Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. 5 cgon City hntcrprisc 'the localnews. ........ r.l I'uMTO Kill). U.V. ,JTi Zn I'""" ' T,,l',, r;'l,ui , . .iK'i'' "''-,1 Mn? T ' "''I'""' Mil li'"""1 . Mlwdrnmry Miiclitty lo win 1 b l.. 1'i.rln It leu ,.iTnrniirr IbaWrandArmy 7 lev. l"?.'"i.n.. iint was i rlr on IllHIil) Or ( OMMlSNIOSKiS. (Continued (mm paK 4,) (K) M) 0 M .pia'' i ..J Mm ""7;uwiii f'.1'. ;. hum. In ai r M A C-tjcin 1 1 null Baker ) " ()wiirn Uranvn, No 175. ..... I II W Koehler . Jacob MU17, Union, 22 niilt'ii.'.'.! I Miii'c kn laaao Miller m 1. Itoht Cri-M.-ll t Jonathan Winn.. M N Crowdl John Lander, Clwokniuna. ... , John (lall'iiey Kiwi Umt kM, Kalnlltli lluliomb, Oil Wahainr. MilUict 30 Alt'! I hoinpaoil , W A Mills. 0 mil!. 80I lini'l lll)j4t1KMlllh Michael daflney rreil .inner a IN) l.ii 8lar UmIjih 'i 00 Willi Iml S (XI K K J mlil, Molalla 3 IH) M H I lunate, 3J u.lloa ) W ItnMjiim , 3 (m W W F.verl art 3 IK) Win M4. kf.tll 3 00 J !( Coin 3(H) Charlla IaiKherty 3 (Ml II H lUtn-by 3 (HI Allen Wella 3 IHI W O Va.i-han Wmi HimnliiiKnr 3 (H) M. t. Ilayward'a Humlay Imltl an inioriiiai rrr. on loiana Afwiiun, TJ.ii. urn-"! on rtmny iw.ween irn.a c.aea. ''tr-'"" l" J ' I t l "' "" 1 ''" ' 1 I., .tii.lin.l 10 church MirM.i. rVlnilly l-Vlt-1 1 .dull. 1 , ii,,.T tl I'nHTUS". Til" rif Mb. ""' CHyl'ortlai.d Off mm!-...-' -..-I It- ... .I-".' will 71 to lrril H.l tl.U liy will Mi V y " -t .nrvi.-a all tnr..uh th. Th steamer !"'' ,M1 h Mr "" U'l" U ,"!'lH i . .ml U.K l'l UI '"''' "l "' U,- l.fll w"1 ' tiltiiiM.i : j v ll.rM A U) I .DrMon t'Hy ' l" Al U, X".M I'.M. U.v. ( iVJ II M.nUl3:M mi.) f ,p y Tli """'r Uv ovr ihiit 0'i!"" N0""'1 ,flM "5 t . i,0l Kiu."-Oii" ly wl.-n . Ttl(if "1 " l"n,' ' 'r(ilon. niiil""i.n I'"1 ,iUi.i ir " N('fr. " ,n "' 1. "HI d. l II"" innu. i ;;,t,ll."illJ M'n.Tiylor. " LitoUH.n'IU "i" " ywllin "'I" n'f il"''l'' 10 l,ro" Vii-i'i. ,"' ,,,,''iy l Mri tior r. rii'-'l. "I" u" fl"" 1 tilt 1 '"1 1 ll."l P"T i, ni., II yon r" l'.'l. I wlilm. ,'irrrll r it." I" Molii.limrni .rnlld.un lr.m Niy llil l .,0, mlkp'J out itliont i f Kon lm rHinnwl with IkIIow i,ntn Iim. roitiiionu 01 Migiimi i:d Andre 2 00 trunk Tlioina .. fl VV II llorinic, IWrlna ) HKCrd.,. 0K) WM)n 0W) lino K)'nroa U W Like 0 if IHI I N AKiulhHunr, .'10 uiilo CO 6 00 W A Hall 4 00 H IB W W Tm k..r, HirliiKwatr 00 (I 00! JolinT Myera 0 00 0 00 ! K.I l.m y H 0 IHI W J l.tmnllitii, 40 uillua 10 00 II IHI II lliilmii , 1100 0 00 j Wm Hani 0 00 4 IH) A iMt y 4 00 .1 IH) 0 W ArniHtroiiK. Caiiby 0 00 3 (K) I M TFwIi.r 0 00 3 (HI I A Vineyard 0 DO I 3 (HI (INWait C 3 (HI W II (! II K HtOtfRllill t II A ! J 3 IHij Win Vorpalil.Caiiljy li 3 (Hi If. Kaiilon J 3 (HI ; A slunk i 3 00 J II HI111II J Coco Alo Ice Croam Ico Cream Soda Delicious Cooling Drinks Confectionery New Prescription