Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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ocial Happenings. (
..lllllltl"" I""' '' "Y '"
Musing in the Quiet Hour in Memorial, j
' Nadnnal Guard. Illlr.!
V'lnr'v Wed ''y "'K1'1
V ..,,..1, and exhibition ilrlll iiv
J i'.rn The ceremony waaapleae
Arr Hi ('I,IW1'' the ilrlll iliort
y !"' ,r timt by Henalor llrowii
V K- Car 1 1 I "1'"1'
S,'' J Tim lullmml nlgi wm
' I " "i """,,M'' K'"'
- I l Lnner. lbs ndittin,r standing,
I,U,'f ,n tlH.iirUr... and darning
! luywl until '"" "''iMk. Tim
' ' - IimiiiImi iimil v arrantim!
'!hlH',v'"'"" l Sorgeant Millar.
V.,,,(1 lh company. Captain
,iii K'lly. Hrl I. ciilenahl rre..
W II ii fi 1 1 I r y a M tt 1 Second LlnUlnii
1 . '. - II,,.,,. Jr . INI Ilia Inrlm-
1 j nuiiv roiitf'1 ulitt ton on lb sue.
I HU I, I.. I. a a ,,,.1.1.1..
, i iutlnry circles.
t Tail'ithl Cluli gave a dance In
. u Kiln'1 MCmd' birthday, on
: ..I...H.IIIIIH. My m Twilight
T a lUto'y i" ii ""f T'i""
Imnsre :-Mr ' Mr. Ivld lu
nLilin. Mr. ami Mm. Will MiC.inl.
..ml Mr. C. Gihaoii, Mr. ami
j ,jporif .ll, Mr. mnl Mr. II.
i Mi"''" f 1 ti Im ami Kllml Me.
1 lle'lile ami Hii n lint Kiamn, Mary
J-.'.h ivi, Helen and It c lnil .Mir
t Ainu Muni., Finlli Wileha't,
I'iiiii l'vl. A. W, rrance, Ar
tUi'Conl, Man-hall I.anclle, George
ill, Lwi I'vl. Carl juehiike,
i. JKl ur'li l.aiirpnro .imuii.
bkCt'M SMItaT.INHalllT,
, S.tii'dav 1 hib'a iilertalumot at
.t,i,nii llatl 1"nf.tv evening a
ranvaful altair. 1'lia hall writ
: Tim pn. grain Ma arrMrl under
i,M l" "I Mr Clmrlr Allirintit,
:m ! iii'iim a 'li'anl f vi-t,.
i'i ami !" i'fi arrvti'l allnr
frnililluii lin l'r"k'rni. liH li
, iipl.... Mukio Kariianii anil Marin
ilon ... ... Ill Hix(M-iKrtmr
Ml Coiivor
,,ln Miaa Kiln I'autli'lil
lule Jikp Nili'xn III I lit Kir la
Mra W. II WlKrfii.a
in drill Thi'Ivo juiiiik Ulu
titlirilli K I'l l I" MI'RII AI n.
xlinun Hall rroilil laal Moii
trning illi luvnr o( llllimc lu lia
luihr rvii'liii"ii ' Ho rKrin vivrn
VftMik Munlral ('lull. Tim inu
mi'kr.l llm cluan ol llm aM iu'a
fiof inn iluli ami an rvciit In
'iliiri'lr-. V.wry mm of llm t-n
I rt I'lii ori-il, ami irprnluit
i numlH-r an iilyio llincimiMi. r
! !i oi fi'ail liy Mr. lUiln-rl
V.'ut. A'lrr llif program li'H crnaiti
! rtkf nurvml lo llm KUrl ol I lie
Ui.l daiKiun lnlluwi'il until in il-
; iri'l Mr. lic'ifijrt A. lUnlliiK fn
i.il tin yuiiiiit Irminl ill (lixir
.lilrr Ni'lt i at thru rmiili'iiin lal
it vnlii. Tim o rliiii
;m anil llm Hum aa iiMaiilly
rl ailli in nan- anil kriiii'. At a Ulf
f ' Igricti a airvml.
