Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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News of the Week
Friday, May 23.
Portland defeats Putte at baseball.
to 1.
Tears in South Africa is believed to In?
at hand.
Loubet received an ovation at St.
A negro fiend was burned at the stake
in Texas.
Hoar spoke in the Senate against the
Philippine bill.
Toe Koch am beau mission was enter
tained at the White House.
Victor C. Dolliver, of Iowa, addresses
the Republicans at Ashland.
Flaning mill owners get nut injunction
against interference by strikers.
The Senate passed the assay office bill
nd concurred in tlie House amendments
to the Columbia River bridge bill.
George D. Evans, formerly a promi
nent politician and Depu'y State Auditor
of Washington, and a couvicton parole,
commits suicide.
, Saturday, May 24.
Loubet leaves Russia for France.
The war in South Africa is practically
ended .
Young Corbett tested Kid Broad at
The worst eruption of Mount Pelee is
yet to come.
Butte defeats Portland at baseball by
core of 4 to 0.
University of Oregon defeats Mulno-
mah in dual athletic meet.
The Presbyterian Assembly goes on
record against card-playing.
Portland Federated Trades indorse the
trike and call out no more unions.
Terrible disaster at Fernie, B. C , by
which from 125 to 150 lives were lost.
Miss Lopez petitions for the release of
her brothers, who were aeported from
Robert Andrews elected grand master
of the Oregon Odd Fellows, and Mrs. At
wood president of the Rnhekah degree.
An explosion in the Coal Creek mines
near Fernie, B. C, caused the almost
instant death of between 125 and 150
miners in mines Nos. 1 and 2. Not
single person escaped. About 21 men
saved their lives in the No. 3 workings
' Tte disaster is the worst in the annals of
British Columbia coal mining, excepting
that of Wellington, 18 years ago, by
which 157 lives were lost. Immediately
after the explosion a call for help was
sent to Fernie, and the foremost of the
rescue party was overcome by the after,
damp, and his life was saved only by the
timely aid of his comrades. In the work
of rescue the miners made heroic sacri
fices The tunnels in which the disaster
occurred were very long and badly ven
tilated. The miners are only six miles
from Fernie, a town in the eastern part
of trie Province of British Columbia, on
on the Crow's Nest Pass branch of the
Canadian Pacific Railway. It lies in the
center of a couniry very rich in coal de
posits. The building of tbe railway, four
yearn ago, was followed by the operation
of tbe coal mine, which belonged to a
company competed largely of Toronto
capitalists. These are the coal fields that
J i. Hill was reported to have gained
control of a vear or so ago, but beyond
the Great Northern being one of the coal
company's best customers, no evidence
of this control has been apparent. er
nie's only industry is mining, and its
population is about 5000. Most of the
miners are foreign born.
Mrs. D. Arnold, President German
Woman's Club, Grand Pacific Hotel, Los
Angeles, Cal., Relieved of a Tumor by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I suffered four years ago with a tumor
in my womb, and the doctors declared I must go to the hospital and un
dergo an oiicration, which I dreaded very much and hesitated to submit.
' My husband consulted an old friend who had studied medicine,
although he was not a practising physician, and he said he believed
that Lyilia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would cure
me. That same day I took my first dose, and I kept it up faithfully
until twelve bottles had been used, and not only did the tumor dis
appear, but my general health was very much improved and I had
not felt so well since I was a young- woman.
" As I have suffered no relapse since, and as I took no other med
icine, I am sure that your Compound restored my health and I believe
saved my life." Mrs. D. Arnold.
When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leucorrhira, displacement or ulceration of tho
womb, that lxarui-dovn feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache,
bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros
tration,or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faint ness, lassitude,
excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, "all
gone," and want-to-be-lef t-alone " feelings, blues, and hoju'lessncss,
they should remember there is one tried mir true remedy. Lyilia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best.
urn. im.vik iiusii:nv
t'urulaliril Uw'.y Hook by Hie n.i.U
nuts Abstract & fruit '''")
V A Proctor to O llaugl'inn
W ..( SW of Sim' :lf), I 1 s r 4 I- . .
K M Ho.kwoo.1, to A Hi s ell, !' I
in Sirsinht I'ni'iii. t - 1 -
A C Mochnke l J VVull. r ll f .V ti
Ink f, Wist Mile A.I.I .