Drug Store CLEO. SMYTH $ Phone 683 I Branch Offlct Araarloio Ltondry A 1'lit.lpi II C (iiiliiiorH 6 00 Hilaa II lii.ilgi'lC'li.rryvillel70iD W K Welch (ilivr HiiiMer I'arkcr Tlim Kione.,,,, Wm KriclKa K'l 1 1 uitr IICHiHveua, OCNol. K A TMiiliiian 3 (XI I (i It II Miliar 3 (HI Kiaiik Coiid-r 3 (HI I Mutiny liurk 13 00 0 00 0 00 0 (10 0 (HI 0 00 4 00 3 00 3 0,1 3 00 3 00 3 00 H NEW GOODS ARRIVING i th .rtrr-r Mil STORE SZZ2 10 M 0 00 I) (XI ti (H) 0 (HI 0 (H) 4 00 0 (X. (i (HI Knimt IikIiIoii 8 00 llarvi.y (, K-gl Crk, 42 ml J W My II lloirniviatvr N"ll HiiIiI , , J K Clia Vanriiren (Jua Allxrt l.'rMitaii, hixU hiiringa, . . . T W Mrlnn 0 S, M mlln A V 1vm 1 1. O Ntiililiiiifali... hi'ott tarler , ... I' A Marti K.1 llU-, tiarfif lil I M Mar.liall, 44 mllita John I'uiia K.I I.U111 00 1 Wm Ku.-hl UO I'almalMtr 0 00 ( John V Huley t,'C Miller 0(H) Thooilure llnimbcrner. Miool Hi hi 12 2 00. J A Uowlltitf. (i W Chiirt-n, 2 in ilex 3 20 Kl) Kelly 3 00 II W Tfiinhalh 3 00 J W Church 3 00 K I, Mt-Karland 3 00 Khirley Hin k 8 (H) J V Adama 2 00 J W liraal., Milwaukitt 3 00 (h-o lliuitley 3 (H) 11 (H)i , nry Tinmen 3 00 (H) J KOaiNtdd 3 00 (Hi II (i Ktarkweatl.tir 3 00 0 (HI Allrt J ll.umiiiian 3 00 4 OOlCK Hallard .. 3 00 0 00 1 A 1. Siinrea 10 40 1 T It A tsollwood, 1(1 ru ilea 0 IH), A It lliini.k II Kiitx-rom 6 (HI J K Miltx. Nfx!y.30 mlli-a V 00 JMYinlHr H (H) ,lillHhptl-r. and ho lnl.r.ri.trd j ; Nuttlllt 0 Oil .r,m.ikU Mra. Tayl'.rl.yi.xplli.lnK. I J li -iow 0 00 1, canu ten rrn'.' 'Hi !'' J I) Itnir 0 00 . . i. rkiiiiM County Ti.Ih l.aiiniHl In -McMlnnvlll. It. !Ttii I'mi hh Ch"!" Hhoiit Charli. ' A Ait. a iiroinliieiit IrUit itro.r of nby. w In lh rlty Monday and a.ld t ioiiUI I only hall t-.op ot Italian kiiM in bi tM-rtoii. Thla la tha raanil tin col l Kin a 1. n il tlKl riot lliw li." (itopullcmu). The rainacama during .bluouiiiK ). ch.i'klnn th. growth (rait. The lUlian prima trrop will L. brtlvr tlian laal Veal however. Tl.a I aioillilver prun. rrop will hfl lull li tnin. HtrawlHirrlea, lor whli-h ,hm (amoua, ara folly two weeka 1 1 ar and tha crop will arrord' ,'Ttxiau awka ihorlur than uaul. jillb ttlHrry crop la heavy tha t i?larui waathar will caow) cor- punjing'y ahorl aeam. llopliow (oth of vina thai ia abnormal on moot A tha wet weather. The vlnea 1 110 taut hmher than liaa ever lieon ntnlof Ihit lima o( year. The larxe -tih o(in. will probably Interfere tibUntulnvation of Ilia crop but on hol tha proepocla ara uniiaually " Happy Time In Ol.l TH "WtWtvery," wrltea II. N. 