Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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    Oregon City Enterprise.
I'ltj nd County OflkUl Paper
l'nbllnhed Every Friday.
L. L. rORTER, Paora.tToa.
'Galloway, Mrs. II. V. Gates, and Mrs. serve. Some go to the rout, mini to the
Sara E. Miller, all past department springs ami mountains ami some o( the
presidents, W. C. Thin resolution
was endorsed by the G. A. U. encamp-
incut anil Comrades Gates, Harding and
Miller were appointed to eo operate.
mure adventurous will elluib Mount
Hood. Take the advice of a man who
knows and ko to a place where there is
no excitement, nothing to do hut eat and
Referring to the uiatler the Astoiia News : sleep for in this way only can one oh-
One year t- 00
Biz mouths . 1 W
Trial subscription two luonttis 23
A discount ot .V) rents on all subscriptions
for one year, 25 cents (or six months, It
paid in advance.
Advertising rates given on application.
Subscribers w ill find the dat of expira
tion stamped on their pa pel s following
their name. If this date is not changed
within two weeks alter a payment, kindly
notify us and we will look alter it.
Xntered at tt postoffice In Oregon City,
Or., as second class matter.
Beaver Creek.
Hilwaukie ....
Cnion Mills...
Meadow Brook
New Kra .....
Parkplace ....
Eagle Creek...
Dr. T. B. Thomas
K. I. fctiaa
A Mather
Oscar Wissinger
O. J. trullinger
Cbas. Holman
Y. S. Newberry
K. O. Holme?
' J. Q. Gage
C. T. Howard
V. ..... R. M. t'ooer
Annie 8tubb
j. C. Martuam
B. Jennings
Henrv A. Sny.ler
. 'H. Wilhern
...'....J. C. Klliott
, V. Gielscli
.Geo. J. tnrnn
Kays editorially :
The joint resolution of the i-Ute sen
sion ol the oiimu's Relief Corps and of
the encampment of the (i, A. K., in
favor of sec u iing a Women1 Annex to
the Soldiers' Home at Kgeeburg will
etiike a popular chord.
The wive, daughters and widows of
the veterans of the civil war are as much
entitled to the care of the sUte as are the
veterans themselves. The appoin.iuent
of co-operating committees from the al
lied organisations was a strong move.
Department 'resident Galloway crowned
her succefSlul career as an able execu
live olticer by this measure.
This movement, further, illustrates
the superior advantage of the W. K. C
over the L. of G. A. K. as an auxiliary
organization. The former reaches out
into the ranks of all local women. The
latter is exclusive and confined to the
fast thinning ranks of the families of the
gmzled veterans. The former is, tu its
nature, a virile organization taking on
new life eveiy day Iroin all rank of the
loyal people. The latter is in the throes
ol senility and decay.
The Women's Annex, under the im
pulse of the W. R. C, is likely to become
a reality very soon. All praise to our
loval women
tain a peifect rest.
All comity oillcers except assessor w ill
take olllce on July first. Assessor Klect
Nelson will not succeed Assessor Wil
liams until January 1, liHl.'t. Mr. Nelson
says he Is bound by no promises to en
gage deputies, and bis assistance will be
selected with due regard to ability and
Notes vt luteiM In mil About Hie Mines
f (lulil ( reek.
While the people in the valley are
hi .1 w ith Plenty of ruin, we have to
i u iih nli'ii v ol snow.
Kleclion is over. Klkhorn precinct
l.',,ul,li,mi for the IWal Hint1
i.' lui, r. K','il one msloritv. We live
itt..u iml..a (ioiii the postolhYe am:
I how the election bus
By the surrender of the Boers Kngland
gets an undisputed title to lt7 square
miles of new territory, the aiea being
Mirmot Adolph Aschoff
The vote in Clackamas county proves
C inclusively thai the county has become
strongly Republican as it was before
the Populist landslide in 1S:H. Out of a
total vote of Congressman Tongue
re.-eived a plurality of 1276. This ought
to be tbe test of the Republican vote in
the county. Voters casting their ballot
for Mr. Tongue must be taken as agreeing
with tbe Republican party on National
issues and that is the test. Furnish re-ce.vedoO-'
plurality, but he did not prove
to be a popular candidate while his op
ponent was able to get many Republican
votes. Dunbar received a plurality oi
ll i2, close to Tongue. Treasurer Moore's
vote was cat down because of Myers
living in this county, and Moore only got
plurality of 691. Jandge Bean bad
1097; Ackemian, 973; Whitney, 993;
Crawford, 910. Geer received only 442
as many did not vote on the question of
United States Senator.
