Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 30, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Legal Notices.
Mir.Klt'FN nam:.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas.
J. T. Appefon, plaintiff)
T. U Charman, trustee, I
K.te L. Chsrman, A. I
ti. Dresser, Mary C Oli
vers, Kdsvard B. Harris
Clackamas Abstract &
Trust Company, cor
poration, A. W. Che
ney. B rtha M. Sum
ner, E. J. McKit rick,
Michael Minarik, J. 0.
Mark, James W. Part
low, Ixinis H. Wasser
man, George Morns,
Mrs. C. It. Johann,
W. H. Pobyns, l. C.
Tedlord, Samuel (Ira
ham, V. E.Ooss, Mary
George, D. J. Swltier,
Iavil Turney, Sarah
tteorire, A. H. Geonte,
Kilwin Collins, John
Yinney, I. I Mahieu,
Maria Shintam-r, Cath
erine BurkhnMer, Me
Minnville Cnlleee, a
corporation. Flora Rice, I
Kiuelie C. Shaw. J. 1'.
tihaw, W.J. Ranch,
Stati orORKiiON I
CorKTY or Clackam as. I
By virtue of a judgment order, decree
and an execution, duly issued out ot
and under the seal ot the above en
titled court, in the above en tilled cause, to
me duly directed and dated the bUb day of
Hay, 1002, upon a judgment rendered
and entrred in said court on the 2nd day ol
May liW, in lavor of J. T. Apperson,
1'laintitt. and against T. L. Charuian, Pt
fendant, lor the sum of 111.915 20. with in
terest thereon at the raw of 10 per cent per
annum 'rom the 2nd day ot May, 11)02. and
the further sum of $ iV 35 taxes with in
terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum, from the 2nd day of May, Ii2
and the lurtber sum of tloO.OO, as
attorney's fee, with interest thereon at the
rate ol 6 per cent oer annum from May 2nd
1U02, and the fuithersum of JtW 00 costs
and disbursements, and the Costa of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real property,
situate in the county ol Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the South East corner or the
A. r Hedges and wife 1). L C. in T. 3 S.
R. 2 E. ol the Willamette Meridian in
Clackamas County, Oregon; thence Nonh
0 degrees 22 minutes West to the angular
corner on the West boundary of the Wil
liam Holmes claim; thence 'North 33 de
grees 30 minutes East 8 5K chains to the
line between Townships 2 and 3 8.utn,
thence Weston Township line one chain
to claim line; thence North 28 degrees East
on claim line 5.2o chains to the most south
erly corner of a tract of land deeded bv
Archibald Mckinley and wife to David
Mcl.attealtn found recorded on paees 256
and 2&i or Hook "C of the record of dei
for said County and Stite; thence North HI
aegreesdii minutes Weston the Southerly
me ui bbiu inui'sugniui iraci loo leet
the boulnerly line or the County road
thence tracing tue said southerly line of the
wjuniy ro.u to a point in an easterly pro
jection oi me nnnu line or " xract A
bouth Uregon Cuy o. 3 as shown by the
recorjed pint thereof lound on uatra
book 5 ol the record of Town Plats in Clack
amis oumy. ureeon: tnence West on
said in rin Hue to the Nor h west corner ol
asm "lead A thence South 2t feet
thence West MO feet ; thence North GO feel
thence west 400 feet; thence Nortn C:
leet to the tin of Ihe tirst main biurt
thence South West r y with the meanders
ui saw i oiun lo me intersection ol the same
with the township line before mentioned
tnence est on saw township Hue to the
iniersection of the same with the South
westerly boundary line of said McKinley
Claim inence oouto to aegrees tast on
claim line to the most northerly comer of a
tract ol land deeded by A. r. Hedges and
wile to J. T. Approi, by deed recorded on
pages 31i5 of Book "S" of deeds for said
Countv and Siat; thence South 15 degrees
West lh.82 chains to a stone on the booth
boundary line of said Hedges claim ; thence
sst on claim line l. is chains to a MiHt
inence norm coaii.s to a point on
the McKinley c aim line; thence East to
a poit.t on the West boundary line of the
said Holmes claim ; thence South to Hie
place of beginning, containing 100 acres
more or less.
