little tots had a good time. Flora, (Migs I-'ilu Kirchem,; read a paper on "In fluence of Flowers on Character " I'o iin ina. (Miss Emma Fallen,) one on "Fruit." Some good vocal uiusii: inter siiersed with recitations, etc., concluded the exercises. A tine dinner was served to one hundred and twenty-five. YourHair "Two years igo my hair via falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hsir Vigor, ind toon my hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother had thin hair, but that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, feed it with Ayer's Hair 'Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and heavy. II . M a Mil. All If your drugjrmt cannot sumily you, trad ui one dollar iud wa will axpraaa you a bottle. He tun and gWa the uauia of jour ueareat eiprpuoalc. Addreu, J. UAYtK CO., Lowell, Mats. The school meeting was held at the school bouse last Monday night, Mr. Finder acting as chairman The meeting was for the purpose of finding out how to build the school house. W. Scoutlon made a motion to borrow the money for three years, hut the majority did not want this, so the chairman asked them if they had any other way and they all kept still. Alter some discussion the motion was brought up again and carried by 4 to 6. Now the directors will pro ceed to have the schol house built. Viola. It is not Viola grange, but Viola charge that is to hold a campmeeting. It will begin July 9 and hold over two Mindaya. The Beck family, noted sing ing evangelists, will assist thtoiubout the meeting. Everybody invited to come. Last week Cha9. Miller and wife went to Portland to attend the wedding of tueir son, Aired. Rev. J. W. Exon spent Saturday and Sunday at the Canby cam ting. Judge Phelps is at the point of death and is expected to pass away most any time. Please excuse this scribe for not saying last week that we had a new comer in town, in the way of a fine baby boy at the home of C. G. Stone. Our new mail carrier is on the route with a brand new outfit. Olive Tenny has returned home from visiting her sister at Pioneer, Wash. to Union Villi. D. L. Trnliinger went to Portland purchase a new buggy and harness. Miss Nellie Bogue. of Portland, is visiting her friend, Mibs Addie Christ ianson. Mr. and Mrs. Boyonton and her sister, Mrs. freLaney, attended the dance at Mulino, Saturday night. Mrs. Julia Nelson was visiting Mrs. Edith Shaw Friday. Mrs. G. Trulhnger was visiting Mrs. H. W. Shaw Friday. Edd Trnliinger and family and nephew, Herb Tiullir.ger, of Portland were visiting I. V. Trulhnger Sunday. Misses Pauline TrulMnger and Belva Shaw called on Mrs. Edith Shaw Satur day. The farmers will be busy haying this week. Lockerhr. G. W. Long and wife and Miss Born haltzer came up from Portland June 19 and went into camp on the north fork of the Clackamas, where they are having a good time fishing, J. J. Davie, the packer for the upper hatchery, went op with another pack train June 21. G. K. Wentworth, of Chicago, and 0 A. Ritan, of Portland, came here June 2o to inspect a large body of timber south east of here. They are owners of the old Pennoyer Mill in Portland. Bhuhel. School election passed off qaietly. G. A. Shubel was elected director and E. W. Horn-chub, clerk, Mr. llettman ba? just returned from Eastern Oregon, where be has been vis iting bis sons, John and Ed. Ed was Teething J I Then the baby is most like- 5 ly nervous, and fretful, and I doesn't gain in weight. I Scott's Emulsion j S is the best food and medicine I S . . . t.nt.sAM TI 5 a ior Lceuiiiig uauica. iucj p gain from the start. f dangeionsly ill with blood-poisoning but is now recovering. The new road is rapidly nearing com pletion under the supervision of Fred Moehnke. Rev. Bott preached his farewell ser mon to a large audience last Sunday morning in the German Congregatioual Church. Robert Gintber snd