Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY. JUNE 20, 1902 Legal Notices. Mlt.HIt'FN NAI.E. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gou, for tbe County of Clackamas. J. T. Apnerson, plaintiff) vs. T. U Charman, trustee. Kite It. Charman, A. 8. Dresser, Mary Com vers, KJwsrJ B. Harris fMackamas Abstract it Trust Company, aror poralion, A. W, Che ney, B rtha M. Sum ner. E. J. Mi-Kit rick. Michael Minarilc, J. 0. Mack, James W. Pari low, Ixmis H. Wasser man, 0eort;e Morris, Mrs. C. B. Johann, V. H. Pobyns, 1 C. Teoford, Samuel (ira ham, V. K.Uoss, Mary George, D. J. Switier, David Turney, Sarah Oeonce, A. H. George, Kdwin Collins. John Vtnney, I. l-e Mahieu, Maria Sht'itaflVr, Cath erine Burkhol rt. Mo- Minnville Coilr, a I corporation. Kiora Hire, KmelieC. Shaw, J. P. Bhaw, W.J. Ranch, Defendants, Stati ofOknios I 83 COI'NTV or CLACKAMAS.) By vir;ue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issue 1 out of and under the seal ol tMe above en titled court, in the above entiiled cause, to me dulr oirected and dated the Mth day of Way, ii2, upon a judgment rendered and nit-red in said court on the'.'nd day of May 1902, in lavor of J. T. Apperson, Pla'intitt, and acainst T. L. Charman, De fendant, lor the sum of $11.915 .29. with in terest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum Irom the 2nd day of May, l!W2, and the furtlier eum of $:W3j taxes with in terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per anncm, from the 2nd day of May, li'2 and the further sum of !.)0.00, as attorney's fee, wilh interest thereon at the rate ot 6 per cei t ier annum from May 2nd JUtti, end the futttier sum of f 00 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this nt, coinniaiid'i'K me to make sale of the following described real proerty, situate in the county ol Clackamas, state ot Oregon, to-wit: TRACT NO. 1. IWinrinjr, at the South East corner of the A. K. Hedees and wile D. L, C. in T. 3 8. K. 2 E. ol the Willamette Meridian in Clackamas Comity, Oregon ; thence North 0 degrees 22 minutes West to the angular corceron the West beundary of the Wil liam Holmes claim; thence North 33 de- f:rees 30 minutes Kat 8 5rt chains to the ine between Townships 2 and 3 8nt'i, thence West on Township line one chain to claim line; tlence North 28 degrees East on claim line 5.2.3 chains to the niot south erly comer of a tract of land deeded by Archibald Mckinley and wife to David McLaughlin found recorded on pares 260 ' and 257 of Book 'C"' of he record of deels for said County and Stite; thence North 65 degrees 30 minutes We.-t on the Southerly line ot said McLaughlin tract 1)0 leet to the Southerly line of the County road, thence tracing tne said southerly line of the County road to a point in an easterly pro jction of the north line of "Tract A" of South Oregon City So. 3 as shown by the recorded plat tnereot totind on page 19 book 5 ot tbe record of Town Plats in Clack amas Coumy, Oregon; thence -Wert on said north line to the Nor h west corner of said 'iatt A ' thence 8onth 9)0 feet; ' thence West 840 feel ; thence North 60 feel : thence VVet 4'JU feet; thence Nortu 625.5 fett to the t n of the first main bluff; thence South Weft r y with tbe meanders of saiil blur to the intersection of the same Kith the township line before mentioned; thence West on said Township line to tne intersection of tbe same with the South Westerly bonnriary line of said MnKinley claim ; thence South 45 degrees East on claim line to the most northerly corn, r of a tract ot land deeded by A. F. Hedges and wile to J. T. Apperson by deed recorded on pages 3i5 of Book "N" of deeds for said Countv and State; thence South 16 degrees West 16.82 chains to a stone on tbe South boundary line of said Hedges claim ; thence East on claim line 17.18 chains to a p"iHt; thence North 8.17 chains to s point on the McKinley c airn line; thence East to a point on the West boundary line of the (aid Holmes claim; thence Sooth to the iilace of beginning, containing 160 acres more or less. TRACT NO. 2. Beginning at a point which is North 8fl degress 12 minutes East 25.03 chains distant from a point which is North 0 degrees 22 minute We.