.f lourth iniinllily lmi of tlm Sarin
( lull kivi-ii In Vllaimlta Mall
fruity niiit. Aliuiil vinty ''
trtt pruH'iit ami tlm iiikIiI iaam'il
!y. Mivlin iiuinUira ainl four
tr diiirnl.
baagrrona If .fnlrj'lril.
im, rut ami otlmr uiiml oflin
Wliftl pruMTly if nilH'ti ami n
troiililraoiiiH aorra. IVWiit' Wili li
'i Hlva (nvvi'tit mu ll ionM,qililuia.
i 'lie re ili'Uy lia agravati'il llm in
WWill' WiU'li 1 1 Salve Hllfita
"I linl a riinniiiK "urn on my
'lurty yi-iira," nay II. ('. I tartly,
iwtimii, 1ml. Allnr imiiitt mnny
lifi I trif.l )i-Vilt'a Witch llawl
A lew In mm lnali-il tlm aore."
nil in ilmraM'. l'ili'H )U'lil to It
rt. Hi-warn of coiintttrfuitf . Ueo,
T" n iff rn "Tt
0raln5 RELIEF
Aically l.,altl,y wm.mn bu 1IU
Pwn fr iliacomfort at the
Wntru.'i porio,!. Xo woman
y to liavft any. IVIim of
mW iiuli-klv mlUiva tliono
"""''Z nu'imtniiLl ru.t,,. .,t
r dfst'L'lii
"t "'"l Vtaai.ft, (
1,1. - 'J
Wonih In-ocular morwc.
J brul.t perumnont ruUcf to
jl.OOO,000 womon who luffcrod
"Honth. It niulfAa tlm mnn.
W tnng ami healthy.
I " &l provwion nimle by Na
I te Rive woraim relief from
"wrihlu ai,!,,,, tturt pillllll y,hMi
0- l Inniiv I
- y wmim.
tv. 0KK
1 ,. UkT11 T'rr 'k 'r iiii tiino.
SmiI i.''-1 oei Pl In 1'iy
'"I H In.Vi 71 ' k ' .. rWirvriJ
ilaili , t,,uflr lCn(m nt,'' J it
-- -aaHiuwa i 'I'll
Oni ilium. In llm I tllMV lilfltii.il iA lit..
.u.n to ,(),,r ,,e ir1M), olf m;
In tlin liUtorv uf 1111 r Of lllltl r at aajaa I . . i .
many Kri m,.,, w, Wlm,ir, m M,,,.
linn in iruai wiui'ii Dixy lii'lil ud He
may lay wltli ilnn mml,.,). t,a j(h.
.illilliaii parly I... ,, , ,1,,,, ,
IIiumiwIiu am u,,,l ....... i 'ii...
aliin.i Lincoln, w, K,,.( ,1H ,,, ,
-..m uimiigM iiuuiilml walura, wlum
il I llvinK riHtiii.U f , prlnpl..,
IA I. I.. I. ..I- 1 I . . . . .
" i"""i nun an nm iiiciuior ol our
liailun In It ilaiki-at dour.
II man Win havit .,Li..ll r... ii...
fulil alli-r "tranii (jmU" ,v aalil, will)
a CollvllirlllK Wavn of ll,., I, at till f li l.ll Ii.
Il'alilniii In Aim l.,iinilu' tium'waa wlmt !
iimximi nut In tlm! ilaya n inKicaa
wliv oiilaruwri Ii." llm i Vow
llml llmiMi taiiiii riii' iil..H iiiiiiiruli-i
by tmwr Ki'iu ration, whirli droiialil Ua
lliroiiKli iryliiK iniriiliiiiial n.uiiln
lion, uroviim i'oiii'lniv'v 11..1 u.u it
iulilirn Miln y i n yt pan! IU llai'lul
Allliouttli Hmrii rn fnwi-r i-arli yrr lo
nwnr tlm mil call of tlm tiraml Army
of tlm fuilili!, many have llvml to -
llm friiiliuii of that fflKunlii! alrugKlir.