Beginnings! a point which is North K!
degress 12 minutes bast 2o.ft) chains distai t
from a point which is North 0 degrees 22
minute- w pt ami h.rj chains distant from
the South west corner ot the D. L. C. of
Wm. Holmes and wife in T. 3. 8. K. 2. E.
ol the Willaini t e Meridian in Clackaina-
County, Oregon; thence North 945 2 feet to
a stone; 'hence West low leet; thence
Bouth flVi.5 feet; tnence North H'J degree.
12 minutes East lnftJ feet to the place of
beginning, containing 15 acres more or less.
A part of the D. C. of Wni. Holmes
and wife in Sec. 6, T. 3. S. R. 2. E. Willsm
et e Meridian, and more particularly des
cribed as lollows, to wit:
Begiiiiiing at a point on the West bound
ary ot said Holmes i). L. C. 6 79 chains
North 0 degrees 22 minutes West Irorn the
Southwest corner of the same; thence along
the West boundary of same North 0 degrees
22 minutes West 1551 feet to a point; thence
North 6 degrees 18 minutes East 64S.53
feet to a stone; thence South G!j3 37 leet to
a point; thence East 7.02 feet to a oint;
thence South 0 degrees 22 minutes East
K56 5 feet to a point on the North boundary ,
oi a tract oi lann convey en Dy j. i. Apper
son to O. C. Wildams by deed recorded on
pa 3 :v& of hook 27 of record of deeds of
Clackamas Countv, Oregon; thence on the
Noitli boundary of said tract to the place
of beginning, situate in Clackamas County,
Beginning at a point on a line between
t ne la1 di sold by II. J. Broderick et al to
J. T. Apperson as recorded in li .ok -'H''
pane .'557 record of deeds for Clackamas
County, Oregon, and that sold to David
Wcl.auKh in by Archibald McKii.ley re
Corded on pages 2"; and 257 of Book "C"
of deeds for Clackamas County. Oregon.
221.4 feet Mouth 0.5 Oegrees 30 miuiites East
frjiu the most northerly crner of a tract
of land conveyed by J. T. Aproti to T.
I,. Charrnan, fruitee. recorded on page 4 1
B'Kk 'M record of deeds for Clackamas
County, Oregon, thence bouth 05 i egrees
30miniit"S East alo' g said line lo the
Boutherly line ol the Cviinty road ; thence
Westerly tracing the Soutnerly line of the
County roaii to a point in a projection ol
the North line of "Tract A" of South Ore
gon City V. 3 as shown by the recorded
plat thereof f paint on pate 19 book 5 or the
lecord ot Town plats in Clackamas County,
Oregon; thence West to the North We-t
corner or said "Tract A" thence South 2fJ
leet; i hence West 810 leet; thence North
580.7 reet; thence North 21 degrees 53 min
utes East 2W.fi reet to the place ol begin
ning, containing 12 acres more or less, eiairt
land will lie sold in the order named above.
Now, Therefore, by viitue or said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, X will on Saturday, the
21ST DAY OF JUNE, 19u2;
at the hour on :'V) o'clock P. M., at the
front door of the County Court House in
Ihe City of Oregon City, in said County
and b ate. sell at public auction, snbjei-t to
redemption, to the niftiest hiddfr. for V.
8. gol I coin cas in hand, all the right, title
and u, teiest which the auhiu named de-
fe'idants or either of them, had on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
the above described real proerty or any
part thereof, to satisfy said execution,
judgment order, decree, interest, costs and
all accruing costs.
SherlH of Clackamas Conntv, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 14th, 1!H.
Ill the Circuit Court ol the Stale of Ore
gon, lor tbe County of Clackamas.
R. Ievison,
George T. Dicker, George
W. Joseph and A. I.
Dicker as Attorney in
lad ol George T. Dicker.