C K Cross to J W oiler nits f A "
Mile A.I.I
I, T.ii.mmi to M 11 ackhiirn lot .V
li'v lot tt blk ft I'aikrr Hill A.I.I .
II C .Siewns in l W llrvi' I'.'
in the Wngbl CI. t r Je .
J lilh-on to C M l"l' II "I lie Hi
sen 1 t 3 r 4 e
N II N-vari to II Wiigciimn n'j 'l
lie ol hv -0 t 'A r'l e
M V. Church to C M tiiiyinip ' ' "
in KihIii.i t'l i i r
II 1'oiler to V S Mori in tie ol Her M,
l t s M e
i: I l', ,ni. i t,i V S M . ,r rin iik of sc.
4 I a r 4 e . . .
S Took to II M.iiitniir lot - blk
KmIIh Yn-w A'l.l .
M KSlupey to I' Ta lor l.l.ilil aocs
in Wiimhi I'l t 2 n i 1
J A Wied to II Meddle sl lines ill
sec U'J t a r I e
T lliierlh toT W Sullivan. trustee,
' ol e A n nl m t i ol ne ol
sec IS t -I r fte
8 W Hai.lesiy lo ti l I Mmlck H a.'ia
in John W'r'uhl t'l I f e
ISellw.Hi.l A Impvl I'u 1 1 M l'u"
I mint lotn ft to IS blk iMIliK tinivn
1 K I' rr.mi to A t' Hii'l. nl nw ;
e'u oi n ol nt t 4 r i ai,.l
loin 7 AVS blk till. Oietton t'liy
I A I. t'l.'li-'r to V V Kailuw Iota tt A
I It) Ink II lUrln- ...
1 C t' Harlow Id M v SI enh nl lo s
I V A ;o til k ti, lrl. .Ma .
J J Cook to I'oriliin.l Trim Cona
of see 1'7 t I a r .1
i L lliiminiHion to Win liilil
in CI 117 I 3 a i 3 e
Creamery Cu to C I' ll.irlow
blk Hi, KarloHS
M Noai k to K J Morirnnen "(I a.'irit
in sec 5 t U s r 1 e
I K U V ailli.'l.l lo K Si lio.ell lol II,
I Hueiia ViHia . .
V l.uellH et til to ti .illllll.TlllilM lli.l
ill see H 1 t I tt r 1! e
i Win Parker lo 1 A.lkins I I itc o in
I nee l 'J I 4 a r 1 e
! M Hubler lo (i S Harrett lol 1 b!k -i
PaiknUi e
When the Lamp is Lit
and the Children
are in Bed
Tha tlrl mirthrr Kn. out l.rr i..ni.ll.iK
. "i... ..,,1 l.-LMiia lo .Uin the bol.1
tiawnrrd mv n
li.tti. ,li,.-I followT"1' A
to. ilav am tuttd. i t.'
with Cml't l,rlp ,,r, ,.lt
cntr.l me. If tlirw tw !'
any u to y y ,
thrill, Ihry niiulu
iMKir, aulTctliiu wuiiut.
Mil. Mirairr I raH U
Hiiri am i ," , .
i.. ... n,. l.oe bv the ir.llr.. frrt of
UlitUeuiir It i - K""1' "
(of a little l'- t i tU - Hut vny aiNHI
,!,e ovn Kil nnvra ne.l thrni-
Live, She In N.lwv. Iin bra-l tlimba.
n.l Nhe bus t" Uv " llle w,"k
irerl) w.-.inU' to irtt.
All woik biiiiK i'"1""'1 '""'"
liealtbv tnnlnr... Hot tl.ne U a rar
m whlill l l naliiiai ami a ior..-
of -I'avuiiu Prr,!,,,,,,'
......iplrleiirM.,,,! i..f,-tw,J
Of iiie, in cuii,,,i,,,.7"1
caara the rui n... i- . ;l
none the lr mr i .i"""1
l.iiM.UMT linru Ullr.l.,1
Yale crack team,
Sunday, May 25.
Lord Pauncefote died in Washington.
Registration in Multnomah County is
No danger of June flood iii Willamette
The South African war is practically at
n end.
No more supplies are required in Mar
tinique. California defeated Princeton crack
Why can't we come
over to your house and
play any more?
Because papa gets so
mad when we make a
little bit of noise.
What makes him that
way ?