-t and 6.70 chains distant from the South wot corner of the D. L. C. of Win. Holmes and wife in T. 3. S. R. 2. E. of the Willaiiiet e Meridian in Clackamas Countv, Oregon; thence North 945.2 feet to a ttDii'e; 'hence Wet-t l'rtifi feet; thence Booth 956.5 leet: t:ience North 89 degrees 12 in in i) l-s East 1062 leet to the place of beginning, containing 15 acres more or less. TRACT NO. 3. A part of the D. C. of Wm. Holmes and wile in Sec. 6, T. 3. 8. B. 2. K. Willam ette Meridian, and more particularly des--crihed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point on the West bound ary ol said Holmes D. L. C. 6 79 chains North 0 degrees 22 minutes West from the Southwest corner of the same ; thence along the West boundary of same North 0 degrees 22 minutes West 1558 feet to a point; thence North 80 degrees 18 minutes Et 648.53 feet to a Hone; thence South 693 37 feet to a point; thence East 7.02 feet to a point; thence South 0 degrees 22 minutes East 606 5 feet to a point on the Nortb boundary of a Iraci of land conveyed oy J. i. Apper son to C. C Williams by deed recorded on pa 3 369 of book 27 of record of deeds of Clackamas Countv, Oregon; thence on tbe Nottli boundary of said tract to the place of beginning, situate in Clickamas County, Oregon. TRACT NO. i. Beginning at a oint on a line between the lands sold by M. J. Broderick et al to J. T. Anperson as recorded in B ok "H"' page 357 record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, and that sold to David McLaughlin by Archibald McKinley re corded on pages 2.06 and 257 of Book "C" of deeds for Clackamas Coiinly, Oregon, 224.4 feet South 65 degrees 30 minutes East from the most northerly corner of a tract of land conveved by J. T. Apperson to T. I.. Charman, Trustee, recorded on page 4-'l Book 33 record of deeds for Clackamas County, Oregon, thence South 65 cegreea 30 niinutfg East along said line to the Southerly line of the County road; thence Westerly tr-icing the Sontnerly line of tbe County road to a point in a projection of tbe North line of "Tract A" of South Ore gon City No. 3 as shown by tbe recorded plat thereof fpund on page 1!) book 5 of the lecord of Town plats in Clackamas County, Oregon; thence West to the North West rorner of said "Tract A" thence South 200 feet; thence West 810 feet; thence North 680.7 feet; thence North 24 degrees 53 niin- utes East 2fi6.H feet to the place of begin. ning, containing 12 acres more or less, Hairt ' land will be sold in the order named above Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, snd in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will on Satarday, tbe 21ST DAY OF JUNE, 102; at the hour of 1:30 o'clock P. M.. at the front door of tbe County Court House in tbe City of Oregon City, in said County and State, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for TT. 8. gold coin cas in hand, all tbe right, title ad inteiest which the within named de- fendant or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or lo the shore described real properly or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, cwW and all accruing costs. J.J.COOKE. Sheriff of Clackamas Countv. Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May Hth, 1SWJ, In the Circuit Court of the State ol Ore. gou, tor Clackamas Countv. W T. Davidson, 1 PUintitl, vs. Augusta Davidson, Defendant, J To Augusta Davidson, the above named defendant, in the name of the Slat of Urt- iron: You are hervbv notilied to he and apear in the above entitled cour. on or be fore the last day of the publication of these summons, to wit: On or before Wednesday. July ltith, !W2, then and there to answer the cotiiidaiiit of the above named plaintlif hied against you in the above endued suli: and, if you tail so to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the nlalntHI will pray lo sain court for the relief prayed for lis hia said complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the above entitled court lor the dissolving and annul ling the bonds of matrimony now and here tofore existing between the i.lainiitt and defendant, and f ir su absolute decree of divorce from you, the said defendant. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof bv order ol th Honor able Thos. f. Ryan, Judge ol the County ol Clackamas, Siai'e of Oregon, which order bc-aridateof June 2nd, 1H0.', and directs that said summons be served upon the said defendant b) publication thereof for six consecutive weeks In Hie Oregon City Km terpri. a weekly newspaptr ol generj circulation, published in Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon; said publica tion to begin on tiertth day of June. 1902, and to end on the ISh dty if J nl v. I'M!. S. W. STARK, Attorney lor plaiuiilt. .otlre of final Nettlememt. ' In the County Court of Clackamas County State of Oregon, In the natter of the Estate of( Jons Kritteiison, deceased. I Notice is hereby given that the under signed Executor of tne Estate of Jons Kris tenson, deceased, has riled his final report therein in said court, and the court lias tiled JULY 7TH, 1902, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A M. as a day and time for the tiling ol obje tioiii to said re port, and for the settlement of said estate. T. J. JONSKl'D. Executor of the Estate of Jons krtsleii son. deceased. H. E. CROSS, Attorney for said Estate. County Treasurer's oUce. I now have money on hand to pay General Fund county warrants endorsed prior to January 2nd, 1900. Interest will cease on the warrams included in this call on the date hereof. A. I.I'klling, Trea C'lackamaa (Jo., Or. Oregon City, June 20th, W02. Satire. Notice is hereby given that the under signed will am ly to the County Court of Clackamas Count v on Wednesday the 6 h dav of August. 1902. for a license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors in less Quantities than one gallon, in accordance with tbe petition herewith published. ClPPAB JljMEK. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for tbe County of Clackamas. Mae Edwards, PI ff I vs. Charles Edwards, Deft I To Charles Edwards, defendant above named : In the natneof tbe Slate of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to apear and answer the coni laint tile J herein against you in the above entitled suit, on or belnre tbe time prescribed in the order for the utiblication of siinimons to-wit: on or be fore six weeks alter the the first , unhcation thereof, and if you fail so 10 appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, tbe plaintiff will am ly to tbe court for the relief in hercomplaint prayed for, and lor s decree dissolving the bonds of nistrininny existing between the plaintill and defend ant, and for such other relief as may seem fust snd euuitable. The dste of t ie first publication of this summons is May 23. 