Statu or Okkohn
Bv virtue of a iiulgment order, decree anil
an execution, duly issued out of and under
ihe real ol the alxive entitled court, in Ihe
above entitled cause, to me duly directed
and dated the 2iiih day of A'prd. l'.K).',
iiihmi a judgment rendered and entered In
said court on the 2.th day or April, l'.kU, in
favor of K. Ivison. Pl.unt If, and against
GiorireT. Dieker. Defendant, for the sum
of fsU'.OO. with interest thereon at the rate
of 8 p'r cent per annum from (he 20th day
of February, K. and the lurthi r sum of
$:HU as stiorne ' fee, and the further sum
ol 10.:4 costs and disburseme' ts, and the
costs of and upon this writ, commanding
me to make sale of the following described
real proierty, situate in the comity ol Clack
amas, state of Oregon, to-wii:
Ad that portion of the Eat U of the Do
nation Land Claim of George Welch and
Orphy Welch, his wife, in Section 3, Town
ship i South of Range 3 Eastol the Willam
ette Meridian and in Section 34, Township
3 South of Range 3 East Willamette Meri
dian, which lies S Ulli of Ihe County r ad;
Saving asd exce ting thrivirom a iract of
ahoiit 21 acres sidd by George Welch ti
Hiram Ke lows by deed dated September'.'!.
IStSt. and reivrded Nuveinlier 19, lstm, on
page 72 in Book D of Ihe records of deeds
lor Clackamas County, Oregon. The tract
above described containing Ni acres, more
or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execu
tion, judgment order and decree, and in
compliance with the commands of said
writ, I will on Saturday, the
31ST0F MAY, 1902.
at the hoar of two o'clock P M., at the
front diHir ol the County Court House in
the City of Oregon City,' in said Oouuty and
Slate, sell al puul'c auction, subject to re
demption, to the highest bolder, lor U. S.
gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title
and interest wbich ihe within named de
fendants or either of them, had on the date
of the mortgage herein or since had in or to
tbe above described real properly or anv
part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg
uit nt or ier, decree, interest, costs and all
accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. '
Dated. Oregon Ci'y. Ore., Apr l 2Mb, II 12.
In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County or Clackamas,
Mae Edwards, Pliff I
Charles Edwards, Deft I
To Charles Edwards, defendant above
named :
In Ihe nameof the Stale of Oregon, you
are hereby commanded to appear and
answer Ihe complaint tiled herein against
you in the above entitled suit, on or he lore
tbe time prescribed in Ihe order for the
publi. alion of summons to-wit: on or tie
fore six weeks alter the the tlrst , indication
thereif, and If you lail so lo appear and
answer said complaint, lor waul thereol,
the plaiiuill will aiu Iv to the couit (or Ihe
tvllel in her complaint prayed lor, and lor
a decree dissolving ihe boiidsol matrimony
existing between Ihe plaintiff and delend
ant, and Tor such other reliel as may seem
jusi and etpiitahle.
The dale ol t ie tlrst publication of this
summons is May 23. PKC, and this sum
niona is Published pursuant to an order
made and entered by lha circuit court ol
Ihe State ol Oregon for Clackamas county,
Hon, Thomas A Melinite, judge, on toe
Hill day of November, PHI.
Attorney for plaiulill.
Ittyuhir May Term
County IihiiiI.
J. K.
T. B,
Morton, Joliu
Killin, Ooumy
1 .cwcllcn
A II t-olo
the i l I'nru tcr..
M tii-anti
lUv Patnu'iiliT .
1 O Freeman , . .
111 (ioeliil....,
ami i Wm Kvana
(Continued (nun lust week.)
HOAl) HKivma,
C'oliiinissionera J Yost
I Road District No.
!li.o 11 Hum Co
: S J Kaullinail
!( W Cochran
j I' Zweifid
1 10 4t) s Shelly
;ill (HI ' II Kuii'liier
0 ' 'o Askius
.1 Siliwab ucr
tiro Broi kart
D Kropp
T II .siiiiih
V Stile
I'. J Montamliiti
Jim Hurt
. 3 411
. 4 HO
. 4 SO
3 40
. t HO
. 3 I'ft
. 1 HO
. 11 oO
W F Harris
Austin A Wmtoti t'0"'" !
My Rtii, iiKij,
In llin mailer ui l, 0i i, ..
laid over (rum last v,m '"W
, I?,U'- !"V!r,0'l'',i'l'''iBN
hail lor rvllnl In in ta. i . , J
In Him matti.f 1,1 I. Ill ...
land lor liupiest o
M..I I.
Unlrnil paid iiml c,,lllw, '
(on ralate, " v
' I In llin matter 0(
" I A iiirnvinl-
- re
12 tH'
7 fiO
:u in i
Road District No. 1-
0m B Kate A Co
11 Rattm
("has Counsel!