These figures show that the county
ought to be safely considered Republican
by nearly 1000 plurality. When it
comes to local officers the vote shows
that there are many independent voters.
This should not show, but it does. On
the legislative ticket Holman re
ceived a plurality of 300, Nottingham,
534; Brownell 695; Huntly.510. Paulsen,
333 ; and Webster 194. The right was
bard oer the legislative ticket and that
accounts for some of the loss. On the
cojnty ticket Ryan had a plurality of
763; Brobn, 499; Shaver, 303, Sleight,
148; Stevens, 1467; Nelson, 464, Cahill,
3f3; Meldrum, 604; Holman,. 5S4.
Sleight was handicapped by not being
known, while Stevens wirf well acquaint'
ed and popular. A conservative esti
mate is that tbe county is Republican
by 750.
11,000 square miles greaier Ihan that
the Slate o' California. This, however
is only a small part of the British South
African possesions, which now contain
perhaps 900,000 square miles, but the
tract is one of the most valuable oil the
continent, and its acquisition does away
with a dividing barriei that might prove
a formidable obstacle in some great poiit
ical emergency.
Thiougtiout Africa the Knglih holdings
and "spheres" now aggregate more than
3,000,000 square miles and exceed tbe
continuous continental territory of the
United States. Of the other Kuropean
naiions France has claims about as vast,
but some 2,000,000 square miles of her
African territory are in the desert of t-a
bara, and her sovereignty over this
sandy waste is poorly established.
Germany and I'ortugal have each
about fttO.tOO square miles, and so lias
Belgium if the Congo Free State be
marked off to that country. Spanish
Alrica consists ot some -M.IHJO Square
miles, Italian Africa of 88.000. Tripoli,
which is tributary to Turkey, comes
near to 400,000 square miles.
England has an advantage not only in
the size of her possessions but in their
character. She has more territory than
any other nation that iB habitable for
wLite men, and controls what are now
the greatest diamond and gold regions in
the world. She has also a more direct
control over the districts credited to her
than bavj most of the other countries
over their districts. But on all the
claims there are large nutnliers of na
tives who have still to be reckoned with.
The partition has been exclusively a
European affair.
The initiative and referendum amend
ment to the constitution has been adopt
ed by a very large majority. The official
count has been received from eighteen
counties, and a conservative estimate iB
' that more than two thirds of all the vot
ers voted for the amendment. Probably
sixty thousand voted for it and only
about five thousand voted no, while
about twenty thousand who voted for
candidates did not vote on tbe amend
ment. It will have at least one good effect,
and that is that a member of the legisla
ture can vote according to the dictates of
his own conscience on any bill, regard
less of what may be called public opin
ion. Anyone who does not agree with
the legislature can try to get a referen
dum petition on the law, and if he can
not find five per cent of the voters who
agree with him he will know that the
people are satiefied.
This amendment also gives relief to
tbe man whose pet measure is rejected
by the legislature. He can take his ini
tiative petition and ask eight per cent of
the voters to unite with him in demand
ing a vote of the people on his law. But
all this will cost money, ' and it must
come out of the pockets of the petition
ers, bo that we shall not be likely to nee
it very often, but it will be very useful
when we do need it. The
Ch.ukmax J. U. Campbell, of tlie Re
publican county central committee, is
entitled to not a little credit for the part
he has taken in the late campaign and
for carrying it to a successful termination.
Indomitable perseverance and the back
ing ol a right principle will win every
time. Mr. Campbell is an able organ i
zer, an active fighter and a strong-willed
man. To Representative A S. Dresser,
Judge Gordon E. Haves, Mayor Grant
B. Ditnick, Attorneys Schuebel and Dye
and other men who were not candidates
and who had the good of the party and
the success of the ticket at heart, great
credit is due. Had they stayed at home
the pluraliiies would havejbeen less. It
lookR good to see a man, defeated for
honors in a fair fight, come out and help
his successful opponent. There are times
in all lives when honors will come. Some
must wait. There are not enough for all
atone time. And there is never a fit
time to give honors to the man who
stabs in the back, in whose brain lurks
the sting of defeat that cannot be eased,
and who turns from h s party in the time
of need to become a tool of tbe opposi
Wokk for the success of the Fourth of
July celebration.
