Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
JUNE 'JO, 1902 ENTERPRISE, FRTDAY. News of the Week Friday, June 13. Violence is reported in the Wyoming Valley . Utah Press Association arrives in Forlaud. Tort 01 Portland Commission will send old dredge on trial trip. Wheat opens strong in the East, but breaks belore the cloee. Superior lodges of Workmen and De gree of Honor visit Astoria. Cornerstone of Scottish Kite Masonic Cathedral laid in Portland. First adnal move made toward San Franrisco-Manila cable line. Charles W. Bricker, well known tall man, is drowned in Portland. Militia-men are in charge of Pawtuck ct, K. I., owing to street-railway striae. German warships were sent to Venu ela simply to safeguard German interests. Saturday, June 14. Sumpter, Or., is to have smelter. The House passed the irrigation bill. Cuba refused to admit Chinese labor ers. Wet weather pushes Eastern wheat prices up. Commissioner Doech returns from Charleston. There was no serious trouble in the strike at Pawtucket. The President, in a special message, targes relief for Cuba. Wilkesbarre miners were held in check by strike leaders. Salem Iodise of Masons, No. 4, cele brates its fiftieth anniversary. Bogus officer secures release of three prisoners on Spokane reservation. The Senate considered the Domination of Captain Crozier to be Chief of the Army Bureau Urdance. British ship Speke ready ftr sea with largest wheat cargo ever shipped fiom the Pacific Coast to South Africa. King Edward held ft special court at Buckingham Palace. Panes rehearsed tueir part in the coronation ceremony. Sunday, June 15, Portland lost another game to Butte. Chinese rebels bombard city and kill many. All Kansas crops are in the best of -.Condition. Yale wins intercollegiate baseball championship. Senator Elkins offers resolution for an jiexitiou of Cuba. Governor Gage begins libel suit against Eaa Francisco Call. - Senate agrees to irrigation bill, which a )w goes to the president. Special convention may be called to decide course of soft-coal miners. Colonel Lynch, M. P., on trial for treason against British in South Africa. At Salt Lake City the jury found Horteoson guilty of runnier in the first decree, and he will have choice of bang ing or shooting. Paul Cnderwood. charged with mnr dering his 3-week void babe at Ballard, Wash., has been captured, stter ahout (wo weeks' chase, anil is now in jail at South Bend. He alleges that bis wile knew about and took an active part in the doing away of their infant, despite her strong denial. He states that he will give testimony implicating Mrt Underwood on the stand. WHERE DOCTORS FAIL To Cure Woman's Ills, Itfdla E. riukhatu's egelable l om- pound Succeeds. Judson Writes: Mrs. Taullne "Pkab Mm. : Soon after my wnrrij two years gt 1 found myself iu constant paiu. The doctor said my womb waa turned, and this caused the pain with considerable lu flamiuation. Ho prescribed or uie for jj MRS. PACLIN'K JITWOS, Secretary of fjeheniierlioni Golf Club, "UrvxAljn, ew York, four months, when my husband became impatient because 1 grew worse instead of better, and in speaking' to the dnif pist he advised him to get Lytlin 1-1. lMnkham's Vegetable Compound aud Sanative 'Wash. How I wish 1 had taken that at first ; it would have saved me weeks of sufferiup. It took three long months to restore me, but it is a happy relief, and we are both most grateful to you. Your Compound has brought jor to our home and health to me." Mm. Pai'ijxb Jvdson, 47 Hovt Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. (5000 firfrit If afcm ttttimomial la mot ftmlif, It would seem by this state ment that women would save ttone and much sickness if they would pet Lydia E. lMnkham's Vegetable Compound at once, and also write Ut Mrs. lMnkham at Lynn, Mass., for special ad vice. It is free and always