Joe llnrtwlj;
Joe Counsel!
W II Coiinstill
II Stuckey 3 00
Koa.l District No. 2-
Max Webster ' ?'
I V Johna.m I"11
Rosa Darker I; ''''I A J Y.sh r.
I, D Jone
Walter Foster
Alnl'iit ol tliuinlntrntr.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has been appointed by ihe County
Court of the State of Or gon for Clackamas
County Adiuini-tralor with the will an
nexed, id Ihe estate of Mry E. Grantham,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are htrvhy untitled to
pr sent the same duly vended lo the under
signed at his r-snlence at Milwaukie, Ore
gon within six months Irom the date ol this
notice, May titb, l!rj.
R. 8. Mil.ol'OHI.lN,
Administrator With tbe will annexed ol
said estate.
First publication, May 0, l!k)2.
Notice lor I'ublicalloai.
Department of the Interior. Land Office.
at or-gon City. Ore., May 17, 1!)2.
Notice is hereby given that the following
nanieil settler has tiled notice or his Inten
tion lo make final i r wil in suport of Ins
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at Oregon CI y,
Oregon, on June 28. W02. viz:
H.E.121Cs! for the NEJ of Sec. 10, T. 3 S.,
R.5 E.
He names the following witnesses lo
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation ol said land vii:
Andy J. Ki Ziniller. ol Dover, Oregon;
Joseph Deschizer, or Dover, Oregon; John
Nelson, of Dover. Oregon; Morris Gnffen
ham, of Bissel, Oregon.
oti-e of Assignee Mule
In the Circuit or the State or Oregon for
Marion Com tt. Department No. 2.
In the mat tr of the Assignment)
or the V
Oregon Land Company, an iiisol-)
vent corporation.
By virtue ot an order and decree duly
niaie and ent-"ed nt record in the records
of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon
for Mari n County, which said order and
decree was entered on the 14tti day of April,
r.si', to me directed, authorizing and direct
ing me t sell at public auction the prop-
eriy hereinatier described.
1 hereiore. pursuant to the said order and
decree, I will on tbe
ofler for sale and sell to the highest bidder
lor cash in hand at the Court House door
in Oregon Citv. Oregon, all or the nronertv
des ribed as follows, to wit;
l)ts hi Minthoru s Addition to theCitv or
rortiano, uregon. iits in, y, ai, 2i, .14, and
; in block 14. Lots 25, 2'i, 27. 28. 31. 35. 3tt.
37, :iH, .59 in bl'x k 17. Ixits I, 2, and 3 in
block 41. Lots 1. 2, 3. 4.5, B. and 10 In
block 42 lns 27 28, '. 30, 31. 32, 3't, 34. 35.
M. 37. M, ., 40, 41 and 42 in nluck 8.5. aH
W, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15 and 10 in block 43.
Lots 21), .ill, 43, 44. 47 and 48 in bl.ick 44
lOts 5 and i in block 72. lots 41 in
1 -ck 73 Lots 37. :w 30 and 40 in block 74
Lits 3, 4, l'i and 17 in block 77. Lots 1m and
) In block 78. Il8 17, 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23.
24, 25. 20, 27, 28, 20. 30, 31, 32, Hi biock M
,ols 15 and 10 in bl.x'k 87. Lots 7, 8, 0, 10
1,12, 13, 14, 15. 10, 17. 18 10, 20. 21, 22. 23.
I, 27, 28, 2), 30, 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 30. 37. 38.
30 40, in block 80.
Assignee of tbe Oregon Laud Company.
.Notice to Witter Cunsniurrs,
Alt persona intending to use water
through hose for sprinkling lawns, gar
dens, sidewalks and streets, must tile a
written application witti the Sevietary of
the City Water Works, bofore using the
The use of water lor all such puroaea
will be permitted only Ix-twcen the hours
ol to 8 A. M. and tl lo S P. M.
2 00 (or the season, (or lawn anil garden
spriiikling ; where the monthly rate is
$1.00 and the use is confined to the) pre
mises ot the consumer, tl 00 fur the
season (or street ami sidewalk sprinkling,
for each 25 feet frontage of stores, where
the regular store rate ia paid and the
sprinkling con lined to the frontage paid
for. Sprinkling not to extend beyond
the center ol Ihe atreel.