'till, Old Town, Va., "when Ilui kleo'i trolca Salva wholly cured our daiiuhtor 'lbtd raw o( a. ald bead." It illigM i whouwlt (or Cut, Corna, Hurna, ai'M, Iluila, Ulcera, Krupliona. In- I'lMtlurl'iha. Only'.'ftu at (leo. A. "Jiog'idriiK itoru. A Iteul I rlrM.f. "I lulTureil from dyatiepala and Indl- f-'liuo lor fifteen yearn." ya W. I. "iwrvant, ul Mnrry Oaka, N. C. Alter :-n trie many rioHora and ineilicinea Wiviil, one of my friend pernnadd ' to try K.t.lul. It kxvc linmridlale rtv 'I I fan et alimiKt anyihliiii 1 want 'iDd my .litfiotion ia gixxl. I cheer If wWinioid Kodol." Don't try to I'toiinch trouble by diotlnir. That 3lrfurtliMf wvukuna tha avatem. Yoil t wlmlenoiiiH. atrenirlhenlnir food. ("lol enal.l.n you to aHiinilHle what t hy ilifiilln It without the atom '''laid tieo. llurdlnK. Frank Flach 0 00 Wm Thoinon 6 00 Herman l.ina, Ueorge, 60 milea.. It (HI liana kl!nkcr 0 00 I'.ler Held 00 I'eler 1'aulw.ll 0 00 John Sudd. M K Neittmann 0 00 4 On llemy M.-WI11, Uarlow... 0 00 W W J . 0 00 1. K AriiiatronK,24 milea H 40 W 8 Tull H) H Zimmerman 0 00 Cl.ri" Korher "0 Mil M W Miepard 2 00 J W Covey 4 00 V V Pleaaanl Hill. . .'. 0 IH) J N Wood 0 00 8 M Kelao. 30 milea w John lloirman 8 00 Altxiit Campbell A (N) UlCalkme 0 00 Chaa llaker 00 ti A 8chull, lk-aver Crk, 12 ml 7 20 Jaa Shannon 0 00 Iavid Jonea tt (W Chaa lUker 8 00 K W llorufc hm h 00 Kinil tiuenlher 00 KFduenther 6 00 K I llarriniilon. lliuhland, 28 ml 8 80 8 llnu-hlnaon Michael Holland U K M.Her 0 Kamiii.1 lliinlan ti IHI K Hammett ! 'r.l.m.n-. O W I K Itoimey, Canvun Creek 0 00 )avid Holieaon, 40 mile 1 lHf wm"" V Itliirrett .i ' w U 8 I)IX 6 'J! 3 00 4 20 3 00 3 00 8 00 2 60 2 60 8 40 3 00 3 00 J T ApMrauu, Abtrfnethy, 4 tin J Huerih (irant Oldt Jai Hrown 3 00 Walter ilulcouib 3 00 J V Miller 3 00 John TajtH 3 0.) W H 81111th 3 00 F I'aiker I I) Taylor ... Ualph llolmei llert Nanli ... A F I'arker..., J 11 Wewer. Caacadea 0 00 I'eterT llt-ln.. 6 00 8 I) Coalman 6 00 Albon MeiuiK, 44 milea 10 40 Ira It Ihxlue 00 Herman llruna 6 00 P K Meiniti K A Heveniin J Humphry, West Oregon City Ira Joiiea Otto 01 son 8 00 3 00 3 OJ 3 U) 6 00 Straight I'ront Coraeta 49c up Colored Merciaed Under- akirta 79c op Ladica' Summer Underyesta 5c up " Illack Hose 5c up and Children'i white hemstitched H'dk'chiifa 3 for 5c Ladiea' white Aprona ... 15c up ' Ready Made Dre Skirta $t.5 Satin RiblMjn.No.s.all colore 4c yd Tailor Made Suita $7.75 Cir He Corseta 49 Torchon Lace 6 yda. for 5c Valt-nceDiiea Lacea for Rufflca ic a yd Nana., ok Embroidery 5c yd Bone and aluminum Hair Tine 5c dor I'curl Shirt Duttons, all aizea 5c doz 2 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 K Maaa 3 00 W.lliam Davla 3 00 Millard Hyatt 3 00 U W Martin 4 00 O I) Kby, election, S; clerk, $4.. 12 00 Kdward Holman Co, pauper. ... 3 00 Wellin Ilauch, witnesa Circuit Ct 2 40 Kd'lia llimler 2 -10 Hall Brown 2 40 Kd Kaucb ,. 