helns- Four days of debate in Senate before voting on canal bill. Kizil Kongan won the Grand Prix de Paris, of LHO.OOO trance. Soft coal miners helD strikers by not supplying anthracite markets. Dr. J. L. P.eavis is suspended from State Dental Association for advertising. Kramer, nrnfessional. and HlirleV. amateur, break world's wheeling records at Newark. Baccalaureate sermons preached at State University, Oregon Agricultural College and other Oregon colleges. Monday, June 16. j Five soldiers boloed by the Filipinos. Bo-re are surrendering in large num berg. First Christian Church in Portland dedicated. Wool if Baker County was never so clean and fine. 'l ;. IS mm If 1 The crowning joy oi -17)44 a'llji- mother- A3 1 jfrQ-vJ T'tfj IS- hood and the crowning joy of i tglo have healthy children. But there can be no joy in motherhood without health, and without health for the mother there can be no health for the child. It is of vital importance for women to know that the health of mother and child is in general entirely within woman's control. The thousands of women who have used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription when expecting motherhood, have testified that it made them healthy and happy in the days of waiting, made the baby's advent practically painless, and gave them health to give their chil dren. ' Mn W. J. KiiMrr. of Hill Dale Farm (Hnoa twirR Center). hnosburff. Vt., writes: "Muring the year I found myself expecting; maternity, aud in rapidly failing health. 1 surf ered dread fully from bloating; and urinary difficulty. I waa growing perceptibly weaker each day and suffered much sharp pain at times. I felt that omething must be done. I sought your advice nd received a prompt reply. Took twelve bottles of Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, and also followed your instructions. I Began so Improve immediately, my health became excellent, and I could do all my own work (we live on a good sized farm). I walked and rode all I could, and enioyed it I had a short, easy confinement and have a healthy baby boy." The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages, is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps for expense of mailing only, tot the book in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Tuesday, June 17. Storms in Central Europe damage crops. There is no clianee in the anthracite miners' strike. Appropriations for Oregon harbors not available at present. Minister Quesada presented bis cre dentials to the President. Corn gets most of trading in Eastern grain market, and advances. Supreme Lodge of A. O U. VV. takes a trip np Valley, and returns. Root assumes full responsibility for the payment of money toGumez. Two military prisoners escape from guards near Fort Baker, Cal. School election in Portland results in defeat of kindergarten scheme. Cullom and Kittredge spoke in the Senate for the Panama Canul route. Steamship Homer to load a cargo of lighthouse supplies at Portland for Alaska. Wednesday, Jnne 18. Supreme I-odge, A. O. U. W., elects officers. Portland swimming baths thrown open to public. There may be no legislation for Cuba this session. Portland City Council invites bids for public market. Indian War Veterans hold seventeenth annual session. Venezuelan revolutionists fired on Norwegian steamer. The House passed the bill amending the bankruptcy law. Disorderly scenes occurred in the French Chamber ot Deputies. Grasshopper plague in Sacramento Valley is becoming more serious. Non-union miners cannot be imported into the Pennsylvania coal fields. Speeches were made in the Senate on the canal by Perkins, Stewart, Morgan and Gallinger. John P. Hopkins was chosen chairman of the State Central Committee by Ill inois Democrats. Thursday, June 19. King Edward is advised to take a rest, Riifb for Fort