2.00 per month (ur'truck gardener, in
addition to other use.
2 50 per month where water is used
during the sprinkling season.
Each consumer will be) allowed the use
of but one stream of water at a time,
through a nozzle not exceeding 2 8 inch
For a violation ol these rules and regu
lations and an excessive use, or waale ol
water the service will be shut off without
further notice. '
By order of the Board of Water Com
missioners. T. L. Chakmas,
Pltln oft'lilc Federation.
Tbe Civic Federation, of Portland, baa
issued a booklet, which contains infor
mation about the h m 1 i lut- e lor o"'n es
in Multnomah county. Concerning the
two tandidates lor joint senator from
Multnomah and Clackamas Counties,
the following sketches are given.
40 years; Republican ; manager Kellogg
transportation Company. Is a resident
of the city of muny years' standing, a
man of good character.
RICHARD SCOTT Age about 55
years. Republican ; farmer on a large
scale, living near .Milwaukie, in Clacka
mas County. A public-spirited man of
unusual ability anil a good deal of public
exer ence ; of uniiesiioiiHil personal in
tegrity, anil much Irusted in tie coin
innniiy in which be liven. Election ad-viaed.
P T Davis
W W Smith
Sol Imel
Walter Fo ter
John Robinson
Milo Thompson ""
Alex Robinson
Alex Hunter
Carl Kckles
Ylck Hubbard
S Schrake
Max Webster
1 W Johnson
Ward Jones
Kll.g Spllrgeon
Walter Wilson
BC Davis
Koad District No. 3
Wilson A Cooke
(ieo B Rale A Co
lien It Kate A Co
() W (irillin
J I Hawk
11 Wheeler
II I.av
F Coi '..
0 Warlhain
A W Cooke
Arthur Hall .
Jos i'ilster
Wm Card
Frank Morton
Percy Morton.,
Barton Huddle
Fl (irillin
W W Cooke
Koad District No. 7
(ieo VY Woods
. 5
. 4 .'HI
. V 00
. 22 f0
. 4 00
. 5 '.'5
. 1,1 Ml
. b 25
, 1 bo
! ii lo
. 31 50
. 22 50
. 48 Oil
. 37 5o
. 1 Oil
. 15 Oil
I 25
. 4 3d
. Ill 00
. :4 5o
. 12 50
15 (10
. 13 Ki
, 7 50
. 7 50
. 8 50
. 3 75
. 4 50
. 10 5
. 9 7i
. 7 10
. 10 50
. 3 00
. 3 00
II Dc I . .
I A Montamlon
I Simon Miller
M 40
4 50
:t no
n 00
7 Ml
10 M
tl no
I 08
3 in
0 no
ti on
11 00
1 Mi
y on
3 no
In llin matter u( n lu ai.i.
or-d. fsiatta
Sam Bacon 3 0"
Reduced Rates Via Southern I'ae flc.
The Southern Pacific will make
special rates to San Francisco on the
occasion ol the convention ol the Nobles
of the Mystic Shrine, at that point in
TickeU will be on sale from June 3d
to 8th inclusive, and will be available (or
stop-overs in California. Full informa
tion relative to rates, limits and other
conditions will be cheerfully supplied by
all local agents of tbe .Southern Pacific.
J A O'deh
Jas Feglvs
Koa I District No. ft
(ieo B Kale A Co
J W truck en
m Kmlursliy
Wm Fejes
W K Shangle
F K Shangle
Road District No. II
tie . B Kate A Co
Wilson A Cooke
Pope A ( o
C II Daudiey
Jotin F; Smith
M Rivera
M Glass
B FVrgelday
(Ieo Aden
F llogg
C Wh.ttenliouae.
L J Bennnet
W I'aubion
E Rivera
F Brown
T Faden ,
W K Wells
W II Smith
J C Morgan
A (Million ..