The Republican paitv has won the dav.
And I'll tell you my Irismls we're here to
For tvMialor, we've Uei-rge Brnjtnell
Who, Ore ifon's iireils Hi the Senate will tell.
Represent Hives Huntley, Wbter, and
PanUen, of lieorge,
Their wav thru all omin.ltliin will for.'e.
Ryan's been here rtelore ami is a good judge
Mierirt Shaver 1 insure won t bwlg. ,
F. A. Meight. who now is clerk,
lis comes From I'anby, and will do good
Then ('iiiiiniiinitfr Hrolist, of Wllsonville,
The Citizens think hint a lult'r pi I .
He rv Elevens, id Milwaukie. is rec nler.
When lie gi t in uithti we'll surely have
For aviei-aor, James Ni-lHon.nl Milium, i he
And lor tiraurei, Kims Caliiil, ot New
Kra, you si-e.
While MrMruiu and Holman are next on
the list,
The Cllizeiis think il t whard to "diglit"
For it i men ol line. licence in the van,
rt'e elected our coui.ty oltlcers, every
Spring (iruln II us hii Y.xe . lleiit Color
and Is (inmlng Rapid j.
The rainfall during the past week was
light and consieled id small showers
along the coast, and over widely scat
tered areas in the Willnmette valley and
in the extreme e stern portion of the
Slate. The first of the week was unsea
sonably cool, especially during tbe day
time, but the last few davs were moder
ately mild and very favorable for the
grow ing crops.
I he maximum, or day temperatures
during the week in western Oregon
ranged beiweeu 55 degrees and Kb de
grees, and the minimum, or night tem
peratures between 42 degrees and 54 de
grees. In eastern Oregon the maximum
temperatures ranged between 58 degrees
and 02 degrees and the minimum tern
peratures between 3S degrees and 58 de
Light (ros's the early part of the week
slightly Injured tender vegetation in
many sections, hut tbe staple crops es
caped unharmed. All kinds of grain
continue very promising. Fall wheat is
heading nicely with every indication ol
making good, plump kernels. The re-
seeded areas have not yet begun to bead,
but there has been plenty ol moisture
and the plant is healthy and promising.
few complaints of rust and ol tbe
wheat stalks falling are made by corre
spondents in Linn county. Spring grain
is growing rapidly; it is well rooted and
has an excellent color. Euly oats, bar
ley and rve are also heading nicely.
Lons'derable alfalla has tx-eri cut dur
ing the week in southern Oregon, and
the yields appear lo be about the same
as last year. Range grass in the eastern
section is the best in years, but in south
ern Oregon it is not as good, and some
few reports are to the eth-ct that feed on
the summer ranges is still short. The
weather has been too wet and cold for
timothy and thin crop is not as promis
ing as it was a few weeks ago Clover is
doing sp'endnlly. Mieep-shearing is
nearly completed and the ciip is an av
erage one. It has been the best week of
the seaon for gardens, corn, potatoes
sugar beets and bops, ami they are all
making rapid advancement.
Tbe Iruit outlook in southern ami east
ern Oregon is very promising, but in the
Willamette valley the conditions are so
uneven that it is impossible to arrive at
any definite conclusion as to the prob
able results, except in tbe case of Italian
prunes ami cherries, both of which have
been d -imaged to such sn extent as to
cause the yields to be considerably less
than lust year.
ti.'i Kintiuin trail Is In bad condill-'il
this Spring. Weaie all In hoea th
miners will call a meeting soon and
make some change on the nail and do
some work in the near future.
1'. I., Purling, the packer, was up to
the Fieeland mine last Thursday. '
packed in 600 pounds of otaloea lor
their camp. Ills next trip w ill be for
the M. and M. Co. K. G. Holt and lr.
U. liouelier, ol Mulino, are the heaviest
share holdeis ill the M. and M. Co.
They have alx.iit L':'S I eel ol tunnel woik
on their two claims and expect lo do
considerable more woik this season.
The Bi-Meialhc Mining Co. has done
I good deal ol development work on lis
inoperlv. ihey ruu in on uiu imi
feel. At present it shows up tine, wit!)
a five foot py streak. They have about j
Slkl tons of ore on the dump.
The Copisir King mine has a 5.Vft j
tunnel. The pav streak Is about iwo
and one half feet wide and is Improving
very fuet iu lis values; also In widih.
Ii mi at iiiih time siinixiscd to he the
most valuable claim on the creek.