Mamma says it's dys
pepsia makes him act
so crazy.
That's about the way
it strikes the small boy.
The dyspeptic has no
idea of his own unrea
sonableness or harsh
ness. Little things are
magnified and seem. to
justify his quick anger.
There's health for the
dyspeptic and happiness
for the family by the
use of Doctor Pierce'a
Golden Medical Lriscov-
ery. It cures diseases oi ttie stom
ach and other organs of digestion
and nutrition, ana restores perfect
health and strentrtn, by enabling
the perfect digestion and assimila
tion of food.
"Ihretakon bottle of Dr. Pierce'a
Golden Medical Discovery for indigestion
nd liver complaint," writes Mr. C. M.
Wilson, of Yadkin College, Davidson Co,,
N. C. "Have had no bad shells since I
commenced Ukinr your mediHne in
fact, have not felt like the same man. Be
fore 1 took the 'Golden Medical Discor.
err I could not eat anything without aw
ful distress, but now I can eat anything I
wish without having unpleasant feelings."
Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets
cleanse and regulate the bowels.
team, 7 to 6.
Harvard defeated
61 H to 4 1.S'.
Pacific Coast freighters chartered
the oil trade.
The Roc hamheao. statua was unveiled
at WashinKton.
Master builders declare sympathy with
Portland strikers.
Indications of a large vield of it rain and
fruit in the Palouse country.
China Mutual steamers have been aold
to Ocean Steamship Company.
Fortv bodies discovered at Fernie. and
100 more remain in the tunnel.
Portland defeats Butte, 6 5; Seattle
2, Tacoma 0; Spokane 1M, Helena 3,
Professor Pease dismisiied from Stan
ford Ui iversity by President Jordan.
One million acres of timber land was
bought by Booth Kelly Lumber Com
(any. Monday yMay 20.
Dead at Fernie number 151.
Aeronaut was Injured by fall at The
The French President visits the Dan
ish King.
Civic Federa'ion will try to settle coa!
miners' strike.
Volcanic eruptions continue in the
Lesser Antilles.
British naval tests show superiority of
American shell cap.
Consular reports show great increase
in our exports to France.
Provincial policemen was chased from
Fernie by anjjry miners.
Arrival of first Spring supplies in
Thunder Mountain disliict.
Beet-niiiiar men seek to defer coimider-
ation of Cuban reciprocity bill.
A white murderer was hanged bv a
mob, and a negro narrowly escaped.
J. N. Williamson denounces reoorl
that he is unfriendly to railroad men.
Young man who placed obstruction on
track of flarrinian special train sent to
Wednesday, May 2S.
Slight and general decline In stocks.
Corn prices agln move up at Chicago.
Oregon Slate Grange convenes at Sa
lem. West Indian Vulcanoes show sins of
renewed activity.
China Mutual Steamship Line was
sold for 2,tK)0,000.
The teamsters' strike may cause a
meal famine al Chicago.
Large sash and door factory burned at
(irant's Pass will be rebuilt.
Only minor details remain to be set
tied in the Anglo-Boer peace ln-gUutioiid.
Portland Master Builders will not re
sume work unlill planlng-uull boycott is
The Ohio Keimhlication convention l
practically Unanimous for llamm's re
election. One man was killed and 100 hurt by
the collapse of a temporary sidewalk at
New York.
C. E. S. Wood, Democratic nominee
for United States Senator, criticises his
party's campaign.
HhutMnll We llure Fur l)eM rtl
This question urines in the family ev
ery day. Let us answer it to day. Try
.fell-O, a delicious and healthful dessert.
Prepared in two minutes. No boiling!
no baking! simply add boiling water and
Bi'ttocool. Flavors : Lemon, Orange'
Raspberry and Strawberry. (Set a pack
age at your grocer's today. 10i.'t.