"Nu Norlli," "No Koiilli;" but oim
Kiaml iiiiIiiii. Tlm aoltlixr in tlm Orliuit
la li'ru ei a miinattir lK'ile Im baa
iKarnml by i (iXH-riiuii'n tlmt bo inual
wrinif from tlm wili-y Malay llm wrM
ol hi Irnai ln-ry. II tlm Aini-rirau nl
il if r -rr it I lliat Im i ovi-r vi-nttroiiH to
a liilliui Um. Tliia i wby o many urt-y-liairt.il
mother ait by tliuir ilnaolato
liHartliNloima, wailinK lor tit on who
ran ih'Vit itoinu to glaiblun ber ducllliing
1 altl imvur utie llm irv of one (if
iln-a lnavB hov without vilun of llio
low layitiK ni'H paiblii', frimiHiI by
hiTtle-riut, liaiiilioo ami palinn, uvnr run
with ifuuril iiiiiriilnKlory vini;,
w ihIm Dm wii-ril at.(-Bmlivt) lai tu baa
alrxaily put furib ii thorny vrowth in
llm Krana grown Irmirbn, wlnr tlm aunt
of llm hint) ami tlm grey lull, loyally
llliiin tlioiilili-r to aliouliliT fur "(ml
ilory." Tlo-y bawl pruveil tlicuiatilvel
llm worthy nn of ilnir (ailiAr.
Tium, U In, ami rirciiiin,Uiii:i have
'oinpanM'il much. M.
ii. ii. 7n
To auiru-l arctimi 4.1H1 ant 4i8i of Hill'. AnnoUti-.l Law 0 OrrKoii, ami to pro
viile for the elrclioii of nmd nujirrviMjra.
ennctfd by t)it, I.rglslnlirr .l.ssrinlity of thti S'ae of Oregon:
Tlmt an iti-t (ntitlml "An Act to iimi-ml HfctioiiH 40HI ami 40S2 of
1 1 i 1 1 s Annotati'il Liiw of Onuii, urn to provi'In for thu election of roud
nujHTviHom," iiikim1 nt tin- twi-iitictli rciuliir WHHioii of tho legislative
AH iiiiily of the State of On-foii, and aiirovcl Fibruary 17, IH'.l'.t, ho
and tlm aamu in hereby iiun-inli d ho as Ui mid an followw:
il KW1, Tlm county court in th; Hi-vcral counties in tliiH statu
ahall, an oi'ti'ii an tlmy may dnciii iirccnHary, hut not oftmmr than once
in two year, divido their repeciivi' countieH, or any jiart thereof, into
ttuitahle ami coiivenient road dintrietn, each of which fliall ! nuin
hered, and raiiw a brief dericription of tlm huiiio to l entered on thfi
county riTcordrt. No roud district hhnll ho iniide that it nhall he
partly in ono ehi tion precinct and tiartly in another, but each road din
trii'l hliall Iki o foruied a to liu wholly within one election precinct;
providtti, that all the territory within any incorporated town or city
may m onu road dintrict. Kach county court, at the January term,
I "02, thereof, hIiiiII ho arrainjn the road l intrictH in tho county an to con
form to the provirii.niH of thin Hcctioii; and at tho January U-rin of naid
court every two yearn thereafter, and at no other time, make uch
change in road 1 iMirict.-t ai may he deemed Decennary; hut no change",
either in road diHtricl or in election precincts, nhall he mado which
ahall interfere with the relative arrangement thereof as provided in thin,
H IDS2. At the general election in 1902, and every two years there
after, there nhall he elected in each flection precinct in thin Htate in
which there in one or mure road dintrictH, an provided in nection ) 08 1 , a
roud Htipcrvinur for each road district in audi election precinct, who
shall Im a resident of tho road district for which he is elected, and shall
hold his ollieo fur two yearn, or until his nuccennor shall have been elect
ed and (jualilied. At such election every person entitled to vote for pro
ciiu t ollicern in a given precinct shall bo entitled l voto lor one road
nuiervisor for em h road district in such precinct. Hefore entering upon
the dim hargi) of bin duties, each road supervisor shall take an oath to
faithfully, discharge- the dutie of his ollieo; and when any person shall
fail or refuse to accept the Mliee of road supervisor to which he shall
have been cWteil he shall be lined in the sum of lf2", which lino shall
ho appropriated to road purKHCH in tho road district in which such per
son shall have been elected. Such fine shall bo imposed and collected
by anv justice of the peaco in tho county in which such road district
shall lie located, or by the county court of such county, and the amount
of such line shall be turned over to the road supervisor of the precinct
in w hich it in to Im used. All vacancies in the ollieo of road supervisor
shall lie filled by tho county court at tho next term thereof after such
vacancy shall have occtirrei
Approved February 27,
Thin in the law that I voted for, and the only law that there now is
011 tho road siiHTvisor subject. My vote is found in Senate Journal of
l'.ltll, page 8.r:?. C. Bhowxeli..