1902, and ibis sum tiioiis is published pursuant t ) an order made and entered by the circuit court ol the State of Oregon for Clackamas county, Hon. Tbomss A McBride, judge, on the lltn day ol flovenmer, iwi. GEOKOE C. STOUT, Attorney for plaintill XIIEKIt'F'N H A I In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas, Coolideeand McClaine, 1 a corporation, Plaintiff!, vs. J N. Birchet, Mary E j Bitchet.Chss, D. KoO-1 Ison, jMiocb ekirvm and Mary J. H. Hart man, Defendanls. Statu or Obeooii i Couktv or Clackamasi By virtue of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly issued out of and uider the seal of tbe almve entitled court in the above entitled caue, to me duly di rected and dated the 11th day of Jane, 1902, upon s judgment rendered snd en tered in said court on the 21st day of April, 19IJ2, in favor of Coolidte and McClaine, a corporation, Platinills, and againtt N. Birchet ami M. E. Binhet Defendants, Tor thaaurnof $11 SO 53, with inur-tt thereon at the rale ol 8 per cent per annum Irom the 2It day of Apr, 1 1902, and the further sum of $19.75 costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale of tbe following de scribed real prony, situate in the county ol Clacks nas, state of Oregon, to wit: Commencing at tne Noithwest corner of John M. Drake s Donation Land Claim, running thence West one hundred and sixty rods (160). thence South seventy eight and one ball rod-; thence East one hundred and sixty (100 rd; thence North seventy eight and one hall (78X) rods to Hie place of beginning, and containing 78 14 screen! land snd situsied in Section 5, T. 6 8. K, 1 E. or Willamette Meridian in Clack amas Countv, Oregon. Now, Therelore, by virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with tbe commands ol said writ, 1 will, 011 Saturday, the 19TH DAY OP JULY, 1902, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., at the front floor of the County Court House in tt)e d'? n' Oregon Citv, in said County and State, sell al public auciion, subject to re' demption, to the bigliest bidder, for I'. S. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, til le and interest which the within named de fendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above desbribed real property cr any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment ordtr, decree, interest, costs and all accruing Costa. J.J.COOKE. Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. By J. E. JACK. Denuiy, Dated, Oregon City, Ore., J one 13, 1902. Notice ol I'lnnl ptHitemeiit In the County Court of Clackamas Countv, Slate ol Oregon. In the metier of the Ktat ol Wiley H. Buyer, deceased. Notice l hereby given that the itndr signed Admiiiis'rat, r ol the EMsteof Wll. V I' H 'ver, den ased. hat liieil u. llual reiMirt therein in laid court and the court lias n u MONDAY, lbs 4th DAY of Al'Ul'Sr, 1 902, at the hour ol ten o'clock, A. M , aa a day and lime lor Hie tiling ol objections lo said rai.ort and for ihes-nl mui of id estate. tiEO. J. CCU KIN, Administrator ol die Estate o( Wiley IV Bover, deceased. L1VY SUIT, Attorney for Administrator. In the Board of County Commissioners' Conn, fur Clackamas County, Oregon. In t'e Matter of the Application! ot Caspar Junker lor a LfqUuA License. I TO ihe Hon. Board of County Commis sioners tor Clackamas County. Oregon; We the undersigned legal voters of Cas cade Precinct, Clackamas County, Oregon, hereby nelition your iionorahlr body to grant a been to Caspar Junker t sell nikl, spirituous and v nous liquors Li less quantities than one gallon, in said Cascade precinct lor a eriod ol six mouths Irom the date ol granting such license, the pur pose being lo keep a saloon for Ihe sa'a of s.ud liquors in quuitliies le.