Messrs. liilinore, Junk and Harding, of
Salem, are the owners of the Copper
King mine.
Hart ltros. own the Gold Hug mine.
It shows up well, and ia a well defined
ledge. It also lias about an eighty foot
tunnel ami is good proieei.
The Copper Queen bs a forty fool
tiiiimd. They are working several
at present. Jut as soon as they get
enough ore out, they Intend to stall up
their mill.
M.-ssra. Hogg and Ad-mis, of Portland,
ate huvinir aiiine work done on the Ore
gon Mine. They sirnck a body of me in
their miiib last Fall that is seldom mx-n
in tt is district or in any oilier mining
camp in tbe Cascade Rang". The ore
conuinillg cnpier, gold, silver, lead and
line For beauty tbe specimens aie
second to none in tbe district.
S. VV. Minturu, ol rtalrm, is sole owner I
of the Pin keve Mine He has not d n '
v-ry iiiuc.'i work on his claimonly as
sessment work, although it w id compare
with the average prospects in the dis
trict. The Free I a ml Mining Co. has done the
moot development work of any company
in the district. They have between lour
and live hundred feet of tunnels ami
claim their ote is the highest grade ore
on Gold Cieek.
C, G. Holtowns the Kuskokwliu Mine.
It is a "crai keijack." It has a thirty
foot tunnel and is the only mine in the
district that carries copper cartiomtes, ai
good indication of being rich in copper.
Its average assays give about eighteen
dollars in gold and coper.
Thfl Klml Yon Hiv Ahvtij IliMik'Mt ftinl hl, li l,ft.t,
In iiso for ovrr '.M yvtim, ltu bonto tlio ljriimnPt
) nnil lin Immmi iihkIh under .
S J S-fi1 TT t ' ' """" " US llllaur,
WuWT AUoWiiooiiototlcclviyiMinii,i.
All Cotiitt rlVlt, Iinltutl.Miil mid "Jt--KMfftr.bllt
i:.orlmont Unit trltlrt mUU i1 riilnirT dm lINg,h
liitiuit- and iunurcn-i.i" i-" upcrluicm i
iiNtorln N a liurml.'sK MiliKtltuto for C'atir Oil, Pj
prlo, lrop a ail Noolliliiif Nyrup. It I riciuutnt, t
contain iiHtln r Opium, Morlilu lior other Nureoti,
iiInUik-. It iitf n Ifuariiuu c. n uciiiroyi Worn,
mid allay 1-Vv'rllun'. It 'un Dlarrhu-a und YYlial
Colli-. It rdl'Vi' Ti'Hlilnir Trouble, cures CoiiMlptttlui
und Flatulency. It aliaUnt l!u Food, regulat,
KtoiniH Ii and llowrh, Klliiir lioallliy and natural ilotj,
Tbo l'blldii i, 1'aiuuTU-Tho Mother' l rleiul.
Boars tbo Signaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Booff
In Use For Over 30 Years.
furnished Krery Week by the Clurka
ma Abstract k Trust Co up in j.
W A Procter to II C Inlow nw of
ne sec 3"), n A e of Hood View
wagon road, in t 1 s, r4 e I -KK)
J J Johnson to C A Kliek bS of s'
ot ne ol ne sec .U I lirlle
K K Williams to C Kuge, 1 acre in
Holmes' claim, t :i s, r 2 e
Ot'lt I II'MI
Xtw aJ B.coftJ Hfct.I, All MUm
I'latrnt and Carta for All Machine
nrntr ttik wititrit urriiH
At Krnaotinhl 1'rtnrt
Mlmooeraphs, Hoctographi
And All Ihiplicating Goodi
T;irller Suppllaa mod lltm farallm
Write or 'plum ur rail un ttt
lirn you rtrril anything
Coast Agenoy Co., Portland, Or.
I. iing Pl.tamv
1.11 Siark Nlrt,
'I'h'iiir In orlu-f.
o,p. I.ail.l M Tllli.a Hank,
W U Heattie to A N-liiiell a s
It Is said that (Jovernor (ieer contem
plates calling a special session of tbe
legislature to pass a law for flat salaries
for the state officials. Both parties are
pledged to this and if the legist iture is
convened tbe bill is sure to pass as no
member of the legislature would dare to
oppose the measure. The influence from
certain quarters is to try and exclude
some of tbe officers from flat salaries but
all should be put on without exception.