F It Wright to J A Wr g it
ii w sec rt t ft r 'A e
F K Wrigl.i to J A Roman nv of
nw of sec 8 t ft a r 'A t '.'10
U Yager lo P Yager n of a of sec
I'll t 1 s r 4 e I
M Taiitaiiiaii to A IVnti- lot 4 blk 1ft
Falls View . . ... I.lll
W Men limn io WcIh t ltr4 13 acta
In sec Lt) t I s r 2 20ft
H O f I nl It'll t.e. k to K Ciisswell,
rodwy in Willam CI t 3 s r e, 1
I) Powell to A Powell ft acies ill see
2H t 1 a r 2 e WK)
A Powell loli Avery same l.uid . 8l
H A Chase to S tird,! 30 feet u' lot
8 blk 6 Oregon Ci'y b0ii
J J r.avia to W F Koine n'v of iw,
n.'u ' '?. ol sw of sec 2 i 4 s r 4 e -in)
2 ' I jT.- n
.bow that Htnety riKt1t Wrm
huiiiltnl who Imvr givnl'
' ,1, ,
Kvery woman alnmM rfmu.
ill. l - V J
tloll of ,e,lnb
V"".1 f'tr:
"" with V
fect hr,!iu.
" ' lev r cowtf
ll-r hotu,.l
l- .. "
tllno, "yn j fc
ah aid tg
w.il.l f,
' el'rts .' Ik. .
nTt'Tflks' "I'I"B' tixl
riuht to the Thurne mvhIimi. of MiiHtrm-t
indexes, for Clackamas county, and Um''!a" f" '' u1,.'-v !'T
' ; the uw ol Iir. Pierce l amtite Prrs'rlH
iiieuiny cuinpieie m-i oi ansiracta in Id
nea which is not healthy. The utterly
worn -out feeling riiierirm ed bv hi
uiauy women is not one as a ml to
tlk phvttcal eihauitiou of Ulir, hut to
the diaiiiing away of the strength hv
womaiilv ihiivs. Nervousness, head
ache, Wks.'hr, and slreplrssnraa are
but a few of the cnuuuoti results of such
a diseased condition. Vrt IhoiiMiiils of
women suffer Itom w. manly disestset for
years and make little or no rfToil to
efleit a cure. Tliey treat wmtisulv dl
raae as if it was a purely lis al thing, and
only wake up to the ditroiis elle.1 of
the disease iiin the genetal health,
when there is an utter break down, fol
lowed prrhaji by yeaii of mful ill
urssv HOW TO KK Cl'MKD.
Any woman aufTenug from womanly
tion. 'Inn stiteuient is based on the
testimony of uunv thmivimls of women
who have been cured of womanly dis
eases loltrn when aggravated by urglect
or svronir treatment ami venerullv of a
Olficeo'er Bank of Oregon City." serious and painful nature i. by the use
Call and investigate. Addn-ss boi of " l-avonle Prrscnptiou."
- ' "1 tied four Wtles of your Favorite
Hold I i ii 4'oii2remaii.
County, can (urnn-h iufuruinlion as tu
title to land at once, en application !
Loans, Investments, real estute, abstract
Portland is defeated by Butte, 10 to 9;
Spokane deh-ais Helena, 7 to 1 ; fceattie
wins from Tacoma, b to 1.
Injunction in Portland strike will be
argued today; Building and Trades
Council meets tonight. Building pro
jects lag on account of the strike.
Tuesday, Mav 27.
Paul Mohr road sold.
The Senate passed 02 pension billf.
A Turkish battalion was annihilated
in Arabia.
of Pacific Coast
Statistical position
freights is weak.
Ni-iallc It Ik'IiimiiiWiii Cured After
s"oiiritM-ii 1 earn of NiiflVrliiK.
"I have been afllicied with sciatic
rheumatism for fourteen year," says
Josh Edgar, of tiermantown, Cal. "I
was able to be arourrd but constantly
suffered. I tried everything I could
hear of and at last wan told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did and
was immediately relieved ami in a churl
lime cured, and I am Iia py to say it
has not since returned." Why not use
this liniment and get well ? It is for sale
by G. A. Harding, Druggist.
''At the end of the camp iign," wrilei
Champ Clark, .MixKoiin's luiiliuiit con
gressrnan, "from overwork, nervous
tension, loss of sleep and conntaut up. -liking
I had about lllli-ily collapsed. Il
seemed that all the organs in my body
were out of order, bill three buttles ol
Electric Bitters made; ine all right. It's
the best all-around medicine ever sold
overs droggwl' counter." Over worked
run down men and weak.si.kly women
gaind spleiud heallli and vitality front
Electric Bitlers. Try them. Only .'ill,
Guaranteed by 'ieu. A. Harding. I
Prescription and one of 'Gulden Med
ical Dis, cnerv,' " writrs Mrs. Ktmer l.