2 40 Al Lewia 2 20 (ieo ttadke 2 20 F L Brown 2 40 Carl Butia 4 80 Z 40 2 20 2 20 OP &1X WEEKS Brtinnlnf Monday, 7una to, win be eon duet ad In on of tiie rooma of tha Port land Buatnaaa Oollefa, comer Park aad Waahlncton atracta. It will be atrlcUy a acbool of atudy, dealirnad to aid teacbera la hlfhar fradea In tha Aucuat examina tion. I-urthar parUculara 00 application. OPEN ALL THE YEAR Tba Portland Buatneaa Cotleca ta open an tha year. Btudenta may enter at any ttma, for apeclat branchea or a rerular eoorsa. and raoelya Individual or elaaa ln atroctlon, aa preferred. Call or eend for catalogue. Learn what and how we teach, A. r. Armatraas, IX. BV, rviaelyal. Uiule llimler . Chaa E l'.urna. Frank Brown.. (J W Church 2 20 J A Koyer 4 Oil J W Mi-Anultv 2 40 J W derlMir 0 00 HO .'aimer ;J! Iti-rt l'aliner. Chaa F Waner, Tuulaiin, Fred Baker O r 8harp lnlaToeddemeler II A Krua) B F Weddle. TI 20 mi A Koyer 4 W McAnulty 2 (Continued next week.) 110! FOR NEWI'OKT. Orcg.m'i Favorite Seaside Kenort. . . a . 4 001 Kecojjnuinn trie auvaniatrea 01 8 00 port aa a aiimmer reaort over other sea- tl 00 ! aide reaorta in the northweat, anJ to 0 00 make It poaaihle lor all who demre 10 ao 0 00 o to apend (heir vacation hy the o:ean (I 00 wavea, the 80111 Hern l aciuo company, 0 00 Turner JJ if i i-.UIn 91 milea 8 40 Adolph Aachoir AaaThomai J Harry Uramhall .... . . - i II. L L-... III connection Willi me uirvaun . eAn Kailroad, will place on aule, effective l.,n. t.-.rli. miind-triD tickets irom an ; . , , ,,' ,,..,1 n 00 June 15th. round-trip ncxeia irom an Henry Hull Kun 8oulhern ,lliciflc 1 I lieie.. . v-.rwnr. unod for return Until Octo- 1,1 Newmirt. iiood for return until Octo ber 10th. at epecially reduced raiea. For lull information pleaee inquire ol your local aent. How to Save Your Hair. Those who are losing their hair or have parted with their locks can have it restored by a remedy that ia within the reach of every one. All aorta of theories have been ad vanced to account for falling hair, but after all. it is the remedy we are after, and not the theory. Peo ple who need more hair, or are anxioua to aave what they have, or from aickness, dandruff or other cause have loot their hair, should not delay, but should at once use Prier's Hair Food. Bold by all drnggitti. igwnrrwimiV,mn'f'l'MW'M 8 Just Opened-A modern, up-to-date drug store where the work of carefully and accurately compounding physicians' prescriptions will be a specialty. The enormous prices which the people are having to pay for their prescriptions has necessitated this move. Truly, there is an occasional spontaneous out break in cutting the price of a few patent medi cines but we intend tnat this cut shall extend to the prescription work as well. As we have always advocated a lower scale of prices for all drugs and medicines, the opening of our store has caused a great tumbling and eutting of high prices in the patent medicine line. Our object is to extend this reduction of prices to prescription work, bo that it will be almost