Hall Indian Reservation continues. The House passed the general defi ciency bill. Carnegie asked to aid University of Oregon library. Manv persons were hurt in s riot at Patterson N. J. The British tax on maize will be re duced one-half. Nebraska Republicans nominated a full state ticket. The next Supreme Lodge, A. 0. U W., will meet at St. Paul. Infant believed to have been murdered in hotel at Haines, Or. j The beet-sugar Senators declare they j will not vote for the Spooner bill. A convention of coal mirers has been ' called to decide whether the strike shall I be general. j Ojjteial Vote IHtlrict (); . cent. Following is the oHichtl vote for jus tices of the pence, c nst.tblea and road supervisors at the election held June 2nd, in Clackamas county i (Corrected.) Jutii'e and Constables. District No. 1 Justice, J. A. Turner W. U. F. Aden HO, Charles Hansen 108. DUtrict No. 2 J. C, Haines 115. District No. 3 Justices, John Wise 211, James A. Wells 13(i; constable, George Mooney 174, Leonard Jones 100. District No. ! Jiistir, LIvyMipp OS', J. W. Loder 6:1); constables Moody 782, Cooke 57u. Pistget No. 0 Justices, William Knisht 213. J. A.lliahani 217. District No. 7 Justices, K R. Rra' ton 73. J H. Joy tier Bit. P. Malloy 62. constable. L. L. Grihlile fll, K. M Mathews ti2. John McCreary 50. Justice district No. B Juadces, J. Labour 1112. II. Skiivin Mil; constable, John Haiigh 17, J. 11. Taylor 121. District No. 0 Justices, W. F. Mueller, 55; R. M. Cooper l"'l ; consta bles, Aip 1). Jones 12!lt F. Molden hauer 70. District No. 10 Justices, M. E. Ksn die 77, L. P. tVjiiiarnn 62s constables, Everett Pollock 75. B. C Palmer 57. District No 11 Justices, L Tenny W, J. J. KargMd, 116: constables, T. R Put.L 116, F. 11 King 75 District No 12 Justices, 8. C. Young M; constables, J. L. Bates IK1, R. 0. Heiser 83. District No. 13 Justice, T. G. J'n rud 171 ; constable. Bert .lonsrud 172 District No. 14 Justices, C. W. Case.lav 00, J. P. Woodle t7 J consta lee, B. "F. Forrester 83. Homer Glo ver 97 DUtrct No. 15 Justices, G. W. Ow irgsllO, H. F. Smith lllj constable, R. G. Garrett 111, 8. J Ksuffmann 78. Road Supervisors. DbdHct No. 1-W. II. Connsell. 182. No. 2 Walter Wilson, 89, P T. Da vis 68. No. 3-A. H. Ritxau 81, O. W. Griffin 60. No. 4(j B Linn 53, Joseph Ca hill 4fl. No 5 Andrew Vetsch 25, John Bird sail 38. No ft John Revenue 52. No 7-Charles Leak 20, James Fea glea 45. No 8-Ed Kopper, 15. No 0 Henrv Johnson 30, No 10-W R Oattield 34, Charles Duncan 29. No 11 John E. Smith 142, Jesse Man.tield 88. No I2-J.0. Sprgue67. No 13 W U Mattoon 18, James Ful lam 30. No 14 F E Ternan 6, G F Gibbs 06. W O Dickersnn 39. No 15 Ward B Lawton 75, E E Kelloi'i 28. No ltt Auust Rtaehbv6S. No 17-A H Knight 67, Joh Baney 107. No 18 Tohn Shannon 75. Fred Moehnke 72. No 19 P Pendleton 19. J J Mai- latt 68. No 20 A J 6lromBren 22, Charles Welch 21, John Puts 13. Joseph Pol look S5. No 21 J H Wright 3, 0 R James 27. No 22 Henry Rata!l 90. No 23 W B Toll 62, Henry Zeig ler 43. No 24-Carl Hilton 7, E A Montan- den 63, D B Yoder 39. No 25 Frank P. Broach 21, Herman Harms 36, Ed M Morris 50. No 27 John Barth 70, I D Larkins 32. No 28 B F Bovle 30. No 29 Herman II Sin id t 28. No 30 Thomas Fox 80, U II Locev 51. No 31 John Aden 55, A II Borland 37. No 32 W 0 Heater 03, G 8 Young 65. No 33-.T A Reid 69. No 34 Ed BMorf 76. Jeff Shaw 100. No 35 Fred Wagner 25. No 36 Bud Thompson 67, John Ea gan 23. Corrected Official Returns of Eectiori June 2d, 1902. On account of Kv:l errors In returns a published List week we agjln publish table cot. " , , , i t I i I I M.I I U.UJJJ JJJ C ! U.IJIi limn mmwmmlM w& I'll.'- 1 ! . I , I ! I I I ii i I I . m Miii AT n rtA mi; mi Hi lorU : KiJ : i; "''V1M n i i i i . i i i i Tut. tn . iii7l ni'ir I'.H ui IM.1V ""H M IU I i J i I i M 1 6 li I. '4.' I A. !'. M, A 4 ! 4 IM ' lit, V a, IIMSiill I.