Sheatcr, of Moonthojie, Iincaster Co ,
Pa., "aud can aav that 1 am cured of
that drea.lrd di-a-an-, uterine trouble.
Am in better health than ever hdore.
l'.vrry one who knows me is siirpnvd
to e in liHik sj well. In June, when
I wrote lo you, I was to poor in health
that at times I could not walk. You
- in .
K I UnV4 r
for nearly hs, ,
With I'lultptuiji,
n Ann s.1
woinsn. I v. I
.. ,i , ' SI
no iiifurtnt iv
have had a
d my fgrmn t
Have used n, i,
limes hn siott'.
years and twit J
hea tin J
health u rum
the xrD"l Wi
otic inirirwn
la no ruuri WU
iiraoai ov. 4 as sf
are uulrt. Iir a.
aounil snj li rJ
lr. Pierrt i fi.,
Prearrlption twtahhsbra regtU-r;,
the drains whuh weaken tout
Inflammation and ulicralioa K
friual weakness It u Ikt ts
aralive for nulernllT. flnni j
strength and elasticity sod m-f
ui oaoy saivem i-rtciK-ailTpui
a tonic for weak and "ninlmv
it la une.jualnl, ami nutans
will find It an -emit lo Uerwu.
nirtliciues or brversget rors4
lieved tu have a Ionic ami alinp.
value. " Kavotit I'ltstnotius'i
no alrohul, oeiilier upiun, ew
any other narrutic.
arr inyitel to consult Dr. ran
letter, tet. All corrprir!n'
treate.1 a sactrdlv roBn.lfttuf at
writlrn confidences of wooiMiftrf
d by the same strict profrssiotiV
olervel by Dr. here and ha (4
Jiersunal consultations with fore
nvsh.ls' Hotel and Suricsl la
Address Dr. K. V. Iterc, Buik
Accept no substitute for' h
Prescription." Tli only Biotmkj
dilution Is the little mc f i
by the dealer on tht Sail of kai
torious meiluines.
Ir. Pierce'a Coiiimim Sn 4
Adviser, cniitaiuing nior thni
sand larire taL'ea Is sent frt
of staling lo rav einertar of S
only. Send V otiecfiit ttuP
cloth tiound volume, or olf U -
for the Ixxik in pajier coyr i-t
Dr. K. V. Pierce, nunaio, n, i.
If yon liisnl ft rrfiiUf, Hit m"trtiMt ut f h
hol ! it, ji.ii ip i ,,r will I... Ki-i ..-,f
Ix.Wfo ..-n, iikI l. i l..ir..ii h hsl.n..r
lint I'll f . r J.iil (I'd.oi., s !,,(. if, yt.uti. J Urn BH.O..II,.
rl, rmiinl, Mi'int ci fn t muj ut korliiaj Ui ! (
Cts-ar Alttl t;titt Ii t'l I.
Round Trip Excursion Rule lo t int-op
a nl North Bench Points via Aitoiia
k f'oiimhiii Kivi-r Ruilru.id.
Beginning J line lt, round trip excur
sion ti. kfM will be placed on sale t A.
it C. R. It. ticket ollice, corner Third A
.Morrison fits., aud Liiln Ileimt, Port'
land, to all points on Clatsop lieach via
rail direct, and to all beach points on I
ril-ilKlllf , ',.!rilrsl.l(..
T'ltrnt. TsrIm OihmI. tt., o
r lrl-, 10, V , nl UI
'i,0 ssmtiir, simI l.ixtkli't
Oregon prune trees badly damaged by ! K lo Ah'"'" eteawcr and
C ild rains and frost. j rail fiorn Astoria, a popular round trip
I excursion rale ol $1 INI, and rum Port-
The Boer peace conference at Vereer.
iV'iug is still deadlocked.
Eighty-eight steam and sail Vessels
loht unring month of March.
The Senate istbmisn canal committee
reports against Hoar's canal bill.
All strikers but plumbers and wood
workers in Portland return to work.
The Navy department will transport
Canadian lumber to ht. Vincent suller
ers. The Presbyterian General Assembly
iiijourns to meet next year at Los An
geles. Senator Mc Bride was married to Mrs.