J Slieifer
Koad District No. 13
W C Ward
Cll Ward
Ro (I District No. 15
Laid over
rt oi
15 00
7 50
13 50
13 0
ih in
27 00
. 1
. . 33 00
.. 22 Ml
. . 18 37
, . 18 ;ir
, . 5 25
. 1 Mi
,.15 37
. 13 87
. 7 87
. 8 25
. 1 50
. 2 87
. 22 5o
. x 2''
. '.'4 i Ml
. 18 0o
. 20 25
. I! 75
$10 INI
27 75
Koad I list i let Nor 25
lie,. II Kale A Co H 70
Begby A Duaon
Road District No. 2(1 I
(ieo II Us e A Co I7 AO
A inns Jolimol) 7 8)
Z di Bowman 4
John Itoa man 4 fto
Frank .Milton 2 5
Frank Scott 5
Royad Davidson
Wil Fugle
Kad Di trlcl No. 27-
Wliiuie Scott
J K Maiiiiaui
I! wl District No. 31
i ieorge Ss'im, brieve
Henry dn ss, road
John Wugeiy
Ferd (irols
Mike 1 1 roll
John Aden
I ieorge Peters
Henry Aden 3 75
John Ranch 12 Oil
Win Andrews 12 I 0
tieo Aden 3 Oi
John Wilkeii 2 25
A Korllenieyei 3 0l
Liiiis T'HMcineier 3
John Aden tl tk)
Walter Sbp 2 25
Echo Sharp 2 '.'5
I haa Turtle' 4 .'at
Smith Turner 2 25
I' 1. Turner 2 in
t) 10
3 75
5 0)
f Hi .10
3 (XI
3 isj
3 75
12 Ml
Jrl i0
n 00
J 'tovoniBloci
Now Open for Business
Heat Vnlley KloUf
Pou ii J brut Pun fintl Tu
PouihI U nt Young
Pminil lino CotTr,
Potinil U-st jroii Cos'iR j
? liar Diiiiiioml fj p,,
.'I ni'ki(K-s) IIO Puiicaks TL-
'-' iitickaK" Arlmckleof Lj,
Miles St McGlashan
In the C'rcuit Court of the State nt Ore
gon within and for the County of Cladta-
nifta. '
Suit for Divorce
Anna E. Albee, )
I'laiiitifT. I
. v"- .
Charles l . Alhee.
Defendant, i
To Charles T. Albee, the above named
lo the name ol the State of Oregon, you
are hereby required to appear and answer
the comilaint fbed against yon in the
above ei toled suit on or before Friday the
11th day ol July, 1!)02. billowing theexpira
tion ol six weeks publication of Ibis sum
mons. TbU suit is brought to obtain a decree of
divorce between you and ihe plaintiff and
awarding the custody tt our minor chil
dren Elwin Albee, Albert H. Albee, l.iilias
AH.ee, arm Mayetie . Alrs-e to Ihe pluin
t ff; and you are hereby notilied that if you
iau to apr ami answer Saul compuinl
as above required the plaintiff will apply
kj me iouri lor ine renei tnerein prayed.
1 his summons is pulilmhed by order of
Ihomas r. Kyan. Jiulge of the County
Court of the County of Clackamas and
State of Oregon, made this 27th day of May,
Date of first publication May .'!0 VXfl.
Attorneys for I'laintilf.
I.Ike A IrowniiiK .Tlnii.
"Five years ago a diHease the doctors
called dyspepsia cook such hold of rue
that I could scarcely go," writes George
S. Marsh, well known attorney of No
coma, Tex. "1 4ook quantities of pepsin
and other medicines but nothing helped
me. As a drowning man grabs at a
straw I grabbed at Kodol. I felt an im
provement at once and after a few bot
tles am sound and well." Kodol is tbe
only pJeparation which exactly repro
duces the natural digestive juices and
consequently is the onlv one which di
gusts any good food and cures any form
of stomach trouble. Geo. Harding.
Adkina Rros, bridge ,
W Breamer, load
J 'i Brigga
Cbas Iliiiunitn
Fr.-d Hahn
J T Bnvgs
Koad District No. 17
.litm Molzan o
Jsa Ban more
I) Itoni-H 4
Jas Adkina 4
John Thomits 2
I, Grazier 3
2 01
1 5o
M 50
3 00
4 50
15 0o
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that I have this
day filed with Ibe Countv Court of Clacka
mas County, State or Oregon, my Final Re
port ss administratrix of the Knaie of Jos
eph Voss, deceased, and that the said Court
has set Tuesday, the 3rd clay June, V.ftt,
at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of saiil day
lor the hearing ol Saul repoitand objection's
thereto if any there be. at which tune all
persons interested are requested to present
any objections they may have to said ac
count to said Court.