-, an;l.'ti .'. i4..ll .-to 7,L i ! ' I . I I'll I TT.-Ht 111 m'.V.'l If. M 4 - a a t ii r 7 (i; i,'.4 lhi.'(iwr;ii. In in IS'l.ll 1 1 - .1. 40. f li I 1 I 1 I ! ,. ni ,1 d .u nil T 4 4ll.'.ll....ut 74: M II 1 I I mi KfcAL ESTATE TKASfES. Furnislied Every Meek by I lie flat la mas Abstract A Trust t o np.ui). M A Blankenship to J L Waldron Lot 4, Blk 28, U C $ 900 A Smith to J b Smith, 137 acres in sec 28 & 29 111 t2sr4e 500 F A Ely to J W Gray, Lot 1, Blk 3, Ely's Add 75 S Coover to A U Fratt, lois 100 & 10", Scotts Mills . bio F W Youmana to B B Youmans, 37 acres iu Matlock claim, 1 2 s, r 2 e 1000 W J Ranch to C Rieuiao, Lot 3,111k 1. Fairview Add 100 E W Y Johnson io E Doty, Lot 3, Blk 17. Bolton 200 J L Cochrane by Adinr to J Roggie t'A of nw A 3.ii0 adjoining in sec 8, tSsrl e 1800 I Graitoii to R R Carlson, 160 acres in sec 21 A 28 111 1 1 s r 4 e i-AX) II C Sievens to C K Shannon, Lot tf Blk 8. Minset City 5U0 J Perry lo 8 Wylde, 10.30 acres in sac 21, t Us r 1 e aJU C E bnannon to M Stevens, part Blk 62, OO 450 W Meldrum to E P Rands, 6 acn in Rmearson CI. t 2 a r 2 e 976 Ruddiman to W C Brown, w of se & se of se, sec 3, t 2 s r 4 e , . . 1 W O Brown to J Nelson, same land 1200 C L Shannon to C A l'aizlaiT, part Lota 7 A 8. Blk 62. OC 1400 H Brush to A Kohler, n of e of nw of sec 3o. t 4 s r 1 e 400 B Freidnch to J C Solle, 5 tracts in Parrott CI 350 I Frr to C A Stuart lot 5 blk GO O C 1 G J Trullinger to B Freidricha, 140 acres in CI 42, t 4 a r 2 e 2300 Win R Wade to 0 Johnson, 20 acrs inP Welch CI, t 2s r 2 e 1500 L Rotermuud to E Buily, Part Blk 1, Roots Add 475 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT 4 TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy right to the I home system oi abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the County, can furnish information as to title to land at once, on appl: ation. Loans, Investments, real estate, abstracts etc. Oniceover Bank of Oreiron City. Call and investigate. Address box 37. OASTOniA. Ssan th The Kind Ym Han k':m B::;,1!! Fill tioVSUNnS lirtirio r. t, Vm WiIIihiu J. o!lh, Kv , J lliiuk, I'rv K. K l(n JOS M'-llt Jl'lHlX U,! H. II11MI, M II. r. M..!lh!H, l tJ Hrlnlil. P. Fna SsrsTAt or Ktt c. W. Uimt, H N. . I' Ki.Mk 1 Ihiiitiar, R. I). V. Snsrs. II. Ka sta 1 k lsAesr ll.nry Hl.i'kiii.n, U T. S. il.-la!('l. P I li.rtrn M. sliwra, H W. W. Mr. rs,S Sert. or I t ai is lTci J. H. Ai'k'inian, K H. W. K-lMijr. F W. A. Wnsii, 1' ATTossar tlsit . M. t'rwt,.r.l. K. t. ii G..1U., r. Jme if. K.i.y, I) STr I'siMTna W. W. Mr.., f laniM K liiUH.y, D J. K. lliMiniiT, S J. K. M Minor, K rlsrsaaasr.tivsTO Cokuhsm llirani imulil, ' II. K. Kami, S IIioIQhi II Tnnftl., H J K WmtliM,r.r., Ii I'Kiruli fTl. S.T11 T.T liw.H K a H11.1J II. Jmvr sisiroa, ('!. saliiai and MillUiumsh llt-rl-rt ll'iluuiii, H w. W. Main, H Ulrhanl Ro'll. CltK.nt , Joint Mitras.BNT.TPB, flackamaa Jt Mull. Ii. M. l aOioji V I'liarlM W. NiiUiuliaDi, K W. f. Young, C Srrn- iMirict.C., R U. W. tlrat C ('in. W. Ilrrtn.n, P Krwl J. Mrludl, a- Kraa.rTiv H A. Hlsrs, P V. II Mllilevlll, P f. A. Will, T. P ('. P flara.t! (I. W. Ka.lliam. r liiltn-rt L. llnUea, C Koih-o lilmlirr. S ,. . A J. M.'lllf, S WaitM r. PraoVa. C U. Iliiull.jr. H Han PanlM-n, K H A Wi-bsor, H . I'ol'STT Jt'lius Klni.r OUxn, C A. Martin, P llu.uuu t Kran, R h.riM K. Sueui, H CVrmi'iiiMi- Willi. 1 r J-t. R I. B rkrineior. P ( (MirK L.lrlti, S ( h.rh.W Kulrjr Siirnirr Tht-udon II.K.ubuig.r, P J. K. J.rk. : 1). M., H John a Bli.irr, K Cl sa le II. Co".r, C A W, Pankliauvr, P lillbrrt II. K..Ilillii,S ... P. A "l.liilit, K Rrcoania or loarsiist ts 1M IC. orM.r. C . Pram KraiiH-raer, 8 J. W. Mv, P, II. nrr K Hu-rclia, R ta.LiUH.a William Reanl, S William Johnum. 