family have re turned from Oak Grove, where he has been teaching school for the past three months. Mr. Ginther has been engaged to teacn the Needy school next Winter. Mrs Anna Hornschuh, of Seattle, is spending a few days at the home of Mr. Chris. lloriipchuli. Rood Rupervisor-elect Shannon was taking a drive and inspecting his road districts, Monday. E. W. Hornschuh Is helping his Bon in law, Chris. Muralt. build a barn on his place near tlenrici's schoolhouse. Our enterprising voung farmer. Wil liam Moehnke, has bought a blotter for his thresher. E. F. Ginther and wife. Chris. Horn Bchuh and wife. Robert liinther and wife and Mrs. Shock ley visited Mr. and Mrs. llettman last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moehnke visited friends in Highland Sunday. l.aet lueeilav evening several ol our young "sports" went on a cherry steal ing trip and on their retu. n, in a "gen tlemanly" manner, threw several rocks against Mr. M.ismi irer's windows smashing four panes. It sems the boy got a little nervous for tbev took up a collection among themselves the next day and sent the money to M r. Massinger to pay expenses. There are few churches in this immediate community. Newly. A heavy rain keeps s'eadily falling: if this keeps on our celebration fun will surely be soiled. Herb Johnson was at Aurora Sunday Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Smith visited Wocdburn Thursday. Pearl Garrett has gone to Salem, to at tend the summer normal. Julius and Lewis Spigla were seen here last week. George Kinzer retsrned from Antelope rriday. ' Misses Grace Thompson and Dadie Ritter were out wheeling Sunday. F. M. Berrv and family have gone to Wilhoit Springs. Mae Kinzer had the sad misfortune of puncturing her wheel, while wheeling, Sunday. Mrs. H Johnson and Myrtle Smith were the guests of Mrs. Ettio Fish Sun day. D. B. Yoder and lamily visited rela' tives at Hubbard, Wednesday. O. Stnrges and wife were out from Canby Tuesday. Needy is now swarming with "i lodge members." C. C. Molson and family enjoyed the excursion to heasiue Sunday. Miss L. Kornshack is home on a visit. Grmnvnud. Alfred Gregory is at home agin. Miss Mabel Anthony was the guest of Miss htna McCormack Wednesday. Frank McCorinack was up from Port land Sunday. Mr. Blasier is having a new barn built. Chas. Cati ill returned from Ileppner Tuesday. He will take charge of his father's farm this summer. Mr. McCormack is at home from Port land this week. He has been having a severe attack of rheumatism. Walter Mead and Wilbur Newberry were in Greenwood Wednesday. Guy Waldron. of Oregon City, who has oeen visiting at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W.8. Kider, returned home Thursday. f vi f -v HOWNE, Clitml-ts, 5 A 4094.5 Karl Street, New York. g Ki tm inl li (will Antvtri tal aV. .MM. Beaver frees. The rain last Tuesday eight was very benetical to all the farmers, excepting those who had hay cut. The Beaver Creek wood haulers made a lively trip from town Tuesday morning, as they were without their coats and a heavy shower was coining. Joseph Studeman, of Shubel, visited Abel Thomas of Beaver Creek, last week. The Odgen family left for Washington this week. Mr. Pendelton and son. left Beaver Creek and will not return. ' Abel Thomas, of Beaver Creek, has sold his wheel to Jacob Boblander, of Shubel. Eldorado. John Helvey has returned from Catha lamet, Wash , wheie he has been work Ing in logging camp, for the past three months. 