-s than one gal liii. Names. Names. K.J. Walkley. Joseph Wilbg. Kdwaiil Kopper. P. K. Meting. John S. Oiubona Henry Hidd rbtisch. C, S. Chase. K. K. Stllman. Cues 1'lytler, X. Decker, lionheb'liiller. Renins Jerger. H. Wiekmer. James .Melau. J. H. Revenue. Paul Dunn. 11. Kiddi r.iusch. Kred Wagntr. T. ti. Jonsrud. Ir i U . Dodge, H. Brims. Peter P H.1 1. Julius Kiendand, S. D. Coalman. A. B. Hybum. J J. W ew.r. S. H iiiKhmaii. W. A, I'roctor I. B. Duncan. K. Beers. John A. Sirowbr dge. h'4 kn I Beers, Sr. E. Beers. J. U. DrShazer. J.J. A. Heix. J. M. Donali. I beodor Kisoher. Tnoa. Hark. Kch. Straus. William Warsps. M. (.'. lionaiiue. J. K. Tliielrke. I'lruh TrutMil. (lie Mikkelson. M. LemarU Ott it. Meiuig A. elch Michael Keisecker Conrad Sirasser. (IIMTKO. In the County Court ol tue St tte of Ore gon lor the County ol CUckaiuas, In the niaiU r ol tbe guardianship of Ir win l.e-lie (). rdou, a minor. To Jonn tionlou, Caroline Irwin Gordon, and John Dowling tionlou, and the next ol kin of said minor, and ail other persons in teresled in his eslute. in the name ol the State of Oregon, You, and each ol you are lit reoy required lo he ami appear 111 the anove entitled Court on or before tne 7th dav lit July, lOtr.' at the hourol 10 0 clock A. M. to show cause, II any there be, w hy an order of ihe above en titled Court should not be granted as prayed fur. To show cause w hy a license should not be granted lor the sale of ti.s lollowing described real state, situate 111 the M tie ol Ort-gun, and being the properly ol said minor: An undivided one third Interest in Ixits 12. 13 & 14 in Block 22 in "Cambridge" in Clackamas Countv, Oregon, as shown by the recorued plat ibereol 011 record in said Countv and biate, subject however to s life estate in Dr. Jonn Goidou ; An undivided one third interest in the N W'' of the K',; of 8ec.Hti. T. 3. S H.9. W. ol tne W. M. lo Til aruook Co.. Or. containing 40 acres, ai d subject 10 tne hie estate ol Dr. John Gor don ; An undivided one third interest 111 tne NKJ ot the NW;; of Sec. 16, T. 12 S. R. 7. W of ihe, M. and containing 40 acres, and suoj-ct lo the lite estite ol Dr. John Gordon ; An undivided one third in terest in Lois 1, 2. 3, 4, and 5, in Block 20 in Peninsular Addition No. 2, in the Cuy ofEa-t Portland in Multnomah County, Oregon, and subject to the life estate of Dr. John Gordon. ANDREW GORDON, Guardian of lrwiu Leslie G .rdou, a minor, H. E. CROSS, Att orney for guardian. Daied June 12tli, 19)2. NummoBN. In the C redit Court ol the Slate of Ore gon within and for the County of Clacka mas. Anna E. Albee, ) Plaintitf I vs. Suit for Divorce Charles T. Albee. Defendant. ) To Charles T. Albee, the aheve named deiendant: lo the name of the Stale of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer toe comildnt hied against vou in the above ei tnled suit on or belnre Kiidsy the llrh day of July, 1902. lollowing theexptra tion ol six weeks publication of this sum mons. Tbis suit is brought to oht.iin a decree of divorce between you and the plan, Mi sua awarding the custody of vour minor chil dren Edwin Albee, Albert B. Albee, Lidias Albee, and Mayette 11. Albee 1 1 the plain MI"; and you are hereby notilied that if you fail to anpehr snd auwr said complaint as above required the plaintitf will spnly to the Court lor the reliel therein plated. This summons is published by order of Thomas K. Ryan, Judge of the Countv 1. 