JAN'K VOS8, Administratrix.
Dated, Aprd 8, 1002.
By the faHt
and com-
Leaves Portland daily except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
This is the Great Scenic Route.
All touridt admit that the scenery
on the Middle Columbia is not si-
celled for beauty and grandeur in
the United States. Full informa
tion by addressing or calling on
J. S. BOOTH. A cent.
Tel. 914. Portland. Or.
Office and wharf, foot of Oak St.
Road District No
OeoBIUte&Co fill 20
.1 W Jones f )l 45
E II Kamarath 14 2'i
E V lloriischiicli H LT,
John Wolf (j 7r,
Henry htaben 30 ;j.r
W I' Daniels 37 Ml
W I) Hill 8 25
Philip Kteiner 35 or,
Uenet Jensen 12 7.1)
Alliert ritiiedt-niRn 3 87
K ni i I llornscliuch 8 112
Fred Steiner , ', 15 37
Luke Duffy ,( 50
.losepn Mtieiieman 6 37
I'eter Bolilander 13 Ml
h w iw ;; no
Henrj Jlolman 3 00
Th niaa Dinnels 24 50
Thomas Davies L'5 60
Koad District No. 20
('ko B Kste A Co 7 00
M Freeman 19 7s
Carl Stromgren 14 251
Ole Hanson 7 12 !
H Johnson , j.j 22
V I'.fturur y ..I
J.I I ) '
JP"ti 14 75 W
T JHich 8 50 tt
h Hainmett 13 50 '
I'eter Schiewe ifi 37 O
Fred Har
Fn-d Zimmerman
Nelson ( brisljohnson
Henry Aden
John Aden
Frneet IWkman
Sain Mister
I'elers I'.roa, bridge
John (2 Gage, "
Koad District No 32-
vVm Kakrilt ...
V Mahlnecker
J llnffinan .,
I' I. I'.iislo
I. Vinson , .
f Heater
I Ol n
F Kiser
II Voss
K H Ca.kins
J Mcf onnell
C McConncil
II Her
A mi
C I (Mklns
J T.ivlor ;
J Gross
lien S. ely
W (' Heater
Hoik Disirict No 23 -
J F Mvers A Sons
J A U.-id
Itiad District No. 31
F llalier
Wilson A Csjke
Charles Miadiiiko
j: Sl,,ry 11 is
""toori r,t ro
Jim Kis.-r 4 I on
II Hill . . ' " ' 40 M
Henry Gilbert . . . . il 13
Fritz Wbl'iht . . . 41 li)
Caleb (Voss 'HI 'M
John Wii'son IS 75
,M ,,,;:t ii ol)
lo-ii M mis n 11 ')
K s,,,,y .'.;.'.'.'. 6 w
Koad District No. 3
t . 1 ,
i.evi r.nro 1
Iv I, Katisgy 4
Amoa f.ais 4
K L Miller 3
J K Marqiiam ... r
i. al iteasoner
C C -mucki'r
A M hcott
Itnd Thompson . .
John Vtacbtinan
13 M
ll :t;
S 10
1 50
10 It)
8 2"i
3 is)
3 ft1
8 00
15 00
. 50
. 7 50
. 3 00
. 2 '.'5
. rl 75
. 1 Ao
. 3 IN)
. 6 25
4 00
11 00
, 4 fx)
3 1)0 j
. II Ml
4 M)
, 3 KI
4 50
(I is)
:;(i 00
Astoria & Columbia
River Railroad C
I) ly ,D ly
II fto
s :"o
m ;w
N 41
a vi
Jioy 11. I "I
irij !'.
a is 1 .v
U oA .
11 I"
V .
! 4i
U tt
H ,'iS III 0 ,
II us III o
Ii ll 10 Sti ..
u .1: 10 .I t ..
lo ii II ir.
o lei ID ..
10 .11 II . .
10 :i l ;m Af
. . Iiohls .
Msgf .
. yuiory
. Weljrl
. I'lllloii .
Juini !