1 Lillie Gans, of Oswego, was visiting friends here last week. Mrs. Woodside and Mis Agnes Wal lace went to Oregon City Monday. George Helvey aent Friday night with relatives iu Salem. Otto Striker got his right ear badly hurt last week while running logs for Adkins. One of the men accidently hit him with a pevie. Clyde Smith was trading horses Sun day. Oscar Daniels aud wife, of Cathalauict, Wasn., are visiting relatives in this place. Bill White has moved his family to .Mulino. Mr. White is going to Eastern Oregon soon. Dr. Goucher and wife entertained friends from Oregon City Sunday. Mrs Sophia Adkins and Miss Veva Jones went to Canby one day last week. A. L Jones made a business trip to Oregon City Mouday. TheSturgis Bros., are moving their sawmill to B. J. Ilelvey's place. The Misses Bennett snd Henries and Jim Currin, of Ely, we-e out in tills vici nity buggy riding last Friday evening. John Helvey was calling on friends here Monday night William Guvnn, of Wilhoit, spent Wednesday night of last week with W, 1. Jones and family. t'anby. J. F. Deyoe went up the Molall on a fishing trip last week. Quite a number of young people at tended the or.'uniz itiun of a Rehekah hxlgo, I. 0. O. F. In Aurora last Wednes day. Miss Ong. ol Scntts Mills, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Brodie. Our barber h moving bis belongings to the building next to Kocher's stere. Mrs. M. C. Kirk has moved and is now taking care of Mr. Winches' house. Jane Schmidt and family will move into the boiue she vacated, as soon as he can dig a well. The M. E. camp meeting commenced last Thursday evening and will continue till the sixth of July. The five colored singers and evangelists are proving quite an attraction. Admission free. Mrs Blacker and M's. James Erans have been quite ill with lagripie. Frank Roth is at home on a furlough from San Francifco and is visiting his mother at Riversido. Several of our bright young men left here Monilay morning for Kahuna, where they expect to secure work all the summer, peeling piling. Mrs. Weed and Herbert Thompson are sending a few days with Mrs. Weed's daughter, Mrs. Jack Howard. Miss M. Webb, of Portland, is staying with Mrs. L. Holmes during campmeet ing. S. Terry ami his father-in-law. Mr. Miller, are at Kelso, w here the Utter is taking medical treatment. ' The resilience of II. Bissell was burned to the ground about a week ago. Most of the contents of the house were saved. He is now living on the Selz property, KIJ. Mrs. Duval, of Sellwood, was buck at the old place Friday. Rev. Mr. Goode. of Kosehurg. an uncle of Mrs. Melvin Smalley, who lias been at Hood River during the straw berry season, made a short call on his nephew as he returned home. Mr. Manning made his last trip car rying the mail on his four-year contract .Monday. Mr, .Hosier, the new contrac tor assumed charge Tuesday. Mrs B. Nelson's daughter ami her husband, took dinner with her on Mon day. Itattleaaake KUa.' After the rattlesnake hud boot! adopt ed ns oil emblem and hud nppenrcd o the lings of sevenil of the colonics Hen-1 Jnniln Franklin defended the device on the grounds that the rattlesnake li found- only In A merles: thnt nil ser pents' emblems were considered by tin undent to lx symbol of wisdom; thai his bright, Udles eyes signify vlgl lance; that he never attacks without, tlrst giving fair wnrnlng of his pre nice; thnt his rattles, while distinct I nre so firmly Joined that they ennnot he separated without being ruined for ever, and thut as ho grows older tin, rattles Increase In titinitHr. as It wsii to bo hoped the Colonies would. Indeed this Idea was iimde use of In a ting device w hich represented a rat tlesnake with nlue Joints, euch Joint lettered with red silk. The head win marked "N. K." (New K,;K,n",,,',,"! rT. malnlng sections "S. Y.," "N.J-." "Pa 'Md..M "Vs.," "N. C," "S. C." and "On." This curious standard was dls nrded for the one made by Mr. Uos In Philadelphia lu K77. a flag similar to the I'nlted Slates ting of today, only with fewer stars. Brunswick House & Iteslaiiram Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours- Pricoa Reasonable. Opposite J-usponslon Drldye. Only First Class Hestittiriint In 'low n. CIIAUI.KMCATT, eio B6L0M COS! jTLUmTj GOODS