'nun of the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, made this 27th day of May, lfrj. Date of first publication Mav .'10, PI02. U'RES A SCH I EliKL, Attorneys for I'lamtilf. police lor I'uMlrallon. Department of the Interior, Land Office, t Oregon City, Ore., May 17, l!io2. Notice is nerehy given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his Inten tion lo make final Mot in support of his claim, and that said 1 roof wul be made be fore Register and Keoiver st Oregon Cnv. Oregon, on June 28, 1902. viz: JOHN LAWRENCE ROBERTSON; H. E. 12104 for the NEU of Sec. 10, T. 3 8.. R. 5 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation nl said land viz: Andy J, Kpziuiller, of Dover, Oregon; Joseph Desclnzer, of Dover, Oregon: John .Nelson, of Dover Oregon; Morris Grilled ham, of Bissel, Oreiron. C H A 3. B. MOOR EH, Regi-ler. KhIooii IJcciite. Notice is hereby given that at the next regular meeting ofthe City Council of Ore gon City.l will apply to said City Council for a saloon Iiccobh to sell spirituous and malt lirjuors at tLe saloon on the West eide of Main street between 4th and Otti streets, said license to date from June, 1902. Jonn II. 1'lIORNTON. ivtleeoraiioliitMientul Kxeeator. Notice ia hereby given that I, tbe under signed, have been by order of the U.inoranle County Court ol Clackamas County, O'e gon, duly sonointed Kzeculor of (be will and estate of Jacob liaucb, deceased. Ail per-ons having claims aainrt said estate are herehv notified to prespnt Uiem to me duly verilied at the r.Klce of n.y attorney, H. E. Cross, in Oregon City, Oregon, witnin six months frnm tbe dste of tills notice, JutietfKb, l!r2. Ws, J. KAIXH. Krecutor. Close of fit. John'i M'hiH'l. The oloainif exercises of St J'lill'l rar.Md.ial and High School will 1'idd nextThursdav eviuilng In i t era house. The following ini wi graduate (ro.n llm 10th gra.U. : Ih-riil. Kellv, Haitie Chamlx-re, Dollm 1 rajt, K nma W"'"" "lv, ' 8 a.ldresa to the graduatoa and the 'uhH' will lie delivered by Most KeV. Arch t.iHl.op A. Oirietle. A literary and mu leal p.ogiHtu wilt Iki render! enllrely bv lh pupils ol the school. Adtnlssinii Id rents. Kiillic ( Ihhh 1'hshoiI Kxumlnnll n Teachers will he elfctud In Hie lrk place m hool dislrict tomorrow allernoon. DiploniHS have just heen granted lo Ihe graduate ho passed Ihe uniform eig ..r.iu iKiiminatiniis Tlit're were no lailtires In t lis Parkplace school, the en tire class paasing the examination. Their names are: Maile Frederick. Hilldali M mulliiik-. S.-,,lllH Kaulitoil. tiliv Ki'lilii'dv, tieoigo Kohinson, tieorgi Malilites, Mile Mor ris, Laura Pun-ell. West Orrg m City Scliuol Kiei Ho i. The annual election of the West Ore iron 1 'it v schools was hold Monday night and IVler llnnsen was elected a director to succeed J V. McKay. I.. Ihliinau was elected clerk, an, cveding l'lol. J. W . tiary. Kridav lat Ihe pupila of SI. John's school presented Rev A. Hillebrind. their pastor, with an elegunt pat.oi set for Ina new residence, which will be coiimleled early in Julv. The presenta tion was made on rather in;nnrumi s tiame-dsy and he was deeply loin lied bv the token o( the esteem in which he is held by the pupils ol the school. irlnt; I'rirr, Soring fever is another name for !il' ioiiBtn is. It is u:ore SerioHM Ihan liioat people .hink. A torpid liver am! inact ive iowels mean a poisoned system. If nt'glecied, serious illness may follow such avuiptotns. DeWitt'a Little Fail' Itin era remove all danger by Hiiiiiulaiing the liver, iqieiiiiig the bowels and cleansing the fvsb-iii ol Impurities. aln pill Never gripe. ""I have nw-d lVWitt's Little Faily Ilisera for torpid liver, every spring (or years," writes M. M. Kverly, .Monndsville, W. Vs. " I hev do me in Te good than anything I liavo ever tried." Cieo. Harding. The Arnie of Jor, "Oh. Mamie, If I could Jest wenr one if dell) Htrulght Willsl col sets I'd In- wllllu' fcr luy down tin' die uftcr lard!" New York .louiiinl. "Marry my diiiighicr? Why, she's a mere child!" "I know It. hut I thought I'd come enrly and avoid the rush." New York World. The lonunll Ilelpfnl. "Don't you think It's a Minn's duty to he n Utile help fill In Ids own home?" said M Ihs Maggie Zci'ii. "Of course I ilo," niiKwercd Mr. Meek ton. "I nm now en gnged In study ing stenogra Idiy find type writing, sons to be nhle to tnke down Ilenrlet In's Bpceches." WasblngtoD Stnr. Caller Whitt hi yotir ambition, my hoy? Ofllce Hoy - Ntiflln. Ain't I ofllce boy now? New York Journal. Bettrr Thasj Jofhlna. "icH, dear, our show was a failure, but I got enough vegetable! out of It to keep us from starving anyhow." New York Journal. 