Tbe point in calling the legislature in
in special session is to pass tbe law be-
people will ' fore tbe newly elected officers are sworn
' Virulent Cancer Cured.
Startling proof of a wonderful advance
in medicine is given by druggist i. W
Koberts, of Llizabeth, W. V a. An old
man there had long Buffered with what
good doctors pronounced incurable can
cer. They believed his case hopeless till
be used Electric Hitters and applied
Bncklen's Arnica Halve, which treat
ment completely cured him. When
Electric Hitters are used to expel bilious,
kidney and microbe poisons at the same
time this salve exerts its matchless heal
ing power, blood diseases, skin erup
tions, ulcers and sores vanish, (titters
50c, Halve 25c at tieo. A. Harding's.
Kound Trip Excursion Kate to Clatsop
and North Beach Points via Astoria
k Coumhiii Hirer Railroad.
have a government now as good as they
are capable of making, and can no longer
lay any blame on the politicians in Ore
At the Department Encampment,
Women's Belief Corps, in Astoria, a re
solution offered by Mrs. Emma Gallo
way was adopted, calling for a joint com
mittee with tbe Ci. A. R. to secure a
Woman's Annex to the Roeeburg sol
diers' borne to provide for the wives,
widows and daughters of tbe veterans.
TLe committee contists of Mrs. Emma
in, otherwise the law could not take ef
fect for four years. Gov. Geer could take
no more popular step than the calling of
the legislature together in special session
a few day before tbe regular session
to get this needed legislation. This is a
new question but meets universal ap
proval. It is contended by some that it
is not constitutional, but tbe feeling is
that the law should be passed and let
those opposed to it fight it in the courts.
Beginning June 1st, round trip excur
sion tickets will be placed on sale at A.
& O. K. R. ticket office, corner Third &
Morrison 8ts., and Union Depot, Port
land, to all points on Clatsop Beach via.
rail direct, and to all beach points on I.
R. & N. Co.'s line (except Ilwaco) via A.
4 0. K R to Astoria and steamer and
rail from Astoria, a popular round trip
excursion rate ol $4.00, and from Port
land to Flavel and return $3 00 ood for
return passage until October 15th Sim
ilar excursion tickets issued by tbe O. R.
& X. Co., Vancouver Transportation Co.
and Columbia River & Puget Hound
Navigation Co. to points on Clatsop
Beach (except Flavel) and points on
North Beach (except Ilwaco) will be
honored on trains of the A. & C. K. R.
in either direction.
i Close connection made at Astoria with
Steamer Nabcotta to and from North
Beach points. The above rate includes
transfer of baggage between depot and
in Holmes' claim, t It s r L' e
A Sclmber to V F Msv iraet in
Holmes' claim t 3 s, r 2 e
E Vivian to 1' Hchmeer I l interest
in L'l.l)'.' acres in sec 2, t 1! s. r L' e
A Wachtman to J F Wacblmau M
acres in sec (1, t 0 s, r 1 e
S Miller to 11 Hchroedcr 10 acres In
Crow claim, correction deed
E II Cooper lo (i A Weed nw of so
of nee 10, t 4 s. r 3 e
J (iitibs to A K Ford 14. H3 acres in
Whittled eUim t 2 s, r 1 e
E A l'aine to J W Kxon lots 1. 2, D
and 10, hlk 2, Darnell's Addition
J A Moehberger to Win Weinman
del, ne ofsw olsecS and roadway
t 4 s, r 2 e
W W Austin to H K AiiHtin 14 hk
. in Arthur claim t 3 s. r 2 e
G W Willev to A N tiiiyniip lots 37
and :WblkH7Minthurn
Win Barlow to J H Jesse part hlk 1
Barlow not)
I Cooper to I A Mignole se of sec 4
tie, roe 200
U W Tucker to A Rotter lots 13. 1 1
and 15 Parkplace blk 6 375
I Buckrnan to It I. Katun s1., ol ne,
w of se, nja of sw, sec 31, t 1 s
r 4 e xioo
F Beck to A 0 O'Neel. interest in
Glover claim, t 2 s. r 4e (ioo
II Gerhardiie to I. Bloufus w'4 of
sec 7, t 2 8, r 3 e 4000
A U O'Neel to II Glover interest in
Glover claim, t 2s. r4 e find
C A G Bluhm to II Rluhm 5 acres
in sec IS, 1 3 s, r 2 e 5
Lennenberger to R J Goddert 100
acres in Hatton claim, t 2 s, r 3 e 13350
TRUST CO. are the owners of the copy
right to the Thorne system of abstract
indexes, for Clackamas county, and have
the only complete set of abstracts in the
county, can lurnisti Information as to
title to land at once, on application.