Ui'oi Hoik f CoiiRifMiian Toiiifiic For
Km bura uf 1I10 Ute.
The river and harbor bill wan reported
1.., ,i... i....,n, . I'.iiiiiiiiileu in tin lioui-e
Tuesday Ori'ifun, im hiding the Columbia
Hiver, K'l -',n,i"'. , ,
III the 10 vear prior to McKinley H
it.u. u.l ... ii.lul rut Ulll I'l clunive of the Can-
cade improvement, llm alati aecured
hut $4.HI7,KSl), while llm wnoie appro-
. T. -1 .. . a a.. I f, .1.1... AtA MV.
a.rl..tlll1 llr I!IH HI.IIH mill IIIHIIIIJI",
elusive of the Cascade, baa been I.-;"-
OOll. Thin i a particularly creuiiaiue
ahowinu lor KepreMenlatlvo lonnue, woo
as a ineinuer 01 um inn
cominillee In the last two Co.ire,H. s,
ha secured fur the Willamette Kiver
ill.lKX). ainst..r for thai river
in all lirevioii ; -,"" "
1. ' . vt Too in urHVloil hills.
11100a, i" Bin"ni "
and now :".'.ri.(HH) for the lower ilium-
elte ami the Columbia, as ana us ,
IKK) in the 10 years preceding the McKtn
ley adminietrstion. Moreover. Oregon
had a member oil both Senate nd House
committees handling these bills. This
year it ha hut one. The bill a agreed
to carries the following amount:
Mouth of Columbia .'Z'JZZ
I'ortlan.l to the sea "'"r
Dallei-Calllo Canal .......... 314. XK
U'iila...iii. above rortland. .. tiN.isw
Columbia at cascades ........ M
I'nner Coluuihia ana enaao. .. ...."
Cooa Ilay '
Ilow'a Thl.?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho
- r.,p anv ruse of catarrh that cannot
1 cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
f , J. (.IIKIB" i
l'rops., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
. . ....! 1...., ... la In all VlllR-
lieve llim penecuy nun ... -
inees transactions and llnanciallv able to
carry out any obligations made by their
Wkst A Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. .... ,
WALUINO, rvinrtAn m .."
sale Driiggista, Toledo, O.
Hall'sCatarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly npon the blood and tnu
coua surfaces of the system. In';?
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testi
monials free.
Hall's Family Fills are the best.
lit-iliiced KaU'stu the Fast.
Thiwe contemplating an eastern trip
will be interested to know that there will
Bhortly t on sale greatly reduced rate
iirln.in in L'onneclion with the Kio
(iramle System, the famous "Scenic Line
of llm World."
This line offers its passengers a most
delightful and comfortable journey to all
eastern points.
It is the only transcontinental line
passing directly through quaint and pic
tun-nine Salt Lake City, "The City 0
The Saints," beautiful (ilenwood SpritiM,
b'sdville, l'ueblo, Colorado Springs
(where a Bide trip my be made to the
(iarden of the Gods and the summit of
Pike Peak over the cog-wheel railroad),
and Denver, the queen city of the inter
mountain region. Stop-overs are allowed
on all classes of tickets.
Ttiree dailv express trains make close
connections with all trains east and west
and afford a choice of five distinct routes
of travel, 't he equipment of these trains
1 1,.. l.not im liulinir free reclinim; chair
IB HIS ' lill " a r
cars, standard and tourist sleepers, a per
feet dininn carjervice, and also' person
ally conducted excursion cars, each in
i lianrn of a competent guide, whose mist
ni-ss is Is to look after the comfort of his
imests. No more pleasant and inexpen
sive means of crossing the Continent can
be found than Is provided by these ex
For additional details, address,
J. D. Masskikld, Gen'l Agt.,
Rio Grande Lines,
No. 124 Third St., Portland, Oregon.
-oca I Institute at Willamette
Flln Iiftst Saturday. j
Educator VMI C'upeii Shoe Factor; aud
Are F.iiirrtalntd at Luncheon
lly Willamette Keld nt.
Ladle Cm wear ilioe
nnn nize smaller after using Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to be shaken into the
shoes.- It makes tight or new shoes feel
easy ; gives instant relief to corns and
hnninn. It's the ereatest comiori ais-
covery of the age. Cures and prevents
swollen feet, blisters, callous ana sore
spots. Allen s toot-base is a certain
cure for sweating, hot, aching leet. At
all drmzL'Ists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial
package FREE by mail. Address, At
len S. Olmsted, LeKoy.fl. I.