1 Klral In I, Ine. A Mf i 'j;jjaviv $ Mm rx Jilt w L GRANDPA'S HEALTH. SSig and Improved Itom tha si... .ft An Imior(ant Fnctor In Uio Hap. pluob-of llLsGniniltlilUrfn. ... t a".Hti.itia,ta wlri.".ked forward to with delight 2a e.nectuncy. dml,aM u 1 1 if wnriv win"" " and menus fun and iroiic ami But there are other lamlHr. I I AKl'llllfll ttllF stones 1 .1.11 la 11 e imiiu, h y'OW it Will put . -7 2 romping. The parenls drrad I hr.ause U will Uruc the house.... Id rve v OMuil-er of which must keep tep tlM slow shullliiig tread of age, am! iuh ordinste duties snd pleasure to the capricious whims of second childhixHl. The difference in these two old mru la limply diflerruee of health. The one old man is hale and heaity, eniovs his food, ileejat soundly, and keeps his gop 00 public affair, the other old man IS weak and feeble, his apatite and iliges tion sre poor, his sleep is unsound, he has no interest in hie or affair save as bis personal comfort may I sflccted. Healthy old age, whether in man or woman, IS largrly a uiirstiull of sound stomach snd pure, rich hiatal. To pre serve this coinlilion nature grnrmlly needs some as-nstaiice, in order to get rid of the sccumilUtion of waste, rffrle and poisonous MiUUncri which tend to clog the body and impede the circu lation. It i also needlul to keep the stomach snd digestive snd nutritive tract in a healthy condition, in order to properly nourish the body. HEALTH IN OLD AO It cast, therefore, best be enjoyed bv the oat of Dr. Pierce'a Coldcii Medical Dis covery. Till medicine cures disease of the stomach and other organ of diges tion and nutrition. It enable the (a-r-feet digestion snd assimilation of the food upon which physical strength de pend. It cleanses liie blood of clog ging and poisonous mutter, and by in creasing the activity of the blood-making gland, increase the supply of pure, rich blood, which 1 the linal form of nutrition aiul the life of the whole phys ical min. I sudeTen" for aiz yean with constipa tion snd indigestion, during which tune 1 employed several physicians, hut they could not reach my case," writes Mr. (. Popplewell, of Kureka Spring, Carroll Co., Ark. I felt that there waa no help for tne; could not retain food on mv stomach; had vertigo and would full BAD BLOOD "CAaraHrra a. .11 rui..a rr tk.. and are a irulr wonilsrful mnliclna. hufla wished fur a inMliriiii, puaisntto iksnl silut hT founrt It lo Cav-srnu. hlnr latin. Ih.m m SIiskI has Iwsti iilrln1 anil nif is,ni,n,r,,n haa lm prufad iimlarfulli and I feel uiurh bvllar In , war.'' Mas. B1U.IS K. hkllahs. LJtlrsil. Tso. nraipnjif trlp. ll, OUe, ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... fMsr. CkUaa, l"lral, H lt. In) nw I W'UHIi guuio CXHKTubaouo llablu Pr.'U'lltlama' India. 1-lleOl t, i mi:m cure Klind. lllraiaB. and Iteklns files. It ahanrhs tha tumors, a), larallis lu-hlni at onre, snlaas s jMiultloa, (lrf liutant reflcf. Dr. Wll llnmt'lMIIIAN ril.K h. - .'i "'ls warranted. Hold bf drnwl.i.f t WILUAMU U ) u CO.. l'rop s, CL.SVKUNIJ, O, F01 sale by Clm'tni.n A Co.. Druggists 0 0 0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. This pmparatloN conUins all of the dig-esUinfg and dlestH all kinds 0I fond. It Rives Instant, relief and never fails to cure. It allow, you to eat all the fwd you want. The montHcriHltlve 8tomiielm can take It I'.y Its umj many thousands of dystiet,tics have been 'tired after everything else failed. It junetjiMlled for allhtoniach troubles. It can't help but do you good IVpan-d only l,y E.c!. lir.Wirr At'0.,1 nli-aito Tbe tl.botllocouulos'iit times the OUc. sua, ffr CATHARTIC jk T0t MASS aiSSSHSMS a and Improved Itom the at.., ..' ins; twelvt Unties of tin blnT " r...hletodollKhtwork,na4fef Improving ever since. 