Loans, Investments.real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
Call and investigate. Address box 37.
Filthy Temple In India.
Sacred cows often defile Indian tem
ples, but worse yet is a body that's pol
luted by constipation. Don't permit it.
Cleanse your system with Dr. King's
New Life Pills and avoid untold misery.
They (five lively livers, active bowels,
good digestion, tine appetite. Only 25c
at Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
I 1
:iGL0 OUT 1
JXJLm goods
Ladies' and Cents' Furnishing Goods.
I only (lecidcil to eloHo out n slmrt timo ago. I onlereil Spria
Miiiiiiier kmmIs last hull for 1!M) ami lilO'J, mul tliey Imvo jnt ;'
imin j'.iiHicrn lacloricH. J myit.. nil the tx-oplo of .Oregon lJ
Chtckaiiia- County t'o m o our m-w uihhU nml new prices. Amw
will 1m: Hiirprirti-d to sec nil articles marked wuy tlown. Tliii :':
you mi opiiortunit v to buy clean ln clieiip. Come early and
what you want. What remains of Hip slock I will move to Tor:
I rathtir sell below co-t, ho an to nav.i trouble of packing gurak '
move away.
JtiHt oin; word about our sIioch. Just from J. H. .i-viW M''
UoHton. They are poinjr out of bunnies-, and old mo an order c
and you can p-l t, benefit of this. Call for J. II. Lewis hIk'.
I he. cloning out sale of Home xton-H is meruly ft m hemo to gt '
old Mock, but this sale h bona tide.
I have already jmrchaHed a building in Portland, so I am in
to move there ho as to Have expens.) of root and car 'are.
Un not la.il to call.
Oregon c
IAt FIKI.ll Itl'll mvn
Main Mt., IlKtwnnii 7tl't an. I Htll
n a orpr t- -r
1KACH8RS ami pupils ol the schools of t, -Ihe Kind Vnu Ham llwavt MM
.i.d:i i . i 1 iz &"
mo uu uuuui mo luijaiug lurwaru Qinatus
to an enjoyaote vacation wmcri tney oe-J el
Hind You Haw lwan
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number of
deaths show that a large majority die ' t
nill. Tl- l- W
may I f
The New Idea
Dandruff Cure
f ..The..
f Scientific
V Remedy J
ThT !.''' nandruirrnr. Is so csIIimI because th new Mrt'
. . . - kiv in mi :h ii-ii lit"
in-ainieni ot illi. l .....1,0.1 ... i. ., .. , 11..1 nm
lilln r-.....i..,i . -ri-iiru in un preparai on. 11 raii" . u
. ..n 'i y rt,"""e 11 contains onlyi .cl, InKredimils as art no "
I! this class. That t.,allake.f.l''
ins uneil (lisclisrife nun tl.i,n...wi. ,.1 11. .1 1 ra pi'l
well niHlersloou hv ... "7 Z " Z ii.Mdrult
nun uuiiniiinpiion. iins uiseaHe
commence with an apparently harmless
cough which can be cured instantly by
Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and
Langs, which is guaranteed to cure and
relieve all cases. Price 25c and 60c.
For sale by all druggists.
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
will cleanse A..".! 7. ... V"3'- . ,."".i"'w u". ::.,h.ni. "J
niPii. m..... . 1 i 1 .' """""" neunuy iissue arinni" -
?, .T,., ' h-.Hl"' "'' bv '" rest.,rl..K f...wer of naturs. It cof-'"
af S i i i,"""1":l' w' "''. torn or alkali in any lorn..
c hS.,7 ,1 ,'re r,1'"," ,,4lr ,,r conta.nln.fd 1
' ,"',r"""e "hlch Is so ailni.rahly clculuied to "charm
1. pi.JL r.vP 1 ' I'Ut i" b'H quart l-.tlle.. wl'i'-"".?".
T . . '; M'" n. ordinarily two r three csea), witfi m
thins on eanl, hot.le M.i, ),. ,e Jaile $, btt,.
r fl li. '"K, 'l from following dealers in Clackamas county-
li. Huntley, Oregon Citv (1, A. Hariling. Oregon IM rii
O WOr'a'r """l? l:i Trading Co., OregonCl"
IW f v aM W