U.t a
Aril ii
V l
ll J' '1
1 1: r
I s; : ;
r :-.
1: ( 1
ir 1:
I 00
. 3 (Ki
f 5 50
4 10
l'l 1
II His. in
1 .li p. in
: i a. 111
a l.'i a. in .
H 15 a. m.
2 .'i p. 111 .
.' '! p III
0 to a. 111
.. 7 ti
4 i
. i.
.. 1 !
lisgby A Dixon ....... . . , ', 3
3 00
5 00
3 00
3 00
3 75
10 IK)
Frank Iluach . . . .
Wileon ('ke
Geo Ii Kale A Co
All trains make rhwecoiitirctloniitO
slili all Noriheru I'acifio trains lo
the Ksl or Hound I'olotn.
Al Portland with all Iraim leartnl
At Astoria with I. II A S Co.'sboain
rail line, ami Mleaiuer T J. I """'
Irom llaai'o and North H-ch Pain
Tlcsnl olllce, 2'l MurriMin 1.,!kII'
depot. j. t;. M. vo.dsti. I'if
Going tin. 8:00 a m. (iolnirjcewnl
Daily" River "Excursion
t 24 35
1 Ril I
N.. 1 .fit
lireenuinn .
Oregon City Foundry . . . . . . . 61)
IMll.r si h rni'l
Uave l'()HTI.ANI
Foot Taylor Ht,
8 .10 A. M.
11 :)
I in P, M,
(I 15
Only the following landings will ba
MagiMine's, Melilriiin's. 0,f?Vl
Kisley's and Oswego. KiiihIs' w
KOiiyi) TltlT 2.'i t'KNTS.
Usvs OKlWHf'
Oregon City Transpm
The New Idea
Dandruff Cure
I ,.The..
V Remedy J
B Htillivan
J I-well
J A Stromgreen
Koad District No. 21
J Curlson
Oscar Carlson
Waller Gorbett
J A Ariiiette
John A roue tie
Marhhell Arquette
Will Dix
John Iferty
Oscar Dix
Oliver Laferty
Peter I.aferty
US Dix
P E Iionney
Ed Gotberg
Geo B Kate A Co
Wiloon & Cooke
II 25
1 50
38 00
t 2 25
. 3 75
. 75
. fi 00
. 3 Of)
. 3 IK)
, 5 10
, 9 00
. 4 50
, 1 50
3 00
3 On
. 16 00
. 10 00
1 00
1r.-J, ,,1,a ,7i, 1 ?'"lr" ' (:"r' '''" tl"' ,,ew '''""'lis!
h" "mi J ' ,e 'l'l'1'" l It. preparation. It (.called the "sslf
LSI C,"i'Hi"" ""W ""'h '"Kredients as are ki.i
let. 1 ' ",,,M "' That th llakes of ilsndflf ,
ael r jl T .rT'r',m ."'"'""""I" "f Utile ulcers it. the scalp Is
In c etl TH 'T "",'l-r" !'''V-lcia.,s. The New Idea ll.11.lruH
?! I irSenT. T"iUlTr?',ni,,,'Ul",h" 'S"ltl'y tissue around tl.en.,nj
n , .7r ,h! . ,,7le,, '-'"OK power ol nature. It'r''"!
c l ea.7 ,erl, Z " 'm ''f '',r '." "klM' ' Conlainlnaled with
. 1 1 11 1 . e wlll, h ' " sdinirahly calculated to "charm lh ' "L
2nrt "m r,n'""'-" " ""t"'y. snd ."re cure lord.-.""'
J cr. rav1:.: 1""""'"; 'f U ,,Ut "" l bottles, whlcb i.'"''
lions 011 each iMillle. Ho , by ihs tm.l i tl .... K..1.1.
n li'... .i.i"'1 fro"' following dealers In Clackanias county:
). A. llarititig, Oregon Coy rllf
Ited Front Tradiuir Co.. Oregon
W. 0. Oreen Oregon (Jit nros., uregon Lilly
Ma'nufactureiUnd ..lid to tbe ir.ta by k'kiTd.N Kuforegon City, 0
., '-"'i he iMiught from the (u
Huntley, Oregon City
(-barman A Co., Oregon City
!; W (lrac, Oregon Cily
' WWW W'