a3 cheap, and a great deal safer and better, for you to consult your physician in case of sickness, than risk your life on the merits of some "cure all" pat ent medicine. However, should you decide to take your chance with the "patent," we have a large stock fresh from the labratory, which we are selling just as cheap and in some instances cheaper than the old pioneer stock now offered in this city at clearance sale. Just a few of our new prices: Scott's EmulBion 75c Regular $1.00 Paine's Celery Compound . 75c " Swaraj. Root 75 C-... " $100 Ayer's Hair Vigor 75 C- . - " H-00 Shoop'B Restorative 75c --- " I1-00 " Rheumatic 75c-.-- " H-00 Porous Plasters 1 0c, 3 for 25 G " 25c Carter's Liver Pills.. 15c --- " 2-5c Pierce's Pellets 15 C-... " 2.5c Robertine 35c--- " 50c Toilet Paper, 7 rolls for. ..25c Peruna 75 " $1-00 Crepe Tissue, all colors. ... 5c a roll Mermen's Talcum 15c regular 25c Lyon's Tooth Powder 1 7c ... . " 255 Miles' Heart Cure- 75c--. " -00 " Blood Remedy 75c-..- " 1.00 Nervine 75 c--.- " N-00 " Restorative Tonic... 75o - " Remember We Cut the Price of Every Patent Medicine in the Market HOWELL & JONES RELIABLE DRUCCISTS. CHAMBERS HOWELL LINN E. JONES ryMiixi WE FEEL SURE of our ability to handle your banking business to your satisfaction. s We shall be glad of an op portunity to talk with you flrpnon Citv. Oreoon The Bank of Orenon City 8 F ' JA tojya--1' a. a J a rare ai aaaaan JOHN YOUNGER, JEWEIiER Opp. Huntley's Drujr Store, FORTY YEARslxPERIENCE IN Ureat Britain and America. The Enterprise $1 60 per year. How to Entertain Your Friends so they will enjoy every moment of the time: Take them to . . . The Yilhelm Tell House Give them Cream Pure Rye Whisky and Gambrinus Beer. Sixth and Main Streets. A. H. GRIESSEN, Prop. The Genuine Rogers Bros. Silver Plate That Wears Artistic design, heavy plate and fino finish aro well known features of 18-17 Rogers Bros, goods. Do not accept ordinary Rogers or other brands of unknown value, which are sometimes claimed to be just as good. Wo purchase this ware in largo quantities from the factory. Our stock is largo and our prices are right. When Buying a Watch Please consider that we pay special attention to this part of our business, that we have been doing watch repairing for many years, that we carry the most com plete assortment, that we buy direct and take the ben efit of cash discount, and therefore are in a position to sell the very best good3 at the very lowest prices. We guarantee alLour watches. Kodak and Camera Specials All of Eastman Kodaks at 20 per cent, discount from factory prices. Some of 1901 Poco Cameras at special prices. These instruments have advanced 33 per cent, since last year. Better look into these bargains before they are all gone. We give instructions free. THE, OREGON CITY JEW6L6RS EN ti Limn