The Mav nmelinir of the Clackamas
County Teachers' Association was held :
In the nuhhc school buildimt at Willain-1
ette Falls last Saturday. The work of
the annotation wa with interesting ana '
!ulrui:livH, ami t lie auuience enll usias
tie. Tlm atti.iiilaiicM vm iimd. there be- 1
iug present many patron of the school
ami leading educator, the meeting was
callel tii order at 10:.!0 A. M., l'rtaident I
J. J. . riser in the chair.
The program of the day w i oiened by ;
remark relative to the work of the anso-
ciation for the past year, by htipt J. C
inser. He dwelt on the benefit to be
derived from leachera attending the '
monthly liU'etini, aud ohowed how
many teachere had improved their schools
by uieeting together and talking over the
ilillicullie and ob-tacle that preaeuted
themselvei from time to time. 1
Important I'oints in Arithmetic was :
the topic assigned Mr. L. II. Vincent, .
nriiii'inal of WiIhou ville School, who
made an excellent and thoroughly prac- :
tual B'l.lre.K.on the same, 'llm stieakerl
lioweil llm great necessity of teachers
dulling rouataully on the four funda
mental operations, and their relation.
He believed that it teachers taught the
relation uf the four fundamental opera
lion thoroughly, when ounils reached
percentage aud it different applications
mere would tie 110 dilticulty in getting
luipila to unuemtand the entire subject.
I'Iim anlil.N'i of factorim? abonld lie Ihor
oughly taught, and impiessed upon the
minds ol children, lor ucioring is useu
in nlmont every case in arithmetic.
Tim uuhii4cl uaa aldv iliaeusaed bv
County Supt. Zuiser, whoexplained how
our present system ol education leuu vo
correlation of all aubjects. He ad'.ed
several helpful suggestions, all of winch
were much appreciated,
(in motion the association adjourned
lo a room on the second floor, w here the
leachera, pupil aud patron of the school
had prepared a most delicious luncheon
for all present.
Aller the teachers bad partaken 01 me
lelicious luncheon which. had been Pre
pared by the good people of the burg,
nupt. Zmser aud all the teacher visited
tlm "faiien Shoe Factory and observea
the work. Mr. Frank Capen very kindly
explained to all vinitor the different
procrsnes necessary iu the manulacture
ul shoes.
The meeting wag called to order again
at 1 :30. Free. J. C.'Zinser presiding.
"Proper and Improper Use of Objects
in Number Work" was the subject ol an
entertaining paper well read by Miss
KatherinelJ. Mc Millan. Mies McMillan
said : Make the first year's number work
ImiohI entirely oral: deal with small
numbers only ; make haste slowly ; learn
the combinations thoroughly; teach that
snbtraciliia' is separating a nuinoer imo
its parts and not taking away ; aud help
pupil to use their imaginat one.
Supl Zmnerand Mr. Winches parti
ipaied iu a lively discussion which fol
Svstem in Blackboard Work in Arith
metic" waa handled in a practical and
kilful manner bv Mr. A. C McLaugh
lin, principal of Milwaukie school, the
speaker said that system was one ot the
mora valuable things connected with our
Reboot work. Svstem is the key to sue-
'eaa. Training Il-Ulla to orderly habits
In the schoolroom prepares them for or-
lerly habits through lite. In leacuing
rilhmetic there is more opportunity for
avalpin than in anv other branch. The
board work should be a model of system.
In dealing with all arithmetical subjects,
the teacher should have a clear, concise
and practical method. Very often it
may be necessary for the teachers to de
part hour the author under consideration
anc use their own individuality in pre
senting topics.
Several choice musical selections were
rendered by the pupils of the school, all
receiving hearty encores.
The lollowing comuultee was appotni
il by the chair to prepare resolutions ol
thanks.: Mrs. A. T. Winches, Miss Ger
trude Nehsgerand Mrs. h. B. Salisbury.
"The Teacher's Part in Character
IHiildina" was the subject of a thought
ful and intensely patriotic paper read by
Mr. F. J. Meindi, ol Oregon City. In
ti.ia tiahtuLla nurwr the Kneaker aet forth
bis plan which had worked with success.