0 JanjM P. r,i.on, H TkSA.nista- ('.lull, R Allied Lu. -Iliuar. C Iu r Pnndle, P . Hibvstos A M. Kln'krm.O John W Moldruiu, R ... .... Cohois K. I ll .lman. R .. M. Mill,. P W K Prnrlm.t J. W. Pow.ll.O IsiTiATKa aso KKrr.assiM a Aurxvnnrt - No i i 10 17 Vr. lolMI '4 H4 IM !' ot.' Is ?i 1:1 k 1 '.lU'ii iMIi 7 l .1Mill I'l.Ti ' 7l'..l ll " "ii 1 I i'i 50 ln! inn II au li urn l .1 I ti. l.' .11 U l7'.' Mxt ;'l Alt' vi: i i i I 1 t 1 4VC. ,K Kit H I; J s, I l.'UJ: i.:. i 'in:.' r4i u;:r' i'." HI 7 71 1 ! M.'Jj '..-liiv Mil i i ..Hi i;l.'CM,l ii 4 ' i t'lJO J7 in" ini 'i J '.' I ' M:. -,M nil 7 ,UI! 'Jilli Ii U .Wl v..u-1!,l'l lo: .'I i '.M II V I ir 17 V 40 y7; U I li l Mi ,Vi; - U ' I"1 J t! r.! ' ' " l.nti. wv.:ii4o ' -' 4HI.V''-'1 i , i i ! I l'."W ...,.U I'.XI w N. 4J ii-1 II. ) i . : 1 1 iii :t.'i' r-ii sti i:i4 110.0. 'l'i7J i.u ;.i' i II I I ' I I lmHI .. -l '-.M7l ;im-,iII It ii - 1 M If " 77;i ! Ii. .1 l j , l l l v J; i ' I "ir.'.'l 4 .-s, " 'i ! ' ." i I'i .1 i V. 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Ill 1 Tin If i 't'ii 4 ) 1 T I S I A. II 1I4UIIIIII I SllliJt-C.iJI sw4"vr44r.iK rt 7a.'4li;j4:.l.'lf a t I.'! I. 4 t I k, I I I ! 1 1 ' I : H av'jn mn aa U4 ..n.II.U 111. ! " I . I iri .'Vi,J4-rnr MW4W,iniii HI iivivn n I. a ilt -14, 'Till U ' A.4MMJJ4I II J t I I I I I ' I I js, liy.wi.l ViTWT It 1J 7, 7 e T f. I I, lutes A(f.iln Keduceil Krm All l'uiuta Kusl. Before yon make ilelinite arranyeuieiits for tlial trip east let us quote you rates via the Illinois Central Kailroail. Our rates are tlie lowest to be had, and it a il par you to write us. If you haven't time lo communicate with us, tell the a. mil from whom you purt'liaice your ticket that you want to travel by way of die Illinois Central, and you will never re gret the trip. If any of yonr relatives or friends in the east are coining west while the low ratVs are In elfect write us about them, nd we will see that they gut the lowest rales with the best service. Throuuli tourist cars, personally con ducted excursion cats, free reclininu chsir cars in fact all the latest conveniences know to modern lailroading. For particulars regarding rates, time, ervee, stopovers, different connections ..i d routes, Etc., etc., call on or address ; H. II. Tki Miu i.i., 142 Third Ktreet. Com'1 Agt. Portland, Ore. Brunswick House & Itcslaurant Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours. Prices Reasonable Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class RcHtiiurant In Town. CIIARLKS CATTA. ProprifW CASTOR I A For Infant! And Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of MURROW'S BARRED ROCKS Are at thn top. Have won at two of tlio .argent fl8 in NorthweHt, l.ioi l!l()2, bIho at tlio Htato fairs. Uok up record, Some fine keciling cockrclu from our Jtrizfl winninf Htrain 2.(X) am up. AIho a few white rm'k cock rein 2.00. 1$ 2.CKJ per netting. J. MURROW & SON, Oregon City, Or Some Reasons Why You Should Insist on Having EUREKA HARNESS OIL IJneoualed by any other. Renders hard leather soft Especially prepared. Keeps out w.-iter. A heavy bodied oil. Harness An excellent preservative. Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather ; iu Efficiency is increased. tecures best service, titches kept from breaking. Oil Is sold in all .ocalitiee Rtaadard Oil Cmmb. IB Enterprist and V, Oregonian D0NT GUESS AT IT ,.f but if you are going east write us for our ratrt "jj let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered bj IllinolsContral Railroad. Through TourlstCar via the Illinois Central from Pacific Coast J Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write u wl your trip as we are In a position to give you some valuable inform tion and assistance. 5319 init.t 0f Track over which la opeua some of the finest trains in the world. For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on address J. C. LINDSEY, B H TRUMBULL. T. V. & P. A. Coru'l ABL 14J Third Ktreet, Portland, Ore.