1 18T t; fntai health for one of mv sxl10 "I ow.l.IItoIr.ri,f,7,tt1 ITs KNOT K AND TrU IToiuci, No msn ran lie strong ),.. ( acl, U-we.k - Tht l?f ".SiS organ of it. Jeiieip'.i upun j for nuttitlon, This uttltion uT!!' by food which must he proptri, T i before it can be asalitil,te,l, stomach ami the other orum fci tion ami nutrition are dietrd. iJ, eaten I itllerfectl dlge,t,sl ..7 I. a reduction of O,. ' for tha iiisictuBc, T b".ly. This io V tion soon show, -.., Ihe "weakness",, "l wore of the or..JT' H'cted. Thus U k7l Indigestion ofttt, tn.f ..-rase 0 org,BI Itom the Muiueclj, n. er. hratt, kMltie,. iM-cmuliig sfakii T l). when the jj sloinach Is citred d "C.olden Mplical IWl rry the diu,,! Otgati wlmb Wertdl ny too illtraarq are also curnL M feel thai JJ u., .g an Itijustlc. te If I did uot tend W stateuiriit of sir d write Mt. UrM y C.uli-e, of It ami,,,. I 'lauklln Co.. ilia !1 had liver compltut fc? indication. Kim I that I at distgTnj t ; tne. I lutlrrrj itj J time with iwlmtLittj'j, nean; iiesn tsrat tn my feet snd tuuOi cold all tin tiuit, 4Js -1 - 11 .. i, ,r- wm si an; a 4 to go siwut very I1114 Cointlif nird to ut fj nerci (Jolilca UiL, Discovery ami 'pn: Pellets,' In May, H7. and by Dn., I could legln lo get stjoulvmt, Have leen doing my wutk mt tr eicept washing. I'rel better tku have for seveial year I would rtre inrnd Ir. Tierce's medicines loilr. are troubled as I was. I am aottii one years old, and 1 thank Jos 4 kltully lor the happy relief indent' Guou AUVKX If you feel weak and mn dovi. your stoniscli t unordered 6. rased; if there Is hrart "trotiHr.'W "trouble, or kidney "troubls' If saj lilood ia "thin " snd lluggish, rep d use of I)r. Tierce's Oohlea MelioiW covery and you will begin to rears sJ youth amt strength. f Sick jieotde are Invited to conrilftf llerce, by Irtter, rtt. All cwmK ence Is heUI as slrictlv pnntt if Mi redlv confidential. AtlJreslDt l'j Tierce. Buffalo. N. Y. f Some dealers, tempted by tin fct more innfit tali by less merilonoast b lurs, will attempt lo sell t nbr for"Oohlen Metltcal Discovery,' di Inir It to be"iut a good. T! rUim makes aiilsstitutloo lutpiciM meillcine as bow! si the lhtcwe1 would sell on its own meriti in asknl for by the customer, lot off on blm, DO VOU ENOW TBIIr One of the beal medical book I ers hshed. the must niwlern tai ttc? hensive. is iriven iwaf to thos; 'A write for It. br, Tierce l CommoiM M-.lir.l Advix-r. ronlsinini roortlf thousand large pagei nd over V i tratlona. in sent jrrfon wP W fj in .,nu r maii ne (",t i 31 one-cent stamp for tn'lo,lln volume, or only only II stamp "-.-2 Address ft. 1 1 In paper cover. Tierce, Buffalo. N. Y HELLOH 2KlO miles of long i tance tlc)hone ni" Oregon, WaHhingtot, fornia ami Idaho n ofMirtttion ly th' fjf Station Teli'jilioM J ;: liany, covering toWIIH. r- Quick, accurate, ct All the atinfac'titii) pcrHonal cominuniMt bintance no effect to clear unilerntantling-M' v ..,,1 Sun Frano on rjuriij land. Oregon Citr office t Hartlinsr's I)ru? m c. 1. m PIONEER tagfef- anil E Freight and parcels deliver to all parts of the city- S0NABI RATES - RE A E. I. SI AS DEALER IN Watclies, Clocks, Jewelry8 Sjiectacles. , All lr!n,l f rr,nirine neaiij .nil worrHntPu- Ti 1 I'oalonlce llldar rnW,0r"