Laura Walter Scbweichtenherg in New
Fire yesterday afternoon destroyed the
factory and miils of the (Sugar Pine,
Sash & Door Company, Williams Bros.
im is inimoer oi uweiiings in Oram s
Pass The loss will be about $100, (XX)
and the insurance is very small. In
fighting the fire, J. A. Turner was se
I verely burned, and may die.
land to Havel and return ff'.l 00 good for
return passage until 0 tuber loth Sim
ilar excursion tickets issued by lln; O. R.
&S Co., Vancouver Transportation Co
and Columbia River A Piiget Sound
Navigation Co. to points on Clatsop
P.ea.b (except FlavidJ and points, on
North Beach 'except Ilwacoj will be
honored on trains of the A. & C. R, K.
in either direction,
Close connection made at Astoria with
h'eamer abcot'a to and from North
Beach poi n is. The above rate includes
transfer of baggage between depot and
Itatt-N Air tin Reduced Fmui All Pom's
Before you miike definib' arrangements
for that trip east let on quote yi,u rates
via the Illinois Central Railnad. Our
rates are the lowest to be had, and it wil
pay you to write u. It you haven't lime
to communicate with in, tell the a-rcnt
from whom you purchuge your ticket
that you want to travel by way of the
Illinois Central, and you will never tu
gret the trip.
If any of your relatives or friends in ' eiu,'',u,;'': '"r
the east are coining west while (be hi'"1''"'''" ""' i'ir. iioni.ii siw mus.
rates.re.ne(r.ctw,ite,Ha. t, .'KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN
and we will see that they get the lowest i
rates with the best service.
Through tourist cars, personally con-
ducted excursicn cars, free reclining chair
cars in fact all the Intent conveniences
know to modern lailroading.
For particulars regarding rales, time,
iervice, stop-overs, diflerent connections
i.i.d routes, Etc., etc., call on or address;
Pi. If. TltlMlll'l.l,,
142 Third Street, Com'l Agt.
Portland, Ore.
lie. M iliums1 India. I
HllrOIN I Si I
nure llllna. Ill-rillus.
anil lu-klna 1-Urs. Jt
aiwrus III,. liiit,ra sl
Ism Hi Iteliliissl.ihi-e..
I nr. SI a IMilllUn
J.iKKIiiiilcs of lor.:
tftiice ti'lcplione w.'
Ort'Kon, Witsliinglrt
fiirniii iiml M"'10 c
oM'nitioii lJ tl '
Station Tcli'l'li'M
uiny, covering
Quick, accurate,
All the siitisfacW
iwrrioiiiil (oinniunii
PiHtancB n't efW '
clear iiii.lerstaiiJirl '
kune Ami flin ":
HH rntily heard
Oregon CitvoflicMt'
Hanlmjr's Dru? St1
For sale by Cha-man A Co . Iiruigisls
Bsam the Jt III" MHU I0U 11318
lln Kind You Hae km goujij
lVanlH Otlierx to Know.
"I have used DeWitt'a Little F:arly
Risers for constipation and torpid liver
and they are all right. I am glad to In
dorse them for I think when we find a
good thing we ought to let others know
il," writes Alfred Hein., Quincy, III.
They never gripe or distress. Sure, safe
pills. Geo. Harding.
CATARRH DvsDensia Ciitp
::?rr?T7L r -1
Digests what you cat.
sr Jaf
i mm and ml
Ely's Crsam Bslsa
Yjwj and plfaeant to
SI." CjlllltSlllS nr. l,i-
Jilrloos llriii?. fc4--'--'-1
It is iiul':kiy atnorhrt. -!
;ims Itei.i-f ut oni . I.
It Oi, ,s am! ri,- .. "ulC
Alhye Inllaieiiistinn.
Il"ls anii jToiecu the .Meinlirsne. Ki storei tl,.
"es of 1 He hmell. ,,, MleeMss
i1 rv'I L'l j,7,n""' ,t',,", "'. lOc-iita hy mnH
tLY btUSl'UElui, M Wantn btreer, Htw 1 1
This preparat Inn contalni all of the
oiB sums and tiijj.-su till kinds ol
food. It (fives I rist.;i nt rt-liif and never
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the food you want, The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. I'.y its use many
thousands of dyspeptic havo )H'en
Tjred after everything els failed. It
a unciiinilletl for allsioinach troubles.
It can't help
but do ycu good
Prepared only by E. (!. IikWitt 4 o., t:h. ao
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Freight ami parcels w '
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Watches, Clocks, JwM
All kinds of repairing neW
Bttd warranted.
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