Only rnranlna Ills Pmfwlfin. A Brooklyn magistrate recently had four darkles who were caught In a gambling raid before him. The llrst of the lot to be brought to the bnr was tin undersized iiinii. with a face, its black ns night. The dialogue between the magistrate ami too pris oner created some mc court. "What Is your nnine?" Inquired the magistrate sternly. a "Mali name's Snilff." replied the dnrky. "Whut Is your profession 7" "I'so s locUsmlff by trade, snh." "What w ere you doing w hen the po- lice broke Into the room Inst night': "Judge, I wns pursulti mall profes sion. I was mukiu' a l'lt for the door." "OuTeor." snld the magistrate, with s merry twinkle lu his eye, "lock Smith up."-New York Tribune. Ladies' and fients' Furnishing Goods. I nrlere. S .H!:U ' J"t ir- A Malrlinimlnl Indorrmrnl, Algernon Ah, my dear hoy. so glnd to sec you. And how Is your suit with Miss Ie Rich getting on? Augustus-Wciilly, my boy, I can't say that I've made much progress so far, but I believe I've lilt on the right Idea now. Io you see this dnwg7 "Of course. What a delight ful pug! Just like the one Miss lu Rich mi ni I red, by the way." "It's the very one, my boy. She went Into ecstasies over It at the dnwg show." "Ah, I see. So you've bought It for her?" "No, for myself." "For yourself? Whnt good can that do you?" "Why. my boy, can t you sec? Hal Jove, tbu dear girl will have to take me or lose tho dawg, you know!" I iinlv ile i.lcl (o final' out slu.rt tllli" Htfo Simiuior last Kail fr "'"I I'"'-. ""l ll"'y Uve . Hat I J . . from Knst. rti lactones. I "mi.- nu tnc M-..m .i u,,.,,, r;1i ClacUiiia" County t" see .it tiov Mti'l lii'W i.ri.vs An,,,,;, will Is' surprise.! t. sec a' "tide mark.'. I way iUvii. Tlim .rrlnumt In the you an (..s.lllinity to I'H ' g-'-U f l...,i. I ituui early sm wmit veil want, "hat r. n "i i"" " i mil move lo r.;v 1 ratliVr fell beloiv co-t, so us lo mve trul.i of , ickiu K inovt' nwny. ' Just one wor.l llhnllt mtr sli.. Just fi"Hi J. . I.ewiV f(,.. llosl.ui. Tin y are ning out of I'U'iii' s", ! cnhl iiie nu on.rd iiml vmi fiin K'"t tin' I'fio'lit of tins. Call f.r J. It is t, VllO closing mil fill' of si-llie slon s is Im'ti ly It s. lo in.. !r, i.l. I slock, but this sale is Ihpiiii li.l.' 1 luivc alr- luircliii"'-.! a loiihlina i'i I'ortl in. I, o I tun iiui. to move there so ns to save es us.. i.f rent nml cur 'ire. Do not full to call. W. YHKEDH Oregon C;: i it rui n in it itiMi Main I...rii 3th ami Silt A New Organ $46 Delivered at Any Railroad Station or U oat Landing In Oregon It at t'hl lla Had llrail. An unlettered Celt's application to the riillndc Iphln court of 11at11rnll7.11 tion resulted In the following dliiloKiie: Judtje Ilnvo you rend tho Inlnru tlon of Independence? Applicant No, sir. Judcc Have you reud the constitu tion of the United States? Appllcunt No, sir. Judi;c Have you rend the history of the United Ktutes? Applicant No, sir. Judge No? Well, whnt hnve you rend? Appllcunt Ol have red hnlr on me head, your honor. Michael Hughes and went to town this week. O. Hughes is building fence. William Perry new board Mr. Leweilen, ol Sprinuwaler. son of Commissioner Lewellen was in the oily and stayed at his father's Monday niuht. Frank Doty, who succeeds Mr. Man ning in carrying the mail, made his initial trip Tuesday. Mr. Moran has been somewhat under the weather for several days but is better at present. Maple Lane Grange held Its monthly meeting in Nash's hall as usual. The attendance was fairly good. Mrs. Minnie Albriirht has been hsvine poor health the past week. Mrs. Nelson is taking care of her, and is also keeping house for Melvin Hinalley, during Mrs. Smalley's visit to ttalem. Millard Gillett met with a severe acci dent, wherjIy be lost the point of one of his great toes, in endeavoring to saves email boy from being run over by a wood wagon. Charles Albright was taken so unwell that he had to quit work Tuesday after noon, and will not be able to resume work before next Monday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson, a son on Wednesday evening. Don't l ull to Try TbN. Whenever an honest trial is given to Electric Bitters for any trouble it is re commended for a permanent cure will surely be effected. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorate the nerves and purify the bipod. It's a wonderful tonic for run-down systems. Electric Bitters positively cures Kidney and Liver Troubles, Htomach Disorders, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, and expels Malaria. Satisfaction guaranteed by George A. Harding. Only 50 cents. Ton llpvulnr. "For ten years," snld tho new pnr takcr at a bonr.llug house, "my hnhlts were as regular ns clockwork. I rose on the) stroke of 0. Half an hour Inter I sat down to breakfast. At 7 1 was at work, dined nt 12, ute supper at l mid was In bed nt U::in. I nto only healthy food und hadn't a sick day In all that time." "Dour me!" usked the deacon In sym pathetic tones. "And whnt were you In for?" Au awful sllenco ensued. Kansas City Independent. What Ktlinn Allrn Snld. A lecturer on the mistakes of his tory suys thnt Etliim Allen did not ut ter at the taking of Fort Tlconderogn the ringing phrase associated with that event in the mind of every schoollsiy. Instead of Informing: the British com mundcr that he demanded the surren der of the stronghold "in the nnme of the great Jehovah and the Continental congress," he shouted, "Come out of thut, you old rut.1" I'- ' ' - iro ' ! I tr , 'I ); f (' - 1 I '.J , .. -'. . , If ... ':"'-r v ; r.v VNiiK-vh.k ! . . i, -Hi ;iAteMTiut - : ' III fci' WMkim 5 : : :. . Mn The Itoandarir Llaf, A well known Judge on a Virginia circuit was recently reminded very forcibly of his approaching baldness by one of his rural nc'iunliitnnceg. "Jcdge," drawled the farmer, "it won't be very long 'fo' you'll hev to tie a string around yer head to tell how fer up to wash yer face." Harper's Muga si no. TIt In a pl.'turi. nf one of th '."'i. 11 im in., 1'1,,-in.- gu.rn. w.uiiui (,r (,,.,.,.,., !, t-ii,.. uy llllMl.ll; m'" rin.Mr ....... ru,ta now , ii, iiiiiMiir.i .fii... - ... IIIH.I ..).,, y f,,r Kllrra riiiii.i Hon". ,". :i. a M1..1 v. rv liimn l,.,n-li .l Kr. nch l""" an orii'ifiieiii in imv N'UIII. lii.Uf tin.l U..I....1.I.. ..I. n.nn. V11 It l .,n,.0 0lie Uf tll ,, nilll ,,,,. .,. fllu.luful;iur. d In li 'mist Jtullt " "" 'o vv lounu 111 mi uilur mi. SPECIAL IN I RODUCTORY Off ER : Tbe Modrrn Method. "Ism writing a story of a stroggllng Inventor." "It won't do," answered the abruptly critical friend. "Inventors don't strug gle nowadays. They let the people wlto are eager to buy stock do the strug gling." Washington Star. Your Uloarraphr. Here Is your biography In a nutshell: Horn, welcomed, enreseed, cried, fed, grew, amused, reared, studied, exam ined, graduated. In love, loved, engaged, married, quarreltsl, reconciled, suffered, j mourned and forgotten." I. . rK.Vr.r'1.T, ihJ'irr,'?',l,,.r r,'Nl,1'""'' ,hl "...iM.m.-iit ls'o ha M-vrral oft rKU!.ir efl. u. t0 U. founil In i IMl,.r ..,..1... To Introduce th' "f"" ,; s,ir niakliix most '"'I",."'",ffli' Will deliver a wrf..... I . .. '". '"T )'T ' ' '. J uXJs:; x KAKirZJxr ;-rm- wr" u EKers Piano House PORTLAND, OliLGON l.arurat, l.rndinK and Moat llrapouall Uratrra llrl,'fc SHI WhlnKt..B hi., os Sprimr Ave lorllaiid, Or. SM.une. W'nah. S Srinlh and J Hla., Nui-rumrnto. Iin: Morkrl ' Enterprisb and W. Oregonian $ Maatrred. Harriet Dor.'sn't Julia ose a good deal of face powder? Jenny Face powder! She ought to belong to the Plasterers' union. Fun u.i 0r LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SHOES All Grit tit GROCERIES. PATENT W' A. S. HUNT, Willamette Falls. ..l .-, filer- u" I'lll.lle lrlrili"" ,t