1 he paper covered the sunject compre
hensively. The speaker said that the
teacher and parent are the character
builders of this great nation. We should
live for our flag, fur our country, ana nr
it a trtaf itiitiiwiS. Oni- nation was founded
on the rock of justice aed perfected upon
the foundation of liberty. Onr mission
is to do w hat we can tor tne perpetuation
of freedom and justice, cost it what it
... u C. ....... i.uiion hun it fnrfrena. AV
iimjr. ij v. j , -
ery true character h, s its anchorage ; and
each is secured by skill, euori and Hero
ism. The greatness ol a uation aepenas
upon the character of its citizens, and 1
this character is due largely to the work I
of the teacher, lor me teacuer moiug
for the child its future.
"Book-keeping in the Public School,"
was the title of an interesting talk given
by Mr. Robert Gin t her, of Shubel. His
speech was listened to wilh attention as
it contained so many helolul suggestions
to teachers. Mr. Ginther approached
bis subject from a practical standpoint.
He illustrated 10 loose preseoi ins meiuou
of dealing with practical work in the
country schools, showing now tie pre
pared children for future work in me.
Mr. Hunt, one of the directors of the
school, made several pertinent remarks
on the work of teachers.
A resolution of thanks was offered and
passed, thanking the teachers, patrons
and pupils of the Willamette Falls School
for the royal and hospitable entertain
ment received.
For the next Bixty day
We Will Give
Ten per cent, off on
Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes
Furnishing Goods.
nun rmnni
nnii f nuii
Court House Block
V. Fancv Shirt Wainta
a! Vine lin I.ndips' Chemise
Fine lot Ladies' Drawers
Hoyt's Cologne, 5c and 10c
Infants' Iiobes and Skirts
Towels, all grades, at cost
Large assortment Corset Covers
Dress Skirts at a bargain
Sunbonnets and Tamobhanters
Ladies' Wrappers, 50c up
Misses' Undervests, 19c.
Men'B Laundered Shirts, 49c.
Men's Linen Collars and Cuffs,
10c and 15c.
Children's Ironclad Hose.
Children's Hose Supporters.
Ladies Hose, all prices.
Stamped Linen Doilies
Center Pieces.
Sofa Pillows.
Battenberg Braids, Finishing Braids, Bernard & Arm
strong Embroidery Silks, Ladies' Automobile
Ties, Fans, Bustles, Ladies' Fancy Hose, Men's
Fancy Socks, Bachelors' Buttons, Boys' Blouse
Waists and Boys' Caps.
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods.
t -. .1MiA Ant q chnrf fimn a cm T nrflprp Rnrino and
Summer goods last Fall for 1901 and 1902, and they have just arrived
frnm Ti-notoi-n foftnrlpa T invitft all the ceoDle of Oregon City and
i a VS 111 luu aaaataukxsaw 4 ai m
Clackamas County to see our new goods and new prices. Am sure you
!11 1. - -.I -11 A.i:lnn rt1m4 mat, Hrvw-n Thia Will aivft
Will Oo BUrjJriSCU iu bcc an nnitica 11101 cu " j vi.n. "- o---
you an opportunity to buy clean goods cheap. Come early and secure
what you want. What remains of the stock I will move to Portland.
I rather sell below cost, so as to 6ave trouble of packing goods when I ..
move away. .
Just one word ab6ut our shoes. Just from J. B. Lewis factory at
Boston. They are going out of business, and sold me an order cheap,
and you can get the benefit of this. Call for J. B. Lewis shoes.
The closing out sale of some stores is merely a scheme to get rid of
old stock, but this sale is bona tide.
I have already purchased a building in Portland, so I am in a hurry
to move there so as to save expense of rent and car fare.
Do not fail to call.
MaluSt., between 7th and Sth VXCfeWi-l J
The Enterprise $1.50 per year.
but if you are going east write ns for our rates and
let us tell you about the service and accommodations offered by the
Illinois Central Railroad. Through Tourist Cars
via the Illinois Central hom pacific Coast to
Chicago and Cincinnati. Don't fail to write us about
your trip as we are in a position to give you some valuable informa
tion and assistance. 5319 miles of Track over which is operated
some of the finest trains in the world.
For particulars regarding freight or passenger rates call on or
T. F. & P. A. Com'l Agt.
14a Third Street, Portland, Ore.
1 1